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Tuesday 27
November 2014 12.30 to approximately 4.00pm
London SE1 7JU

The Master, for his reception, has organized a visit to Lambeth Palace which has been
the London residence of Archbishops of Canterbury since the thirteenth century as
well as being the central office for the Archbishops national and international
ministry. A buffet lunch is included.

The foundations of the original church to occupy the site were set out in the late 12
by Archbishop Baldwin and continued by Hubert Walter. A dispute had arisen with the monks
of Canterbury, which at once stopped the planned works and then revised them to a small
church with accommodation which included the Chapel, Great Hall, Great Chamber and the
Archbishops private apartments. The 1490s saw the addition of the red brick Mortons
Tower with gatehouse and accommodation for senior members of the household. During the
seventeenth century, the position of Archbishop of Canterbury was abolished and the
buildings occupied by soldiers with consequent damage to the great hall, chapel and other
buildings. With the restoration of the monarchy, much of this damage was repaired under the
Archbishop William Juxon, all of which remained largely unaltered until William Howley in
1828, who employed the architect Edward Blore and who in turn reported that Lambeth
Palace was miserably deficient as the residency of so distinguished a person as the
Archbishop of Canterbury. The resulting new residential wing for the Archbishop and staff
forms the main frontage of Lambeth Palace today. The Palace suffered extensive bomb
damage during the war and restoration was carried out subsequently and is continuing.
The visit will take in a short tour of the building and hopefully (subject to weather) also the

The Great Hall at Lambeth Palace has been
built and re-built many times over the
centuries and currently houses much of the
Lambeth Palace Library. The hammer beam
roof of the Great Hall was completely
destroyed during the blitz. As part of the post-
war restoration work, Archbishop Juxon's
original design was replicated exactly,
although many of the books and furniture
damaged in the blast could not be restored or
Unfortunately the Great Hall is currently
under restoration but it is hoped to have
access to see the great roof.

The Guard Room is thought to date from the 14th
Century. It was the Great Chamber in Medieval and
Tudor times, one of the most important rooms in the
Palace in the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries.
Initially it would have been the Archbishop's principle
audience room and meetings and ceremonies would
have taken place here.
The name Guard Room is a more recent term and
derives from the time when the office of Archbishop
warranted an army. This is where his armed soldiers
would have gathered and where their weapons would
have been stored.
The magnificent arch-braced roof, a contemporary of
that in Westminster Hall (across the river in the Palace
of Westminster), predates the walls by some 400
years. When William Blore rebuilt the main Palace in
1830 he retained the roof, supporting it whilst
rebuilding the walls.

The Crypt Chapel as it is now known is the
oldest remaining section of Lambeth
It is thought that the vaulted undercroft
and chapel at Lambeth Palace was
completed in 1220. The chapel was initially
a free-standing building with an external
stair on the west end, although it is now
connected with the rest of the palace
building at several points.
The Crypt was not originally designed for
use as a chapel but was first used as a
storage area for beer and wine. The floor level was raised, probably in the first half of 13th
century because of flooding from the Thames. The window seats in this room are higher,
giving an indication of where the 13th century floor level came to, approximately three feet
above the floor level today. The floor was returned to its original level by architect W. D.
Care in 1907.
Nicolas Pevsner described the Crypt Chapel as "One of the best preserved medieval vaults in

The visit will include a buffet lunch which will be held in the State Drawing Room
overlooking the Garden.

Much of this room was destroyed in 1944 during a Second World War air raid. It was
austerely rebuilt in the 1950s, although it wasn't until 1998 that Eileen Carey, wife of
incumbent Archbishop George Carey, reupholstered the room and restored the moulded
plaster work on the ceiling in accordance with Edward Blore's original 1828 design.
The two crystal chandeliers were a gift from Waterford Glass. The windows look out over the
Lambeth Palace garden and a fireplace is situated in the opposing wall. At the eastern end of
the room is a late 17th century painting of Canterbury Cathedral. The painting is of
great historic and architectural importance as it shows the missing North West tower of the
Cathedral and the condition of the Corona at that time.

The ticket price of 40.00 per head includes the cost of the visit, the food and tea or coffee
and has been kept as low as possible.

The Master hopes that you will be able to support this visit to such an important historical
building and looks forward to welcoming as many members as possible on the day. Personal
guests will be welcome.

You are asked to respond to the Clerk by no later than Friday 14
November 2014.

I wish to attend the Masters Reception at Lambeth Palace on 27
November 2014
at 12.30 pm.
To: The Clerk : The Company of Chartered Architects
Ian Head 164 Stockbridge Road, Winchester, Hampshire SO22 6RW

I wish to book Places @ 40.00 for the Masters Reception at Lambeth Palace and
enclose cheque in the total sum of ..payable to the Worshipful Company of
Chartered Architects.
Alternatively by Bank Transfer. To:- C Hoare & Co, Sort Code 15 99 00, Acc. No. 02254870




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