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Fire NdndgemenI

D|rector, IISW8M : rof. (Dr.) Am|tava Sarkar

nead, ADIM : ur. Sarbanl MlLra
Adv|ser, ADIM : rof. 8arendra Mohan Sen
Core Iacu|ty
rof u k Sanyal
rof (ur) urkayasLhya
rof (ur) k M Agrawal
rof (ur) kalyan SengupLa
rof (ur) 8 k Choudhury
rof (ur) Chlnmoy !ana
ur !humoor 8lswas
Mr Arlndam uuLLa
Guest Iacu|ty
Mr u 8lswas
Mr C k 8haLLacharyya
Mr Sekhar uey
Mr A 8aner[ee
Mr Ashoke ChakraborLy
Mr S k Alley
Mr S n ChakraborLy
Mr S ChakrabarLl
Mr Swapan 8aner[ee
Mr Mukul MlLLra
Mrs koyell uuLL
ur S Mukher[ee
L||g|b|||ty Cr|ter|a
CraduaLe or ulploma/uegree ln Lnglneerlng/
1echnology / Sclence or lLs equlvalenL examlnaLlon.
1hursday, lrlday, SaLurday and Sunday (10:30 am - 3:00 pm)
[1he lnsLlLuLe reserves Lhe rlghL Lo revlse / change Lhe fees as and when necessary]
App||cat|on Iorm & 8rochure - nCW1C AL
Cpt|on I: vlslL our WebslLe uownload Lhe DL Iorm 01,
Adm|ss|on 8rochure and llSW8M/SLaLe 8ank of lndla ower !yoLl A/c no.
3249S6S6710 Cha||an and deposlL ks. 300]- Lo any branch of SLaLe 8ank of
lndla agalnsL Lhe Cha||anand DL Iorm01duly fllled ln. Send Lhe compleLed
DL Iorm01 wlLh co|umn 12 duly enLered by Lhe SLaLe 8ank of lndla a|ong
w|thLhellSW8M's copy of ower !yoLl A/c Cha||anLo LhelnsLlLuLe, so as Lo
reach Lhe lnsLlLuLe by Iune 30, 2014 at the |atest. A scanned copy of Lhe
compleLed DL Iorm 01 along wlLh a scanned copy of Lhe rece|ptedcounter
fo|| of the cha||an meanL for llSW8M of S8l ower !yoLl A/c should also be
senL byemall (admlsslons[ for record purpose.
Cpt|on II: CollecL App||cat|on Iorm and Adm|ss|on 8rochure from Lhe
recepLlon counLer of llSW8M agalnsL cash paymenL of 8s. 300/-.
18 Month Lven|ng Course for Sponsored]
Lmp|oyed Cand|dates
L||g|b|||ty Cr|ter|a
CraduaLe or ulploma/uegree ln Lnglneerlng/
1echnology / Sclence or lLs equlvalenL examlnaLlon.
CandldaLes shall preferably be employed aL Lhe Llme of admlsslon.
1hursday and lrlday (6:00 - 8:00 pm) and SaLurday and Sunday
(10:30am - 3:00pm)
Course Iees
1 SemesLer : 8s. 30,000/- (Sesslon fees)
Llbrary CauLlon ueposlL : 8s. 2,300/- (8efundable)
SecurlLyueposlL : 8s. 2,300/- (8efundable)
2 SemesLer : 8s. 30,000/- (Sesslon fees)
3 SemesLer : 8s. 30,000/- (Sesslon fees)
App||cat|on Iorm & 8rochure - nCW1C AL
Cpt|on I: vlslL our WebslLe uownload Lhe DL Iorm 02,
Adm|ss|on 8rochure and llSW8M/SLaLe 8ank of lndla ower !yoLl A/c no.
3249S6S6710 Cha||an and deposlL ks. 300]- Lo any branch of SLaLe 8ank of
lndla agalnsL Lhe Cha||anand DL Iorm02 duly fllled ln. Send Lhe compleLed
DL Iorm02 wlLh co|umn 12 duly enLered by Lhe SLaLe 8ank of lndla a|ong
w|thLhe llSW8M's copy of ower !yoLl A/c Cha||anLo Lhe lnsLlLuLe, so as Lo
reach Lhe lnsLlLuLe by Iune 30, 2014 at the |atest. A scanned copy of Lhe
compleLed DL Iorm 02 along wlLh a scanned copy of Lhe rece|pted counter
fo|| of the cha||an meanL for llSW8M of S8l ower !yoLl A/c should also be
senL byemall (admlsslons[ for record purpose.
Cpt|on II: CollecL App||cat|on Iorm and Adm|ss|on 8rochure from Lhe
recepLlon counLer of llSW8M agalnsL cash paymenL of 8s. 300/-.
For Details Contact: Registrar
Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management
Management House, College Square (West), Kolkata 700 073
Phone : (033) 4023 7474, 2219 1683, 2241 8694/8695/5792/3756, Fax : (033) 2241 3975
Email:, Visit us at:

8enef|ts from th|s Course

Cn compleLlon of Lhls course, sLudenLs could look forward Lo a
career ln anyof Lhefollowlng secLors:
Large manufacLurlng organlzaLlons parLlcularly Lhose llke
peLroleum reflnerles, peLrochemlcals and plasLlc, ferLlllzers,
Cne ear Day Course for Ireshers
Course Iees
1 SemesLer : 8s. 33,000/- (Sesslon fees)
Llbrary CauLlon ueposlL : 8s. 2,300/- (8efundable)
SecurlLy ueposlL : 8s. 2,300/- (8efundable)
2 SemesLer : 8s. 33,000/- (Sesslon fees)
LexLlles, LC and LnC handllng and boLLllng planLs, chemlcals
and oLher planLs, alrcrafL lndusLry, whereLherearerlsks of flre.
llre deparLmenLs of local governmenL bodles l.e. CovernmenL
llre Servlces, lnsurance companles, archlLecLural and bulldlng
deslgn, pro[ecL managemenL, eLc.
AcLlon has been Laken Lo amend Lhe WesL 8engal llre Servlce
AcL for lncludlng Lhe sLaLuLory provlslon of appolnLmenL of a
quallfled flre manager ln addlLlon Lo provldlng sLrlngenL flre
proLecLlon and deLecLlon sysLems ln any hlgh rlsk esLabllshmenL
Lo lookafLer Lheflre&llfesafeLymaLLers of LheoccupanLs.

1he appllcanLs for Lhe admlsslon Lo Lhe llre ManagemenL Course
shorL-llsLed on Lhe basls of academlc performance would be
requlred Lo appear for Croup ulscusslon and ersonal lnLervlew.
1oLal sLrengLh of LhesLudenLs Lo beadmlLLed ls 60(SlxLy) only for uay
and Lvenlng courses.
1he Councll conducLs Lhe examlnaLlons accordlng Lo Lhe academlc
calendar. 1he daLe of commencemenL of examlnaLlon ls noLlfled by
LxamlnaLlon and 8eglsLraLlon lees : Lo be pald as speclfled by
1he |ast date for |ssue and subm|ss|on of the comp|eted Adm|ss|on Iorm|s Iune 30, 2014.
Fire NdndgemenI Fire NdndgemenI
(rof. (Dr.) Am|tava Sarkar)
ulrecLor, llSW8M
Ind|an Inst|tute of Soc|a| We|fare and
8us|ness Management (IISW8M)
1he Advanced D|p|oma |n
I|re Management
lndlan lnsLlLuLe of Soclal Welfare and 8uslness ManagemenL
(llSW8M), Lhe flrsL ManagemenL lnsLlLuLe ln lndla and one of
Lhe remler 8-Schools ln Lhe counLry has lnLroduced an
Advanced ulploma ln llte Moooqemeot. 1he ulploma
CerLlflcaLe wlll be lssued by Lhe WesL 8engal SLaLe Councll of
1echnlcal LducaLlon (W8SC1L).
1he maln ob[ecLlve of Lhls programme ls Lo glve lncreased
emphasls on speclflc skllls developmenL aL Lhe posL graduaLe
level wlLh poLenLlal for employmenL, as Lhe WesL 8engal llre
Servlce AcL ls belng amended Lo mandaLorlly appolnL a
quallfled flremanager ln anyhlgh rlskesLabllshmenL.
1he course has been deslgned by a Leam of renowned
professlonals and academladrawn from WesL 8engal llreand
Lmergency Servlces, CovernmenL of WesL 8engal and
llSW8M wlLh Lhe ob[ecLlve Lo creaLe a new career
opporLunlLy for Lhe youLh LhaL has Lhe poLenLlal Lo change
Lhelr llves for LhebeLLer wlLhln avery shorL span.
1he programme wlll be offered ln Lwo formaLs. 1he flrsL
formaL, offered Lo freshers, wlll be for 12 monLhs dlvlded lnLo
Lwo semesLers of 6 monLhs each. 1he second formaL, offered
Lo worklng professlonals, wlll be for 18 monLhs dlvlded lnLo 3
semesLers of 6monLhs each.
lndlan lnsLlLuLe of Soclal Welfare and 8uslness ManagemenL
(llSW8M) was consLlLuLed on 23 Aprll, 1933 by a resoluLlon
passed by Lhe SenaLe of Lhe unlverslLy of CalcuLLa. 1he
meeLlng of Lhe SenaLe was preslded over by Mr !usLlce 8ama
rasad Mooker[ee. 1hls was Lhe culmlnaLlon of Lhe [olnL
lnlLlaLlve Laken by Lhe unlverslLy of CalcuLLa, Lhe CovernmenL
of WesL 8engal, Lhe CovernmenL of lndla and Lhe capLalns of
lndusLry Lo seL up for Lhe flrsL Llme a managemenL educaLlon
lnsLlLuLe ln lndla, a concepL allen Lo many ln Lhe educaLlonal
fraLernlLy aL LhaL Llme. 1he lnsLlLuLe has successfully reached
lLs ulamond !ubllee ?ear, slgnlfylng 60 years of evenLful
[ourney ln managemenL educaLlon ln lndla slnce LhaL day.
llSW8M, Lhe flrsL managemenL lnsLlLuLe of lndla, was Lhus
esLabllshed by ur. 8 C 8oy, Lhe Lhen Chlef MlnlsLer of WesL
8engal as lLs lounder-resldenL and rof. u. k. Sanyal as Lhe
flrsL ulrecLor. 1he CovernmenL of lndla, ueparLmenL of osLs
ln recognlLlon of 30 years of glorlous exlsLence of Lhe flrsL 8-
school ln Lhe counLry, released a CommemoraLlve osLage
SLamp on llSW8M on 23 Aprll, 2004 ln new uelhl. 1he
lnsLlLuLe Lakes prlde ln lLs faculLy LhaL conslsLenLly ranks
hlghesL amongsL premler 8-schools ln Lerms of Lhelr
lnLellecLual caplLal. llSW8M ls known for lnLroduclng and
successfully conducLlng soclally relevanL and lnnovaLlve
managemenL programme. llSW8M has always had a ragglng-
llSW8M provldes Lhe faculLy and sLudenLs wlLh Lhe sLaLe-of-
Lhe-arL, Lechnologlcally advanced, modern, alr-condlLloned
and largecampus ln LhehearL of LheclLy.
I1 Iac|||t|es
1he CompuLer CenLre provldes sLaLe-of-Lhe-arL resources Lo
faclllLaLe Lhe academlc and admlnlsLraLlve acLlvlLles of Lhe
lnsLlLuLe. lL provldes hlgh-end academlc supporL Lo Lhe
sLudenLs, lease-llnelnLerneL connecLlon Lhrough wlreless and
wlred LAn. SLudenLs have access Lo conLlnuous free Wl-ll
faclllLyaL LhelnsLlLuLe.
Centra| L|brary
1he CenLral Llbrary has more Lhan 32,000 LexL books ln all
funcLlonal areas of ManagemenL, currenL lnLernaLlonal and
naLlonal [ournals and more Lhan 100 perlodlcals on relevanL
Loplcs. lL also has elecLronlc books (from Cambrldge &
Sprlnger), elecLronlc [ournals (Lbsco & !-CaLe) and onllne
Company uaLabases (vlz., 8CWLSS, C8lSlL and SAS) for Lhe
beneflL of Lhe users. 1he servlces are fully compuLerlzed. 1he
llbrary remalns open from 10:00 am Lo 8:00 pm on all worklng
1he lnsLlLuLe provldes safe, separaLe, well-furnlshed and
comforLable hosLel faclllLy Lo boLh male and female
ouLsLaLlon sLudenLs sub[ecL Lo avallablllLyof seaLs.
1he lnsLlLuLe also malnLalns a well-equlpped gym wlLh all
modern equlpmenLs and a Lralner Lo gulde and encourage
sLudenLs Lo workouL dallyaL LhelnsLlLuLe.
1helnsLlLuLehas acanLeen faclllLy offerlng avarleLyof healLhy
culslne aL reasonable and affordable raLes. lL ls essenLlally a
sLudenLs' zonewlLh freeWl-ll faclllLy.
llre ManagemenL has assumed greaL lmporLance ln Lhe
conLexL of growlng urbanlzaLlon of Lhe SLaLe. Plgh rlsk
bulldlngs, Commerclal complexes, l1 secLor, MulLlplex,
rlvaLe medlcal lnsLlLuLes and nurslng homes, lndusLrlal
esLabllshmenLs ln Lhe large as well as MSML secLors musL
have modern flre safeLy sysLem and monlLorlng pracLlce on a
regular basls. lL ls noL only lmporLanL Lo have ln place Lhe
necessary amounL of flre safeLy equlpmenLs ln a commerclal
complex, buL lL ls also equally lmporLanL for somemembers of
LhaL fraLernlLy Lo acLually undergo some sorL of flre safeLy
Lralnlng. 8aslc Lralnlng and Lhe use of equlpmenLs can be
done for employees, who would need a gulde Lo leL Lhem
know how Lo operaLe someLhlng as baslc as a flre
exLlngulsher. lor securlLy personnel, who are Lhe ones
responslble for Lhe safeLy of all Lhe lndlvlduals ln Lhe
commerclal complex, an ln-depLh Lralnlng can be provlded.
1hls may lnclude Lralnlng on how Lo use Lhe numerous
lnsLrumenLs whlch Lhecomplex ls equlpped wlLh. 1heLralnlng
wlll also lnclude helplng Lhem Lo deal wlLh Lhe fear and panlc
LhaL ls assoclaLed wlLh a flre. 1hey wlll be LuLored on how Lo
besL gauge exlLs, and qulck ways Lo help lndlvlduals leave Lhe
bulldlng. 1hese evacuaLlon procedures can come ln handy
durlng emergency slLuaLlons when Lhere mlghL noL be any
llghLs or vlslblllLy mlghL be greaLly affecLed. Pavlng all Lhe
safeLy equlpmenLs and necessary accessorles for a flre hazard
ls of course lmporLanL. 8uL, lf Lhere ls no one avallable who
knows how Lo use Lhese safeLy devlces durlng slLuaLlons LhaL
requlre Lhelr usage, Lhen Lhere ls no use of havlng advanced,
sLaLe-of-Lhe-arL equlpmenL around. roper flre safeLy
Lralnlng can prepare Lhe rlghL lndlvlduals, and save llves when
lL ls mosL requlred. So Lherels dlreneed of speclallzed Lralnlng
and necessary sklll developmenL. lmparLlng Lhls flre safeLy
Lralnlng can proveLo bellfe-savlng durlng pracLlcal slLuaLlons.
1he Course Cb[ect|ves
1hls coursehas Lwo keyob[ecLlves:
1o Lraln manpower Lo explore Lhe varlous posslblllLles of
prevenLlng flre & dlsasLers and Laklng necessary precauLlons
agalnsL flre and Lo lessen Lhe dlsasLer and healLh hazards and
provlde rlghL counsel for ensurlng LoLal safeLy and healLh of Lhe
socleLyaL large.
1o glvelncreased emphasls on speclflc skllls developmenL aL Lhe
posL graduaLelevel wlLh poLenLlal for employmenL.
1he Course Content
1hls course wlll expose sLudenLs Lo Lhe followlng ma[or clusLers of
r|nc|p|es of f|re sc|ence: lbyslcs & cbemlstty of flte,
closslflcotloo &spteoJ of flte, elemeots of combostloo, sootces of
lqoltloo, metboJs of extloqolsbmeot, flte looJ, flte teslstooce, etc.
D|fferent f|re f|ght|ng agents w|th the|r methods of app||cat|on:
wotet, foom, cotboo JloxlJe, Jty cbemlcol powJet, boloo
oltetootlves, wotet mlst, etc.
roducts of combust|on and the|r effects on human ||fe and
env|ronment: 5moke, beot, otbet flte qoses, olt & wotet
pollotloo, etc.
I|ammab|e ||qu|ds, gases, dusts, exp|os|ves, rad|oact|ve
mater|a|s, etc.: lbyslcol & cbemlcol ptopettles, closslflcotloo,

botoloq cbotoctetlstlcs, beoltb bozotJ, extloqolsbloq meJlo &
oppllcotloo, explosloosofeqootJs, stotoqe &ttoospottotloo, etc.
L|ectr|c|ty and f|re r|sks: lecttlcol cotteot, cltcolts cooJoctloo,
teslstooce, losolotloo, meosotemeot, etc, stotlc electtlclty, swltcb
qeots, ttoosfotmets & otbet mojot electtlcol epolpmeots wltb
ptotectlve Jevlces, cooses of electtlc fltes & temeJlol meosotes,
sofetyptecootloos, etc.
nydrau||cs and water supp|y: ltessote-beoJ telotloosblp, flow
tbtooqb otlflces, ftlctloo loss, oozzle Jlscbotqe, jet teoctloo, wotet
powet &bteok powet, pompefflcleocy, belqbt of tbe effectlve jets,
betooollles tbeotem, veototy ptloclples, wotet teloy, flte byJtoot,
I|re f|ght|ng app||ances, equ|pments &gears: lomps & ptlmets,
bose & bose flttloqs, foom& foommokloq epolpmeot, topes ooJ
lloes, koots & bltcbes, loJJets, smoll qeots, bteotbloq oppototos,
pottoble flte extloqolsbets, etc.
I|xed f|re f|ght|ng |nsta||at|ons: wotet, foom, cotboo-JloxlJe, Jty
cbemlcol powJet, boloo oltetootlve & cleoo oqeot qoses, wotet
mlst sopptessloosystems, etc.
I|re detect|on and a|arm system: 1ypes wltb wotkloq ptloclples,
cbolce, lostollotloo, sltloq & spocloq of Jetectots, Jetectloo
zooloq, flte olotm ooJloblllty, mooool flte olotm system, qos
Jetectloosystem, etc.
8u||d|ng stud|es: ltopettles of bollJloq motetlols, elemeots of
sttoctotes, sttoctotol flte sofety, closslflcotloo of bollJloqs, flte
tests oo bollJloq motetlols & sttoctotes, meoos of escope, exlt
tepoltemeot, etc.
Vent||at|on, smoke management and a|r cond|t|on|ng systems:
5ystem cbotoctetlstlcs, closses of systems, smoke movemeot,
smoke moooqemeot, ptessotlzotloo & compottmeototloo, flte &
smoke stopottooqemeots, otbet sofetyfoctots, etc.
I|re protect|on |n spec|a| c|asses of bu||d|ngs: uoJetqtoooJ
sttoctotes, bollJloqs ooJet coosttoctloo, sopet blqbtlse bollJloqs,
I|re dr|||, f|re not|ce, f|re s|gnages, f|re aud|t, etc.
kout|ne |nspect|on, test|ng and ma|ntenance procedure of
d|fferent f|re &||fe safety |nsta||at|ons andequ|pment
I|re |nvest|gat|on
I|re r|sk assessment, management &cont|ngency p|ann|ng
Acts, ru|es, codes, spec|f|cat|ons, |eg|s|at|ons etc. re|ated to f|re
&||fe safety
ract|ca| 1ra|n|ng
WesL 8engal llre & Lmergency Servlces (W8lLS) has a sLaLe-of-Lhe-
arL Lralnlng faclllLles ln Lhelr lnsLlLuLe. SLudenLs undergolng llre
ManagemenL course wlll recelve hands-on pracLlcal/laboraLory
Lralnlng from LhelnsLlLuLeof W8lLS.

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