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1 In1796investigationsintothechemical natureof diamondconcluded_________ aformof purecarbon.

(A) thatit
(B) isit
(C) thatitis
(D) isthat

2 TheEnglishcolonizationof Virginiawasdevisedin1606byagroupof merchants_________ theVirginiaCompanyof London.
(A) whoformed
(B) formed
(C) whotheyformed
(D) theyformed

3 Thehourglass, aninstrumentused_________,usuallyconsistsof twobulbsunitedbyanarrowneck.
(A) measurestime
(B) timeismeasured
(C) for measuringtime
(D) thetimefor measuring

4 A master isanelectronicapparatusthat_________ radioandlightwaves.
(A) generatedandwasamplified
(B) generatingandamplifying
(C) generatesandamplifies
(D) togenerateandamplify

5 Thehumanskinforms_________ againsttheactionof physical, chemical, andbacterial agentsonthedeeper tissues.
(A) howprotectiveabarrieris
(B) aprotectivebarrier
(C) abarrierprotects
(D) andwhichabarrier protects

6 Medical researchatthecellular level,_________ researchontheimmunesystem, hasbeenmadepossiblethroughtwentieth-centuryadvancesintechniquesof geneticresearch.
(A) which
(B) whereas
(C) suchas
(D) isalso

7 Livingorganismscontainmorewater_________ substance.
(A) thandoanyother
(B) doesthananyother
(C) other thandotheyany
(D) thantheydoanyother

8 Thetwentiethcenturyhasbeenaperiodof enormousgrowthinmathematical researchandinthenumber of mathematiciansandfields_________ them.
(A) theyrequire
(B) requiring
(C) require
(D) asrequired

9 ColumbiaUniversitysSchool of PublicHealthis_________ ahandful of schoolsof publichealthintheUnitedStates.
(A) onethat
(B) theone
(C) oneof
(D) one

10 TheUnitedStatesDepartmentof theinterior designatedtheBrooklynbridge_________ in1964.
(A) wasanational historiclandmark
(B) anational historiclandmark
(C) whichanational historiclandmark
(D) anational historiclandmarkwhich

11 Injazzmusic, ariff isasimplemelodicfigure, _________ andrepeatedseveral times.
(A) usuallyoneor twomeasureslasted
(B) lastedonemeasureortwousually
(C) islastingoneor twomeasuresusually
(D) usuallylastingoneor twomeasures

12 Atitscenter, thesunhasadensityof overahundredtimes_________ andatemperatureof 10to20milliondegreescentigrade.
(A) thatof water
(B) of water
(C) thanthatof water
(D) water

13 TheUnitedStatesCongressappropriatessomefour milliondollars_________ theupkeepof theWhiteHousegrounds.
(A) year fora
(B) for ayear
(C) ayearfor
(D) afor year

14 Theseahorseuses_________ toclingtotheseaweedandotherplants.
(A) ithasatail
(B) atail withwhichit
(C) itstail
(D) asitstail

15 Intheyearsahead, healthprofessionalswill beabletoenhanceor restorehealthfarbetter _________ atpresent.
(A) whereas
(B) theycan
(C) than
(D) thatare

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