RXP8n, RXPQ8n - Buyers Guide

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Auxiliary Relay

Type RXP8n, RXPQ8n

2 AB B
ABB a global technology leader
Advantage ABB

120 years of technology and innovation

U nparalleled dom ain com petence

G lobal experience

C om plete solution capabilities

Large installed base

Environm ent-friendly technologies

AB B is a global leader in Pow er and Autom ation
technologies that enable utility and industry
custom ers to im prove perform ance w hile low ering
environm ental im pact. The AB B G roup of
com panies operates in around 100 countries and
em ploys over 1,05,000 people.
In India, AB B serves custom ers w ith the com plete
range of pow er and autom ation technologies. The
com pany has a vast installed base, extensive
m anufacturing facilities and a countryw ide
m arketing and service presence.
As a part of its Pow er Technologies offering, ABB
serves electric, gas and w ater utilities as w ell as
industrial and com m ercial custom ers w ith a w ide
range of products, system s and services for pow er
generation, transm ission and distribution. ABBs
system offering ranges from Electrical Balance of Plant
(EBO P) for pow er plants, bulk pow er transm ission,
turnkey substations and com plete electrification to
utility autom ation and pow er distribution.
The product offering covers a w ide spectrum of
technologies across the entire voltage range
including indoor and outdoor circuit breakers, air
and gas insulated sw itchgear, disconnectors,
capacitor banks, reactive pow er com pensators,
pow er transform ers, distribution transform ers,
instrum ent transform ers, C om pact Secondary
Substations (C SS) and R ing M ain U nits (R M U ).
AB B 3
H igh degree of reliability, even w hen it has
been idle for a long tim e
7 contacts w ith double interruption
C ontact configuration can be changed
w ith ease
W ide range of voltage & contact
Special versions
R XPQ 8n..... H igh speed locking relay
hand reset
The auxiliary relays type R XP8n,R XPQ 8n are used
for all kinds of control and protection circuits in
pow er stations and industrial installations, w here a
high degree of reliability and a high contact rating
are stipulated, w ith m inim al internal consum ption.
Acting as an instantaneous sw itching elem ent, it
provides galvanic separation and contact
m ultiplication in tripping and signaling circuits of
protective relays.
Design and principle
The auxiliary relays in the C O M B IFLEX system , type
R XP8n and R XPQ 8n are instantaneous plunger type
relay w ith 7 contacts w ith double interruption. They
are designed to operate from D .C .
The m agnet system com prises a fixed core and a
m oving, plunger-type arm ature, w hich actuates the
contact bar directly. W hen the coil is de-energized ,
the arm ature of the m agnet and the contact bar are
forced back into their initial position by a spring
action. The contacts are arranged sym m etrically in
tw o row s, on either side of the m agnet, clearly visible
and readily accessible. They are designed for a
m axim um rated voltage of 250V D .C . or A.C . The
m aterial used for the contact tips is hard silver.
At the m ost, 3 norm ally closed contacts are
perm issible, w hich should be distributed evenly
betw een tw o sides. The field w eakening resistor is
cut in by m eans of a delayed norm ally closed contact
on a special contact bar in series w ith the coil.
The relay type R XPQ 8n is specially designed for high
speed operation and m echanical latching. It has an
operation indicator w hich, pops out w hen the relay
latches. The relay can be m anually reset by pressing
in and resetting the operation indicator.
A transparent protective hood of m aterial that does
not burn readily provides good protection against
dust. The plug-in relay m odule occupies tw o seats
(2U 12C ). The auxiliary relays should alw ays be
m ounted w ith their contact bar horizontal.
Type designation of auxiliary relays
Exam ple: R XP8n denotes a C O M B IFLEX system , auxiliary relay w ith 7 free contacts.
R X C O M B IFLEX system
P basic auxiliary relay w ithout operation indicator
P Q w ith m echanical latching, operation indicator and high speed operation
8n w ith 7 free contacts and 1 late opening N C contact for FW R
Auxiliary relay type RXP8n, RXPQ8n
Technical data
4 AB B
Voltage 24V 48V 110V 250V
C ontacts 1 2 in 1 2 in 1 2 in 1 2 in 2 in
parallel parallel parallel parallel series
D C resistive load 5A 10A 5A 10A 5A 7A 1A - 5A
D C inductive. L/R =15m s 5A 10A 5A 8A 4A - 1A - 4A
D C inductive, L/R =40m s 4A 8A 4A 8A 3A - 0.5A - 2A
AC resistive & inductive 10A - 10A - 10A - 10A - -
Energizing quantities, rated values and limits
R ated voltage U
: 24, 30, 48, 110, 125, 220, 250 V D C
O perative voltage range : +10% , -20%
Perm itted am bient tem perature range : 0
C to +55
Max. Breaking capacities
Electrical endurance; : 0.2 M illion operations,
tested according to IEC 255-23 at 110 V D C , 0.5A L/R , 40 m s
Term inals : Suitable for 2x2.5m m
w ires
Electrical tests
M easurem ent of resistance; tested acc. to IEC 255-6 : +/- 10% of specified
Tem perature-rise; tested acc. to IEC 255-6 : C oil (class F)
Insulation resistance; tested acc. to IEC 255-5 : >100 M O hm at 500 V dc
D ielectric; tested acc. to IEC 255-5 : 2.0 kV, 50 H z, 1 m in
Im pulse; tested acc. to IEC 255-5 : 5 kV, 1.2/50s, 0.5J
Environmental tests
Vibration response; tested acc. to IEC 255-21-1 : 10-150H z, 0.5g, 3 axis
Vibration endurance; tested acc. to IEC 255-21-1 : 10-150H z, 1.0g, 3axis
D ry heat; tested acc. to IEC 68-2-2 : at +55
C in energized condition
D ry cold; tested acc. to IEC 68-2-1 : at 0
D am p heat (cyclic - 6 days); : 12 H r/55
C + 12 H r/25
C x 2 @ 93% R H
tested acc. to IEC 68-2-30
Storage test; tested acc. To IEC 68-2-48 : +70
C for 72 H rs and -25
C for 72 H rs
R XPQ 8n R XP8n
Pick-up voltage (% U
) : < 70% < 80%
D rop-out voltage (% U
) : N ot applicable >4%
Pick-up tim e at U
(typical) : <16 m secs 20-30 m secs
Pow er consum ption at rated voltage : 7.5 W 3.5 W
Therm al rating : Short tim e C ontinuous
M echanical durability tested acc to IEC 255 : 1x10
200 D raw -out / Plug-in operations
W eight : 0.8 K g
Contact data
C ontact configuration : 4N /O +3N /C , 5N /O +2N /C , 6N /O +1N /C or 7N O
M axim um voltage w ithin contacts system : 250V D C /AC
R ated current : 5 A
M ax. m aking current : 50 A
AB B 5
Connection diagram and contact configuration
Fig. 1- C O M B IFLEX R XP8n
Fig. 2- C O M B IFLEX R XPQ 8n
Fig. 3- C om biflex m ounting
R eferences C onnection and installation com ponents in C O M B IFLEX 1M R K 513 003-B EN
R elay m ounting system s 1M R K 514 001-B EN
AB B Lim ited
D istribution Autom ation
M aneja,
Vadodara 390 013, India.
Tel: +91 265 2604384/5/6
+91 265 2604397
Fax:+91 265 2638922
E-m ail: aicds@ in.abb.com
R egional M arketing O ffices:
N o.14, M athura R oad
P.O . Am ar N agar
Faridabad 121 003
Tel: +91 129 2275592,
2279627, 5049000
Fax:+91 129 2279692/5019
4th Floor
N o. 9
Elgin R oad
Kolkata 700 020
Tel: +91 33 22832906/8
Fax:+91 33 22832990
AB B H ouse
D r. S B Path
B allard Estate
M um bai 400 038
Tel: +91 22 56318231 39
Fax:+91 22 56318276/77
Em bassy Star, 1st Floor
N o. 8, Palace R oad
Vasanth N agar
B angalore 560 052
Tel: +91 80 22949779
Fax: +91 80 22949808
C entury Plaza
N o. 3C , 3D & 3F, 3rd Floor
561 / 562, Anna Salai
Teynam pet (M ount R oad)
C hennai 600 018
Tel: +91 44 24340201
Fax:+91 44 24340282
Vandana H ouse
1st Floor
G E R oad, R am kund
R aipur 492 001
Tel: +91 771 5060816-8
Fax:+91 771 5053391 w w w .abb.co.in
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