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Background Guide

General Assembly Plenary

BruinMUN 2014 GA Plenary
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Beai Esteemeu Belegates anu Auvisois,
Ny name is 0livei Shapiio anu I am exciteu to be youi chaii of the uA Plenaiy committee at
BiuinN0N 2u14! But befoie we begin, allow me to intiouuce myself to you. I am enteiing my senioi
yeai at 0CLA as a Bistoiy Najoi anu I am planning to go to law school aftei giauuation (fingeis
ciosseu!). This is my fiist time chaiiing a committee so I am veiy exciteu foi the expeiience. 0veiall
I have been involveu in Nouel 0niteu Nations foi ovei six yeais anu this is my seconu anu last yeai
uoing N0N at 0CLA since I came into 0CLA as a }unioi Tiansfei. When I am not busy stuuying foi
my classes oi paiticipating in N0N Confeiences, I woik at the 0CLA }ohn Woouen Centei with some
of the most exciting anu fiienuliest people I have come to meet. 0n the siue besiues woik anu
school, I enjoy playing soccei, tennis anu watei polo. I have also been tiaining in Nixeu Naitial Aits
foi about 8 yeais now anu it is one of the best expeiiences of my life.
Bistoiy anu political science have always been a passion of mine. I have been foitunate to
tiavel to so many countiies aiounu the woilu (mostly have been in Euiope) anu be exposeu to
vaiious cultuies. I enjoy ieauing histoiical novels, political philosophy anu stuuying political figuies
even on my spaie time. As a iesult I was a co-founuei of the N0N club at my high school. Aftei
uoing that foi 4 yeais, theie was no N0N club at my community college but I still iemaineu
inteiesteu in global politics so I always kept up to uate with the news. 0nce I tiansfeiieu to 0CLA, I
became involveu in N0N much moie again anu it has been one of the most eniiching expeiiences of
my life. N0N has hau a such a big impact on my life that at law school I am planning to puisue
inteinational law as my focus anu hopefully finu myself at the 0N sometime in the futuie.
Let me biiefly explain why I chose the topics that I uiu foi my committee. I am oiiginally
fiom Noscow, I came heie when I was 6 yeais olu. As a peison who has family in 0kiaine anu
Russia I am veiy passionate about politics anu events that occui on in Eastein Euiope. As a iesult of
iecent events in Ciimea, I felt the committee woulu be eniicheu by the fact that this topic is one that
is of focus in the inteinational community. The complexity of the issue along with the politics anu
bickeiing that goes on between leaueis allows foi fun anu contioveisial uebate to occui. As foi the
0niest in Libya topic, people have always been exposeu to the ihetoiic wheie one man claims he is
foi the people but in fact is simply looking to take auvantage of a uelicate situation (I am a big
Nachiavelli fan). ueneial Baftei piesents a veiy inteiesting situation wheie he has been haileu as a
gieat peison but also a contioveisial figuie. Bue to this, I feel the uebate uuiing committee will be
thought piovoking anu eye opening as well. Be suie to keep up to uate with both topics leauing up
to the uay of the confeience.
I ask of you to email me as soon as you have any questions about the topic, the committee oi
have any geneial questions about me, 0CLA oi BiuinN0N. I am moie than happy to uo anything
that I can to ensuie that oui two uays togethei will be an unfoigettable expeiience not only foi you
but foi me as well. I look foiwaiu to meeting each anu eveiy one of you veiy soon!
All The Best!
0livei Shapiio
Chaii, uA Plenaiy

BruinMUN 2014 GA Plenary
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The 0kiaine-Euiopean 0nion Association Agieement is a tieaty that involves the Euiopean 0nion
anu 0kiaine that establishes a political connection between the two paities. The AA holus that the
two paities aie committeu to co-opeiate, anu biing about policy, legislation anu iegulation ovei a
bioau iange of issues such as equal iights foi woikeis, steps towaius visa-fiee movement of people
anu the exchange of infoimation. 0n one hanu, the Euiopean 0nion wants to ensuie that its impoits
of giain anu natuial gas fiom 0kiaine, as well as its expoits of goous to 0kiaine, aie not thieateneu
by instability in the iegion, believing that instability can eventually be ieuuceu thiough
sociopolitical anu economic iefoims in 0kiaine. 0kiaine, on the othei hanu, wants to inciease its
expoits by benefiting fiom fiee tiaue with the Euiopean 0nion while attiacting uesiiable exteinal
investments, as well as establishing closei ties with a sociopolitical entity to which many 0kiainians
feel stiong cultuial connection. It has been geneially believeu that Westein 0kiaine is moie
enthusiastic about joining the E0 than is Eastein 0kiaine. At the enu of 2u1S, Euiomaiuan piotests
began aftei Piesiuent viktoi Yanukovych postponeu the signing of 0kiaine-Euiopean 0nion
Association Agieement unuei seveie economic piessuie fiom Russia, even though pieviously he
hau consiueieu this agieement one of his key objectives anu stateu it on multiple occasions.
Insteau, Yanukovych stiuck a ueal with Putin which meant, among othei things, that Russia woulu
buy $1S billion in 0kiainian bonus, anu uiscount gas piices to 0kiaine by one-thiiu. 0pposition
leaueis weie suspicious of the tiue cost to 0kiaine foi Russian suppoit. Aftei the violent uispeisal
of piotesteis on Novembei Su anu the auoption of Anti-piotest laws, the piotests took an anti-
goveinment anu anti-coiiuption tuin, escalateu in eaily 2u14 anu eventually leu to ueaths of both
piotesteis anu police on }anuaiy 22 anu between Febiuaiy 18 anu 2u, 1uS people weie killeu anu
1419 injuieu. Accoiuing to most iepoits in 0kiaine, violence was useu mostly by the police.
Numeious snipeis killeu uozens of piotesteis. The snipeis' iuentities aie still uisputeu. Accoiuing
to the official investigation, the pio-Euiopean opposition anu the majoiity of 0kiainian anu
Westein meuia, they weie hiieu by Yanukovych anu his ciicle anuoi the Russian seciet seivices,
which hau also planneu a laige militaiy opeiation to 'cleanse' piotesteis. 0n Febiuaiy 22,
Yanukovych fleu Kiev. The Raua impeacheu Yanukovych, but not accoiuing to the constitutional
pioceuuie. The action uiu not follow the impeachment piocess as specifieu by the Constitution of
0kiaine (which woulu have involveu foimally chaiging the piesiuent with a ciime, a ieview of the
chaige by the Constitutional Couit of 0kiaine, anu a thiee-fouiths majoiity vote - i.e. at least SS8
votes in favoi - by the Raua); insteau, the veikhovna Raua ueclaieu that Yanukovych "withuiew
fiom his uuties in an unconstitutional mannei" anu citeu "ciicumstances of extieme uigency" as the
ieason foi eaily elections.
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Febiuaiy 2S in Sevastopol, tens of thousanus piotesteu against the new authoiities anu
voteu to establish a paiallel auministiation anu civil uefense squaus cieateu with the
suppoit of Russian Night Wolves bikeis. Same weie cieateu on Febiuaiy 22 in Simfeiopol,
wheie about S,uuu hau joineu such squaus. Piotesteis waveu Russian flags anu chanteu
"Putin is oui piesiuent" anu claimeu they woulu iefuse to pay fuithei taxes to the state.
Febiuaiy 26, pio-Russian foices giauually took contiol of the Ciimean peninsula. Russia
initially claimeu that the unifoimeu men weie local self-uefense foices but latei aumitteu

BruinMUN 2014 GA Plenary
they weie in fact Russian militaiy peisonnel without insignia, confiiming the iepoits of
non-Russian meuia.
Febiuaiy 27, tioops without insignia seizeu the Builuing of the Supieme Council of Ciimea
(the iegional pailiament) anu the builuing of the Council of Ninisteis in Simfeiopol. Beikut
units, local militiamen anu self-uefense tioops seizeu checkpoints on the Isthmus of
Peiekop anu Chonhai peninsula. Since then they contiol all tiaffic by lanu between Ciimea
anu continental 0kiaine.
Febiuaiy 28: While gunmen occupieu the builuing, the Supieme Council helu an emeigency
session. It voteu to teiminate the Ciimean goveinment, anu ieplace Piime Ninistei Anatolii
Nohyliov with Seigey Aksyonov. Aksyonov belongeu to the Russian 0nity paity, which
ieceiveu 4% of the vote in the last election. It also voteu to holu a iefeienuum on gieatei
autonomy on 2S Nay. The gunmen hau cut all of the builuing's communications anu took
NPs' phones as they enteieu. No inuepenuent jouinalists weie alloweu insiue the builuing
while the votes weie taking place. Some NPs claimeu they weie being thieateneu anu that
votes weie cast foi them anu othei NPs, even though they weie not in the chambei.
Naich 11, the Supieme Council anu the City Council of Sevastopol jointly expiesseu theii
intention to unilateially ueclaie Ciimea's inuepenuence fiom 0kiaine as a single uniteu
nation with the possibility of joining the Russian Feueiation as a feueial subject. The
question of inuepenuence was put to a iefeienuum.
Naich 16. 0fficial ietuins inuicateu neaily 96% in favoi, with a tuinout of ovei 8S%,
uespite a boycott by Tatais anu othei opponents of the iefeienuum. The 0kiainian
pailiament ueclaieu the iefeienuum unconstitutional. The 0niteu States anu the Euiopean
0nion conuemneu the vote as illegal, anu latei imposeu sanctions against peisons ueemeu
to have violateu 0kiaine's soveieignty.
0kiainian officials, as well as Nustafa Bzhemilev, Refat Chubaiov anu the Nejlis of the
Ciimean Tatai People claimeu that the votei tuinout in the iefeienuum among Ciimeans
coulu only be a maximum of Su-4u peicent anu that the iefeienuum was unuemociatic,
hastily piepaieu, falsifieu anu uiun't ieflect the ieal will of the Ciimeans. Nustafa Bzhemilev
calleu the iefeienuum "cynical" anu "absuiu", claiming that the iight to self-ueteimination
only belongs to the inuigenous people - the Ciimean Tatai population. Pio-0kiainian
activists weie iepoiteu to have been peisecuteu anu kiunappeu, with 9 still iepoiteu
missing anu pio-Russian billboaius weie seen in the stieets befoie the iefeienuum.
Naich 17, the Ciimean pailiament ueclaieu inuepenuence fiom 0kiaine anu askeu to join
the Russian Feueiation. Piesiuent Putin claimeu Ciimea as a pait of Russia on moial anu
mateiial giounus, citing the piinciple of self-ueteimination anu Ciimea's stiategic
impoitance foi Russia.
0n Naich 24, the 0kiaine Ninistiy of Befense announces that appioximately Su% of
0kiainian soluieis in Ciimea have uefecteu to the Russian militaiy.
0n Naich 2S, Russia awaiueu a meual to inuiviuuals who assisteu in the annexation of
Ciimea. It was pointeu out that the ieveise of the meuallion, uates "the ietuin of Ciimea" to
Febiuaiy 2u Naich 18. This iaises the possibility that Russia hau awaiueu those involveu
with the Febiuaiy 2u killing of Naiuan piotesteis, befoie the Ciimean ciisis actually began.

BruinMUN 2014 GA Plenary
Naich 27, the 0.N. ueneial Assembly passeu a non-binuing iesolution ueclaiing Ciimea's
Noscow-backeu iefeienuum invaliu. The iesolution passeu with 1uu votes in favoi, 11
against anu S8 abstentions in the 19S-nation assembly.
0n Apiil 1S, 2u14, 0kiainian pailiament passeu a bill ueclaiing the southein Ciimea
peninsula as teiiitoiy tempoiaiily occupieu by the Russian Feueiation anu imposeu tiavel
iestiictions on 0kiainians visiting Ciimea.
0n Apiil 17, uuiing the 12th 'Biiect Line with vlauimii Putin' the use of Russian aimeu
foices along with Ciimean self-uefense tioops was avoweu by the Russian piesiuent.
0n Nay S, the Russian Piesiuent's Buman Rights Council "posteu a blog that was quickly
taken uown as if it weie toxic iauioactive waste" estimating that a "vast majoiity of the
citizens of Sevastopol voteu in favoi of unification with Russia in the iefeienuum (Su-8u%);
in Ciimea, vaiious uata show that Su-6u% voteu foi unification with Russia, with a tuinout
of Su-Su%," suggesting that only 1S-Su% of Ciimeans actually voteu foi annexation. The
uocument is still on the website.
0n Nay 9, Bunuieu thousanu people gatheieu in Ciimean Sevastopol to watch victoiy Bay
paiaue, waving Russian flags anu sang among otheis the Russian anthem.
0n Nay 16, Seigei Aksyonov announceu a ban on all public iallies aimeu in paiticulai at the
annual commemoiation of the Soviet uepoitation of the Tatais fiom Ciimea, as the Tatais
continue to be amongst those iesisting Russia's occupation of the peninsula.
0n }uly 16, Piesiuent 0bama announces moie sanctions on Russia uue to "Russia's failuie to
take steps to enu the 0kiainian conflict".
As a iesult of the fighting, moie than 11 tioops
0kiainian tioops have been killeu.

0n }uly 17, Nalaysian Aiilines NB17 was shot uown anu ciasheu in Bonetsk, 0kiaine. Theie
weie 298 casualties as a iesult. Eviuence has iepoiteuly shown that a missile was useu to
shoot uown the plane anu theie have been eviuence showing that Russian backeu
sepaiatists is the ones who fiieu the missile.
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Nuch of the inteinational community's ihetoiic has been veiy similai (if not the same). They all
conuemneu Russia's actions anu suppoit 0kiaine's soveieignty anu national integiity.
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0n 1S Naich 2u14 a 0.S.-sponsoieu iesolution was put foiwaiu to vote in the 0N Secuiity Council
to ieaffiim council's commitment to 0kiaine's "soveieignty, inuepenuence, unity anu teiiitoiial
integiity." A total of 1S council membeis voteu in favoui of the iesolution, China abstaineu, while
Russia vetoeu the 0.N. iesolution ueclaiing Ciimean iefeienuum, 2u14, on the futuie of Ciimean

Cohen, Tom. "Plane tiageuy escalates the 0kiaine conflict." CNN.
iepeicussionsinuex.html.iiu=aiticle_siuebai (accesseu }uly 18, 2u14).
By Richaiu Balmfoith anu Anton Zveiev. "." Yahoo! News.
tough-action-against-iussia-u72u48766.html (accesseu }uly 18, 2u14).

BruinMUN 2014 GA Plenary
Peninsula, as illegal.|146j The Russian veto to the 0N Secuiity Council iesolution was followeu by a
successful iefeienuum was helu on 16 Naich 2u14, by the legislatuie of Ciimea as well as by the
local goveinment of Sevastopol. Aftei the iefeienuum, the Republic of Ciimea ueclaieu its
inuepenuence fiom 0kiaine the next uay, staiteu seeking 0N iecognition, anu iequesteu to join the
Russian Feueiation. 0n the same uay, Russia iecognizeu Ciimea as a soveieign state.
0n 27 Naich 2u14, The 0N ueneial Assembly appioveu a iesolution uesciibing the iefeienuum
leauing to annexation of Ciimea by Russia as illegal. The uiaft iesolution, which was titleu
'Teiiitoiial integiity of 0kiaine' was co-sponsoieu by Canaua, Costa Rica, ueimany, Lithuania,
Polanu, 0kiaine anu the 0S. It affiimeu council's commitment to the "soveieignty, political
inuepenuence, unity anu teiiitoiial integiity of 0kiaine within its inteinationally iecogniseu
boiueis." The iesolution tiieu to unueiscoieu that the Naich 16 iefeienuum helu in Ciimea anu the
city of Sevastopol has no valiuity anu cannot foim the basis foi any alteiation of the status of the
Autonomous Republic of Ciimea oi of the city of Sevastopol. The iesolution got 1uu votes in its
favoi, while 11 nations voteu against anu S8 countiies abstaineu fiom the vote. The iesolution was
non-binuing anu the vote was laigely symbolic.
0n }uly 18, 2u14, while the inteinational community has stoppeu just shoit of placing blame on
Russia foi the ciash of Nalaysian Aiilines Flight 17, 0niteu States piesiuent Baiack 0bama anu
senioi intelligence officials have ieceiveu eviuence that the missile was supplieu by Russia to the
CNN says "Among the eviuence citeu by 0.S. officials anu otheis foi theii conclusions
was an auuio iecoiuing ieleaseu by 0kiainian intelligence officials which puipoiteuly featuie pio-
Russian iebels anu Russian militaiy officeis uiscussing a suiface-to-aii stiike anu the ciash of a
civilian jetlinei"

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A. Westein Bloc: 0pposeu to Russia's annexation of Ciimea anu pio-sanctions on the Russian
Feueiation until Russia withuiaws all tioops anu Russian backeu sepaiatists.
B. Asian Bloc: Asian countiies have geneially been opposeu to Russia's annexation but look foi
meuiation anu positive iesolutions as opposeu to haish sanctions on the Russian Feueiation.
C. Afiican Bloc: Consensus that annexation was not the iight thing to uo. Nany Afiican nations
have voteu in favoi of the 0.S. backeu iesolutions but uo auvocate foi moie positive methous in
iesolving the situation.

Smith-Spaik, Lauia, Nic Kiev, Lauia wiote, iepoiteu in Lonuon. Baibaia Staii, Catheiine Shoichet, }im
Sciutto, Bana Foiu, Saima Nohsin, Nitia Nobasheiat, Ben Biumfielu, Nichael Peaison contiibuteu to this
iepoit, anu as Butenko.. "Accusations, blame fly as investigatois seek answeis in NB17 ciash." CNN.
(accesseu }uly 18, 2u14).
Smith-Spaik, Lauia, Nic Kiev, Lauia wiote, iepoiteu in Lonuon. Baibaia Staii, Catheiine Shoichet, }im
Sciutto, Bana Foiu, Saima Nohsin, Nitia Nobasheiat, Ben Biumfielu, Nichael Peaison contiibuteu to this
iepoit, anu as Butenko.. "Accusations, blame fly as investigatois seek answeis in NB17 ciash." CNN.
(accesseu }uly 18, 2u14).

BruinMUN 2014 GA Plenary
While activities in the Ciimean iegion have been easing up in the past months in iegaius to violence
anu militaiy action, the economic anu social situation in Ciimea continues to ueteiioiate. Accoiuing
to the Ciimean Biaspoia, small anu meuium sizeu businesses in Ciimea (along with inuiviuual
entiepieneuis) aie suffeiing. In aieas such as Sevastopol, unemployment has ieacheu a whopping
Su% anu auequate supply of uiinking watei has been unable to be pioviueu foi iesiuents in the
iegion. Iiakli Tskitishvili, who is a political analyst at the Club of Expeits says "We all know that 8u
peicent of the money that Russia senus to South 0ssetia oi Abkhazia |occupieu ueoigian
teiiitoiiesj goes back to the Kiemlin". Be goes on to say that "About 1S peicent goes to local
coiiupt officials anu only S peicent to infiastiuctuial piojects. We also know that the quality of
implementeu piojects is always veiy pooi". Piices on goous anu foou have uoubleu anu tiipleu in
the aiea anu the continueu piesence of Russian Feueial Seivice spies continue to attempt to contiol
many aspects of people's lives who iesiue in the aiea.
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Without being too obvious, the focus anu goal of the iesolutions shoulu be to auuiess the pioblem
fiom a compiehensive peispective. Bo not only auuiess the militaiy waifaie but go beyonu that as
well. Think ciitically how to iesolve an issue that has been going on foi many yeais. Think about
how to impiove 0kiaine anu Ciimea's social, economic anu political infoimation. Tiy to avoiu
geneialities anu wiiting such clauses as "have the INF funu money to 0kiaine". Be specific as you
can with each clause. It is bettei to take moie time to cieate compiehensive anu effective
iesolutions than iushing thiough the topics. The longei anu moie specific uetails that the iesolution
has, the bettei it will be.

;@ B5")>1/#) >/ :/#)19"$
- What aie the conceins of Russia, Ciimea, 0kiaine anu how uoes the inteinational community
iesponu to this.
- Bow uo we move foiwaiu in cieating a peaceful situation in Ciimea. What steps shoulu be taking
conceining the sepaiatist's waifaie anu the ciashing of the Nalaysian Aiilines.
- What timeline can we make in oiuei to impiove the social anu economic situation in 0kiaine.

BruinMUN 2014 GA Plenary
- Bow will we go about uoing this.
Be specific as you can in youi iesolutions!! As always, stick to youi countiy's policies anu be suie to
keep up to uate with the situation until the uay of the confeience. uoou luck, the fate of an entiie
gioup of people is in youi hanus uelegates.


BruinMUN 2014 GA Plenary
Smith-Spaik, Lauia, Nic Kiev, Lauia wiote, iepoiteu in Lonuon. Baibaia Staii, Catheiine
Shoichet, }im Sciutto, Bana Foiu, Saima Nohsin, Nitia Nobasheiat, Ben Biumfielu, Nichael
Peaison contiibuteu to this iepoit, anu as Butenko.. "Accusations, blame fly as investigatois
seek answeis in NB17 ciash." CNN.
ciashinuex.html.hpt=hp_t1 (accesseu }uly 18, 2u14).
By Richaiu Balmfoith anu Anton Zveiev. "." Yahoo! News.
leauei-uiges-eu-tough-action-against-iussia-u72u48766.html (accesseu }uly 18, 2u14).
Yahoo!. "." Yahoo! News.
escalate-ukiaine-1748S2992.html (accesseu }uly 18, 2u14).
Inuepenuent Bigital News anu Neuia. "." The Inuepenuent.
opposition-leaueis-not-yanukovich-accoiuing-to-buggeu-call-9171S28.html (accesseu }uly
18, 2u14).
"Putin ieuiaws map of Euiope." E0obseivei . http:euobseivei.comfoieign12SS19
(accesseu }uly 18, 2u14).
Reuteis, Thomson. "0kiaine's ousteu piesiuent viktoi Yanukovych vows to ietuin."
CBCnews. http:www.cbc.canewswoiluukiaine-s-ousteu-piesiuent-viktoi-yanukovych-
vows-to-ietuin-1.2S67819 (accesseu }uly 18, 2u14).
"Backing Russia is in China's inteiests - ulobal Times." Backing Russia is in China's inteiests
- ulobal Times. http:www.globaltimes.cncontent84626S.shtml#.0xqfoa}iliw (accesseu
}uly 18, 2u14).
"0kiaine 'planning Ciimea withuiawal'." BBC News.
euiope-266S6617 (accesseu }uly 18, 2u14).
"0kiainian State Boiuei uuaiu Seivice peisonnel keep peifoiming tasks on enfoicing
boiuei piotection of South, East anu West 0kiainian boiuei." (accesseu }uly 18, 2u14).
ukiaine_en.html.nn=S9S8Su (accesseu }uly 18, 2u14).
"Westein anu Cential commanus stait massive ieueployment." ITAR-TASS. http:en.itai-
tass.comiussia721148 (accesseu }uly 18, 2u14).
Rittei, Kail, anu vlauimii Isachenkov. "Russia wai games ovei 0kiaine piompt 0S waining."
uuSu1S4S6.html (accesseu }uly 16, 2u14).

BruinMUN 2014 GA Plenary
./012 ;3 7#$")> =# D1+,%
The Libyan Civil Wai, also iefeiieu to as the Libyan Revolution, was a 2u11 aimeu conflict in the
Noith Afiican countiy of Libya, fought between foices loyal to Colonel Nuammai uauuafi anu those
seeking to oust his goveinment. The wai was pieceueu by piotests in Zawiya, 8 August 2uu9 anu
finally igniteu by piotests in Benghazi beginning on Tuesuay, 1S Febiuaiy 2u11, which leu to
clashes with secuiity foices that fiieu on the ciowu. The piotests escalateu into a iebellion that
spieau acioss the countiy,|S6j with the foices opposing uauuafi establishing an inteiim goveining
bouy, the National Tiansitional Council. The 0niteu Nations Secuiity Council passeu an initial
iesolution on 26 Febiuaiy, fieezing the assets of uauuafi anu his innei ciicle anu iestiicting theii
tiavel, anu iefeiieu the mattei to the Inteinational Ciiminal Couit foi investigation. In eaily Naich,
uauuafi's foices iallieu, pusheu eastwaius anu ie-took seveial coastal cities befoie ieaching
Benghazi. A fuithei 0.N. iesolution authoiizeu membei states to establish anu enfoice a no-fly zone
ovei Libya, anu to use "all necessaiy measuies" to pievent attacks on civilians. The uauuafi
goveinment then announceu a ceasefiie, but faileu to upholu it, though it then accuseu iebels of
violating the ceasefiie when they continueu to fight as well. Thioughout the conflict, iebels iejecteu
goveinment offeis of a ceasefiie anu effoits by the Afiican 0nion to enu the fighting because the
plans set foith uiu not incluue the iemoval of uauuafi. In August, iebel foices launcheu an offensive
on the goveinment-helu coast of Libya, taking back teiiitoiy lost months befoie anu ultimately
captuiing the capital city of Tiipoli, while uauuafi evaueu captuie anu loyalists engageu in a
ieaiguaiu campaign. 0n 16 Septembei 2u11, the National Tiansitional Council was iecognizeu by
the 0niteu Nations as the legal iepiesentative of Libya, ieplacing the uauuafi goveinment.
Nuammai uauuafi iemaineu at laige until 2u 0ctobei 2u11, when he was captuieu anu killeu
attempting to escape fiom Siite. The National Tiansitional Council "ueclaieu the libeiation of
Libya" anu the official enu of the wai on 2S 0ctobei 2u11.In the afteimath of the civil wai, a low-
level insuigency by foimei uauuafi loyalists continueu. Theie have been vaiious uisagieements anu
stiife between local militia anu tiibes, incluuing 2S }anuaiy 2u12 fighting in the foimei uauuafi
stiongholu of Bani Waliu, leauing to an alteinative town council being establisheu anu latei
iecognizeu by the NTC. A much gieatei issue has been the iole of militias which fought in the civil
wai anu theii iole in the new Libya. Some have iefuseu to uisaim anu coopeiation with the NTC has
been stiaineu, leauing to uemonstiations against militias anu goveinment action to uisbanu such
gioups oi integiate them into the Libyan militaiy. The new goveinment appeaieu to be taking steps
foiwaiu towaius ieconciliation when they announceu compensation foi victims who weie iapeu in
the civil wai by pio-uauuafi foices. Institutions weie being built up giauually, albeit slowly, such as
the giauuation of customs officials which woulu then begin patiolling Libya's poious boiueis. A
Septembei 2u1S iepoit by The Inuepenuent shows that Libya has plungeu into woist political anu
economic ciisis since the uefeat of uauuafi. The piouuction of oil has almost completely stoppeu
anu the goveinment lost contiol of laige aieas of the countiy to militias, while violence incieaseu
thiough the countiy. 0peiation Bignity is the couename given to a laige scale aii anu giounu
offensive in Libya cuiiently being caiiieu out by foices loyal to ueneial Khalifa Belqasim Baftai on
16 Nay, 2u14. It staiteu in Benghazi but latei spieau to othei paits of the countiy in a campaign
Baftai uesciibes as a "coiiection to the path of the (Libyan) ievolution" anu a "wai on teiioiism".
The initial taiget was the poweiful Islamist militias in Benghazi anu Baftai's aim is to puige the
countiy of theii piesence. Bowevei, many Libyans have questioneu whethei Baftai's stateu aim is
meiely a pietext foi staging a coup, while the opposition Ansai al-Shaiia uenounceu Baftai's

BruinMUN 2014 GA Plenary
campaign as a "wai on Islam" backeu by the West. 0n 18 Nay 2u14 the opeiation was extenueu into
Tiipoli, with the stoiming of the Libyan ueneial National Congiess builuing. The upiising is so fai
the most seiious challenge to the Libyan authoiities since the oveithiow of Nuammai uauuafi in
2u11. At a goveinment piess confeience helu as a iesponse to the Benghazi assault, acting Piime
Ninistei Abuullah Al-Thinni conuemneu the move by Baftai as illegal anu claimeu that the move
unueimineu attempts to confiont teiioiism. Thinni hau calleu Ansai al-Shaiia a teiioiist
oiganization eailiei in Nay 2u14.
Following the elections in late }une of 2u14, iival militias fiom Zintan anu Nisiata bioke out in
fights foi the contiol of the cential inteinational aiipoit in Tiipoli. As a iesult, the 0.N. mission in
Libya pulleu out uozens of it staff as a "tempoiaiy measuie"
Lonuon Times ieaus that Biftei saiu
he "wanteu to iule Libya as a militaiy stiongman, like militaiy uictatoi Abuel Fattah al-Sisi in
Biftei has expelleu the Tuikish anu Qataii uiplomatic missions in Benghazi, accusing them
of espionage anu woiking with the militias against him. 0S Special 0peiations Commanu Aumiial
William NcRaven saiu that "Washington woulu aiu Libya by tiaining S,uuu to 7,uuu tioops to builu
up Libya's secuiity foices to countei teiioiism anu the hunuieus of competing militias". 0S
Ambassauoi to Libya Beboiah }ones saiu that while Piesiuent 0bama anu the 0niteu States uiu not
agieeu ueneial Biftei's actions of killing Islamic fighteis anu stoiming the pailiament in Tiipoli,
they uiu not conuemn his actions as "it's veiy uifficult to step up anu conuemn Biftei given that his
foices aie going aftei veiy specific gioups.on oui lists of teiioiists"
Libya's economy is stiuctuieu piimaiily aiounu the nation's eneigy sectoi, which geneiates about
9S% of expoit eainings, 8u% of uBP, anu 99% of goveinment income. Substantial ievenue fiom the
eneigy sectoi coupleu with a small population give Libya one of the highest pei capita uBPs in
Afiica, but Tiipoli laigely has not useu its significant financial iesouices to uevelop national
infiastiuctuie oi the economy, leaving many citizens pooi. In the final five yeais of QABBAFI''s iule,
Libya maue some piogiess on economic iefoim as pait of a bioauei campaign to ieintegiate the
countiy into the inteinational folu. This effoit pickeu up steam aftei 0N sanctions weie lifteu in
Septembei 2uuS anu aftei Libya announceu in Becembei 2uuS that it woulu abanuon piogiams to
builu weapons of mass uestiuction. The piocess of lifting 0S unilateial sanctions began in the
spiing of 2uu4; all sanctions weie iemoveu by }une 2uu6, helping Libya attiact gieatei foieign
uiiect investment, especially in the eneigy anu banking sectois. Libyan oil anu gas licensing iounus
uiew high inteinational inteiest, but new iounus aie unlikely to be successful until Libya
establishes a moie peimanent goveinment anu is able to offei moie attiactive financial teims on
contiacts anu inciease secuiity. Libya faces a long ioau aheau in libeializing its piimaiily socialist
economy, but the ievolution has unleasheu pieviously iestiaineu entiepieneuiial activity anu
incieaseu the potential foi the evolution of a moie maiket-baseu economy. The seivice anu

"Woilu Socialist Web Site." Civil wai suiges in Libya aftei legislative elections -.
http:www.wsws.oigenaiticles2u14u716liby-j16.html (accesseu }uly 21, 2u14).
"Woilu Socialist Web Site." Civil wai suiges in Libya aftei legislative elections -.
http:www.wsws.oigenaiticles2u14u716liby-j16.html (accesseu }uly 21, 2u14).
Slavin, Baibaia. "0.S. Ambassauoi Says Libyan ueneial Is uoing Aftei 'Teiioiists'." 0S News.
teiioiists (accesseu }uly 2u, 2u14).

BruinMUN 2014 GA Plenary
constiuction sectois, which account foi ioughly 6u% of uBP, expanueu ovei the past five yeais anu
coulu become a laigei shaie of uBP if Tiipoli piioiitizes capital spenuing on uevelopment piojects
once political anu secuiity unceitainty subsiue. Climatic conuitions anu pooi soils seveiely limit
agiicultuial output, anu Libya impoits about 8u% of its foou. Libya''s piimaiy agiicultuial watei
souice is the uieat Nanmaue Rivei Pioject.
The iesolutions shoulu not be focuseu on auuiessing the Libyan Civil Wai in 2u11. The solutions
anu iueas biought up shoulu auuiess the iecent events I Libya. ueneial Khalifa Baftai has been a
contioveisial figuie in Libya anu in the inteinational community. Nany view him as a pioponent of
peace anu piospeiity. As a peison who suppoiteu the 2u11 Libyan Revolution, he has ieceiveu a
vast amount of suppoit. Bowevei theie have been allegations that ueneial Baftai may be using the
uelicate situation in Libya in oiuei to auvance his own political position. Bi. Theouoie Kaiasik
wiites "ueneial Baftai may not ieveal exactly what he has in minu foi Libya's futuie at this
conjunctuie. But one can see an emeiging tiajectoiy that suggests he has big uesigns given his
uesiie to have the woilu stanu by his mission to iestoie peace in Libya. Egyptian Piesiuent Sisi
alieauy calleu on the 0niteu States to help fight jihauist teiioiism anu waineu that Libya was
becoming a majoi secuiity thieat, with militants infiltiating acioss the Egyptian-Libyan boiuei.
ueneial Baftai, if successful, will be seen as a champion who can unite the countiy acioss tiibal
lines". The question that you uelegates must answei is who is ueneial Baftei anu what uoes he
ieally want. What is going on insiue his heau. Is he a fightei foi peace anu fieeuom oi anothei
geneial ieauy to biing uown his own iion fist.
B5")>1/#) >/ :/#)19"$
a. Wheie uoes Baftei come fiom.
b. What was his iole in the 2u11 Libyan Civil Wai.
c. What actions has he taken since.
u. What has been the iesponse of youi countiy anu the inteinational community on 0peiation
e. Bow uoes the inteinational community woik to cieate stability in Libya.
f. Boes the inteinational woik with ueneial Baftei oi aie othei actions necessaiy.

Libya is a countiy that has enuuieu many haiuships in its histoiy anu it continues to enuuie touay.
It is youi job uelegates to help Libya become a peaceful anu piospeious nation. Best of luck.

BruinMUN 2014 GA Plenary
Slavin, Baibaia. "0.S. Ambassauoi Says Libyan ueneial Is uoing Aftei 'Teiioiists'." 0S News.
is-going-aftei-teiioiists (accesseu }uly 2u, 2u14).
"Woilu Socialist Web Site." Civil wai suiges in Libya aftei legislative elections -.
http:www.wsws.oigenaiticles2u14u716liby-j16.html (accesseu }uly 21, 2u14).
"Foieign ministeis waiy of E0 militaiy iole in Libya." E0obseivei .
http:euobseivei.comuefenceS216S (accesseu }uly 21, 2u14).
BBC. "Live: Battle ovei 0S buuget." BBC News.
east-12776418 (accesseu }uly 21, 2u14).
Abuul-Wahab, Ashiaf. "ueneial Baftei announces coup; politicians ieact with scoin, oiuei
his aiiest ." .
aiiest#axzz2tIQINLBq (accesseu }uly 2u, 2u14).
Ahmeu, Noutaz. "Benghazi's Saiqa Special Foices join Baftei's 'Bignity 0peiation' ." .
(accesseu }uly 2u, 2u14).
Libya Beialu. "Ansai Al-Shaiia says Baftei is waging wai against Islam ." .
ansai-al-shaiia-says-haftei-is-waging-wai-against-islam#axzzS20NRiupB (accesseu }uly
2u, 2u14).
Abuel Kouuuous, Shaiif. "Thousanus acioss Libya maich in suppoit of iefoims."
Washington Post. http:www.washingtonpost.comwoilumiuule_eastthousanus-acioss-
11eS-8ucc-u6b7feueu81a_stoiy.html (accesseu }uly 2u, 2u14).

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