Mech 2 Vertical Circular Motion Questions

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The diagram shows part of the track of a roller-coaster ride in an adventure park.
The track is in a vertical plane and B is the highest point. The part ABC is in the
form of a circular arc, of radius r and centre O, and BOC = a. The part CD is
straight and inclined at an angle a to the horiontal. A car carr!ing passengers
moves along the track from left to right and passes through B with speed u. "t ma!
#e assumed that the car moves freel! along the track and can #e modelled as a
$a% &et R #e the normal reaction of the track on the car immediatel! #efore the car reaches C.
'how that
) % * ) cos + $
mg R =
where m is the total mass of the car and its passengers.
$#% ,or safet!, the value of R must not #e less than -.. times the weight of the car and its
passengers. /iven that a = *-0, r = *1 m and g = 2- ms
, determine the allowa#le range
of values of u.
$c% 'tate what happens to the normal reaction on the car as it passes through C, giving a
reason for !our answer.
(Total 14 marks)
Fallibroome High School 1
A stunt pilot is planning a displa! of fl!ing skills with a small aircraft. "n one particular routine
under consideration, the aircraft ascends to a point A and then dives verticall! downward to a
point B at a distance h #elow A. At B, the aircraft #egins travelling along a circular arc of radius
a. The lowest point of this arc is C and the highest is D, which is verticall! a#ove C, as shown in
,igure 2 a#ove.
u k
m g
, i g u r e *
At an! instant during the flight, the aircraft is acted upon #! a propulsive force P in the direction
of motion, air resistance R opposing the motion, an aerod!namic force L perpendicular to the
direction of motion and its weight mg verticall! downwards. These forces are shown in ,igure
*. The pilot can control the values of P and L, within certain limits.
$a% "n the descent from A to B, L = - and P ) R =
$i% ,ind in terms of m, g and h the work done #! the total downward force acting on
the aircraft during this descent.
$ii% /iven that the aircraft is moving with speed U at A and speed V at B, deduce that
. 1
* *
gh U V + =
Fallibroome High School 2
$#% "n the circular motion from B to D, P - R = -, so the onl! effective forces acting are L
towards the centre of the circle and the weight mg. /iven that L = - at D,
$i% e5press the speed, v, at D in terms of a and g,
$ii% show that V
= +ag.
$c% The stunt will #e considered safe provided that the point C is not less than l--om a#ove
ground level and provided that the greatest force e5erted #! the aircraft on the pilot during
the circular part of the motion does not e5ceed five times his own weight.
$i% /iven that U = +- ms
, h = 266 m and taking g = 2- ms
, show that the starting
point A must #e at least 126m a#ove ground level to satisf! the first safet!
$ii% /iven that the greatest force e5erted #! the aircraft on the pilot occurs at C, show
that this routine would fail to satisf! the second safet! condition.
(Total 17 marks)
3. A c!lindrical drum rotates at a constant speed around its fi5ed horiontal a5is. The drum rotates
at 2*- revolutions per minute and the radius of the drum is * m. A particle of mass 7 kg moves in
a vertical circle on the inside of the drum. The centre of this circle is at O. The particle does not
move relative to the drum.
A 5 i s
8 a r t i c l e
$a% 'how that the minimum magnitude of the normal reaction force that the drum e5erts on
the particle is appro5imatel! 296- :. Descri#e the position of the particle in this case.
$#% ;hen the particle is at the point P the normal reaction force has magnitude 2<-- :. ,ind
the angle #etween OP and the upward vertical.
(Total 8 marks)
Fallibroome High School 3
Fallibroome High School 4
4. A #ead, of mass m, is threaded onto a smooth circular ring, of radius r, which is fi5ed in a
vertical plane. The #ead is moving on the wire. "ts speed, v, at the highest point of its path is one
=uarter of its speed at the lowest point.
$a% 'how that v =
$#% ,ind the reaction of the wire on the #ead, in terms of m and g, when the #ead is>
$i% at the highest point?
r #elow its highest point.
(Total 12 marks)
5. A smooth hemisphere of radius l and centre Q lies with its plane face fi5ed to a horiontal
surface. A particle, P, of mass m can move freel! on the surface of the hemisphere.
The particle is set in motion along the surface of the hemisphere with a speed, u, at the highest
point of the hemisphere.
$a% 'how that, while the particle is in contact with the hemisphere, the velocit! of the particle
when PQ makes an angle q to the vertical, is
@ *glA2 ) cosqB%
$#% ,ind, in terms of l, u and g, the cosine of the angle q when the particle leaves the surface
of the hemisphere.
(Total 9 marks)
Fallibroome High School 5
Fallibroome High School 6
6. One end of a light ine5tensi#le string of length a is attached to a fi5ed point, O, and a particle of
mass m is attached to the other end, A. The particle is held so that the string is taut and OA is
horiontal. "t is then proCected verticall! downwards with speed u as shown in the diagram.
O A u
The string #ecomes slack when OA is inclined at an angle of 7- a#ove the horiontal.
$a% 'how that the speed of the particle when the string #ecomes slack is
$#% Dence find u in terms of a and g.
(Total 7 marks)
7. "n cra! golf, a golf #all is fired along a smooth track and loops the loop inside a section of
Eodel this loop as a vertical circle of radius a and centre Q, as shown in the diagram.
The golf #all is travelling at speed u as it enters the circle at the lowest point.
Eodel the #all as a particle P, of mass m.
$a% 'how that the reaction of the track on the particle when QP makes an angle of q with the
upward vertical is
) +mg cos q ) *mg
$#% /iven that the #all completes a vertical circle inside the track, show that
% 1 $ ag
Fallibroome High School 7
(Total 8 marks)

The diagram shows a particle P, of mass m, which is attached #! a light ine5tensi#le string, of
length l, to a fi5ed support O. The particle moves in a vertical plane. "t is initiall! set in motion
with speed u at right angles to OP, from the position where OP makes an angle a with the
downward vertical through O.
$a% 'how that when OP makes an angle q with the downward vertical through O the speed, v,
of the particle is given #!
= u
@ *gl$cos q ) cos a%.
$#% A"n part $#% of this =uestion the value of g should #e taken to #e <.9 ms
At an adventure pla!ground a girl of mass 6- kg swings on the end of a rope of length 1
metres. The motion is in a vertical plane. "nitiall! the rope makes an angle of +-F with the
downward vertical and the girl has a speed of
s m *
at right angles to the rope.
$i% 'how that the ma5imum speed of the girl during the motion is appro5imatel!
6.2 m s
$ii% Determine the ma5imum angle that the rope makes with the downward vertical.
$iii% ,ind the ma5imum tension in the rope.
$iv% 'tate one modelling assumption which !ou have used in this pro#lem.
(Total 16 marks)
Fallibroome High School 8
Fallibroome High School 9
9. Games and Hmma are carr!ing out separate e5periments, using two identical particles.
Games attaches his particle to a light inelastic string of length l.
Hmma threads her particle onto a smooth ring, of radius 1, which is fi5ed in a vertical plane.
Games and Hmma then measure the minimum speed, at the lowest point, necessar! for the
particle to #e a#le to make complete circles in a vertical plane.
$a% ;hat should Games find to #e the minimum speedI
$#% ;hat should #e the difference #etween the two speeds which the! findI
(Total 8 marks)
10. A #ead, of mass m, is threaded onto a smooth circular ring, of radius r, which is fi5ed in a
vertical plane. The #ead is moving on the wire so that its speed, v, at the highest point of its path
is half of its speed at the lowest point.
$a% ,ind v in terms of r and g.
$#% ,ind the reaction of the wire on the #ead, in terms of m and g, when the #ead is
$i% at the highest point,
$ii% J r a#ove its lowest point.
(Total 11 marks)
11. Adam has set up an e5periment for his Eechanics coursework. De has attached a small #all, B,
of mass m, to one end of a light ine5tensi#le string of length 1a. The other end of the string is
attached to a fi5ed point O. The #all is released from rest with the string taut and horiontal, as
shown in the diagram. The #all su#se=uentl! passes through the point C, which is a vertical
distance 1a #elow O.
1 a
1 a
$a% ,ind an e5pression, in terms of a and g, for the speed of B when it reaches C.
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Fallibroome High School 11
$#% A small smooth peg, P, is fi5ed at a distance d verticall! a#ove C. ;hen the string reaches
the vertical position, B #egins to move in a vertical circle with centre P and radius d, as
shown in the diagram.
The #all reaches Q, the point at a distance d verticall! a#ove P, with speed v. At Q, the
string is taut.
$i% 'how that v
= *g$1a ) *d%.
$ii% ,ind, in terms of a, d, g and m, the tension in the string when the #all is at Q.
$iii% Dence show that d K *a.
$c% 'tate one modelling assumption used in this =uestion.
(Total 13 marks)
r g

A solid, smooth hemisphere, of radius r, has its plane face fi5ed to a horiontal ta#le.
The centre of the plane face is O. A particle P, of mass m, is placed at the highest
point of the hemisphere. The particle is then given a horiontal velocit! of

At the instant when OP makes an angle q with the vertical through O, and P is still
in contact with the hemisphere, the speed of P is v.
Fallibroome High School 12
$a% 'how that v
rg $< ) 9 cos q%.
Fallibroome High School 13
$#% $i% ,ind, in terms of m, g and q, the normal reaction #etween the particle and
the hemisphere.
$ii% Determine whether or not P is still in contact with the hemisphere when
cos q =
$iii% ,ind the value of cos q when P loses contact with the hemisphere.
$iv% 'how that the speed at which P leaves the hemisphere is
rg +
(Total 15 marks)
The diagram shows part of a track used #! a skate#oarder. The track consists of
a horiontal part AB and a curved part BC. The curved part can #e modelled as a
smooth semi-circular arc with centre O and radius r, with C verticall! a#ove B.
The skate#oarder ma! #e modelled as a particle moving on the track. De has a speed of

as he reaches the point B.
$a% The point D is on the arc BC and OD makes an angle of 7-F with the upward vertical.
,ind the speed of the skate#oarder, in terms of g and r, as he reaches D.
$#% 'how that, at the point D, the skate#oarder is a#out to lose contact with the track.
(Total 11 marks)
Fallibroome High School 14
Fallibroome High School 15
14. A stuntman S stands initiall! on a platform P. De holds a rope which is attached to a fi5ed
support O. The points O and P are at the same horiontal level. The man then steps off the
platform with the rope taut and horiontal. De swings through a circular arc, as shown in the
diagram #elow.
2 * - F
1 m
The mass of the man is .- kg and the length of the rope is 1 m. The man ma! #e modelled as a
particle throughout the motion.
$a% The man releases his grip on the rope when it has swung through an angle of 2*-F.
$i% 'how that the speed of the man when he is a#out to let go of the rope is
appro5imatel! <.*2 m s
$ii% ,ind the tension in the rope when the man is a#out to let go of the rope.
$#% After letting go of the rope, the stuntman moves freel! under gravit!.
2 * - F
1 m
De rises a distance d #efore #eginning to fall into the safet! net. 'how that d is
appro5imatel! 2 metre.
$c% Comment on the assumption that the man can #e modelled as a particle.
Fallibroome High School 16
(Total 14 marks)
Fallibroome High School 17
15. Earia is modelling the motion of a to! car along a Lloop the loopM track.
The track, ABCD, can #e modelled as a continuous smooth surface contained in a vertical plane.
The highest point on the track is A, which is a distance h a#ove the floor. The loop is a circle of
radius r with BC as a diameter, and with C verticall! a#ove B. The track ends at the point D, as
shown in the diagram.
Earia is tr!ing to determine a connection #etween h and r in the case where the car sta!s onl!
Cust in contact with the track at C.
Earia models the car as a particle of mass m, which starts from rest at A. "n the case where the
car sta!s onl! Cust in contact with the track at C, it has speed u at B and speed v at C.
$a% B! considering the forces on the car at C, show that v
= rg.
$#% ,ind an e5pression for u
in terms of g and r.
$c% 'how that h = kr, where k is a constant to #e determined.
$d% 'uggest one improvement that could #e made to the model in order to refine the solution.
(Total 11 marks)
Fallibroome High School 18
The diagram shows a vertical cross section of a new adventure slide at a theme park. "t consists
of three sections AB, BC and CD.
'ection AB is smooth and vertical and has length r.
'ection BC is smooth and forms a =uarter of a circle. This circle has centre O and radius r. The
radius OB is horiontal and OC is vertical.
'ection CD is rough, straight and horiontal. "t is of length 6r.
'teve, who has mass m, starts from rest at A and reaches speed u at the point B. De remains in
contact with the surface until he reaches D.
"t can #e assumed that 'teve can #e modelled as a particle throughout the motion.
$a% ,ind u
in terms of g and r.
$#% 'teve reaches the point P #etween B and C where angle POB = q, as shown in the
diagram. Dis speed at P is v.
$i% 'how that v
= *gr$2 @ sin q%.
$ii% Draw a diagram showing the forces acting on 'teve when he is at the point P.
$iii% ,ind an e5pression for the normal reaction, R, on 'teve when he is at the point P.
/ive !our answer in terms of m, g and q.
$c% 'how that, as 'teve crosses C, there is a reduction in the normal reaction of magnitude
6 mg.
Fallibroome High School 19
$d% Between C and D, 'teve decelerates uniforml! and comes to rest at the point D.
,ind his retardation.
(Total 16 marks)
Fallibroome High School 20

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