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Objective: The student will order the paragraphs correctly.
Arrange the following paragraphs in order to make a correct text
1 .................... 2 ...................... 3 ..................... 4 ......................
Power is intangible. It is the rate at which energy is used. We can measure
the power rating of anything that uses energy, produces energy, or moves
energy from one place to another. A tank of petrol contains so many joules of
energy - the car's engine uses that energy at a particular rate. The basic metric
unit of power is the watt a (W). If a device uses one joule of energy per
second, then it will have a power consumption of one watt. Again, the watt is
often too small to measure power applications, the kilowatt (Kw) (1000 watts)
and megawatt (MW) (one million watts) are used. A one-bar electric radiator
uses about 1 kW of energy in order to charge up and produce radiant heat.
A large truck engine running flat out produces about 200kW of motive
Nowadays, power ratings are stamped on all electrical appliances. For
example, a standard incandescent light globe has a rating of 60 watts, and
white goods nameplates list the maximum amount of power required to make
the goods work. If, for example, a 300W > refrigerator motor runs one-third of
the time, its average power output will be 100W. By identifying the energy
rating of each appliance and measuring how many hours per day each is in
use, your daily electrical load can be calculated. Similarly if you are
connected to the electricity Grid reading the meter will give an overview of
your electricity consumption, although this will not help understand which
areas or any tourism operation require what energy. This in a important
exercise in considering adopting any of the energy technologies presented in
this Guide.
Energy is the potential to do work and power is the rate at which the work
is done.
Energy is tangible and measurable, and when it runs out, more is c needed to
do more work. The basic unit of energy is the joule (J), but is too small for
most practical uses. Therefore the megajoule (MJ) is used (one million
joules) and the gigajoule. A litre of petrol can release about 30 MJ of energy,
while a tonne of coal can provide about 30 MJ (which is equivalent to 1000
litres of petrol).
Electricity companies measure the amount of electricity they d supply in
kilowatt hours (kWh). It is a measure of the amount of energy not power, and one
kilowatt hour is equal to 3.6 MJ (which is in fact 3 600 000 joules used in one hour
by a 1 kW appliance).

Objective: The student will write an appropriate titie according to the
reading passage.
Read the arranged text and write an appropriate title
Energy is the potential to do work and power is the rate at which the work is
Energy is tangible and measurable, and when it runs out, more is needed to
do more work. The basic unit of energy is the joule (J), but 5 is too small for most
practical uses. Therefore the megajoule (MJ) is used (one million joules) and the
gigajoule (GJ) (one billion joules). A litre of petrol can release about 30 MJ of
energy, while a tonne of coal can provide about 30 GJ (which is equivalent to 1000
litres of petrol). Power is intangible. It is the rate at which energy is used. We can 10
measure the power rating of anything that uses energy, produces energy, or moves
energy from one place to another, A tank of petrol contains so many joules of
energy - the car's engine uses that energy at a particular rate. The basic metric unit

Bibliography: Manaham, Stanley E., Industrial Ecology, Lev is publishers. USA (1999).
of power is the watt (W). If a device uses one joule of energy per second, then it will
have 15 a power consumption of one watt. Again, the watt is often too small to
measure power applications, the kilowatt (Kw) (1000 watts) and megawatt (MW)
(one million watts) are used. A one-bar electric radiator uses about 1 kW of energy
in order to charge up and produce radiant heat. 20 A large truck engine running fat
out produces about 200kW of motive power.
Electricity companies measure the amount of electricity they supply in
kilowatt hours (kwh). It is a measure of the amount of energy not power, and one
kilowatt hour is equal to 3.6 MJ (which is 25 in fact 3 600 000 joules used in one
hour by a 1 kW appliance).
Nowadays, power rating are stamped on all electrical appliances. For
example, a standard incandescent light globe has a rating of 60 watts, and
white goods nameplates list the maximum amount of power required to make
the goods work. If for example, a 300W 30 refrigerator motor runs one-third
of the time, its average power output will be 100W. By identifying me energy
rating of each appliance and measuring how many hours per day each is in
use, your daily electrical load can be calculated. Similarly if you are
connected to the electricity Grid reading the meter will give an 35 overview of
your electricity consumption, although this will not help understand which
areas or any tourism operation require what energy. This in a important
exercise in considering adopting any of the energy technologies presented in
this Guide.

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