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(For FuII ScaIe and FieId xercises)

Humanitarian Aid
the People of Japan

Disaster Risk Management
Programme (2002-2007)
About the Programme

TheDlsaster Plsk Management Programme through communlty based dlsaster preparedness actlvltles ls belng
lmplemented ln l69 ldentlfled multl-hazard prone dlstrlcts across l7 States of |ndla. The programme alms at
bulldlng the capacltles of people, State Governments, communlty based organlzatlons and resource
lnstltutlons through a range of actlvltles that are gender sensltlve to dlsaster preparedness, preventlon, and
mltlgatlon. Por sustalnlngdlsaster rlsk reductlon strategles, an lnstltutlon for dlsaster rlsk management ls belng
set-up to take forward actlons at all levels. Thls programme ls supported by Luropean Unlon, Untled States
Agency for |nternatlonal Development, Unlted Klngdom Department for |nternatlonal Development,
Government of 1apan (through UNtrust fund), Humanltarlan Ald Department of theLuropean Commlsslon and
Australlan Agency for |nternatlonal Development.
Theprogrammeob[ectlves are-
l. capaclty bulldlngto lnstltutlonallzesystems for DPMln theGovernment
2. Awareness generatlon and educatlonal programmes on natural dlsaster rlsk management and recovery
3. Multl-hazard preparedness, response and mltlgatlon plans for DPMat state, dlstrlct, block, vlllage and
ward level ln l69most multl-hazard pronedlstrlcts of l7selected states
4. Networklng knowledge on effectlve approaches, methods and tools for DPM, developlng and
promotlngpollcy frameworks at Stateand Natlonal levels.

The Go|-UNDP Dlsaster Plsk Management Programme alms at sustalnable dlsaster rlsk reductlon through
capaclty bulldlng for preparedness and rlsk management. The Mock Drlll Manual for Dlsaster (for full scale and
flled exerclses) has been prepared under the programme. Some of the processes and structural frameworks
descrlbed ln thls manual were establlshed under the DPMProgramme for effectlve dlsaster rlsk management,
for e.g., the Dlsaster Management Commlttees and Task Porces at varlous levels as part of the systems that are
belng put ln place under the DPMprogramme. The manual ls deslgned to be a general guldellne and resource
materlal. Theapproaches outllned ln thls manual arenot regulatory requlrements, but rather recommendatlons
for emergency plannlng and response. The manual also provldes guldance for the development of new drllls
and exerclseprogrammes that wlll play a roleboth ln tralnlngas well as evaluatlngemergency operatlons across
dlfferent sectors.
Por morelnformatlon
Natlonal Dlsaster Management Dlvlslon
Mlnlstry of HomeAffalrs
Government of |ndla
North 8lock, New Delhl
webslte: www.ndmlndla.nlc.ln

(For FuII ScaIe and FieId xercises)
Disaster Risk Management
Programme (2002-2007)
(For FuII ScaIe and FieId xercises)
Humanitarian Aid
the People of Japan

Disaster Risk Management
Programme (2002-2007)
About the Programme

TheDlsaster Plsk Management Programme through communlty based dlsaster preparedness actlvltles ls belng
lmplemented ln l69 ldentlfled multl-hazard prone dlstrlcts across l7 States of |ndla. The programme alms at
bulldlng the capacltles of people, State Governments, communlty based organlzatlons and resource
lnstltutlons through a range of actlvltles that are gender sensltlve to dlsaster preparedness, preventlon, and
mltlgatlon. Por sustalnlngdlsaster rlsk reductlon strategles, an lnstltutlon for dlsaster rlsk management ls belng
set-up to take forward actlons at all levels. Thls programme ls supported by Luropean Unlon, Untled States
Agency for |nternatlonal Development, Unlted Klngdom Department for |nternatlonal Development,
Government of 1apan (through UNtrust fund), Humanltarlan Ald Department of theLuropean Commlsslon and
Australlan Agency for |nternatlonal Development.
Theprogrammeob[ectlves are-
l. capaclty bulldlngto lnstltutlonallzesystems for DPMln theGovernment
2. Awareness generatlon and educatlonal programmes on natural dlsaster rlsk management and recovery
3. Multl-hazard preparedness, response and mltlgatlon plans for DPMat state, dlstrlct, block, vlllage and
ward level ln l69most multl-hazard pronedlstrlcts of l7selected states
4. Networklng knowledge on effectlve approaches, methods and tools for DPM, developlng and
promotlngpollcy frameworks at Stateand Natlonal levels.

The Go|-UNDP Dlsaster Plsk Management Programme alms at sustalnable dlsaster rlsk reductlon through
capaclty bulldlng for preparedness and rlsk management. The Mock Drlll Manual for Dlsaster (for full scale and
flled exerclses) has been prepared under the programme. Some of the processes and structural frameworks
descrlbed ln thls manual were establlshed under the DPMProgramme for effectlve dlsaster rlsk management,
for e.g., the Dlsaster Management Commlttees and Task Porces at varlous levels as part of the systems that are
belng put ln place under the DPMprogramme. The manual ls deslgned to be a general guldellne and resource
materlal. Theapproaches outllned ln thls manual arenot regulatory requlrements, but rather recommendatlons
for emergency plannlng and response. The manual also provldes guldance for the development of new drllls
and exerclseprogrammes that wlll play a roleboth ln tralnlngas well as evaluatlngemergency operatlons across
dlfferent sectors.
Por morelnformatlon
Natlonal Dlsaster Management Dlvlslon
Mlnlstry of HomeAffalrs
Government of |ndla
North 8lock, New Delhl
webslte: www.ndmlndla.nlc.ln

Overvlew of theManual
Scopeand Purposeof theManual
Appllcablllty of theManual
Purposeof Mock Drllls and Lxerclses
Types of Drllls and Lxerclses
|mportant Players ln a Drlll/Lxerclse
Scenarlo Narratlve
Drlll Actlvlty
Lxpected Actlons/Poles and Pesponslbllltles
Lxpected Pesponse/Lvaluatlon Crlterla
Pre-drlll 8rleflng
Drlll |nltlatlon
Drlll Actlvlty
Lvaluatlon Team
Llements for Lvaluatlon
CrltlqulngMock Drllls
Mock Drlll Lvaluatlon Peport
Urban Settlng
Pural Settlng
|ndustrlal Settlng(Onslte/Offslte)
School Settlng
Health CareSettlng
Checkllst for DMTs/CTPs
Checkllst for LSP Teams
Templatefor Lvaluatlon of Mock Drllls
Figure 1: Phases of the Disaster Risk Management
A disaster ls deflned as "a serlous dlsruptlon of the functlonlng of a soclety, causlng wldespread human, materlal, or
envlronmental losses whlch exceed the ablllty of the affected soclety to cope uslng lts own resources. A dlsaster ls the
product of a hazard such as an earthquake, flood or wlndstorm colncldlng wlth a vulnerable sltuatlon ln a communlty,
vlllage, clty or geographlc area.
|ndla has been tradltlonally vulnerable to the rlsk of natural dlsasters due to the unlque geo-physlcal proflle of the
country. Approxlmately 85% of the country's land area l.e. 22 States are prone to varlous forms of natural dlsaster
lncludlngfloods, cyclones and earthquakes. |n the past decade, |ndla has wltnessed a number of ma[or natural dlsasters
lncludlng the cyclone ln Orlssa (l999), the earthquake ln Gu[arat (200l), and the tsunaml ln Tamll Nadu (2004), causlng
masslvelosses to llves, property and preclous resources.
Dlsaster management ls very essentlal ln |ndla due to thls unlque vulnerablllty proflle of the country. Disaster
management ls a set of pollcy, admlnlstratlve declslons and operatlonal actlvltles whlch pertaln to the varlous stages of
a dlsaster at all levels. |t can serveto reduceor mltlgatetherlsks assoclated wlth natural dlsasters.
Dlsasters can bevlewed as a serles of phases on a tlmecontlnuum. Therearethreekey stages of actlvlty that aretaken up
wlthln dlsaster management (Plgure|)-
I. Pre-Disaster (8efore a dlsaster strlkes): |n thls stage, rlsk reductlon actlvltles known as mitigation and
preparedness activities are carrled out. These actlvltles are undertaken to reduce human and property
losses caused by the hazard and to ensure that these losses are mlnlmlzed when the dlsaster strlkes. Mock
drllls arecarrled out ln thls phaseof thedlsaster cycle(8ox l).
II. Disaster Response(Durlnga dlsaster): |n thls stage, emergency response activities are carrled out. These
are actlvltles undertaken to ensure that the lmmedlate needs of the communlty are met and sufferlng ls
III. Post-Disaster (After a dlsaster): Response and recovery activities are carrled out at thls stage to achleve
early recovery and to prevent exposureto theearller vulnerablecondltlons.
Phasesof a disaster
Dverviewof the ManuaI
Scope and Purpose of the ManuaI
AppIicabiIity of the ManuaI
The manual has been prepared to facllltate the effectlve deslgn and lmplementatlon of drllls and exerclses speclflcally
lntended for testlng emergency preparedness and response. |t ls based on a detalled examlnatlon of over 400 drllls
whlch have been organlzed by varlous Government agencles, prlvate sector, communltles and schools across dlfferent
multl-hazard proneareas.
Thls manual has been prepared under the Government of |ndla-UNDP Dlsaster Plsk Management Programme. The
programme alms at sustalnable dlsaster rlsk reductlon through capaclty bulldlng focuslng on the pre-dlsaster phase of
the Dlsaster Management cycle. Some of the processes and structural frameworks descrlbed ln thls manual are belng
establlshed under the DPM Programme for effectlve dlsaster rlsk management, for e.g., the Dlsaster Management
Commlttees and Task Porces at varlous levels are part of the systems that are belng put ln place under the DPM
programme. However, themanual ls deslgned to bea general guldellneand resourcematerlal.
The approaches outllned ln thls manual are not regulatory requlrements, but rather recommendatlons for emergency
plannlngand response. Themanual also provldes guldancefor the development of new drllls and exerclse programmes
that wlll play a roleboth ln tralnlngas well as evaluatlngemergency operatlons across dlfferent sectors.
Thefollowlngsectlons contaln lnformatlon on thenecesslty for mock drllls ln dlsaster management lncludlngguldellnes
for deslgn, conductlon and evaluatlon of the drllls. The manual also provldes case studles for conductlng mock drllls ln
speclflc settlngs -Urban, Pural, |ndustrlal, Lducatlonal and Health Care.
To provldelnformatlon and guldancefor development or redeslgn of drlll programmes
To asslst wlth tralnlngand testlngfor dlsaster management through mock drllls
To suggest processes for thepreparatlon, conduct and evaluatlon of mock drllls and exerclses
|n order to respond effectlvely to emergencles, a multl-sectoral approach ls needed. All sectors lncludlng urban, rural,
lndustrlal, corporate, health and educatlon sectors should developand lmplement dlsaster management programmes,
plan detalled dlsaster response procedures, and provlde adequate tralnlng and access to emergency equlpment. The
recommendatlons contalned ln thls manual are lntended to asslst ln revlewlng and supplementlng the procedures for
mock dlsaster drllls lncludlng sector speclflc requlrements. The lnformatlon provlded can be applled to a varlety of
sltuatlons. Pegardless of the method used or the partlcular settlng, the drlll scenarlo should meet the needs of the
8ex1: Preisnsrer PhnseeI rheisnsrer Mnnngemenr Cycle
Awareness Generatlon about dlsaster preparedness, preventlon and mltlgatlon measures
Plan Preparatlon at varlous admlnlstratlvelevels l.e. States, Dlstrlcts and Communltles
Tralnlngand Capaclty Development
Conductlon of Mock Drllls
An effectlvedlsaster management pollcy ls cruclal for |ndla's development as lt ls thepoor and underprlvlleged that form
the most vulnerable groups and are the worst affected by natural dlsasters. The Government's earller approach was to
focus malnly on dlsaster rellef and recovery measures, whlle largely lgnorlngthe pre-dlsaster phase of the dlsaster cycle.
However, ln thewakeof therecent devastatlngdlsasters ln thecountry, and thegradual reallzatlon that dlsasters serveto
further retard soclo-economlc development, there has been a growlng shlft ln the Government's approach to dlsaster
management. Thls new approach emphaslzes dlsaster preparatlon, mltlgatlon and preparedness to reduce people's
vulnerablllty to therlsk of dlsasters.
Lffectlve response to challenglng sltuatlons and condltlons ls vltal for ensurlng personal safety and protectlng llves,
property, facllltles, equlpment, lnfrastructure and the envlronment. Personnel, communltles, departments, lncldent
commanders etc must be able to take lmmedlate actlons necessary to safely mltlgate the consequences of an
unexpected or abnormal and potentlally dangerous condltlon. The process presents a challenglng management
problem and becomes even more complex when all emergency management dlsclpllnes come together lnto one
lntegrated system for managlngemergencles. Drllls and exerclses focus on thoseactlons whlch arenecessary to respond
to an emergency. Pegular drllls and exerclses can help communltles, governments, lndustrlal bodles, corporate sectors
and other sectoral agencles to test, evaluate and contlnually lmprove thelr emergency management systems. Drllls and
exerclses should ldeally test all thephases of dlsaster management.
3 2
Purpose of MockdriIIsand xercises
7ypesof DriIIsand xercises
Thereareseveral dlfferent types of drllls and exerclses.
Mock-drllls help ln evaluatlng response and lmprovlng coordlnatlon wlthln varlous government departments,
non-government agencles and communltles. They help ln ldentlfylng the extent to whlch the SOPs and Plans are
effectlveand also ald ln revlslngtheself requlred. Thesedrllls enhancetheablllty to respond faster, better and ln an
organlzed manner durlngtheresponseand recovery phase.
Drllls/Slmulatlons/Lxerclses arebased on a set of assumptlons about theclrcumstances durlnga dlsaster:
A hlgh level of tenslon and anxlety under whlch theconcerned personnel would operateboth at thecentral
and fleld levels
Hlghly unrellablelnformatlon whlch requlres crltlcal assessment
Crltlcallty of tlmewhererapld declslons must betaken
Necesslty for coordlnatlon among technlcal personnel and government offlcers, who do not usually
Promlnenceof polltlcal and soclal factors ln theaftermath of a dlsaster
Therefore, the emphasls ls not on speclflc solutlons, but on the approach to organlzlng lnformatlon and
establlshlngprlorltles whlch would lead to efflclent solutlons.
The approach for conductlng a mock-drlll varles as per the complexlty of scenarlo dependlng upon the potentlal
hazards, responsesystem of thelnstltutlon and thetarget communlty. Therefore, to ensureproper lmplementatlon
of a drlll programme, roles and responslbllltles (SOPs) of the concerned personnel, departments, corporatebodles,
stakeholders, and mechanlsms for conductlngthedrlll should bedellneated clearly.
Pegardless of the slze, complexlty and rlsk lnvolved ln the lmplementatlon of the drlll, an effectlve drlll/exerclse
programmeshould havethefollowlngessentlal elements as pre-requlsltes:
Lmergency PesponsePlan: explalnlnglnstltutlonal responsestructure, emergency responsefunctlons and
standard operatlngprocedures for varlous departments
Team personnel at head quarter and fleld level tralned on thelr standard operatlngprocedures
Tralned qulck response teams ln varlous posslble operatlons llke search and rescue, law and order, flre-
flghtlng, medlcal, water arrangements, rellef and shelter and electrlclty restoratlon etc
Updated databaseof resources, equlpment and manpower avallable
Updated Lmergency Dlrectory wlth lmportant contact detalls of members of |ncldent Management Team
and Lmergency Pesponsefunctlon
Mock-drlll Scenarlo and detalled actlon plan for Mock-drlll
Lvaluatlon formats for concerned departments and deflnltecrlterla for evaluatlon
Observers and Quallfled evaluators
Lessons learnt from theactual drllls and exerclses would beuseful to revlseoperatlonal plans and serveas a basls for
thetralnlngof varlous stakeholders across dlfferent sectors. Thedrllls and exerclses wlll helpto -
|dentlfy plannlnggaps
PevlseSOPs to enhancecoordlnated emergency response
|ncreasepubllc awareness and communlty readlness
Lnhancecapacities of professionals,departments and trained volunteers
Test plans and systems ln slmulatlon exerclses
l. Drlll: A drlll ls a supervlsed actlvlty wlth a llmlted focus to test a procedurethat ls a component of theoverall
emergency management plan. That ls, drllls usually hlghllght and closely examlne a llmlted portlon of the overall
emergency management plan. Por example, a dlsaster management unlt mlght conduct a drlll for theuseof a radlo
system wlth those responslble for communlcatlng on lt. Drllls are deslgned to lmpart speclflc skllls to technlcal
personnel (e.g., search and rescue, ambulance, flreflghtlng). A perfect drlll ls one that leads to a flawless repetltlon
of thelntended task under any clrcumstance.
2. TabletopLxerclse: A tabletopexerclseuses wrltten and verbal scenarlos to evaluatetheeffectlveness of the
emergency management plan and procedures and to hlghllght lssues of coordlnatlon and asslgnment of
responslbllltles. Tabletopexerclses do not physlcally slmulate speclflc events, do not utlllze equlpment, and do not
deploy resources. |n a tabletopexerclse, a facllltator usually coordlnates dlscusslon.
3. Punctlonal Lxerclse: A functlonal exerclseslmulates a dlsaster ln themost reallstlc manner posslblewlthout
movlng real people or equlpment to a real slte. A functlonal exerclse utlllzes a carefully deslgned and scrlpted
scenarlo, wlth tlmed messages and communlcatlons between players and slmulators. The emergency operatlons
center (LOC)the faclllty or area from whlch dlsaster response ls coordlnatedls usually actlvated durlng a functlonal
exerclseand actual communlcatlons equlpment may beused.
4. Pull-Scale Lxerclse or Pleld Lxerclse: |t tests the moblllzatlon of all or as many as posslble of the response
components, takes place ln "real tlme, employs real equlpment, and tests several emergency functlons. Pull-scale
exerclses are generally lntended to evaluate the operatlons capablllty of emergency management systems ln a
communlty and to evaluate lnteragency coordlnatlon. whlle these exerclses cannot reallstlcally reproduce the
dynamlc and chaos of real llfe dlsasters, they are useful when lntended to detect the lnevltable errors, lack of
coordlnatlon, or deflclencles of the slmulated response. A crltlcal evaluatlon ls the essentlal concluslon of these
Thls manual deals wlth thedeslgn, conductlon and evaluatlon of Pull ScaleLxerclses/Pleld Lxerclses.
The|ncldent Command System (|CS) ls an emergency management framework, adaptableto any scaleof natural or
man-made emergencles. The |CS seeks to strengthen the exlstlng dlsaster response management system by
ensurlng that deslgnated controlllng/responslble authorltles at dlfferent levels are backed by tralned |ncldent
Command Teams whosemembers havebeen tralned ln thedlfferent facets of dlsaster responsemanagement.
Malntaln lntegrated communlcatlon flow durlngemergency
Managethelncldent scene
Pacllltateprocedureand protocols to befollowed by LSP departments
Adopt a comprehenslveresourcemanagement approach
Monltor functlonal areas durlngthepost- dlsaster phase
|mportant Players ln a Pull ScaleDrlll/Lxerclse
8aslc Punctlons of |Csystem:
The|CS has an lntegrated organlzatlonal structurewlth thefollowlngflvecommand functlons:
Duringa mockdriII, the key pIayersin ICS wouId be the foIIowing:

i) |ncldent Commander
ii) Operatlons
lll) Plannlng
lv) Loglstlcs
v) Plnance/Admlnlstratlon
Incident Commander - The lncldent commander's role ls to supervlse the slmulatlon or overall conduct of the
exerclse, to make sure that the exerclse proceeds as planned and that the ob[ectlves are achleved. The lncldent
commander monltors the sequence of events, supervlses the lnputs of messages recelved and conducts a de-
brleflng and crltlque (verbal & wrltten) wlth all personnel lnvolved. At the vlllage level, the head of the vlllage ls ln
5 4
7 6
SimuIators - Slmulators "act asand on behalf, of the agencles and servlces that would normally lnteract wlth the
players at the Lmergency Operatlng Centre (LOC). The method of lnteractlon ls normally pre-scrlpted but
responses could bespontaneous.
Participants - The partlclpants should be from communlty volunteers, DMT members and LSPs, led by declslon
makers from varlous departments.
Dbservers/vaIuators - Thelr role ls to observe the actlons and declslons of the players, ln order to later report
what went well and what dld not. The maln focus ls on the performance of functlons and or/agencles, lnstltutlons
and facllltles belngtested, keeplngln mlnd theob[ectlves of theexerclse.
uick Response 7eams: Qulck response teams are technlcally tralned teams formed by the nodal authorlty of
dlsaster management. These teams are resourceful and perform several emergency response actlons at the
lncldent sltefor lmmedlaterecovery of theaffected areas.
Community 7ask Forces - Dlsaster Management teams (DMTs) /communlty task forces (CTPs) are the communlty
volunteer groups, whlch perform thelr roles as per theslmulated dlsaster scenarlo durlngthedrlll.
l. Larly warnlng/Communlcatlon
ll. Lvacuatlon and Temporary Shelter Management
lll. Search & Pescue
lv. DamageAssessment
v. Plrst-Ald/Medlcal Health/Trauma Counsellng
vl. water & Sanltatlon
vll. Pellef (Pood & Shelter) Coordlnatlon
Note: Thenumber of teams may vary as per themultl-hazard scenarlo ln thearea
The communlty themselves are the flrst responders for carrylng out rescue and emergency servlces. Communlty
taskforces lnltlateresponses at fleld level wherespeclallzed qulck responseteams [oln them for faster recovery. The
fleld level team leaders of LSPs and local lncldent commander coordlnate wlth communlty taskforces and qulck
response teams to understand the requlrements of the sltuatlon and provlde essentlal asslstance to perform
Plan for Lmergency Support Punctlons - The LSP Plan document outllnes the ob[ectlve, scope, organlzatlon, setup
and Standard OperatlngProcedures (SOPs) for each LSP that ls to be followed by the respectlve LSP agencles when
the response plan ls actlvated. SOPs provlde a baslc concept of the operatlons and responslbllltles of Dlsaster
Management Teams, Nodal and Secondary Agencles.
|. Communlcatlon
ll. Lvacuatlon
lll. Search and Pescue
lv. Medlcal Health/Trauma
v. Lqulpment Support
vl. Helpllnes, warnlngDlssemlnatlon (Medla)
vll. Drlnklngwater
vlll. Llectrlclty
lx. Pellef (Plood and Shelter)
x. Debrls and Poad Clearance
l. Law and Order
ll. Transport
lll. Other Punctlons
7he DM7s/C7FsshouId consist of the foIIowinggroups:
Themergency Support Function 7eams(SFs) could beas follows:
Prlor to conductlng the drlll, the drlll team members should be tralned ln the dutles, responslbllltles and actlvltles
related to thelr respectlve posltlons ln the conduct of the drlll. Tralnlng may also be accompllshed durlng the pre-
drlll brleflng where each team member's dutles should be lndlvldually addressed. |n addltlon to tralnlng of these
teams, addltlonal peopleshould betralned to account for any mlshap.
A checkllst of actlvltles to be carrled out by each of the task forces durlng varlous phases of the dlsaster ls attached
as Annexure I. A checkllst for each of theLmergency Support Punctlon (LSP) Teams ls also provlded ln Annexure II.
9 8
Statement of Purpose
Scenario narrative
DriII Activity
All drllls should be conducted ln accordance wlth a drlll scenarlo as approved by the lmplementlng agencles of
Dlsaster Management, members of theLOCs, LSPs of all llnedepartments, voluntary agencles such as Clvll Defence,
NSS, NKS, 8harat Scouts and Guldes, Ped Cross, |ndustrlal Safety Managers/Technlcal Lxperts, and groups or
lndlvlduals speclflcally ldentlfled to conduct the drllls. The number of controllers, slmulators and evaluators are
declded based on thetypeof drlll to beconducted, thescenarlo and theresources avallableto conduct theexerclse
(personnel, equlpment, fundlngetc).
- Deflnes the boundarles of the drlll. whlle conductlng the mock drlll, the scope could also lnclude the
posslble collateral hazards assoclated wlth the maln hazard that trlggers other events. The followlng flve aspects
should beconsldered whlledeflnlngthescope-
l. Hazards -|dentlfy onespeclflc hazard/collateral hazards for theexerclse
2. Geographlc area - |dentlfy a deflned locatlon for theevent and ldentlfy a hazard lmpact scenarlo
3. Agencles and personnel -|dentlfy whlch agencles wlll partlclpateand thepersonnel requlred
4. Lxerclsetype - |dentlfy thetype of exerclseto beconducted based on reallstlcally achlevableresults wlthln
thedrlll scenarlo
5. Operatlng Procedures - |dentlfy SOPs as per the scenarlo to test emergency response functlons and
- |t ls a statement to communlcate the scope of the exerclse to the entltles partlclpatlngln
themock drlll.
- Ob[ectlves should be clear, conclse, speclflc, performance based and attalnable. The number of
ob[ectlves needed for an exerclse may vary accordlng to the scale and expected output of the exerclse. Ob[ectlves
can beclasslfled lnto "general/functlonal/speclflc. General ob[ectlves wlll provldetheoverall scopeof theexerclse
wlth referenceto thecommunlty, agency, lnstltutlon, lndustry or organlzatlon (for example: thecommunlty of Narl
vlllagewlll respond and recover from theflash floods).
Punctlonal or speclflc ob[ectlves form the core of the mock drlll. These further deflne the statement of purpose for
the exerclse by clearly descrlblng the expected outcomes (performance) of the dlsaster management functlons
-Thescenarlo narratlve descrlbes the events leadlngupto the tlme the exerclse beglns. |t sets
the scenefor later events and also captures the attentlon of the partlclpants. |t could lnclude answers to questlons
such as:
what event
How was thelnformatlon relayed
what damages havebeen reported
what was thesequenceof events
was there any advance warnlng lssued
and how longbeforetheevent
what factors lnfluence emergency
- Actlvltles should be planned ln
such a way that lt should provlde sufflclent
scope to test the pre-ldentlfled Standard
OperatlngProcedures (SOPs), drlll scenarlo and
the needs of the ldentlfled partlclpants (e.g.
members of LSP teams, schools, lndustrles,
publlc/commerclal settlngs).
xpected actions/roIes and responsibiIities
xpected response/evaIuation criteria
- States the event(s) that lndlcate when the drlll should be concluded once all the requlred and
expected actlons have been completed. |n case of safety problems, procedure vlolatlon or an emergency, the drlll
may beprematurely termlnated.
- Descrlbes the expected response to actlons undertaken. Lach LSP
and lts respectlveteam members should bellsted by nameso that therels no confuslon as to who ls responslblefor
each functlon.
- The expected response ls already pre-ldentlfled and deflned ln a
procedure. Speclflc areas need to be ldentlfled for evaluatlon ln the deslgn stage of the mock drlll. Detalls of the
procedure must be lncluded so that evaluatlon ls properly carrled out. The crlterla for evaluatlon should focus on
responserecovery based on thehazard scenarlo stlmulated and emergency functlons conducted.
Plnnning meering in ncrien nr rhe isrricr mergency 0ernrien Cenrre
Ier Jeserrer resense
11 10
Pre-driII riefing
DriII Initiation
DriII Activity
when conductlng drllls, a set process should be followed ln order to mlnlmlze rlsks of ln[ury to personnel, damage
to equlpment or the envlronment. Partlclpatlng organlzatlons such as the flre department, pollce, trafflc
authorltles, hospltals and emergency response unlts should be lnformed. They should be notlfled before the
commencement of the drlll, and should respond accordlngly as requlred by the drlll scenarlo. They should also be
lnformed as to how they wlll benotlfled ln theevent of an actual emergency.
The drlll coordlnator should hold a pre-drlll brleflng wlth the partlclpatlng agencles, observers/evaluators to
explaln the scene and the ground rules for executlng the drlll. Operatlonal procedures should be revlewed and
safety precautlons should be consldered and revlewed wlth the partlclpants. The pre-drlll brleflng should lnclude
the outllne of the drlll procedure and should clearly speclfy the lnputs requlred by the partlclpatlng agencles ln
terms of human resource support/equlpment support. |n a scenarlo whlch has a potentlal to cause damage to the
habltat, lt ls lmportant to lnvolvethecommunlty and dlscuss theposslblechaln of events wlth them.
The drlll should be lnltlated by the lncldent commander ln accordance wlth the planned drlll scenarlo. The exact
actlons (such as alarm or announcement) for thelnltlatlon should beldentlfled.
After thedrlll ls lnltlated, every actlvlty and responseshould becarrled out accordlngto thescenarlo and respectlve
SOPs. Methods for recelvlngand dellvery of messages can beverbal or wrltten, on paper, by telephone, radlo or fax.
These messages are dlrected speclflcally to lndlvlduals/prlmary agencles that are responslble for coordlnatlng
responses wlth secondary agencles. Prom the message lnput, partlclpants should determlne the expected
response and consequently coordlnate lnternally and externally wlth the concerned agencles/lndlvlduals to take
thenecessary actlons.
Durlng the drlll, evaluators document all actlvltles based on the crlterla of the drlll scenarlo. Lach drlll should have
speclfled areas of evaluatlon so that all actlons requlred areobserved and evaluated. Necessary evaluatlon formats
should beclrculated ln advanceto theconcerned partlclpatlngagencles.
Thedrlll scenarlo should be allowed to contlnue tlll completlon of the stated ob[ectlves or as stated by the lncldent
commander. An abnormal termlnatlon ls posslble when actlons taken by operatlng personnel would adversely
affect thesafety of thepartlclpants or causedamageto thefaclllty, equlpment or envlronment.
Iementsfor vaIuation
Critiquing Mock driIIs
Lvaluatlon process ls an lmportant component of the drlll. |t ls the act of observlng and recordlng mock drlll
actlvlty, by comparlngtheperformed actlons agalnst thedrlll ob[ectlves.
Lvaluatlon serves threefunctlons:
To evaluatepersonnel actlons
To evaluatetheablllty of therespondlngagencles to lmplement a plan
To check theeffectlveness of thestandard operatlngprocedures
Durlngthepre-drlll brleflng, thedrlll planner, lncldent commander and evaluatlon team wlll revlew thedrlll actlvlty
and SOPs. An evaluatlon worksheet outllnlngtheactlon processes to beobserved as per theset tlmellnedeclded ln
the scenarlo exerclse should be clrculated. After the drlll, an evaluatlon report wlll be prepared and the comments
can belncorporated lnto theSOPs.
vaIuation 7eam The team members may be ldentlfled from wlthln or outslde the partlclpatlng agencles. The
lncldent commander may also serveas an evaluator. Theslzeof theevaluatlon team wlll depend on thecomplexlty
and scale of the drlll. Lvaluators should be famlllar wlth the local emergency management system, have expertlse
and knowledgeof theplan and haveanalytlcal skllls ln keeplngwlth theexerclsedeslgn.
Theevaluators should conslder thefollowlngelements ln thelr evaluatlon
l. Notlflcatlon, alertlngand moblllzatlon of dlsaster responsepersonnel
Adequacy of alertlngprocedures
Tlmely actlvatlon and stafflngof responsefacllltles
Accurateand tlmely assessment of emergency sltuatlon
2. Lmergency responsefacllltles
Tlmely actlvatlon
Adequatepersonnel as per thePesponsePlan
3. Dlsaster preparedness plans and procedures
Asslgned task forces, personnel's demonstrated famlllarlty wlth the plans and standard operatlng
Pollowlngtheset process of theprocedures and plans
4. Communlcatlons capabllltles between responsefacllltles
Adequatetlmely communlcatlon wlth fleld teams
Useof prlmary and back-upcommunlcatlon systems
Satlsfactory handllngof messages and communlcatlon from theLOCto thefleld slteand vlce-versa
Adequatecommunlcatlons between emergency support functlons
5. Sltuatlon assessment
To beableto demonstratetlmely and coordlnated lnformatlon exchangebetween responsefacllltles
To be able to assess the emergency sltuatlon, classlfy the sltuatlon and develop lnltlal
mltlgatlon/restoratlon actlvltles ln a tlmely and accuratemanner
6. Overall adequacy of the drlll scenarlo to assess the response plan, facllltles, resources, personnel/task
forces accordlngto functlonal areas and standard operatlngprocedures
Pollowlng the drlll, the lncldent commander wlll hold a sesslon to crltlque the drlll along wlth the evaluators and
13 12
drlll team. The crltlcal analysls hlghllghts the successes, shortcomlngs of the drlll scenarlo, personnel's actlons,
equlpment accesslblllty etc. The crltlque lncludes an analysls of the expected versus the actual operatlng actlons
lncludlnga crltlcal evaluatlon of theresponsemechanlsms and responsetlme. Theprocess should flrst lnvolveself-
evaluatlon by the partlclpants, then a dlscusslon of the evaluatlon notes, checkllsts, actlons taken and the overall
drlll performance. Lessons learnt should be generated and shared wlth all the partlclpatlng agencles to ensure
maxlmum tralnlng and for future reference. The lncldent commander shall make the flnal determlnatlon of
whether thedrlll ob[ectlvewas met or not.
The evaluatlon report summarlzes the development, conduct and results of the drlll/exerclse. The report should
present an overall evaluatlon of the exerclse, state whether the exerclse ob[ectlves were achleved, and clte any
areas of noteworthy performance, dlscoverles, determlnatlons, problems, and solutlons ldentlfled as a result of the
exerclse. A templateof theevaluatlon report ls glven ln Annexure III.
MockDriII vaIuation Report
At the City Administrative LeveI
Plvespeclflc settlngs wlll becovered ln thls sectlon. A structural framework for each settlngls brlefly outllned, whlch
enllsts the maln bodles responslble for undertaklng the mock drlll ln each settlng. A case study for each type of
mock drlll has also been provlded for a better understandlngof theprocesses lnvolved ln theconductlon of a drlll.
Thespeclflc settlngs areas follows:
A. Urban Settlng
8. Pural Settlng
C. |ndustrlal Settlng(On-Slte/Off-Slte)
D. School Settlng
L. Health CareSettlng
Thecommunlty belngthe flrst respondent to dlsaster, thelr partlclpatlon ln formulatlon of preparedness plans and
sharlng of dlsaster preparedness cost ls plvotal ln the communlty based dlsaster management plannlng process.
Communlty 8ased Dlsaster Preparedness (C8DP) lncludes awareness generatlon, vulnerablllty analysls,
assessment of avallable resources, capaclty bulldlng of stakeholders lncludlng PP| members, NGOs, C8Os, local
admlnlstratlon and llne departments, and preparatlon of dlsaster management plans, whlch ls requlred at all
levels. Communlty based dlsaster plan should lncorporatethefollowlng:
Adoptlon of a partlclpatory approach
Preparatlon a resourcelnventory
|ncreased coordlnatlon between dlsaster management commlttees and reducecommunlcatlon gaps
Pormatlon of communlty task forces wlth sufflclent knowledgeof thelr speclflc roles
Lstabllshment of a chaln of dlsaster management volunteers
Coordlnatlon wlth other related lnstltutlons wlthln thecommunlty
Durlngthemock drlll thecommunlty members should understand and learn how to usethedlsaster management
plan. After themock drlll, theDlsaster Management Commltteeshould updatethedlsaster management plan.
Urban communltles are becomlng lncreaslngly vulnerable to varlous hazards due to growlng populatlon denslty,
rapldly expandlng commerclal and lndustrlal actlvlty, deterloratlng ecologlcal and envlronmental condltlons and
changlng llfestyle hablts. These urban areas are also characterlzed by sub-standard constructlon and poor
lnfrastructure such as health care and sanltatlon facllltles. These factors coupled wlth natural and human made
hazards put urban communltles at further rlsk.
An urban communlty ls formed of lndlvldual members and famllles placed at dlfferent levels l.e. home,
nelghbourhood and ward. Dueto thelargeslzeand partlcular characterlstlcs of theurban communlty, formatlon of
communlty based dlsaster management commlttees would be dlfflcult. Therefore, ln order to strengthen
preparedness dlsaster management commlttees are normally formed at both the Clty and ward levels. At tlmes at
theward level, commltteemembers arereplaced by Pesldent welfareAssoclatlon (PwA) representatlves.
There are two levels at whlch mock drllls can be conducted ln urban communltles: flrstly, for LSP support teams at
the clty admlnlstratlve level and secondly, for communlty response at the nelghbourhood/ward level. These two
types of mock drllls can also becarrled out ln tandem.
The Clty Dlsaster Management Commlttee (CDMC) ls the key declslon maklng body at thls level. The commlttee ls
formed wlth representatlon from all emergency support functlon departments who work ln coordlnatlon for
effectlveactlon durlngan emergency.
15 14
Themaln functlons of theCDMCareas follows
To act as a sourceof lnformatlon for hazard safety
To revlew thehazard and rlsk related sltuatlons whlch may beexperlenced durlngthedrlll
To preparerecommendatlons ldentlfled durlngthedrlll
To lnspect and coordlnatetheactlvltles at all levels
Lvaluatlon exerclses may be undertaken to understand the perceptlons about dlsaster response durlng the drlll ln
terms of
Adequacy of tralnlng
Alert and warnlngsystem
Control Poom functlons
Communlcatlon plans
Pecovery procedures
The CDMC is headed by the Municipal Commissioner, Mayor, Divisional Commissioner or District Collector. There
arefour task forces which areconvened to support theCDMC
i. Awareness Generation
ii. Trainingand Capacity 8uilding
iii. Techno-legal Pegime
iv. Lmergency Pesponse
The emergency response task force ls responslble for coordlnatlng the Lmergency Support Punctlon (LSPs) Teams
(Pefer to Annexure||).
The ward Dlsaster Management Commlttee (wDMC) wlll be the emergency coordlnator durlng the drlll at thls
level. The Councllor wlll be the chalrperson of thls commlttee. Other members of thls Commlttee lnclude Clvll
Defense Personnel, Pollce |nspector, Plre offlcer, Asslstant Lnglneer/ 1unlor Lnglneer Munlclpal Corporatlon,
Petlred Government Offlcers, Key volunteers from NGO's (Potary Club, Nehru uva Kendra etc), PwA
Pepresentatlves from each nelghborhood zoneetc.
ThewDMCwlll perform thefollowlngfunctlons durlngthedrlll:
Monltor and managethevolunteers moblllsed for dlsaster preparedness
Updatethelnformatlon databaseof thelr respectlveward plans
Provldetlmely guldanceto thenelghbourhood/ward level dlsaster management team
Coordlnatewlth local bodles functlonarles for carrylngout emergency response
Provldetherequlred resources for conductlngthedrlll
8ackground: A State level mock drlll on earthquake dlsaster was carrled out ln New Delhl on 4 August 2004. The
duratlon was slx hours. All emergency support functlon (LSP) teams of Government of Delhl along wlth NGOs and
|ndlan Ped Cross Soclety Agencles partlclpated.
Scenarlo: A masslveearthquakestruck North Last Delhl on 4 August at l:57PM. A largescalebulldlngcollapsewas
reported at Seelampur colony, around Shahadara Plre Statlon, around Seelampur Pollce Statlon and other parts of
the dlstrlct. Many feared dead/ ln[ured and trapped under debrls. Telecommunlcatlon, Llectrlclty and water supply
dlsrupted. Lmergency declared and Dlstrlct and State Lmergency Operatlon Centres actlvated. On slte Lmergency
Operatlon Centres set upat SDMOfflce Seemapurl, Pollce Statlon Seelampur and Shahadara Plre Statlon. PCP vans
report tremors and bulldlngcollapse.
At the Neighbourhood/Ward IeveI
Case Study for MockDriII in an Urban Setting
Ob[ectlves: The mock drlll was almed at acceleratlng the pace of development of response plans for the state, and
promotlng a culture of preparedness. The drlll was also meant for brlnglng together dlfferent departments and
agencles provldlngemergency support functlons to promotebetter coordlnatlon.
Drlll Deslgn: An lnltlal meetlng of LSP team leaders was held on 25 1une, chalred by the Dlvlslonal Commlssloner,
to brlef agencles on themock drlll and to dlscuss theLSP structureand proposed SOPs. SOPs weredeveloped by the
D|vlsonal Commlssloner's Offlce for each LSP and shared wlth all stakeholders. The Prlnclpal Secretary (Home)
along wlth Dlvlslonal Commlssloner, 1olnt Commlssloner of Pollce, Chlef Plre Offlcer and Dlrector General (Home
Guards & Clvll Defence) vlslted theStateLOCand Offlceof theDeputy Commlssloner of dlstrlct North-Last to gauge
the preparatlons at both State and dlstrlct level. Subsequent meetlngs of the LSPs were held at the State and
Dlstrlct level to draft theSOPs and theresponseplan.
Drlll Conductlon:
Proceedlngs at StateLOC
S.No. Tlme Lvent Actlon 8y
|ncldent Commander recelves lnformatlon of lncldent from
pollce wlreless
|ncldent Commander declares an emergency
|ncldent Commander actlvates the State LOC
MHA Control Poom lnformed through pollce wlreless
LSP Nodal agencles lnformed through wlreless
HAMoperators reach State LOC and set up radlo statlon
wlthln l5 mlns to establlsh communlcatlon wlth Dlstrlct
LOC/|ncldent Sltes
Pollce provldes l0 wlreless sets for facllltatlng communlcatlon
wlth LSPs
MTNL lnstalled 5 temporary landllnes at LOC wlthln 45 mlns.
Satelllte phones also used
MCD Nodal Offlcer reports to LOC
State level helpdesk set up at LOC by Pevenue Department
Pollce, MCD
MCD Offlcer
Pevenue Dept.
Alongwlth theStateLOC, thedlstrlct LOCwas also actlvated
Three|ncldent Management Teams (|MTs) wereset upat theaffected areas
OnslteLOCs wereset upat these|MTs
Lmergency meetlngs of all LSPs was convened by the|ncldent Commander
LSPs set upQulck PesponseTeams for prompt response
All LSPs responded accordlngto thepre-deflned SOPs
Lvaluatlon: The Deputy Commlssloner (North Last) was deslgnated the |ncldent Commander. Deputy
Commlssloners from remalnlng dlstrlcts were asslgned the role of observers and were glven a detalled evaluatlon
form to gaugetheeffectlveness of theagencles.
Upon completlon of the drlll, a detalled evaluatlon report was prepared for each of the LSP teams, assesslng them
on thefollowlngcrlterla:
17 16
Agencles reported
Pesources madeavallable
Awareness of responslbllltles
Nodal agency's ablllty to coordlnatewlth support agencles
Team leader's ablllty to coordlnatewlth thelr respectlveagencles
Overall coordlnatlon amongst varlous LSP agencles
Dlsaster Preparedness at the rural level ls carrled out through ViIIage Disaster Management Committees
(vDMCs). A vDMC ls formed ln each vlllage and ls responslble for lnltlatlng dlsaster preparedness actlvltles. |t
conslsts of local elected representatlves, grass root level government functlonarles, local Non-Government
Organlsatlons (NGOs)/Communlty 8ased Organlsatlons (C8Os), members of youth groups, women's self help
groups etc. Therepresentatlon of members ln thecommltteewould bedeclded based on thepopulatlon slzeof the
vlllage. ThevDMCwould takethelead ln moblllzlngthecommunlty for formulatlngtheC8DP Plan.
ViIIage IeveI Disaster Management 7eams (DMTs) /Task Porces are formed to outllne coordlnated response
durlng crlsls sltuatlons. DMTs have sectoral focus such as early warnlng, shelter management, evacuatlon and
rescue, medlcal and flrst ald, water and sanltatlon, carcass dlsposal, counsellng, damage assessment and rellef and
ViIIage Disaster Management PIans prepared prlor to the mock drlll through the C8DP process entalls the
Physlcal/Soclal/|nfrastructure Proflle of vlllage: Demographlcs, Area Detalls, Houslng Proflle, Land
Porm, Llvellhood, Occupatlon Pattern etc.
Pesource |nventory of vlllage: Skllled Manpower, Health Care, Lducatlon, water Pacllltles,
Transportatlon, Communlcatlon |nfrastructureetc.
Dlsaster Plsk Proflle of vlllage: Hlstory of Dlsaster, Llements at Plsk, Hazard Assessment, vulnerablllty of
Contact |nformatlon of vlllage: vlllage Dlsaster Management Commlttee, vlllageTask Porce Members,
Taluka Level offlclals, vlllageLevel Skllled Personnel, Lmergency PesourceOwners etc.
Standard Operatlng Procedure of vlllage task forces: Operatlng Procedures and Methodology, Poles
and Pesponslbllltles ln Pre, Durlngand Post Dlsaster Perlod Note: At thevlllagelevel, themock drllls can
bebased on theseasonallty calendar of natural hazards.
8ackground: A mock drlll was carrled out ln Panlkata vlllage, Khorda dlstrlct of Orlssa as a sklll enhancement
exerclsewlth partlclpatlon from all sectlons of thevlllage.
Scenarlo: Panlkata vlllage has a populatlon of 2000 and ls vulnerable to floods durlng the monsoon season, due to
the overflowlng of the local rlver sltuated approxlmately l km from the vlllage. The vlllage ls qulte well connected
through a road network and has electrlclty, telephone and postal servlces avallable. The local school bulldlng ls
used as a shelter placedurlngdlsasters. Therealso somehlghlands sltuated half a kllometer away, whlch areused to
shelter cattleln tlmes of dlsaster.
Case Study for MockDriII in a RuraI Setting

Ladies moving to the shelter place Strategic planning by vDMC
villagers attentively listening to the
flood bulletin on radio
S.No. Lvent Actlon 8y
l l0 youth relaxlng ln local communlty centre at around 9:30 am
2 NGO volunteer lnforms youth group that there have been heavy
downpour ln the upper catchments of the rlver and the vlllage
may get flooded
outh group llstens to speclal bulletln on radlo conflrmlng the same
NGO volunteer
3 outh group lnforms head of the ward commlttee and advlse hlm
to conduct a vDMC meetlng lmmedlately
outh Group
4 vDMC meetlng ls convened to dlscuss the prevalllng sltuatlon.
Communlty Task forces are actlvated
ward Commlttee
5 Task forces present thelr actlons plans on how to tackle the fo
thcomlng dlsaster to the commlttee
Task Porces
6 Larly warnlng team dlssemlnates lnformatlon about lmpendlng
dlsaster and alerts vlllagers. Lstabllshes contact wlth 8lock Offlce
/GramPanchayat Offlce for latest lnformatlon on weather and flood
sltuatlon. Three rounds of early warnlng are carrled out to lnform
each vlllager of sltuatlon
Larly warnlng Team
7 At the same tlme, vlllage vlgllance team members are lnstructed to
keep vlgll on weak polnts on the embankments and on low lylng
areas of vlllage
vlllage vlgllance
8 vlllagers start movlng to the safe shelter l.e. school bulldlng, wlth
thelr essentlal belonglngs. Male members shlft cattle to hlghlands
9 Sanltatlon team makes necessary arrangements to store three day's
supply of drlnklng water, provlde separate tollet facllltles for men
and women and obtaln adequate stock of bleachlng powder, llme
powder as dlslnfectants
Sanltatlon Team
l0 Pellef teammakes arrangements for a communlty kltchen centre Pellef Team
ll Plrst ald team posltlon themselves at shelter to provlde medlcal care
lf needed. Pescue team evacuate slck/lll people and shlft them to
Plrst Ald Team/
Search and Pescue
l2 Message ls recelved that the vlllage has been flooded and two
chlldren are slnklng ln the nearby pond. Search and rescue team
rush to the slte wlth the necessary equlpment and rescue the
chlldren who are glven flrst ald and shlfted to the shelter
Search and Pescue
l3 Counsellng teampresent at the shelter to reduce emotlonal
dlstress of the vlllagers
Counsellng Team
19 18
S.No. Lvent Actlon 8y
l6 Assessment team carrles out damage assessment and presents lts
Assessment Team
l7 Update the vlllage dlsaster management plan on the basls of the
evaluatlon report
Lvaluatlon Team
Ar rheisrricr Level
Pecognlzlng that natural dlsasters constltute the blggest threat to flnanclal vlablllty, economlc well-belng and
productlon processes for the lndustrlal sector, development of on-slte and off-slte dlsaster management plans for
lndustrlal establlshments ls essentlal. Perlodlc conductlon of mock-drllls ln lndustrlal settlngs to enhance
preparedness levels ls crltlcal.
Due to the exponentlal nature of lndustrlal dlsasters, lndustrlal unlts are not only mandated to developon-slte DM
Plans to respond to and to meet any emergency wlthln thelr premlses but also establlsh worklng relatlonshlps,
llnkages and coordlnatlon wlth thesurroundlngcommunltles.
Lvery lndustrlal unlt needs to developan on-slteand off-sltedlsaster management plan on thebasls of hazards and
vulnerabllltles llkely to affect thecommunlty. On-slteemergency plans areprepared for deallngwlth accldents that
occur on sltes wherelndustrlal actlvltles arecarrled on, whlleOff-slteemergency plans areprepared ln antlclpatlon
of events spreadlngoutsldetheboundary of thelndustry. Theplans would assess theprobablllty of occurrence, the
severlty and theposslbleconsequences of lndustrlal dlsasters ln vulnerablezones.
Mock drllls ln an lndustrlal set-uparecarrled out at thefollowlnglevels -
Mock drllls whlch slmulatean lnternally contalned dlsaster aremanaged by the|ncldent Command System whlch ls
headed by theSafety Offlcer.
Large scale mock drllls whlch slmulate the effect of an lndustrlal dlsaster on the communlty (e.g. a chemlcal leak
due to an earthquake) can be carrled out by the Dlstrlct Commlssloner/Dlstrlct Maglstrate's Offlce wlth
partlclpatlon by theLSPs of all llnedepartments and thecommunlty ltself.
Theposslblestructureof an |ndustrlal Dlsaster Management Commltteels as follows:
Dlstrlct Collector (Chalrman)
|nspector of Pactorles
Dlstrlct Lnergy Offlcer
Chlef PlreOfflcer
Dlstrlct |nformatlon Offlcer
Controller of Lxploslves
Chlef Clvll Defence
TradeUnlon Pepresentatlve
Deputy Superlntendent, Pollce
Dlstrlct Health Offlcer/Chlef Medlcal Offlcer
Commlssloner, Munlclpal Corporatlon
Pepresentatlveof Publlc Health LnglneerlngDepartment
|ndustrlal Safety and Health Lxperts
Commlssloner, Transport
|ndustry Pepresentatlve
Chalr Person/Member Secretary of Local Crlsls Groups
SubDlvlslonal Maglstrate/Dlstrlct Lmergency Authorlty (Chalrperson)
|nspector of Pactorles
Pepresentatlves of Local |ndustrles
Hazardous Chemlcal Transporters
Statlon HouseOfflcer (Pollce)
8lock Development Offlcer
Pepresentatlve, Clvll Defence
Prlmary Health Offlcer
Ldltor of Local Newspaper
Communlty Leader/Sarpanch
NGO Pepresentatlve
Local Doctors
8ackground: Gu[arat Narmada Pertlllzer Corporatlon (GNPC) ln assoclatlon wlth Dlstrlct Admlnlstratlon, 8haruch,
Dlstrlct Crlsls Group (DCG), Local Crlsls Group (LCG) and Department of |ndustrlal Health and Safety conducted a
mock drlll on Ammonla leakageon 30th September 2005.
Scenarlo: The scenarlo of the lncldent was leakage of ammonla from the valve of hlgh pressure pump. The rate of
leakagewas l.5Kgper second. Theduratlon of thedrlll was two hours.
Ob[ectlves: Themaln ob[ectlves of thedrlll wereas follows:
TestlngtheOff-SlteDlstrlct Lmergency Plan
verlfylngthePreparedness level of varlous llnedepartments and mutual ald groups
Assesslngthelevel of communlty preparedness
|dentlfylnggaps and suggestlngapproprlaterevlslons ln theplan
Drlll Deslgn: A serles of flve meetlngs were conducted both at the Dlstrlct Collectorate's Offlce and GNPC where
members from dlfferent lndustrles, dlstrlct and local crlsls groups actlvely partlclpated. An actlon plan was
prepared and dlstrlbuted to all thepartlclpants.
Actlon Pla
Ar rheLecnl Level
Case Study for MockDriII in an IndustriaI Setting(Dff-Site)
S.No. Tlme Lvent Actlon 8y
l l0:30 Leakage started from valve of hlgh pressure pump
transportlng Ammonla from storage tank
As per GNPC On-
slte Lmergency Plan
2 l0:35 On slte-declaratlon and On-slte slren wlll be blown GNPC Ltd.
3 l0:36
Call for mutual ald - NCPL & others
|nformatlon to :
l. Dlstrlct Control Poom
2. 8haruch Plre 8rlgade
3. Dlsaster Preventlon and Management Centre (DPMC),
4. Clvll Hospltal, 8haurch
5. Pollce Statlon, 8haruch
Local Crlsls Group
Control Poom,
G.N.P.C Ltd.
l4 De-warnlng message sent by Larly warnlng Teamthat weather
condltlons are lmprovlng and people can move back to thelr
Larly warnlng Team
l5 Task forces convene for a de-brleflng meetlng ward Commlttee/
Task Porces
21 20
S.No. Tlme Lvent Actlon 8y
4 l0:40 Contact one / two deslgnated persons from LCG to lnform
them of the sltuatlon
G.N.P.C Ltd.
5 The deslgnated person ls known as 'Communlcatlon |n-
charge' for the purpose of thls mock drlll
6 l0:40 Communlcatlon |n-charge wlll flrst lnform the Lxpert Group Communlcatlon |n-
7 l0:50 Lxpert group wlll revlewthe sltuatlon Lxpert Group
8 l0:55 Lxpert Group wlll dlscuss the sltuatlon wlth LCG Chalrman-
Lxpert Group
9 ll:00 LCG-Chalrman wlll declare Off-Slte Lmergency LCG-Chalrman
l0 ll:00 Off-slte slren wlll be blown 8haruch
ll ll:00 LCG wlll lnform the DCG Chalrman & DCG Control Poom
about the Off-slte emergency.
l2 ll:05 Communlcatlon |n-charge wlll lnform all group leaders of
LCG regardlng off-slte emergency
Communlcatlon |n
l3 ll:05 LCG leaders wlll lnform thelr teammembers for startlng of
thelr work as per the plan
LCG Leaders
l4 ll:l2 Heads of all groups wlll start for LCG Control Poom and
depute thelr members to deslgnated places for contlnuous
revlewof the sltuatlon
All members
l5 ll:l5 As per oplnlon of the expert group the affected area wlll be
approxlmately 500 meters
Lxpert Group
l6 ll:l5 Slte Maln Control - LCG wlll alert the transportatlon &
rehabllltatlon team
Chalrman - LCG
l7 Lach person enterlng affected area wlll wear gas mask &
swltch off hls/her moblle phone.
l8 ll:l5 Pollce wlll cordon off GNPC crosslng & N.H.8. GNPC securlty
personnel wlll help the pollce
l9 ll:20
Toxlclty monltorlng teamwlll start monltorlng
20 people wlll be affected due to gas exposure and requlre
prlmary flrst ald treatment at local OHSC Centre.
Toxlclty Monltorlng
Plre & Pescue Team
20 ll:20 Pollce wlll lnform the LCG control room about nearby
affected areas.
2l ll:25 Pollce wlll announce the lncldent over the publlc address
Pollce and
22 ll:35 Transportatlon-|n-charge wlll arrange for evacuatlon of
affected persons
Transportatlon |n-
23 ll:35 to
GNPC Mutual Ald members, LCG & DCG members flght to
controlllng leakage.
|ncldent Control
24 l2:05 vulnerable persons (ln nearby lndustrles & vlllage) wlll be
shlfted to safe shelter at GNPC townshlp
Lvacuatlon Team
25 l2:l0 Arrangement for refreshment for affected persons shlfted
to the shelter
Pehabllltatlon |n-
Drlll Conductlon: Deputy Dlrector, |ndustrlal Health and Safety brlefed partlclpants on theplanned chaln of events.
He presented an elaborate lncldent map of slte locatlons, lntenslty of leakage and vulnerable areas llkely to be
affected. |nformatlon on varlous responsegroups, lncludlngSOPs and contact detalls werealso provlded.

Lvaluatlon: |ndependent observers were deputed at varlous locatlons ln groups of two or three people. They were
deployed at LCG Control Poom, DCG Control Poom, lncldent slte, at vadadla vlllage, Clvll Hospltal, Shelter Camp,
GNPCHospltal, at lmportant trafflc [unctlons of theclty and at N.H. 8.
After completlon of the drlll a debrleflng meetlng was conducted at GNPC audltorlum where all the partlclpants
lncludlngDlstrlct Collector & Chalrman of Dlstrlct Crlsls Groupwerepresent.
General Observatlons madedurlngthede-brleflngmeetlng:
Actlvepartlclpatlon and commltment observed at every level
Communlcatlon between varlous responsegroups areexcellent
Somepeopleln thesurroundlngareas seemed to beunawareof theevent
The most posltlve outcome of the drlll was the actlve lnvolvement of vDMC and vDMT members ln early
warnlng, communlcatlon, evacuatlon and search and rescue actlvltles. Por lnstance, the lady prlnclpal of
thelocal school was actlvely lnvolved ln dlssemlnatlnglnformatlon and ln moblllzlngpeopleto respond.
26 l2:l5 Toxlclty Monltorlng teamwlll lnform the LCG that the
sltuatlon ls under control
Toxlclty Monltorlng
27 l2:20 Lxpert Group wlll verlfy that the sltuatlon ls under control Lxpert Group
28 l2:25 Lxpert Group wlll lnform the Chalrman - LCG Lxpert Group
S.No. Tlme Lvent Actlon 8y
29 l2:30 Chalrman - LCG wlll lnform the Chalrman - DCG Chalrman - LCG
30 l2:30 Chalrman - DCG wlll declare an 'all clear' Chalrman - DCG
3l l2:30 All clear slren wlll be blown GNPC
32 l2:45 Debrleflng Meetlng at Corporate Audltorlum G.N.P.C Ltd.
6. SDM, 8haruch
7. Dy.D|SH, 8haruch
8. GPC8, 8haruch
9. A.P.T.O
l0. T.D.O
ll. Mamlatdar
23 22
Communlty members, women, and chlldren were qulte aware of what to do after recelvlng warnlng and
cooperated well durlngevacuatlon. Over 500peoplewereevacuated.
Trafflc on theNatlonal Hlghway was successfully managed wlthout causlngany lnconvenlence.
School golng chlldren are among the most vulnerable groups durlng any dlsaster. A large number of publlc and
prlvate schools are bullt ln congested areas, non-regulated land zones and housed ln unsafe structures. They are
therefore, exposed to varlous hazards.
The mock drlll ln a school settlngls carrled out by the School Dlsaster Management Commlttee. |t ls headed by the
Prlnclpal who oversees the whole process. Members lnclude admlnlstratlve staff, teachers, students and members
of the Parent Teacher Assoclatlon (PTA). The teachers are further dlvlded lnto sub-commlttees (task forces) to deal
wlth dlfferent emergency functlons such as Lvacuatlon and Plrst Ald.
Theposslblestructureof a SchooI Disaster Management Committeels as follows:
Prlnclpal (Chalrperson)
Heads of prlmary and mlddleschool
Lducatlon Offlcer/Dlstrlct Lducatlon Offlcer for thezone
Parent Teacher Assoclatlon Presldent
4 Students (Dlsaster awareness group student leader, Dlsaster response group student leader, Head boy
and Head glrl)
Pepresentatlve of Pellef/Pevenue/Dlsaster Management Department/Dlstrlct Admlnlstratlon/Munlclpal
Pepresentatlvefrom PlreServlce
Pepresentatlvefrom Pollce
Pepresentatlvefrom Health Department
warden from Clvll Defence
Pepresentatlvefrom Ped Cross/St. 1ohns 8rlgade
Admlnlstratlve/Loglstlcs Offlcer/LstateManager from School Offlce
Pesldent welfareAssoclatlon representatlve
Local NGO representatlve
Market TradeAssoclatlon representatlve
Local Doctors
volunteer Groups (NCC, NSS, Scouts and Guldes, NKS etc.)
The school settlng has lts own dlstlnct structure of task forces. These can vary dependlng on the management
structure of school (e.g. Government, Alded, Publlc etc), the locatlon,
capaclty to house students (e.g. |n-house boardlng/day scholars) and
school lnfrastructure (e.g. transportatlon facllltles, sports and
recreatlon facllltles etc). A checkllst for posslble school task forces ls
lncluded ln Annexure IV.
The followlng dlfferent klnds of drllls can be carrled out at the school
Duck, cover and hold--ln whlch everybody gets under a desk
or tablefor 60seconds and holds on to lt
Lvacuatlon--ln whlch only that responsels tested
"walk through--ln whlch actlons and responslbllltles of each
team aredlscussed by all and coordlnated
"Shock--ln whlch flrst ald responseto ln[urles ls tested
Pull Scale--actual fleld test of a completeplan durlnga slmulated dlsaster
Cnse5ruJy Ier Meck rill inn5cheel 5erring
Background: An evacuation mock drill was carried out Government Girls Senior Secondary School, Chabi Gan|,
Kashmere Gate, New Delhi on 6 October 2004. The drill was organized by Office of the Deputy Commissioner,
North District of Delhi.
Scenario: The district administration has undertaken school safety initiatives in all schools in the district. A school
disaster management committee and disaster response teams were constituted. A school disaster management
plan was prepared. A mock drill was undertaken as the next stepin the school safety initiative.Theschool is housed
in a four storey buildingwith 500students.
Objective:Themain ob|ectiveof thedrill was to check theschool's evacuation plan and preparedness levels.
Drill Design: Principals of identified 4 schools were asked to be present during the drill to enable them to take
forward their school plans.Thenodal teacher of the school for disaster management briefed them on the design of
the school plan. A detailed floor-wise evacuation plan was included in the disaster plan. Class teachers sensitized
students on how to react in a disaster situation and which evacuation routes to useduringan emergency.
Drill Conduction:Thedrill was initiated with theringingof a bell,which was different from theusual one. Theschool
has only one main staircase, which is wide and centrally placed, enabling easy movement of children to the closest
exit gate. Duringthe evacuation, 2-3 students fell down. However, they gathered themselves quickly and were able
to moveout immediately.Thetotal evacuation timefor thewholeschool was lminute7seconds.Post Drill:
Once the children were assembled outside, they were addressed by the Station Officer on basic dos and don'ts
during a fire, The DPO requested the vice principal to address the students on earthquake safety tips during the

morning assembly. The principals who were present during the mock drill were asked by the Lducation Officer to
undertakefurther steps in their schools based on what they had learnt.
Health care is required for unexpected crises rangingfrom natural disasters, outbreaks of disease to vicious acts of
terrorism. Lmergencies may also be internally triggered (e.g. a small fire in the data center, a burst pipe in the
emergency department or a hospital- wide labor strike). Pegardless of the causal factors for an emergency, the
implementation of a hospital's emergency management plan and activation of the Hospital Lmergency |ncident
Command System (HL|CS) is essential for response.
Coordinated drills should be conducted at least every six months and include participation of external
local emergency management agencies as well
Theemergency drill should simulatetheresponseto varied emergency scenarios
Partlclpants should lnclude professlonal, admlnlstratlve, nurslng and other health care faclllty personnel
as well as thecommunlty
Thedrlll should beevaluated to ldentlfy and address any problems
mergency driIIsin the HeaIth Sector shouId incorporate the foIIowingeIements:
25 24
The health care faclllty should keep a copy of the evaluatlon report lncludlng evaluatlon of each
department lnvolved ln thedrlll
8ackground: A mock drlll was conducted for a health crlsls due to an earthquake ln North Last dlstrlct of Delhl ln
October 2005. A total of 500 people partlclpated lncludlng 300 communlty members and a l00 Government
Offlclals ln chargeof health lssues.
Scenarlo: The drlll was held at a Government dlspensary at Seelampur, Delhl. A masslve earthquake had struck
North Last Delhl at l2:00 PM. A large scale bulldlng collapse was reported to Seelampur and other parts of the
dlstrlct. Many were feared dead/ln[ured and trapped under debrls. Most of the local dlspensarles were partlally or
fully destroyed.
To traln thedoctors and paramedlcal staff ln dlsaster management
To test thedlsaster management plan of thehealth department
To check theefflclency of varlous teams and task forces ln dlsaster management
To check theutlllty of avallabledlsaster management equlpment
Drlll Deslgn: Prlor to the drlll, the entlre staff of Government dlspensarles and hospltals ln the North Last dlstrlct
were glven tralnlng on dlsaster management by the Dlstrlct Dlsaster Management Authorlty. A dlsaster
management plan was prepared for the health sector. SOPs were also developed for varlous task forces ln the
health sector.
Drlll Conductlon:
Themaln departments, agencles and organlzatlons who partlclpated wereas follows:
Dlstrlct Lmergency Operatlon Centre- Por coordlnatlon
Local 8lood 8ank
PlreServlce-Por Search and Pescue/PlrePlghtlng
Clvll Defence- Por Search and Pescue/PlrePlghtlng
Local Pesldent welfareAssoclatlon
Thefollowlngtask forces werefunctlonal:
4Qulck PesponseTeams
4Pleld PesponseTeams
4Plrst Ald Teams
4MoblleCllnlc Teams
Sequenceof Lvents
Cnse5ruJy Ier Meck rill innRenlrhCnre5erring
S. No. Lvent
l Health department control room recelves message. verlflcatlon by Headquarter
2 Message ls dlssemlnated by |ncldent Commander to all functlonarles and task forces
3 |ncldent Management Team reaches the slte lmmedlately and assesses the sltuatlon
4 Qulck Pesponse Teams and Pleld Pesponse Teams are lmmedlately deployed wlth
necessary manpower and equlpment to strateglc locatlons. Peach wlthln l0-30 mlns.
Pespond accordlng to pre-deflned SOPs.
5 Actlvatlon of Dlsaster Speclflc wards and loglstlcal arrangements made ln hospltals
6 Prlmary damage assessment by |ncldent Management Team
7 Simultaneous search and rescue operations/ first aid treatment on-site in the mobile
medical unit and transfer to local hospital
8 Treatment in the disaster ward at the hospital
Lvaluatlon: Pollowlng the drlll, an evaluatlon was carrled out by all the partlclpants and stakeholders so that every
team/task forcecould shareln thelearnlng.
General Observatlons:
Overall team response was good. 8ut response tlme needs to be reduced and clarlty of roles needs to be
better deflned
Overall coordlnatlon was good, but team leaders need to havebetter command over thelr teams
27 26
Annexure l: Checklisr Ier M7s/ C7ls
arIy Warning/Communication Community 7askForce
uring Jisnsrer
AIrer Jisnsrer
vacuation and 7emporary SheIterManagement Community 7askForce
uring Jisnsrer
Pesr Jisnsrer
Search and Rescue Community 7askForce
Lnsurethat communlcatlon equlpment ls ln worklngorder
Malntaln an emergency contact dlrectory of key agencles llke |MD, Offlce of the Dlstrlct Maglstrate, CwC,
Offlceof SP Pollceetc.
Preparea hazard mapof thecommunlty demarcatlngthemost vulnerable/safeareas and households
Pay attentlon to local warnlnglssued by departments
Dlssemlnateearly warnlnguslngmega phone/mlkes/slrens, door to door
Assembleln a central locatlon and llsten to radlo/Tv news channels to determlnethesltuatlon
verlfy thewarnlngrecelved on radlo/Tv news channels wlth thenearest emergency operatlngcentre

Pemaln ln thepre-ldentlfled communlty shelters and provldetheevacuees wlth regular updates
Takenecessary preparedness actlons based on thealertness levels

Get thede-warnlngmessagefrom theLmergency operatlngcenter
Dlssemlnateprecautlonary lnformatlon on post dlsaster health hazards and remedles
Provldelmmedlateassessment detalls to damageassessment team
Provldethesearch and rescueteam wlth geographlc lnformatlon on thecommunlty
Prepareand dlssemlnatesltuatlon reports to other CTPs/LSPs
Stocktaklngof lnfrastructureneeds of thecommunlty such as roads, schools/communlty halls/communlty
llbrarles for evacuatlon arrangements
Coordlnatewlth dlsaster management commltteemembers to ldentlfy sltes for settlnguprellef camps
Check for requlred repalrs ln safeshelters
Stock food ltems and essentlal supplles
Lnsurethat shelters areeaslly accesslbleby well malntalned all-weather roads
|n casesupply runs short, movefood stocks, fuels and medlclnes to communlty shelters
Organlzespaceto houseevacueefamllles
Guldetheelderly, women, chlldren and physlcally/mentally challenged to shelters
Peglster theevacuees and glvethem ldentlflcatlon sllps/cards

Lnsurethat evacuees arefed and housed untll thede-warnlngls recelved
Organlzetents and materlals for constructlon of temporary shelters
Collect remalnlngstock of food, clothlngand fuels
Clean and dlslnfect theshelter
Asslst dlsaster management commlttees ln organlzlngrehabllltatlon actlvltles
Conduct a head count of thecommunlty members
uring Jisnsrer
Pesr isnsrer
Damage Assessment Community 7askForce
uring Jisnsrer
Pesr Jisnsrer
First Aid and 7rauma CounseIingCommunity 7askForce
Pre Jisnsrer
uring Jisnsrer
Havea detalled mapof thecommunlty to get famlllar wlth thegeographlcal area
|dentlfy necessary S&P tools/equlpment from local resources
Pegularly malntaln theequlpment
Organlzesub- teams (S&P) for rotatlon of personnel
Carry out regular tralnlngprogrammes durlngthenormal phase

Organlzea meetlngof theCTP members/LSP members (S&P)
Contact thelocal dlsaster commltteemembers
|dentlfy vulnerable areas ln whlch help ls requlred and declde the actlon plan for carrylng out search&
Moblllsetherequlred equlpment
Asslst theevacuatlon team ln movlngpeopleto safer shelters
Coordlnatewlth flrst ald team to provldeln[ured persons wlth medlcal attentlon
Peport thenumber of mlsslng/dead/ln[ured durlngS & P operatlons
Conduct a head count of thecommunlty members
Clear debrls and fallen trees/rubbleto reach trapped persons
Communlcatewlth flrst ald team for prlmary health care
Coordlnatewlth evacuatlon team to shlft rescued persons to open spaces/tents /shelters

Obtaln and keepa soclal maphandy demarcatlngthemost vulnerable/safeareas and households
Prepareand keephandy a sufflclent number of damageand needs assessment forms for varlous sectors
Should coordlnate wlth Search and Pescue and Lvacuatlon and Temporary Shelter Management task
forces to takestock of thecurrent sltuatlon
Call emergency meetlngof thegroupand asslgn dutles

Preparea flrst hand damageassessment report on theprellmlnary damageto llves, llvestock and property
Preparefurther detalled reports on varlous sectors
Asslst DMcommlttees ln organlzlngrehabllltatlon actlvltles
Malntaln a llst of elderly members, chlldren below 5years, pregnant women, dlsabled etc ln thelocallty
Keepflrst ald klts ready and ensurethat explred drugs arereplaced wlth new ones
Keepstretchers/wheel chalrs or other local alternatlves ready to carry ln[ured people
Undertakecomblned tralnlngalongwlth S&P team
Coordlnatewlth PHCs, CHCs and Munlclpal Hospltals
Lnsurethecontents of all flrst ald klts areln place
Look after themedlcal needs of theevacuees
Helpin settingupmedical camps
29 28
Pesr isnsrer
Water and Sanitation community taskforce
uring Jisnsrer
Pesr Jisnsrer
ReIief Coordination Community 7askForce
uring Jisnsrer
Pesr Jisnsrer

Attend to theln[ured people
Counsel traumatlzed people
Helpdoctors and paramedlcs ln provldlngmedlcal careto theln[ured
|dentlfy and lsolatethecases of lnfectlous dlseases to prevent them from spreadlng
Provldepreventlvemedlcatlon lf therels danger of cholera, dysentery
Coordlnatewlth therellef task forceto ensureadequatemedlcal supplles
Lnsuresupply of chlorlnetablets to dlslnfect drlnklngwater
Lnsuresufflclent stock of llmepowder to dlslnfect water bodes/draln networks
Lnsuresufflclent water ls stored ln proper tanks and [erry cans ln safeshelters
Obtaln contact detalls of personnel at local water board/authorlty
Set mlnlmum standards ln advancefor dlstrlbutlon of water ln emergencles
|dentlfy sufflclent number of ralsed platforms, deeptubewells
Prepareutlllty maps, dlstrlbutlon network maps
Assess the drlnklng water supply and avallable water resources and take adequate steps to prevent
Lnsurethat safedrlnklngwater and sanltatlon facllltles areavallableat thesafeshelter
Conduct damageassessment of water and sanltatlon facllltles and lnform thedamageassessment team
Pestorewater and sanltatlon facllltles
Conduct lmmedlaterepalrs of broken or burst plpes
Coordlnatewlth theMunlclpal Cooperatlon for procurement of water tankers
Dlslnfect largewater bodles wlth llmepowder
Lnsurewater ls avallableat rellef camps/safeshelters
Coordlnatewlth flrst ald/search & rescueteam for dlsposal of carcasses
Malntaln a llst of dead who havebeen cremated

Get famlllarlzed wlth theneed assessment formats
Assess theestlmated requlrements for rellef materlal
Check the stockplllng of food gralns, fodder and medlclnes by Lvacuatlon and Temporary Shelter
Management and Plrst Ald taskforces
Stock materlals llkeropes, bamboos, tarpaulln etc ln thesafeshelter ldentlfled
Coordlnatewlth evacuatlon and temporary shelter management team to dlstrlbuteessentlal rellef ltems to
Lstabllsh a dlstrlbutlon centreor communlty kltchen
Conduct a need assessment ln thelocallty
8ased on the prellmlnary need assessment, communlcate to dlsaster management commlttee the rellef
ltems requlred and status of dlstrlbutlon
Prlorltlzerellef ltems and essentlal food ltems to men, women and chlldren
Malntaln a llst of rellef ltems dlstrlbuted to each household
Keepa record of rellef stock avallable
Annexure ll: Checklisr Ier 5l 7enms
Search and Rescue
MedicaI HeaIth/7rauma
quipment Support
Thesteps for actlvatlon of theLSPs wlll becommon to all teams and wlll generally beas follows:
TheTeam Leader (TL) of Prlmary Agency wlll belnformed to actlvatetheLSP
TLwlll call Nodal Offlcers of support agencles
Qulck PesponseTeams would bedeployed to theaffected slte
QPTs wlll assess and report thesltuatlon to LOCs
Speclflc Pesponslbllltles of each LSP Team areas follows:
TLrequests for detalled lnformatlon on thestatus of equlpment and lnfrastructureln theaffected area
TLdecldes on theneed to launch an assessment mlsslon
TL works out a plan of actlon for telecommunlcatlon companles and convenes a meetlng of all LSP
members to dlscuss and flnallsethemodalltles.
TLlssues orders to establlsh systems and reports to Stateand Dlstrlct LOCs on theactlon taken.
HAMradlo operators would belnformed and coordlnatlon mechanlsms shared wlth them
Monltors thesltuatlon and arranges for emergency staff requlred to operatesystems establlshed
|nforms LSP on debrls clearanceof thework requlred
|nltlates temporary rehabllltatlon work requlred
Launches rehabllltatlon work and arranges for repalrs and relocatlon, lf requlred
Secretary Pevenuewlll lnform theconcerned nodal offlcers
Qulck assessment of evacuatlon routes through aerlal and ground surveys by Plre Servlce, Pollce and Clvll
Nodal Offlcers would malntaln contact wlth Dlstrlct LOC
Nodal Offlcers wlll send teams of offlcers to helpln evacuatlon operatlon
Coordlnatlon wlth local CTPs and DMTs at affected sltes
Plre Offlcers and Clvll Defence Offlcers to be actlve ln uncoverlng people from rubble and uncoverlng
openlngs requlrlngspeclal expertlse
Survey teams should also lnform about thealternatlveevacuatlon routes avallable

HomeSecretary wlll lnform theconcerned nodal offlcers
Qulck assessment through aerlal survey by PlreServlce, Pollceand Clvll Defence
Nodal Offlcers would malntaln contact wlth Dlstrlct LOC
Nodal Offlcers wlll send teams of offlcers to helpln evacuatlon operatlon
Coordlnatlon wlth local CTPs and DMTs at affected sltes
PlreServlce, Pollceand Clvll DefenceOfflcers to beactlveln uncoverlngpeoplefrom rubbleand uncoverlng
openlngs requlrlngspeclal expertlse
Medlcal ald to beglven to ln[ured people
StateLOCwlll call theTLto actlvateLSP and beoperatlonal wlthln 2hours
Maln hospltals glven warnlngto actlvatethelr mass casualty management plans
Trlagedoneto prlorltlsetreatment and determlnewho needs to betaken to hospltal
Patlents stablllzed beforebelngtransported to medlcal facllltles
Mobllehospltals deployed as needed
Dlvlslonal Commander wlll lnform concerned nodal offlcers
31 30
Nodal offlcer of the prlmary agency wlll coordlnate wlth the supportlng agency's offlcers to
moblllzeequlpment from warehouses through the|DPNdatabase
The respectlve supportlng agencles wlll contact thelr respectlve personnel to move the
equlpment to a central warehouse
Theldentlfled equlpment wlll betransported to theslte
Dlvlslonal Commlssloner wlll be ln charge and wlll call all the support agencles for warnlng
dlssemlnatlon (L.g. Department of |nformatlon and Publlclty, MTNL, A|P, Doordarshan etc) to
ensuretheflow of accuratelnformatlon
The support agencles should collect lnformatlon from LOCs and send news flashes across the
State. |f donatlon ls requlred, thedetalls should betelecast
Team should asslst LOCln provldlngupdated lnformatlon at Natlonal and Statelevel
Toll freenumbers should beset upfor emergency lnformatlon asslstance
Set up'water polnts' at key locatlons ln rellef camps
Malntaln water purlty and provldechlorlnetablets
Provldeclean drlnklngwater ln casewater plpellnes aredamaged
Locatedrlnklngwater facllltles separatefrom sewer and dralnagefacllltles

Secretary Power wlll take charge of the Llectrlclty Lmergency Support functlon as the team
leader of thePrlmary Agency for electrlclty
Prlme ob[ectlve ls to provlde and coordlnate state support untll the local supportlng agencles
areprepared to handleall power related problems
TL wlll communlcate damage status to support agencles and request nodal offlcers to provlde
support of equlpment and lnfrastructureln affected areas
TLwlll establlsh radlo communlcatlons wlth StateLOCto assess equlpment requlrements
Qulck assessment of damage to equlpment and lnfrastructure relatlng to power wlll be carrled
Thedamageassessment report should beused to makea llst of requlred resources
TheTLshould lnform LOCabout therequlrements and external ald requlred
A nodal offlcer should beappolnted for theaffected area

TheTLof Prlmary Agency wlll befrom thePevenueDepartment
Qulck assessment of functlonal and stablebulldlngs wlll becarrled out
Locaterellef campsltes based on thedamageassessment report
Clearlngof thearea for establlshment of rellef camps
Set uprellef camps uslnglnnovatlveand tlmesavlngmeasures
Asslst local authorltles to set uptelecom and other servlces facllltles
|nltlateprocurement of crltlcal food supplles
Supply food packets to famllles
Account for speclal needs of pregnant women, lnfants, chlldren, elderly and lll
Makeemergency food supplles avallableto populatlon
Developalternatlvearrangements for populatlon llvlngln structures that mlght beaffected even
after thedlsaster
Qulck assessment on the of the damages of roads and structures reported at the slte and
|mmedlately start debrls clearanceoperatlon to enablemovement to theaffected slte
HeIpIines, WarningDissemination
ReIief (Food and SheIter)
Debrisand Road CIearance
Pevlew of current sltuatlon to plan alternatlveroutes for transportatlon LSP to beoperatlonal
|nspectlon of road/rall network and structures wlthln thedlsaster slteand ln surroundlngareas
Qulck assessment of law and order sltuatlon ln affected areas wlll becarrled out
Avallableforces wlll belmmedlately deployed
Updates on thelaw and order sltuatlon wlll beprepared every 4-6hours and theauthorltles wlll bebrlefed
Prevent rlotlngand lootlng, and cordon off sensltlveareas
Protect of vltal |nstallatlons
Central Paramllltary forces wlll bedeployed lf theneed arlses
Dlvlslonal Commlssloner wlll lnform theconcerned nodal offlcers
Ob[ectlvels to provldetransport for search, rellef and evacuatlon teams
|mmedlately upon notlflcatlon of an dlsaster, the Transport department wlll establlsh necessary
emergency operatlngfacllltles and establlsh communlcatlon wlth support agencles
Lstabllsh communlcatlon wlth StateLOCand Dlvlslonal Commlssloner to assess locatlon of damaged areas
Supportlngagencles wlll deploy thelr vehlcles to support therellef operatlon
DoT wlll coordlnate wlth state and local agencles to facllltate the movement of people and goods to from
and wlthln thedlsaster area
DoT wlll coordlnatefor provldlnglmmedlateasslstancesuch as regulatlngalr trafflc control and asslstlngln
search and rescueand recovery
Lawand Drder
33 32
Annexure lll: 7emlnre Ier vnlunrien eI Meck rills
A. Introduction
. Scope and Dbjectives
C. Scenario Summary
D. Critique
. Dutcomes
F. PIan of action for corrective actions
Mock drlll ob[ectlves
|nltlal condltlons
Sequenceof events
Scopeof Lvaluatlon
Notlflcatlon and communlcatlons
Operatlons and fleld responses
Lqulpments and facllltles
Standard OperatlngProcedures
Drlll-related problems
Other Observatlons
Slgnlflcant flndlngs/successes
Opportunltles for |mprovement
Annexure lv: Checklisr Ier 5cheel 7nsk lerces
Warningand Information Dissemination 7eam
uring isnsrer
Pesr isnsrer
vacuation 7eam
uring isnsrer
Pesr isnsrer
Search and Rescue 7eam
uring isnsrer
Monltor and malntaln regular updates on theposslblehazards that theschool can face
|nform theschool authorltles of any lmpendlnghazardous sltuatlon
Malntaln contact wlth dlstrlct authorltles and communlcateany dlrectlons to theschool authorltles
Post warnlng slgns / flags of approprlate colour for dlfferent warnlng levels at promlnent and deslgnated
places ln theschool
Dlssemlnatelnformatlon to all staff and students
Coordlnatewlth theother teams and lnform them about thelatest weather / warnlngsltuatlon
Cross check thewarnlngrecelved from varlous sources
warn the school ln case of an emergency by rlnglng a bell/slren/message over publlc address
system/through messenger
|nform theSchool Dlsaster Management Commltteeand Government LSPs
|n case of the school belng used as a shelter, lnform the shelter staff about the latest updates and weather
Contlnuemonltorlngthevarlous lnformatlon sources
Contlnuereportlngon thepost dlsaster sltuatlon to all concerned teams
Dlssemlnatesafety tlps ln coordlnatlon wlth theAwareness Generatlon Team
work wlth the |ncldent Management Team from the dlstrlct admlnlstratlon ln preparlng updates and
Check all exlt routes
|dentlfy open areas wherethestaff and students can assembleafter evacuatlon
Lnsurethat necessary supplles areaccesslble
Asslst the Plannlng Commlttee ln developlng optlons ln the event evacuatlon ls requlred durlng severe
weather condltlons
Account for requlrements of students wlth speclal needs
Lvacuateln an orderly fashlon as practlced ln themock drllls
Lnsurethat emergency assembly area ls accesslbleand safe
Determlnelf any addltlonal asslstancels requlred for evacuatlon
Takeroll call and report groupstatus to LOC
Lnsurethat needed supplles areavallable
Lnsurethat team members areregularly tralned
CommenceSearch and PescueOperatlons
Pesr isnsrer
First Aid 7eam
uring isnsrer
Pesr isnsrer
Fire Safety 7eam
uring isnsrer
Pesr isnsrer
Site Security 7eam
Pesr isnsrer
usSafety 7eam(For each us)
Accordlngto pre-establlshed pattern, check (vlsually, vocally, physlcally) every room ln thebulldlng
Peport locatlon of ln[ured to Plrst Ald Team
Look for obvlous structural problems/slgnlflcant structural damage
Peport any damageto theSchool DMCand LOC
Lnsurean adequatestock of flrst ald supplles
Keepemergency cards and health cards up-to-date
Lnsuretralnlngfor all new members and refresher tralnlngfor exlstlngmembers (every year)
Takeaccount of speclal medlcal needs of staff and students
Attend to medlcal needs of ln[ured
Admlnlster flrst ald and malntaln a record of all thosetreated
Determlneneed for addltlonal medlcal asslstance
Asslgn Plrst Ald Team members to accompany Search and PescueTeams durlngthelr operatlons
Lnsurethat flreflghtlngequlpment ls ln worklngorder and staff has recelved tralnlngon how to uselt
Lnsure that all non-structural earthquake hazards that can be cause of flre (l.e. chemlcal laboratorles,
cafeterla, kltchens, hot water tank) areproperly secured
Coordlnate wlth the SDMCln ensurlngthat a flre safety assessment of the school premlses ls conducted by
thelocal flredepartment and that therecommendatlons arelmplemented
Check for and conflrm exlstenceof flreln bulldlng
|nform LOCand StateSecurlty Team
Control flre, lf posslble(ensurepersonal safety)
|n caseof an electrlcal flre, turn of theelectrlcal maln swltches
Look for condltlons that may cause a flre to develop and seek Malntenance Staff's asslstance ln removal of
work wlth the Plannlng Commlttee, the School Admlnlstrator and the Dlstrlct authorltles to establlsh a
releasepollcy and communlcatethls pollcy to parents and staff
Developprocedures for how releasewlll behandled
Lock all external gates and doors, and secure bulldlngs. Lnsure that locked doors can be opened from
lnsldeto prevent entrapment
Statlon a team member at maln gate/front door to deal wlth communlty/parents and gulde pollce, flre,
rescueand flrst ald teams to theaffected area
KeeptheAdmlnlstrator (LOC) lnformed of actlvltles. Peleasestudents accordlngto pre-arranged pollcy
uring isnsrer
Pesr isnsrer
Know school pollcy for procedures ln the event a damaglng earthquake occurs whlle buses wlth students
areenrouteto or from school
Asslst SDMCln provldlng2-way radlo communlcatlon between buses and school Admlnlstrators
Carry emergency cards wlth lnformatlon on contact numbers for the school LOC, and lmportant dlstrlct
contact numbers (dlstrlct admlnlstratlon, pollce, flre, medlcal, etc.)
Takeflrst ald tralnlng
Developplans to asslst speclal needs students
Pull over to sldeof road, ln an open area lf posslble. (Not under an overpass or brldgeor alongsldebulldlngs
or trees)
|nstruct thepassengers to crouch down between seats and ln lsleuntll shaklnghas stopped
Lnsurespeclal needs students areasslsted
Asslst any ln[ured students, provldlngPlrst Ald lf needed
Lstabllsh communlcatlon wlth School LOC
|f bus and transportatlon routes areln usablecondltlon, allow bus to proceed cautlously
|f crosslnga brldge ls necessary, stopbus, get out and physlcally lnspect brldge. |f the brldge ls not safe for
passage, follow establlshed school pollcy regardlngthecontlnued movement/ releaseof thestudents

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