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Floresca, et al vs.

Philex Mining Corporaion, et al

G.R. No. L-3064
!pril 30, "#$%
&! case 'eci'e' () the *+pre,e Co+rt sitting en (anc.-
.. Facts o/ the Case
A petition to review the order of the former Court of First Instance of Manila Branch XIII, dated
December 16, 16! dismissin" petitioners# complaint for dama"es on the "round of lac$ of %urisdiction&
'pecificall(, the complaint alle"es that )hile*+
- ,iolated "overnment rules and re"ulations
- Failed to ta$e the re-uired precautions for the protection of the lives of its men ne"li"entl( and
deliberatel( notwithstandin" the fact that it had vast financial resources& As of December .1, 166,
Assets / )hp 01&2 M3 4otal 5peratin" Income / )hp .!&6 M3 7et Income After ta* /)hp 1&1 M
- 8eirs of the deceased emplo(ees of )hile* Minin" Corporation, who, while wor$in" died as a result of
the cave9in that buried them in the tunnel of the mine&
- Families+ Floresca, Martine:, 5bra, ,illar, ;anu:a, Isla
0e/en'ant Philex
- )hile* Minin" Corporation <)hile*= > Incorporated in 111 and was listed on the )'? on 7ov& 6., 116&
)hile* Minin" operates the )adcal Mines in Ben"uet&
- 4he first under"round bloc$ cave operations in the Far ?ast
- )roduces copper concentrates containin" Cu, Au, A"&
0e/en'ant Mor/e
- 8on& @esus )& Morfe, )residin" @ud"e of Branch XIII, Court of First Instance of Manila
C1R2N2L2G3 2F 454N6*
- Prior and up to June 28, 1967
)hile* allowed "reat amount of water and mud to accummulate in an open pit area at the mine
above Bloc$ 0.9'91 which seeped throu"h and saturated the 6AAft column of bro$en ore and
roc$ below it&
4his resulted in tremendous pressure e*erted on the wor$in" spaces at 0.AA level&
- June 28, 1967: Cave - in
All under"round supports collapsed due to such pressure&
At about 0pm, appro* 1AA$ ftB of bro$en ores, roc$s, mud and water with surface boulders,
blasted throu"h the tunnels and flowed out and filled in, in a matter of appro* 1 minutes&
All of its men were trapped within its tunnels includin" those represented b( the petitioners&
5ut of the 0! total mine wor$ers, 1 escaped, 66 rescued within the ne*t 2 da(s, and 61 were left
mercilessl( to their fate even thou"h a "reat man( of them were still alive because )hile*
decided to abandon rescue operations&
- August 25, 1967, Payment were made to eirs e!"ept te eirs o# $% &artine' wo opted
insta((ment s"eme and te eirs o# )a'arito *(ores"a wo insisted tat tey are entit(ed to a
greater amount o# damages under te Civi( Code&
Floresca, et al. vs Philex Mining Corporation, et al.
- +"to,er 19, 1967, -ire"tor o# &ines #orwarded is report o# to .!e" $e" /a#ae( $a(as wi"
esta,(ised te "rimina( neg(igen"e and vio(ation o# (aw ,y Pi(e!%
- &ay 10,1968, Pi(e! #i(ed &otion to -ismiss a((eging tat te "auses o# a"tion are "overed ,y
1CA and C*2 as no 3urisdi"tion%
- &ay 27,1968, Petitioners #i(ed opposition "(aiming tat te "auses o# a"tion are not ,ased on
1CA ,ut on Civi( Code a((owing te award o# a"tua(, mora( and e!emp(ary damages%
- June 27, 1968, Case dismissa( on te ground tat it #a((s e!"(usive(y under te 3urisdi"tion o#
1or4men5s Compensation Commission%
- $eptem,er 26, 196, on petitioner5s &otion #or /e"onsideration, -e#endant &or#e re"onsidered
and set aside is order on June 27, 1968 and a((owed Pi(e! to #i(e an answer to te "omp(aint%
- -e"em,er 16, 1968, respondent Judge dismissed te "ase #or (a"4 o# 3urisdi"tion%
8e ruled that in accordance with the established %urisprudence, the Cor$men#s Compensation
Commission has e*clusive ori"inal %urisdiction over dama"e or compensation claims for wor$9
connected deaths or in%uries of wor$men or emplo(ees, irrespective of whether or not the
emplo(er was ne"li"ent, addin" that if the emplo(er#s ne"li"ence results in wor$9connected
deaths or in%uries, the emplo(er shall, pursuant to 'ection 09A of the Cor$men#s Compensation
Act, pa( additional compensation e-ual to 1AD of the compensation fi*ed in the Act&
- )ovem,er 26, 1976, date o# reso(ution stating te issue to ,e reso(ved ,y ami"i "uriae%
- August 6, 1978, Petitioner eirs o# )% *(ores"a #i(ed #or &otion to -ismiss on te ground tat
tey ave ami"a,(y sett(ed teir "(aim wit Pi(e!%
- $eptem,er 7, 1978, $upreme Court dismissed on(y te petition o# te eirs o# )% *(ores"a%
... R+ling
.ss+e "7 8hether or not CF. has 9+ris'iction to tr) the case.
- 4he former Court of First Instance has %urisdiction to tr( the case&
- 4he petitioners# complaint is not for compensation based on the Cor$men#s Compensation Act but a
complaint for dama"es <actual, e*emplar( and moral= in the total amount of ei"ht hundred twent(9five
thousand <)!61,AAA&AA= pesos&
- In ascertainin" whether or not the cause of action is in the nature of wor$men#s compensation claim or
a claim for dama"es pursuant to the provisions of the Civil Code, the test is the averments or
alle"ations in the complaint <Belandres vs& ;ope: 'u"ar Mill, Co&, Inc&, 2 )hil& 1AA=&
- A contractual relationship e*ists between )hile* and the deceased emplo(ees& 4he alle"ed "ross and
rec$less ne"li"ence and deliberate failure that amount to bad faith on the part of )hile*, constitute a
breach of contract for which it ma( be held liable for dama"es&
.ss+e 7 8hether or not CF. /aile' to consi'er the 'istinction (et:een clai,s /or 'a,ages +n'er the
Civil Co'e an' clai,s /or co,pensation +n'er 8C!.
- 4he rationale in awardin" compensation under the Cor$men#s Compensation Act 'i//ers from that in
"ivin" dama"es under the Civil Code& 4he compensation acts are based on a theor( of compensation
distinct from the e*istin" theories of dama"es, pa(ments under the acts bein" made as compensation
and not as dama"es < C&@&'& 1.=&
Co,pensation - 8C! 0a,ages ; Civil Co'e
Eiven to miti"ate the harshness of industrial life for
the wor$man and his famil(&
?mplo(er is liable with or without ne"li"ence&
;iabilit( is created b( law&
Awarded to one as a vindication of the wron"ful
invasion of his ri"hts& Indemnit( recoverable b( a
person who has sustained in%ur( either in his
person, propert( or relative ri"hts, throu"h the act
or fault of another& <61 C&@&'& 016=
)resumption in favor of the emplo(ee& ?mplo(er
has the burden of proof&
Claimant for dama"es has the burden of proof
Floresca, et al. vs Philex Mining Corporation, et al.
Co,pensation - 8C! 0a,ages ; Civil Co'e
7o provision for an award of actual, moral and
e*emplar( dama"es&
Amount sou"ht over and above the provided b(
Compensation benefits to be paid for effects
caused b( factors outside the industrial plant of
;iabilit( of the emplo(er depends on breach of
contract or tort&
.ss+e 37 8hether the action o/ an in9+re' e,plo)ee or :or<er or his heirs in case o/ 'eath +n'er 8C!
is excl+sive &Restricte' to 8C!-, selective &choice o/ action (et:een 8C! or Civil Co'e, or c+,+lative
&(oth actions-.
2pinions o/ !,ici C+riae
Me,(ers o/ !,ici C+riae 2pinion
=+stice Man+al La>aro &!sst GM o/
G*.* Legal !//airs 0ept-
2nl) recover 'a,ages +n'er Civil Co'e
!tt). 4'gar'o !ngara &Pres. o/ ?P- 4xcl+sive onl) to *ec. % o/ 8C!
!tt). Froilan @ac+ngan &Co,,issioner
on 4lections, /or,erl) ?P La: Center
*elective ; 1eirs have a right o/ choice to avail
o/ 8C! o/ to s+e in reg+lar co+rt
!tt). .srael @oco(o &6hen ?* o/ La(or- *a,e as !tt). @ac+ngan (+t speci/ie' that onl)
one re,e') can (e availe'.
- In )acana vs& Cebu Autobus Compan( <.6 'CFA 006= rulin", an in%ured wor$er has a choice of either
to recover from the emplo(er the fi*ed amounts set b( the Cor$men#s Compensation Act or to
prosecute an ordinar( civil action a"ainst the tortfeasor for hi"her dama"es but he cannot p+rs+e
(oth co+rses o/ action si,+ltaneo+sl)&
- Doctrine in the case of ?s"uerra vs& Muno: )alma <1A0 )hil& 1!6= on third9part( tortfeasor should
li$ewise appl( to the emplo(er9tortfeasor&
Dama"es recoverable under the Civil Code are much more e*tensive than the amounts that
ma( be awarded under the Cor$men#s Compensation Act&
- In this case, 'upreme Court held that the receipt of benefits under the Cor$men#s Compensation Act,
ma( not preclude them from brin"in" an action before the re"ular court because the( became
co"ni:ant of the fact that )hile* has been remiss in its contractual obli"ations with the deceased miners
onl( after receivin" compensation under the Act&
- 8ad petitioners been aware of said violation of "overnment rules and re"ulations b( )hile*, and of its
ne"li"ence, the( would not have sou"ht redress under the Cor$men#s Compensation Commission
which awarded a lesser amount for compensation&
- 4he choice of the first remed( was based on i"norance or a mista$e of fact, which nullifies the choice
as it was not an intelli"ent choice&
- 4he case should therefore be re,an'e' to the lo:er co+rt /or /+rther procee'ings. 8owever,
sho+l' the petitioners (e s+ccess/+l in their (i' (e/ore the lo:er co+rt, the pa),ents ,a'e
+n'er the 8or<,enAs Co,pensation !ct sho+l' (e 'e'+cte' /ro, the 'a,ages that ,a) (e
'ecree' in their /avor&
.ss+e 47 0issenting 2pinions &Melencio-1errera an' G+tierre>, =r.- ; 8hether or not the co+rt is
legislating in the present case.
- 4he Court does not le"islate in the case& It is therefore patent that "ivin" effect to the social %ustice
"uarantees of the Constitution, as implemented b( the provisions of the 7ew Civil Code, is not an
e*ercise of the power of law9ma$in", but is renderin" obedience to the mandates of the fundamental
law and the implementin" le"islation aforementioned&
- 8owever, Art& 12. of the 7ew ;abor Code which provides for the e*clusiveness and in place of all other
liabilities of the emplo(er to the emplo(ee unless otherwise provided, seems to diminish the ri"hts of
Floresca, et al. vs Philex Mining Corporation, et al.
the wor$ers and therefore collides with the social %ustice "uarantee of the Constitution and the liberal
provisions of the new Civil Code&
- 4hus, Art 0 of the 7ew ;abor Code <)D 7o&006= provides that Gall doubts in the implementation and
interpretation of the provisions of this Code, includin" IFFs, shall be resoved in favor of labor&G
- 8ence, interpretation adopted in the cases of )acana, ?s"uerra and ,alencia <,alencia vs Manila Hacht
Club 6! 'CFA 260=, is /aith/+l to an' a'vances the social 9+stice g+arantees enshrine' in (oth
the "#3% an' "#B3 Constit+tion&
- 4he dissent seems to s+(or'inate the li/e o/ the la(orer to the propert) rights o/ the e,plo)er&
4he ri"ht to life is "uaranteed specificall( b( the due process clause of the Constitution& 4o relieve the
emplo(er from liabilit( for the death of his wor$ers arisin" from his "ross or wanton fault or failure to
provide safet( devices for the protection of his emplo(ees or wor$ers a"ainst the dan"ers which are
inherent in under"round minin", is to 'eprive the 'ecease' :or<er an' his heirs o/ the right to
recover in'e,nit) /or the loss o/ the li/e o/ the :or<er an' the conseC+ent loss to his /a,il)
:itho+t '+e process o/ la:&
- 4he dissent in effect con'ones an' there/ore enco+rages s+ch gross or :anton neglect on the
part o/ the e,plo)er to co,pl) with his le"al obli"ation to provide safet( measures for the protection
of the life, limb and health of his wor$er& ?ven from the moral viewpoint alone, such attitude is un9
- 4he old socio9political9economic philosoph( of live9and9let9live is now superdesed b( the beni"n
Christian shibboleth of live-an'-help others to live& 4hose who profess to be Christians should not
adhere to Cain#s selfish affirmation that he is not his brother#s $eeper& In our civili:ation, each one of us
is our brother#s $eeper& 7o man is an island&
- In the 1!.2 case of )risle( vs& Fowler <. M7 1,11A reprint 1A.A= invo$ed b( the dissent,
4he )risle( case was decided in 1!.2 durin" the era of economic ro(alists and robber barons of
America& 5nl( ruthless, unfeelin" capitalistics and e"oistic reactionaries continue to pa(
obeisance to such un9Christian doctrine&
4he )risle( rule humiliates man and debases him3 because the decision derisivel( refers to the
lowl( wor$er as GservantG and utili:es with aristocratic arro"ance GmasterG for Gemplo(er&G It robs
man of his inherent di"nit( and dehumani:es him&
4o stress this affront to human di"nit(, the court onl( have to restate the -uotation from )risle(,
thus+ G4he mere relation of the master and the servant never can impl( an obli"ation on the part
of the master to ta$e more care of the servant than he ma( reasonabl( be e*pected to do
himself&G 4his is the ver( selfish doctrine that provo$ed the American Civil Car which "enerated
so much hatred and drew so much precious blood on American plains and valle(s from 1!61 to
- GIdolatrous reverenceG for the letter of the law sacrifices the human bein"& 4he spirit of the law insures
man#s survival and ennobles him& In the words of 'ha$espeare, Gthe letter of the law $illeth3 its spirit
"iveth life&G
.ss+e %7 0issenting 2pinions &Melencio-1errera an' G+tierre>, =r.- - 8hether or not the co+rts can
- Article of the 7ew Civil Code, which provides that G7o %ud"e or court shall decline to render %ud"ment
b( reason of the silence, obscurit( or insufficienc( of the laws& G
- @ustice 8olmes, Gdo and must le"islateG to fill in the "aps in the law3 because the mind of the le"islator,
li$e all human bein"s, is finite and therefore cannot envisa"e all possible cases to which the law ma(
appl( 7or has the human mind the infinite capacit( to anticipate all situations&
- Different views of Ereat e*pounders of the American Constitution+
Chief @ustice Marshall pronounced 9 GIt is emphaticall( the province and dut( of the @udicial
department to sa( what the law is <Marbur( vs& Madison I Cranch 162 1!A.=
Chief @ustice 8u"hes 9 Gthe Constitution is what the %ud"e sa(s it isI <Address on Ma( ., 1A2,
-uoted b( )resident Fran$lin Delano Foosevelt on March , 1.2=&
Floresca, et al. vs Philex Mining Corporation, et al.
@ustice Cardo:o who pronounced that G7o doubt the limits for the %ud"e are narrower& 8e
le"islates onl( between "aps& 8e fills the open spaces in the law& G <4he 7ature of the @udicial
)rocess, p& 11.=&
@ustice Fran$furter, Gthe courts breathe life, feeble or stron", into the inert pa"es of the
Constitution and all statute boo$s&G
- Both the 1.1 and 12. )hilippine Constitutions e*pressl( vest in the 'upreme Court the power to
review the validit( or constitutionalit( of an( le"islative enactment or e*ecutive act&
.... ?se o/ Nat+ral La:
.N64RPR46!6.54 ?*4
- Involved its utili:ation as an interpretive alembic or devise to e*press or put into effect the le"islative
- In the absence of a law on the matter the %ud"e has to decide the case on the basis of customs,
traditions, and the basic principles of fairness and e-uit(&
2PP2*.6.54 ?*4
- Involved refusin" to obe( a law contrar( to the precept of natural law not necessaril( for the purpose of
disobedience but to emphasi:e the fact that blind disobedience is not "ood either&
R4G?L!62R3 ?*4
- Footed in the ma*im lex injusta not est lex <an in%ust law is no law at all&=
- A statute or a re"ulation is null and void when it is contrar( to the suprapositive law even if it is not
consistent with superpositive norms of the Constitution&
=?*6.F.C!62R3 ?*4
- )recepts of %ustice and e-uit( above strict le"alism or form in providin" rules concernin" such le"al
concepts as -uietin" of title, reformation of instruments, estoppel, trusts and natural obli"ations&

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