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1) We wanted to go out yesterday but the weather was terrible. If it

(BE) a nice day, we . (GO) for a picnic.
2) Why dont you explain everything to hi!. If you (NOT TELL)
hi the truth, I sure you (REGRET) it one day.
") #ennifer was here not long ago. If you .. (COME ROUND) earlier, you
(SEE) her.
$) %pparently, the ferry copany are planning to close the port in this town. If that
.. (HAPPEN), the town (LOSE) a great deal of oney.
&) I .. (HELP) you with it if I (HAVE) ore tie but I afraid I
havent got any spare tie at all at the oent.
') (he governent is expecting to win the next election, but if it ..
(LOSE), the )rie *inister . (RESIGN) fro politics.
+) I a so glad that you too, e to your friends party. If we (NOT
GO) there, I .. (NEVER MEET) %drian.
-) Its ridiculous that trains are so expensive. If fares . (BE) cheaper, I sure ore
people .. (USE) the train and leave their car at hoe.
.) If she (GET) that /ob shes applied for, she (BE) delighted. %nd I
thin, shes got a good chance of getting it.
10) 1ortunately the explosion too, place at night when the streets were
epty. It .. (BE) a disaster if it .. (HAPPEN)
in the iddle of the day.
11) (he tal,s between the two leaders ,eep brea,ing down. If they
. (BREAK DOWN) again, it is possible that there
(BE) a war between the two countries.
12) If %lison (KNOW) anything about car echanics, I sure she
(HELP) us fix the car, but I thin, she ,nows even less than we do.
1") (heyve been arried for twenty years now but I dont thin, she .. (MARRY) hi if
she .. (KNOW) what a selfish an he was.
1$) 2hildren spend too uch tie watching television and playing coputer gaes.
I sure they (BE) happier if they .. (SPEND) ore
tie playing outside.
1&) #aie has everything he wants but hes always oaning. I sure that if I
(HAVE) so uch oney, I (NOT MOAN) all the tie.
1. had been 3 would have gone
2. dont tell 3 will regret
". had coe round 3 would have seen
$. happens 3 will lose
&. would help 3 had
'. loses 3 will resign
+. hadnt gone 3 would never have et
-. were 3 would use
.. gets 3 will be
10. would have been 3 had happened
11. brea, down 3 will be
12. ,new 3 would help
1". would have arried 3 had ,nown
1$. would be 3 spent
1&. had 3 wouldnt oan

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