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Name: Group: _______ Marks: _____/

English Test 5
grade Technology
1. Listening Comprehension: Listen to a discussion about the internet. Complete the
1. Louise uses the internet to find out about her ______________________________.
2. She isnt _______________________________ in the ad!ertisin" in #spam$ emails.
%. &a!id sa's that do(nloadin" music is _______________________________ than bu'in"
). &a!id hasnt had an' ________________________________ (ith bu'in" thin"s on the
* marks
2. Reading Comprehension: +ead the te,t about robots and sa' (hich section -.C
robots that can fl' 1_________
robots that help sa!e peoples li!es 2__________ %__________
an international robot e!ent )__________
a robot thats controlled b' the human brain /__________
robots that take photos 0__________
robots that can tra!el into small spaces 1__________
robots that compete (ith each other *__________
* marks
3. Reading Comprehension: Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. 2hat can robotic aircraft do3
2. 2h' are robots better than humans in sur"eries3
%. 2h' is the Neuro.Controlled 4ionic -rm special3
). 2hat is #+obot 2ars$3
/. 5s #+obot 2ars$ popular3 6o( do 'ou kno(3
17 marks
3. oca!ulary: "atch the words #rom the text to the de#initions.
1. pro!ide 8line 19 ). accurate 8line 2/9
2. launched 8line :9 /. limbs 8line 219
%. installed 8line 229 0. creations 8line %:9
a. put in place read' to b used b. "i!e
c. ne( thin"s that people make d. sent into the air.
e. e,act and correct f. arms and le"s
0 marks
5. $riting: $rite an essay gi%ing your opinion a!out one o# these statements:
a) Watching TV is not good for you.
b) Social networking sites are a waste of time
1* marks

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