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Garrett Matej

BUAD 5315
The first thing I noticed when I read this memorandum was how informal and unspecific
it was. It almost could have been sent in a text message the way it was laid out. The sender,
Lorna (who I dubbed at the Account Payable Supervisor), seemed disconnected from the people
who were receiving the memo. The way in which the memo was written implies that the issues at
hand are not being taken seriously which, in turn, could imply that the employees are not taken
seriously. If Lorna, as a supervisor, wants her employees to take the meeting sincerely she needs
to relay the importance of discussing and coming up with solutions to the issues at hand. Lorna
also needs to take more pride in her department. If this memo is reflective of the effort that she
gives her department, her employees are not going to be incentivized to give her much effort
back. This is just poor management.
The second issue was how unspecific the memo was. It referred to everyone by their first
names, it did not give an appropriate subject or title, and, perhaps most importantly, It did not
give a time or place of the meeting. It also did not go into great lengths to discuss what issue they
were meeting about, nor did it go into detail about the objective of the meeting.
Top Section
The first change I made was to change the format of the memorandum. I downloaded a
contemporary standard memo from Microsoft to be used in Microsoft word.
I was more specific in the top section of the memo defining to whom the memo would be
sent and who it was from. I used first and last names and included the departments of
which they were a part of. This not only is more proper and formal but gives a sense of
importance and professionalism to those who receive the memo. It also helps for record
keeping in the future.
I CCd Charles Morris, who I labeled as the Chief Financial officer, so he would know
that I sent out the memo and that we would be discussing the issues.
I changed the Subject from Accounts Payable to Departmental Petty Cash Issues.
This defined and left no confusion to what the memo was about. If you just send a memo
out saying that we are meeting to discuss issues that leaves it open to interpretation and
can create issues other than the one you are trying to discuss.
First I gave the title of Meeting to the body of the memo. This let the readers know
immediately that a meeting was going to take place.

Garrett Matej
BUAD 5315

I started the body of the memo by being more formal and professional, to bring a sense of
importance to the matters at hand. I then reiterated what the issue was and that it was
going to be meeting to discuss the issues.
I then defined precisely on what day, what time, and where the meeting would take place.
I then defined the purpose and objective of the meeting. The objective being to make a
detailed list of each issue and possible solutions to present to Mr. Morris.
I also went into more detail on what to bring to the meeting as well as including that
coffee will be provided.
After reading the revised memorandum, the readers will understand the importance of the
issues at hand. They will also know exactly what the meeting will be about and where and when
the meeting will be. They will know exactly what to prepare and bring to the meeting. They will
know what is expected of them during the meeting and what is expected to come out of it.

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