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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Encouraging Development

September 5, 2014 Mary E. Smith, AAC


ADHD Awareness Coalition
Sarah D. Wright, Coalition Chair

Encouraging Development
joins with
the ADHD Awareness Coalition
to Fight Misperceptions During ADHD AWARENESS MONTH

National Public Education Initiative Takes Place October 1 31, 2014

(Highland Village, Texas 2014) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD) is one of the most
prevalent and misunderstood conditions in the world, according to Mary Smith, ADHD Life Coach. ADHD is
real and some 5-8% of the population has it. Whether its you, a loved one, colleague, or neighbor, your life is
impacted in some way everyday by this disorder.

ADHD Awareness Month is an international movement to educate the public and create greater awareness
and understanding about attention deficit disorder. Smith goes on to say, My goal is to show people the truth
about this disorder and help them move past the myths that keep them from seeking appropriate treatment.

Encouraging Development and the ADHD Awareness Coalition will recognize ADHD Awareness Month
throughout October 2014 by joining with millions of adults, families, and children living with Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder, as well as health care professionals, psychologists, and other thought leaders, to
promote greater awareness about ADHD.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, a neurodevelopmental disorder, affects millions of Americans
regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status. Recognized widely by medical organizations as
varied as the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and
the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), ADHD causes significant impairment at work, in school, and
throughout the daily lives of those affected by it.
Ruth Hughes, former CEO of CHADD (Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder),
referred to current research, saying, ADHD has many faces. It affects people of all ethnic backgrounds and
all socioeconomic classes. This is an important month when our community comes together to rally around
the cause of ADHD awareness.

Encouraging Development ADHD Awareness Event information

Mary Smith and Encouraging Development invites you attend the presentation of
AHDH - What You Don't Know...Really Can Hurt
October 5 and 19*
6:00 - 7:30 pm
Trietsch Memorial United Methodist Church
6101 Morriss Road Flower Mound
*The same program will be presented on each night

Do you have ADHD? Are you married to someone with ADHD? Are you raising a child with ADHD? No matter
how ADHD impacts your life, you are welcome to attend this special event specifically designed to help you
better understand the current thinking about this brain type that is "ADHD".
Mary will share information highlighting the most effective types of management versus the potential impact of
"non-treatment" or "non-management".
Attendees can expect to come away will some practical tips on how to end the nagging and increase the level
of cooperation between you and your child.
Parents will also enjoy hearing from our special guest speaker on the "teen" perspective of having ADHD,
taking medication, following the rules, discipline and motivation.

About Mary E. Smith, AAC and Encouraging Development

My vision is to be an instrument in healing the feelings of inadequacy, helplessness and hopelessness held by
those impacted by ADHD. Through the coaching process, I
Help those with ADHD fully understand, accept and appreciate their unique brain type
Guide students and adults with ADHD to find stability and consistency in their lives, and
Mentor parents in raising confident children with ADHD.

You can connect with Mary through her website or on FaceBook


About the ADHD Awareness Coalition: The ADHD Awareness Coalition is comprised of leading organizations in the
United States United States devoted to providing information, support, and advocacy for individuals, families, and
professionals affected by ADHD. Contact the coalition at or its members at:
Copyright 2014 ADHD Awareness Coalition October 1 31, 2014
Copyright 2014 ADHD Awareness Coalition October 1 31, 2014

ADDitude Magazine
Contact Susan Caughman at

ADHD Coaches Organization
Contact Sarah D. Wright at

Attention Deficit Disorder Association
Contact Michele Novotni at

Children and Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Contact Ruth Hughes at

National Resource Center on AD/HD
Contact Sarah Firestone at

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