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FW: E-mail 6 List of Equipments and their Top coat paint data sheet to check compatability

with Fire proof matarial manufacturer P!"#T$$$

Inbox x
Wil%o Wilson
10:09 AM (16 minutes ago)
to me
Wil%o Wilson
Branch Manager,
Swiss International ! "man#
$SM: %96&'99(116&)
*el : %96&'+,,961,1
-ax :%96&'+,,960,1
.ebsite: www#//0grou1#com
From: Ab2ul 3u2oos 4mailto:ab2ul#56al'hassan#com7
&ent: *hurs2a8, Se1tember +9, +01, 9:(6 AM
To: swissco6omantel#net#om
&ub%ect: :'mail 6 ist o; :5ui1ments an2 their *o1 coat 1aint 2ata sheet to chec/ com1atabilit8
with -ire 1roo; matarial manu;acturer <="MA*###
From: Ab2ul 3u2oos 4mailto:ab2ul#56al'hassan#com7
&ent: *hurs2a8, Se1tember 0,, +01, ):16 <M
'c: mohamma2#t6al'hassan#com
&ub%ect: -.: ist o; :5ui1ments an2 their *o1 coat 1aint 2ata sheet to chec/ com1atabilit8 with
-ire 1roo; matarial manu;acturer <="MA*###
From: Ab2ul 3u2us 4mailto:ab2ul#56al'hassan#com7
&ent: .e2nes2a8, August +), +01, 10:00 AM
&ub%ect: -.: ist o; :5ui1ments an2 their *o1 coat 1aint 2ata sheet to chec/ com1atabilit8 with
-ire 1roo; matarial manu;acturer <="MA*###
>ear Mr
<lease ;in2 attache2 the 2occuments ? 2etails as re5ueste2#
<lease 2o the nee2;ul with re;erence to below e'mail on 1riorit8
Ab2ul 3u22us

From: @amshee2 AawaB 4mailto:0amshee2#n6al'hassan#com7
&ent: .e2nes2a8, August +), +01, 9:,0 AM
To: CAb2ul 3u22us Mohme2CD CMohamma2 *abreeB AlamC
'c: umer#;6al'hassan#comD ma2haEan#s6al'hassan#comD 0aEe2#c6al'hassan#comD
Een/atachalam#b6al'hassan#comD C=ama Frishna Sun/araC
&ub%ect: -.: ist o; :5ui1ments an2 their *o1 coat 1aint 2ata sheet to chec/ com1atabilit8 with
-ire 1roo; matarial manu;acturer <="MA*
>ear 3u22us
<ls ;orwar2 an2 in;orm to submit the MS an2 MAS ;or the + e5ui1mentGs as liste2 below#
With (est e)ards

Pro%ect "ana)er
#l -assan En)ineerin) 'o$ &$#$!$.$
P$!$ (o/ 01234 P$'$ 0054 uwi4 &ultanate of
Tel : % 96& +,&1 09)9 E/t$
Fa/ : % 96&
"obile : % 96& 91() 0911
Website : www#al'hassan#com
< SaEe a tree# <lease 2onCt 1rint this e'mail unless 8ou reall8 nee2 to#
From: Houce; arbani 4mailto:8ouce;#larbani6it#abb#com7
&ent: .e2nes2a8, August +), +01, &:(6 AM
To: 0amshee2#n6al'hassan#com
'c: Ab2erBa/ Boulou2enineD ma2haEan#s6al'hassan#comD 0aEe2#c6al'hassan#comD C=ama
Frishna Sun/araCD Een/atachalam#b6al'hassan#comD Fartha =a2ha/rishnanD Ste;ano BonalumiD
=oberto !remagnaniD Santiago BeltraminiD SiEa <an2a
&ub%ect: =:: ist o; :5ui1ments an2 their *o1 coat 1aint 2ata sheet to chec/ com1atabilit8 with
-ire 1roo; matarial manu;acturer <="MA*
>ear AawaB,
-urther 8ou email below, 1lease ;in2 herea;ter the liste2 :5ui1ment concerne2 b8 8our re5uest:
As 1er the 1resent engg 2rawing the onl8 Eessels to be ;ire1roo;e2 (on SFI=* onl8) are !'6901
an2 I'6909, 8ou haEe to ta/e in consi2eration the legs o; the structures o; the Air !oolers :'6909
an2 :'6991 as well#
0$ Paintin) system for ' -6167
'oatin) system P'& 60-
"anufactuerer $ -empel
Primer -empadur 07866
9ntermediate -epmadur 27566
Top -empadur 376:0 ; epo/y +o<alac=
5$ Paintin) system for ' 6160
'oatin) system P'& 8
"anufactuerer - %otun
Primer esist :3
Top 'oat &ol<alitt aluminium
8$ The support structure of #ir 'ooler E-6167 and E-6170 ;air cooler le)s4 pro<ided by air
cooler <endor=
'oatin) system :- -ot dip )al<ani,ed in accordance 9&! 0260 4 606 )>m? mini
Please note that the proposed Fireproofin) shall be able to resist for 056 minutes
Ien2or 1ainting 1roce2ure an2 $A 2rawings attache2 ;or 8our re;erence
@!A'EF L#(#+9
&ite "ana)er
"man SA!< <ro0ect
ABB S#<#A# ' <A >iEision
*el# Ao# (";;ice): %96& +,(& 0)&9
Mobile ("MAA): %96& 9(&9 9),+
email: 8ouce;#larbani6it#abb#com
From: @amshee2 AawaB J0amshee2#n6al'hassan#comK
&ent: Sun2a8, August +,, +01, &:96 AM
To: Houce; arbaniD Fartha =a2ha/rishnan
'c: Ab2erBa/ Boulou2enineD ma2haEan#s6al'hassan#comD 0aEe2#c6al'hassan#comD C=ama
Frishna Sun/araCD Een/atachalam#b6al'hassan#com
&ub%ect: -.: ist o; :5ui1ments an2 their *o1 coat 1aint 2ata sheet to chec/ com1atabilit8 with
-ire 1roo; matarial manu;acturer <="MA*
>ear All
<ls s en2 the ;inal list o; e5ui1mentGs with the 1ainting s8stem a11lie2 so that Een2or can submit
the MAS an2 MS#
*he same was 2iscusse2 in the .ee/l8 reEiew meeting#

With (est e)ards

Pro%ect "ana)er
#l -assan En)ineerin) 'o$ &$#$!$.$
P$!$ (o/ 01234 P$'$ 0054 uwi4 &ultanate of
Tel : % 96& +,&1 09)9 E/t$
Fa/ : % 96&
"obile : % 96& 91() 0911
Website : www#al'hassan#com
< SaEe a tree# <lease 2onCt 1rint this e'mail unless 8ou reall8 nee2 to#

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