Living Above Reproach

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Living Above Reproach

Expectations of Students while living in Quito.

Traveling to another country is a wonderful opportunity to grow and learn, be
challenged academically, meet new people, and to have life changing experiences.
Our desire is that as a Living and Learning Program you will have a wonderful and
impacting experience.
One of the challenges that students always face while participating in this program is
how to respond to the new opportunities that a new culture affords them. What do they
do when faced with personal choices like alcohol, smoking, drugs, and new
relationships? While these may or may not have been decided upon in your host culture
(USA) we realize that you will be faced with these choices again as you live in another
country it is our desire to be open and up front in this discussion.

While we are not taking a stand on the morality or right or wrong of these choices,
we do want to be clear about the expectations of you while participating in this
Semester Abroad program. We are asking you while you are enrolled in the Living and
Learning Semester Abroad program in Quito, Ecuador to completely 100% - abstain
from drinking alcohol, smoking tobacco, illegal drugs, or initiating new dating/romantic
relationships with anyone living in Ecuador that is not part of the Living and Learning
program. Choosing to disregard these policies could result in your early dismissal from
this program.

Our heart is not to take away opportunities or inhibit your time in Ecuador. This program is
part of a much bigger picture that you may or may not be aware of. We need to think in
terms of the following:

#1 Your Testimony in Quito as you live and interact with others. People will make
decisions and assumptions of you based on your personal choices.

#2 The Testimony of our overall program. You will represent us and this program. We
have a vast and rich network of relationships that we have worked hard to cultivate over
the last 15 years. We do not want to jeopardize these based on choices we make.

#3 Messages we are intentionally or unintentionally sending to other Ecuadorian
Christians. These issues have proven divisive and difficult within the Ecuadorian Church.
We do not want to make this worse by our behavior.

#4 Your College or University. You represent them while you are in Ecuador.

Again, it is not our heart to make a judgment or say that these particular behaviors are
right or wrong. However, in the past they have proven to be issues that have caused
more harm than good. We are asking you while you are in Ecuador to completely
100% abstain from drinking alcohol, smoking, drugs and new romantic/dating
relationships with anyone living in Ecuador that is not part of the Living and Learning
program. Thank you for your willingness to abide by this.

What behavior is expected of me as a participant of the Living and Learning Semester
Abroad program? Are there any rules I must follow? What are the dos and donts of
being a part of this team? These may be questions that you have wondered about.

It is our desire that you would live in a way that honors God and honors the people
around you. We want you to take responsibility for your behavior and your choices by
knowing what Gods word says and living in obedience to God and the directives of His
Word. According to what God says, through His Word, what does it mean to live above
With that in mind, we challenge you to study the scriptures below for principles that can
direct your living so that it is above reproach. We will review and discuss these as a team
periodically so that we can remind ourselves and each other of how these apply to our
lives as ambassadors of Christ.

Scriptures Principles to Consider Application Questions
Romans 12:1 My personal worship of God
includes my actions
Are my personal actions
reflecting to whom I
Colossians 3:15-17 Do everything in the name of Jesus Are my actions matching
the reality of Christs peace
ruling in my heart?
1 Corinthians 9:24-27 We have a responsibility for our
Do my actions contradict
my message?
1 Corinthians 10:23-
The benefit of others first, may
mean the sacrifice of my rights
Will this activity cause others
to stumble?
Romans 14:1-15:7 Be a peace maker Am I pursuing peace?
Galatians 5:1-26 Live by the Spirit, not the flesh Am I living by the Spirit or by
my flesh?

Some of the specific behaviors/attitudes/choices we need to consider include:

Alcohol Movies Anger
Smoking Music Gossip
Relationships Bitterness Unforgiving spirits
Clubbing Integrity with money Etc.

Are we willing to give up anything and everything that might compromise our testimony,
dishonor God or the people around us?

It is my desire that I would live in a way that honors God and honors the people around
me. I choose to take responsibility for my behavior and my choices by knowing what
Gods word says and living in obedience to God and the directives of His Word.

As a member of the Living and Learning community for the Fall 2014 semester I
wholeheartedly and 100% agree to live by the standards of this program. I understand
that this means I am choosing for this semester to 100% abstain from drinking alcohol,
smoking tobacco, illegal drugs, or initiating new dating/romantic relationships with
anyone living in Ecuador that is not part of the Living and Learning program. I understand
that choosing to disregard these policies could result in my early dismissal from this

I am excited to be here and want to live with Christ at the core of my life, engage in life
giving rhythms, seek and contribute to the community, and ask God to show me my gifts,
skills and talents in order to live an intentional life.

Name_________________________________ School _______________________

Signature_________________________________ Date______________________

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