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How do you decide what to do if you are presented with an ethical

dilemma? There are two major approaches that you might draw
from. One focuses on the practical consequences of your actions
(consequentialist approach) and might be summed up rather
brutally by the phrase no harm, no foul. In contrast, the
deontological approach would lead you to ask whether an action is,
in itself, right.

Work ethics include not only how one feels about their job, career or
vocation, but also how one does his/her job or responsibilities. This
involves attitude, behavior, respect, communication, and interaction; in
short, how one gets along with others. Work ethics is all about how people
should act as individuals and as a group on-the-job. Work ethics involve
such characteristics as honesty and accountability. Essentially, work ethics
break downs to what one does or would do in a particular situation. The
begging question in a situation involves what is right and acceptable, and
above board, versus what is wrong, underhanded, and under the table

So one have decided to stay on this side of the law. What next? It\'s
probably easier to start by looking at the consequences of the actions
you\'re considering. Assume you have a variety of options. Consider the
range of both positive and negative consequences connected with each
one, for example: who will be helped or hurt by your actions, and what are
the benefits? How does this entire look over the long run as well as the
short run? And if youre tempted to give short shrift to the long run, just
remember that youre living with a lot of long-term negative consequences
(like air and water pollution and the cost of the S&L bailout) that people
before you thought werent important enough to worry about. After
looking at all of your options, which alternative produces the best mix of
benefits over harms?
Now consider all of your options from a completely different perspective.
Dont think about the consequences. Concentrate instead strictly on the
actions. How do they measure up against moral principles like honesty,
fairness, and equality, respecting the dignity of others, respecting people\'s
rights, and recognizing the vulnerability of individuals weaker or less
fortunate than others? Now, bring together both parts of your
analysis and make your informed, decision. Act on your decision
and assume responsibility for it. Be prepared to justify your choice
of action. No one else is responsible for this action but you.

And now, take both parts of your analysis into account and make a
Think about the circumstances, which led to the dilemma with the
intention of identifying and removing the conditions that allowed it
to arise.

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