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S.No. Name of the Experiment Page No
1. Aircraft Jacking Up procedure 7
2. Aircraft Levelling procedure 13
3. Control Syte! "igging c#eck procedure 1$
%. Aircraft Sy!!etry C#eck procedure 2&
'. (lo) tet to ae of filter ele!ent clogging 23
$. *reure +et +o ae #ydraulic ,-ternal./nternal Leakage 2'
7. (unctional +et to ad0ut operating preure 21
1. *reure +et procedure on fuel yte! co!ponent 32
2. 3rake +or4ue Load +et on )#eel 5rake unit 3'
1&. 6aintenance and rectification of nag in #ydraulic and fuel yte! 31
An aeronautical engineer !ut #ave a olid foundation in 5aic of A.C
Syte!7 t#e principle of cooling and ound kno)ledge of t#e )ay t#e principle i
applied to variou yte! ued in t#e A.C. +#e variou yte! t#at e-it in
aircraft are a follo)
8ydraulic Syte!
Aircraft 9-ygen Syte!
*neu!atic Syte!
Air:conditioning and *reuri;ation Syte!
,lectrical Syte!
,ngine oil < (uel Syte!
Aircraft /ntru!ent Syte!
/ce and rain protection yte!
(ire protection and !oke detection yte!
Leak and =ate yte!
Aircraft )eapon >"ocket7 ?un7 6iile7 3o!5< ,0ection yte!@
Co!!unication and navigation yte!
*ropulion yte!
+#oug# t#e yte! are ued to operate t#e variou counter and co!ponent7
t#ey re4uire day to day c#eck7 repair < e-a!ination for !oot# and proper
function. +#e purpoe to conduct A.C yte! la5 i to fa!iliari;e day to day
activitie re4uired to !aintain air)ort#y condition of A.C.
+#e continuing capa5ility of t#e A.C to perfor! in atifactory !anner7 t#e
flig#t operation for )#ic# it i deigned.
/t i t#e !ot i!portant for! of function of aviation !aintenance. A t#e
A.C give co!ple-ity7 it 5eco!e !ore i!portant to detect any poi5le trou5le
5efore it 5eco!e eriou. +o ait t#i7 aero engineer are provided )it# detail
pecial c#eck lit and t#e !aintenance !anual for eac# type of A.C. +#e engineer
#a to go t#roug# !aintenance !anual t#oroug#ly 5efore atte!pting any kind of
activity in aircraft and it co!ponent. +#e operation !ay 5e carried out on A.C
on daily flying #our and.or cycle 5ai.
+#e et of action including inpection7 ervicing7 and deter!ination of
condition re4uired to ac#ieve a derived outco!e )#ic# retore an A.C part and
e4uip!ent in ervicea5le condition.
9ver#aul !ean tripping a unit and retoring it to it deign perfor!ance level after
replacing7 re)orking of part to a given tandard.
/t !ean preparing t#e A.C for flig#t7 include providing t#e A.C )it# fuel and ot#er
fluid and gae 5ut do not include any )ork t#at i !aintenance.
/t !ean to analye and identify t#e !alfunction.
/t !ean to correct t#e defective condition.
/t i a continuou proce to i!prove it relia5ility and perfor!ance.
Servicing on 8our.Calendar.Cycle 5ai7 )#ic# are to 5e carried out on aircraft at et
8our.Calendar.Cycle 5ai are !entioned in t#e !anual or A.C ervicing c#edule. +#e
ervicing include e-a!ination7 inpection7 lu5rication and re!oval of !a0or co!ponent uc#
a landing gear 0ack7 door lock7 air:conditioning e4uip!entA aircraft 5rake unit )#eel etc.
landing gear functional tet7 flying control range and !o!ent c#eck.7 A.C rigging procedure7
#ydraulic fluid conta!ination tet7 fuel conta!ination tet < o!e activitie re4uire
replace!ent of co!ponent.
Aircraft !aintenance c#eck are periodical c#eck t#at #ave to 5e done on all aircraft
after a certain a!ount of ti!e uage. Aircraft uually refer to a one of t#e follo)ing c#eck.
+#i i perfor!ed appro-i!ately every !ont#. +#i i uually done over nig#t. +#e
actual occurrence of t#i c#eck varie 5y t#e type7 cycle or nu!5er of #our flo)n ince t#e lat
c#eck. +#e occurrence can 5e delayed 5y t#e aircraft if certain predeter!ine condition are !et.
% C"EC'
+#i i perfor!ed in appro-i!ately 3 !ont#.
+#i i perfor!ed every 12 to 11 !ont#. +#i c#eck put aircraft out of ervice and
re4uire plenty of pace uually at t#e #anger and !aintenance 5ae. Sc#edule and occurrence
#a !any factor. +#e co!ponent i decri5ed and t#u varie )it# t#e A.C category and type.
+#i i t#e #eaviet c#eck of an A.C. +#i c#eck i done appro-i!ately every % to ' year.
+#i i t#e c#eck t#at take t#e entire A.C apart for inpection. A co!pre#enive c#eck7 analyi
Bon Cetructive +eting >BC+@ c#eck and co!plete #ealt# !onitoring of t#e engine #a to 5e
recorded. Co!plete over#auling of t#e A.C and it co!ponent even A.C painting i alo
re4uired in t#i proce.
/n order to enure air )ort#ine condition of an A.C and it aociated yte!. Dariou
c#eck.inpection )it#in tipulated ti!e7 follo)ing t#e c#edule #o) t#e A.C and it yte!
are kept in fully ervicea5le condition at all ti!e and in turn en#ance t#e A.C afety. +#e ti!e
fra!e of c#edule varie fro! A.C to A.C.
+o prevent accident and da!age to !an and !aterial.
=#enever re4uired to #andle t#e A.C and it yte! co!ponent and ground e4uip!ent.
3efore caring out any )ork on t#e A.C7 t#e repective !aintenance !anual i to 5e
referred for furt#er intruction. +#e neceary afety precaution are to 5e trictly
3efore entering t#e cock pit of a fig#ter A.C7 enure t#at t#e e0ection eat i in afe and
all ar!a!ent operating )itc#e are in afe poition and all t#e afely pin are in poition.
3efore )itc#ing on t#e !ater 5attery )itc# enure t#at t#e under carriage elector
lever i in do)n poition and latc#ed and all t#e ar!a!ent tore door )itc#e are in
afe condition.
,nure t#at t#e )#eel c#ock are engaged.
3efore operating t#e control urface7 enure t#at t#e control lock are re!oved.
3efore tarting t#e engine.
C#ock are to 5e kept in front of t#e )#eel.
A.C 5rake yte! in ervicea5le.
A ervicea5le fire e-tingui#er i availa5le.
Bever to) an aircraft )it#out a peron inide t#e cockpit 5efore to)ing t#e A.C7 c#eck
t#e 5rake preure.
=#ile to)ing t#e A.C never e-ceed t#e )alking peed.
Bever drop any tool )#ile )orking.
=#ile )orking inide t#e A.C7 collect all t#e tool and pace on co!pletion of t#e 0o5
and enure no ite! are left 5e#ind.
Al)ay releae t#e yte! preure 5efore re!oving a co!ponent fro! t#e A.C
Bever doe any !aintenance )ork on airplane )it# any ot#er pecified oil ot#er t#an t#e
reco!!ended one.
Carry out t#e patc# tet on t#e yte! to prevent t#e conta!ination of oil. +#i can
5e carried out uing 6illipore patc# tet kit.
Bever !i- different grade of #ydraulic oil to ervice t#e A.C.
)3lank all t#e port of t#e re!oved co!ponent and t#e A.C pipe end to avoid t#e
entry of dut7 dirt and foreign particle.
(ollo) t#e neceary precaution to di!antle t#e #ydraulic co!ponent.
Avoid pilling of #ydraulic fluid on t#e A.C and in and around fro! t#e A.C. /f pilled it
#ould 5e cleaned i!!ediately to avoid lipping.
3efore fitting a ne) #ydraulic co!ponent7 it #ould 5e un5lanked7 degreaed7 )a#ed
and flu#ed.
=#ile fitting t#e non return valve and retrictor7 enure t#at t#e !arked arro) are in
t#e deired direction.
"eleae t#e yte! preure 5efore atte!pting a 0o5.
Clean all t#e vent of t#e aircraft
9n re!oval of co!ponent7 5lank all t#e part of t#e co!ponent and t#e repective pipe.
=#ile carrying out t#e preure tet never e-ceed t#e given li!itation
=#ile c#arging t#e pneu!atic preure al)ay ue t#e preure regulator and afety valve.
Crain t#e oil and )ater eparator.
Bever #andle any 5ottle or cylinder fro! it c#arging no;;le. Al)ay ue protective
S!oking7 open fla!e or !oke #ould not 5e per!itted )#ile )orking on t#e o-ygen
Co not carry !atc#e )#ile #andling t#e 92 yte!
A.C !ut 5e grounded and all electrical po)er !ut 5e )itc#ed off.
Eeep )orking area and e4uip!ent free of oil7 greae or any ot#er fla!!a5le !aterial.
Eeep t#e tool and clot#ing free of oil and greae.
950ect #ould not co!e in contact )it# greae or olvent a t#i )ill caue pontaneou
Bever lu5ricate t#e 92 yte! co!ponent e-cept on approved co!pati5le lu5ricant.
8and #ould 5e clean and free fro! oil. Co not ue greaing glove.
A park i not neceary to caue a fire or e-ploion 5ut t#e c#e!ical reaction of fuel7 ga
and oil co!5ined )it# 92 i ufficient to develop intant co!5ution and caue fire and
Bever per!it 92 cylinder to co!e in contact )it# electrical )elding circuit
and apparatu.
Bever ue o-ygen fro! cylinder )it#out reducing t#e preure t#roug# a
reducing regulator and afety valve.
Bever !i- ot#er ga or co!preed air i an 92 cylinder.
*Bever tet for pipe line leak or flo) pipe line )it# o-ygen unle t#e line are
pecifically !ade for t#at.
Co not operate radio7 radar or any ot#er electrical and electronic e4uip!ent e-cept t#oe
?round t#e fuel upply unit and aircraft.
6ake ure t#e fuelling ource contain t#e proper fuel grade a pecified 5y t#e
Bo !oking7 open fla!e i per!itted in and around t#e A.C.
/t i not per!itted to drop any tool )#ile t#e operation i on.
+#e operation #ould 5e carried out in an open or fully ventilated pace.
Co not carry out o-ygen related )ork.
+#u t#e variou afety precaution )#ile #andling aircraft yte! are tudied.
+o 0ack t#e aircraft fro! it teady poition
All aircraft #ydraulic 0ack are eit#er a-le or airfra!e >tripod@ 0ack. +#ee 0ack ue
tandard aut#ori;ed aircraft #ydraulic fluid. +#ey #ave a afety 5ypa valve t#at prevent
da!age )#en a load in e-ce of 1& percent over t#e rated capacity i applied. (or e-a!ple7 t#e
afety valve on a 1&:ton 0ack )ill 5ypa fluid at 11 ton of preure.
+#ere are !any different type of aircraft 0ack currently in ueA #o)ever7 t#ey all fall into t)o
group7 !ec#anical and #ydraulic.
Me/hani/a0 Lifting .a/12
+#e !ec#anical 0ack operate on a i!ple screw jack principle7 )#ere a ratc#et
!ec#ani! i ued to raie t#e telecopic ra! 5y ue of a 4uare t#read. +#ee 0ack are uually
only ued for raiing !all lig#t aeroplane7 and o!e #elicopter.
"34ra50i/ Lifting .a/12
+#e !a0ority of aircraft lifting 0ack operate on a #ydraulic principle7 )#ic# ue t#e fact
t#at oil )ill flo) freely yet act a a olid7 5ecaue it i in t#i conte-t inco!prei5le. Anot#er
advantage of uing t#e #ydraulic principle7 i t#at a relatively !all piton pu!p can generate a
lot of preure to !ove t#e 0ack ra! and aircraft up)ard7 )it# only a !oderate effort on t#e part
of t#e operator.
=#en aircraft i need to 5e inpected for da!age to c#ange type and during rigging c#eck
fro! 9?CA 0acking of an aircraft #a to 5e carried out
6an po)erF3G1
6an #ourF3 #r
Cocu!ent of aircraft !aintenance !anual
Jacking pad
Beceary 0ack7 5ottle 0ack17 )#eel c#ockHH
Tripo4 8a/1
65ra4r5po4 8a/1
"efer aircraft !aintenance !anual 7 enure t#e capacity and e!i circularity of 0ack
+#e 0acking area #ould 5e oil free
+#e 0acking point #ould of )#ic# 2 at )ing and one at !a-i!u! c.g location
+#ere #ould 5e no peron inide t#e aircraft )#ile 0acking
Central urface #ould 5e locked
+#e 5allated )eig#t #ould 5e re!oved 5efore 0acking
Jack #andle #ould not da!age tructure of )eig#t
Clearance of propeller #ould 5e enured 5efore 0acking
Jacking *rocedure:"aiing
+#e general procedure for raiing t#e co!plete aircraft on 0ack i a follo)I
/t differ fro! variou aircraft and refer repective aircraft !aintenance !anual
"e!ove t#e !ooring
/dentify t#e 0acking point of t#e aircraft 5y placing it in level
After finding t#e 0acking point place t#e 0ack at t#e point.
*lace a peron at t#e 0acking point to look after t#e raied 0ack
All t#e 0ack #ould 5e i!ultaneouly raied.
After 0acking7 0ack lock #ould 5e c#ecked for ta5ility and tig#tened.
+#e neceary inpection #a to 5e carried out.
/f t#e aircraft i likely to 5e c#ecked for !ore t#an 2% #r7 place t#e ad0uta5le tru at
pecified tation
*lace t#e diplace 5oard aircraft 0ack near t#e aircraft
Jacking *rocedure:Lo)erin g
+#e general procedure for lo)ering t#e co!plete aircraft on 0ack i a follo)I
,nure t#at t#e landing gear control lever in t#e cockpit i elected to
t#eDown poition.
,nure t#at ?round Safety Lock are fitted on all Landing ?ear.
,nure t#at t#e 3rake are releaed.
,nure t#at all t#e paenger.cre) door7 t#e e!ergency e-it and t#e cargo door
are cloed and locked or fully open and locked.
Clear t#e area around t#e aircraft of all ground upport and !aintenance e4uip!ent
and enure t#at no ot#er )ork i 5eing carried out.
Looen t#e 0ack Safety Locking Collar.
-;Slo)ly operate t#e 0ack to lo)er t#e aircraft at t#e a!e ti!e to keeping t#e
aircraft level until all t#e landing gear )#eel upport t#e full )eig#t of t#e aircraft.
,nure t#at t#roug#out t#e 0acking operation t#e 0ack Safety Locking Collar are
kept appro-i!ately 2.' c! clear of t#e 0ack 5ody.
=#en t#e 0ack ra! #ave fully )it#dra)n into t#eir 0ack 5odie t#e 0ack !ay t#en 5e
re!oved fro! under t#e aircraft. +#e re!oval of 0ack prior to t#i point can 5e
dangerou if t#e aircraft uddenly ettle o)ing to any stiction in t#e landing gear.
Apply t#e 3rake.
(it =#eel C#ock.
"eintate t#e relevant circuit 5reaker deactivated prior to raiing t#e aircraft. "etoring
t#e aircraft to t#e Ground Configuration.
"e!ove )arning notice fro! t#e aircraft cockpit.
"e!ove Safety 3arrier fro! around t#e aircraft.
+#u t#e 0acking of an aircraft #a 5een carried out for furt#er inpection
1. =#at i t#e procedure for 0acking upJ
2. =#at i t#e procedure for 0acking do)nJ
3. =#at i t#e purpoe of 0ackJ
4. =#at are t#e type of a-ial 0ackJ
5. =#at i t#e difference 5et)een cre) and #ydraulic 0ackJ
6. Cefine lifting 5ag.
7. =#at i !eant 5y tripod 0ackJ
8. =#at i !eant 5y 3ipod 0ackJ
9. =#at i !eant 5y 4uradrupod 0ackJ
1. ,-plain 5riefly a5out t#e 0acking up and 0acking do)n procedure for Ceena !odel
2. ,-plain a5out variou type of 0ack are currently ued to raiing and lo)ering t#e
3. Cecri5e a5out t#e variou type of e4uip!entK are ued to 0acking up and do)n t#e
+o level t#e aircraft for inpection purpoe
Levelling i t#e proce of placing an aircraft in it rigging poition 5y !ean
of #ydraulic or cre) 0ack
+#e rigging poition i t#e poition of t#e aircraft at )#ic# longitudinal and lateral
a-i are parallel to ground.
Levelling !ean leveling t#e aircraft in t#e #ori;ontal poition for rigging.
+#ere are t#ree type of leveling. +#ey are a follo)
Straig#t edge !et#od
?rid plate !et#od
,ngineer tran!it !et#od
Curing replace!ent or rene)al of !a0or co!ponent7 rigging c#eck7 y!!etry
c#eck and a )#en C?CA re4uire levelling proce i carried out.
6an #our F 3 #r
6an po)erF 3G1
Cocu!entF Aircraft !aintenance !anual
+ripod cre).#ydraulic 0ack
Spirit level
Leveling 5oard
+ail tretleLfi-ed.ad0uta5leM
95erve on afety precaution for 0ack up
C#eck t#e accuracy of pirit level
Al)ay fini# leveling procedure once 5y c#ecking t#e Llongitudinal level
)it#out any ad0ut!entM
*lace t#e !ain 0ack 5elo) t#e undercarriage near t#e fuelage
*lace t#e tretle of t#e pecified tation 5y lifting t#e tail unit
*lace t#e longitudinal leveling 5oard at 5ot# ide of cockpit
*lace t#e lateral leveling 5oard at rear of t#e lat
*lace t#e pirit level over it and ad0ut !ain 0ack till t#e 5u55le of pirit level
i 5roug#t in centre
"ec#eck t#e longitudinal level
/f t#e 5u55le i in t#e centre in 5ot# t#e pirit level7 t#e aircraft i conidered to 5e
5roug#t into level condition
/f not7 t#en repeat t#e operation fro! tep 3 to 7
+#u t#e aircraft i leveled and i !ade ready for furt#er c#eck
1. =#at i t#e procedure for levelingJ
2. =#at i t#e function of plu!5 5o5J
3. =#at i t#e purpoe of levelingJ
4. -)=#at are t#e type of e4uip!entK are ued for levelingJ
5. =#at i t#e function of prit levelJ
6. =#at i !eant 5y datu! plate levelingJ
1. ,-plain 5riefly a5out type of t#e leveling !et#od )it# uita5le diagra!J
2. ,-plain a5out align!ent and )ing t)it c#eck of Ceena 1'2 !odel aircraft
+o enure t#e deflection angle of aileron and elevator
N"iggingN i t#e ter! ued to decri5e t#e geo!etric et:up of t#e flying urface of
an aircraft. +#i includeI
1) Setting t#e angle of incidence of eac# )ing and fi-ed ta5ili;ing urface in relation
to o!e defined reference line in t#e fuelage
2) Ad0uting t#e urface for any di#edral
3) Ad0uting t#e )ing for any geo!etrical t)it or N)a#outN >relative incidence of eac#
eg!ent of t#e )ing@
4) Ad0ut!ent of control urface for t#e correct angular travel
5) C#ecking t#e y!!etry of t#e aircraft7 t#at i7 for e4uality left.rig#t and
overall 4uarene or regularity
AileronI t#e !ove!ent of aircraft a5out lateral a-i i called rolling or 5ank. +#i
!o!ent aileron are linked toget#er 5y control ca5le. So t#i one aileron i do)n )#en ot#er i
up t#at i t#ey function in different direction.
,levatorI +#e !ove!ent of aircraft a5out longitudinal a-i i called pitc#ing. ,levator
are ued to control t#i pitc#ing !ove!ent. ,levator are linked toget#er 5y actual ca5le o
t#at 5ot# elevator are do)n t#at i !ove in a!e direction
6a0or ervicing of aircraft
Aircraft flie )#en one )ing lo)
A and )#en re4uired 5y C?CA
6an #ourF3
6an po)erF3G1
Cocu!entF Aircraft !aintenance !anual
Aircraft ladder
Longitudinal and lateral leveling 5oard
Spirit level
*lu!5 5o5
6eauring tape
95erve all t#e afety precaution for levelingM
Accuracy of pirit level #a to 5e c#ecked
*lace t#e aircraft over t#e level 5oard
Locate t#e C.? point and place t#e leveling 5oard and pirit level on it
Locate t#e C.? point and place t#e leveling 5oard and pirit level over it
Level t#e aircraft a per t#e concerned !aintenance !anual
6eaure t#e c#ord lengt# of aileron
6eaure t#e ditance travelled 5y aileron in up)ard direction fro!
neutral poition to port ide
+ake t#e ditance fro! upper )ing
6eaure t#e do)n)ard ditance travelled 5y aileron for! neutral poition
(ind deflection angle fro! !eaured ditance
C#eck angle of deflection )it#in pecified li!it
6eaure t#e ditance travelled in up)ard direction fro! neutral poition to
deflected poition
+ake ditance fro! upper #inge
6eaure ditance travelled 5y elevator fro! neutral poition
(ind t#e deflection angle fro! neutral poition
C#eck t#e angle of deflection i )it#in t#e pecified li!it
+#u t#e aileron and elevator deflection i verified and c#ecked.
1. =#at i !eant 5y riggingJ
2. =#at i t#e purpoe of "ig pinJ
3. =#at i t#e purpoe of riggingJ
4. =#at are t#e type of a-ial 0ackJ
5. =#at i t#e purpoe of tenio!eterJ
6. =#at i t#e purpoe of t#ro)5oardJ
7. =#at i !eant 5y ter!inal )agingJ
8. =#at i t#e procedure for ca5le !aintenance
9. =#at i t#e procedure for 4uick diconnectingJ
10. =#at i !eant 5y 4uick diconnectJ
11. ,-plain 5riefly a5out t#e rigging procedure for control urface of t#e aircraftJ
12. ,-plain a5out variou type of co!ponent are currently ued for rigging of flig#t
control yte!J
+o c#eck t#e y!!etry of aircraft
A y!!etry c#eck i an inpection to ee #o) t#e aircraftK individual co!ponent are
poitioned in relation#ip to eac# ot#er.
3y !ean of direct !eauring )it# tape
3y dropping plu!5 5o5 and !arking and !eauring !et#od
9n ae!5le.erection of ne) aircraft
"eplace!!oval of !a0or co!ponent
8eavy landing report
(ollo)ed 5y flig#t t#roug# tur5ulence
"epeated !og on flig#t c.
Any !odification on aircraft )#ic# affect it perfor!ance
A and )#en re4uired 5y C?CA
"efer aircraft !aintenance !anual enure t#e caution urrounding of aircraft
+#e 0acking area #ould 5e free
95erve all afety precaution for leveling
C#eck t#e accuracy of pirit level
Al)ay fini# leveling procedure only 5y c#ecking t#e longitudinal level
=orking #rF3
6an po)erF3
Cocu!entF aircraft !aintenance !anual and rigging c#eck up
6eauring tape
Spirit level
*lu!5 5o5
Levelling 5oard
+ripod 0ack
Support 0ack
*lace t#e aircraft in rigging poition
C#eck t#e incident angle of )ing
&-C#eck t#e di#edral angle of !ain plane
C#eck t#e )eep 5ack angle
C#eck t#e di#edral angle of tail plane
Crop t#e plu!5 5o5 fro! pin centre and tail )#eel centre and !eaure t#e
lengt# of aircraft
Crop t#e plu!5 5o5 fro! eit#er )ing tip and !ark it on t#e ground
(ro! fin top #inge or tail )#ere centre drop t#e plu!5 5o5 and !ark it
6eaure t#e diagonal ditance
C#eck t#e fin verticality
6eaure t#e pin centre to eac# )ing tip
+a5ulate in t#e for!at given
A5ove tated difference are !eaured and co!pared )it# t#e rigging c#art and found
)it# per!ii5le li!it
1. =#at i !eant 5y y!!etry c#eckJ
2. =#at are t#e e4uip!entK are involved in y!!etry c#eckJ
3. =#at i t#e purpoe of y!!etry c#eckJ
-. ,-plain 5riefly a5out t#e y!!etry c#eck procedure for naval aircraftJ
+o enure t#e cleanline of t#e follo)ing ele!ent and for t#e oil a flo) tet i carried out
in order to deter!ine t#e filtering capacity of t#e filtering ele!ent.
1. Specified period interval
2. (ollo)ed 5y a filter failure or nag
3. After intall of ne) filter
1. ,nure t#at t#e filter ele!ent are u50ected to a ultraonic cleaning 5efore carrying out
t#i tet
2. Carryout t#i tet only in a dut proof roo! condition.
3. Ue #and glove during t#i tet for #andling filter ele!ent and tet e4uip!ent
1. *our pecified #ydraulic oil >kydroll @ up to !ove in t#e container
2. ,ngage t#e 5otto! plug to t#e filter ele!ent 5otto! 5y pu#ing top
3. ,ngage t#e upper adapter on t#e top of t#e fitter ele!ent 5y pu#ing do)n.
4. ,ngage t#e plunger ae!5ly to t#e top of adapter 5y creening do)n
5. &(3lank t#e upper part of t#e plunger . te! 5y t#u!5 clip t#e plunger )it# t#e fitter
fuel t#e upper adapter flange i!!ere in t#e oil of t#e container.
6. Un 5lank t#e upper part of t#e plunger
7. 3y re!oving t#e t#u!5:clip and i!ultaneouly tart t#e top )atc# to note do)n t#e
8. Bote do)n t#e ti!e taken for t#e te! to co!e up unlike )it# plunger and t#e ti!ing ue
)it#in ' to $ econd
9. /ncreae of e-ce ti!ing u50ected t#e filtering ele!ent again to ultraonic cleaning.
10. "e0ect t#e filtering ele!ent for aircraft and it doe not filter )it#in ':$ econd follo)ed
5y t)o ucceive ultraonic cleaning operation.
+#e u50ected tet i carried out and found atifactory.
1. =#at i !ean 5y #ydraulic fluidJ
2. +ype of #ydraulic fluid.
3. =#at i t#e i;e of filter ele!entJ
4. =#at i !ean 5y trainerJ
1. Co a flo) tet to ae of filter ele!ent clogging
2. +et a filter ele!ent for clogging.
+o perfor! t#e preure tet on #ydraulic yte! co!ponent to locate t#e internal and
e-ternal leakage
Any #ydraulic yte! )ill #ave a certain a!ount of leakage. Any leakage )ill reduce efficiency
and caue po)er lo. So!e leakage i 5uilt in >planned@7 o!e i not. Leakage !ay 5e internal7
e-ternal7 or 5ot#.
Interna0 0ea1age
+oo !uc# internal leakage )ill lo) do)n actuator. +#e po)er lo i acco!panied 5y
t#e #eat generated at a leakage pat#. /n o!e intance7 e-ce leakage in a valve could caue a
cylinder to drift or even creep )#en a valve i uppoedly in neutral. /n t#e cae of flo) or
preure:control valve7 leakage can often reduce effective control or even caue control to 5e
Bor!al )ear increae internal leakage7 )#ic# provide larger flo) pat# for t#e leaking
oil. An oil t#at i lo) in vicoity leak !ore readily t#an a #eavy oil. +#erefore oilK vicoity
and vicoity inde- are i!portant conideration in providing or preventing internal leakage.
/nternal leakage alo increae )it# preure7 0ut a #ig#er preure caue a greater flo)
t#roug# an orifice. 9perating a5ove t#e reco!!ended preure add t#e danger of e-ceive
internal leakage and #eat generation to ot#er poi5le #ar!ful effect.
A 5lo)n or ruptured internal eal can open a large enoug# leakage pat# to divert all of a
pu!pO delivery. =#en t#i #appen7 everyt#ing e-cept t#e oil flo) and #eat generation at a
leakage point can top.
Externa0 0ea1age
,-ternal leakage can 5e #a;ardou7 e-penive7 and unig#tly. (aulty intallation and poor
!aintenance are t#e pri!e caue of e-ternal leakage. Joint !ay leak 5ecaue t#ey )ere not put
toget#er properly or 5ecaue #ock and vi5ration in t#e line #ook t#e! looe. Adding upport
to t#e line prevent t#i. /f ae!5led and intalled correctly7 co!ponent eldo! leak. 8o)ever7
failure to connect drain line7 e-ceive preure7 or conta!ination can caue eal to 5lo) or 5e
da!aged7 reulting in e-ternal leakage fro! t#e co!ponent.
*roper intallation7 control of operating condition7 and proper !aintenance #elp prevent
1. Specified period interval
2. (ollo)ed 5y a #ydraulic yte! failure or nag
Interna0 0ea1age
1. "e!ove t#e )ivel nut fro! t#e trainer 5o)l and drain t#e fluid co!pletely.
2. +urn off t#e #ydraulic pu!p.
3. +urn off t#e fluid elector valve.
4. /f t#e valve i looking interval7 fluid )it# flo) into t#e trainer 5o)l.
Externa0 0ea1age
1. Locating leak or detet in t#e #ydraulic yte! e-ternal portion involved very little
ti!e in co!parion
2. C#eck for train on ne)ly developed )et pot in t#e fluid line and #oe.
3. /f t#ere i only fuel o dour t#at )ill indicating fluid leak.
4. Carefully e-a!ine t#e plu!5ing7 cla!p7 gaket upport etc for fluid leak or
aircraft tructure for evidence of fluid leak.
5. C#eck t#e repaired tank !anufacturing any defect on leak in t#e internal or
e-ternal fluid yte! i potential #a;ard.
+#u preure tet on #ydraulic fluid yte! co!ponent carried out to detect )it# t#e
internal and e-ternal leakage.
1. =#at i nagJ
2. =#at i 5ooter pu!pJ
3. ,nu!erate t#e different type of pu!p.
1. (ind t#e leakage in #ydraulic yte! and do preure tet.
+o deflecting a #ock trut ervicing and reinflate
+#e 5aic )eig#t upport function of t#e oleo:pneu!atic #ock trut7 )#ic# #ave a #ig#
efficiency under dyna!ic condition 5ot# in ter! of energy a5orption and diipation7 i
provided 5y a co!preed cylinder of air and oil. A ingle:acting #ock a5or5er7 )#ic# i t#e
!ot co!!only ued deign for co!!ercial tranport. +#i type of #ock trut a5or5 energy
5y firt forcing a c#a!5er of oil againt a c#a!5er of dry air or nitrogen and t#en co!preing
t#e ga and oil. Curing t#e co!preion proce7 t#e oil and ga eit#er re!ain eparated or are
!i-ed depending on t#e type of deign. After t#e initial i!pact7 energy i diipated a t#e air
preure force t#e oil 5ack into it c#a!5er t#roug# recoil orifice.
Alt#oug# t#e co!preion orifice could 5e !erely a #ole in t#e orifice plate7 !ot
deign #ave a !etering pin e-tending t#roug# it7 and 5y varying t#e pin dia!eter t#e orifice
area i varied. +#i variation i ad0uted o t#at t#e trut load i fairly contant under dyna!ic
loading. /f t#i can 5e !ade contant7 t#e gear efficiency )ould 5e 1&& percent. /n practice7 t#i
i never o5tained and efficiencie of 1& to 2& percent are !ore uual. Since only t#e efficiency
factor i of interet in t#e conceptual deign p#ae7 no additional dicuion on t#e deign of t#e
!etering pin )ill 5e provided.
1. Specified period interval
2. Lack in preure
3. (ailure of #ock trut
1. *lace t#e aircraft on 0ack poition o t#e #ock trut are in t#e nor!al ground operating
yte! poition.
2. 6ake ure t#at no peron and ot#er o5tacle are cleared under t#e aircraft.
3. "e!ove t#e dut cap fro! t#e aircraft.
4. C#eck t#e )ivel #e- nut for tig#tne )it# )renc#.
5. /f t#e air valve e4uipped )it# core releae t#e air preure t#at !ay 5e trapped 5et)een
t#e valve core and valve eat
6. "e!ove t#e valve core
7. "eleae t#e air preure in t#e trut 5y lo)ly turning t#e )ivel nut counter clock)ie
8. ,nure t#at t#e #ock trut co!pree a t#e air preure i releaed
9. =#en t#e trut i fully co!preed t#e air valve ae!5ly i re!oved
10. "eintall t#e air valve core ae!5ly
11. /nflate t#e trut uing a lig#t preure ource of any air on a #ock trut7 t#e correct
a!ount of inflation i deter!ine 5y !eauring t#e a!ount of e-tenion.
12. S#ock trut #ould al)ay 5e inflated lo)ly to avoid e-ceive #eating and over
13. +ig#t t#e )ivel #e- nut uing t#e tor4ue valve pecified in t#e applica5le !anufacture
14. "e!ove t#e lig#t preure airline
15. C#eck and intall t#e valve cap tig#t valve cap finger tig#t.
+#u t#e ervicing and functional tet of #ock trut carried a per t#e !anufacture
1. Cifferent type of #ock a5or5er
2. =#at i orifice valve
3.=#at i t#e function of !etering pin
1. *refor! t#e functional tet on oleo pneu!atic #ock a5or5er.
2. =rite t#e for ervicing t#e oleo pneu!atic #ock a5or5er.
+o perfor! t#e preure tet on fuel yte! co!ponent to locate t#e internal and e-ternal
Fuel System Components: 3efore doing any fuel preure teting7 it i a good idea to undertand
#o) fuel yte! co!ponent )ork and #o) t#ey relate to one anot#er. +#e fuel pu!p pu!p fuel
fro! t#e fuel tank to t#e fuel preure regulator and fuel in0ector. +#e fuel preure regulator
divide fuel 5et)een t#e preure line and t#e return line. +#e fuel in t#e preure line goe to t#e
fuel in0ectorA )#ile t#e fuel in t#eir turn line i returned to t#e fuel tank
Fuel Tank: A large container t#at #old your ve#icle upply of fuel.
Fuel Pump Filter: A filter t#at i uually located in t#e fuel tank. /t function i to prevent
foreign particle fro! reac#ing t#e fuel pu!p. A clogged or retricted fuel pu!p filter can caue
lo) fuel preure reading. =#en replacing a fuel pu!p it i a good idea to clean or replace t#e
fuel pu!p filter.
Fuel Pump: An electric !otor t#at pu!p fuel into t#e fuel yte! at a contant preure. /t i
!ounted in t#e fuel tank or on t#e fra!e. So!e ve#icle #ave !ore t#an one fuel pu!p.
Return Line: *at# )ay for e-ce fuel to return to t#e fuel tank.
Pressure Line: A preuri;ed fuel line t#at carrie fuel fro! t#e fuel tank to t#e fuel in0ector.
Fuel Filter: A filter t#at i located in:line )it# t#e preure line. /t function i to prevent foreign
particle fro! reac#ing t#e fuel in0ector. A clogged or retricted fuel filter can alo caue lo) fuel
preure reading. +#i i t#e only fuel yte! co!ponent t#at re4uire periodic replace!ent.
"efer to ve#icle o)nerK !anual for replace!ent interval.
Fuel Pressure Regulator: +#e fuel preure regulator i connected acro t#e preure line and
return line. /t contain a pring loaded valve ae!5ly t#at open to allo) fuel to !ove into t#e
return line7 )#en t#e preure line fuel preure i e-ceeded. /t i ued to keep a contant fuel
preure drop acro t#e fuel in0ector. So!e fuel preure regulator #ave a vacuu! port o fuel
preure can 5e ad0uted 5aed on engine load. +#ee are co!!only called vacuu! actuated
(&>co!penated@ fuel preure regulator. A leaking fuel preure regulator can caue lo) fuel
preure reading and #ard tarting pro5le!.
Fuel Injectors: A preciion valve t#at i controlled 5y a olenoid. (uel in0ection i controlled 5y
t#e a!ount of fuel preure and t#e i;e and duration of t#e valve opening. (uel in0ector contain
a filter ued to prevent very !all particle fro! /0ogging t#e valve. Leaking fuel in0ector )ill
caue fuel preure to lo)ly decreae )#en t#e ignition key i on and engine i off.
*roper intallation7 control of operating condition7 and proper !aintenance #elp prevent
1. Specified period interval
2. (ollo)ed 5y a fuel yte! failure or nag
Interna0 0ea1age
"e!ove t#e )ivel nut fro! t#e trainer 5o)l and drain t#e fuel co!pletely.
+urn off t#e fuel engine 5ooter pu!p.
+urn off t#e fuel elector valve.
/f t#e valve i looking interval7 fuel )it# flo) into t#e trainer 5o)l.
Externa0 0ea1age
Locating leak or detet in t#e fuel yte! e-ternal portion involved very little ti!e
in co!parion
C#eck for train on ne)ly developed )et pot in t#e fuel line and #oe.
/f t#ere i only fuel odour t#at )ill indicating fuel leak.
Carefully e-a!ine t#e plu!5ing7 cla!p7 gaket upport etc for fuel leak or aircraft
tructure for evidence of fuel leak.
C#eck t#e repaired tank !anufacturing any defect on leak in t#e internal or
e-ternal fuel yte! i potential #a;ard.
+#u preure tet on fuel yte! co!ponent carried out to detect )it# t#e internal and
e-ternal leakage.
1. Cifferent fuel yte!.
2. =#at i cloggingJ
3. =#at i function of preure regulatorJ
1. ,-plain 5riefly a5out t#e fuel yte! preure tet.
2. =rite a procedure for preure tet on fuel yte!.
+o prevent t#e 5rake failure during 5rake application and to keep t#e 5rake yte! al)ay
in ervicea5le condition
+#e aircraft )#eel 5rake are deigned to provide lo)ing do)n of aircraft on
touc#do)n and totally to top t#e aircraft
/t #old t#e aircraft )#ile parking and during ground running of engine
+#e 5rake unit !ay 5e #oe type7 dic type or !ulti dic type
3y proper !aintenance of 5rake unit t#e !a-i!u! flig#t accident !ay 5e
/f t#e air i found in t#e #ydraulic 5rake yte! 5rake )ill not 5e effective
So t#e preence of air i found in t#e #ydraulic 5rake yte! i to 5e e-pelled
fro! yte! i called 3L,,C/B? 9( SPS+,6
/f air i not re!oved t#e 5rake yte! )ill 5e pongy
+o avoid t#at 5rake 5leeding #a to 5e carried out of regular interval
9n any periodic ervicing a per lay do)n in ervicing c#edule
/f any #ydraulic 5rake detected fro! piton ae!5ly of 5rake unit
=#enever pilot report t#at t#e 5rake unit i lugging.pongy action of 5rake
At t#e ti!e of 5rake pipe rene)al and topping up of 5rake reervoir
6an #ourF3 #r
6an po)erF3G1
Cocu!ent F aircraft ervicing for!7 aircraft !aintenance !anual
+ripod cre).#ydraulic or 5ottle 0ack
3leeding #oe
Clean container )it# pecified #ydraulic oil
8and glove
+ake proper precaution of 0acking up of aircraft
Clean t#e ervicea5ility of 0ack
Jacking ufficient #ydraulic oil in a cleaned container
3leeding #ould 5e contained until no !ore oil 5u55le are e-pelled fro! t#e
yte! and fin 5rake pedal i o5tained

+#ere are t)o !et#od of 5leeding t#e 5rake yte!7 gravity and preure
!et#od. gravity !et#od i decri5ed 5elo)
Jack up t#e aircraft )it# all neceary condition
"e!ove t#e 5leeder cre) fro! t#e 5leeding point on t#e 5rake unit7 5y cutting
t#e locking )ire
Connect one end of 5rake #oe to 5leeding point and ot#er end of #oe i!!ere in
to t#e pecified oil in !all container
+#e fluid i t#en forced fro! t#e yte! of operating t#e 5rake pedal
=atc# for t#e 5u55le fro! oil )#ic# co!e out fro! 5rake yte! t#roug# #oe
3leeding #ould 5e contained till #ydraulic oil co!e out )it#out air 5u55le
(ill t#e 5rake !ater cylinder )it# fre# #ydraulic oil )#ic# #a lot during t#i
Apply t#e 5rake everal ti!e and c#eck for any pro5le! in 5rake yte!
=ire lock t#e 5leeder cre)
(+Lo)er t#e aircraft 5y taking proper precaution
6ake neceary entry in t#e aircraft ervicing for!.log 5ook
+#e aircraft 5rake yte! 5leeding i carried out and found atifactory.
1. ,nu!erate different type of 5rake yte! ued in aircraft.
2. =#at i 5leedingJ
3. =#at i !ean 5y dik 5rakeJ
4. Cifferentiate 5et)een dik 5rake and dru! 5rake.
1. =rite a procedure for find a 5leeding in 5rake yte!.
2. Cecri5e t#e 5rake load tor4ue tet.
+o tudy t#e trou5le #ooting procedure on aircraft #ydraulic yte!
+#e !aintenance of #ydraulic and pneu!atic yte! #ould 5e perfor!ed in accordance
)it# t#e aircraft !anufacturerK intruction. +#e follo)ing i a u!!ary of general practice
follo)ed )#en dealing )it# #ydraulic and pneu!atic yte!.
+#e ervicing of #ydraulic and pneu!atic yte! #ould 5e perfor!ed at t#e interval i
pecified 5y t#e !anufacturer. So!e co!ponent7 uc# a #ydraulic reervoir7 #ave ervicing
infor!ation ad0acent to t#e co!ponent. =#en ervicing a #ydraulic reervoir7 !ake certain to ue
t#e correct type of fluid. 8ydraulic fluid type can 5e identified 5y color and !ellA #o)ever7 it i
good practice to take fluid fro! t#e original !arked container and t#en to c#eck t#e fluid 5y
color and !ell for verification. (luid container #ould al)ay 5e cloed7 e-cept )#en fluid i
5eing re!oved.
8ydraulic and pneu!atic yte! are inpected for leakage7 )orn or da!aged tu5ing7
)orn or da!aged #oe7 )ear of !oving part7 and ecurity of !ounting for all unit7 afe tying7
and any ot#er condition pecified 5y t#e !aintenance !anual. A co!plete inpection include
conidering t#e age7 cure date7 tiffne of t#e #oe7 and an operational c#eck of all u5yte!.
1. Leakage fro! any tationary connection in a yte! i not per!itted7 and if found7 it
#ould 5e repaired. A !all a!ount of fluid eepage !ay 5e per!itted on actuator piton
rod and rotating #aft. /n a #ydraulic yte!7 a t#in fil! of fluid in t#ee area indicate
t#at t#e eal are 5eing properly lu5ricated. =#en a li!ited a!ount of leakage i allo)ed
at any point7 it i uually pecified in t#e appropriate !anual.
2. +u5ing #ould not 5e nicked7 cut7 dented7 collaped7 or t)ited 5eyond approved li!it.
+#e identification !arking or line on a fle-i5le #oe )ill #o) )#et#er t#e #oe #a
5een t)ited.
3. All connection and fitting aociated )it# !oving unit !ut 5e e-a!ined for play
evidencing )ear. Suc# unit #ould 5e in an unpreuri;ed condition )#en t#ey are
c#ecked for )ear.
4. (9Accu!ulator !ut 5e c#ecked for leakage7 air or ga preload7 and poition. /f t#e
accu!ulator i e4uipped )it# a preure gauge7 t#e preload can 5e read directly.
5. An operational c#eck of t#e yte! can 5e perfor!ed uing t#e engine:driven pu!p7 an
electrically:operated au-iliary pu!p >if uc# a pu!p i included in t#e yte!@7 or a
ground tet unit. +#e entire yte! and eac# u5yte! #ould 5e c#ecked for !oot#
operation7 unuual noie7 and peed of operation for eac# unit. +#e preure ection of
t#e yte! #ould 5e c#ecked )it# no u5yte! to ee t#at preure #old for t#e
re4uired ti!e )it#out t#e pu!p upplying t#e yte!. Syte! preure #ould 5e
o5erved during operation of eac# u5yte! to enure t#at t#e engine:driven pu!p
!aintain t#e re4uired preure. PRO%LEM CAUSE REMED
1. Lack of #ydraulic preure Cefective pu!p "eplace t#e pu!p
in a yte!
Ceflective relief valve
*reure regulator defective
Lack of #ydraulic fluid (ill )it# fluid
2. Syte! failed to #old Cefective preure regulator "eplace t#e valve
preure >or@ Unloading valve
Leaking relief valve >or@ c#eck
3. 8ig# preure in a yte! Cefective >or@ i!properly Set t#e re4uired preure
ad0uted o5truction in a line in regulator and re!ove
or control unit t#e o5truction.
%. Uually noie in a Air >or@ conta!ination in t#e "e!ove conta!ination
#ydraulic yte! uc# a yte!
"eplace )it# ne) one
c#attering and 5earing
(aulty preure regulator
C#eck fluid level in
Lack of proper accu!ulator accu!ulator
'. ?ra55ing 5rake 9il or o!e ot#er foreign Clean t#e dik
!atter on dik and lining
"eplace t#e dik or dru!
"eplace t#e lining
$. (ailing 5rake 3rake #ave 5een over #eated "e!ove t#e air
and t#ing 5urned
"eplace t#e pring
C#ange t#e ne) valve
7. Cragging 5rake Air in #ydraulic "e!ove t#e air
3roken do)n or )eak return "eplace t#e pring
C#ange t#e ne) valve
Cefective valve
+#u a different nag on aircraft #ydraulic yte! and t#eir caue and re!edy i
1. =#at i ,ngine Align!entJ
2. =#at i inpectionJ
3. 8o) often t#e #ydraulic yte! erviceJ
4. =#at i A66J
1. Cecri5e t#e different nag and pro5le! occur in #ydraulic yte! and it rectification.

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