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Ewing Township Redevelopment Agency (ETRA)

2 Jake Garzio Drive

Ewing, New Jersey 08628
Minutes: November 23, 2009

Submitted by:
Tyrone Garrett, Executive Director

Public Notice and Attendees

a. The Special Meeting of the Ewing Township Redevelopment Agency (ETRA)
convened at 5:05 PM in the Agenda Room and officially opened Chairperson
Robert Kull.

b. Attendees: Commissioners:, Chairperson Robert Kull, , Hilary Hyser, David

Rose, Suzanna McGee, Terrance Stokes, Iman AQquddus and Micheal
O’Donnell, Esq.

Public attendees: Matthew Lawson & Charles Latini


No presentations

Approval of Minutes of May 5, 2009, June 2, 2009 and October 21, 2009

The minutes of May 5, 2009

Motion: Commissioner AQuddus

Second: Commissioner Stokes

Commissioners voting: Kull, Stokes, AQuddus

Ayes 3* Nays 0 Absent 0 Abstentions 3
* with resignation of David Brandt only 3 Commissioners able to vote

The minutes of June 2, 2009

Motion: Commissioner McGee

Second: Commissioner Stokes

Commissioners voting: McGee, Stokes, Rose

Ayes 3* Nays 0 Absent 0 Abstentions 3
* with resignation of David Brandt only 3 Commissioners able to vote

The minutes of October 21, 2009

Motion: Commissioner Hyser

Second: Commissioner McGee

Commissioners voting: Kull, McGee, Hyser, Rose

Ayes 4 Nays 0 Absent 2 (Stokes / AQuddus arrived after vote)

Legal Update and ETRA Discussion of the TDCI Support Letter

Abbreviated summary:

Michael O’Donnell offers his legal opinion of ETRA participating in the TDCI grant
application being submitted by ETRA. He clearly notes that it is not a conflict for ETRA
to support the grant application, but believes there may be a conflict for the Township
and most importantly for Mr. Savage of the School Board as Pennoni and Associates is
being used for this endeavor.

Members of the Board have very strong opinions on how support letter for the TCDI
Grant was handled and believe there was a breach in protocol (bylaws), as the grant may
require the expenditure of ETRA funding. In the future is requested all grant applications
be distributed to the Board of Commissioners prior to any commitment or submissions.

Resolution 11-01-09
Approval of the List of Bills for the Month of September 2009

These bills included August invoices from Markowitz Gravelle, and Tyrone Garrett,
totaling $ 6,296.50.

Motion: Commissioner Rose

Second: Commissioner Hyser

Commissioners voting: Kull, McGee, Rose, Hyser, Aquddus, Stokes

Ayes 6 Nays 0 Absent 0

Other Business / Correspondence / Code Enforcement / Site Review Updates

Commissioner Kull asks that a letter Thanking Commissioner Dan Brandt for his years of
service be drafted and sent.

Motion: Commissioner Kull

Second: Commissioner Aquddus

Commissioners voting: Kull, McGee, Rose, Hyser, Aquddus, Stokes

Ayes 6 Nays 0 Absent 0

Having no further business, the Board unanimously supported the motion to adjourn the
meeting at 9:25 PM.

ETRA Meeting
November 23, 2009
Roll Call
Motion Second Ayes Nays Absent Abstention
Robert A. Kull Present
Iman AQuddus Present Tardy

Hilary Hyser Present

Suzanna McGee Present
David Rose Present
Terrance Stokes Present Tardy

Approval of the Minutes for October 21, 2009

Motion Second Ayes Nays Absent Abstention
Robert A. Kull X
Iman AQuddus X

Hilary Hyser X X
Suzanna McGee X X
David Rose X
Terrance Stokes X

Approval of the Minutes for May 5, 2009

Motion Second Ayes Nays Absent Abstention
Robert A. Kull X
Iman AQuddus X X

Hilary Hyser X
Suzanna McGee X
David Rose X
Terrance Stokes X X

Approval of the Minutes for June 2, 2009

Motion Second Ayes Nays Absent Abstention
Robert A. Kull X
Iman AQuddus X

Hilary Hyser X
Suzanna McGee X X
David Rose X
Terrance Stokes X X

Resolution 11-01-09
List of Bills
Motion Second Ayes Nays Absent Abstention
Robert A. Kull X
Iman AQuddus X

Hilary Hyser X X
Suzanna McGee X
David Rose X X
Terrance Stokes X

Resolution 11-02-09
Letter to Daniel Brandt
Motion Second Ayes Nays Absent Abstention
Robert A. Kull X X
Iman AQuddus X X

Hilary Hyser X
Suzanna McGee X
David Rose X
Terrance Stokes X

Adjournment @ 6:05 PM
Motion Second Ayes Nays Absent Abstention
Robert A. Kull X
Iman AQuddus X

Hilary Hyser X
Suzanna McGee X
David Rose X
Terrance Stokes X X

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