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Compiled by:
Nuralam Putri
SMAN 1 Takalar

The honorable of the adjudicators
The honorable of the participants
And my loving audiences
Assalamu alaikum Wr. Wb.
Before I begin to deliver this speech, I would like to thank to our God, Allah SWT, who has given
us healthy, mercy and blessing, so we can meet in this place. Then, I would never forget to send solute
and congratulation to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has brought us from the darkness to the
lightness path. I would also like to extend sincere gratitude to organizing committee who has given me
this oppurtinity to deliver my speech about how to keep Makassar clean.
Ladies and gentleman..
We need to realize that the environment is a place of livelihood for us, all humanity. If I can get
an analogy, I would like to say human and environment were born in the same line called harmony
This kind of harmony we should keep walking in the beautiful ways between environment and
human. The environment is the thing that is very important for mankind and should be taken care well.
Ladies and gentleman..
Now let me give a limitation of the environment we are going to speak. Yes, I would like to tell
about Makassar as the city we were born, we grow up, we are getting older, and livelihood place where is
we spend almost of our life time. Yes, it should become strong-engaged between Makassar citizen and the
city itself. Why is that? Yes, because once again we were born to live in a harmony with our environment.
But as a matter fact, there are so many environment problems in Makassar, and sadly we know
that most of those problems are caused by citizen.
Ladies and gentleman..
Everytime when I go to the city, I always see piles of garbage in the gutter, on the street,
everywhere. Where do those garbages come? No one to blame, but they are, citizen. They may not be
realized that what they have done can invite many disasters to their own selves.
So, what kinds of disaster can invite by human unharmony activities? Firstly is flooding. As we
can see, Makassar becomes flooding city even if it is just rain for several hours. How come? Look at to
the gutter! Is there any space for water to pass? No, it is full of garbage, strewn everywhere. Not only in
the slums, but also in school, at home, even in the paradise of citizen named department store or mall.
Ladies and gentleman..
The second disaster is caused by human unharmony activities is diseases. There are so many
various of diseases which are came from dirty environment. As we can see, hospital, health clinic and so
on never sleep to serves the patients. They come with various diseases, such as stomache, diare, until
serious illness like cancer, etc. and what is theworst fact about that? Yes, the worst fact is the citizen
invite those diseases to their body.
Ladies and gentleman..
On this occasion, I invite all of you to keep Makassar clean. Let us cultivate in our selves to
always dispose of wasting garbage in place. It seems to be something trivial, trash in its place, but
sometimes it is very difficult to do. So, it really need an awareness to all of the citizen to begin healthy
life by doing harmony activities to the environment.
Ladies and gentleman..
The religion of Islam itself teaches that cleanliness is part of faith. Lets keep the cleanliness of
the environment around us. So, by keeping the environment around us, hopefully weavoid floods, we
avoid the various diseases cause by germs that love trash. Then, we can look beatiful environment, clean,
cool to the eye. And we can back to live in harmony with the environment.

Ladies and gentleman..
That is all my speech today. Forgive me if I have some mistakes. Thank you very much for your
nice attention.
Wassalamu alaikum, Wr. Wb


Compiled by:
Nuralam Putri
SMAN 1 Takalar

The honorable of the adjudicators
The honorable of the committee
The honorable of the other participants
and my loving audiences

Assalamu Alaikum, Wr. Wb.
Ladies and gentleman..
Before I begin to deliver this speech, I would like to thank to our God, Allah SWT, who has given
us healthy, mercy and blessing, so we can meet in this place. Then, I would never forget to send solute
and congratulation to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has brought us from the darkness to the
lightness path. I would also like to extend sincere gratitude to organizing committee who has given me
this oppurtinity to deliver my speech about characteristics of a good leader.
Ladies and gentleman..
In this world, there are two types of people. One type is known as the leaders, and the other as
followers. One needs to decide whether he wants to be a follower or a leader. Well, the compensation for
both isdeifferent, the follower cannot reasonably expect the compensation to which a leader is entitled,
although many followers make the mistake of expecting such pay. Broadly speaking, on one hand it is no
disgrace to be a follower and on the other hand, it is nor credit to remain a follower for very long. Not all
followers can become leaders. For becoming a good leader one needs to poses leadership qualities.
Ladies and gentleman..
Leadership is a quality hidden in the personality of a human being. Human personality is very
complex and its very difficult to grade individuals according to one personality. On the other hand,
leadership depends on the organic structure of the personality which includes experience, skill,
responsibilty, intelligence, power of organizing people and social interaction.
A good leader is supposed to be a person with immerse power of organizing things in much better
way than his followers. The successful lead must be the master of all details connected with his position.
That means, of course, that he must acquire the habit of relegating details to capable lieutenants.
Ladies and gentleman..
The world at many points in its history has produced some jewels which have shined brighter
than many in their generation and whose visions, beliefs, ideologies, and lessons have been guiding
mankind ever since. These jewels of humanity are the leaders who were born with the exceptional ability
to inspire, lead, motivate and influence generations of people. These leaders of our history, these
luminaries have been catalyst of change, of modernism , of new ideologies and of path breaking
Ladies and gentleman..
No one doubt that Julius Caesar, the Roman genius was the greatest military commander of his
time. Besides his leadership skills on the battlefield Caesar was the shrewdest , most gifted and inspiring
political leader the world has ever seen. Then, Abraham Lincoln, the greatest American leader and oneof
the finest world leaders. His thoughts, his convictions and his actions changed the course of history
especially for the Americans.
We also cannot forget Nelson Mandela, an anti-aparthed hero. He became the role of model of
forgivensess, patience, perseverance and inspiration for millions people all around the world. He was a
humble leader, who believed in being with his followers.
Ladies and gentleman..
Unfortunatelly, it is so difficult to find out the kind of leaders as the past provided us. Some
perception states that today, the world is in crisis of leadership. It may be caused by the decreasing of
awareness, heroic, struggling feeling of our leader. It leads to a question about the characteristics of a
good leader. Well, I would like to mention those characteristics, they are:
1. Proactive and reactive
The exceptional leader is always thinking three steps ahead. Working to master his own
environment with the goal of avoiding problems before they arise.
2. Flexible/ adaptable
How do you handle yourself in unexpected or uncomfortable situations? Yes, an effective leader
will adapt to new surroundings and situations, doing his best adjust.
3. A good communicater
As a leader, one must listen..a lot! We must be willing to work to understand the needs and desire
of others. A good leader asks many questions, consider all options, and leads in the right
4. Respectful
Trealing other with ultimately earn respect.
5. Open-minded
A good leader works to consider all options, when making decisions. A strong leader will
evaluate the input from all interested parties and work for the betterment of the whole.
6. Well educated
Knowledge is power. Work to be well educated on community policies, procedures,
organizational norms, etc. futher, the knowledge of a leader of issues and informations will only
increase his success in leading others.
7. Evaluative
Evaluation of events and programs is essential for an organization/ group to improve and
progress. An exceptional leader will constantly evaluate and change programs and policies are not

Ladies and gentleman..
As the conclusion, let me say a good leader is the one who can influence the others to follow his
That is all my speech today. Forgive me if I have some mistakes. Thank you very much for your
nice attention.
Wassalamu alaikum, Wr.Wb

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