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I. Fill in the blanks whether with will or be going to (am/is/are going to).
1. They wat!h "#si! $i%eos on MT& this a'ternoon.
(. )e *o to the sho++in* !entre to see o#r 'a$o#rite ra++ers.
,. )ait 'or "e- I *o with yo#.
.. I' yo# $isit the sho++in* "alls/ yo# see the in'l#en!e o' ra+ on teen style.
0. I +ro"ise I *i$e yo# yo#r 'a$o#rite CD.
1. I think he win the !ontest ne2t year.
3. I %o "y best/ I +ro"ise.
4. I lo$e A"eri!a. I *o there ne2t week.
5. 6a$e yo# +hone% 7i"8 9o/ I 'or*ot. I +hone hi" later.
1:. This is "y last %ay at s!hool here. I *o ba!k to the Al*ar$e to"orrow.
II. Fill in the blanks whether with would rather, would prefer or prefer
1. 6e ;% like to *o to Cana%a whereas his wi'e to *o to Me2i!o.
(. 6er h#sban% rent a ho#se.
,. Mrs Marya"walkin* aro#n% the !ity to stayin* in a hotel.
.. My sister wo#l% like to ha$e '#n on <on%i <ea!h b#t I wo#l% to *o on a
0. My wi'e wo#l% like to rent a ho#se in 9ew =ork b#t I !a"+in* in the %esert.
1. My wi'e wo#l% like to $isit a "#se#"/ b#t I wo#l%to *o to Ayers Ro!k.
3. My 'ather be!o"in* an entre+rene#r to a si$il ser$ant .
4. 6e not to be!o"e a !o"+#ter +ro*ra""er.
5. I wo#l%tea to !o''ee.
1:. They not rent a ho#se in the >#tba!k.
III. Answer the 'ollowin* ?#stions !o"+letely-
1. )hat wo#l% yo# like to ha$e 'or %inner8
(. )o#l% yo# rather *o to a "o#ntain or *o to a !ity8
,. )hat are yo# *oin* to %o a'ter s!hool to%ay8
.. )ho" are yo# *oin* to st#%y with toni*ht8
0. )hi!h %o yo# +re'er/ re% a++le or *reen a++le8
1. )hat will yo# %o i' the tea!her %oesn@t !o"e to%ay8
3. )hi!h wo#l% yo# +re'er to $isit on holi%ay/ Lo"bok or RaAa A"+at8
4. )ill yo# *i$e so"e "oney to be**ars i' yo# "eet one o' the"8
5. Do yo# +re'er rea%in* news+a+er to wat!hin* so!!er "at!h8
1:. )hat %o yo# think will ha++en i' there is no rain within a year8
I&. )rite a short !on$ersation 'or the 'ollowin* sit#ationB
S!hool holi%ay is !o"in* soon. =o# "ake a +lan to s+en% yo#r holi%ay with two o'
yo#r !lass"ate.=o# are still not s#re how to s+en% it so yo# %is!#ss it with the" to
"ake a %e!ision. (1: senten!esC e2+ressions)
Choose the correct option.
1-She ...................... eat a salad than a hamburger.
would rather prefer
2-They .................... dogs. They don't lie cats.
would rather prefer
!-" ...................... stay home today.
would rather prefer
#-$e ....................... watching basetball.
would rather prefer
%-&sually people ......................... warm weather.
would rather prefer
Choose the correct option.
1-" buy the blue shirt.
2-$hy do you going out with Tom'
!-" ha(e the meeting at ) pm.
#-*ormally+ we going to the beach.
%-" watch the football game.
Holiday plan
- Where would you like to go on holiday? would you like to go somewhere interesting or stay at
- What are you going to during holiday? Do you have any special interest?
1. He 'd like to go to Canada whereas his wife would prefer would prefer to go
to Mexico.
2. Her husband would rather to would rather rent a house.
. Mrs Martin prefer would prefer to sta! in a hotel.
". M! sister would like to ha#e fun on $ondi $each but % would rather to prefer
to go on a cruise.
&. M! wife would like to rent a house in 'ew (ork but % would rather to rather
camp in the desert.
). M! wife would like to #isit a museum, but % would prefer to go to *!ers
,. % would rather become a scuba di#er.
-. % would prefer not to become a computer programmer.
.. % would rather bu! this cake because % prefer the taste.
1/. % would rather to rather not rent a house in the 0utback.
How to use would rather, would prefer and prefer correctly.
Would rather vs. would prefer - to express a specific preference
When we speak about a specific preference,
would rather and would prefer have the same
meaning and are interchangeable.
We went to the theatre yesterday. Today I
would rather go to the cinema.
We went to the theatre yesterday. Today I
would prefer to go to the cinema.
Would rather can be abbreviated to 'd rather.
Would prefer can be abbreviated to 'd prefer.
I'd rather go to the cinema today.
I'd prefer to go to the cinema today.
Would rather is followed by the bare infinitive.
Would prefer is followed by to + infinitive.
I'd rather have water.
I'd prefer to have fruit juice.
We use a past tense after would rather when
we speak about the actions of other people,
even though that action may be in the present
or future.
I'd rather you took a taxi (instead of walking) -
it's not safe on the streets at night.
The film is uite !iolent. I'd rather our children
didn't watch it.
When making a comparison we say
would rather ... than
It's such nice weather - I'd rather sit in the
garden than watch T".
!fter would prefer we say
would prefer ... rather than
It's such nice weather - I'd prefer to sit in the
garden rather than watch T".
Prefer vs. would rather - to express a general preference
When we talk about general preferences we
can use prefer or would rather. "he meaning
is the same.
I prefer walking to cycling.
I'd rather walk than cycle.
!fter prefer we use the verb in its ing form.
!fter would rather we use than.
I prefer using a key#oard to writing with a
pen.I'd rather use a key#oard than write with a
1. They are *oin* to wat!h "#si! $i%eos on MT& this a'ternoon.
(. )e are *oin* to *o to the sho++in* !entre to see o#r 'a$o#rite ra++ers.
,. )ait 'or "e- I will *o with yo#.
.. I' yo# $isit the sho++in* "alls/ yo# will see the in'l#en!e o' ra+ on teen style.
0. I +ro"ise I will *i$e yo# yo#r 'a$o#rite CD.
1. I think he will win the !ontest ne2t year.
3. I will %o "y best/ I +ro"ise.
4. I lo$e A"eri!a. I a" *oin* to *o there ne2t week.
5. 6a$e yo# +hone% 7i"8 9o/ I 'or*ot. I will +hone hi" later.
1:. This is "y last %ay at s!hool here. I a" *oin* to *o ba!k to the Al*ar$e to"orrow.

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