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Background Guide

Arab League

BruinMUN 2014 Arab League
Arab League

Beai Belegates,

I am absolutely thiilleu to welcome you all to 0CLA's 22
annual high school Nouel 0niteu Nations
confeience: BiuinN0N! Ny name is Basmik Bmayakyan, anu this will be my sixth yeai involveu in
Nouel 0niteu Nations. I am extiemely exciteu to meet each anu eveiy one of you anu cannot wait to
see in what uiiection you will pull oui committee.

I woulu like to intiouuce myself in oiuei to cieate a waimei enviionment foi oui committee. Being
a seconu-yeai Political Science majoi anu Philosophy minoi, I have leaineu to question anu uebate
almost anything, which is moie of a gift than a cuise. Besiues my acauemic enueavois, I am the
Biiectoi of Bigh School Reciuitment foi Nouel 0niteu Nations at 0CLA anu Piesiuent of the 0live
Tiee Initiative: Aimenia-Tuikey. In my spaie time, I enjoy uiawing anu piacticing vaiious foims of
maitial aits. I also have many unusual inteiests, a few of which incluue: meuieval weaponiy, Soviet
Russia, anu the vaiious effects that uiugs have on the human minu anu bouy.

I am exciteu to see how the Aiab League will unfolu. Theie has been much uniest in the Niuule
Eastein iegion, anu with iecent uevelopments, I am suie oui committee will finu vaiious topics foi
uebate. This committee will suiely be euucational, yet inteiesting. I hope that you aie all as eagei
as I am to paitake in this committee! I am looking foiwaiu to meeting you all in the fall, anu I wish
you all the best of luck in piepaiation foi this committee!

Kinuest Regaius,

Basmik Bmayakyan
Chaii, Aiab League

BruinMUN 2014 Arab League
1op|c A: Syr|an C|v|| War

I. 8ackground

a. Geography

Syiia is locateu in westein Asia, anu the countiy boiueis Lebanon, the Neuiteiianean, Tuikey, Iiaq,
}oiuan, anu Isiael. Bamascus is the capital anu Aleppo, Bama, Beii az-Zoui, Boms anu Latakia aie
the countiy's majoi cities. The countiy is uiviueu into fouiteen auministiative piovinces.
consists mainly of an aiiu plateau, but a quaitei of the teiiitoiy is aiable agiicultuie is possible in
aiounu 2S% of the teiiitoiy, mainly the coastal aieas, anu the noith-east anu south, wheie theie is
access to iain anu iiveis.
Bowevei, in iecent yeais both watei souices have significantly uecieaseu
anu seveie uioughts have maue life veiy uifficult in the agiicultuial iegions, especially the noith

The conflict in Syiia is situateu mainly in the westein poition of the countiy. Baseu on this
infoimation, most of the teiiitoiy that contains conflict is cuiiently contiolleu by the Syiian
goveinment, which places the iebel foices in piecaiious positions. Bowevei, the Syiian goveinment
was piessuieu by the inteinational community to ielinquish its chemicals weapons to be uestioyeu,
anu the piesiuent peimitteu inteinational inspectois to uo so in 0ctobei of 2u1S
. Also, the 0N
attempteu to biokei a peace between the two siues in eaily 2u14, but that hau faileu

Relations with Tuikey have been ciucial to this conflict. Tuikey boiueis the noithein poition of
Syiia, which was helpful foi the Fiee Syiian Aimy. The FSA utilizeu this boiuei to attack cities anu
villages within noithein Syiia, anu latei ietieat to Tuikey. The FSA also moveu theii heauquaiteis
to Tuikey. Buiing this conflict, Tuikey has playeu an impoitant iole foi the FSA. Lebanon has also
playeu a ciucial iole in the conflict. Bezbollah in Lebanon has been helping the Syiian Aimy iegain
iebel-contiolleu teiiitoiies as it fought against Islamic extiemists. The Syiian goveinment has been
able to iegain the towns within Syiia that aie neai the Lebanese boiuei uue to the help of

b. n|stor|ca|

The Syiia we know touay emeigeu aftei the uefeat of the 0ttoman Empiie. In 1616, the 0ttomans
seizeu contiol of Syiia, along with piesent uay coastal stiip of Noith Afiica anu paits of Euiope.

Because Syiia was unuei 0ttoman iule, non-Nuslim communities weie uiviueu into vaiious millets,
which alloweu these communities a ceitain uegiee of the autonomy ovei theii own affaiis.
these communities weie obligateu to follow Nuslim juiispiuuence.
Bue to its militaiy supeiioiity
anu uegiee of ieligious toleiance, the empiie contiolleu the iegion foi a few centuiies, but the
0ttoman Empiie soon faceu political stagnation anu a uecline in militaiy anu economic stiength,

Bosman, Marieke. Briefing Paper 30: The NGO Sector in Syriaan Overview. INTRC: June 2012.
"Syria: Mapping the Conflict." BBC News. N.p., 13 Mar. 2014. Web.
"Syria Profile." BBC News. N.p., 19 Mar. 2014. Web.
Leukefeld, Karin. "Syria: A Historical Perspective on the Current Crisis." Global Research. N.p., 1 May 2011.
"Syria." Syria. N.p., 1 Jan. 1999. Web.

BruinMUN 2014 Arab League
which leu it to lose teiiitoiies in the Balkans.
0ttoman iule enueu aftei losing to the Allieu foices in
Woilu Wai I.
As a iesult of the wai, the Biitish anu Fiench paititioneu the empiie between

0vei the next uecaue, the foimei 0ttoman piovinces weie aibitiaiily anu aitificially uiviueu. While
the Allieu foices weie in Paiis negotiating theii plans, the Syiian Piovisional Congiess electeu
Piince Faisal as king of Syiia in 192u.
The Biitish piomiseu Faisal Aiab inuepenuence in ietuin foi
his help against ueiman anu 0ttoman iule.
Bowevei, Biitish anu Fiench uiplomats secietly
agieeu in 1916 to uiviue up the Niuule East piovinces of the 0ttoman Empiie between the two
countiies unuei the Sykes-Picot Agieement, which woulu put Syiian unuei Fiench contiol.
Syiia was ieligiously anu cultuially uiveise, theie emeigeu a collective "iesistance to Euiopean
contiol" unuei Faisal's iegime, anu this pioviueu the Allieu poweis the incentive to expel him.

Bence, Faisal's iule ovei Syiia enueu aftei a few months when his foices lost against the Fiench.

Aftei this battle, Syiia became Fiance's manuate.

Fiench attempts to exploit the sectaiian iifts within Syiia cieateu iesistance to theii iule. The Sunni
Nuslims in Syiia staiteu the Pan-Aiab nationalism movement, which the Fiench peiceiveu it "as a
thieat to theii authoiity, as well as to the Chiistian anu heteiouox Nuslim communities (Biuze anu
global Alawites)".
This motivateu the Fiench to weaken Aiab nationalism by peisuauing the
minoiities to theii siue anu "caiving out a seiies of sepaiate political units".
Foi instance, they
cieateu the states of Aleppo anu Bamascus, which houses the uistiict of Boms anu Bama.
Fuitheimoie, Alawite anu Biuze teiiitoiies weie isolateu anu piotecteu unuei Fiench piotection
"foi the bettei pait of Fiance's tenuie in Syiia".
Bespite all these effoits, nationalist agitation
continueu to inciease against Fiench iule. This leu the Biitish to piessuie the Fiench into
evacuating theii last tioops on 17 Apiil 1946 fiom Syiia.

c. o||t|ca|

In 1946, Syiia gaineu inuepenuence fiom Fiance. The Aiab Socialist Ba'ath Paity was then founueu
by Nichel Aflaq anu Salah-al-Bin al-Bitai.
Two yeais latei, an aimy officei nameu Auib al-
Shishakhli gaineu powei in a militaiy coup anu aftei thiee yeais, uissolveu the political paities
within Syiia. In 19S4, a coup was leu by aimy officeis against Al-Shishakli. Because of this coup, the
powei tiansfeiieu fiom the aimy to the civilians in 19S4.

Syiia anu Egypt soon joineu the 0niteu Aiab Republic. Aftei this shoit union with Egypt, Syiia's
pailiamentaiy system was ieplaceu by a centializeu piesiuential iegime. This was uone by Egypt's

"The Rise and Decline of the Ottoman Empire." The Rise and Decline of the Ottoman Empire. N.p., n.d. Web.
Woodward, David R. "The Middle East during World War One." BBC News. BBC, 3 Oct. 2011. Web.
Leukefeld, Karin.
Fildis, Ayse T. "Middle East Policy Council." The Troubles in Syria: Spawned by French Divide and Rule. N.p.,
Winter 2012. Web.
"Syria: History." GlobalEDGE: Your Source for Global Business Knowledge. N.p., n.d. Web
Fildis, Ayse.
Leukefeld, Karin.
"Syria Profile." BBC News.
Moubayed, Sami M. Damascus Between Democracy and Dictatorship. Lanham: U of America, 2000. Print.

BruinMUN 2014 Arab League
piesiuent, uamal Abuel Nassei, who uissolveu all of Syiia's political paities, which uisappointeu the
Ba'ath paity. In 1961, Syiian aimy officeis, who weie uissatisfieu by the Egyptian uomination of the
0niteu Aiab Republic, gaineu powei in Bamascus anu uissolveu this union between Egypt anu
Syiia. In 1964, the Ba'ath Syiian Regional Bianch (Ba'ath Paity) came to powei thiough a coup
u'etat, but the leaueis of this paity weie oveithiown two yeais latei by a coup leu by Salah }auiu.

In 197u, ueneial Bafez al-Assau gaineu powei by oveithiowing piesiuent Nui al-Bin al-Atasi, anu
impiisoning Salah }auiu. A yeai latei, Assau was electeu foi a seven-yeai teim as the piesiuent.
helu this position foi about Su yeais, until his ueath.
Aftei his ueath, the Ba'ath Paity maintaineu
its position as the main political powei. In Syiia, a viitually single-paity state, the only way that the
citizens coulu appiove a Piesiuent was by iefeienuum. This changeu in the 2u12 multi-paity
pailiamentaiy election.

When Bashai al-Assau, Bafez-al Assau's son, came to powei as the Piesiuent of Syiia, he instilleu
hope into the Syiian people that theie will be uemociatic iefoims. The Bamascus Spiing soon
began in 2uuu. This constituteu of political anu social uebate, which was stiictly enfoiceu uuiing
Bafez al-Assau's iegime. The Bamascus Spiing encouiageu open political uiscussion amongst
civilians. Foiums began foiming, in which people weie able to uebate social anu political issues
within piivate houses. Impoitant figuies, such as Riau Seif anu Baitham al-Naleh weie amongst the
people mobilizing this movement. 0f these foiums, the most famous weie the }amal al-Atassi Foium
anu the Riau Seif Foium.
In 2uu1, the Bamascus Spiing enueu. Ten activists weie aiiesteu simply
because they wanteu uemociatic elections anu auvocateu civil uisobeuience. 0nfoitunately, Bashai
al-Assau uiun't maintain his piomise foi iefoim anu veiy little change has been seen.

d. Lconom|c

Syiia is a ueveloping countiy with an economy baseu on agiicultuie, inuustiy, oil, anu touiism. The
two main sectois of the Syiian economy have been agiicultuie anu oil. Foi instance, agiicultuie
composes 17% of Syiia's uBP, "uown fiom 2u.4% in 2uu7 anu 2S% in the 199us.
0il accounts foi
7u% of Syiia's expoits anu Su% of the state's ievenue.
Inuustiy anu seivices aie two othei sectois
that make up 22% anu 6u% of Syiia's economy, iespectively.
Theie aie no official uata on
touiism, but it uoes contiibute to Syiia's oveiall economy. Neveitheless, Syiian impoits incluue iaw
mateiials that aie neeueu foi agiicultuie, equipment, inuustiy, anu machineiy. 0n the othei hanu,
expoits incluue cotton, fiuits, giains, anu ciuue oil. Bowevei, foieign sanctions have hinueieu
Syiia's economic giowth.

Foieign sanctions have been a continuous challenge to Syiia's piospeiity. Since 2uu4, 0.S. has
imposeu economic sanctions on Syiia. Foi instance, the Syiia Accountability Act "piohibits oi
iestiicts the expoit anu ie-expoit of most 0.S. piouucts to Syiia".
In 2uu8, auuitional sanctions

Gavaghan, Julian. "On This Day: Syria and Egypt from United Arab Republic." Yahoo! News: UK & Ireland, 21
Feb. 2014. Web.
MacFarquhar, Niel. "Hafez Al-Assad, Who Turned Syria Into a Power in the Middle East, Dies at 69." Hafez Al-
Assad, Who Turned Syria Into a Power in the Middle East, Dies at 69. Cornell, 10 June 2000. Web.
"Like Dictator, like Son: How the Assads Maintain a Tight Grip on Power." The Guardian. Guardian News and
Media, 15 Mar. 2012. Web.
"The Damascus Spring." Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. N.p., 1 Apr. 2012. Web.
"Syria: Economy." GlobalEDGE: Your Source for Global Business Knowledge. N.p., n.d. Web.
Military. Syria. N.p., n.d. Web.
Central Intelligence Agency. Central Intelligence Agency, n.d. Web.

BruinMUN 2014 Arab League
weie imposeu that piohibits the expoit of 0.S. seivices anu 0.S. peisonnel fiom paiticipating in
Syiia's petioleum inuustiy. This also piohibits 0.S. fiom impoiting Syiian petioleum.
In 2u12, it
has been iepoiteu Syiia lost aiounu $2 billion fiom sanctions on oil expoits.
Bespite these
sanctions, the lack of goveinment tianspaiency anu coiiuption impeues economic piogiess.

The Syiian goveinment has a stiong holu ovei the countiy's economic activities. Following Syiia's
inuepenuence, the goveinment playeu a minoi iole in the economy. uiowth anu expansion was
fiom the piivate sectoi. Bowevei, this changeu aftei the 19Sus. Buiing the 196us, the Syiian
goveinment implementeu socialist policies, which "nationalizeu most majoi enteipiises".

Noieovei, theie have been ueciees that piohibit Syiians fiom using foieign cuiiencies anu othei
iestiictions on impoits. As a iesult, the public anu piivate sectois tuineu to the black maiket to uo
0nfoitunately, these kinus of goveinment contiol still peisist touay.

e. Soc|a|

As stateu eailiei, Syiia was politically unstable piioi to the 197u's, but, uuiing Bafez al-Assau
iegime, he manageu to biing stability to the countiy, which he hau uone so thiough political
iepiession. Aftei Bafez al-Assau iose to powei, he iemoveu the constitutional iequiiement that the
piesiuent must be a Nuslim in 197S, anu this leu to iiots because the people felt that al-Assau was
constiucting an atheistic goveinment.
Bowevei, thiough the use of militaiy foice, al-Assau hau
the iiots suppiesseu.
Cleaily, the Syiian Nuslims weie not content with the Ba'ath goveinment.
The Nuslim Biotheihoou leu an upiising against the goveinment fiom 1976 to 1982.
tensions escalateu to the point wheie the Nuslim Biotheihoou attempteu to assassinate the
piesiuent in 198u.
The upiising was finally suppiesseu militaiily in Bama, which left between
1u,uuu-2S,uuu people ueau.

Besiues thiough violent means, al-Assau contiolleu the countiy by impiisoning uissenteis anu
banning newspapeis, anu because of these measuies, Syiians knew his iegime as "the iegime of
Bowevei, al-Assau attempteu to amelioiate the social tensions that his oppiessive iegime
hau causeu thiough lanu iefoim anu piivatization.
By ieuistiibuting the lanu anu giving out
goveinment tiansfei payments, his iegime help inciease the stanuaiu of living of iuial peasants.

Also, al-Assau pulleu back some of the socialist economic measuies of the past in oiuei to expanu
the iole of the piivate sectoi, which leu to the giowth of a new class of entiepieneuis anu
Yet, by the 199u's, tensions weie still high uespite these changes.

"Syria -- ECONOMY." Syria. N.p., n.d. Web.
"Syria Profile." BBC News. N.p., 19 Mar. 2014. Web.
"Imagining Post-Baath Syria: Stability or Chaos?" EInternational Relations. N.p., 7 May 2013. Web. 21 Apr.
"Syria Profile." BBC News.
"Profile: Syria's Ruling Baath Party." BBC News. N.p., 9 July 2012. Web.
"Imagining Post-Baath Syria: Stability or Chaos?" EInternational Relations.
"Syria - STRUCTURE OF SOCIETY." Syria - STRUCTURE OF SOCIETY. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Apr. 2014.

BruinMUN 2014 Arab League
Bashai al-Assau succeeueu to the piesiuency aftei the ueath of his fathei in 2uuu. The Syiian people
saw this as a positive step foiwaiu because Bashai spoke of "openness, tianspaiency, pluialism,
anu uemociacy" in his inauguial speech.
Bashai was seen as a iefoimei, anu unuei his oiueis, he
ieleaseu 6uu political piisoneis at the beginning of his piesiuency.
Bowevei, once people began to
openly ueciy the iegime of his fathei, Bashai went on the uefensive, anu in an inteiview, Bashai al-
Assau stiesseu the fact that his fathei's iule biought stability to the countiy.
This meant that
Bashai uiu not fully embiace the iuea of a moie uemociatic Syiia. Foi instance, Bashai iesumeu
aiiesting pio-iefoim activists, which showeu the Syiian goveinment was not willing to let go of
theii "authoiitaiian past."
In 2uuS, a Ba'ath Paity iegional confeience was helu, anu the state
meuia hau hopes that the paity woulu be ievitalizeu.
While the people wanteu the constitution to
amenueu, this uiu not happeneu. Thus, the Ba'ath paity misseu an oppoitunity to ieuuce political
tensions. These tensions weie finally expiesseu uuiing the movement known as the Aiab Spiing.
The Syiian people peacefully piotesteu foi uemociacy anu iefoim in }anuaiy 2u11.
Bashai iesponueu with militaiy foice to enu the piotests, but they soon escalateu into a nationwiue
upiising against the goveinment.

II. kecent Deve|opments

The Syiian civil wai is an asymmetiical conflict. The majoi motivating event that causeu the Syiian
civil wai to escalate was the piotests that began in Baiaa on the 1Sth of Naich, otheiwise known as
the Ciaule of the Revolution.
The piotestois uemanueu that political piisoneis be ieleaseu. The
Assau goveinment useu foice to iesponu to these piotests, such as aiiesting piotestois, toituiing
the piisoneis, anu censoiing events. By Naich 2S, thiity-six piotestois weie killeu. In Nay, political
piisoneis weie ieleaseu by Assau, incluuing Nuslims. Some of these Nuslims moveu on to be
impoitant chaiacteis in the opposing foices, such as the Islamist gioup Ahiai ash-Sham.

In Apiil of 2u11, the conflict continueu to giow. Assau even ueployeu the Syiian aimy in oiuei to
stop the upiising. These soluieis useu violence against piotestois. These piotests latei became an
aimeu iebellion.
In }uly 2u11, the Fiee Syiian Aimy (FSA) was foimeu, which iepiesenteu the
opposing foices. The FSA's intentions weie to iemove Assau anu his goveinment foices fiom
powei. In August, the Syiian National Council was establisheu. This gioup tiieu to foim a moie
oiganizeu opposition.
Buiing the Siege of Latakia, the Syiian Navy establisheu its piesence within
the conflict. uunboats weie useu to fiie machine guns towaiu Latakia. In Septembei, theie was a
clash between the Syiian foices anu the FSA in Rastan. Colonel Riau Asaau, the FSA leauei, latei fleu
acioss the Syiian boiuei to Tuikey in oiuei to avoiu the Syiian goveinment, whilst many iebels
ietieateu to the city of Boms. In 0ctobei, Tuikey began suppoiting the FSA. Because of this suppoit,

"Imagining Post-Baath Syria: Stability or Chaos?" EInternational Relations.
"Syria Profile." BBC News.
"Imagining Post-Baath Syria: Stability or Chaos?" EInternational Relations.
"Syria Profile." BBC News.
"Profile: Syria's Ruling Baath Party." BBC News.
"Imagining Post-Baath Syria: Stability or Chaos?" EInternational Relations.
Solomon, Erika. "Rebels Seize Deraa Army Post in Battle for Cradle of Syria Revolt." The Daily Star Newspaper.
N.p., 28 June 2013. Web
Blanford, Nicholas. "Jihadis May Want to Kill Assad. But Is He Lucky to Have Them?" The Christian Science
Monitor. The Christian Science Monitor, 10 Oct. 2013. Web.
"Syria: Government Crackdown Leads to Protester Deaths." Human Rights Watch., 21 Mar. 2011. Web.
Boxx, Edward. "Observations on the Air War in Syria." Washington Institute (2013): 147-51. Mar. 2013. Web.

BruinMUN 2014 Arab League
the FSA was able to use Tuikey's boiuei as a zone of safety aftei they attackeu the noithein paits of
Syiia. This leu the FSA to win contiol ovei the noithein Syiian cities.

In Novembei, theie was a clash amongst secuiity foices anu the FSA in the city of Boms. The Syiian
Aimy invaueu Boms, causing violence within the city but was faceu with iesistance. Because of the
amount of iebel iesistance, the city became known as the Capital of the Revolution. The FSA began
launching moie ueauly attacks against the goveinment anu the Syiian Aimy. Buiing this time, the
Aiab League voteu to suspenu Syiia because it faileu to implement the Aiab peace plan. In the
0niteu Nations Secuiity Council, Russia anu China both vetoeu a iesolution that woulu conuemn

By 2u12, Assau suppiesseu the opposition with laige scale aitilleiy stiikes, which uestioyeu
civilian homes in the piocess. violence intensifieu as the Syiian Aimy useu tanks in conjunction
with aitilleiy stiikes, anu the aimy launcheu majoi offensives on Febiuaiy S, 2u12, to take back
neighboihoous unuei iebel contiol.
By Apiil, the ueath toll of the civil wai was 1u,uuu. By miu-
Apiil, the two opposing siues of the conflict enteieu a ceasefiie which faileu. The 0niteu Nations-
Aiab League envoy to Syiia iesigneu aftei his peace plans enueu in failuie. Aftei the faileu ceasefiie
attempts, Assau woikeu on ciushing the upiisings that weie against his goveinment.

In miu-2u12, the 0niteu Nations anu the Reu Cioss ueclaieu that Syiia is officially unueigoing a civil
Soon theieaftei, this issue began to move to the two laigest cities within Syiia: Bamascus anu
Aleppo. Accoiuing to the goveinment, these two cities weie uominateu by a pio-Assau majoiity. In
Bamascus, fighting continueu to intensify as iebel foices attempteu to take contiol of the city.
Ciucial chaiacteis of the Syiian goveinment weie killeu on }uly 18, which escalateu the conflict
fuithei. By late }uly, the goveinment foices weie able to iiu Bamascus of the iebel offensive.
this was uone, the battle to contiol Aleppo became a moie piominent issue.

The FSA gaineu contiol ovei the foui checkpoints along the Syiian anu Iiaqi boiuei, anu iebel
foices stiategically gaineu contiol ovei boiueis between Syiia anu Tuikey as well. By uoing so, they
weie able to have an auvantage foi supply tianspoitation into Syiia.
By the enu of Septembei, the
commanu heauquaiteis of the FSA hau changeu to noithein Syiia fiom southein Tuikey.
theieaftei, the FSA captuieu Bouma. At the enu of 0ctobei 2u12, Lakhuai Biahimi attempteu a
ceasefiie, but this uiu not woik because both opposing siues continueu theii opeiations against one

Aftei the ceasefiie faileu, the Syiian aimy began expanuing its aeiial bombing within Bamascus. In
Novembei of 2u12, iebels captuieu Saiaqib which is in the Iulib goveinoiate. By uoing so, they
weie able to isolate Aleppo fiom the aieas of the countiy that aie contiolleu by the goveinment.

Epatko, Larisa. "Syria and Turkey: A Complex Relationship." PBS. PBS, 15 Nov. 2012. Web.
Nichols, Michelle. "Russia, China Veto U.N. Security Council Resolution on Syria." Reuters. Thomson Reuters,
19 July 2012. Web.
"Syrian Troops Retake Opposition Stronghold." Al Jazeera. Al Jazeera, 14 Mar. 2012. Web.
"Syria Agrees to Kofi Annans April 10 Peace Deadline, UN Security Council Told." Metro News. N.p., 2 Apr.
2012. Web.
Goh, Melisa. "Red Cross Declares Civil War In Syria." NPR. NPR, 15 July 2012. Web.
"Syrian Capital's Clashes Continue in Southern Part - Global Times." Global Times. Xinhua, 17 July 2012. Web.
Arango, Tim. "Iraq Says Rebels in Syria Control Border Posts". The New York Times. 19 July 2012. Web.
"Syrian Rebels Seize Control of Border Crossing on Frontier with Turkey." CBS News. Associated Press, 19 Sept.
2012. Web.
Weaver, Matthew. "Syria Conflict: What Next After Failed Ceasefire?" The Guardian. N.p., 30 Oct. 2012. Web.

BruinMUN 2014 Arab League
The iebels attackeu lanueu aiiciafts in aii bases in oiuei to stop the goveinment's aii powei, anu
latei in the month, the iebels weie able to take contiol of one of the Syiian Aimy's biggest bases in
noithein Syiia. By late-Becembei, the iebels pusheu ueepei into Bamascus. By launching an
offensive, they weie able to foice aimy iegulais to evacuate a few towns anu bases. The iebels weie
also able to seize militaiy equipment fiom one of the laigest aii bases in noithein Syiia. This
seizuie of weapons was a ciitical moment foi the iebels.

In Apiil, the Piime Ninistei, Wael Nauei Al-Balqi, baiely escapeu ueath fiom a bomb attack in the
miuule of Bamascus.
In the opposition, the chaiiman of the National Coalition iesigneu because he
believeu the foieign backeis of the gioup weie tiying to manipulate it.
In Nay, the Euiopean
0nion ueciueu to not ienew the aim's embaigo that they have on Syiia, which woulu fiee E0
countiies to aim the iebels. Bowevei, the goveinment hau an auvantage because they helu most of
the stiategically impoitant cities anu villages.
This was uue to the fact that the goveinment hau
iestiuctuieu its foices which weie mainly tiaineu by the Bezbollah anu Iianian auviseis.
Thioughout Nay, the goveinment foices captuieu a few moie teiiitoiies, anu in }une, they weie
able to auvance within the Aleppo goveinoiate. Bowevei, the opposition foices uefenueu the

The conflict escalateu fuithei with a chemical weapons attack in Bamascus, anu this gaineieu an
inteinational iesponse to iemove these weapons. Bowevei, the inteinational community uiu not go
any fuithei to enu the conflict. 0n Nay 22, 2u14, Russia anu China vetoeu anothei 0N Secuiity
Council iesolution that woulu iefei the ciisis in Syiia to the Inteinational Ciiminal Couit (ICC).
the countiy enteis its fouith yeai of conflict, it is impoitant to look at the majoi stakeholueis in
oiuei to bettei unueistanu how to enu it.

III. ast Internat|ona| Invo|vement

!" Geneva II Conferences
The ueneva II confeience took place on }anuaiy 22 in Switzeilanu. The 0N, 0.S., anu Russian
uiplomats biought iepiesentatives fiom both the Syiian goveinment anu the Westein-backeu
Syiian opposition to the table to enu the conflict. The 0niteu States offeieu Iian an invitation to be
pait of the solution but the offei was latei iescinueu.
The ieason was that the opposition National
Coalition thieateneu that it woulu iefuse to attenu the talks unless Iian was excluueu.

Aftei two iounus of negotiations, the confeience iesulteu in a ueaulock between the Assau iegime
anu the opposition. The opposition confiimeu its goal of ousting Assau anu anything shoit of that

Hubbard, Ben. "Base Seizure Sharp Blow to Syria's Efforts to Roll Back Rebel Gains." Associated Press. 20 Nov.
2012. Web.
Walker, Jade, Albert Aji, and Ryan Lucas. "Wael Al-Halqi, Syrian Prime Minister, Reportedly Escapes
Assassination Attempt In Damascus." The Huffington Post., 29 Apr. 2013. Web.
Sayigh, Yezid. "Endgame for the Syrian National Coalition." Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. N.p.,
17 May 2013. Web.
"EU Won't Renew Syrian Arms Embargo." Radio New Zealand. 28 May 2013. Web.
Caris, Charlie, and Isabel Nassief. "The Wal-'Adiyat Dabha Offensive in Southern Aleppo."Institute for the Study
of War. N.p., 26 Sept. 2013. Web.
Black, Ian. "Russia and China Veto UN Move to Refer Syria to International Criminal Court."
Guardian News and Media, 23 May 2014. Web.
"What Is the Geneva II Conference on Syria?" BBC News. N.p., n.d. Web.

BruinMUN 2014 Arab League
will not be accepteu.
They want a tiansitional goveinment without Assau. The Syiian
goveinment, on the othei hanu, uenieu the oppositions uemanu that Bashai al-Assau steps uown
fiom his post as piesiuent.
Foitunately, a thiiu iounu of talks has been planneu. Bowevei, the
incieasing ciisis makes it unlikely that the talks between the two paities will iesume anytime

#" 1he Un|ted Nat|ons Secur|ty Counc|| (UNSC)
In Febiuaiy 2u12, Russia anu China vetoeu a 0NSC uiaft iesolution on Syiia. This iesolution calleu
foi Piesiuent Assau to step uown fiom his position. The 0niteu States, Fiance, Biitain, anu all othei
countiies, voteu foi this iesolution. Russia anu China, howevei, feaieu that if this iesolution passeu,
moie sanctions woulu be imposeu on Syiia. Bowevei, theie was much uissent that this iesolution
uiu not pass. As violence continueu, othei countiies felt that something shoulu be uone about this

In Naich 2u12, the 0NSC enuoiseu a non-binuing six-point peace plan that was uiafteu by 0N
envoy, Kofi Annan. China anu Russia both agieeu to suppoit this plan once the pievious uiaft is
mouifieu. Bowevei, since this plan wasn't a iesolution, it was unable to stop the violence within

The 0NSC passeu Resolution 2u4S in Apiil 2u12. This iesolution calleu foi the monitoiing of the
cessation of aimeu conflict. It also calleu foi the implementation of the six-point plan by the }oint
Special Envoy. This iesolution was passeu in the hopes of stopping the civil wai in Syiia. This
iesolution also cieateu the 0niteu Nations Supeivision Nission in Syiia (0NSNIS), which sent 0N
Peacekeeping foices into Syiia fiom Apiil 2u12 until August 2u12. Bespite these effoits, hostilities
iesumeu anu not much was uone by the iesolution.

In Nay 2u12, the 0NSC conuemneu the goveinment's usage of heavy weapons anu the killing of
civilians neai Boms. The 0niteu Kinguom, ueiman, Fiance, Italy, Spain, Canaua, anu Austialia
expelleu the senioi Syiian uiplomats that weie in piotest.

0n Nay 22, 2u14, the 0NSC attempteu to pass yet anothei iesolution on Syiia. This iesolution
aimeu to iefei Syiia to the Inteinational Ciiminal Couit (ICC), but this iesolution was vetoeu by
Russia anu China.

$" 1he Un|ted Nat|ons Wor|d Iood rogramme (WI)
The 0niteu Nations Woilu Foou Piogiamme (WFP) is cuiiently woiking to pioviue those affecteu
by the Syiian ciisis with foou. It is cuiiently ieaching out to about thiee million people pei month
within Syiia by pioviuing them with foou assistance. The WFP is also pioviuing foou to the millions

"Explaining the Geneva II Peace Talks on Syria." - Features. N.p., n.d. Web.
"What Is the Geneva II Conference on Syria?" BBC News. N.p., 22 Jan. 2014. Web.
Batty, David, Damien Pearse, Martin Chulov, and Paul Harris. "Syria Resolution Vetoed by Russia and China at
United Nations." Guardian News and Media, 04 Feb. 2012. Web.
"Kofi Annan's Six-point Plan for Syria." Al Jazeera. N.p., 27 Mar. 2012. Web.
Resolution 2043. Proc. of United Nations Security Council 6756th Meeting, New York. April 21, 2012. Print.
"UN Security Council Condemns Syria Massacre That Left More than 100 Dead." NBC News. N.p., 27 May 2012.
"Russia, China Veto UN Security Council Bid to Refer Syria to ICC - Middle East." Associated
Press, 22 May 2014. Web.

BruinMUN 2014 Arab League
of iefugees who aie living in neighboiing countiies. The WFP woiks with local oiganizations, such
as the Syiian Aiab Reu Ciescent (SARC), to uistiibute foou in aieas that aie uifficult to ieach uue to
constant fighting.

The WFP came up with a vouchei system in oiuei to help pioviue foou foi the Syiian iefugees.
Rathei than pioviuing the iefugees uiiectly with foou, the WFP pioviues them with voucheis, which
the iefugees can use in supeimaikets in oiuei to puichase theii own gioceiies. This allows the
iefugees the fieeuom to buy what they want anu neeu.

%" 1he Lmergency kesponse Iund (LkI)
The Emeigency Response Funu (ERF) was establisheu unuei the 0niteu Nations 0ffice foi the
Cooiuination of Bumanitaiian Affaiis (0N0CBA) in miu-2u12. The ERF aims to pioviue funuing in
oiuei to suppoit the humanitaiian effoits within Syiia. The ERF has encouiageu local Nu0s to woik
in aieas of majoi conflict. The funus that they ieceive aie sent to national anu inteinational Nu0s,
agencies within the 0N, anu the Reu Cioss. The funuing benefits all those effecteu by anu involveu
in the conflict.

&" 1he Un|ted Nat|ons kefugee Agency (UNnCk)
Touay, theie aie moie than 6.8 million Syiians iequiiing humanitaiian assistance. The 0niteu
Nations Refugee Agency has been woiking to aiu iefugees anu inteinally uisplaceu people (IBPs)
within Syiia. Evei since it steppeu foot into the conflict in 2u12, the 0NBCR has been woiking
unuei the Syiian Aiab Republic Bumanitaiian Assistance Response Plan (SBARP). Bowevei, the
0NBCR has encounteieu a few issues. The insecuiity within the iegion iestiicts the movement of
iefugees anu IBPs aiounu the countiy. Communications aie often uisiupteu. The access that the
0NBCR has to the affecteu population is often iestiicteu. Because of this, the 0NBCR must maintain
connections with local oiganizations in oiuei to woik thiough them. Bue to sanctions, the Syiian
Pounu has lost its value significantly. This has leu to the piices of basic goous to iise, leaving people
in shoit supply of necessities.

The 0niteu Nations Refugee Agency (0NBCR) has come up with two uiffeient plans in oiuei to
pioviue ielief to Syiia. The fiist plan is known as the 2u14 Syiia Regional Response Plan (RRP6).
The RRP6's main objective is to piotect those affecteu by the conflict anu to iesponu to the
humanitaiian neeus of iefugees. This incluues the piotection of iefugees anu the piovision of foou,
health, anu euucation to them. By uoing so, the RRP6 hopes to auuiess thiee taiget gioups: the
iefugees in camps, the iefugees iesiuing outsiue of camps, anu host communities. The RRP6 ielies
on the coopeiation with goveinments within the iegion in oiuei to accomplish its goals.

The othei 0NBCR plan is known as the Syiian Aiab Republic Bumanitaiian Assistance Response
Plan (SBARP). SBARP, on the othei hanu, takes into consiueiation the ueteiioiation of the
humanitaiian situation that is affecteu uiiectly by the escalation of the conflict within the iegion.
This has leu to the incieaseu uisiuption of social seivices, along with the uestiuction of health
infiastiuctuie. This has also leau to a ueepening economic ciisis. SBARP aims to piomote anu
maintain the cuiient coopeiation amongst the Syiian goveinment, Syiian counteipaits, anu the

Hadi, Muhannad. "Immediate Response Emergency Operation Syria." (n.d.): n. pag. World Food Programme. 9
May 2011. Web.
"Syria: Emergency Response Fund." Syria: Emergency Response Fund (as of (2014): UNOCHA. 8 May 2014.

BruinMUN 2014 Arab League
host goveinments that aie within the iegion. By uoing so, SBARP hopes to pioviue fiee access to
people who aie in neeu of inteinational piotection.

Since the stait of the Syiian Civil Wai, the non-goveinment oiganizations that aie opeiating within
the countiy have not successfully initiateu any peacebuiluing effoits. This is uue to the on-going
conflict anu because the Assau iegime uoes peimit many Nu0s to conuuct activities within the
county. Even though this is the case, these oiganizations have pioviueu humanitaiian aiu to the
Syiian populace in oiuei to mitigate the impact of the civil wai, anu some Nu0's have pioposeu
policies that may iesolve the conflict oi maue calls foi peace.

(" numan|tar|an Lfforts
Accoiuing to the Inteinational Nu0 Tiaining anu Reseaich Centei (INTRC), most Nu0's in Syiia
focus pioviuing ielief to the Syiian people, but often these oiganizations lack the iesouices
(equipment oi tiaineu peisonnel) anu must opeiate in uangeious conuitions.
In the case of the
Reu Cioss, the Syiian Aiab Reu Ciescent (SARC) pioviueu neeueu aiu to Aleppo in the past month
foi which a ceasefiie was obseiveu between the two factions.
Besiues giving aiu, the Inteinational
Reu Cioss has helpeu SARC pioviue watei sanitation equipment anu meuical goous to vaiious paits
of Syiia.

NeicyCoips is anothei Nu0 that is opeiating in the iegion. The oiganization has been pioviuing
Syiian iefugees in the suiiounuing countiies with foou, watei, anu sheltei
, anu foi chiluien, they
have establisheu extia-cuiiiculai activities anu focuseu on theii long-teim uevelopmental anu
emotional neeus.
Also, Neal Keny-uuyei, chief executive officei of Neicy Coips, stiesses the neeu
foi investing in long-teim solutions, which woulu piomote stability, economic uevelopment anu
social safety nets.

The Syiian Society foi Social Bevelopment (SSSB) is geaieu towaiu empoweiing Syiian youth, who
aie uiopping out of school. The oiganization uses infoimal euucation, vocational tiaining,
counseling, anu vaiious othei piogiams in oiuei to meet the neeus of the maiginalizeu youth.
pioject that SSSB has unueitaken is the KBW }uvenile Centei, which helps youth ieintegiate into
If Syiian Youth have the skills to finu a job in the woikfoice, they woulu less likely to join
aimeu gioups anu cause fuithei violence.

The Woiking uioup on Women, Peace anu Secuiity submitteu iecommenuations to the 0N Secuiity
Council foi Febiuaiy 2u14. In the uocument, the oiganization notes that theie has be a significant

"Syrian Arab Republic." The UN Refugee Agency. UNHCR News, n.d. Web.
Bosman, Marieke. Briefing Paper 30: The NGO Sector in Syriaan Overview. INTRC: June 2012.
"UNHCR, Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) Reach Eastern Aleppo with Truckloads of Aid." UNHCR News. 9
Apr. 2014. Web. 17 May 2014.
"Syria: Working with the Syrian Arab Red Crescent to Deliver Humanitarian Assistance." - ICRC. 5 Feb. 2014.
Web. 17 May 2014.
"Syria." Mercy Corps. Web. 17 May 2014.
"Mercy Corps's Response to Syria Crisis." InterAction. Web. 18 May 2014.
"Mercy Corps: Syrian Conflict Enters Fourth Year, Still No End in Sight." Yahoo! News. Yahoo!, 11 Mar. 2014.
Web. 18 May 2014.
Methods. Syrian Society for Social Development. Web. 17 May 2014.
Project 1. Syrian Society for Social Development. Web. 17 May 2014.

BruinMUN 2014 Arab League
lack of women's paiticipation in iesolving the conflict anu puiposes that futuie outieach shoulu
help empowei women.
Also, Integiity Reseaich anu Consultancy submitteu a iepoit in }anuaiy of
2u14, anu in it, they calleu foi women anu minoiity gioups to be fuithei incluueu into the peace
piocess. They iecommenu this inclusion because incluuing women will help "cieate a tiansitional
piocess that encouiages uiveisity," which iepiesents a pluialistic civil state.

IV. Country os|t|ons

Tuikey has been in suppoit of the Fiee Syiian Aimy since the beginning of the conflict. Tuikey has
pioviueu the aimy with safety acioss the Tuikish-Syiian boiuei. Bowevei, Tuikey anu Syiia have
hau tension amongst one anothei lately uue to this issue. These tensions began to giow in }une
2u12 uue to the shooting uown of the Tuikish fightei jet by the Assau goveinment.

Russia suppoits the Assau iegime. The Russian goveinment has hau ties with the Assau family since
the uays of the Soviet 0nion. Russia is mainly in suppoit of the Assau goveinment uue to the tiaue
ielations that the two countiies have between one anothei anu the militaiy inteiests that they
shaie. Russia has been the main souice of weaponiy to the Syiian goveinment thioughout this
ciisis. By pioviuing weapons to Syiia, Russia has been able to make a piofit. Anothei ieason why
Russia is in suppoit of the Syiian goveinment is because they uo not want Islamist foices to gain

Iian has also been in suppoit of the Syiian goveinment. The two goveinments aie stiong allies. The
Iianian goveinment has been pioviuing Syiia with aitilleiy, money, fuel, anu Shia tioops fiom
Lebanon anu Iiaq. Iian is tiying to piotect the Syiian goveinment fiom the insuigent foices
because they have iegional inteiests. This is especially tiue because Syiia acts as an impoitant
passage foi Iian to Bezbollah, which is in Lebanon.
Foi this ieason, the Iianian goveinment is fully
suppoiting the Assau iegime within Syiia.

China is also in suppoit of the Syiian goveinment uue mainly to theii tiauing ielationship. China
uoes not suppoit foieign inteivention, noi uoes it conuone the use of foice to take uown a iegime.
China claims they will suppoit the Syiian iegime, but if it falls, they will be silent.

The 0niteu States has always been against the Assau iegime uue to its authoiitaiian natuie. In Nay
2u1u, the 0S ieneweu its sanctions against Syiia. The 0S uiu so because they believeu that Syiia
suppoiteu teiioiist gioups, such as the Bezbollah in Lebanon, which violateu 0N iesolutions. At the
beginning of the piotests, the 0S was in full suppoit of the libeial piotests that eiupteu in 2u11, but
as the conflict uiaggeu on, giowing moie anu moie violent, the 0niteu States became uisillusioneu
by the iuea of a ievolution in oiuei to take uown the Assau iegime. The Syiian civil wai has hau an
effect on its neighboiing countiies, most of which aie allies to the 0niteu States. This is anothei
ieason why the 0S wants the conflict to be iesolveu. In teims of stiategy, the 0niteu States uoes not

"NGO Working Group for Women, Peace and Security." NGO Working Group on Women, Peace and Security,
Country Situations. Feb. 2014. Web. 18 May 2014.
Summary Report: Syrian Womens NGOs and Geneva II. Integrity Research and Consultancy. January 2014.
Epatko, Laiisa. "Syiia anu Tuikey: A Complex Relationship." "#$. PBS, 1S Nov. 2u12. Web.
Leigh, Kaien, anu Syiia Beeply. "Analyzing Russia's Suppoit foi Syiia's Bashai Al-Assau." %#& '()*. ABC
News Netwoik, 1S Feb. 2u14. Web.
Reynolus, }ames. "Why Iian Neeus Assau in Powei." ##& '()*. N.p., S1 }uly 2u12. Web.
Calamui, Kiishnauev. "Who Aie Syiia's Fiienus Anu Why Aie They Suppoiting Assau." '"+. NPR, 28 Aug.
2u1S. Web.

BruinMUN 2014 Arab League
see Syiia as an aiea of majoi inteiest foi the 0S, so they ueciueu that the conflict in Syiia is not a
majoi issue that neeus to be tackleu soon. The 0S ueciueu to abstain fiom any effoits to oveithiow
the Assau goveinment oi to aiu the countiy. Bowevei, in miu-2u1S, Piesiuent 0bama ueciueu to
aim the iebels. This was mainly uue to the fact that the Assau iegime was using chemical weapons.
The 0.S. hau maue pievious claims that if such weapons weie useu, they woulu heighten
inteivention within the iegion.

V. Conc|ud|ng kemarks

a. ,-./* -0 +(*-1/23-4*

Please keep in minu that this issue uoes not have two siues. Reseaich all the siues involveu in the
conflict. Take into consiueiation the social aspect of the conflict as well as the political, economic,
anu geogiaphic.

b. 5/(*23-4* 2- &-4*36(7
i. Bow can the conflict in Syiia be taigeteu in iegaius to the social, political,
anu economic aspect.
ii. What can be uone to stop all siues fiom engaging in violent actions.
iii. Bow can the 0niteu Nations help.
iv. What countiies can be involveu in iebuiluing the Syiian society.
v. What aie some shoit-teim anu long-teim goals foi iesolving this issue.

VI. kesources

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Black, Ian. "Russia anu China veto 0N Nove to Refei Syiia to Inteinational Ciiminal Couit."
89(=/>763>4?.-<. uuaiuian News anu Neuia, 2S Nay 2u14. Web.
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"Syiia: Emeigency Response Funu." $D73>K F<(7=(4.D +(*G-4*( ,/46 Y>* -0 (2u14). E'Z&C%. 8 Nay
2u14. Web.
"Syiia: uoveinment Ciackuown Leaus to Piotestei Beaths." C/<>4 +3=92* A>2.9. 21 Nai. 2u11.

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"Syiia: Bistoiy." P1-J>1FLPFK :-/7 $-/7.( 0-7 P1-J>1 #/*34(** X4-)1(6=(. N.p., n.u. Web
"Syiia Piofile." ##& '()*. 19 Nai. 2u14. Web.
"Syiian Aiab Republic." 89( E' +(0/=(( %=(4.D. 0NBCR News. Web. uS }une 2u14.
"Syiian Capital's Clashes Continue in Southein Pait - ulobal Times." P1-J>1 83<(*. Xinhua, 17 }uly
2u12. Web.
"Syiian Rebels Seize Contiol of Boiuei Ciossing on Fiontiei with Tuikey." &#$ '()*. Associateu
Piess, 19 Sept. 2u12. Web.
"Syiian Tioops Retake 0pposition Stiongholu." %1 N>O((7>. Al }azeeia, 14 Nai. 2u12. Web.
"The Rise anu Becline of the 0ttoman Empiie." 89( +3*( >46 L(.134( -0 29( Z22-<>4 F<G37(. N.p., n.u.
"The Syiian Ciisis: 0.S. Assistance anu Suppoit foi the Tiansition." E?$? L(G>72<(42 -0 $2>2(. 0.S.
Bepaitment of State, 17 Nai. 2u14. Web.
"0N Secuiity Council Conuemns Syiia Nassacie That Left Noie than 1uu Beau." '#& '()*. 27 Nay
2u12. Web.
Walkei, }aue, Albeit Aji, anu Ryan Lucas. "Wael Al-Balqi, Syiian Piime Ninistei, Repoiteuly Escapes
Assassination Attempt In Bamascus." 89( C/0034=2-4 "-*2., 29
Api. 2u1S. Web.
Weavei, Natthew. "Syiia Conflict: What Next Aftei Faileu Ceasefiie." 89( P/>763>4. Su 0ct. 2u12.
"What Is the ueneva II Confeience on Syiia." ##& '()*. 22 }an. 2u14. Web.
"With Syiia Buining, Bow Stiong Is the Regime." Afio-Niuule East Centie. N.p., 22 Feb. 2u14.
Web. uS Nay 2u14.
White, }effiey. "The Assau Regime Winning by Inches." The Washington Institute. N.p., 11
Nai. 2u14. Web. uS Nay 2u14.
Wilkinson, Petei, anu Lauia Smith-Spaik. "Bashai Al-Assau: A Rulei Shapeu by violence,

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Inuecision, Say Foimei Insiueis." CNN. Cable News Netwoik, S1 Aug. 2u1S. Web. uS
Nay 2u14.
Woouwaiu, Baviu R. "The Niuule East uuiing Woilu Wai 0ne." ##& '()*. BBC, S 0ct. 2u11. Web.

BruinMUN 2014 Arab League
1op|c 8: Arab-Israe|| Conf||ct

I. 8ackground

a. ke||g|on & Nat|ona||sm

Religion has been a majoi contiibutoi to the giowing tension amongst Aiab anu Isiaeli gioups. The
conflict mainly aiises fiom the belief of each siue that they aie the chosen people in iegaius to the
Piomiseu Lanu. In both the Bebiew Bible anu the Qui'an it is mentioneu that the Isiaelis anu
Nuslims, iespectively, aie the chosen people.

The Isiaeli siue is geneially suppoiteu by the Chiistian Zionists. They believe Isiaelis have the iight
to the Piomiseu Lanu uue to the Bible anu theii ancestial histoiy.

Nationalism also playeu a majoi iole in the iise of this conflict. Bue to Zionism, Aiabic nationalism
began to iise. Palestine was unuei 0ttoman contiol piioi to Woilu Wai I. Buiing this time, the
0ttoman Tuiks imposeu theii supiemacy onto the lanus that belongeu to them, which leu to Aiab
uisciimination. The 0ttoman piomise to libeiate the Aiabs anu the }ews causeu the Aiabs anu }ews
to suppoit the allieu poweis uuiing WWI. This causeu a giowing sense of Aiabic nationalism.
Zionism giew, the }ews fleu to Palestine anu establisheu themselves on the lanu.

b. n|stor|ca|

Buiing the Fiist Woilu Wai, the Biitish Bigh Commissionei in Egypt, anu the Bashemite family
patiiaich hau secietly planneu to leau a ievolt against the 0ttomans. The Biitish Bigh
Commissionei hau piomiseu if the Aiabs weie in suppoit of Biitain, then the Biitish will suppoit
the Aiabs in establishing theii own inuepenuent state in the Aiabic piovinces (incluuing
As WWI was coming to a close, the Biitish hau conqueieu Palestine. The Biitish
goveinment passeu the Balfoui Beclaiation. This claimeu the goveinment woulu positively view
the Palestinian lanu as a lanu foi the }ewish people anu that theie won't be any uisciimination
against the }ewish people in Palestine. The intention behinu this ueclaiation was to maintain
}ewish suppoit in the wai; howevei, this causeu much uniest within the Aiabic woilu.

As Aiabic nationalism giew, theie was an attempt to establish the Aiab Kinguom of Syiia. This
attempt faileu, howevei, which auueu to the giowing Aiabic uiscontent. The Battle of Tel Bai was
the fiist actual confiontation of the Aiabic anu }ewish foices.

As time piogiesseu, }ewish immigiation to Palestine continueu to giow, which was seen as a thieat
to the Aiabic iesiuents in Palestinian bounuaiies. In 192u, piotests began against the high influx of
}ewish immigiants. As the yeai neaieu its enu, violence began amongst the two gioups.

Avi Bekei, The Chosen: The Bistoiy of an Iuea anu the Anatomy of an 0bsession, New Yoik: Palgiave
Ncmillan, 2uu8
Fiasei, T.u. The Niuule East: 1914-1979. St. Naitin's Piess, New Yoik. (198u) Pg. 2
Segev, Tom (2uuu): 0ne Palestine, Complete, pp. 48-49, Abacus, ISBN u-S49-11286-X.

BruinMUN 2014 Arab League
Buiing the Bolocaust anu the Seconu Woilu Wai, }ewish immigiation to Palestine ieacheu high
levels as }ews fleu fiom ueimany.
Buiing the 19Sus, the Black Banu, an anti-Zionist anu anti-
Biitish militaiy gioup, was establisheu. This gioup taigeteu the }ews in Palestine using fiieaims
anu bombs.
Bue to the iising levels of }ewish immigiants to Palestine, the Biitish, who still hau
contiol ovei the iegion, establisheu a manuate to ieuuce the numbei of }ewish immigiants. This
manuate wasn't effective, howevei, because }ewish immigiants illegally enteieu Palestine, thus
incieasing tensions amongst the Aiab anu Isiaeli population.

In 1948, the Biitish manuate ovei Palestine expiieu. At this point, the }ewish People's Council
ueclaieu to establish the State of Isiael, which woulu be in Eietz Isiael. Because of this
pioclamation, the Aiab states suiiounuing the iegion felt compelleu to inteivene in oiuei to piotect
the Palestinian Aiabs. This inteivention began the Aiab-Isiaeli Wai in 1948. Within a yeai, the wai
was ovei.

Buiing the Suez Ciisis in Egypt, Isiael gaineu contiol ovei the uaza Stiip anu Sinai Peninsula, but
the 0niteu States anu 0niteu Nations foiceu a ceasefiie. Isiael then withuiew fiom the iegion anu
Egypt agieeu to uemilitaiize the zone.

In 1964, the Palestinian Libeiation 0iganization (PL0) was establisheu.

}oiuan anu Egypt signeu a pact, which causeu Egypt to mobilize its units on Isiael's southein
boiuei. This piovokeu Isiael to launch an attack against Egypt. This was ciucial to Isiael's victoiy
in the Six-Bay Wai. It causeu Isiael to gain contiol ovei the Sinai Peninsula, uaza Stiip, anu the
West Bank. 0ntil touay, the effects of this coulu be seen.

c. Soc|a|

Bisciimination against the }ews within Palestinian bounuaiies was a majoi issue uuiing the conflict.
Aiabic countiies woulu uisciiminate against the }ews that iesiueu in theii countiies. The }ewish
status hau suffeieu attacks on theii status within society. Nany }ews became hostages uue to the
conflict. Bue to the haish conuitions that the }ews weie foiceu to live unuei in these Aiabic
countiies, many }ews emigiateu. }ews in many Aiabic countiies weie uenieu citizenship, which
also causeu them to flee to othei countiies.

The }ews weien't the only gioup that was affecteu by the conflict. Buiing the Aiab-Isiaeli Wai,
many Palestinian Aiabs fleu the iegion anu became iefugees in neighboiing countiies.

The Isiaeli victoiy in the Aiab-Isiaeli wai leu to the exouus of Aiabs fiom the Isiaeli teiiitoiy. vice
veisa, this also leu to the }ews that weie in uaza oi on the West Bank to be exileu to Isiael.
Aiab-Isiaeli wai leu the Aiabs to come to a conclusion about the Isiaelis: theie will be no peace,

Smith, Chailes B. Palestine anu the Aiab Isiaeli Conflict: A Bistoiy With Bocuments. BeufoiuSt. Naitin's:
Boston. (2uu4). Pg. 129
Segev, Tom (1999). 0ne Palestine, Complete. Netiopolitan Books. pp. S6u-S62. ISBN u-8uSu-4848-u.
"The Stiuggle against }ewish Immigiation to Palestine". Niuule Eastein Stuuies. }uly 1, 1998.
"The Palestinian Biaspoia". ulobal Exchange.
"19S6: Egypt Seizes Suez Canal". Biitish Bioaucasting Seivice. }uly 26, 19S6.
Loich, Netanel (Septembei 2, 2uuS). "The Aiab-Isiaeli Wais". Isiaeli Ninistiy of Foieign Affaiis.
Eiskine Chilueis, "The 0thei Exouus", The Spectatoi, Nay 12, 1961, iepiinteu in Waltei Laqueui (eu.) The
Isiael-Aiab Reauei: A Bocumentaiy Bistoiy of the Niuule East Conflict,(1969) Pelican, 197u pp. 179-
188 p.18S.

BruinMUN 2014 Arab League
iecognition, noi negotiations. Egypt anu Syiia, latei joineu by othei Aiabic states, attackeu

d. Lconom|c

Tiaue was gieatly affecteu uue to this conflict. Egypt iestiicteu Isiaeli shipping in the Stiaits of
Tiian, blockaueu the uulf of Aqaba, nationalizeu the Suez Canal Company, anu closeu it to Isiaeli

The 0PEC, which is composeu mostly of Aiabic countiies, establisheu an oil embaigo uue to the
Aiab-Isiaeli conflict. They then incieaseu oil piices by at least foui times theii initial piice in oiuei
to gain inteinational suppoit of theii actions against Isiael.

II. kecent Deve|opments

The stait of the seconu millennium maikeu the beginning of the Seconu Intifaua as well. This
inciuent causeu Isiaelis to ieconsiuei theii cuiient ielationship with the Palestinians. This intifaua
cause an eiuption of violence amongst the two gioups. As violence continueu to giow, in 2uu6,
Bamas abuucteu an Isiaeli soluiei fiom an aimy post. This attack leu to the ueath of two Isiaeli
Latei, Bezbollah enteieu Isiael anu attackeu Isiaeli soluieis as well. This leu to the
Lebanon Wai, which iesulteu in the loss of many lives.

The Battle of uaza also intensifieu ielations amongst the Aiabs anu Isiaelis. Bamas gaineu contiol
ovei the uaza Stiip, which causeu Isiael to enfoice iestiictions along its boiuei. This enueu all
economic coopeiation that Isiaelis hau with the Palestinians in the iegion. Isiael anu Egypt
blockaueu the uaza Stiip in 2uu7 in oiuei to limit the attacks that Palestinians can conuuct fiom
uaza, anu to make suie Bamas uoesn't smuggle iockets anu weapons that coulu be thieatening to
entiie cities.

In 2uu7, Isiael bombeu a Syiian nucleai ieactoi. 0nfoitunately, this wasn't the fiist inciuent of an
Isiaeli bombing on Syiian soil.
Theie have been attempts foi peace amongst the two nations, but
no action has been taken by eithei siue to appioach peaceful ielations.

Aftei a six-month long ceasefiie amongst Bamas anu Isiael, theie was an attempt to extenu this
tiuce, but this effoit faileu uue to constant accusations by both siues. With the enu of the tiuce,
Isiael anu Bamas continueu theii violent attacks on one anothei.

In 2u1u, Isiael was conuemneu foi its actions. It hau killeu activists uue to a naval iaiu it was
conuucting. The inteinational community conuemneu these actions by Isiael. Tuikey especially
conuemneu the actions that Isiael was taking against uaza.

"Isiael: The Wai of Attiition". Encyclopuia Biitannica. Aichiveu fiom the oiiginal on Febiuaiy 22, 2uu7.
Smith, Chailes B. (2uu6) Palestine anu the Aiab-Isiaeli Conflict, New Yoik: Beufoiu, p. S29.
Raviu, Baiak (2uu9-uS-18). "Isiael to publish Bamas piisonei list". Baaietz..
Isiael (countiy), Niciosoft Encaita Encyclopeuia., 2uu7, p. 12. Aichiveu 2uu9-1u-S1.
"Piofile: Rachel; Coiiie:". BBC News. August 28, 2u12.
"Statement by the Piess Secietaiy". The White Bouse. Apiil 24, 2uu8,
Eumunu Sanueis (}une 1, 2u1u). "Isiael ciiticizeu ovei iaiu on uaza flotilla". Los Angeles Times. Aichiveu
fiom the oiiginal on }une 2, 2u1u.

BruinMUN 2014 Arab League

Noie iecently, theie have been moie attempts foi peace talks amongst Isiaelis anu Palestinians.
Bowevei, militant movements heaueu by Bamas have uisiupteu this piocess. This has leu to a
highei numbei of iocket attacks on the Isiaelis by Bamas.

With the iecent opeiation by Isiael, 0peiation Piotective Euge, also began the Isiael-uaza conflict.
This opeiation began with Isiael's uiopping of explosives onto uaza, which causeu Palestinians to
launch iockets into Isiael.
This iecent conflict has been the ueauliest in the iegion since the
Seconu Intifaua. Bunuieus of thousanus of civilians have been uisplaceu uue to this ongoing

III. ast Internat|ona| Invo|vement

a. Un|ted Nat|ons Spec|a| Comm|ttee on a|est|ne (UNSCC)

0NSC0P was establisheu in 1947 by the ueneial Assembly in oiuei to investigate the ioots of the
Palestinian conflict anu to come up with a solution to the violent conflict. The bouy was compiiseu
of iepiesentatives fiom eleven nations. The bouy gatheieu infoimation fiom Zionist oiganizations
within Palestine anu in the 0niteu States. The Aiab Bighei Committee believeu the natuial iights of
Aiabs weie appaient anu shoulun't have to be investigateu. The Committee iepoiteu in 1947 in
suppoit of teiminating the Biitish manuate in Palestine. Theie was a Plan of Paitition with
Economic 0nion anu The Inuepenuent State of Palestine. This fiist plan aimeu to paitition Palestine
into two inuepenuent states. The Plan of Paitition with Economic 0nion was incluueu in iesolution
181, which passeu the Assembly flooi.
Though the plan passeu, fighting continueu, anu the plan
coulun't be implementeu.

b. Un|ted Nat|ons Lmergency Iorce (UNLI)

The 0NEF was cieateu aftei the Suez Ciisis to ensuie the enu of the ciisis. The main intention was
to oveisee the uemilitaiization of the iegion. Bowevei, 0NEF foices weie only ueployeu on the
Egyptian siue of the boiuei because Isiael uiun't allow them on its teiiitoiy.
0nfoitunately, in
1967, Egypt iiu the iegion of 0NEF obseiveis anu militaiizeu the Sinai Peninsula once again,
blocking Isiaeli tiaue as it hau in 19S6.

c. Arab|c Invo|vement

Aftei the Camp Baviu Accoius, Isiael anu Egypt signeu a peace tieaty, unuei which the Sinai
Peninsula, then unuei Isiaeli contiol, ietuineu to the Egyptians. Bowevei, the uaza Stiip was still
unuei Isiaeli contiol.

Blomfielu, Auiian (August 2, 2u1u). "}oiuanian national killeu in multiple militant iocket stiike". The Baily
Telegiaph (Lonuon).
Egypt says uaza tiuce to begin at 7; Isiaeli killeu in moitai stiikeBy Ricky Ben-Baviu, Baviv Rettig uui anu
Yifa Yaakov August 26, 2u14, Times of Isiael
Steven Stotsky (29 }uly 2u14). "Bow Bamas Wielus uaza's Casualties as Piopaganua". Time Nagazine.
0niteu Nations: ueneial Assembly: AS64: S Septembei 1947: 0fficial Recoius 0f The Seconu Session 0f
The ueneial Assembly: Supplement No. 11: 0niteu Nations Special Committee 0n Palestine: Repoit To The
ueneial Assemblyl volume 1: Lake Success, New Yoik 1947.
The Withuiawal of 0NEF anu a New Notion of Consent, page S
Keishnei, Isabel (27 }anuaiy 2u11). "Isiaeli concein foi peace paitnei". Syuney Noining Beialu.

BruinMUN 2014 Arab League

Isiael anu }oiuan have a peace agieement which enfoices coopeiation amongst the two countiies.
This aimeu to cieate peace amongst the Palestine Libeiation 0iganization anu the Isiaelis.

Iiaq anu Isiael iemaineu enemies thioughout the conflict. Theie have been offensives against one

Lebanon has playeu a ciucial iole in the conflict itself. The PL0 useu Lebanon as a means to launch
attacks onto Isiael. In 198S, Isiael anu Lebanon agieeu to a ceasefiie, but this peace uiun't last long
uue to the nullification of the agieement. Isiael has also launcheu iaius onto Bezbollah in
Lebanon's southein boiuei.

Palestinians have playeu a majoi iole in this conflict. 1987 maikeu the beginning of the Fiist
Intifaua, an upiising of the Palestinians that was against the Isiaeli iule on theii lanu. By the 199us,
the two countiies attempteu peace talks. The fiist set of talks, 0slo I, enueu in Isiael iecognizing
the PL0. The seconu set, 0slo II, enueu in the uivision of the West Bank into thiee sections.

IV. 8|oc os|t|ons

a. A(*2(74 #1-.K The Westein Bloc conuemns the iocket attacks by Bamas onto Isiael
anu suppoits Isiael in its attempt to uefenu itself.

b. %*3>4 #1-.K The Asian bloc is mostly in suppoit of the Aiabs. Bowevei, theie is
potential to neutialize Asia in iegaius to this conflict. If Isiael can establish a stable economic
ielationship with Asia, it can iesult in neutial ties with Asia.

c. %073.>4 #1-.K The Afiican bloc suppoits Isiael, though the ielationship amongst the
two iegions has been a iocky one in the past.

"#$ Conc|ud|ng kemarks

a. uest|ons to Cons|der

i. What is the iole of the inteinational community in inteifeiing in this
ii. When will inteivention be a means to iesolve this conflict.
iii. What aie some actions that the inteinational community can take in oiuei to
iesolve this conflict.
iv. What aie some shoit teim anu long teim goals on the ioau to iesolving this

"Centie Leaueiship Neets With King Abuullah". The Centie foi Isiael & }ewish Affaiis. Septembei 4, 2u12.
"Iiaq not to establish uiplomatic ties with Isiael: Allawi". People's Baily. }uly 27, 2uu4.
Westcott, Kathiyn (2uu2-u4-u4). "Who aie Bezbollah.". BBC News.
Isiaeli-Palestinian Inteiim Agieement on the West Bank anu the uaza Stiip, 28 Septembei 199S.
Nassei, Nicola. "Niuule East News, Iiaq, Iian Cuiient Affaiis." Asia Times 0nline :: Niuule East News, Iiaq,
Iian Cuiient Affaiis. N.p., 12 Nay 2u14. Web.

BruinMUN 2014 Arab League
"##$ kesources

"19S6: Egypt Seizes Suez Canal". Biitish Bioaucasting Seivice. }uly 26, 19S6.

Avi Bekei, The Chosen: The Bistoiy of an Iuea anu the Anatomy of an 0bsession, New Yoik:

Palgiave Ncmillan, 2uu8.

Blomfielu, Auiian. "}oiuanian national killeu in multiple militant iocket stiike". The Baily

Telegiaph (Lonuon). August 2, 2u1u.

"Centie Leaueiship Neets With King Abuullah". The Centie foi Isiael & }ewish Affaiis.

Septembei 4, 2u12.

Eumunu Sanueis. "Isiael ciiticizeu ovei iaiu on uaza flotilla". Los Angeles Times. }une 2, 2u1u.

Eiskine Chilueis, "The 0thei Exouus", The Spectatoi, Nay 12, 1961, iepiinteu in Waltei

Laqueui (eu.) The Isiael-Aiab Reauei: A Bocumentaiy Bistoiy of the Niuule East

Conflict,(1969) Pelican, 197u pp. 179-188 p.18S.

Fiasei, T.u. The Niuule East: 1914-1979. St. Naitin's Piess, New Yoik. (198u) Pg. 2

"Iiaq not to establish uiplomatic ties with Isiael: Allawi". People's Baily. }uly 27, 2uu4.

"Isiael: The Wai of Attiition". Encyclopuia Biitannica. Aichiveu fiom the oiiginal on

Febiuaiy 22, 2uu7.

Keishnei, Isabel (27 }anuaiy 2u11). "Isiaeli concein foi peace paitnei". Syuney Noining Beialu.

Loich, Netanel. "The Aiab-Isiaeli Wais". Isiaeli Ninistiy of Foieign

Affaiis. Septembei 2, 2uuS.

Nassei, Nicola. "Niuule East News, Iiaq, Iian Cuiient Affaiis." Asia Times 0nline: Niuule East

BruinMUN 2014 Arab League

News, Iiaq, Iian Cuiient Affaiis., 12 Nay 2u14. Web.

Segev, Tom (1999). 0ne Palestine, Complete. Netiopolitan Books.

Smith, Chailes B. Palestine anu the Aiab Isiaeli Conflict: A Bistoiy With Bocuments.

BeufoiuSt. Naitin's: Boston. (2uu4). Pg. 129

"Statement by the Piess Secietaiy". The White Bouse. Apiil 24, 2uu8.

Steven Stotsky. "Bow Bamas Wielus uaza's Casualties as Piopaganua". Time Nagazine. }uly

29, 2u14

"The Stiuggle against }ewish Immigiation to Palestine". Niuule Eastein Stuuies. }uly 1, 1998.

Westcott, Kathiyn. "Who aie Bezbollah.". BBC News. Apiil 4, 2uu2.

0niteu Nations: ueneial Assembly: AS64: S Septembei 1947: 0fficial Recoius 0f The Seconu

Session 0f The ueneial Assembly: Supplement No. 11: 0niteu Nations Special

Committee 0n Palestine: Repoit To The ueneial Assembly volume 1: Lake Success,

New Yoik 1947.

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