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Jaggery or Gur or Whole Sugar Is a Pure, Wholesome, Traditional,
unrefined, whole sugar. It contains the natural goodness of minerals and vitamins
inherently present in sugarcane juice & this crowns it as one of the most wholesome
and healthy sugars in the world.
Jaggery industry in India is a well-developed industry and one of the
largest after textiles. It provides rural employment opportunities and plays an
important role in Indian economy. Jaggery is also manufacture from sugarcane juice
and is very widely used not only in individual households but also in many eateries,
restaurants, clubs and hostels and it has certain industrial applications as well.
Manufacture of sugar involves many technical aspects and the capital investment is
also on the higher side. Compared to this, production of jaggery is very simple and
the capital cost is also very limited. Due to its wide applications, the market for
jaggery is continuously growing.
Jaggery is made of the products of both sugarcane and the palm tree. The
sugar made from the sap of the date palm is both more prized and less commonly
available outside of the regions where it is made. The sago palm and coconut palm
are also now tapped for producing jaggery in West Bengal, South India, Pakistan,
and Sri Lanka. In Sri Lanka, syrup extracts from Caryota urens trees are widely used
for jaggery production. This is considered the best quality jaggery available in local
market and is given a higher value than jaggery coming from other sources.

Maharashtra state is Pioneering State of Sugar industry in India, Where the
farmer grouped forming Co-Operative movement and the technology and thereby
the industry is well established. This resulted in the cane grower getting due price
for his agriculture produce. Review of last few years however depicts a different
picture whereby the grower farmer has to undergo considerable hardships due to
adequate/ improper planning of cane harvesting inefficient process control and
management. This has resulted into uncertainty of the price accrued for the crop.
Jaggery, being a wholesome sugar, without double is rich in the vitally
important mineral salts: 2.8 grams per 100 grams, i.e. to say 28 grams per
kilograms, while only 300 milligrams per kilograms is found in refined sugar.

Magnesium strengthens the nervous system & potassium is vital to conserve
the acid balance in the cells and combats acids and acetone. Jaggery is very rich in
iron, which, a composite of hemoglobin prevents anemia.
Raw sugarcane juice is slowly simmered in pans & the water is progressively
evaporated. Clarification is done using natural vegetable clarification. Scoop the
boiling juice from one pan to another unit the liquid stats to go hard carries out this
process. The complete process is hygienic, untouched by hands, and most
importantly 100% chemical- free!
Jaggery is a traditional unrefined non-centrifugal sugar consumed in Asia,
Africa & South America. It is made for direct consumption. This type of sugar is a
concentrated product of cane juice without separation of the molasses and crystals,
and can vary from golden brown to dark brown in color. It contains up to 65-85%
sucrose, up to 10% Glucose, moisture content of up to 5-8% and the remainder
made up other insoluble matters such as Ash, proteins and fibers.
The Indian State of Maharashtra is the largest producer and consumer of
jaggery. In Maharashtra most vegetables curries and dales contain jaggrey. In rural
Maharashtra, water and a piece of jaggery is given when someone arrives home
from working under a hot sun.
Jaggery is also manufactured from sugarcane juice & is very widely used not only in
individual households but also in many eateries, restaurants, clubs & hostels and it
has certain industrial applications as well. Manufacture of sugar involves many
technical aspects and the capital investment is also on the higher side. Compared to
this, production of jaggery is very simple and the capital cost is also very limited.
Due to its wide applications, the market for jaggery is continuously growing.

What is Jaggery?
*Jaggery is a wholesome natural sweetener produced from the sugarcanes, most
common in Southeast Asia.
*Also called pilloncillo and panela.
*It is sweet, light to dark brown in color, and is usually available in pressed cakes,
chips or powder.
*It is a healthy alternative to refined white sugar.
*It can be used as a table sweetener or in baking to replace refined sugar one cup for
one cup.
*It is also used to make candies, granola bars, etc.
*It is prepared by extracting the juice from mature sugarcanes and boiling it to
thicken. Then this thickened liquid is poured into moulds and allowed to dry. These
dried moulds are either sold or chipped or powdered.
*Buying and storage: Buy good quality jaggery and store in an airtight container or
jar in a cool, dry, dark place in the cup board at room temperature. It is hygroscopic,
so it has to be stored in an airtight container. It is stable, has a good shelf life and
keeps well for up to a year at room temperature.

Summery of Project
Lately there is tremendous increase in the demand for Non-Chemical Sugars i.e. Gur.
The non chemical (route) product is preferred in Western Countries wherein
consumers have realized the side effects on human body systems of chemicals used
in manufacturing process, particularly sulpherous. Compounds which are used to
impart white color to the sugars. In our country also, the realization is dawned that
food products having minimum chemical inputs are better for human consumption.
The growing Demand for gur which to date is about 5 Lakh MT/ year is met by small
units operating in Tiny industrial sector and mainly by manual process controls. It
is observed that due to this, there are limitations on production efficiencies (Due to
limitations extraction of juice from sugarcane itself) and also large variation in
quality of the product. This results in price variation range of almost 100%. As a
result, the cane grower gets inadequate price for this produce. The low efficiency of
process is also affected by nonuse of modern machinery and techniques thus
contributing heavy losses of product/ raw material during the process, besides not
achieving the desired quality product.
It is therefore planned to mechanize the entire process by operating the industry
with highly efficient machinery, as is used in sugar factory, wherein the juice
extraction is at its maximum and the juice boiling is in a controlled manner and with
high thermal efficiency techniques like vacuum evaporation. The entire process
efficiency is further upgraded by use of modern technology.

Objectives of Study of Jaggery Production:
Existing problem identification of Gur industry is the goals and objectives of this
study, and finding out their appropriate reason will serve as fundamental factor for
selecting strategies and investigating the prospects of their applicability. The
specific objectives for the study are given below:
What are the strategies to promote the consumption of Gur among people?
What are the major problems in Gur making?
Why there is no value added product of Gur, while it has a medicinal aspect?
Price Realization Problem linked with quality of the Gur?
What is the storage support of Gur? Cost and Returns of Gur Making and its
opportunity cost?
How far the individual entrepreneur is efficient compared to cooperatives?


To Knows about the demand & Supply for the Jaggery Product.

To know the Manufacturing Process.

Uses of Jaggery Product in Human Life.

To know the future Market for the jaggery.

To determine the market for Jaggery.

To demonstrate the marketing strategies of Jaggery.

Build relationships with Farmer.

Further reinforce position in the market place as a recognized and trusted
Jaggery Production.


Jaggery is typical Indian product with several uses in daily food preparations
and it is also used to make many sweet food preparations. This is a product with
scattered market and can be manufactured in the state like Maharashtra, UP,
Gujarat, Bihar, and Jharkhand etc.

Market Potential
The demand for Jaggery is steadily growing many folds in the Urban, Rural and
Semi-Urban areas. There are several applications of jaggery and almost all Indian
households use it one day-to-day basis. Market for jaggery is round the year
whereas its production is only during the sugarcane season and thus factory works
for around 6 to 7 months every year. Apart from individual households, it is used in
large quantities in restaurants, roadside dhabas, other eateries, hostels and clubs
and by caterers. It has shelf-life more than couple of months.



The annual market demand for non refined sugar i.e. Gur is about 5Lakh MT/ year in
India. The demand for this product is about 2 Lakh MT each at two major market
cities of Mumbai and Ahmedabad. About 80% of demand at Mumbai is net from
three wholesale markets at Pune, Sangali and Kolhapur which receive the product
from adjoining villages in Maharashtra, North Karnataka. This demand is ever
increasing in last 5 years. The price accrued varied from Rs.24 per kg for lower
quality to Rs.29 per kg for higher quality.

The Mumbai market has the price variation of Rs.24/- to Rs. 34/- per kg. For the non
chemical route product which is exported to Europeans Countries. Recent Agro
product survey has indicated that India, which is a prime country producing good
quality gur has indicated that India, which is prime country producing good quality
gur has exported to around 30 countries the gur and the export value ranged to
about Rs.200 Crores, with a price variation of Rs. 25/- to 32/- kg per kg.


Jaggery is used as an ingredient in both sweet and savory dishes across India and Sri
Lanka. For example, a pinch of it is sometimes added to sambar, rasam, and other
staples in India. Jaggery is also added to lentil soups (dl) to add sweetness to
balance the spicy, salty and sour components, particularly in Bengali cuisine and
Gujarati cuisine.
The Indian state of Maharashtra is the largest producer and consumer of jaggery
(Gu () in Marathi). In Maharashtra, most vegetables curries and dals contain it.
This is specially used during Makar Sankranti for making a dessert called tilgul. In
Gujarat, known as G during Makara Sankranti, a similar preparation called Tal Na
Ladu or Tal Sankli is made. In rural Maharashtra, water and a piece of jaggery are
given when someone arrives home from working under a hot sun.
Kakvi, a byproduct of the production of jaggery, is also used in rural Maharashtra as
a sweetener. It contains many minerals not found in ordinary sugar and is
considered beneficial to health by the traditional Ayurvedic medical system. It is an
ingredient of many sweet delicacies such as gur ka chawal ("jaggery rice"), a
traditional Rajasthani dish.
In Gujarat, laddus are made from wheat flour and jaggery. A well-known
Maharashtrian recipe, Puran poli, also uses it as a sweetener apart from Sugar.
Jaggery is considered an easily available sweet which is shared on any good
occasion. In engagement ceremonies, small particles of it are mixed with coriander
seeds (). Hence in many Gujarati communities, engagement is commonly
known as Gol-Dhana (-), literally "jaggery and coriander seeds".
In Tamil Nadu, it is used in a dish called chakkarai Pongal. It is prepared during the
festival of Pongal, which is held when the harvesting season begins.
In Oriya cuisine, cakes or pihas contain jaggery. Some marmalade made of mango
and Dillenia also contain the ingredient.
In Bengali Hindu cuisine, it is commonly used in making sweet dishes, some of
which mix jaggery with milk and coconut. Popular sweet dishes like lau / lau or
paishapta piha mix it with coconut shreds. Jaggery is also molded into novel
shapes as a type of candy. The same preparation of sweets has been made in its

neighboring state Assam. Some of the popular sweet dishes of Assam such as Til-
pitha (made of rice powder, sesame and jaggery), other rice based pitha and payas
are made of jaggery. In some villages of Assam people still drink salty reed tea with
a cube of gurd (jaggery) which is popularly called cheleka- chah (licking tea).
Traditional Karnataka sweets like Payasa, Obattu (Poli), and Unday use different
kinds of jaggery. A pinch is commonly added to sambar and rasam. Karnataka
produces both sugar- and palm-based jaggery.
The Muzaffarnagar District in Uttar Pradesh has the largest jaggery market in the
world, followed by Anakapalli in the Visakhapatnam District in Andhra Pradesh. The
Kolhapur district in western Maharashtra is also famous for its variety of jaggery,
which is yellow and much sought after in Maharashtra and Gujarat. Mandya in
Karnataka is known for its jaggery production.
All over India, jaggery has religious significance to Hindus. Many of the festivals
involve the offering of jaggery to deities during worship. Jaggery is considered
auspicious in many parts of India, and is eaten raw before the commencement of
good work or any important new ventures, or after good news is shared by family
and friends. [Citation needed]
In Myanmar, jaggery is harvested from toddy palm syrup. In central Myanmar and
around Bagan (Pagan), toddy syrup is collected solely for the purpose of making
jaggery. The translucent white syrup is boiled until it becomes golden brown, and
then made into bite-sized pieces. It is considered a sweet and is eaten by children
and adults alike, usually in the afternoon along with a pot of green tea. It has been
referred to locally as Burmese chocolate. Toddy palm jaggery is also sometimes
mixed with coconut shreds, jujube puree or sesame, depending on the area. This
type of jaggery is also used in Burmese cooking, usually to add color and enrich the
In addition, in the Indian state of Rajasthan, jaggery has a religious significance.
Many of the festivals are incomplete without jaggery as it is offered to the deity
during worship.
jaggery is made into small particles and mixed with coriander seeds and distributed,
hence in many Gujarati communities Engagement is commonly known as Gol-
Dhana literally meaning jaggery & corianderseed.

Other uses
Other uses include jaggery toffees and jaggery cake made with pumpkin preserve,
cashew nuts, pea nuts and spices.
Jaggery may also be used in the creation of alcoholic beverages like palm wine.
Besides being a food, jaggery may also be used to season the inside of tandoor
Jaggery is also considered auspicious in many parts of India, and is eaten raw before
commencement of good work or any important new venture, or after good news are
shared by family and friends.[citation needed] The Muzaffarnagar District in Uttar
Pradesh has the largest jaggery market in the world, followed by Anakapalli of the
Visakhapatnam District in Andhra Pradesh.


Health benefits
Some consider jaggery a particularly wholesome sugar, since it retains more mineral
salts than refined sugar and it is made without chemical agents. Indian Ayurvedic
medicine considers jaggery beneficial in treating throat and lung infections; Sahu
and Saxena found that in rats jaggery can prevent lung damage from particulate
matter such as coal and silica dust. Gandhi felt that jaggery was healthier than
refined sugar, as it was not introduced into the blood as rapidly. As such, he used it
in his own personal diet and recommended it for use in his invented goat-milk diet
(and all other diets and eating styles). Jaggery is also effective in easing stomach

Some of the following are Health benefit of Jaggery.
1. Jaggery has sucrose and glucose, but along with that it also has good amounts
minerals and vitamins.
2. It may cause sudden spike of blood sugar levels, so diabetics have to be
cautious and use this in moderation.
3. Good source of magnesium. It helps in relieving fatigue, relaxing the muscles,
nerves and blood vessels, thus relieving the symptoms of asthma, migraine
headaches, tension and soreness in muscles etc.
4. Good source of potassium; this along with low amounts of sodium helps to
maintain blood pressure and reduces water retention.
5. Good source of iron that in respiration at the cellular level by synthesizing
hemoglobin that helps to carry oxygen to cells.
6. Very good source of manganese, which is an essential cofactor in many
enzymatic reactions in the body, especially in the production of energy and
antioxidants defenses.
7. Good source of selenium. It acts as an antioxidant and scavenges free radicals
from the body.
8. Moderate sources of other minerals like calcium, phosphorus and zinc which
are essential to maintain the metabolic activities of the body.
9. Good source of vitamins Niacin and Vitamin B6, which are essential cofactors
in enzymatic reactions of the body.

Data Type:-
Primary Data: -
Primary data consists of the information which is freshly collected for the
specific purpose at hand. Newly / Freshly gathered information is known as
primary data. For our project sources for primary data are personal interview with
hotel consultant. For getting the primary data we have visited the different star
hotel like
Information collected firsthand from such sources as historical documents, literary
texts, artistic works, experiments, surveys, and interviews. See also:
"If the information you need is unavailable or hasn't yet been gathered, you'll
have to gather it yourself. Four basic methods of collecting primary data are
field research, content analysis, survey research, and experiments. Other
methods of gathering primary data include historical research, analysis of
existing statistics, and various forms of direct observation."
The main tool used was, the questionnaire method. Further direct interview
method, where a face to face formal interview was taken. Lastly observation method
has been continuous with the questionnaire method, as one continuously observes
the surrounding environment he works in.
Procedure of research methodology
Target geographical area was Latur.
To this geographical area questionnaire was given, the questionnaire was a
combination of both open ended and closed ended questions.
The date during which questionnaires were filled was Between 1 month.
Secondary data is the data that have been already collected by and readily
available from other sources. Such data are cheaper and more quickly obtainable
than the primary data and also may be available when primary data cannot be
obtained at all.

Jaggery manufacturing is done on a small scale by a group of farmers. The juice is
extracted from fresh sugarcane. Then it is filtered and boiled in wild, shallow iron
pans with continuous stirring and, simultaneously soda or bhindi juice is added in
required quantity. While boiling, brownish foams come at the top which are
continuously removed to get golden yellow color of jaggery. The consistency of juice
becomes thick and then it is poured into the small to medium sized iron or
aluminum cans where blocks of jaggery are formed after cooling. Size of the blocks
can vary from 1 Kg. to 12 Kgs. Finally, these blocks are packed in gunny bags.
All types of the sugar come in blocks or pastes of solidified concentrated sugar syrup
heated to 200 C. Traditionally, the syrup is made by boiling raw sugarcane juice or
palm sap in a large shallow round-bottom vessel.

The manufacturing process involves all the basic operation of sugar factory
except the chemical addition.
Thus, the sugarcane is fed to the Mill Section comprising cutter,
leveler, Shredder and a 4 mill configuration enabling extraction of above 90% and
above.The sugarcane juice is subjected to micro filtration for removal of
suspensions and concentrated in the Boiling section with Triple effect evaporator,
juice Heater and Boiling Pan assemblies.
The juice concentrated to require bricks is taken to granulizer header
assembly and thereafter to the conveyor trays where moldings of the product takes
place to required shape (volume) and weight. Thereafter in the packing section, it is
wrapped in plaster paper packing and boxes and is ready for delivery.

Process Flow chart

Following is the Steps involves in Manufacturing Process of Jaggery.

Many of must have had a chance to eat sugar cane, one time or the other. Sugar cane
is cultivated mainly in winter climate, there are two different types of sugarcanes,
one is the brownish type, which we see commonly during the festivals such as the
Ganesh Pooja, and Pongal. There is one more type which is white in color, which we
see commonly along the road side where there are fresh sugarcane juice vendors.
White sugarcane have a very rich content in sugar, white sugar cane is the main
source of raw material in a sugar factory to manufacture sugar. It is not possible for
each and every farmer who cultivates sugarcane, to depend on a sugar factory to
purchase their canes, and more over the huge machineries, manpower and
investment is involved in manufacturing sugar and Jarregy. Farmers have found a
very simple method, which involves special iron vessels and a single machine to
manufacture Jaggery. Which is the simplest way to do so? Let us start off the
process. The following steps are involved in preparing Jaggery Step.

Cutting sugarcane
Feeding to roller
Addition of bi-carbonate
Transfer to moulds/trays

1. Cutting sugar cane from fields Step
2. Feeding the grinder to extract juice Step
3. Boiling the juice Step
4. Adding Ingredients Step
5. Tray Feeding Step
6. Jaggery output let us go in detail about each and every step involved.

Step1: Fresh sugarcanes are cut from the fields, canes are cut in such a way
that the head and tail are chopped off. They are carefully brought in a plastic sack, to
the place where they are made juice.
Step2: To extract juice from the sugarcane, they use a small power run
machine, where at one side four or five canes are fed, and at the other end, extracted
sugar cane juice is directly feed to the vessel.
Step3: Next step involved is boiling the extracted juice, juice is feed to a large
big iron vessel, which is usually called as kadai as the below.

heating unit of the vessel is set up in such a way that, at a single stretch two vessels
are boiled, heating unit is nothing but a small pit above which this vessel is placed,
there is a man who keeps on adding fuel to the heating unit from a small opening,
fuel to the heating unit is just the extract which is obtained after juice has been
taken from the canes, these extract are dried in sunlight and used as a fuel for

Picture: Man feeding heating the vessel, you can see the fuel around the
vessel where the man sitting pushes the fuel to the hole, a little by little. The
juice is boiled in the vessel for at least three hours, until the liquid juice becomes a
semisolid paste.
Step4: When juice becomes a semisolid paste, small quantity of sodium carbonate is
added as a reducing agent, which helps in making Jaggery balls.
Step5: After stirring well until the juice becomes a semisolid paste, the paste is feed
to a iron tray. With the help of a long wood stick, at one end which contains a flat
block they stir well again in the tray, until more thickening comes.

picture: People are stirring the Jaggery paste in the tray

Picture: Jaggery paste ready for making balls
Step6 : With help of a wet cloth, hot Jaggery paste are made as balls
precautions are taken, to prepare the balls as fast as possible, as the paste gets to the
solid state with in a short span of time.

Picture: Final output of Jaggery For a single feed of vessel, they get approximately
around 100 kg of Jaggery, they get around fifty Jaggery balls, Jaggery are stored and
sold as a complete bulkcart.For a single bulk cart they get a market price of
approximately 20000/- twenty thousand rupees.



How to Produces it?
Ans: The answer of above question given as above with the help of picture maintain
in above.
Cost of Production Process?
Ans: Depend upon the production of finished goods.
How many workers done this Job?
Ans: More than 15 workers.
What type of Raw Material used?
Ans: The main Raw Material is Sugar Cane.


Business Standard
Madan et al,(2004) Improvement in GUR (Jaggery) Making Plant for Rural Areas,
Journal of Rural Tech, Sugar Industry in latur : Efficiency still Holds the Key,
Agriculture Economics Research Review, Jan- June.
Thiagarajan R. et al (2007) Demand Driven Research and Extension Model for
Sugarcane Development, Proceedings of the 68th Annual Convention of The Sugar
Technologists' Association of India" held on August 22-24, 2007 in Goa.
Indian Sugar Industry-Update by LKP Research, August 24, 2004.
Sugar Industry-Recent Trends and Outlook by ICRA Rating Feature August 2006.
Amar Ujala, Daily Hindi News Paper, Padarauna, Kushinagar.

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