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CR James | June 11, 2014 |

Copyright 2014 CR James & Super Power Media

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Hello my friend...

I'm going to dive in and provide an updated list of anti-seductive traits.

I hope there is something in here useful for you or someone you know.

It's helpful for staying on track, because at the end of the day if you fall off, it's no big
deal. The idea is to quickly get back on track.

Basically, if you've ever had a woman show a lot of interest and then suddenly she started
fading, chances are you did one or two of these major things (or both).

Major Thing #1: You didn't create enough impact.

It's really simple. When you're with a woman the idea is to create impact.

The Right Impact =She likes you.
The Right Impact =She wants to have sex with you.

....and since we're Super Desirable Guys...

...aside from our super human abilities to walk through walls, fly through the sky and
other skills that 99% of guys can't do... we also focus on two basic things...

Emotions +Information.

(That's how we create the right impact.)

In other words, for the most part, it's all about being yourself. And in terms of your
'impact game plan', you're essentially going to do/say things to make her experience
certain emotions and/or you're going to do/say things to inject information in her brain.

If (in the past) you didn't make her experience the right emotions +the right information,
you simply did not create enough impact. For help with this, start (or review) the
following reports..

See Blog Report: Multiple Streams of Pleasure

See Blog Report: 80 Ways To Make Her Feel Good

Remember: Super Desirable Guys focus on Emotions + Information.

So if a woman started to lose interest (and/or the attraction is not increasing) chances are
you didn't create the right/enough impact.

...and/or you didn't do major thing #2...

Major Thing #2: You projected Anti-SexualValue (Creepy Signals, Low
Value) Signals

It's really simple. If you created the right impact (or did 'good enough' in that department)
and yet the girl/female/woman/lady ended up avoiding you, reducing phone calls,
massively decreasing texting volume, fading etc...

In other words, 'you can tell that it's not the same', then you could have unknowingly
projected one or more of the 30 'Anti-SV/Creepy' Signals...

It happens. No big deal. Not the end of the world. Make the adjustment. Do better in the

Plus it's easy to clean things up with her because women change their mind all of the

Any guy who has lived with a woman before and seen her pick out a pair of shoes in the
morning understands this.

Or.. she flirts early in the day, whispering that she's going to rock your world and then
later on that night she asks you, "Aren't you tired?" which is her perceivably cute way of
letting you know that you're not getting any pussy.

Point being... women change their minds all of the time (sometimes for the bad, good or

If a woman starts to fade on you, it's best to focus on creating more impact +eliminate
anti-sv (creepy signals).

As far as Anti-Seductive Signals, here's a newly updated list (as of J une 2014).

Keep in mind, nothing is set in stone. If we look at the first one, I'm pretty sure some guy
has told a woman he loved her within 2 days and it made her the happiest woman on

For the most part you want to eliminate/minimize these.

Anti-SV (Anti-Seductive)(Creepy) signals have a way melting & flat-lining sexual
tension (and sexual value) FAST.

And too much will repulse her.

Unfortunately most dads didn't teach their sons these things so we normally had to learn
these things hard way.

Anti-seductive List

1. Too emotional too soon
After a few hours/days of knowing her you're talking about how much you love or
how much you're into her.

2. Overly expressive of emotions
Guys who struggle with timing and self-control tend to struggle with this one.

3. High volume of expressive emotions (without real impact)

Guys struggle with this one when they have issues with timing, self-control, and a
twisted philosophy (i.e. the guy who thinks he's somehow a noble/real/genuine
guy because he's expressing his emotions a lot). The way the brain works: if you
decide to think of anything long enough it will start replay in your mind (whether
it's a song, idea, concept or emotion). So when it comes to having a
positive/sexy/seductive impact on a woman it has to do with timing &
effectiveness - in other words, doing stuff that she is responsive to. So that means
if some guy had the weird urge (inner thoughts replaying his mind) of squeezing
her nose every 2 minutes that doesn't mean he's going to have the right impact on
her. Having the right impact on her has nothing to do with what the guy has the
urge to do. It has to do with what is effective to her.

If there is a strategy-based reason for expressing a high volume of emotions,
that's different. In other words, letting her know what her impact is on you can
work wonders. However, letting her know (excessively) what her impact is on you
without a good reason and/or without having any real impact on her (first) is very
likely to melt-away current SV Score.

4. Being too needy

5. Complaining a lot

This tends to happen because of bad habits or the guy being primed to complain a
lot (i.e. She starts complaining about things which unconsciously triggers the guy
to start thinking about things to complain about). Doesn't matter. Don't do it. It's
just like the woman walking around with a purse, just because she does it, doesn't
mean you should do it.

6. Negative talk

Same rule applies here (and with other ones on this list) -- Just because she does
it, doesn't mean you should do it.

7. Being Forceful

Any sort of behavior where you're not asking her or involving her decision-
making outside of the "context of her approval" is going to be creepy.

Just because she likes you so far, doesn't mean you should sneak into her house,
crawl nakedly in her bed and wait for her to come home. You can be direct and
manly within the context of her approval. Just because she likes you so far doesn't
mean you should text/call her without asking her for her number.

Women need to be warmed-up, comfortable, feel safe and things need to be done
in stages. Women are more emotionally complex than men and things have to 'feel
right' along the way. For that reason, the forceful-guy is super creepy.

If you do things in stages -- in other words, you increase sexual tension (create
the urge to be affectionate) first...get her warmed up...then you can create a
situation where you end up 'in the bed naked'. At that point, it's ok to boldly make
the decisions (as long as you're operating within the "context of her approval"
and the "context of her sexual preferences").

8. Begging

Another form of being forceful that sends a package of bad messages (i.e. not
caring about her preferences, being selfish, etc.)

9. Being the guy who doesn't "get it"

The less a guy understands women, the more likely he is to send the 'not getting it'
signal. Many times, she has to repeat herself a lot.

10. Being excessively available.

This is relative to the woman's perspective and how she chooses to spend her
time. So this one depends on the woman and the guy's impact on her. If the sex life
and/or attraction is fading then you should first look to see if you're being
'excessively available'.

Let's face it, if you're de-valuing your presence (time spent together), then it's
going to be unnecessarily difficult to get her horny.

11. You allowed one sided behavior

This is where you give a lot and she returns little. This can be tricky to correct,
but it's fixable. Doesn't always hurt you, but if it bothers you and/or it's flat-lining
her ability to get aroused, then build a strategy designed to correct it.

12. Having behaviors that represent lack of control

There are two types. Type 1 is awareness-based. For example, she finds out that
the guy is addicted to drugs. At that point, his SV is on a decline because he's
going to be constantly sending the "lack of control" (over her urges) signal.

Type 2 is where the guy has some sort of 'lack of control' issue and even though
she's not aware of it, he ends up subtly/unknowingly/unconsciously projecting
"lack of control" behaviors/traits.

In any aspect of life, the more you gain control over your will power...and the
more you make better decisions for yourself, you tend to (without trying) end up
projecting confidence/charisma signals. Your voice quality will be enhanced.

You'll be more clear-headed and sharp.

13. Too focused on the bad side of things, instead of the good

14. Any type of conversation that has the message of "it's not fair" (feeling

It doesn't matter if the guy is talking politics. It's doesn't matter if he believes he
sounds intelligent. It doesn't matter if he feels cool that he figured something out.

Nothing dries up the kitty-kat quicker that a good 'ole 'things aren't fair'

Example structures:

"He let's Bob do XYZ, but I never get to do it."
"All of the Group A People do it, but when the Group B People do it it's a

15. Any type of conversation that has the message of "wanting people to feel
sorry for you"

16. Any type of conversation where you are upset over something you have
ZERO control over.

Remember the rule -- Just because she does it, doesn't mean you should do it.

17. Talking about and/or doing things that are widely (universally) perceived as

For example, a guy picking a woman up for a date and then starts talking about
how he spent 4 hours buffing out the tiny scratches on his steering wheel.

The actual list of examples are infinite.
If a guy says something ("blah blah blah blah") it doesn't matter if he's proud of
himself, if she gives him the "why the fuck would you do that" look of complete
confusion, chances are he just said something that was "widely (universally)
perceived as pointless".

Women are different....some women may see "blah blah blah blah" as being funny
or passionate.

But if she's firing off a high volume of the "why on God's green earth would you
make the decision to do that" look of utter confusion, the guy should take that as a
clue that he needs to get better at having the right impact on her.

18. Being a 'please everyone guy' (or too worried about someone not liking you)

This doesn't hurt you as much as actually talking about.

For example:

"...blah blah blah I don't think Bob likes me anymore."

19. Being seen as a guy who is fearful to do what's needed/necessary

This one is tricky because there are times when she thinks the guy should do XYZ
when really it's not his best decision or it's beyond the scope of her current
understanding of the situation.

20. Afraid to take appropriate risks

21. Being a 'dwelling on the past' guy

22. Being a 'making the same mistakes over and over again' guy

Most people aren't aware of their own patterns.

23. Being a "hater"

This is where the guy is "hating on" someone (often someone successful in a
particular area).

He'll either point out flaws (even though no one is perfect) or he'll call the person
lucky when clearly he has made tough decisions that most people aren't willing to

This is a tough one to correct because it's hard for the 'hater' to actually realize
what he's doing.

Although if you make it a point to avoid/greatly-minimize saying negative things
about others or trying to point out character flaws, then you'll be find.

Being strategically critical is one thing, being overly critical sends a totally
different message. And being a "hater" is the character associated with being
overly critical with so many people.

The best approach to correcting this behavior (if you're not sure if you're in this
category) would be to constantly make it a habit to see what's good in yourself.
Work hard to accomplish goals. And by default, it becomes easier to look at
people from the perspective of the obstacles and unique challenges they had to

24. Being a guy who gives up too soon

25. Being a (negative) name-caller

26. Not being a thinker (and valuing the growth of your mind)

This will vary depending on the woman, but some people constantly need things to
help their minds stay busy. They arrange their day so that there is zero quiet time
for thinking. So at all times (in their waking hours) their brains are distracted and
kept busy with TV, music, talking to others with absolutely zero
quiet/thinking/mediation/relax time.

27. Being lazy

28. Being selfish

29. Not being passionate about anything

30. Being impatient when there are processes involved

For example, the guy plants seeds and gets frustrated when he does see the results
the next day. The guy buys a woman flowers or does something nice for her and
then gets frustrated that she didn't fall in love with him immediately.

Treat this as a useful reference guide. I'll continue to add to it because this doesn't cover

If you have any questions about any of these, let me know.

I hope this was useful for you or someone you know.

Take care.

Warmest Regards,

CR J ames (

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