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Tuesday October 14, 2014

For immedi ate release
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Community leaders outraged after federal Conservati ve Party
refuses popular Edmonton MLAs nomination bid
Edmonton MLA David Xiaos nomination bid to represent the Conservative party in the new Edmonton-West
federal constituency was enthusiastically endorsed by a myriad of community, ethnic and religious groups that
applauded his track record representing the community through two terms in office. His bid received accolades
and written support from a host of fellow leadersincluding the former mayor of Edmonton, the former Premier
of Alberta and scores of his Progressive Conservative colleagues. He knocked on thousands of doors and signed
up over 1,700 individuals to become Party members. He completed an application that provided full disclosure of
his professional and personal history, and hand delivered it to Ottawa.
And yet despite all of this, on Friday night October 10 he was notified by e-mail that the Conservative Party has
disallowed him as a candidate to contest the nominationwithout any explanation or justification.
Xiao is appealing the selection committee decision, but this is difficult as he has not been provided any
information as to the rationale or grounds for his disqualification.
Im outraged to put it mildly, says Graham Fletcher, a long-time Conservative and former west-end community
league president who is supporting Davids nomination bid based on Davids strong track record working to
support West Edmonton. If someone of Davids calibre is disallowed, it begs the question as to the real reason
Xiao supporters know that a whisper campaign against Xiao has been percolating behind the scenes based on a
long-simmering grudge against him from an individual whom he ran against in a previous nomination and his
supporters. The campaign recently reared its ugly head when the Wildrose Party made false accusations
regarding the alleged role of Xiao and the local constituency association in supporting a West Edmonton
Chinese community organization which was alleged to be a fundraiser for Xiao. This story was carried by the
CBC. These allegations were blatantly false and defamatory. Subsequently after Xiao engaged legal counsel, the
CBC issued a clarification regarding its story and the Wildrose Party quietly removed the false allegations from
its web site. It seems likely that the false information was fed to the Wildrose Party by someone who wanted to
create difficulties for Xiao in the nomination process.
David is the preferred and most credible candidate by a mileacross the entire community, says Fletcher.
The fact that the Partys national candidate selection committee would be influenced by an ugly smear campaign
is beyond belief.
For his part, Xiao is taking the high road but makes no secret of his shock and disappointment.
It is with deep disappointment that I learned via e-mail that the Conservative Party of Canada has rejected my
nomination as a candidate for the Conservative nomination of Edmonton West, said David Xiao in a statement.
No reasons were provided to me as to why my nomination was not accepted. For many months I have been
active signing up hundreds of party members in support of my quest to serve the constituents of Edmonton West
at the National level. I wish to thank my volunteers and supporters who have encouraged me to pursue this
dream. It has truly been an invigorating process speaking to so many people and I thank them for allowing me to
be a part of their evenings.

Continued on following page

Tuesday October 14, 2014
For immedi ate release
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If the appeal fails, Xiao pledges to continue to serve his local constituents at the provincial level.
Even if I am not allowed to pursue a seat as a Conservative MP I will continue to work hard and serve my
constituents in Edmonton-McClung with my usual dedication and enthusiasm, he stated. There is much work
to be done and the contact I have had with my constituents will continue to be of great value as I fulfill my
responsibilities as the Member of the Legislative Assembly for Edmonton-McClung.
Other supporters of Xiaos nomination dont mince words.
As a long-time Conservative party member and financial supporter, Im surprised and disappointed with what
has happened, says Brian Geislinger, another west end community leader who supported Davids nomination
bid. I fully expect the party to ensure this injustice is addressed.
Xiao supporters question how inclusive the Conservative party really is if it is not willing to allow Xiao, the first
person born in mainland China to be elected to public office in Alberta, to even be on the nomination ballot as a
candidate to represent the Party in the next election.
The fact is that David is a stellar performer working for our community, and he would be a very strong Member
of Parliament, says Ian Murray, a former president of Xiaos provincial constituency association and chair of
Xiaos nominating committee. This is a sad day for West Edmonton if we lose the opportunity to have David
stand for nomination as the Conservative candidate Edmonton-West and then become our Member of Parliament.
Im confident he would win both the nomination and the election.

To speak with Graham Fletcher, spokesperson for nominating committee,
please call him directly at 780- 993-8112.
To speak with David Xiao, please call him directly at 780-803-6341.

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