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The Fairfield Inquisitor

Volume 2, Issue 2 10/13, 2014

A boost for Youngsters, Catchers, and Shorts
Two new Megas have been announced; Mega Beedrill, and Mega Pidgeot. This, with
the announcement of Mega Rayquaza, has shown there is no slowing of announcements
for ORAS, just a little over a month away, or possibly a climax, since Mega Latios and
Latias being announced along with Beedrill and Pidgeot marks the last of the obvious
legendary announcements for ORAS, though Iwata and the gang may have some normal
Megas still up their sleeves. Fingers crossed for Mega Exploud.
Pray for Mantis
Columbus/ Indigenous Peoples Day
Bowling For Columbus
Indigenous Peoples Day
Indigenous Peoples Day is a relatively
new counter-holiday, celebrated instead
of Columbus Day. Celebrating Native
Americans and various indigenous
cultures, it was started in 1992 in
Berkeley, recently adopted by Seattle
and Minneapolis, and is celebrated on
different days in several countries.
As Chris thrusted forwards and backwards
into Vascas amazing vagina Vasca yelled
out with pleasure and they both went off and
started a family on the Great Secret Island. It
was amazing.
-Vasca Da Gama & Christopher Columbus,
by hummerchine
Christopher Columbus was a man. He was born in 1451, in Genoa, Italy, and began voyaging the sea as a
teenager. Eventually, determined to find a quicker route to the east, he decided to by way of the Atlantic,
thinking it much closer than Greek philosophers over 1500 years before would have. After receiving
sponsorship from the King of Spain, he departed with three ships(What were their names again?) in 1492.
A little over a month later, close to the 500th anniversary of Leif Ericsson's own discovery of the Americas,
he, much like Neil Armstrong landing on the moon(albeit a moon with air and nature and people), planted
his flag in this little Bahaman moon and claimed it for Spain. After a friendly first encounter with natives, he
went more for profitable forced labor on the second journey after the discovery of the massacred 1st
settlement, and manipulation in the name of trade relations during the fourth, having lost all his titles and
position during the third. He died in 1506, satisfied he had found Asia.
There are several examples
of bias and grammatical
error in this issue. How
many can you find?
Dewview- Lemonade Game Fuel
A nice flavor found in the local Mini Mart, not much
surprising about the flavor, except for the wonderful
Dew-ade flavor combo resembles liquid Sour Patch
Kids. As a sour lover, twas my favorite flavor ever,
highly recomended.
Farkel Basic Rules
Each player takes turns rolling the dice. When it's your turn, you roll all six dice
at the same time. Points are earned every time you roll a 1 or 5, three of a kind,
three pairs, a six-dice straight (1,2,3,4,5,6), or two triplets. If none of your dice earned points, that's a
Farkle! Since you earned no points, you pass the dice to the next player. If you rolled at least one scoring
die, you can bank your points and pass the dice to the next player, or risk the points you just earned during
this round by putting some or all of the winning die (dice) aside and rolling the remaining dice. The
remaining dice may earn you additional points, but if you Farkle, you lose everything you earned during the
round. Scoring is based only on the dice in each roll. You cannot earn points by combining dice from
different rolls. You can continue rolling the dice until you either Pass or Farkle. Then the next player rolls
the six dice until they Pass or Farkle. Play continues until it is your turn again. The final round starts as soon
as any player reaches 10,000 or more points.
Single 1 spot : 100 Single 5 spot : 50 Three of a kind of 1 spots : 1000
Three of a kind of 2 spots : 200 Three of a kind of 3 spots : 300 Three of a kind of 4 spots : 400
Three of a kind of 5 spots : 500 Three of a kind of 6 spots : 600 Three pair: 750
Straight (1-2-3-4-5-6) : 1500 Two triplets: 2500 Three Farkles in a row : Lose 1000

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