Warrantless Arrest

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A police primer


(Speech at the Philippine National Police Headqa!te!"# $a%p $!a%e# on Ma!ch &'# ())*.+
UNDER the $on"tittion# the ,ene!al !le i" that an a!!e"t o! "ea!ch can -e %ade# only i. it i" atho!i/ed -y a 0a!!ant i""ed -y a 1d,e. Ho0e2e!# the!e a!e ce!tain
e3ception" 0hen a 0a!!antle"" a!!e"t and a 0a!!antle"" "ea!ch cold -e condcted -y the police.
Warrantless arrest
4nde! the Rle" o. $o!t# Rle &&'# Section 5# a 0a!!antle"" a!!e"t# al"o 6no0n a" 7citi/en8" a!!e"t#7 i" la0.l nde! th!ee ci!c%"tance"9
&. :hen# in the p!e"ence o. the police%an# the pe!"on to -e a!!e"ted ha" co%%itted# i" actally co%%ittin,# o! i" atte%ptin, to co%%it an o..en"e. Thi" i" the 7in flagrante
delicto7 !le.
(. :hen an o..en"e ha" 1"t -een co%%itted# and he ha" p!o-a-le ca"e to -elie2e# -a"ed on pe!"onal 6no0led,e o. .act" o! ci!c%"tance"# that the pe!"on to -e a!!e"ted
ha" co%%itted it. Thi" i" the 7hot p!"it7 a!!e"t !le.
'. :hen the pe!"on to -e a!!e"ted i" a p!i"one! 0ho ha" e"caped .!o% a penal e"ta-li"h%ent.
Thi" !le allo0in, 0a!!antle"" a!!e"t i" "t!ictly con"t!ed. I. the 0a!!antle"" a!!e"t i" nla0.l at the -e,innin,# it cannot -e %ade la0.l late!# -y anythin, that happen" o! i"
di"co2e!ed a.te!0a!d".
"In Flagrante Delicto" Rule
The te!% 7in .la,!ante delicto7 %ean" 7in the 2e!y act o. co%%ittin, a c!i%e.7 In othe! 0o!d"# the ""pect 0a" ca,ht !ed;handed. To -e ca,ht in flagrante delicto nece""a!ily
i%plie" po"iti2e identi.ication -y the eye0itne"". The acc"ed "hold -e ca,ht i%%ediately a.te! the co%%i""ion o. the act.
In flagrante delicto 0a!!antle"" a!!e"t "hold co%ply 0ith the ele%ent o. i%%ediacy -et0een the ti%e o. the o..en"e and the ti%e o. the a!!e"t. Fo! e3a%ple# in one ca"e the
Sp!e%e $o!t held that 0hen the 0a!!antle"" a!!e"t 0a" %ade th!ee %onth" a.te! the c!i%e 0a" co%%itted# the a!!e"t 0a" ncon"tittional and ille,al.
I. an acc"ed i" ca,ht in flagrante delicto# the 0a!!antle"" a!!e"t i" la0.l and the e2idence o-tained in a "ea!ch incidental to the a!!e"t i" ad%i""i-le a" e2idence. One
co%%on e3a%ple o. a 0a!!antle"" a!!e"t i" a -y-"t ope!ation.
An o..en"e i" co%%itted in the p!e"ence o! 0ithin the 2ie0 o. an o..ice! 0hen the o..ice! "ee" the o..en"e# altho,h at a di"tance< o! hea!" the di"t!-ance that it c!eate" and
p!oceed" at once to the "cene.
I. the 0a!!antle"" a!!e"t t!n" ot to -e nla0.l# "till the co!t i" capa-le o. a""%in, 1!i"diction o2e! the acc"ed. Any o-1ection to the co!t8" 1!i"diction i" 0ai2ed# 0hen
the pe!"on a!!e"ted "-%it" to a!!ai,n%ent 0ithot any o-1ection.
The te"t o. in flagrante delicto a!!e"t i" that the ""pect 0a" actin, nde! ci!c%"tance" !ea"ona-ly tendin, to "ho0 that he ha" co%%itted o! i" a-ot to co%%it a c!i%e.
E2idence o. ,ilt i" not nece""a!y. It i" eno,h i. the!e i" p!o-a-le ca"e. Fo! e3a%ple# i. the!e 0a" a p!io! a!!an,e%ent to deli2e! "ha- in"ide a hotel# the i%%ediate
0a!!antle"" a!!e"t o. the acc"ed pon hi" ent!y in the hotel !oo% i" 2alid. By cont!a"t# the di"co2e!y o. %a!6ed %oney on the acc"ed doe" not 1"ti.y a 0a!!antle"" a!!e"t.
The police a!e atho!i/ed to %a6e a 0a!!antle"" a!!e"t at any ti%e o! place# nde! the doct!ine o. continin, c!i%e. One e3a%ple o. a continin, c!i%e i" !e-ellion# .o! 0hich a
0a!!antle"" a!!e"t i" 2alid at any ti%e o! place. By cont!a"t# incitin, to "edition i" not a continin, c!i%e# and cannot -e the "-1ect o. a 0a!!antle"" a!!e"t.
Hot pursuit arrest rule
4nde! the !le on 7hot p!"it7 a!!e"t# the police%an "hold ha2e pe!"onal 6no0led,e that the ""pect co%%itted the c!i%e. The te"t i" p!o-a-le ca"e# 0hich the Sp!e%e
$o!t ha" de.ined a" 7an actal -elie. o! !ea"ona-le ,!ond" o. ""picion.7
4nde! thi" !le# the police%an doe" not need to actally 0itne"" the e3ection o! act" con"tittin, the o..en"e. Bt he %"t ha2e di!ect 6no0led,e# o! 2ie0 o. the c!i%e# !i,ht
a.te! it" co%%i""ion.
Acco!din,ly# the .ollo0in, a!e lawful warrantless arrests9
* The police had ea!lie! condcted "!2eillance o. the acc"ed.
* The police%an "ee" the o..en"e# altho,h at a di"tance.
* The police%an hea!" the di"t!-ance c!eated -y the o..en"e.
* The!e i" p!o-a-le ca"e o. a co%%ni"t th!eat.
* The!e i" p!o-a-le ca"e o. a national "ec!ity th!eat.
* Shopli.tin,# 0hen the "hop6eepe! detain" the ""pect .o! the ti%e nece""a!y .o! a !ea"ona-le in2e"ti,ation.
* Di!ect conte%pt co%%itted in the p!e"ence o. the co!t# pon the o!al di"c!etion o. the p!e"idin, 1d,e.
* =a,!ancy
* F!i"6in, the pe!"on# o! any int!"ion" "ho!t o. an a!!e"t# 0hen ci!c%"tance" co%-ine to e"ta-li"h p!o-a-le ca"e and the incidental "ea!ch !e2eal" that the "olid o-1ect i" a
!e2ol2e!. Thi" i" 6no0n a" the 7Te!!y "top.7
* P-lic into3ication.
* D!i2in, 0hile into3icated.
* In2e"ti,ato!y "top o. %oto! 2ehicle# -a"ed on a!ticla-le and !ea"ona-le ""picion that the %oto!i"t i" nlicen"ed# the ato%o-ile i" not !e,i"te!ed# o! eithe! the 2ehicle o! an
occpant i" othe!0i"e "-1ect to "ei/!e .o! 2iolation o. la0. Thi" i" 6no0n a" the 7a!ticla-le and !ea"ona-le ""picion7 "tanda!d.
* Mentally di"a-led pe!"on" on e%e!,ency ,!ond".
By cont!a"t# the .ollo0in, a!e nla0.l 0a!!antle"" a!!e"t"9
* A!!e"t on the 2e!-al !epo!t o. a 0itne"".
* A!!e"t -a"ed on !a0 intelli,ence in.o!%ation.
* A!!e"t -a"ed on n!elia-le hea!"ay in.o!%ation.
* A!!e"t -a"ed on n!ea"ona-le ""picion.
I. a 0a!!antle"" a!!e"t i" %ade and e2entally the co!t .ind" the a!!e"ted pe!"on" to -e innocent and acqit" the%# a!e the a!!e"tin, o..ice!" lia-le> The an"0e! i" no.
Warrantless search
The $on"tittion doe" not .o!-id 0a!!antle"" "ea!ch< it only .o!-id" n!ea"ona-le "ea!ch. The Rle" o. $o!t# Rle &(*# Section &'# allo0" a 0a!!antle"" "ea!ch# p!o2ided it i"
incident to a la0.l a!!e"t. The la0 p!o2ide"9 7A pe!"on la0.lly a!!e"ted %ay-e "ea!ched .o! dan,e!o" 0eapon" o! anythin, 0hich %ay ha2e -een "ed o! con"titte p!oo. in
the co%%i""ion o. an o..en"e 0ithot a "ea!ch 0a!!ant.7
To -e 2alid# the "ea!ch %"t ha2e -een condcted at a-ot the ti%e o. the a!!e"t o! i%%ediately the!ea.te!# and only at the place 0he!e the ""pect 0a" a!!e"ted# o! the
p!e%i"e" o! "!!ondin," nde! hi" i%%ediate cont!ol.
Any e2idence o-tained d!in, an ille,al "ea!ch (e2en i. it con.i!%" initial ""picion o. .elonio" acti2ity+ i" con"ide!ed a-"oltely inad%i""i-le .o! any p!po"e in any
p!oceedin,# "ince it i" con"ide!ed to -e the .!it o. a poi"ono" t!ee. Since the Anti:i!etappin, ?a0 p!o2ide" that an ille,al 0i!etap i" inad%i""l-le .o! any p!po"e in any
p!oceedin,# -ein, the .!it o. a poi"ono" t!ee# do yo 0onde! ho0 the alle,ed Ga!ci tape cold -e po""i-ly con"ide!ed ad%i""i-le> I 0onde! too.
A 2alid a!!e"t %"t p!ecede the "ea!ch# not 2ice 2e!"a. One e3ception to the !le on "ea!ch i" 0ai2e! -y the ""pect. Fo! e3a%ple# 0he!e the "ha- 0a" di"co2e!ed -y 2i!te
o. a 2alid 0a!!antle"" "ea!ch# and the acc"ed hi%"el. .!eely ,a2e hi" con"ent to the "ea!ch# the p!ohi-ited d!," .ond a" a !e"lt 0e!e inad%i""i-le a" e2idence.
Anothe! e3a%ple# i" the "topand;.!i"6 !le. A 0a!!antle"" "ea!ch i" allo0ed i. the o..ice!" had !ea"ona-le o! p!o-a-le ca"e to -elie2e -e.o!e the "ea!ch that eithe! the
%oto!i"t i" a la0 o..ende!# o! that they did .ind the e2idence pe!tainin, to the co%%i""ion o. a c!i%e in the 2ehicle to -e "ea!ched. The !le .o! chec6point" i" that the
in"pection o. the 2ehicle "hold -e li%ited to a 2ehicle "ea!ch. The 2ehicle it"el. "hold not -e "ea!ched# and it" occpant" "hold not -e "-1ected to a -ody "ea!ch.
The .ollo0in, a!e lawful warrantless searches9
* :a!!antle"" "ea!ch incidental to a la0.l a!!e"t !eco,ni/ed nde! the Rle" o. $o!t# Rle &(*# Section &(# and -y p!e2ailin, 1!i"p!dence<
* :he!e con"ent i" ,i2en to the "ea!ch<
* Sei/!e o. p!ohi-ited a!ticle" in plain 2ie0. The "ei/!e "hold co%ply 0ith the .ollo0in, !eqi!e%ent"9
(&+ A p!io! 2alid int!"ion -a"ed on a 2alid 0a!!antle"" a!!e"t# in 0hich the police a!e le,ally p!e"ent in the p!"it o. thei! o..icial dtie".
((+ The e2idence 0a" inad2e!tently di"co2e!ed -y the police 0ho had the !i,ht to -e 0he!e they a!e.
('+ The e2idence %"t -e i%%ediately appa!ent.
(@+ Plain 2ie0 1"ti.ied %e!e "ei/!e o. e2idence 0ithot .!the! "ea!ch.
The !le i" that the o-1ect %"t -e open to the eye and hand# and it" di"co2e!y 0a" not e2ident. I. the o-1ect "ei/ed 0a" in"ide a clo"ed pac6a,e# and 0a" not in plain 2ie0#
can the police%an %a6e a 0a!!antle"" "ea!ch> No. Ho0e2e!# he can %a6e a 0a!!antle"" "ea!ch o! "ei/!e i. the pac6a,e p!oclai%" it" content"# 0hethe! -y it" di"tincti2e
con.i,!ation# o! it" t!an"pa!ency< o! i. it i" content" a!e o-2io" to an o-"e!2e!.
* :he!e e3i,ent o! e%e!,ency ci!c%"tance" e3i"t. The !le on 7e3i,ent ci!c%"tance"7 to 1"ti.y a 0a!!antle"" "ea!ch o! "ei/!e call" .o! an i%%ediate "ea!ch 0ithot delay#
"ch a" dan,e! o! 2iolence o! in1!y to the o..ice!" o! othe!"# !i"6 o. the "-1ect8" e"cape# o! the p!o-a-ility that# nle"" ta6en on the "pot# e2idence 0ill -e concealed o!
* :he!e the "ea!ch i" %ade incidental to an in2ento!y "ea!ch<
* :he!e the "ea!ch in2ol2e" national "ec!ity<
* The "ea!ch o. a %o2in, 2ehicle# -a"ed on the !ea"onin, that it i" not p!actica-le to "ec!e a 0a!!ant 0hen the 2ehicle can -e qic6ly %o2ed ot o. the locality. The p!po"e
i" to p!e2ent a 2iolation o. "%,,lin, o! i%%i,!ation la0".
* Sea!ch on "hip" and ai!plane" .o! 2iolation o. c"to%" la0"<
* Stop;and;.!i"6 !le<
* In"pection o. -ildin," and othe! p!e%i"e" .o! the en.o!ce%ent o. .i!e# "anita!y and -ildin, !e,lation".
Police budetar! support
A" a la0ye! and a .o!%e! RT$ 1d,e# I a% a 2e!y "t!on, la0and;o!de! pe!"on. The people pholdin, la0 in "ociety a!e police%en and the!e.o!e# all do-t" "hold -e !e"ol2ed
in .a2o! o. the police. A.te! all# the Rle" o. $o!t p!o2ide" .o! the di"pta-le p!e"%ption that o..icial dty ha" -een !e,la!ly pe!.o!%ed.
I "-%it that it i" not .ai! to de%and that the police "hold !i"6 thei! 2e!y li2e" to phold the !le o. la0# and yet "hold -e held in lo0 e"tee% -y people 0ho"e %i""ion in li.e i"
to chan,e o! di"!e,a!d the la0# ot"ide o. con"tittional p!oce""e". Acco!din,ly# a" 2ice chai! o. the Senate Finance $o%%ittee# I 0ill .ile at the end o. the Senate -d,et
hea!in,"# a %otion to app!op!iate the "% o. R'A -illion .o! the Philippine National Police.
Thi" a%ont "hold -e app!op!iated .o! the .ollo0in, p!o1ect"9
* Additional police "tation" in to!i"t de"tination" and in"!,ency a..ected a!ea"<
* Mo!e ,!ond 2ehicle"# ai!c!a.t# and "ea c!a.t<
* Mo!e .i!ea!%"# -oth "ho!t and lon,< %o!e !adio"# 0hethe! -a"e# %o-ile# o! handheld.
In %y %otion# I 0ill cite and e3p!e"" .ll "ppo!t .o! Senate Boint Re"oltion No". @ and 5# 0hich 0ill p!o2ide .o! an inc!ea"e in daily "-"i"tence allo0ance .!o% R*) to R&))#
0ith an additional R() .o! tho"e in t!ainin,. The !e"oltion" al"o p!o2ide .o! ad1"t%ent o. thi" a%ont# -a"ed on the $"to%e! P!ice Inde3 a" %ay -e dete!%ined -y NEDA
e2e!y th!ee yea!".
"opic# Warrantless Arrests
:ith the n.oldin, o. e2ent" la"t 0ee6# %any le,al qe"tion" ha2e c!opped p and a%on, the"e i" the i""e o. 0a!!antle"" a!!e"t". 4nde! Section 5#
Rle &&' o. the Re2i"ed Rle" o. $!i%inal P!oced!e# a peace o..ice! o! a p!i2ate pe!"on %ay# 0ithot a 0a!!ant# a!!e"t a pe!"on9
(a+ :hen# in hi" p!e"ence# the pe!"on to -e a!!e"ted ha" co%%itted# i" actally co%%ittin,# o! i" atte%ptin, to co%%it an o..en"e<
(-+ :hen an o..en"e ha" in .act 1"t -een co%%itted# and he ha" pe!"onal 6no0led,e o. .act" indicatin, that the pe!"on to -e
a!!e"ted ha" co%%itted it< and
(c+ :hen the pe!"on to -e a!!e"ted i" a p!i"one! 0ho ha" e"caped .!o% a penal e"ta-li"h%ent o! place 0he!e he i" "e!2in, .inal
1d,%ent o! te%po!a!ily con.ined 0hile hi" ca"e i" pendin,# o! ha" e"caped 0hile -ein, t!an".e!!ed .!o% one con.ine%ent to
In ca"e" .allin, nde! pa!a,!aph" (a+ and (-+ he!eo.# the pe!"on a!!e"ted 0ithot a 0a!!ant "hall -e .o!th0ith deli2e!ed to the
nea!e"t police "tation o! 1ail# and he "hall -e p!oceeded a,ain"t in acco!dance 0ith Rle &&(# Section A.
The !ationale .o! 0a!!antle"" a!!e"t" 0a" ennciated in the ca"e o. =al%onte 2".De =illa (&CC)+ 0he!e the Sp!e%e $o!t held that9
7To hold that no c!i%inal can# in any ca"e# -e a!!e"ted and "ea!ched .o! the e2idence and to6en" o. hi" c!i%e 0ithot a 0a!!ant#
0old -e to lea2e "ociety# to a la!,e e3tent# at the %e!cy o. the "h!e0de"t# the %o"t e3pe!t# and the %o"t dep!a2ed o. c!i%inal"#
.acilitatin, thei! e"cape in %any in"tance".7
4nde! Section 5(a+ o. Rle &&'# the o..ice! a!!e"tin, a pe!"on 0ho ha" 1"t co%%itted# i" co%%ittin,# o! i" a-ot to co%%it an o..en"e %"t ha2e
pe!"onal 6no0led,e o. the .act. The o..en"e %"t al"o -e co%%itted in i" p!e"ence o! 0ithin hi" 2ie0. (Sayo 2. $hie. o. Police# D) Phil. D5C+. Thi" i"
0he!e the te!%" 7in .la,!ante delicto7 and 7ca,ht in the act7 .ind application.
In a!!e"t" 0ithot a 0a!!ant nde! Section 5(-+ o. Rle &&'# ho0e2e!# it i" not eno,h that the!e i" !ea"ona-le ,!ond to -elie2e that the pe!"on to -e
a!!e"ted ha" co%%itted a c!i%e. A c!i%e %"t in .act o! actally ha2e -een co%%itted .i!"t. That a c!i%e ha" actally -een co%%itted i" an e""ential
p!econdition. It i" not eno,h to ""pect that a c!i%e %ay ha2e -een co%%itted. The .act o. the co%%i""ion o. the o..en"e %"t -e ndi"pted. The te"t
o. !ea"ona-le ,!ond applie" only to the identity o. the pe!pet!ato!. Pa!enthetically# it %ay -e o-"e!2ed that nde! the Re2i"ed Rle &&'# Section 5(-+#
the o..ice! %a6in, the a!!e"t %"t ha2e pe!"onal 6no0led,e o. the ,!ond the!e.o! a" "t!e""ed in the ca"e o. People 2. B!,o".
In People 2". Men,ote (G.R. No. DA)5C# Bne ((# &CC(+# the Sp!e%e $o!t held that the acc"ed act" o. %e!ely 7loo6in, .!o% "ide to "ide7 and
7holdin, hi" a-do%en#7 do not con"titte eno,h -a"i" to i%ple%ent a 0a!!antle"" a!!e"t. The!e 0a" appa!ently no o..en"e that had 1"t -een
co%%itted o! 0a" -ein, actally co%%itted o! at lea"t -ein, atte%pted -y the acc"ed in the p!e"ence o. the a!!e"tin, o..ice!".In thi" ca"e# the Solicito!
Gene!al a!,ed that the actal e3i"tence o. an o..en"e 0a" not nece""a!y a" lon, a" Men,oteE" act" 7c!eated a !ea"ona-le ""picion on the pa!t o. the
a!!e"tin, o..ice!" and indced in the% the -elie. that an o..en"e had -een co%%itted and that the acc"ed;appellant had co%%itted it.7 The $o!t "hot
do0n thi" a!,%ent "tatin, that no o..en"e cold po""i-ly ha2e -een ",,e"ted -y a pe!"on 7loo6in, .!o% "ide to "ide7 and 7holdin, hi" a-do%en7 and
in a place not e3actly .o!"a6en.
In the "a%e ca"e# the $o!t added thi" ca2eat9
7It 0old -e a "ad day# indeed# i. any pe!"on cold -e "%%a!ily a!!e"ted and "ea!ched 1"t -eca"e he i" holdin, hi" a-do%en#
e2en i. it -e po""i-ly -eca"e o. a "to%ach;ache# o! i. a peace o..ice!;cold cla%p handc.." on any pe!"on 0ith a "hi.ty loo6 on
""picion that he %ay ha2e co%%itted a c!i%inal act o! i" actally co%%ittin, o! atte%ptin, it. Thi" "i%ply cannot -e done in a
.!ee "ociety. Thi" i" not a police "tate 0he!e o!de! i" e3alted o2e! li-e!ty o!# 0o!"e# pe!"onal %alice on the pa!t o. the a!!e"tin,
o..ice! %ay -e 1"ti.ied in the na%e o. "ec!ity.7
The ca"e o. People 2". Al2a!e/ (&CC&+# ill"t!ate" a 0a!!antle"" a!!e"t in acco!dance 0ith Section 5(-+ o. Rle &&'9
7In the in"tant ca"e# it 0a" the elde! Al2a!e/ 0ho initiated the a!!e"t a day a.te! the c!i%e 0a" co%%itted. Ha2in, -een once a
police%an# he %ay -e "aid to ha2e -een eqipped 0ith 6no0led,e o. c!i%e detection. And ha2in, had the oppo!tnity to o-"e!2e
the condct o. the th!ee Appellant"# 0ho 0e!e at hi" ho"e the 0hole day .ollo0in, the co%%i""ion# it i" lo,ical to in.e! that hi" act
o. ,oin, to the police# in.o!%in, the% that Appellant" 0e!e the pe!pet!ato!" o. the c!i%e and e2en .etchin, the% to %a6e the
a!!e"t "p!an, .!o% a 0ell;,!onded -elie. that a c!i%e had -een co%%itted and that Appellant" had co%%itted it. In thi" !e,a!d#
the a!!e"t" 0ithot a 0a!!ant 0e!e 2alidly e..ected.7
A" .o! ca"e" o. !e-ellion# the ca"e o. 4%il 2". Ra%o" (&DA S$RA '&&+# clea!ly "tate" that "ince !e-ellion i" a continin, o..en"e# a !e-el %ay -e
a!!e"ted at any ti%e# 0ith o! 0ithot a 0a!!ant# a" he i" dee%ed to -e in the act o. co%%ittin, the o..en"e at any ti%e o. the day o! ni,ht.

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