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Construction and Building Materials 13 1999 417426

An investigation of the composite action of an FRPrconcrete
prismatic beam
L. Canning, L. Hollaway
, A.M. Thorne
Uniersity of Surrey, Composite Structures Research Unit, Department of Ciil Engineering, Guildford, Surrey GU2 5XH, UK
Received 15 December 1998; received in revised form 27 August 1999; accepted 29 August 1999
A novel compositerconcrete beam has been fabricated to use two component materials, bre-reinforced polymer composite
and concrete, to their best advantage. The concrete and composite are wholly under compressive and tensile strains, respectively,
together with any shear strain components, except where under direct compression at the supports. The shear transfer at the
interface between these two components requires investigation and this paper describes six techniques used to develop this
connection to give the most efcient shear transfer in order for the whole beam to act compositely. The six methods are used
independently of one another and include the use of indents in the vertical walls of the permanent composite shuttering retaining
the concrete, bonding the concrete to the permanent shuttering, forming the shear connection by using bolts through both the
concrete and permanent shuttering, two methods using a resin injection to ll a pre-formed gap between the concrete and
permanent shuttering and nally using an adhesive compatible with freshly made concrete. It was concluded that the most
appropriate method of ensuring complete composite action between the two component materials was to bond the cured
concrete to the permanent shuttering along the two vertical sides. However, this is not a practical option as it assumes that the
concrete is removed from the mould after it has cured and then bonded back into the permanent shuttering. It is suggested that
the best practical method is to use the adhesive compatible with freshly made concrete which still gave an adequate level of
composite action. 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Concrete; Composites; FRP; Adhesive
1. Introduction
In a typical reinforced concrete beam section, the
concrete material below the neutral axis is purely for
positioning and protecting the reinforcing steel. This
implies that up to half the dead weight of the beam
serves no function as a load-bearing medium. This
might be considered to be a very inefcient structural
unit. If the tensile region of the beam could be re-
Corresponding author. Tel.: q44-1483-300800; fax: q44-1483-
placed with a material which has a high tensile strength
and stiffness then a more efcient section would result.
Recent use has been made of advanced composites in
w x.
civil engineering in the area of plate bonding 1 .
Uni-directional carbon bre plates bonded to the soft
of beams for strengthening andror repairing structures
has been used successfully, giving several advantages
over steel plate bonding:
strength of plates;
weight of plates;
versatility of shape and design;
0950-0618r99r$ - see front matter 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
. PII: S 0 9 5 0 - 0 6 1 8 9 9 0 0 0 5 0 - 1
( ) L. Canning et al. rConstruction and Building Materials 13 1999 417426 418
reduced construction period;
easy and reliable surface preparations;
fewer mechanical xings;
durability of strengthening plate; and
improved re resistance.
The potential disadvantages are:
cost of material, although overall costs of the
strengthening operation have shown it to be the
most economic solution in virtually all test cases;
mechanical damage.
The same advantages and disadvantages pertain to
the duplex beam. A fuller discussion on the cost of the
material and of the manufacturing procedure is given
in Section 7.
Therefore, the use of advanced composites as the
tensile component below the neutral axis of the beam
in combination with the concrete unit above the neu-
tral axis is a progression of the plate-bonding tech-
nique. To optimise the use of uni-directional CFRP,
the tensile ange has to be located as far from the
neutral axis as possible. This was achieved with an
advanced composite box section which also allowed
relatively easy manufacture of the advanced composite
section. The webs of this section are manufactured
from a sandwich construction of face materials made
from "45 glass bre-reinforced polymer GFRP and
a polymer foam core material to ensure no buckling
occurs in the webs. The bottom ange is manufactured
from "45 GFRP interleaved with unidirectional UD
carbon bre-reinforced polymer CFRP . The concrete
which will be in compression under load retains its
position as in a conventional reinforced concrete RC
beam. A cross-section of the beam is shown in Fig. 1.
However, to ensure an efcient section, composite ac-
tion between the GFRP permanent shuttering and the
concrete is essential. In this study shear transfer, and
hence, the degree of composite action that the beam
exhibits under load, was investigated by six different
methods. This compositerconcrete system has been
w x
discussed more fully in 2 , where calculations for par-
ticular thickness, dimensions and structural properties
are presented.
To manufacture the compositerconcrete system, a
MDF medium density breboard tool or mould was
made. The layers of GFRP and CFRP pre-preg fabric
were then laid up on the tool by hand in stages. In the
rst stage, two layers of GFRP and one layer of CFRP
pre-preg were laid up; following this the foam core
material was located in position and bonded using a

resin lm placed on the surface of the beam see Fig.

1 . The second stage consisted of laying up the nal ve
layers of GFRP and three layers of CFRP pre-preg
material. The curing of the advanced composite sec-
tion, was achieved by covering the whole section in a
pin-prick material, and the composite and tool were
then enveloped in a blanket and vacuum bag. The
whole assembly was nally placed in an oven under a
vacuum of 1 atm for 16 h at a temperature of 60C.
2. Shear transfer methodology
Six different techniques to obtain shear transfer
between the concrete and GFRP permanent shuttering
were investigated: a mechanical bond using indents;
manual epoxy adhesive bonding; mechanical bond us-
ing bolts; two types of epoxy adhesive bonding by
injection; and an epoxy adhesive suitable for bonding
to fresh concrete. A similar procedure to that of the
latter method was used to bond steel plates to fresh
Fig. 1. Cross-section of beams 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
( ) L. Canning et al. rConstruction and Building Materials 13 1999 417426 419
w x.
concrete 3,4 . The six methods will now be described.
The rst method beam 1 to obtain shear transfer
utilised indents in the vertical faces of the permanent
shuttering, these indents acted as mechanical keys and
are shown in Fig. 2a. The second method beam 2 to
obtain shear transfer, shown in Fig. 2b, was to cast the
concrete into the permanent shuttering, and then to
remove it after 14 days. The vertical sides of the
concrete were then grit-blasted to roughen them in
preparation for bonding back into the permanent shut-
tering. The surfaces of the permanent shuttering were
sanded and cleaned with acetone. An epoxy adhesive
was applied to both the vertical faces of the concrete
and the permanent shuttering, and the concrete was
again positioned into the permanent shuttering. The
third method beam 3 for developing shear transfer
was to place bolts horizontally through the permanent
shuttering at the centre section of the concrete; this is
illustrated in Fig. 2c. In this case, shear transfer was
effected by bearing of the bolts against the permanent
shuttering and concrete. Using bolts andror epoxy
adhesive to effect shear transfer between concrete and
an FRP material has been used in CFRP plate-bonding
to concrete beams for strengthening and is a well-docu-
w x. .
mented technique 5,6 . The fourth method beam 4
consisted of placing l-mm thick shims adjacent to the
vertical faces of the permanent shuttering and casting
the concrete against them. Fourteen days after casting
the concrete, the shims were removed and the space
vacated by them was injected with resin from one end
of the beam. This enabled the voids to be lled with
resin and to form a bonding interface between the
concrete and permanent shuttering. This method is
shown in Fig. 2d. The manufacturing method for the
fth beam used a similar technique to that used in the
fourth beam, namely, resin injection; however, in this
case a vacuum was applied to one end and positive
pressure to the other to enable a bond between the
permanent shuttering and concrete to be achieved. The
sixth method beam 6 used an epoxy resin adhesive
. . . . . Fig. 2. a Method of shear transfer in rst beam plan view . b Method of shear transfer in second beam plan view . c Method of shear
. . . . transfer in third beam plan view . d Method of shear transfer in fourth and fth beam plan view . e Method of shear transfer in sixth beam
. plan view .
( ) L. Canning et al. rConstruction and Building Materials 13 1999 417426 420
which was able to polymerise against freshly made
concrete see Fig. 2e . The internal surfaces of the
permanent shuttering were sanded and cleaned with
acetone. The adhesive was then applied to the cleaned
surfaces. Fresh concrete was then poured into the
permanent shuttering and allowed to harden for 28
The various methods discussed in this paper of
achieving composite action between the concrete and
composite materials are summarised as:
1. a mechanical technique using indents in the per-
manent shuttering beam 1 ;
2. a bonding technique between the concrete and
permanent shuttering by removing the concrete
from the shuttering, grit-blasting it, and then bond-
ing it back into the shuttering beam 2 ;
3. a mechanical technique by casting the concrete
around pre-xed bolts through the vertical sides of
the permanent shuttering beam 3 ;
4. a bonding technique between the concrete and
permanent shuttering by injecting adhesive into the
space between the component parts beam 4 ;
5. a bonding technique between the concrete and
permanent shuttering by applying negative pres-
sure at one end of the beam to ll the space
between the two components beam 5 ; and
6. an adhesive applied to the permanent shuttering
before the fresh concrete is placed in position
beam 6 .
3. Beam manufacture
The manufacture of all the beams was essentially the
same. The technique used was vacuum bag curing of a
low-temperature resin system. The GFRP and CFRP
were used in pre-preg form, allowing easy laying-up of
the FRP onto the timber mould. The particular fabrica-
tion of each beam is now described.
3.1. Beam 1
Fig. 1 shows the cross-section of the 1.5-m long beam
which was used in the investigations. The webs below
the neutral axis were formed as a sandwich construc-
tion; the inner and outer faces of the sandwich system
were manufactured from Advanced Composites Group
Ltd. ACG material as bi-directional glass bre pre-
pregs at "45; the inner face had three layers of GFRP
and the outer face had seven layers. The foam core was
made from Airex R63.80 PVC Rigid Foam and was 12
mm thick. The GFRP face materials of the webs
sandwich construction extended into the compressive
region to form the permanent shuttering for the con-
crete. The soft of the beam was fabricated by wrap-
ping the "45 GFRP pre-preg around the base of the
beam; four laminates of unidirectional CFRP pre-preg
were interleaved between the GFRP laminates. Table 1
gives some mechanical properties of the composite
material, foam and concrete; the values for the two
former materials were taken from the manufacturers
data sheet. The values for the concrete were obtained
from compression tests undertaken on three 100-mm
diameter=200-mm high cylinders in the University of
Surreys laboratories. The concrete consisted of a mix

ratio of 1:1.98:2.74 Ordinary Portland cement: ne

aggregate: coarse aggregate and had a free waterr
cement ratio of 0.5. Three cube tests gave an average
strength of 40.35 Nrmm
using a target strength of 40

In order to fabricate the beam a MDF medium

density breboard timber male tool was manufactured.
A glass-reinforced self-adhering PTFE lm was applied
to the surface of the tool for ease of demoulding the
3.2. Beam dimensions and lay-up procedure for beam 1
The manufacture of the rst beam, shown in Fig. 3,
took 3 days to perform involving two curing cycles;
subsequent beams, however, were produced in under 1
day with modied manufacturing techniques. The rst
stage of the manufacturing process for beam 1 is shown
diagrammatically Fig. 4a in which two resin-impreg-
. GFO100 390 gsm E glass 2=2 twill rLTM 2650% Vf.
HTA 12k150 gsmrLTM 2668 gsm 60% Vf.
Table 1
Material properties
Material Longitudinal modulus Transverse modulus Through-thickness
of elasticity of elasticity modulus of elasticity
2 2 2
. . . kNrmm kNrmm kNrmm
Concrete 28 28 28
UD CFRP 140 10 10
"45 GFRP 11 5 5
Foam 0.037 0.037 0.037
( ) L. Canning et al. rConstruction and Building Materials 13 1999 417426 421
Fig. 3. Beam cross-section and detail of indent.
nated peel-plies were laid up on the mould in the
concrete zone and a trim strip of GFRP was placed
around the corners of the mould between the compos-
ite tensile and concrete compressive zones. This was
followed by the fabrication of the three inner web
GFRP plies, one uni-directional CFRP ply and a non-
impregnated peel-ply. The GFRP was slit and patched
at the location of the indents in the compression zone
of the beam. The beam and tool were then prepared
for vacuum compression by surrounding the whole
beam in a pin-prick material, breather blanket and
vacuum bag. It was essential to provide a loose t
vacuum bag to avoid bridging of the bag over any part
of the beam. For the cure cycle, the oven was raised at
20Crh up to a maximum of 60C. Once the oven had
reached 60C, the temperature was maintained for an
8-h cure period.
The second stage of the lay-up consisted of removing
the beam and tool from the oven and allowing them to
cool down to 30C. The consumables were then re-
moved from the tool and beam, taking care not to
loosen the GFRP composite from the tool. The outer
surface of the beam was then cleaned and degreased
whilst it remained on the tool. An adhesive lm was
placed on the sides of the beam at the location of the
foam Fig. 4a , to enable the foam to be bonded to the
GFRP composite. The pre-cut foam panels were then
placed against the adhesive lm, the bagging material
was replaced around the beam and tool, and a vacuum
was applied for 5 min to effect a good bond between
the two component parts.
The second stage lay-up is illustrated in Fig. 4b. All
the GFRP plies were applied as two pieces, due to the
GFRP roll dimensions, with the overlaps staggered and
interchanged at each ply. Again the GFRP was slit and
patched at the indents in the permanent shuttering
sections. The tool and beam were enveloped in the
pin-prick, breather blanket and vacuum bag and placed
in the oven. The second cure then took place under the
same temperature and pressure regime as in the rst
cure. The cut-off temperature was set at 60C and the
beam was cured for 16 h.
The nal stage in the fabrication of the beam system
was to mould the horizontal plate, which held the
concrete in the beam, and the end diaphragms which
were placed in the beam at the supports to prevent
buckling of the webs. Both of these were cut out and
moulded onto PTFE-coated timber tools. The plate
required six plies of GFRP, giving a thickness of 1.8
mm, and the end diaphragms each had 10 plies, giving
an overall thickness of 3 mm. These were then cured in
the oven during the second cure of the main tool. One
end of the foam cores were chamfered for two reasons;
to prevent laying up the advanced composite material
around a sharp corner and to ensure good compaction
from the applied vacuum. The concrete was then poured
into the permanent shuttering with the ends blocked
off with timber blocks. The concrete was cured indoors
for 28 days under polythene.
3.3. Beams 26
The manufacture of this beam used essentially the
same method as for beam 1. However, after testing
beam 1 it became clear that the number of layers of
the GFRP pre-preg could be reduced. Therefore, for
all subsequent beams, seven layers of GFRP were used
as opposed to 10, consisting of two layers in the inner
. . Fig. 4. a First-stage lay-up procedure. b Second-stage lay-up procedure.
( ) L. Canning et al. rConstruction and Building Materials 13 1999 417426 422
Fig. 5. Four-point bending experimental apparatus.
web face and ve layers in the outer web face. In
addition to this, the beam was cured in only one stage,
as opposed to the two stages used for the rst beam.
4. Flexural testing of beams
4.1. Experimental set-up
Each beam was tested in four-point bending; the
dimensions and experimental set-up are shown in Fig.
5. In each case the load was applied by a hydraulic jack
onto the beam via a load cell. The strain at certain
locations on the beam were recorded using electrical
resistance strain gauges. The midspan deection was
recorded using a linearly variable differential trans-
former LVDT .
4.2. Methods to ensure composite action
To achieve composite action, neither the bonding
agent in this case an epoxy adhesive , concrete or
permanent shuttering must fail in shear. Assuming the
maximum shearing force calculated by using the simpli-
ed stress block in BS 8110 to be solely due to the
force in the concrete just prior to failure, then at
midspan this shearing force is: see Appendix a
. . .
F s 0.9x 0.45f b
s cu
s0.9=40=0.45 =40 =75 s 48.60 kN,
giving a shear stress, s0.81 Nrmm
The shear strengths of the relevant materials are:
1. plain concrete: the shear strength is very difcult to
determine experimentally, however, a tentative

gure of 20% of the compressive strength 8

. w x.
Nrmm can be assumed 7 ; and
2. epoxy resin: the shear strength is 23.2 Nrmm
from the manufacturers data sheet.
For the third beam the bolt spacingrsize was calcu-
lated initially by assuming the midspan concrete force
was shared equally between the bolts. Therefore, using
the bolt arrangement shown in Fig. 6, the force on each
bolt is 48.60r5s9.72 kN.
However, a more accurate method of calculating the
force on each individual bolt is to nd the average
compressive force in each concrete segment between
the bolts see Appendix b .
5. Experimental results
The loaddeection behaviour of each beam is shown
in Fig. 7. To provide an indication of the degree of
composite action achieved from each method, the
load-deection behaviour assuming perfect composite
action, given by the nite element results, is also in-
cluded in the same graph. Due to the greater number
of GFRP layers used in its fabrication, beam 1 has a
greater exural rigidity, compared to the other beams,
in terms of central deection against applied load.
Fig. 6. Bolt arrangement for fourth beam.
( ) L. Canning et al. rConstruction and Building Materials 13 1999 417426 423
Fig. 7. Loaddeection behaviour for beams 16.
The change in exural rigidity, calculated from the
midspan deection, with load for each beam is shown
in Fig. 8.
From these results it is clear that beam 1, using
indents for shear transfer, gives the greatest rigidity of
all the beams, undoubtedly due to the greater number
of GFRP layers. Beam 3, utilising bolts, shows a
markedly lower exural rigidity than the other beams.
This is assumed to be due to a lower level of composite
action between the concrete and composite sections.
During the test of beam 1, the permanent shuttering
separated from the concrete at a relatively low load of
magnitude 2.2 tonnes, although the beam continued to
support the increasing applied load without any sign of
Fig. 8. Change in exural rigidity with applied load.
( ) L. Canning et al. rConstruction and Building Materials 13 1999 417426 424
undue distress. The load at which separation occurs
cannot be readily calculated as the dependent factors
are not easy to obtain from experiment; two of these
factors are the concrete tensile strength and the nature
and value of the weak bond between the concrete and
permanent shuttering.
6. Finite element analysis
To calculate the strain, deection and buckling modes
of the beam, a nite element analysis was carried out
w x
using the pre-processor PATRAN 8 and the
w x
solverrpost-processor ABAQUS Versions 5.55.7 9 .
A linear elastic static analysis was used to nd the
strain and deection of the beam, and an eigenvalue
w x
analysis used to nd the buckling modes; Ref. 10 gives
a good introduction to the nite element technique. A
more detailed discussion on the nite element analysis
w x
associated with this investigation is given in 2 . In the
current analysis, slippage and separation between the
concrete and permanent shuttering was not modelled.
Therefore, the analysis assumed that a perfect bond
existed between the concrete and permanent shutter-
ing. A contour plot of longitudinal strain in the beam
half-model is shown in Fig. 9.
7. Discussion
The results from the FE analysis agree with all the
experimental results within 5%; the second beam has
almost linear load-deection behaviour, therefore, this
beam can be assumed to have the greatest level of
composite action. The level of composite action in the
other ve beams will, therefore, be compared to the
second beam. Using this datum, the rst, third, fourth,
fth, and sixth beams have a 104, 75, 102, 100, and
100% level of composite action, respectively. Beam 3
has the lowest level of composite action, and this is
probably due to the permanent shuttering and concrete
deforming slightly as the bolts bear onto them. Subse-
quent examination of the concrete surface of beam 3
showed that above the bolt positions the concrete had
cracked. This may have reduced the stiffness of the
concrete, contributing to the relatively low exural
rigidity. During adhesive injection of beam 5, it was
found that a full bond with no air voids could not be

achieved the air voids were estimated to cover 40% of

the potential bonding area . This occurred due to the
resin taking the easiest path through the space vacated
by the shims and leaving other less accessible areas
starved of adhesive. However, this did not apparently
affect the rigidity or strength of the beam.
Of the bonding techniques, the use of bolts and the
fresh concrete-compatible adhesive methods are the
most applicable for site applications.
7.1. Comparison of adanced composite and RC beams
A balanced RC beam section with the same breadth
and depth as the advanced composite beam, 75 and 180
mm, respectively, and 2% by area tensile steel rein-
forcement has an ultimate moment capacity of approxi-
. Fig. 9. Longitudinal strain plot of FE half-model under 1 tonne total load .
( ) L. Canning et al. rConstruction and Building Materials 13 1999 417426 425
mately 13.5 kNm and a long-term exural rigidity of
approximately 445 kNm
, using a partially cracked sec-
tion. This can be compared with the advanced compos-
iterconcrete beam which has an ultimate moment ca-
pacity of 14.29 kNm and a long-term exural rigidity of
approximately 150 kNm
The weight of the advanced compositerconcrete
beam is primarily due to the concrete. A comparison of
the advanced compositerconcrete beam with an RC
beam of the same dimensions gives a decrease in
weight of 78%.
7.2. Adantages of adanced compositerconcrete beam
The use of advanced composites with concrete pro-
vide the following advantages of the aforementioned
beam and an RC beam:
The units are easy to transport and handle as the
concrete can be poured conventionally on site.
There is less concrete used in the elements, thereby
reducing their weight by over 75% leading to lighter,
more efcient structures with reduced foundation
requirements. Bridge foundations are typically 50%
of the cost of a bridge.
Greater freedom in the shape of the beams, with
tapering sections and arches, for example, being
accomplished much more efciently than is
presently possible.
Reduced temporary support requirements, by using
the composite component as permanent formwork.
Improved durability, resulting in lower whole-life
costs by avoiding the repairs necessary to corroding
reinforcement. The durability and corrosion resis-
tance of advanced polymer composite materials is
generally good. Initial in-service property tests un-
dertaken in the laboratory show that they have
superior properties to the current conventional ma-
terials used in reinforced concrete construction. This
has particular implications for hostile environments,
e.g. marine applications.
The disadvantages of the duplex beam are as follows:
Lack of experience of use of composite materials on
site compared with traditional materials and meth-
A high level of site supervision by experienced staff
will be required.
Cost of material: bre-reinforced composite mate-
rial is more expensive than reinforced concrete
materials of the equivalent load capacity, however,
when the whole-life costing of the fabrication, erec-
tion and maintenance of the beam is considered,
the overall costs will be comparable to those of a
reinforced concrete beam.
The cost of the composite material and, therefore,
the duplex beam is more expensive than an equivalent
reinforced concrete beam of the same dimensions.
However, with an emphasis on developing cheaper
carbon bre, more economic fabrication techniques,
greater utilisation of the advanced composite materials
in construction and more competition between suppli-
ersrfabricators the cost can only decrease. The whole-
life cost of the duplex compositerconcrete beam is
lower than for steel-reinforced concrete due to less
maintenance, excellent durability and ease of repair if
damage occurs.
8. Conclusions
The best methods of ensuring full composite action
between the concrete and composite sections are by
bonding the concrete into the permanent shuttering
using an epoxy adhesive which is applied directly to the
concrete surface or by injecting adhesive into the inter-
face between the cured concrete and permanent shut-
tering. For all future research work in this project the
direct bonding method beam 2 will be used as it gives
the greatest control over the bond quality. It is realised
that this is impractical on site, but this method gives a
reliable exural rigidity and the bond remains intact up
to failure. The mechanical method of ensuring compos-
ite action using indents in the rst beam was adequate
as regards to rigidity and strength, but the load at
which the permanent shutteringrconcrete separation
occurred can not readily be calculated, and indeed, is
likely to be variable depending on the weak natural
concretershuttering surface bond.
The two methods of bonding the concrete to the
permanent shuttering, namely adhesive injection
. .
beams 4 and 5 and the direct technique beam 2 , are
both satisfactory in terms of the level of composite
action that develops, but the adhesive injection method
is simpler and quicker to perform.
Of the techniques outlined, the most practical one,
which still achieved a high level of composite action,
was the fresh concrete compatible adhesive bonded
beam beam 6 .
The authors gratefully acknowledge the nancial
support provided by the Engineering and Physical Sci-
ences Research Council EPSRC . Thanks are also due
to Mr J. Sinden, R & D Projects Leader, Advanced
Composites Group Ltd., Heanor, Derbyshire for the
advice and help on the technology transfer of the ACG
Ltd. Optimised Low Temperature Cure Vacuum
Process-Prepreg and to Mr J. Darby, John Darby Asso-
( ) L. Canning et al. rConstruction and Building Materials 13 1999 417426 426
ciates, Abingdon and Mr M. Leeming, Mouchel Con-
sultants, West Byeet, Surrey, for their advice during
the current work.
Appendix. Calculation of shear force between the
concrete and permanent shuttering and maximum bolt
a Calculation of shear force between the concrete
and permanent shuttering:
. . .
F s 0.9x 0.45f b
s cu
s0.9=40=0.45=40=75s48.60 kN.
Then the area this shearing force acts over is the
area of the permanent shuttering on both sides of the
concrete, up to the midspan point:
A s2=40=750s60=10
and the shear stress is therefore,
s0.81 Nrmm
b Calculation of maximum bolt force:
. . .
average force in segment A, F s 0.9x 0.45f b
a cu
s0.9=40=0.45=40=75s48.60 kN;
average force in segment B, F sF = 525r600 s
b a
42.53 kN;
average force in segment C, F sF = 375r600 s
c a
30.38 kN;
average force in segment D, F sF = 225r600 s
d a
18.23 kN; and
average force in segment E, F sF = 75r600 s
e a
6.08 kN.
the force on bolt as48.60y42.53s6.07 kN;
the force on bolt bs42.53y30.38s12.15 kN;
the force on bolt cs30.38y18.23s12.15 kN;
the force on bolt ds18.23y6.08s12.15 kN;
the force on bolt es6.08y0s6.08 kN; and
the maximum bolt forces12.15 kN.
shear stress in bolt s 12.15r2 r =3 s215
. .
bearing stress on concretes 12.15 r 75=6 s27.0
; and
bearing stress on GFRP shutterings 12.15r2 r 2.1
=6 s482 Nrmm .
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w x 7 Fintel M. Handbook of concrete engineering. 1974, p. 155.
w x 8 MSCrPATRAN version 6.0. MacNeil-Schwendler Co., 1996.
w x 9 HKS, ABAQUS version 6.1. Pawtucket, RI: Hibbit Karlsson
and Sorensen, Inc., 1996.
w x 10 Fagan MJ. Finite element analysis: theory and practice. Eng-
land: Longman Scientic and Technical, 1992.

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