By Laws!

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Section 1. The principal ofce of the corporation shall be in Tarlac City,
Tarlac, Philippines.
Section 1. The annual meeting of the members shall be held on the
second (2
) Monday of May of each year at the principal ofce of the
corporation or at any place chosen by the Board of Trustees proided that
such place is located in the city or municipality !here the principal ofce
of the corporation is located.
Section . The special meetings of the members or the Board of Trustees
shall be held anytime at any place designated by the Board of Trustees
!ithin the city or municipality !here the principal ofce of the corporation
is located. The meeting may be called by the President, or by the
Chairman of the Board, or upon petition of 2"# of the registered members.
Section !. $ritten notice of the meeting, !hether special or regular,
shall state the place, time and date thereof, and the purpose or purposes
for !hich the meeting is called. %uch notice shall be gien by the
%ecretary, or in case of his absence, refusal or inability, by the President,
or by the Chairman of the Board or any member designated by the
The deliery of such notice to each member may be done
personally, or by enclosing in an enelope, !ith the postage thereon or by
any other means used by businesses and generally accepted !ays of
!ritten communication.
&n case of a special meeting, !hether of the Board of Trustees or of
members, deliery or mailing of such notice must be made 'e (()
business days before the date ')ed for the meeting.
&n case of a regular meeting, !hether of the Board of Trustees or of
members, deliery or mailing of such notice must be made three (*)
business days before the date ')ed for the meeting.
Section ". The presiding ofcer of eery meeting of the members shall
be the President, or in case of his absence, by the +ice, President or !hen
neither are present, any member that shall be oted by the ma-ority of the
present or duly represented members at the meeting.
Section #. The presiding ofcer or eery meeting of the Board of Trustees
shall be the President, or in case of his absence, by the +ice, President or
!hen neither is present, by any Trustee to be chosen by the ma-ority ote
of the present Trustees.
Section 1. The .uorum for any meeting shall consist of at least (/0 of
the registered members or at least #"( of the board of trustees. 1)cept
those matters !here the Corporation Code re.uires the afrmatie ote of
the greater proportion, the .uorum may decide on any .uestion during
the meeting. &n the absence of a .uorum, the President shall hae the
po!er to ad-ourn the said meeting.
Section 1. The Board of Trustees shall be composed of ten (/2) members.
They shall e)ercise the corporate po!ers of the corporation, as !ell as
conduct business !ithin its po!ers and hae the right to manage
properties of the corporation. 3ny determination a4ecting the corporation
shall be arried at after a consultation at a meeting of the board upon
notice to all, attended by at least a .uorum of the members of the Board.
Section . 3ny member nominated for election as a Trustee must possess
all of the follo!ing .uali'cations5
2) Must be 2( years old and aboe.
a) Must be a resident or citi6en of the Philippines.
b) Must be capable of giing consent.
c) Must be a member of the corporation.
d) Must hae a Bachelor7s degree of any *,year course.
e) Must be elected by a ma-ority ote of the registered members of
the corporation in a regular or a special meeting !hen necessary.
Section !. 8o person conicted by 'nal -udgment of an o4ense
punishable by imprisonment for a period e)ceeding si) (9) years, or a
iolation to the corporation code, !ithin 'e (() years prior to the date of
his election or appointment, shall .ualify as a trustee. :urthermore, no
person guilty of an act or behaior that graely iolates the moral
sentiment or accepted moral standards of the community shall .ualify as
a trustee. 8either can a goernment ofcial nor a public 'gure shall be
.uali'ed as a trustee.
Section ". The incorporating Board of Trustees shall hold ofce for one
(/) year until their successors are duly elected and .uali'ed. :urthermore,
the term of ofce of /"( of them, !ith the least number of otes during
the election, shall e)pire eery year. ;o!eer, Board of Trustees
subse.uently elected shall hae a term of 'e (() years only.
Section 1. The ofcers of the corporation shall be composed of the
President, +ice,President, %ecretary, and Treasurer.
Section . 1ach ofcer shall be elected by a ma-ority ote of the Board of
Trustees of the corporation in a regular or a special meeting !hen
Section !. $%&'i(c&tion) o* O+ce,)
a) President
Must be #2 years old and aboe.
Must hae been a member of the Board of Trustees.
Must be a citi6en and a resident of the Philippines.
Must be a contributor of money, property or serice that shall
be gien to the corporation for its purpose.
b) +ice,President
Must be a citi6en and a resident of the Philippines.
Must hae a Bachelor7s degree of any *,year course.
Must be a contributor of money, property or serice that shall
be gien to the corporation for its purpose.
Must be of legal age.
c) %ecretary
Must be a citi6en and a resident of the Philippines.
Must be a contributor of money, property or serice that shall
be gien to the corporation for its purpose.
Must be of legal age.
d) Treasurer
Must be a citi6en and a resident of the Philippines.
Must be a contributor of money, property or serice that shall
be gien to the corporation for its purpose.
Must be a graduate of any business course.
Section ". 8o person conicted by 'nal -udgment of an o4ense
punishable by imprisonment for a period e)ceeding si) (9) years, or a
iolation to the corporation code, !ithin 'e (() years prior to the date of
his election or appointment, shall .ualify as an ofcer. :urthermore, no
person guilty of an act or behaior that graely iolates the moral
sentiment or accepted moral standards of the community shall .ualify as
an ofcer. 8either can a goernment ofcial nor a public 'gure shall be
.uali'ed as an ofcer.
Section #. The ofcers shall hold ofce for one (/) year and until their
successors are elected and .uali'ed.
Section 1.The President shall be the chief e)ecutie ofcer of the
corporation and as such shall generally superise all operations of the
corporation, sub-ect to the approal of the Board of Trustees.
a) ;e or she shall preside in all meetings of the members of the
corporation and the board of trustees.
b) ;e or she shall e)ecute all resolutions of the Board of Trustees.
c) ;e or she shall be charged !ith directing and oerseeing the
actiities of the corporation.
Section .The +ice President, in the absence of the President, shall
preside oer the meetings of the Board of <irectors and those of the
members of the corporation. &n case the President incapacitated, he or
she shall assist the President in the e)ecution and implementation of all
rules and regulations, policies and pro-ects of the corporation.
a) =ersee all issues relating to membership of the corporation.
b) <irect legal updates and reisions.
c) Presere and maintain order and discipline !ithin the corporation.
d) 3ccomplish other duties as delegated by the President.
Section !.The %ecretary shall >eep accurate records of all corporation
meetings proided for the purpose? ensure that all notices are duly gien
in accordance !ith the proisions as re.uired by la!? maintain corporate
records and perform all other duties as may be assigned by the Board of
a) To receie and record all communications addressed to the
b) To prepare the agenda of the regular or special meetings of the
Board upon consultation !ith the President.
c) To >eep and periodically publish an accurate register of the
d) To inform ofcers of their schedules and appointments
Section ".The Treasurer shall be responsible for corporate funds of the
corporation? shall >eep precise accounts of disbursements and receipts in
boo>s belonging to the corporation and e)ercise such other po!ers and
perform such other functions as assigned by the Board of Trustees.
a.) To collect, receie and >eep in his custody the membership fees,
annual dues and such other fees that prescribed by the board
b.) To disburse the funds of the corporation such payrolls duly approed
in accordance !ith the internal accounting and auditing rules and
c.) To submit the :inancial %tatements, certi'ed by an independent
Certi'ed Public 3ccountant.
d.) To submit a report of income and e)penditures to the President for
his information and guidance.
Section 1.There shall be t!o classes of members in the corporation5
a) @egular Members
3ny capacitated citi6en of legal age and a resident of the
Philippines may be .uali'ed as regular member of the corporation.
b) 3fliate Members
3ny organi6ation that embodies to promote the goals and
ob-ecties of the corporation may be an afliate member, proided
that he pays the appropriate fees and dues set by the Board of
Section . The Board of Trustees shall determine the .uali'cations of an
applicant for membership.
Section !. Aegitimate members shall hae the right to transact in the
name of the corporation for the betterment and deelopment of the
corporation and to participate in all the actiities and programs of the
corporation in the limitation and rules stated in the By,la!s.
Section ". 3ll members shall act in accordance to the by,la!s and shall
promote the deelopment of the corporation. Members shall help in
raising funds for the corporation.
Section 1. 1ach member shall be entitled to one ote multiplied by the
no. of Trustees to be elected. ;e or she may allocate the said otes on the
similar principle among as many candidates as he shall thin> .uali'ed but
shall not cast more than one ote for one candidate.
Section . 3 Boernance and 8omination Committee shall be formed by
the ofcers of the corporation in accordance !ith the rules and regulations
of %ecurities and 1)change Commission. %uch Committee shall hae the
po!er to assess and determine !hether any person nominated for
election as <irector has all the prescribed .uali'cations for such position.
:urthermore, such Committee has also the po!er to recommend to the
aspiring Board of Trustees other .uali'cations and grounds for
dis.uali'cations as may be deemed necessary and essential.
Section !. :or the purpose of electing the Trustees, all nominations by
the members shall be submitted in !riting to the Board of Trustees
through the Chairman of the Board and the %ecretary at least forty,'e
(*() !or>ing days before the regular or special meeting at this
corporation7s principal place of business.
&n case of election to 'll a acancy in the Board of Trustees for any
reason other than e)piration of term of ofce, all nominations of Trustees
of such case shall be submitted in !riting to the Board of Trustees through
the Chairman of the Board and the %ecretary at least forty (*2) !or>ing
days before the meeting of the Board of Trustees.
Section ". 3ny acancy in the Board of Trustees for in case of death or
any reason other than remoal by the members or by the e)piration of the
term of ofce, shall be 'lled by the ote of at least the ma-ority of the
remaining directors, if still constituting a .uorum. The elected director
shall hold ofce for the une)pired term of his predecessor. =n the other
hand, !hen the said acancy is caused by the remoal of the directors in
the manner proided by la!, it shall be 'lled by election at the same
meeting of members called for the purpose after giing notice as stated in
the By,la!s.
Section 1. The corporate seal of this corporation shall bear upon its face,
in a circle, the !ords CB&+&8B ;38<% A13@8&8B :=D8<3T&=8, &8C.E, and
!ithin the circle a symbol of hands carrying four children.
Section1. These by,la!s or any proision thereof may be amended or
repealed by ma-ority ote of the members and by a ma-ority ote of the
trustees at any regular or special meeting duly held for the purpose.
3dopted this 2/
day of March in the year 22/* by the afrmatie
ote of the undersigned members of the corporation in a special meeting
duly held for the purpose.
$e hae hereunto signed these By,Aa!s, this 2/
day of March,
22/*, in the City"Municipality of Tarlac, Proince of Tarlac, Philippines.


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