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1/16 RAN Renewal Project

Technical Support
Work Instruction

Version number: 1.0

Site Support System
Work Instruction for adding or removing Battery Strings and
Rectifiers from the SSS

Table of contents
Purpose of Document ....................................................................... 2
General .......................................................................................................................... 2
Process .......................................................................................................................... 2
Document Review .......................................................................................................... 3
Document Version .......................................................................................................... 3
Eltek Site Support System ................................................................ 4
Nokia Optima and Supreme Site Support ....................................... 10

Work Instruction
RAN Renewal Project

2/16 RAN Renewal Project
Technical Support
Work Instruction

Version number: 1.0

Purpose of Document

With this Document you should be able to configure the SSS if you have to add/remove
Battery Strings or Rectifiers.
This is only necessary for Nokia Optima/Supreme and Eltek Site Support Systems


To ensure that no unnecessary alarms are present on the SSS after the Swap, it is
necessary to reconfigure the SSS.
This is done by connecting to the SSS with a Sub D9 cable (if you do not have a serial
port on your PC you would need an Adapter USB RS232 as well) and the dedicated
Software for this SSS:
Nokia PSM Node Manager for Optima/Supreme
WinPower for Eltek


Connect to the SSS and reconfigure the Database as described below.

3/16 RAN Renewal Project
Technical Support
Work Instruction

Version number: 1.0

Document Review

NSN (Document owner): Manuel Carneiro
NSN (Project Director) : Louis-Philippe Henriques
OCH (RR Project): Laurent Gaspoz
OCH (I2 company representative): Vincent Pittet

Document Version
Info Date Version
Creation 02.01.2012 1.0

4/16 RAN Renewal Project
Technical Support
Work Instruction

Version number: 1.0

Eltek Site Support System
Connect your PC to the SSS via the RS232 cable
Open WinPower

Click on the Lightning Symbol (Connect)

Select the Com Port were you connected your RS232 cable on your PC.
Hint: If you are using an Adapter (USB to RS232) and you are not sure which Com Port is correct,
you can look after in Windows Device Manager Ports USB to Serial Com Port.
Afterwards click on Connect
5/16 RAN Renewal Project
Technical Support
Work Instruction

Version number: 1.0

After pressing Connect you should see this:

Wait a while until the fields are filled with Information like this:

6/16 RAN Renewal Project
Technical Support
Work Instruction

Version number: 1.0

Unlock the System by clicking on the Lock Symbol.
Password: system

Now you can configure the System.

Click on the Hammer for General Configuration.
7/16 RAN Renewal Project
Technical Support
Work Instruction

Version number: 1.0

Go to the Tab Site Info

Here you can change the number of installed Rectifiers.
Press ok after you set the correct value.
8/16 RAN Renewal Project
Technical Support
Work Instruction

Version number: 1.0

Click on the Battery Icon for Battery Configuration

At Battery Setup you can fill in the Number of Battery Strings.
Press ok when finished.

9/16 RAN Renewal Project
Technical Support
Work Instruction

Version number: 1.0

Click on the green Icon next to the Save Button (Send) to send the updated Configuration to the
Site Support System.
After the transmission is finished and you have no errors in the Event log you can close the

10/16 RAN Renewal Project
Technical Support
Work Instruction

Version number: 1.0

Nokia Optima and Supreme Site Support
Connect your PC via RS232 Cable.
Open Nokia PSM Node Manager

Click on Manage and Connect Locally

Choose the settings as shown above.
Port: Choose the correct Port, were you connected your RS232 Cable
Hint: If you are using an Adapter (USB to RS232) and you are not sure which Com Port is correct,
you can look after in Windows Device Manager Ports USB to Serial Com Port.

11/16 RAN Renewal Project
Technical Support
Work Instruction

Version number: 1.0

Click on Manage Commissioning Wizard

User Name: Fill in your name
Installation Notes: Fill in your Company name
12/16 RAN Renewal Project
Technical Support
Work Instruction

Version number: 1.0

System Type: Fill in the correct System Type
EAC Polarity: If necessary, change the polarity for the External Alarms

Batteries and Rectifiers:
Number of Batteries: Fill in the number of installed Batteries
Number of Rectifiers: Fill in the number of Rectifiers installed
Rectifier Capacity: Fill in the combined Capacity for all installed Rectifiers

13/16 RAN Renewal Project
Technical Support
Work Instruction

Version number: 1.0

Normally no change Click Next

Normally no change Click Next
14/16 RAN Renewal Project
Technical Support
Work Instruction

Version number: 1.0

Fill in the details for all installed Rectifiers
(In general if you did not add any Rectifiers those values should be filled in correct already)

Fill in the details for all installed Batteries
(In general if you did not add any Batteries those values should be filled in correct already)
15/16 RAN Renewal Project
Technical Support
Work Instruction

Version number: 1.0

After all necessary Information is filled in click on Commission

Now you can see the Progress.
16/16 RAN Renewal Project
Technical Support
Work Instruction

Version number: 1.0

Click on next to finish the Commissioning.

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