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‫بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم‬

‫فحص وصيانة خطوط المشتركين الرقمية ‪ADSL‬‬

‫للكبائن اللكترونيه )‪ (FAST LINK‬بالعربي‬

‫قطاع الشبكة ‪ /‬إدارة تشغيل وصيانة الجوال بالقصيم‬


‫إعداد ‪ /‬خالد جاسر صالح الجاسر‬

‫توجد الخطوط الرقمية للمشتركين وكروتها في كبائن ‪ FAST LINK‬في الشلف الثالث في‬
‫الجزء اليسر من الكبينة وتتكون من ‪ 6‬كروت ‪ DSL‬تسمى )‪ ( AL4‬وتحتوي أربع مشتركين‬

‫فقط وبجوار كل كرت ‪ AL4‬يوجد كرت ‪ ((POSU POTS Splitter Unit‬وهو كرت‬
‫المجزئ لفصل الصوت عن المعلومات ‪.‬‬

‫يتم الدخول على خطوط المشتركين الرقمية من خلل وحدة ‪ PHUBS‬و يجب أن يكون البرنامج المستخدم‬
‫للدخول على ال ‪ PHUBS‬هو ‪(Access Integrator (ACI‬‬
‫والويندوز المستخدم يكون ‪ 2000‬سيرفس باك ‪(Windows 2000 (SP4 4‬حتى تتمكن من تصفح الشلف‬
‫والدخول على كروت المشتركين بشكل صحيح ‪.‬‬
‫والكيبل المستخدم للدخول يجهز بالشكل التالي ‪:‬‬

‫‪* Connection via Ethernet (LCT to PHUBS), use a Cross-over LAN cable. See illustration‬‬

‫يتم فحص خطوط المشتركين الرقمية في الكبينة من خلل الدخول على رف ال ‪ PHUBS‬في‬
‫الشلف الثاني في الجزء اليمن للكبينه وبواسطة كيبل الشبكة وجهاز الكمبيوتر المحمول ويجب‬
‫أن يكون ال ‪ IP address‬للمحمول هو ‪‬تأكد دائما من ذلك ‪.‬‬
‫ومن ثم تقوم بفتح برنامج ‪ Process monitor LCT‬وتتبع الخطوات التالية ‪:‬‬

‫‪1.‬‬ ‫توصيل كيبل الشبكة ‪PHUBS‬في البورت المعلم بالدائرة الحمراء بالصورة‬
‫الخاص بوحدة‬

‫‪2.‬‬ ‫فتح برنامج ‪Process monitor LCT‬‬

3. In the DCN Root, double-click on SNMP-PORT#1 and
in the window that appears, click on SNMP_PORT#1.
Click on “Configuration”  “NE Configuration”  Insert
SNMP Network Element.

4. “Insert SNMP network element” window will appear

and type in the following parameters shown. “Apply” then
“Close”. After which, a plus sign would appear before the

PHUB First Setup Procedure PHUB ‫خطوات إعداد‬

‫الوليه بعد تركيبه أول مرة أو عندالحاجه لذلك‬

1. Connect the cross LAN cable from the LCT (laptop) to the 100bT terminal of
the PHUB. Take note that the IP address of the LCT should be in the network of, Do not use which is the outband IP of the PHUB.

2. Open the ACI LCT by double-clicking the “Process monitor LCT”.

3. In the DCN Root, double-click on SNMP-PORT#1 and in the window that

appears, click on SNMP_PORT#1. Click on “Configuration”  “NE Configuration”
 Insert SNMP Network Element

4. “Insert SNMP network element” window will appear and type in the following
parameters shown. “Apply” then “Close”. After which, a plus sign would appear
before the SNMP_PORT#1.

5. Click on the + sign and then click on the “Packet Hub” NE. Click on “Utilities”
 “Scripting”  “Execute Script…”

6. Execute the script file phubsnmp.tcl.  Look in


7. “PHUB Scripts” window will appear, and type “e” to edit
parameter file. After which, “phubparams.tcl – notepad” window will appear and
change the IP addresses in accordance with the requirements (see “PHUB Script
Format.txt” as guideline). DO NOT forget to save the text file after editing! Then close
the notepad.

8. First Setup shall only be executed if PHUB has factory default settings. This
is done by selecting the Packet Hub NE, then “Configuration”  “SW Management”
 “APS Management”  PHUB maintenance window will appear and go to
“Maintenance” tab, then select “Restore to factory default settings”  click on
“Execute” button  “Yes” to warning window.

9. After status shown is “success”, then reboot the PHUB in the same
Maintenance tab by selecting “Reset module”  click on “Execute” button  “Yes”
to warning window., PHUB will reboot and wait for a while until the Packet Hub NE
comes back online (you can also ping to test connection)

10. Run First Setup by typing in “3” and it will prompt you to “Continue?”. Click
“Yes” button. Then Choose IMA as WAN interface by typing in “2”.

11. Select the number of E1 links belonging to the IMA group by typing in “1”

12. Double-check the edited PHUB parameters in reference to the requirements

before continuing by clicking on the “Yes” button. (Note: If it needs changes then
probably the edited notepad file was not saved properly and so you must repeat step
7 then to step 10 onwards.)

13. PHUB scripting will run in the screen and take note of all the processes
should be “Success”. If any of the process lines showed “Failed” then repeat
procedure starting from step 8 onwards. It will prompt for “Backup?”  click “Yes”

14. After the First Setup is done, change the IMA TX clock to ThroughTimed.
(Note that this can only be done if the new Script file “tcl037” is loaded for SNMP
Scripting. See separate procedure for updating old script files.) Type in “4” 
warning window appears and prompts to continue?  Click on “Yes” button  type
in “7” to select ‘IMA_TX_clock’ menu  then type in “3” to set ThroughTiming.

15. To check current IMA_TX_clock setup, type in “4”. If it is ThroughTimed then
type in “q”  “q”  “q”.

16. DO NOT FORGET to save the previous configuration into backup file of the
PHUB. This is done by selecting the Packet Hub NE, then “Configuration”  “SW
Management”  “APS Management”  PHUB maintenance window will appear and
go to “Maintenance” tab, then select “Save configuration into backup file”  click
on “Execute” button  then after click on the “Cancel” button to close the window.

17. Next step is to configure the PHUB accordingly in reference to HW. Click on
Packet Hub NE  “Configuration”  “NE Configuration”  “General NE
Parameters”  PHUB Configuration window appears. Set Target equipping to
“xDSL,4port” to all ATM25#x that are “up” (which has physical connection from AL4
to the PHUB). Others which has no connection, with oper status “down”, must be
set to “empty”.  click on “Apply” button  click on “ Cancel” button to close

18. Again, save changes done in the PHUB backup file, for PHUB as well as for all
ADSL cards by changing the PHUB ID in the “PHUB Maintenance” window then
clicking on “Execute” button every time. Click on “Cancel” button to close window.

DSL ‫أنواع ال‬

ADSL: Asymmetrical Bitrate Digital Subscriber Line

BDSL: Broadband Digital Subscriber Line
CDSL: Consumer Digital Subscriber Line
CiDSL: Consumer installable Digital Subscriber Line
EDSL: Enhanced Digital Subscriber Line
HDSL: High bitrate Digital Subscriber Line
IDSL: ISDN Digital Subscriber Line
RADSL: Rate Adaptive Digital Subscriber Line
SDSL: Single Pair Digital Subscriber Line
UDSL: Universal Digital Subscriber Line
VDSL: Very high Bitrate Digital Subscriber Line

‫تم بحمد ال‬

‫هذا وال اعلم وهذا ملخص بسيط وللستزادة أكثر ارجع إلى الكتاب والسيدي‬
‫الخاص بالفاست لينك وأتمنى أنني استطعت توضيح المعلومات بشكل مبسط ‪.‬‬


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