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U Have a MINUTE 2 WIN it


1. Each community will select 4 players. 1 male and 1 female (Married.. NOT
necessary a couple) AND 1 male and female (unmarried) And 1 Non Playing
Captain [ any age ]. So 5 players in a group.
2. All the communities will be divided into 4 groups and will compete against
each other in the group. The winner from each group will go to the finals.
3. Each community will be given 6 games to play.
4. If a team loses any game they have a 2 LIFE LINES to play again. For every
lifeline used by a team that team lose 50 points. In one game the team can use
only one lifeline, if they still lose, the games is continued by the other
participating team. The Losing team gets no points.
5. Each community will get to play 3 single player games and 3 games with a
6. Each game has to be completed in a Minute. Points will be awarded
7. For every game you win you get 100 points. With every win the teams moves
up to the next level. The team that finishes all Six levels without using any life
line wins extra 100 bonus points.
8. For each level, chits will be picked up as to which team will have a 1
go at the
game. The team playing first at each level also gets a chance to select which
game they will play. The same game will be played by all the groups.
9. If at the end of the Six Levels, there is a tie between two teams, a bonus game
will be played to decide the winner of the group. All points system stand the
10. Extra Bonus points will be given to a team if they finish the game in:
60 to 55 seconds 10 points
55 to 40 Seconds 20 points
40 to 30 Seconds 30 Points
30 to 20 Seconds 50 Points

SPORTSMANSHIP All participants agree to conduct themselves in a manner
displaying good sportsmanship throughout the Competition with a positive
presentation upon entry and exit from the performance area, as well as throughout
the showcase and competition. The Team Representative is responsible for seeing
that all team members conduct themselves accordingly.

U Have a MINUTE 2 WIN it

Community : ______________________________________
Team Name : ______________________________________
Non-Playing Captain : ____________________________
Cell Number : _____________

Married : __________________________ & __________________________
Unmarried Adult : __________________________ & __________________________

Coordinator : _____________________________
Name & Sign

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