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1 | P a g e S a h a j a Y o g a - i n s t r u c t i o n s f o r Me d i t a t i o n

Sahaja Yoga - Meditation techniques

Preparing yourself - an environment filled with vibrations

Sahaja Yoga works entirely through the connection of your Kundalini energy to the all -
pervading divine energy and the activation of your subtle energy system. Due to this you
develop a new type of awareness that your attention starts perceiving and this is the experience
of vibrations - the energy of this universe. This is a real, almost physical sensation and
experience, felt in the form of a cool breeze on your palms, fingers and the crown of your head.

It can be said that you are perceiving this subtle energy and vibrations on your central nervous
system, an awareness that you did not have prior to Self-Realization. This is accompanied by an
ability to perceive the energies of nature associated with all objects and even people. All bodies
emit energy and there is a unique coefficient of this energy that relates to the flow of vibrations
from objects and people. With your Self-Realization, your new awareness grants you the ability
to perceive the vibrations of all these objects and people.

As you continue to meditate in Sahaja Yoga, your sense of vibrations increases all the time. You
develop the ability to perceive good, bad or no vibrations from anything or anyone rather easily,
provided you wish to place your attention on them. In general, all natural things which are the
creation of God have innately good vibrations.

It automatically follows, therefore that your growth and progress in Sahaja Yoga is accelerated
by the exposure to things, people and aspects that have high coefficient of vibrations. You enjoy
aspects and associations that have strong, good vibrations as it aids your spiritual growth.

Over the years, Sahaja Yoga practitioners have discovered several of these that aid the
experience of vibrations in them and use them for their progress and during their meditation.

For example, certain types of music, natural settings such as meditating in nature, artistic
creations and positive minded individuals with a good heart can have excellent vibrations. There
are many things in this world that have excellent vibrations. Powerful vibrations can very often
emanate from great works of art like the Mona Lisa or from great saints or their pictures, just as
they can from very simple minded, innocent children.
2 | P a g e S a h a j a Y o g a - i n s t r u c t i o n s f o r Me d i t a t i o n

When you meditate at home or at a Sahaja Yoga session, it is very important to create an
environment conducive to strong vibrations. Several aspects can be used to enhance the
meditative experience and your progress -

A. A clean, well lit place for meditation
B. The use of a candle to provide the fire element
C. A photograph of Shri Mataji (who is a guru, Mother and saint with special powers)
D. Objects made of natural substances
E. Incense

Amongst these, we recommend the use of a photograph of Shri Mataji as many Sahaja
practitioners have found this to very helpful to their spiritual ascent. Each individual's
disposition towards Shri Mataji is a personal feeling and can be that of a revered teacher, Guru,
saint, Mother or a form that appreciates her powers as many Easterners do.
3 | P a g e S a h a j a Y o g a - i n s t r u c t i o n s f o r Me d i t a t i o n

How to Meditate

Sit comfortably with your back straight. A we l l l i t r o o m wi t h a p h o t o g r a p h o f
Sh r i Ma t a j i a n d a c a n d l e a n d s o me i n c e n s e p l a c e d i n f r o n t i s
s u g g e s t e d . Place both your hands with palms upwards on your lap, relax and close your
eyes. Sit quietly for a minute or two and gently slow down your breathing.

Balance the Left Side (approx. 2-3 minutes)

If you are sitting on a chair, point your right hand towards the earth. If you are
sitting on the ground, place your right hand on the earth.

With your left hand open in your lap, please ask silently in your heart: Mother,
please remove all the imbalances of my left side into the mother earth. You can
ask this of Shri Mataji or your own Kundalini energy which is your own individual
spiritual Mother.

Balance the Right Side (approx. 2-3 minutes)

With your right hand open in your lap, bend the left arm up and point the palm
towards the back.

Please ask silently in your heart: Please remove all the imbalances of my
right side into the ether/sky.

Place both hands back in your lap with palms facing upwards. With pure desire from your
heart, please ask: Mother, please grant me the state of meditation. Say this 2-3 times and
put your attention at the top of your head.

To help your attention, you can put the palm of your right hand on the top of your head for a
few minutes. Then place the hand back in your lap. Sit in this state of silence for as long as
you like.

Meditation has just begun.

4 | P a g e S a h a j a Y o g a - i n s t r u c t i o n s f o r Me d i t a t i o n

Raising the Kundalini Energy

Sit comfortably on a chair. Try to keep your attention relaxed and focused on the
top of your head. Raise and tie up the Kundalini (A) and put a shield of
protection (B) around yourself, as shown below, before and after meditation.

Raising the Kundalini (A)

As the Kundalini rises up
the spine, it takes our
attention into a state of
thoughtless awareness.

The Kundalini strengthens, steadies, and establishes our attention in the highest
chakra (Sahasrara), located at the top of our head.

Place the left hand in front of your lower abdomen, palm facing your body. While your
left hand is ascending, the right hand rotates around it clockwise, until both hands
are above your head. Use both hands to tie a knot. Repeat two more times, finishing
with three knots, which fixes your attention and the Kundalini energy above your

Shield of Protection (B)

When a Shield of Protection
is taken, it protects our subtle
body and preserves the state
of meditation.

Hold your left hand out on your lap, palms upwards. Place your right hand over your
left hip and slowly raise your right hand over your head and down the right side of
your body. Then raise the right hand back up the right side, over your head and down
the left side. This is considered as one shield. Repeat this seven times.

5 | P a g e S a h a j a Y o g a - i n s t r u c t i o n s f o r Me d i t a t i o n

How to Footsoak

This exercise is best done as the last thing before going to bed. It is advised to do
this every evening as it greatly helps with the state of meditation.

Take a bowl of water which is at regular temperature, neither too hot or cold. The amount of
water should be enough to cover your feet upto the ankles. Put roughly about two
teaspoons of salt in this water. Also, keep a mug of clean water (water without
salt) and a towel by your side.

Sit comfortably on a chair with your back straight.
Place both your hands with palms upwards on
your lap, relax and close your eyes.

With pure desire from your heart, please ask:
Mother, please grant me the state of
meditation. Say this 2-3 times and put your
attention at the top of your head.

To help your attention, you can put the palm of
your right hand on the top of your head for a few
minutes. Then place the hand back in your lap.

Sit in this state for 10-15 minutes. Before you get
up, rinse your feet into the bowl using the clean
water from the mug, dry your feet.

Take the bowl and flush the water down the toilet,
then wash your hands.

You can continue to meditate if you like.

6 | P a g e S a h a j a Y o g a - i n s t r u c t i o n s f o r Me d i t a t i o n

How to Decode the Chakras on Your Hands

When you are in meditation you can help your Kundalini to correct problems
which cause imbalances in your chakras which we call catches, or restrictions
to the flow of subtle energy. In order to do this, you need to know
the correlation between each finger and its related center.

If you are feeling a sensation such as a tingling or heat on a finger or palm on the
left hand, it indicates that the catch is on the corresponding center on the left side.
If the sensation is felt on the right hand, it indicates that the catch is on the center
on the right side. If the sensation is felt equally on both hands, the catch needs to
be cleared from the central channel.

Below is a drawing of the hand with the number of the center it represents. On the
handout Chart of Chakras youll find the location of the chakras on the body. Once
you notice some sensation on your fingers, identify the center indicated. Place your
right hand on the affected centers on the left side or central channel, and left hand
on the affected centers of the right channel.

6 6
5 4
4 5

7 7

1 1

Left hand, palm up Right hand, palm up

After establishing the state of meditation, just by placing your hand on the chakra
needing attention, you are requesting your inner, loving energy to activate and rise
to nurture and sooth away any catches. Hold your hand on the center for a minute or
two. Place your hand back on your lap and check to see if the sensation on your
finger is gone. Repeat as necessary. Spend some of your meditation time just sitting
quietly, not thinking about your hands, just enjoying the silence.

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Chakras Chart



Love and





Innocence and

8 | P a g e S a h a j a Y o g a - i n s t r u c t i o n s f o r
Me d i t a t i o n

Using the Ice Treatment

When we have exhausted the energy in our right
side energy channel (nadi) by too much thinking
and planning, or too much physical activity, it
creates excess heat which is stored in the liver.
This heat can make us irritable and can
interfere with our ability
to reach and stay in the state of thoughtless
awareness. Using an ice pack is a simple and
effective remedy.

Hold the ice pack on the area of the liver, on your
the right side, just below the rib cage, for
810 minutes, as shown on the left. This can be
done at any time and is especially helpful
during meditation.

You will be surprised at the quick change such a
simple treatment can bring about.

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