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805 Wi!"oo! Ro#! $ A%t& '0(
M#)to*e!i, MN 55((5
Tr+,tee A,,i-ne! ./ t)e Co+rt
Ste%)en 0& Cre#,e/
1500 One Fin#n2i# P#2e 3onor#.e K#t)erine Con,t#ntine
Minne#%oi,, MN Co+rtroo* 1C (4, 10(5

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on October 16, 2014 at 11:A.M. or as soon thereater !n
Co"rtroo# 2C o the abo$e%ent!t&e' Co"rt, &ocate' at (16 North )obert Street, St. Pa"&,
MN., Pet!t!oner *Mar&ene +ear!n,- .!&& #o$e the co"rt or the o&&o.!n, or'ers:
1.- to re#o$e Tr"stee, M!chae& Iannacone ro# s"b/ect case an' ass!,n the correct
Tr"stee, Ste0hen Crease1 as ass!,ne' b1 the 2an3r"0tc1 Co"rt4
2.- an or'er or a 5+e'era& 6ran' 7"r18 or a 5S0ec!a& Prosec"tor8 to !n$est!,ate the
a&&e,e' cr!#es co##!tte' b1 the ban3r"0tc1 Co"rt tr"stees an' /"',es as a&&e,e' b1
Pet!t!oner !n her 'oc"#entar1 ent!t&e' 5Mar&ena9s 7o"rna&8. A co01 sent to the Co"rt.
The Mot!on .!&& be base' on th!s Not!ce o Mot!on, on the :ec&arat!on o Mar&ene
+ear!n, an' the Me#oran'"# o Po!nts an' A"thor!t!es ser$e' an' !&e' here.!th, on the
0a0ers an' recor's on !&e here!n, !nc&"'!n, 5 Mar&ena9s 7o"rna&8 an'4 on s"ch ora& an'
'oc"#entar1 e$!'ence as #a1 be 0resente' at the hear!n, on th!s Mot!on
:ate': Se0te#ber 1;, 2014
21: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Mar&ene +ear!n,, Pet!t!oner
On 7"&1 21, 2014, Pet!t!oner *5+ear!n,8- !&e' a Pet!t!on or Cha0ter > 2an3r"0tc1
Protect!on. Ste0hen Crease1 .as ass!,ne' to the case as 2an3r"0tc1 Tr"stee b1 the
Co"rt. Se$era& .ee3s &ater +ear!n, rece!$e' a &etter ro# M!chae& Iannacone stat!n,
that he .as the ass!,ne' Tr"stee to the case. +ear!n, !##e'!ate&1 0hone' Mr. Crease1 to
c&ar!1 the '!scre0anc1. +ear!n, .as to&' b1 Mr. Crease1 that he .as re#o$e' b"t
'!'n9t 3no. .h1. +ear!n, s"bse?"ent&1 0hone' Mr. Iannacone to !n?"!re as to .h1 he
.as ass!,ne'. Mr. Iannacone !n'!cate' to +ear!n, that )obert )asch3e, o the =.S.
7"st!ce @ M!nnesota :!$!s!on as3e' h!# to ta3e the case. +ear!n, !##e'!ate&1 0hone'
Mr. )asch3e to ,et c&ar!!cat!on as to the r!,ht"& tr"stee an' Mr. )asch3e c&a!#e' that he
3ne. noth!n, abo"t the case. Mr. )ach3e9s 53no.!n, noth!n,8 abo"t the case !s not
.hat bothere' +ear!n,, b"t rather h!s con&!ct!n, eAc"ses an' re"sa& to re#o$e Mr.
Iannacone as re?"este' b1 +ear!n, beca"se he .as not the a00o!nte' Tr"stee.

6!$en +ear!n,9s eA0er!ence .!th Co"rt corr"0t!on *a&&e,e' an' 'eta!&e' !n Mar&ena9s
7o"rna&- th!s .as an !##e'!ate 5re' &a,8 or her, 0art!c"&ar&1 ater the con$ersat!on .!th
Mr. Iannacone. Be not on&1 to&' +ear!n, that she nee'e' #e'!cat!on .hen she re$ea&e'
her eA0er!ences .!th the co"rts .h!ch +ear!n, so 'oc"#ente' !n her 'oc"#entar1
5Mar&ena9s 7o"rna&8 b"t Mr. Iannancone a&so !n'!cte' that an1 "t"re !nco#e ro# boo3
sa&es or #o$!e r!,hts .o"&' beco#e the 0ro0ert1 o the =.S. 7"st!ce :e0art#ent. The
abo$e har'&1 so"n's as a!r an' e?"!tab&e treat#ent b1 Mr. Iannacone an' h!s con'"ct as
.e&& as that o Mr. )asch3e sho"&' be ca&&e' !nto ?"est!on. +ear!n, !s ent!t&e' to
an "nb!ase' Tr"stee that has no 0o&!t!ca& a,en'a an' thereore, the re#o$a& o Mr.
Iannacone !s reasonab&e an' necessar1 to a$o!' the a00earance o !#0ro0r!et1 an' a
co#0&!c!t1 !n on,o!n, reta&!at!on a,a!nst +ear!n, to 'en1 her 5'"e 0rocess r!,hts8.
A''!t!ona&&1, +ear!n, th!n3s !t !#0ortant to #ent!on th!s act4 the =.S. Attorne1 or
=.S. :e0art#ent o 7"st!ce % M!nnesota9s :!str!ct !s An're. L",er. An're. L",er !s a
0artner .!th the 6reene % Es0e& &a. !r# that re0resents the &ea,"e o C!t!es .h!ch
!nc&"'es The C!t1 o Bast!n,s an' the C!t1 o La3e St Cro!A 2each. Mar&ena9s 7o"rna&
'eta!&s the con'"ct b1 these c!t!es an' the!r &e,a& 'eense. It !s one th!n, to oer an
a,,ress!$e 'eense or one9s c&!ent, b"t to en,a,e !n ra"', 0er/"r1, 'estr"ct!on o co"rt
'oc"#ents an' ta0es a&& !n an eort to ac!&!tate the co$er%"0 o ,en'er an' rac!a&
'!scr!#!nat!on !s ?"!te another th!n,.
Thereore, the act!ons o the &oca& =.S. :e0art#ent o 7"st!ce *re0orte' !n Mar&ena9s
7o"rna&- 'e0!ct!n, the o"tra,eo"s con'"ct o Tr"stee 2r!an Leonar' !n h!s arb!trar!&1
con!scat!n, t.o #!&&!on 'o&&ars !n assets be&on,!n, to +ear!n, .!tho"t /"st!!cat!on or
#an'ate to 'o so *.h!ch !nc&"'e' her ho#e an' &et +ear!n, ho#e&ess-. An' 1et another
C;0,000. !n non%eA!st!n, /"',#ents assesse' a,a!nst +ear!n, .!tho"t '"e 0rocess, b1
7"',e O92r!en- !s c&ear&1 another co#0&!c!t reta&!ator1 act a,a!nst +ear!n, or re0ort!n,
M!nnesota9s ,en'er an' rac!a& '!scr!#!nat!on to the Dash!n,ton :.C. 2"rea", to .h!ch
the1 '!' !n' !n +ear!n,9s a$or. +ear!n, ee&s that con'"ct o the &oca& =.S. 7"st!ce
:e0art#ent !s co#0&!c!t !n reta&!at!on a,a!nst +ear!n, an' c&ear&1 a '!sconnect an' !n
con&!ct .!th the Dash!n,ton :.C. 2"rea" o the =.S. :e0art#ent 7"st!ce an' nee's
Noth!n, has chan,e' s!nce the 0r!nt!n, o 5Mar&ena9s 7o"rna& !n ter#s o an1
Const!t"t!ona& r!,hts or +ear!n,, .ho !s a nat"ra& born =.S. C!t!Fen. The sa#e on,o!n,
reta&!at!on an' co#0&!c!t1 to 'estro1 +ear!n,9s !#a,e an' character an' to 'en1 her those
r!,hts b1 an1 #eans 0oss!b&e !nc&"'!n, /"'!c!ar1 !n$o&$e#ent !s .e&& estab&!she'. It 'oes
$er1 &!tt&e or +ear!n, to !&e or a ban3r"0tc1 '!schar,e, .hen !ts b"s!ness as "s"a& .!th
on,o!n, bo,"s an' ra"'"&ent &a.s"!ts !n!t!ate' a,a!nst +ear!n, to so&!c!t 0art!c!0at!on b1
the co"rts to cont!n"e .!th "n&a."& 0rocee'!n, an' /"',#ents a,a!nst +ear!n, or
b&o.!n, the .h!st&e on ,o$ern#ent corr"0t!on. 6rant!n, a Cha0ter > '!schar,e !s on&1
0"tt!n, a ban' a!' on a $er1 ser!o"s e0!'e#!c. The e0!'e#!c o hatre' an' !nto&erance !n
'!scr!#!nator1 0ract!ces !s $er1 #"ch a&!$e or eAc&"s!on o #!nor!t!es to s"b"rban 5a&&
.h!te8 co##"n!t!es !n M!nnesota.
Fe#rin-7, !o2+*ent#r/ 8M#ren#7, 0o+rn#9 2e#r/ re:e#, ,o*e :er/
!i, ;#2t, #n! %#ttern, t)#t 2#nnot .e i-nore!& The 'oc"#entar1 .as 0"b&!she'
!n 200G an' a&& #ent!one' &a.1ers, /"',es an' tr"stees .ere ,!$en a co01 o the
'oc"#entar1 b1 +ear!n, !n .h!ch an o0en !n$!tat!on or an1one to cha&&en,e those
a&&e,at!ons .h!ch are s"00orte' b1 co"rt recor's, 'e0os!t!ons, a!'a$!ts an' state#ents
b1 th!r' 0art1 .!tnesses. Those cha&&en,es .ere ans.ere' .!th #ore ta3!n, o +ear!n,9s
assets, a,a!n .!th the a!' o the co"rts. The on&1 to +ear!n,9s cha&&en,e .as the
=.S. 7"st!ce :e0art#ent !n Dash!n,ton, :.C. The!r co##ents .ere 5the1 '!' not
'!s0"te an1 o the a&&e,at!ons beca"se the!r :e0art#ent '!' !n' both rac!a& an' ,en'er
'!scr!#!nat!on, b"t s!nce /"',es .ere !n$o&$e', the1 &ac3e' the a"thor!t1 to 0rosec"te
beca"se /"',es ha$e !##"n!t18. S!nce the S"0re#e Co"rt r"&!n, !n Ma1, 2014,
M!&&broo3 $s. =n!te' States, that !s no &on,er the case. The Millbrook v. United States
case, .hereb1 M!&&broo39s '"e 0rocess r!,hts .ere $!o&ate' an' e$!'ence a&tere' or
'estro1e' b1 & co"rts to 'en1 M!&&broo3 h!s 5:"e Process8 r!,hts !s s!#!&ar !n nat"re
to .hat +ear!n, eA0er!ence'. The =.S. S"0re#e Co"rt con!r#e' an' r"&e' on a $er1
s!#0&e 5no bra!ner8, 8No.o!/ i, #.o:e t)e L#" in2+!in- -o:ern*ent #2tor,8. 5An1
act!ons that the1 ta3e not 'e!ne' b1 the!r o!ce or !&&e,a& b1 the!r nat"re ha$e been
o"ts!'e o the!r o!ce thereore 'one !n the!r 0r!$ate ca0ac!t1 an' thereore .!tho"t an1
0rotect!on o the!r o!ce.8
Un!er (8 U&S&C& Se2tion 15(, it i, # 2ri*e to 2on,%ire to !en/ # iti-#nt t)eir <;ir,t
#*en!*ent ri-)t, to %etition t)e -o:ern*ent ;or re!re,, o; t)eir -rie:#n2e,= <t)e
;o+rteent) #*en!*ent ri-)t to !+e %ro2e,,= #n! t)e <Fi;t) A*en!*ent ri-)t to not
.e !e%ri:e! o; i;e, i.ert/ or %ro%ert/ "it)o+t !+e %ro2e,, o; #"=&
W)oe:er )#:in- >no"e!-e o; t)e #2t+# 2o**i,,ion o; # ;eon/ 2o-ni?#.e
./ # 2o+rt o; t)e Unite! St#te,, 2on2e#, #n! !oe, not #, ,oon #, %o,,i.e *#>e
>no"n to t)e ,#*e to ,o*e @+!-e o; ot)er %er,on in 2i:i or *iit#r/ #+t)orit/ +n!er
t)e Unite! St#te,, ,)# .e ;ine! +n!er t)i, tite or i*%ri,one!.
(8 U&S&C& Se2tion 15( ,t#te, in ree:#nt %#rt6
<I; t"o or *ore %er,on 2on,%ire to in@+re, o%%re,,, t)re#ten, or inti*i!#te #n/
%er,on in #n/ St#te, Territor/, Co**on"e#t), Po,,e,,ion, or Di,tri2t in t)e ;ree
eAer2i,e or en@o/*ent o; #n/ ri-)t or %ri:ie-e ,e2+re! to )i* ./ t)e Con,tit+tion or
#", o; t)e Unite! St#te,, or .e2#+,e o; )i, )#:in- ,o eAer2i,e! t)e ,#*e= & & & <T)e/
,)# .e ;ine! +n!er t)e tite or i*%ri,one! not *ore t)#n ten /e#r,, or .ot)= & & &
6!$en the abo$e state' acts, +ear!n, ee&s !t !s !nc"#bent "0on th!s co"rt to4
A. ,rant +ear!n, her r!,ht to '"e 0rocess b1 !ss"!n, an or'er or chan,e !n tr"stee an'4
2. !ss"e an or'er or a +e'era& 6ran' 7"r1 to !n$est!,ate the a&&e,at!ons o"t&!ne' !n
5Mar&ena9s 7o"rna&8. These are e'era& cr!#es an' ,!$en the e,re,!o"s nat"re o
these cr!#es an !n$est!,at!on !s necessar1.
Se0te#ber 1;, 2014. 21: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Mar&ene +ear!n,, Pet!t!oner
I, Mar&ene +ear!n, 'ec&ares as o&&o.s:
1. I a# the P&a!nt! !n th!s act!on. As an A#er!can C!t!Fen, I ee& I ha$e a r!,ht to !&e or
ban3r"0tc1 0rotect!on .!tho"t "rther ,o$ern#ent reta&!at!on an' threats. Thereore, I
re?"este' an or'er or chan,e !n Tr"stee an' an' or'er or a +e'era& 6ran' 7"r1
!n$est!,at!on or a 5S0ec!a& In$est!,at!$e Co"nse&8 to !n$est!,ate .hat I be&!e$e to be
on,o!n, !&&e,a& an' cr!#!na& #!scon'"ct b1 &oca& ,o$ern#ent actors4 !.e. 5:e0r!$at!on o
)!,hts "n'er co&or o &a.8an' 5reta&!ator1 #eas"res to 'e0r!$e #e o #1 Const!t"t!ona&
)!,hts or re0ort!n, ,o$ern#ent corr"0t!on8. These are e&on1 cr!#es be!n, co##!tte'
"n'er the 0reteAt o a'#!n!strat!on o &a. b1 ,o$ern#ent o!c!a&s. +"rther#ore, th!s !s
a&so !n $!o&at!on o 5Dh!st&eb&o.er9s )!,hts8, .h!ch !s 0rotecte' b1 &a., the
5Dh!st&eb&o.er9s Act8 0asse' b1 Con,ress
2. I a# a >( 1ear o&' .o#an, a =.S. C!t!Fen, born !n the =n!te' States, a 0atr!ot!c
A#er!can4 an' a c!$!& an' e?"a& r!,hts a'$ocate that has cha#0!one' #an1 ca"ses on
beha& o the '!s0ossesse' an' '!senranch!se'. In that ca0ac!t1, I enco"ntere'
horren'o"s '!scr!#!nat!on, ,en'er an' rac!a&, .h!ch .as ac3no.&e',e' b1 M!nnesota
:e0art#ent o B"#an )!,hts, B=: an' the =.S. :e0art#ent o 7"st!ce. Po&!t!cs,
ho.e$er, ,ot !n the .a1 o 0rosec"t!n, the 5E$!&%:oers8, .h!ch !s o"t&!ne' !n 5Mar&ena9s
7o"rna&8. A co01 .as s"b#!tte' to the =.S. 2an3r"0tc1 Co"rt !&e.
(. As a rea& estate 'e$e&o0er, #1 &!censes #an'ate that I "0ho&' a!r%ho"s!n, &a.s, 1et
that !s eAact&1 .h1 I .as attac3e' b1 seA!st, rac!st an' b!,ote' State an' +e'era& o!c!a&s.
I ha' #1 .ea&th an' #1 hea&th ta3en ro# #e b1 ,o$ern#ent actors .ho ab"se' the!r
0o.ers "n'er the Co&or o La. !n $!o&at!on o State an' +e'era& La.s an' Stat"tes.
4. M1 stor1 o #1 !n!t!a& eA0er!ences !s to&' !n 5Mar&ena9s 7o"rna&8 'e0!ct!n, the
corr"0t!on ta3!n, 0&ace !n M!nnesota, 'oesn9t en' there, b"t rather !t esca&ate' to e$en
#ore reta&!at!on an' on,o!n, &a.s"!ts .!th no /"r!s'!ct!ona& #an'ate. I rece!$e' no '"e
0rocess or not!!cat!on .hen the1 too3 e$en #ore 0ro0ert!es an' &e$!e' #ore ra"'"&ent
/"',#ents a,a!nst #e "s!n, the co"rt 0rocess to acco#0&!sh that. Thereore, there !s no
stat"te o &!#!tat!ons beca"se the reta&!at!on or #1 b&o.!n, the .h!st&e on ,o$ern#ent
#!scon'"ct ne$er cease' an' !s on,o!n,. The oen'!n, 0art!es 3no. better as attorne1s,
tr"stees an' /"',es, an' the!r abso&"te ab"se o !s treasono"s as !t $!o&ates the $er1
core o .hat const!t"tes the =n!te' States o A#er!ca. An' th"s ar, the1 ha$e been ab&e
to co##!t these cr!#es .!th !#0"n!t1.
;. I 'ec&are "n'er 0ena&t1 o 0er/"r1 "n'er the &a.s o the State o M!nnesota an' the
=.S. 2an3r"0tc1 Co"rt that the ore,o!n, !s tr"e an' correct.
EAec"te' th!s 1;
'a1 o Se0te#ber, 2014, at St. Pa"&, M!nnesota.
Mar&ene +ear!n,, Pet!t!oner

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