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Transactions Study Guide

Structure of a business transaction

Just like we follow a certain structure in writing a business letter (example: On the top of the letter, recipient name and address and then subject headline and then
the content of the letter), we also follow a certain structure in creating transaction documents in SA !"#$
%eader le&el data ('eneral data(business partner related information)
)tem le&el data (material*product and pricing related information)
Schedule line le&el data (Onl+ sales transactions ha&e this line and it pro&ides deli&er+ related information)
Role of item category in SAP CRM
)tem categor+ controls the processing of an item in a ,ransaction$ )tem !ategor+ is determined in a ,ransaction b+ - factors !ombination
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,he item categor+ group determines how a product in the business transaction should be handled$ 6or example, )t determines that pricing does not take place for
free items such as promotional free gifts, or that in&entor+ management is carried out for a ser&ice$
6or processing of business transactions, the s+stem uses the item categor+ group to determine the item categor+$ 6rom the item categor+ group of the product and
the current transaction t+pe, the s+stem determines the item categor+ and enters it as default in the rele&ant transaction at item le&el$
.xample:( /ou create a sales order for a product with item categor+ group (sales item), the s+stem automaticall+ determines the item categor+ suitable for this$
/ou can make the rele&ant settings for item categor+ determination in the )mplementation 'uide, under !ustomer "elationship #anagement 7 ,ransactions 7
8asic Settings 7 2efine )tem !ategor+ 2etermination$
Item Category :
/ou define the item categories for business transactions$1ike transaction t+pes, an item categor+ is assigned to one or more business transaction categories$ An
item categor+ specifies the properties and attributes of a business transaction item, and therefore controls how the item is processed
6irst, +ou assign the item categor+ to an item object t+pe$ ,he item object t+pe defines the business context in which an item categor+ is used$ .xample
84S9::;-:( !"# Ser&ice roduct )tem$
Item Category Group
<ith the help of the item categor+ group, +ou re&iew the &arious products from a business &iew for item categor+ determination$ .nter the item categor+ group for
each product in the product master$(, !ode !O##":;)
2uring business transaction processing, the s+stem creates the item categor+ from the item categor+ group for the product, and from the business transaction
categor+, and proposes it in the document$ /ou can assign item categories to business transaction t+pes and item categor+ groups in the process #aintain item
categor+ determination$
Item Categories Usage
,he item categor+ usage is generall+ used for items that do not refer to a product (for example, 6ree )tems, text items)$
,he item categor+ usage is assigned to the respecti&e transaction t+pes when the item categor+ is determined$ <hen processing documents, the s+stem
determines the item categor+ from the transaction t+pe and item categor+ group or the item categor+ usage and proposes it in the document$
What is needed to create a transaction
document (Example: Sales order)?
,o define a transaction t+pe (example: =uotation, sales*ser&ice order etc), we must first define the following things$
artner 2etermination rocedure
Organi>ational 2ata rofile
2ate rofile
?umber "ange
Assign all the abo&e to transaction t+pe
How to define Partner Determination Procedure
IMG -> CRM (@ Basic Functions (@ Partner Processing (@ Define Partner Determination Procedure
A&oid changing existing determination procedures$ !reate new determination procedures using the assistant or b+ cop+ing existing determination procedures and
then changing the copies as needed$
How to set up Org Data Profile
IMG -> CRM -> Master Data -> Organizational Management -> Organizational Data Determination
Check this link for more details Determining Organizational Data
How to define a Date Profile
IMG -> CRM -> Basic Functions -> Date Definition -> Define Date !"#es$ Duration !"#es and Date Rules
)f +ou use !"# 8illing, +our date profile must also contain the date t+pes 8)11A2A,. Billing date and )?5!"A2A,. In%oice creation date$
How to define a number range
IMG -> CRM -> !ransactions -> Basic &ettings -> Define 'um(er Ranges
Now, we are ready to define transaction types by using the below steps.
IMG -> CRM (@ !ransactions (@ Basic &ettings (@ Define !ransaction !"#es$
An example of a Standard SA ,ransaction t+pe for Bsales order processingB in SA !"# is called ,A (standard order$ ,his is a template from SA that is used in the
Sales scenario for sales order processing$
1. Alwa+s cop+ from the default transaction t+pe (pro&ided b+ SA s+stem) and then update important controlling attributes, such as the leading business
transaction categor+, the partner determination procedure, the organi>ational data profile, date profile and the number range assignment, in addition to
defining a ke+ and a short description of the transaction t+pe$
9$ 1eading business transaction categor+ is simpl+ a preference and is not related hierarchicall+ to the other business transaction categories$ A sales
transaction with business acti&it+ data, for example, would be more likel+ to ha&e BsalesB as a leading business transaction categor+ than Bbusiness acti&it+B$
C$ Select )ssignment of Business !ransaction Categories in the dialog structure and assign the business transaction categories$ /ou can assign one or more
business transaction categories to one transaction t+pe$ Onl+ certain combinations of business transaction categories are possible$ Select the additional
business transaction categories according to the leading business transaction categor+$
-$ !hoose Customizing *eader in the dialogue structure to make the !ustomi>ing settings for the header le&el for the business transaction categories +ou
D$ Once +ou sa&e it, +our new transaction t+pe is read+ for use$ ,est it b+ creating a new transaction$
Why Partner Processing?
<hich partners must be in&ol&ed in a business transactionE
Are indi&idual partners found automaticall+E
<here does the s+stem look for in&ol&ed partnersE
<hich external partners are in&ol&ed( example: supplier, pa+er
<hich internal partners are in&ol&ed( example: emplo+ee

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