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Is Man The Measure

Of Al Things?
An Appeal To
Free Thought
How much of what you believe are your ou>n thoughts?
of Greece declared that the world is
wholly one of mans making. All values
lie within the human mind not within
things themselves. It is we, these
ancient teachers said, who determine
what is good and what is bad. Thought
alone, they proclaimed, makes one thing
seem true and another false.
How false are many of our accepted
beliefs and traditions? Should we
return to this Sophist view are many
of our problems today the result of
obsolete thinking?
What is your view of time, consciousness, immortality,
willhow much of these and countless other subjects
which shape your life are inherited ideas? Here is an
invitation to inquire into some new and different con
cepts. You will find them readily acceptable for they
will prove to you the substance and real worth of what
you have long believed.
^LOltcit beyond
^U ed e ^i v e v S e w < * e > ?
Shut your eyes and a great
portion of your world is lost
to you. Cover your ears so
as not to hear and another
great part of reality disap
pears. But, what is the reality
that you do experience
actually like? For, after all,
during each conscious mo
ment you are only interpret
ing indirect impressions of
Mans Moment
In Eternity
and the one ahead of us. Our whole span of life is
but a conscious interlude literally an infinitesimal
moment of existence. How we live this split second of
existence depends upon our consciousness our view,
our interpretation of lifes experience. We cannot hope
to know all things as they are. But we can organize
our experiences into a personal, intelligent, useful
arrangement that will faithfully serve us. That is the
purpose of this unusual book, The Conscious Interlude
how to make the most of this interval of life.
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Go On This
Mental Adventure
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Chapter ti tl ed!
This book, T/ie Conscious Interlude, provides stimu-
These are topics you have perhaps thought and read about.
But in The Conscious Interlude you will find them presented
with many new, challenging ideas.
lating adventure. It affords new and different
channels of thought. It presents a liberal philosophy
of life. Figuratively, this study places you on the
threshold of reality surveying with an open mind
all that you experience. The book opens a world of
radical thought radical only in that the author has
succeeded in freeing himself of all traditional ideas
and honestly reappraises what we have been told
and are accustomed to believe. Follow him in this
adventure, over the interesting pages of this book
nearly 400 of them in easily read type!
PREFACE IX Mysteries of Time and
X Fourth Dimension
1 Inquiry info
XI Conscience and
II Adventure into Self
XII Immortality
III Inquiry into XIII The Dilemma of
Knowledge Religion
IV Nature of Truth
XIV The Mystical
V Wi ll
XV The Philosophy of
VI Is Absolute Reality
XVI Psychology of Conflict
VII Illusions of Law and
XVII The Human Incentive
XVIII Conclusion
VIII Causality Index
(Write or print carefully)
Contains illustrations
and schematic diagrams.
Ralph M. Lewis, F. R. C., Imperator of the Rosicrucian Order,
AMORC, is the author of the books, Behold the Sign! and the
Sanctuary of Self, currently on the international market. He
also authors numerous articles on philosophy, metaphysics, and
related subjects which circulate throughout the world. The
Conscious Interlude is considered one of his most thought-provok
ing and fascinating works. It is the culmination of years of
original thoughta book that you will be proud to have in
your library.
Beautifully Bound and Printed
To our Commonwealth Friends
Our friends in the British Isles are permitted by their Government
regulations to obtain this book direct from the U.S.A. But it may
also be purchased from the Rosicrucian Supply Bureau, 25 Garrick
Street, London, W.C. 2, England. Those in the Commonwealth who
find it difficult to purchase in the U.S.A. may refer to the London
Rosicrucian. Supply Bureau
Rosicrucian Park,
San Jose, California, U.S.A.
Gentlemen :
Please send to me a copy of The Conscious Interlude as advertised, postpaid.
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A Book You Will Long Remember

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