Sir Shapoor Reporter and 1953 Coup in Iran 3

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Full Text (first
edition) in the
form of PDF
Table of
I, and Shapur
Light switch of
life Shapur
Shapur Reporter
in MI 6
The first years of
working in the
Head of Radio
Farsi Delhi
Mission in
Tehran Tehran
Mission in
Hong Kong
and Colombo
Secretary of
the Indian
Head Shapur Reporter
coup 28 Mordad 1332
Part III
The first year of work in the service's Intelligence

.DSO) He was granted)
Shapur in Ho-Ho isolated , having demonstrated outstanding service and receipt of it does not
mention. I think the reason is that the show is devoted to the military and Shapur would not call her
as a military person. Shapur in Ho-Ho isolated only acceptable to continue his education in Mumbai,
after completing school education Zoroaster in Tehran, mentioned the study in Westminster and King's
College of Cambridge University lays dormant. Shapur certainly 1939- 1940 in England, was in the
vicinity of the years since his first British passport, with number 363060, issued in London
and is owned by the same year . [46] In addition, there are two certificates that show Shapur
Cambridge continued their education after the period of 1940 to January 1941 at Pittman's College
[London, has been studied. [47
Educated in England at the time of Shapur Reporter

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Embassy in
Teaching in the
Tutor Queen
Climb Churchill
and Eisenhower
Reza Pahlavi is a
The mission of
the Department
of State
According to
John F. Shapur
difficulties in
Honour for man
who made
millions of
pounds of
benefit to the UK
s Intelligence'
Service and the
CIA coup
Donald Wilber, a
history of coups
The hiding place
of Shapur
Bvskv" exclusive
agents of the
CIA in Iran
Shapur Reporter
and embrace the
10/13/2014 Sir Shapoor Reporter and 1953 Coup in Iran 3 3/31
Afshartvs and
place of death
Phil defiance " "
" to " embrace

Examples of certificates Shapur Reporter at Pittman's College London until January 1941
Shapur in Ho-Ho isolated 1941- 1943 jobs will be noted in the "public relations officer of the British
embassy in Tehran". [48] In other words, no mention of him during his training and missions The
.above does not work
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(Bio Head of Shapur Reporter Hvayzhv (1993
Head of Radio Farsi Delhi
Shapur Reporter in Ho-Ho isolated 1943- 1945 jobs during the " Head of Iranian National Radio
India "in 1945 -1948 years teaching English in" The Royal College Headquarters "in Tehran (of war)
.has described. The contents of the document have eg. IP
:Other documents in our hands the life of Shapur Reporter mentioned in these sketches
In May 1943 / May 1322 Shapur in New Delhi's Apollo Hotel, located in Nicholson Street, stay there.
On May 31 Adjutant General Staff of the British Army in India in a letter, which was sent to the
address of Shapur wants to focus his request dated 19 May 1943 addressed to the Secretary of the
Central Committee of the interview, as soon as the headquarters for interviews Central, Room No. 42,
[Block E, see. [49
On 19 June 1943 a friend of Shapur named Jack duplex [50] from a military base in Mumbai
Shapur Reporter at The Apollo Hotel (New Delhi) writes a. The letter also stated: " I think we had to
have a mission for you, and if you have not yet gone the way of the universe . "[ 51] Jack
.Duplex Hmdrh military and Shapur friend in late 1945 in Egypt was killed
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(Shapur Reporter from Mumbai to a duplex jack in Delhi (June 19, 1943
On 24-30 August 1943 , Charles Barnes , [52] All India Radio news director, a letter to the
chairman of the Indian Army and writes to Shapur sent a copy of it. Barnes With reference to
your letter dated 16 July 1943 stated that if Mr. Reporter emergency reasons informational
Indian Army [53] responsibility of the employee and shall be sent to Iran, we're ready to
put him in a three-month (which can be another person to replace him) that he was
[discharged from service on radio. [54
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Charles Barnes agreed to the mission of the Division of Shapur in India and sending emergency
(information to Iran (August 1943
On 6 October 1943 the Director of All India Radio news in a letter to the chairman of the Indian Army,
Indian intelligence about Lashkar-e Shapur transfer, calling for a response letter dated August 24 to 30
[1943 (a previous high). [55
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At 8:30 pm on March 23, 1944 meeting of government officials and members of an Iranian board
Hyderabad Deccan ( Ali Asghar Hekmat , Pvrdavvd E. and G. Rshydyasmy ) House Bella Vyzta
[56] (Hyderabad) up to. Cards in our hands where participants sit in a meeting for a specified
audience. Shapur Reporter is a member of the session. On one side of the table, Mr. Mahmoudali
Big is sitting on the other side of Captain A. Bshyraldyn. At the head of the table (the input) to sit the
following people: Mr. Aziz Ahmad, Mr. Vhydaldyn Ahmed, Ms Zainab Hassan Nvazjng, Professor
Ibrahim Pvrdavvd, Mrs. L. Adrvs, His Excellency Prince measures, Mr. Mirali Asghar Hekmat, Ms.
Myrkhan, Nawab Zain Yar war Bahadur, Nawab Bahadur favor of the war, Gen. Ali Reza. On the other
side of the table (back entrance) to the following persons will agree: Mr. Tahir Ali Khan, Mr. M..
Ahmed, Miss Leila Hassan Nawaz war, Professor Ghulam Rashid Yasami Begum Hassan Nawaz war,
catching the war Nawab Bahadur Yar war saddle Begum, Nawab Bahadur Hassan Nawaz War, Mrs.
[Bshyraldyn Ahmad, Mr. Muhammad Myrkhan, Mr. Shapur [Reporter]. ] 57
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On August 4, 1944, Charles Barnes, Director of All India Radio news, general issued a letter of
introduction. The letter also states that Mr. Shapur Reporter of the unit for personal purposes
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.in the All India Radio Tehran ready to travel
These documents show that in the years 1943-1944 Shapur Reporter, director of Delhi's
Persian radio and in August 1944 in preparation for the mission was moved to the new
location . Shapur Reporter Administration took a picture of the Persian radio announcers in Delhi on
our hands him the microphone at the radio show. The attached picture of the rise and fall of the
.Pahlavi monarchy published
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The director and speaker of Persian, Radio London (eBay. EBay. Thirty.), Which on December 29,
1940/8 January 1319 began, solemn Balyvzy Bushehri faith is. [59] At the same time, Bahram
Shahrokh Persian section of Radio Berlin would operate. [60] The Persian section of Radio Israel, at
which time Radio Jerusalem was called, and the Association was founded and run by one of the
[leaders of the Baha'i sect and relatives, Hassan Balyvzy, called Nir Afnan , was obtained. [61
Mission in Bahrain
According to the document, eg, Shapur Reporter in 1945 in the Department of Services for
.Persian Gulf (Bahrain) was appointed
Shapur stay in Bahrain since we have only two files in the Appendix of Volume II of the rise and fall of
.the Pahlavi monarchy published
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Tehran Tehran London
:Shortly Shapur in Tehran in 1946 and then again in London and in Tehran
On March 31, 1946 Shapur honorary membership card in the Anglo-Iranian Institute (Tehran) was
issued. Shapur name and address on the back of the card has two reads: " Mr. Hossein Namazi,
Inc. East and State House Kazmyh, Nasir Street "and" Mr. Karim Al-Sharif, Bahrain ". [62]
This is probably the Haj Hossein Namazi H. Nemazee's brother S. Female Ziaeddin Tabatabai. Shapur
later had a close relationship with Hossein Namazi. Shapur Reporter documentation set, there are four
bank receipt that shows Shapur during the years 1959 -1960, about 104 thousand dollars has been
[credited to the account of H. Namazi. [63
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An example of the money was paid through prayer Husayn Shapur Reporter The Union Bank of
Shapur in London in July 1946 and is located in Building 11 Gordon Street, Beaufort Naytzbryj [64]
lives. On July 8 , Mr. duplex, [65] Father Jack duplex above, in a letter to the above address Shapur
[informed that his son, Jack, was killed in Egypt by the end of 1945. [66
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August 23, 1946 at the Duplex , Duplex brother, Jack, of Buckingham, England Shapur Reporter
writes letters in Tehran. This letter addresses the Anglo-Iranian Institute at St. Persepolis posted.
These documents show that the duplex and Shapur a year ago (July 1946) in England were then
Shapur through an Arab country (Bahrain?) Way to Iran. Duplex Bob writes: "Rather than a month
seems a century, here you have it. Or are you satisfied returned to their old country is not there yet?
I hope to get caught up in the hot deserts and Arabs are not preached. Meanwhile, Arab women are
like? "[ 67] has pointed out the duplex without good reason. The contents of the letters to his fiance
Shapur, A. Zmanvkyans, by 1952, Shapur years ago with a woman named Latifa had a romantic
[relationship. This story probably belongs to the time of Shapur stay in Bahrain. [68
On 19 December 1946 Mr Douro, Father Jack and Bob duplex, letter from London to Tehran at
Shapur, J. Lord Street, No. 34, and sends the Frontispiece to thank him for the donation of two cans
[Khavryar. [69
Mission in Hong Kong and Colombo

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I have the document eg. IP. 6, Shapur Reporter in 1946, was sent to China because of
.China's impressive to reflect events Special Service Awards were given to him
About this point in the mission documents available that shows the information Shapur Shapur to June
:1947 the ports of Hong Kong (China) and Colombo (Ceylon) traffic is
Shapur Reporter March 1947 in the British Embassy in Tehran on his British passport is renewed. New
passport number and its 300,397 jobs Shapur "English teacher" was mentioned. His passport on March
26, 1947/11 August 1326 of Khorramshahr border into Iraq and arrived in Hong Kong on May 29.
On 31 May 1947 the Department of Health Government of the Hong Kong Certificate of liquid corn
[smallpox vaccine by Captain A. Shapur. Reporter's issue. [ 71
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On June 9, 1947, Mr. duplex letter to Shapur to address Hong Kong, Princess Building, H Company.
Namazi [72] it sends. He received a letter of Shapur from Colombo (Ceylon) sent the notice. [73]
Shapur British passport he traveled to Ceylon is not included. In other words, Shapur had
.used another passport
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Under Shapur British passport, he left Hong Kong on 18 June 1947, arrived in Calcutta on June 22 and
.24 June / 2 July 1326 entered through Basra and Khorramshahr, Iran
On 25 June 1947 the Company. Namazi Hong Kong issued a certificate. The document, signed by
Charles Nicholson, [74] the company's CEO. Prayer, [75] evidence that Mr. Shapur Reporter in the
past four months in office, the firm has worked as director of communications and translation, and is
now planning to return to Iran. [ 76] The certificate is issued on the same day of the arrival time of
.Shapur passed
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On 15 July 1947 Mr Duplex letter to Shapur street in Tehran to address Lord J, Number 34 sends, 4
July, he received a notice of Ceylon tea flavored thanked posts Frontispiece of the makes and
[expressed surprise that the Shapur quickly returned to Iran. [77
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10/13/2014 Sir Shapoor Reporter and 1953 Coup in Iran 3 22/31
Mr. Shapur Reporter dated 15 July 1947. a duplex to duplex in the first paragraph of a sudden and
.rapid return to Tehran Shapur the flow is expressed
General Secretary of the Indian Embassy in Tehran
The contents of the document have eg. IP. 6, Shapur in 1947 and was commissioned into
the Indian Foreign Ministry in Tehran, Iran served as First Secretary of the chief
.ambassador of India
In this regard, the documents in hand. In addition to the image of Shapur with Iran's ambassador to
India in the second volume of the rise and fall of the Pahlavi Dynasty published, [78] Shapur warrant
of appointment as General Secretary of the Indian Embassy in Tehran are also available. The
document was signed on 18 February 1949 and Seyed Ali Zahir , Ambassador of India, said. [79]
document a year of Shapur Mission in Embassy of India belongs. Shapur Employment at the
.Embassy of India in the same year or the following year (1950) ends
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Seyed Ali Zahir, Ambassador of India, along with M. Samii, Chief of Protocol of the Ministry of
(Foreign Affairs, and a senior member of the Indian Embassy (Shapur Reporter first in the second row
Shapur Reporter and other members of the Indian embassy in Tehran
Teaching in the University
We do not know exactly what that Shapur Reporter year teaching at the University of the war
began. Shapur in Ho-Ho isolated claimed that during the years 1945 -1948 was engaged in teaching
degree. This claim is inaccurate and incorrect because Shapur to June 1947 in the Far East. He was
around July 1326 / July 1947 he returned to Iran and probably in October the same year, ie from the
first campaign , the war began teaching at the University. A letter from Gen. Abdullah directed
the commander of the war, Shapur Reporter, dated 11 March 1330/3 July 1951, was available. The
:text of the document reads
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Mr Shahpur Ardshyrjy
University of the war effort in the education program of
.paid staff quarters saying you appreciate [sic] is. Floor
War College Commandant
[Gen. conductivity [80
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Shapur Reporter, an English professor at the University of pupils
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Photo by Maj conductivity (later Field Marshal), commander of the war that it has awarded
".Dedicated to my dear friend Mr Shahpur Ardshyrjy"
Queen Soraya tutor
We know that the Reporter Shapur English teacher Soraya, wife of the new king, too. In the years
1330-1332 he was engaged in teaching English to Soraya. The undated document from the General
Administration of Press and Radio, which belongs to the early years after the coup, Shapur Reporter
:about these
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Mr. Shahpvrjy correspondent for The Times of
London, the Zoroastrians in Iran but grew up
in India. He was educated at Cambridge
University in England has finished. Speaks
better English than the English themselves. His
Majesty Homayouni special attention to them
and how proud once played tennis with HH S.
Shah, and was an English teacher. couple of
years working in the business. Young Baadb
very noble and quiet. Speaks little English and
[therefore more similar to themselves. [81
The simple past of the verb indicates that Shapur was the last English teacher Soraya. This should be
about the time that Soraya has recently become the wife of the king and queen's essential that as
soon as Iran fully familiar with the English language. (Mohammad Reza Pahlavi Persian date Bahman
1329 Soraya Esfandiari was married at 27. Soraya Bakhtiari father and German mother and a
(.Presbyterian. grew up in Germany and was not fluent in English

:Subtitles and references
.(The Rise and Fall of the Pahlavi dynasty , vol 2, pp 174- 175 (footnote 46
Center Institute for Iranian Contemporary Historical Studies, Documents 1 -09- 129) and (1 1 -2 A 47
48 Who's Who: An Annual Biographical Dictionary , London: A & C Black, the 1,993th, p. In 1579.
.-Center Institute for Iranian Contemporary Historical Studies, Document No. A 129 1-322 49
50 Jack Devereux
.(Ibid, Document Number 41-12-3-129 (a 51
10/13/2014 Sir Shapoor Reporter and 1953 Coup in Iran 3 29/31
52- Charles Barns
53- Intelligence Corps (India)
.Ibid, document number 2-322- 129 a 54
.Ibid, Document No. 3 322- 129 a 55
56 Bella Vista Palace
.Ibid, document number 47598 57
Recently published a series of travelogues of Ali Asghar Hekmat. The contents of this book in Persian
date Esfand 1322 on Thursday 18/9 March 1944 the Iranian Consulate in New Delhi Shapur Reporter
as secretary of the Iranian delegation, Ali Asghar Hekmat present. Wisdom writings show that he is
:familiar with Ardeshir Reporter
Morning, Mr. Shahpur, son of the late A. J., who currently works at Radio Delhi and the
consulate is concerned , on behalf of Mr. [Ali] Motamedi [Consulate General of Iran]
was introduced to the Secretary to work with us. Young loving and good ethics. Several
years in London and educated in London has Avnyvrsyth. For now, a few months in
India. (SM Dbyrsyaqy [the effort], outcomes of Wisdom: Travel Description and travel
(by Mirza Ali Asghar Khan Shirazi wisdom , Tehran: cultural figures, 1379, vol 1, p 257
(Ibid, pp 286- 289)
.(Ibid, document -322- 129 (a) (4 58
History of Fifty Years of Radio Farsi. eBay. thirty." Persian program of radio. EBay. BBC, Saturday" 59
Hassan solemn Balyvzy Bushehri son Ali Muhammad Khan Movaghar al-doleh , members of
the Afnan family (relatives of Ali Muhammad Bab), as one of the leaders of the Iranian Baha'i sect
known as the Kingdom of effective agents. Movaghar al-doleh years after the coup, the third ruler of
the Persian date Esfand 1299 Area Bushehr Ziaeddin Sayed Tabatabai Minister of Public Works and
Trade and Agriculture and died at the same time. Hassan Balyvzy Movaghar al-doleh nickname from
her father inherited the presidency in the years 1937 -1960 AD Baha'i National Spiritual Assembly of
the British seized. In 1957 Shoghi Effendi (Baha'i leaders) Balyvzy as a Guardian appointed agents. He
organized the group's famous conference held in London in 1342 and prompted strong protest at
.Imam Khomeini
Bahram Shah Rukh's son Kai is a master Ardeshir Reporter, father of Shapur, was closely - 60
Ardshyrjy was initially elevated. During World War II, Bahram Shah served as commissioner of British
influence in Germany. This procedure during the First World War, there was also a group of Iranians
and Indians Lmanvfyly liveried British intelligence service were working in Berlin for profit. In the
appendix of the rise and fall of the Pahlavi dynasty image of Shapur and Bahram Shah Rukh and
.Gholam Ali Waheed Mazanderani Reporter is published
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On 5 Persian date Aban 1319 A. Esfandiari, the Iranian Consul General in Palestine and East Jordan 61
Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Tehran wrote: "... a few days ago, the Palestinian General Intelligence
Directorate summoned Mr. Nayer Afnan from Haifa to Jerusalem and the
He .
answered in person may do so, but stewardship is not able to tell the news on the radio. He was told
by the Iranian Bah' who is himself a Muslim who can afford to do this task in Palestine and I do not
know where all employees are competent radio program, the cost of the Persian language. It is better
.to employ two persons capable of Iran

Jewish and was not
found. "(M. Yazdani [the effort], Iranian Jews emigrated to Palestine in 1300 -1330 S documents.,
(Tehran: Iran National Archives Organization, 1374, p 72
.Center Institute for Iranian Contemporary Historical Studies, Document Number 2 129 77 a 62
.Ibid, documents -6241- 129 1 A, 1 -6242- 129 A, and 48,833 documents 63
64 11, Beaufort Gardens, Knightsbridge, SW 3
65 WC Devereux
.Ibid, document number 47599 66
.Ibid, 29 129 Document Number 7 a 67
.Ibid, Document No. A 20 -1 -3 -129 68
.Ibid, document number 47600 69-
The Rise and Fall of the Pahlavi dynasty , vol 2, p 174 (footnote). Those used in the present study 70
.and the above-mentioned references based on document image
.-Center Institute for Iranian Contemporary Historical Studies, Document No. 1 11 129 A -3 71
72 H. Nemazee, Princes Building, Hong Kong
.Ibid, document number 47601 73
74 Charles D. Nickolson
companies are. Namazi and h. Namazi Hong Kong has two brothers , Mohammad Hassan 75
(deceased around 1310 n.) and Haji Mohammad Hossein Namazi (d 1326 n.) belonged. Brothers
prayers are with companies of British Jews and Persians were closely involved in the opium trade and
thereby accumulated enormous wealth. Hongkong Shanghai Bank (HSBC) and the Iranian
branch (British Imperial Bank of Iran) and shipping companies like Island and East (P &
O) was and is a major investment in this network. pillars born of humanity, writing: "Haji
Mohammad Hasan Namazi from Tehran to Hnkang ... where he gradually worked his trade flourished,
and few Merchant Ship Order by Name two planes that I remember that it was President losses. This
ship between Hnkang and southern Iran and Basra were the stock-in-trade of the port traffic to and
from Iran and Basra to Bombay and took Hnkang. Promote exports of more prayer and Iran to China's
opium crop. And I heard that the advantage of extracting gold from ore near Hnkang and occasionally
from the British government was able to see the gold bullion sent to Shiraz. "(MH born pillar of
humanity, scientists and spoke Sarayan Gulf , Tehran: Aslamyh- Khayyam, 1337, vol. 2, pp 406 -407)
Haj Mohammad Nemazee 's son, Senator Haji Muhammad Hassan and M. Namazi , son of Haji
Muhammad Hussein. During the First World War Mohammad Namazi, in partnership with Sir John
Clement (ancestor of the family of the ancient truth ), " Rshn of " (chief accountant) British troops
in southern Iran. During World War II, M. Namazi, in partnership with A. Meyer (Jewish Baghdad),
United States Army contractor in Iran. M. and M. prayer of Freemasons Iran were also influential.
Pictures of Mohammad Namazi the protagonist along with other members of the Masonic Lodge Rayyn
light in the book Ishmael ( the forgotten and Freemasonry in Iran , vol 3, pp 131, 133) is provided.
Because of this long-standing and deep-rooted ties with the powerful and universal network is that Bill
Clinton, former president of the United States, at the end of 1998 a member of the family named
.Hassan Nemazee as ambassador to the United States in Argentina appointed
.Center Institute for Iranian Contemporary Historical Studies, Document No. 1 625- 129 a 76
.(Ibid, document number 23 6 - 3-129 (a 77
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At the time of preparing the second volume of the rise and fall of the Pahlavi dynasty in the image 78
description mistakenly wrote: "Shapur Reporter and president of India on the occasion of his visit to
Iran." This post is wrong. In this photo at the forefront of Seyed Ali Zahir , Ambassador of India,
along with M. Samii , emcee Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Embassy of India, seen as Shapur and the
.Indian authorities are on the second line
.(Ibid, document -323- 129 (a) (1 79
.Ibid, document No. 1 324- 129 a 80
.The Rise and Fall of the Pahlavi dynasty , vol 2, p 188 81
Part IV

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.Contents of this page to Abdollah Shahbazi All rights reserved
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