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International Student

Association (ISA)
Article I. Name of Organization
The name of this organization is the International Student Association (ISA). This
organization will utilize the acronym ISA in all publicity materials and correspondence.
Article II. ission Statement
The mission of the International Student Association is to empower its members by
promoting leadership and culture by educating the community! students! faculty! and staff
about global issues! international students! and cultural di"ersity! through collaborati"e
acti"ities. #e promote di"ersity as a source of strength rather than di"ision.
Article III. $ompliance Statement
%pon appro"al by the $ouncil on Student Organizations and the Office of Student
In"ol"ement! International Student Association (ISA) shall be a registered student
organization at the &eorgia &winnett $ollege. International Student Association (ISA)
shall comply with all local! state! and federal laws! as well as all &eorgia &winnett
$ollege student handboo'! (oard of )egents ((O)) *olicies and procedures. Such
compliance includes but is not limited to the college+s regulations related to Non,
-iscrimination! .azing! and Student /eader 0ligibility.
Article I1. easurable &oals
This organization will establish at least fi"e measurable outcome goals related to the
mission statement! which will guide the programs e"ents! and acti"ities. These goals must
be assessed and will be used by the Office of Student In"ol"ement during student acti"ity
fee funding re2uests.
3. $reate acti"ities in which students! as well as faculty and staff can be educated
about cultural di"ersity.
4. To engage our members in community ser"ice e"ents in order for them to
become better leaders.
5. To attend a minimum of two leadership conferences a year.
6. .ost a 7Taste of the #orld8 e"ent in which students can display their cultures
through the use of food! clothing! music! costumes! etc9
:. An international student oriented debate in which students ha"e the chance to
e;press their "iews on a certain topic.
Article 1. Non,-iscrimination
International Student Association (ISA) will not discriminate on the basis of race! color!
creed! religion! national origin! se;! age! or disability.
Article 1I. Non,.azing Statement
.azing will not be used as a condition of membership in this organization. <or a
definition of hazing! please see the &&$ Student .andboo'.
Article 1II. embership
embership in this organization is open to enrolled students at &eorgia &winnett
$ollege. Non,students! spouses! faculty! and staff may be associate members= howe"er!
they may not "ote or hold office. All members and associate members are free to lea"e
and disassociate without fear of retribution! retaliation! or harassment.
Article 1III. Officers
Section A> The elected officers of the International Student Association shall be
*resident! 1ice,*resident! Secretary and Treasurer.
*art 3> The *resident shall preside at all meetings of the organization and shall
coordinate the wor' of the officers and committees. The *resident shall ser"e for a year
term. .e?she may be re,elected if members "ote for him?her during elections.
*art 4> The 1ice,*resident shall ser"e as an aide to the *resident and shall
perform the duties of the *resident in her?his absence or inability to ser"e. .e?she may be
re,elected if members "ote for him?her during elections.
*art 5> The Treasurer shall recei"e all money of ISA= shall 'eep an accurate
record of receipts and e;penditures= shall pay out local funds in accordance with the
appro"ed budget as authorized by the organization. The Treasurer shall present a financial
statement at all business meetings and at other times when re2uested by *resident or
*art 6> The Secretary shall record the minutes of all meetings of the International
Student Association and shall perform other duties as may be delegated.
Section (> Officers shall assume their official duties at the close of the last general
meeting of the academic year and shall ser"e for a term of one academic year and?or until
their successors are elected?appointed.
Section $> Any officer of the International Student Association may be remo"ed from
office through the following process>
*art 3> A written re2uest by at least three "oting members of the organization shall
be submitted to either the *resident! 1ice,*resident! Treasurer! and Secretary. #ritten
notification shall be sent to the officer in 2uestion as'ing that officer to be present at the
ne;t meeting and prepared to respond to the remo"al re2uest.
*art 4> A two thirds ma@ority "ote of members present is necessary to remo"e the
*art 5> In the e"ent of the remo"al of an officer! a special pro"ision may be
granted to the remaining officers to appoint an interim replacement until an election may
be held.
Article AI. 0lections
Section A> 1oting will occur by secret ballot and a simple ma@ority "ote is re2uired to
elect an officer. If there are more than two candidates running and no candidate recei"es
a ma@ority "ote! there shall be a run,off "ote between the top two "ote recipients at the
ne;t general meeting. No person shall be eligible to ser"e more than two consecuti"e
years in the same office position.
Section (> Nominations for all officer positions will ta'e place annually during the first
) meeting in April. Any member may nominate any 2ualified "oting member!
including him or herself.
Section $> 0lections?1oting will be held on the following meeting after nominations
ha"e been made.
Article AII. <aculty?Staff Ad"isor
The faculty ?staff ad"isor shall ser"e as a resource person and pro"ide ad"isory support
for the officers and members of the organization. The faculty?staff ad"isor should attend
e;ecuti"e meetings= howe"er! the faculty?staff ad"isor may not "ote in any International
Student Association leaders matters. The faculty?staff ad"isor shall be nominated by the
officers and confirmed by a ma@ority "ote of the members. The faculty?staff ad"isor
should also attend all Special 0"ents.
Article AIII. Buorum
A 2uorum shall consist of :CD of the total membership E 3 and must be present to
conduct business.
Article AI1. <inance
The International Student Association will not re2uire membership dues. The
organization will raise funds through carwashes and similar acti"ities in order to get t,
shirts! tra"el to leadership conferences! and other e"ents. embers are e;pected to
collaborate with these fundraiser acti"ities. International Student Association will also
apply for Student Acti"ity <ee <unding.
Article A1. -issolution of Organization
In the e"ent this organization dissol"es! all (non,Student Acti"ity <ee) money left in the
treasury! after outstanding debts and claims ha"e been paid! shall be donated to 7..O.*.0
(.ispanic Organization *romoting 0ducation)8
(<inal Article.) Amendments to $onstitution.
This constitution may be amended at any regular meeting of the International Student
Association /eaders by a two thirds "ote of the members present and "oting! pro"ided
that notice of the proposed amendment was gi"en at the pre"ious meeting and that the
proposed amendment shall be sub@ect to appro"al of the $ouncil of Student Organization
and the Office of Student In"ol"ement.

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