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1. Students should read the weekly schedule carefully and follow the schedule accordingly.
2. L= Lesson; D=Dialogue; pp. =Page; TB=Textbook; WB=Workbook; CB=Character workbook.
3. The Character workbook, you only need to copy the simplified characters for 30 times.
4. Please SKIP Workbook- Speaking Exercise of every chapter.

Week 1 (9/2-9/5)
Date Preparation Class activities Things to do after class
First Day of Class
Read the course-syllabus of CHIN126 on
1. Introduction of CHIN126
2. Placement test
Read Textbook Introduction
1. Read introduction in TB pp.1-3,(simple
finals and initials B1-B3) p.8 D.(tones);
2. Listen to audio files of TB -- simple finals
and initials (B1-B3)
3. Read introduction in TB p.16-A
1. Practice initials(b-p m-f d-t g-k n-l h),
simple finals, combinations
And four tones
2. Useful expressions ---
A. Classroom expressions
Listen and repeat audio files
of TB ---Intro III A. Classroom
1.Prepare for Dictation1
2. Read introduction in TB pp.3-7,( initials B4-
B6 , compound finals, spelling rules) ;
3. Listen to audio files of TB--compound finals
and initials
4. Read introduction in TB p.16-B
1. Dictation 1: 10 syllables with tones.
2. Initials (z c s zh ch sh r j q x), compound
finals and combination
3. Spelling rules
4. Useful expressions --- B. Survival
1. WB- Introduction chapter
pp. 1-6
2. Listen and repeat audio
files of TB --- Intro III B.
Survival Expressions
1. Prepare for Dictation2
2. Read introduction in TB p.8 (tone sandhi);
pp.11-15 (Chinese Writing system); p.17
(Chinese numeral);
1. Dictation 2: 10 syllables with tones.
2. Continue to practice combinations; tone
Sandhi and Spelling rules
3. Introduce Strokes and Stroke order
4.Introduce and practice numerals
1. CB- Introduction Chapter
pp.1-6 and pp.13-15
2. Practice online: Moodle
Intro ChapterPinyin Chart

Week 2 (9/8-9/12)
Date Preparation Class activities Things to do after class
1.Prepare for Dictation3
2. Read introduction in TB p.8 (tone sandhi);
pp.11-15 (Chinese Writing system);
p.17 (Chinese numeral);
3. Use Moodle-- Intro ChapterChinese
Dictionary with Stroke Animation to get
familiar with stroke order.
Hand in WB Intro Chapter pp.1-6
& CB Intro Chapter pp.1-6, 13-15
1. Dictation 3. Number 1-10 with pinyin
2. Review numbers and stroke orders
3. Continue to practice Pinyin; tone Sandhi;
and spelling rules
CB- introduction chapter
pp. 7-11
1.Prepare for Dictation 4
2. Practice online: MoodleIntro Chapter
Pinyin Chart to review pinyin and prepare
for the pronunciation test
1. Dictation 4: Strokes with pinyin
2. Continue to practice Pinyin; tone Sandhi;
and spelling rules
3. Prepare for Pronunciation Test
4. Introduce Basic Radical
WB- introduction chapter
pp. 7-12
Wednesday Prepare for the Pronunciation Test Pronunciation Test
1. Listen to audio files of TB L1-D1 Vocab
2. Preview vocabulary L1-D1
3. Read grammar 1-3 in TB, pp.22-25
Hand in WB Intro Chapter pp.7-12
& CB Intro Chapter pp.7-11
1. Lesson 1-D1 Vocab
2. Lesson1-D1 Grammar 1-3
CB L1-D1
1. Prepare for Dictation 5
2. Listen to audio files of TB L1-D1
(listen, read and understand the meaning of
the text)
3. Preview Language Practice TB PP.25-26
1. Dictation5: Vocab 1-8
2. Lesson1-D1 Language practice
3. Lesson1-D1 Text & activity
WB Lesson1-Part One

Week 3 (9/15-9/19)
Date Preparation Class activities Things to do after class
Last Day to Drop
1. Prepare for Dictation 6
2. Listen to audio files of TB L1-D2 Vocab
3.Preview vocabulary L1-D2
1. Dictation6: Vocab 9-15
2. Lesson1-D2 Vocab
CB Lesson1-D2
1.Prepare for Dictation7
2.Read grammar 4-7 in TB.
1. Dictation7: Vocab 1-7
2. Lesson1-D2 Grammar 4-7
WB Lesson1-Part Two
(Skip: III Reading-C)
1. Prepare for Dictation8
2. Preview Language practice in TB pp.32-34
3. Listen to audio files of TB L1-D2
(listen, read and understand the meaning of
the text)
Hand in Tutor meeting sheet 1
1. Dictation8: Vocab 8-11
2.Lesson1-D2 Language practice
3. Lesson1-D2 Text & activity

1. Listen to audio files of TB L2-D1 Vocab
2. Preview vocabulary L2-D1
3. Read grammar 1-4 in TB, pp.45-48
Hand in WB & CB Lesson 1
Lesson2-D1 Vocab
1. Lesson2-D1 Grammar
CB Lesson2-D1
1. Prepare for Dictation9
2. Preview Language Practice in TB pp.48-49
3. Listen to audio files of TB L2-D1
1. Dictation9: Vocab 1-10
2. Lesson2-D1 Language Practice
3. Lesson2-D1 Text & activity
WB Lesson2-Part One
(Skip: IV Writing-B/F)

Week 4 (9/22-9/26)
Date Preparation Class activities Things to do after class
1. Prepare for Dictation10
2. Listen to audio files of TB L2-D2
3. Preview vocabulary L2-D2
1. Dictation10: Vocab 11-20
2. Lesson2-D2 Vocab
CB Lesson2-D2
1. Prepare for Dictation11
2. Read grammar 5-7 in TB, pp.53-54
3. Preview Language practice in TB pp. 55-59
1. Dictation11: Vocab 1-8
2. Lesson2-D2 Grammar
3. Lesson2-D2 Language Practice
WB Lesson2-Part Two

1. Prepare for Dictation12
2. Listen to audio files of TB L2-D2
Hand in Tutor meeting sheet 2
1. Dictation12: Vocab 9-16
2. Lesson2-D2 Text & activity

1. Listen to audio files of TB L3-D1 Vocab
2. Preview vocabulary L3-D1
3. Read grammar 1-2 in TB, pp.70-73
Hand in WB & CB Lesson 2
1. Lesson3-D1 Vocab 1-18
2. Lesson3-D1 Grammar 1-2
CB Lesson3-D1
1. Prepare for Dictation13
2. Preview Language practice in TB pp.76-77
1. Dictation13: Vocab 1-8
2. Lesson3-D1 Vocab 19-23
3. Lesson3-D1 Grammar 4-5
WB Lesson3-Part One

Week 5 (9/29-10/3)
Date Preparation Class activities Things to do after class
1. Prepare for Dictation14
2. Preview Language practice in TB
1. Dictation14: Vocab 9-17
2. Lesson3-D1 Vocab 24-28
3. Lesson3-D1 Grammar 2

1. Prepare for Dictation15
2. Listen to audio files of TB L3-D1
1. Dictation15: Vocab 18-28
2. Lesson3-D1 Text & activity

1. Listen to audio files of TB L3-D2 Vocab
2. Preview vocabulary L3-D2
3. Read grammar 6-7 in TB, pp.86-87
Hand in Tutor meeting sheet 3
1. Lesson3-D2 Vocab
2. Lesson3-D2 Grammar
CB Lesson3-D2
1. Prepare for Dictation16
2. Preview Language practice in TB pp.
3. Listen to audio files of TB L3-D2
1. Dictation16: Vocab 1-7
2. Lesson3-D2 Language practice
3. Lesson3-D2 Text and activity
WB Lesson3-Part Two
(Skip: III Reading-D
IV Writing-H)
1. Prepare for Dictation17
2. Review L1-L3 Vocabulary and
1. Dictation17: Vocab 8-14
2. Review L1-L3

Week 6 (10/6-10/10)
Date Preparation Class activities Things to do after class
Prepare for Test 1 Test 1


1. Listen to audio files of TB L4-D1 Vocab
2. Preview vocabulary L4-D1
3. Read grammar 1-5 in TB, pp.102-106
Hand in WB & CB Lesson 3
1. Lesson4-D1 Vocab
2. Lesson4-D1 Grammar
CB Lesson4-D1
1. Prepare for Dictation18
1. Preview Language practice in TB pp.
2. Listen to audio files of TB L4-D1
Hand in Tutor meeting sheet 4
1. Dictation18: Vocab 1-10
2.Lesson4-D1 Language Practice
3. Lesson4-D1 Text and activity
WB Lesson4-Part One
(Skip: III Reading-D)
1. Prepare for Dictation19
2. Listen to audio files of TB L4-D2 Vocab
3. Preview vocabulary L4-D2 Vocab
4. Read grammar 6-7 in TB, pp.112-113
1.Dictation19: Vocab11-20
2.Lesson4-D2 Vocab
3.Lesson4-D2 Grammar 6-7
CB Lesson4-D2
1. Prepare for Dictation20
2. Preview Language practice in TB
1. Dictation20: Vocab1-6
2. Lesson4-D2 Language Practice
WB Lesson4-Part Two
(Skip: III Reading-E)

Week 7 (10/13-10/17) ( Mid-term Interview week)
Date Preparation Class activities Things to do after class
(Columbus Day)
No class No class No class
(Monday Schedule)
1. Prepare for Dictation21
2. Listen to audio files of TB L4-D2
1. Dictation21: Vocab 7-11
2. Lesson4-D2 Text & activity

1. Listen to audio files of TB L5-D1 Vocab
2. Preview vocabulary L5-D1 1-13
3. Read grammar 1-3 in TB, pp. 126-128
Hand in Tutor meeting sheet 5
1. Lesson5-D1 Vocab 1-13
2. Lesson5-D1 Grammar 1-3
CB Lesson5-D1
Last day to drop with
W and Select P/F
1. Prepare for Dictation22
2. Listen to audio files of TB L5-D1 Vocab
3. Preview vocabulary L5-D1 14-26
4. Read grammar 4 in TB, p129
5. Preview Language practice in TB pp.
Hand in WB & CB Lesson 4
1. Dictation22: Vocab 1-13
2. Lesson5-D1 Vocab14-26
3. Lesson5-D1 Grammar 1,4
4. Lesson5-D1 Language Practice
WB Lesson5-Part One
(Skip: IV Writing-F)
1. Prepare for Dictation 23
2. Listen to audio files of TB L5-D1
1. Dictation23: Vocab14-26
2. Lesson5-D1 Text & activity

Week 8 (10/20-10/24) ( Mid-term Interview week)
Date Preparation Class activities Things to do after class
1. Listen to audio files of TB L5-D2 Vocab
2. Preview vocabulary L5-D2
3. Read grammar 6 in TB, pp. 137-139
1. Lesson5-D2 Vocab 1,3-7
2. Lesson5-D2 Grammar 6
CB Lesson5-D2
1. Prepare for Dictation24
2. Read grammar 5 in TB, pp. 137-139
1. Preview Language practice in TB
1. Dictation24: Vocab: Vocab1,3-7
2. Lesson5-D2 Grammar1
3. Lesson5-D2 Language practice
WB Lesson5-Part Two

Wednesday Listen to audio files of TB L5-D2
Hand in Tutor meeting sheet 6
Lesson5-D2 Text and activity

1. Listen to audio files of TB L6-D1 Vocab
2. Preview vocabulary L6-D1 1-20
3. Read grammar 1-2 in TB, pp.154-155
Hand in WB & CB Lesson 5
1. Lesson6-D1Vocab 1-20
2. Lesson6-D1 Grammar 1-2
CB Lesson6-D1
1. Prepare for Dictation25
2. Preview vocabulary L6-D1 21-28
3. Read grammar 3 in TB, p.155
1. Dictation25: Vocab1-13
2. Lesson6-D1Vocab 21-28
3. Lesson6-D1 Grammar 3
WB Lesson6-Part One
(Skip: IV Writing-D)

Week 9 (10/27-10/31)
Date Preparation Class activities Things to do after class
1. Prepare for Dictation26
2. Preview Language practice in TB
3. Listen to audio files of TB L6-D1
1. Dictation26: Vocab14-28
2. Lesson6-D1 Language Practice
3. Lesson6-D1 Text
CB Lesson6-D2
1. Listen to audio files of TB L6-D2 Vocab
2. Preview vocabulary L6-D2
3. Read grammar 4-6 in TB, pp.163-165
1. Lesson6-D2 Vocab
2. Lesson6-D2 Grammar
WB Lesson6-Part Two
(Skip: IV Writing-F)
1. Prepare for Dictation27
2. 4. Preview Language practice in TB
3. Listen to audio files of TB L6-D2
Hand in Tutor meeting sheet 7
1. Dictation27: Vocab1-7
2. Lesson6-D2 Language Practice
3. Lesson6-D2 Text and activity

Thursday Review L5-L6 Vocabulary and Grammar
Hand in WB & CB Lesson 6
Review Lesson5-Lesson 6

Friday Review L4 Vocabulary and Grammar Review Lesson 4 Happy Halloween

Week 10(11/3-11/7)
Date Preparation Class activities Things to do after class
Prepare for the Test 2 Test 2
1. Listen to audio files of TB L7-D1 Vocab
2. Preview vocabulary L7-D1
3. Read grammar 1-6 in TB, pp.179-184
1. Lesson 7-D1 Vocab 1-18
2. Lesson7-D1 Grammar 1,2,4,6
CB Lesson7-D1
1. Prepare for Dictation28
2. Preview vocabulary L7-D1 19-25
3. Read grammar 5 in TB, p183
Hand in Tutor meeting sheet 8
1. Dictation28: Vocab 1-12
2. Lesson 7-D1 Vocab 19-25
3. Lesson7-D1 Grammar 6
WB Lesson7-Part One
(Skip: III Reading-D)
1. Prepare for Dictation29
2. Preview Language practice in TB pp.
3. Listen to audio files of TB L7-D1
1. Dictation29: Vocab13-25
2.Lesson7-D1 Language Practice
3. Lesson7-D1 Text and activity

1. Preview vocabulary L7-D2
2. Listen to audio files of TB L7-D2 Vocab
3. Read grammar 7-9 in TB, pp. 191-192
1. Lesson7-D2 Vocab
2. Lesson7-D2 Grammar
CB Lesson7-D2

Week 11 (11/10-11/14)
Date Preparation Class activities Things to do after class

1. Prepare for Dictation30
2. Preview Language practice in TB
3. Listen to audio files of TB L7-D2
1. Dictation30: Vocab1-8
2. Lesson7-D2 Language Practice
3. Lesson7-D2 Text & activity
D2WB Lesson7-Part Two
(Skip: IV Writing-E)
(Veterans Day)
No class No class No class
Tuesday schedule
1. Prepare for Dictation 31
2.Listen to audio files of TB L8-D1 Vocab
3. Preview vocabulary L8-D1
4. Read grammar 1-7 in TB, pp. 205-210
1. Dictation31: Vocab9-15
2. Lesson8-D1 Vocab
3. Lesson8-D1 Grammar
CB Lesson8-D1
1. Prepare for Dictation32
2. Preview Language practice in TB pp.
Hand in WB & CB Lesson 7
1. Dictation32: Vocab1-11
2. Lesson8-D1 Language Practice

WB Lesson8-Part One
(Skip: IV Writing-E)
1. Prepare for Dictation33
2. Listen to audio files of TB L8-D1
Hand in Tutor meeting sheet 9
1. Dictation33: Vocab12-22
2. Lesson8-D1 Text & activity
CB Lesson8- D2

Week 12 (11/17-11/21)
Date Preparation Class activities Things to do after class
1. Listen to audio files of TB L8-D2 Vocab
2.. Preview vocabulary L8-D2
Lesson8-D2 Vocab
WB Lesson8-Part Two
(Skip: IV Writing-H)

1. Prepare for Dictation34
2. Read grammar 7-9 in TB, pp. 218-221
3. Preview Language practice in TB
1. Dictation34: Vocab 1-8
2. Lesson8-D2 Grammar
3. Lesson8-D2 Language practice

1. Prepare for Dictation35
2. Listen to audio files of TB L8-D2
1. Dictation35: Vocab9-14
2. Lesson8-D2 Text & activity
CB Lesson9-D1
1. Listen to audio files of TB L9-D1 Vocab
2. Preview vocabulary L9-D1
3. Read grammar 1-5 in TB, pp. 231-234
Hand in WB & CB Lesson 8
1. Lesson9-D1 Vocab
2. Lesson9-D1 Grammar1-5
WB Lesson9- Part One
(Skip: III Reading-C
IV Writing-D)
1. Prepare for Dictation36
2. Preview Language practice in TB
3. Listen to audio files of TB L9-D1
Tutor meeting sheet 10
1. Dictation36: Vocab 1-15
2. Lesson9-D1 Language Practice
3. Lesson9-D1 Text & activity

Week 13 (11/24-11/28)
Date Preparation Class activities Things to do after class
1. Prepare for Dictation37
2. Listen to audio files of TB L9-D2 Vocab
3. Preview vocabulary L9-D2
4. Read grammar 6-7 in TB, pp. 242-244
1. Dictation37: Vocab 16-29
2. Lesson9-D2 Vocab
3. Lesson9-D2 Grammar
CB Lesson9-D2
1. Prepare for Dictation38
2. Preview Language practice in TB pp.
3. Listen to audio files of TB L9-D2
1. Dictation38: Vocab 1-11
2. Lesson9-D2 Language Practice
3. Lesson9-D2 Text & activity
WB Lesson9- Part Two
(Skip: IV Writing- F)
Wednesday Prepare for the Skit show Skit Show Happy Thanksgiving
Thursday Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Thanksgiving
Friday Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Thanksgiving

Week 14 (12/1-12/5)
Date Preparation Class activities Things to do after class
1. Prepare for Dictation39
2. Review L9 Vocabulary and Grammar
1. Dictation39: Vocab 12-19
2. Review Lesson9
3. Oral Test Format

Tuesday Review L7-L8 Vocabulary and Grammar
Hand in WB & CB Lesson 9
1. Review Lesson 7 -Lesson 8
2. Final Test Format

Wednesday Review L6 Vocabulary and Grammar
Tutor meeting sheet 11
1. Review Lesson 6
2. Students sign up for Oral Test

Thursday Prepare for the oral test and final test
1. Prepare for the Oral Test
2. Q and A for Final Test
(No attendance required)

Last Day of class
Prepare for the oral test Oral Test Finals Begin

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