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At Tilda, were proud to ofer a range of specialty rice varieties to
make it easier to create mouth-watering gourmet dishes at home.
Like fne wine, each of these varieties ofers a distinctive favour
tone and texture highlight that can be matched perfectly with
dishes from across the globe.
Tats why weve teamed up with MasterChef winner Dhruv Baker,
known for his complex layering of favours and spices, to develop
the frst ever Tilda Rice & Spice Pairing Guide. Dhruv has been
working with experts at Tilda to become a 'Rice Sommelier', to
help uncover the secrets behind identifying the perfect rice for each
dish to create delicious mealtime pairings. Weve also included top
tips from Dhruv, to give you an insight into understanding and
appreciating the complexities of a truly excellent rice dish.
Discover why a robust, nutty Wholegrain Basmati will enhance
your Chilli Con Carne beyond belief, how a Fragrant Jasmine rice
balances perfectly with fery ginger and why Pure Basmati, often
referred to as the Prince of Rice, is the ideal accompaniment to a
perfect curry. Keep reading to learn more about getting the very
best from your rice dishes!
Welcome to the Rice
and Spice Guide!
Dhruv Baker
Winner, MaSterChef 2010
Pure BaSmati - - - - - - - - - 2
Wholegrain BaSmati - - - - - - 3
Fragrant JaSmine - - - - - - - 4
Ea y Cook Ba mati - - - - - - 5
Giant Wild - - - - - - - - - - - 6
Ba mati and Wild - - - - - - - 7
Truly the jewel in the crown of our
rice range, a gorgeously aromatic
and delicate, light grain which needs
to be served with a dish that will
work with its favour profle without
overpowering. Te Perfect Chicken
Curry is an excellent example of
such a dish delivering layer upon
layer of favour.
Tis unique grain is renowned for its
tantalising favour, magical aroma and
delicate fufy texture. Basmati also has the
highest amino acid and nutritional content
of all rices, and its gluten free too.
Star anise is shaped like an eight-pointed star
and contains seeds with an aniseed favour. It
is used widely in Chinese cooking and is one
of the fve spices in Chinese fve-spice powder.
Try infusing your Basmati with this aromatic
spice whilst cooking.
Basmati can only be grown in the
foothills of the Himalayas.
Perfect Chicken Curry
75g desiccated coconut
2 cinnamon sticks
2 star anise
3 whole dried red chillies
1 tsp black peppercorns
2 tsp fennel seeds
3 tsp coriander powder
tsp chilli powder
2 tsp turmeric powder
tsp cinnamon powder
5 tbsp vegetable oil
3 red onions,
fnely chopped
4 cloves garlic,
fnely chopped
2 tsp grated fresh ginger
6 tbsp fresh curry leaves
8 tomatoes, fnely chopped
tsp salt
500g boneless chicken
thighs (skin removed)
200ml water or
chicken stock
1 small bunch fresh
coriander, fnely chopped
A squeeze of lemon
1 green chilli, fnely
chopped (optional if you
like it hot!)
1. Toast the coconut in a pan over a low heat, stirring until it turns golden brown.
2. Remove the coconut to a plate and into the same pan add the cinnamon sticks, dried
chillies, peppercorns, star anise and fennel seeds. Roast in the pan for 3-4 minutes then
add the ground coriander and chilli powder and stir for a minute. Add 100ml of water to
form a paste and cook for 2 minutes.
3. Remove the cinnamon sticks, star anise and whole chillies and keep for later. Add the
toasted coconut, turmeric and salt to the pan. Add everything to a spice grinder or pestle
and mortar and grind to a smooth paste.
4. Heat the oil in the same pan and slowly cook the onions until they are soft this will take
about 10 minutes. Add the garlic and ginger and cook for a couple of minutes then turn
up the heat and add the curry leaves and stir for a minute.
5. Add the tomatoes and the spice paste, return the cinnamon stick, star anise and chilli to
the pan and cook for 5 minutes, stirring until you end up with a smooth paste and the oil
starts to separate out.
6. Remove half the mixture and freeze or place in an airtight container which will keep in
the fridge for a week or so.
7. Add the chicken and cook, covered, for 10 minutes. Add 200ml chicken stock remove the
lid and cook for a further 5-10 minutes until the chicken is cooked through.
8. Remove the star anise, cinnamon and chilli, stir through the lemon juice and green chilli
(if using) and scatter with the fresh coriander.
Serves 4 Prep Time 15 mins Cook Time 45 mins
Spice Match:
Star AniSe
Rice Fact
Wholegrain Basmati is a world apart
from Pure Basmati in terms of favour
and texture. A frmer grain with the
bran layer intact and a nuttier aroma
and taste, making an ideal match for
this delicious, rich chilli con carne.
With the bran later intact, Wholegrain Basmati
has a distinctive nutty favour. It is rich in
nutrients and natural fbre due in large part to
the bran, which is an excellent source of fbre,
oils, B vitamins, and important minerals.
In Spain farmers harvest and dry the chillies over
wood fres, creating smoked paprika. Smoked
paprika is traditionally used in paella, and highly
favoured dishes where you need to create a
multi-layered depth of favour and heat.
For Hindus rice is associated with Lakshmi,
the goddess of wealth, love and prosperity.
240g Tilda Wholegrain
Basmati Rice
1 tbsp olive oil
2 springs of rosemary,
1 large white onion,
red pepper, diced
orange pepper, diced
2 garlic cloves, peeled and
1 heaped tsp hot chilli
powder (or 1 level tsp if
you only have mild)
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp smoked paprika
500g lean lamb mince
400g can chopped
400g can red kidneybeans
Soured cream &
guacamole, to serve
Jalapeos (as desired)
1. Heat oil in pan and add the chopped onions followed by chopped rosemary
until the rosemary releases its oils about 2-3 mins.
2. Add the garlic peppers and followed by the mince lamb. Cook the meat out
until its separate approx. 10 mins.
3. Then add the red kidney beans followed by the tomatoes, cumin, chilli powder
and cook for 15 mins until bubbling.
4. For the rice cook 240g of Tilda Wholegrain Basmati as per pack instructions.
5. Serve with sour cream, guacamole & jalapeos.
Lamb Chilli Con Carne
Serves 4 Prep Time 15 mins Cook Time 30 mins
Spice Match:
Rice Fact
BaSmati S
Smoked Paprika
Fragrant Jasmine rice has a stickier
texture than Basmati and long-grain
rices, so it needs a dish with plenty of
favour but without being too heavy.
Tis ginger and soy turkey is perfect.
Wonderfully savoury with soy and
perfectly light because of the turkey.
Add in the crunch and colour from the
fresh vegetables, and its easy to see why
this is such a great pairing.
Tis perfumed and foral rice is renowned
across South East Asia and no Tai curry
would be complete without a side of steamed
sticky rice. It is also an excellent base for
traditional Tai, Malay and Indonesian
stir fries, and teams perfectly with ginger,
lemongrass, galangal, lime, green chilli and
kafr lime leaves.
Fresh ginger has a sweet and pungent taste
and a perfume-like scent that makes it suitable
for both sweet and savoury dishes. Ginger is
popular in cuisines throughout Asia and is
especially favoured in stir-fries, curries and
fried-rice dishes.
In Indian tradition rice is the frst meal that a
wife serves to her husband after their marriage.
Jasmine Rice With
Ginger Soy Turkey
250g Tilda Fragrant Jasmine Rice
500g diced turkey
tsp sugar
tsp lemon juice
1 tbsp sunfower oil
1 small red pepper, sliced
1 tbsp grated fresh ginger
4 spring onions, thinly sliced
50g mangetout, sliced diagonally
2 tbsp light soy sauce
150ml stock blended with
1 tsp cornfour
Sea salt and pepper
Fresh coriander or parsley
1. Cook rice according to covered pan method on pack. Keep warm,
mounded, on serving plate.
2. Fry diced turkey in oil for 3 minutes, stirring, then add red pepper,
ginger and onions. Cook for 5 minutes.
3. Add mangetout, soy sauce, lemon juice and sugar. Cook for 2 minutes
then mix in stock and cook to thicken.
4. Check seasoning and spoon on top of rice. Garnish with herbs and serve hot.
Serves 4 Prep Time 15 mins Cook Time 25 mins
Spice Match: Ginger
Rice Fact
y Cook
More forgiving to cook than Pure
Basmati, Easy Cook has a delightful
fragrance that is ideal alongside the
cumin, safron and cinnamon and
compliments the sweetness from the
raisins. It is also more robust, both
texturally and in terms of favour, so
it stands up to the lamb resulting in
a fabulous fnished dish.
Easy Cook Basmati rice is parboiled with the
husk on within days of the harvest. Tis results
in the grain appearing slightly golden in colour
until it is cooked when it turns white. Tis
frmer grain is also perfect for one pot dishes.
Cinnamon is the dried bark of the cassia tree,
and it is a central spice in traditional garam
masala where its warmth, citrus notes and
woody pungency make it a perfect addition to
a host of curries, biryanis and pulaos.
Scientists believe there are 140,000 varieties
of cultivated rice, but no one knows the
exact number.
Qabili Pilau
360g Tilda Easy Cook Basmati
3 tbsp vegetable oil
1 medium onion chopped
600g lamb on the bone or
chicken, cut in pieces
200ml water
2 large carrots
100g black seedless raisins
2 tsp cumin
1 tsp of cinnamon
tsp of pepper
1 tsp sugar
tsp safron
1 litre of water
Salt and pepper
1. Heat a large pan with the 2 tbsp oil and add the onions and saut until brown.
2. Add the lamb in 1 inch cubes and brown lightly.
3. Add the tsp cinnamon, 1tsp cumin pepper with the water and cover and
simmer until meat is tender, about 1 hours.
4. Remove meat from the juice and set juice aside.
5. Cut 2 carrots into match stick size pieces. Saut carrots and 1 tsp sugar in 1tbsp of
oil. Cook until they are cooked.
6. Remove from oil Add 1 cup of raisins to the oil and cook until they soften up.
7. Simmer the leftover meat juices until it thickens into a sauce.
8. Bring a pan of water to the boil and add the Tilda Easy Cook Basmati, cook for 8
mins and then drain off the excess water.
9. Add the rice back to the pan with 5 tsp of the meat sauce and the saffron. Mix the
meat, carrots, raisins and rice together. Add salt and pepper to taste.
10. Place in a large oven-proof dish and cover well to keep the steam inside. Bake for
30 mins at 180 or 350 degrees for about a half hour.
11. Serve in a large platter and enjoy with the leftover meat sauce.
Serves 6 Prep Time 10 mins Cook Time 2hrs 35mins
Spice Match:
Rice Fact
Giant Wild
Te nuttiness and texture from the
Giant Wild rice needs something
with similar properties from the
spice world - and that something has
to be mustard seeds. Teir rounded
almost bitter favour is ideal with
the rice, and ofers a gorgeous
contrast to the smooth
mellowness of the lentils.
Wild Rice is not actually a rice. Its an aquatic
cereal grain that grows in isolated lakes and
watercourses across North America. Te grains
are long, slender and black, with a distinctive
earthy, nutty favour.
Te nutty pungency of mustards such as
wholegrain and wholegrain dijon work
beautifully with the nutty grains of wild
rice. Te grain also combines well with dry
fried brown and black mustard seeds used in
traditional Bengali and South Indian cookery.
It takes between three and six months for a
rice plant to reach maturity.
Giant Wild RIce
125g Tilda Giant Wild Rice
4 sea bass fllets
100g split yellow peas
Zest and juice of 1 lemon
6 tbsp olive oil
Handful of chopped parsley
2 tsp wholegrain mustard
(or Dijon should you prefer)
1 clove crushed garlic
Pinch of salt snd pepper
1. In a pan of boiling water add the yellow split peas and the wild rice and cook at a
simmer for 40 mins then drain the excess water off.
2. In separate bowl add olive oil and the lemon zest and juice, crushed garlic, salt and
pepper and whisk to make a dressing then add the rice and lentils.
3. Add the parsley and mix well. Garnish with a lemon slice if desired.
4. Pan fry the sea bass for approx. 10 minutes, then season to taste.
5. Serve piping hot.
Serves 4 Prep Time 10 mins Cook Time 45 mins
Spice Match:
Rice Fact
Mustard Seed
and Wild
Tis dish is delicious, easy and quick
to prepare and its visual appeal makes
it a real crowd pleaser. Te addition
of asparagus lifts the dish adding its
unique favour but also a textural
contrast to the robust, satisfying bite
of the wild rice. Here the spice match
is actually a contrast - the paprika
adding a smoky heat to this otherwise
creamy and delicate dish.
Te nutty, wholesome taste of the wild rice
matches perfectly with the Basmati grain,
adding a visual twist to any dish.
While the smoked version adds a little more
heat, plain Paprika ofers a depth of favour
and a natural way to add colour and intensity
to dishes. It is used in a range of dishes across
Europe, the Middle East and North Africa.
From the deserts of the Middle East to the
tropical jungles of Africa, rice grows on every
continent... except Antarctica.
Salmon & Asparagus
Serves 4 Prep Time 10 mins Cook Time 25 mins
240g Tilda Basmati &
Wild Rice
1 tbsp olive oil
500g salmon fllet, cubed
200g button mushrooms
125g asparagus tips, cut
into 3cm pieces
200g low fat cream cheese
100ml semi skimmed milk
tsp smoked paprika
20g pack chives,
1. Cook the rice in boiling water for 25 minutes, drain.
2. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the salmon and mushrooms for 3-4 minutes.
3. Stir in the asparagus, cream cheese, milk and paprika and cook for 1-2 minutes.
Season to taste.
4. Mix the chives into the rice and serve with the salmon stroganoff.
Spice Match:
Rice Fact

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