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Background Guide


BruinMUN 2014 6
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Bello uelegates,
Ny name is }ason Bong Yue Woo anu I am cuiiently a Thiiu Yeai unueigiauuate stuuent at 0CLA
stuuying Political Science - Inteinational Relations as a majoi anu puisuing a uouble minoi in
ueogiaphy anu ulobal Stuuies. Nouel 0niteu Nations has been an inteiesting pastime foi me since
giaue of Niuule School. I woulu say N0N has a piofounu impact on me because it helpeu me
shape what I wanteu to stuuy in univeisity anu helpeu me tiain piofessional skills neeueu in life
aftei highei euucation. Thioughout my N0N yeais, I have been a pait of 1 miuule school confeience,
6 high school confeiences, anu S college level confeiences. BiuinN0N 2u14 will be my sixth college
level confeience anu 1S
oveiall confeience. BiuinN0N 2u14 will also have a small significance to
me peisonally because it will be my fiist time chaiiing anu be in chaige of an entiie committee.
Pieviously, I have staffeu S confeiences, taking vaiious ioles fiom iappoteui to moueiatoi to
confeiences seivices. Befoie taking pait in the college ciicuit, I specializeu in Auvisoiy Panel. This is
a type of committee in which a specific iegion of the woilu is focuseu on thioughout the uuiation of
the confeience. Typically foui uigent issues the iegion faces aie uebateu in a committee of
Inteinational 0iganizations anu membei states. In the college ciicuit, I specialize in uA type
committees, wheie uelegates get to lobby anu foim coalitions anu iesolution blocs foi uebate. I
have yet to tiy ciisis committees on a competitive level, anu this is going to be a small goal of mine
peihaps in my final yeai of univeisity!
So that's enough of talking about my involvement in Nouel 0N! I want to shaie a little bit about my
own peisonal backgiounu anu upbiinging. I am cuiiently 2u yeais olu anu an inteinational stuuent
fiom Bong Kong. Bowevei, I spent 12 full yeais of my chiluhoou in Beijing, wheie I attenueu an
inteinational school. Chiluhoou expeiiences away fiom home piompteu me to look anu uieam big,
anu in teims of futuie plans I am piepaieu to live anu woik anywheie in the woilu. Some of my
hobbies aie watching football (a.k.a. soccei) anu tennis, populai music, anu aviation. Ny Facebook
anu inteinet activity basically ievolves aiounu these thiee things, fiom ciitiquing to leaining moie
to casually biowsing inteinet foiums anu gioups. Anothei fact about me is that I am a Chiistian,
biought up in a Chiistian householu. Attenuing chuich seivices with my family is basically my
activity on typical Sunuay moinings.
I hope eveiybouy enjoys BiuinN0N as a whole this yeai! Foi those of you who aie unfoitunate
enough to be stuck in my committee this yeai, I will tiy my best to make this a memoiable
confeience. Foi now, that's a wiap anu get that ieseaich going!
}ason B Y Woo
Chaii, 6

BruinMUN 2014 6
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The ueneial Assembly was establisheu in 194S by the 0niteu Nations Chaitei, aftei Woilu Wai II,
as a global platfoim foi nations to uiscuss anu negotiate inteinational affaiis in the 0niteu Nations
Chaitei. 0ne of these topics often uiscusseu is inteinational law. The 0niteu Nations, unuei its
Rules of Pioceuuie, has set up its 6
committee within the ueneial Assembly as the foium foi such
legal matteis. ueneial Assembly 6
committee is an impoitant bianch of the 0niteu Nations
because laws of uiffeient nations aie compiomiseu anu negotiateu by each uelegation with the goal
of coming to a global consensus on what the inteinational stanuaiu shoulu be. When these
stanuaius aie agieeu upon in the committee, often they become foimalizeu into inteinational laws
thiough subsequent tieaties oi accepteu as a noim to follow. 0nuei the 0niteu Nations Chaitei anu
the ueneial Assembly Rules of Pioceuuie, all membei states aie alloweu paiticipation in all six
ueneial Assembly committees, incluuing the Legal Committee. This ensuies all membei states have
equal say anu paiticipation in foimulating inteinational legal affaiis anu signing of legally-binuing
This committee, on viitue as a ueneial Assembly committee, iuns paiallel to the othei ueneial
Assembly committees fiom Septembei to Becembei. 0n the agenua of each session, usually topics
incluue annual iepoits of inteinational law in many sectois (i.e. tiaue). Au hoc committees may also
be establisheu accoiuing to neeu. Recent sessions of the ueneial Assembly 6
committee has been
heavily focuseu on using law to combat inteinational teiioiism. Au hoc committees aie foimeu to
pioviue a moie uiiect ioute foi countiies to negotiate on finuing a global consensus on specific
issues like teiioiism so inteinational coues can be foimeu anu followeu, eliminating
miscommunication anu enhancing anti-teiioiist coopeiation anu effoits. When policy is agieeu
upon within the committee, usually it is ielayeu to the ueneial Assembly Plenaiy foi it to be
finalizeu. Bowevei, moie technical iecommenuations aie passeu onto the Inteinational Law
Commission oi othei subsiuiaiy bouies if the legal matteis involveu aie veiy complex anu iequiie
expeit opinion befoie implementation.
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a. 0niteu Nations Peacekeeping: A means useu by the Secuiity Council to maintain inteinational
secuiity anu peace when neeueu (i.e. membei states cannot guaiantee peace anu secuiity to its
peoples) in oiuei to ieflect the 0N Chaitei. Peacekeepeis aie often calleu Blue Beiets because of
theii 0N appaiel (i.e. blue helmets). All nations aie iesponsible of supplying peacekeepeis foi the
0N, with these peacekeepeis militaiy peisonnel themselves. As a iule of thumb, 0niteu Nations
ueploy peacekeepeis fiom a state which is ueemeu to be neutial oi without an inteiest in the
conflict in oiuei to avoiu escalation of conflict.
b. Sexual exploitation: As uefineu by the 0niteu Nations, it is "any actual oi attempteu abuse of a
position of vulneiability, uiffeiential powei, oi tiust, foi sexual puiposes, incluuing, but not limiteu
to, piofiting monetaiily, socially oi politically fiom the sexual exploitation of anothei"
c. Sexual abuse: Again, uefineu by the 0niteu Nations as "actual oi thieateneu physical intiusion of a
sexual natuie, whethei by foice oi unuei unequal oi coeicive conuitions"
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BruinMUN 2014 6
Buiing the S9
session of the ueneial Assembly, the impoitant issue of sexual exploitation by
0niteu Nations peisonnel was biought up as an impenuing pioblem that neeus to be auuiesseu in
oiuei to pieseive the 0N's ieputation in its woiluwiue missions. As auuiesseu in the Zeiu Repoit of
2uuS, the issues of peacekeepeis anu sexual ciimes have existeu since the initiation of the 0niteu
Nations Peacekeeping Nissions back in 196u. Sexual ciimes in question incluue the hiiing of auult
piostitutes to moie extieme ciimes involving peuophilia anu iape. These ciimes might seem
minute when conceptualizeu within the context of political anu violent tuimoil taking place at the
locations of peacekeeping, but they nonetheless unueimine the legitimacy of the 0N's peaceful
inteivention in the peispectives of the local populations. Some peacekeeping missions that weie
founu to be iife of these ciimes weie Bosnia anu Kosovo in eaily 199us, Cambouia anu Timoi-Leste
thioughout the 199us, anu Afiica (West Afiica anu Congo) in the eaily 2uuus. Faceu with iepoits
fiom these missions, the ueneial Assembly passeu iesolution S7Su6 on Apiil 1S, 2uuS, which
iequesteu the countiies iesponsible of senuing peacekeeping tioops to be accountable foi the
ciiminal actions accumulateu by its tioops. Following up on this, on 0ctobei 1S, 2uuS the Secietaiy
ueneial explicitly publicizeu manuatoiy iules against sexual exploitation anu abuse that apply foi
all 0N peisonnel.
The 0N aigues that all membei states must iemembei why they agiee to paiticipate in
peacekeeping missions anu the spiiit of the 0N Chaitei: to help a bioken society anu iestoie peace.
In ieality, peacekeepeis who weie involveu with sexual ciimes often exchange small sums of money
oi foou foi sex. In BR Congo, teenage giils weie iapeu anu then given foou oi money as
compensation (often without mutual consensus befoiehanu). This cieates an ominous cycle, in
which young giils uepenu on piostitution anu being iapeu in oiuei to gain a mateiial impiovement
in stanuaiu of living. Fuithei consequences fiagment the society even moie: babies aie boin
fatheiless anu local populations succumb to an unhealthy lifestyle of sexual feivoi, incieasing the
spieau of Sexually Tiansmitteu Biseases (STBs). Nany of these nations in Afiica alieauy suffei oi
aie iecoveiing fiom the AIBS epiuemic fiom the 199us. The sexual ciimes committeu by
peacekeeping tioops not only ieignites such feais anu iealities, but also cieates futuie iifts in
societies fiom the biith of fatheiless babies. Also, many of such ciimes committeu by 0N
peacekeepeis violate inteinational humanitaiian anu human iights laws. As a bouy, if the 0N is to
pieach anu intiouuce such laws so peace is cieateu in peacekeeping iegions, then 0N peacekeepeis
must themselves embouy anu stiictly follow these laws. Ill goveinments of these iegions will be
skeptical of 0N effoits anu lean towaius iefusing to coopeiate foi humanitaiian iefoims in theii
tuibulent societies.
In oiuei to pievent futuie ciises iegaiuing the sexual ciimes committeu by 0N peacekeepeis, legal
fiamewoiks must be establisheu to covei the juiisuiction of these peacekeepeis uuiing mission.
The lack of an effective legal system allows these peacekeepeis to go unpunisheu foi theii ciimes. A
follow-up mechanism facilitateu by the 0N foi ciiminal peacekeepeis became one of the agenuas
uuiing the Au Boc committees uuiing the 2uu7 anu 2uu8 ueneial Assembly sessions. Befoie 0N
effoits, within Nay anu Septembei of 2uu4 0N Peacekeepeis weie iesponsible foi 72 cases of
sexual exploitation anu abuse in the BR Congo alone. The total numbei of such ciimes in 2uu4 foi
0N Peacekeeping Nissions as a whole was 1uS.
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Aftei the publication of the Zeiu Repoit, in which a panel of legal expeits was assembleu to pievent
fuithei ciimes committeu by 0N peacekeepeis. A iepoit issueu by this panel in 2uu6 outlineu steps
foi the 0N to take in oiuei to tackle this pioblem. Fiistly, theie must be an assessment mechanism
in which the ability of a state to implement laws is ueteimineu. It is impoitant to iuentify in which

BruinMUN 2014 6
countiies these ciimes go unnoticeu because of a lack of ability of the goveinment to punish
ciiminals. If the goveinment has the ability to punish those who bieak the law, then the 0N
suppoits the piosecution of 0N peacekeepeis who aie guilty of lawbieaking by the state. With this
point in minu, 0N peacekeepeis must be awaie of uiffeiences in legal systems between those at
home anu those abioau. Even though peacekeepeis enjoy immunity of law foi tasks in theii
peacekeeping agenua, othei actions which constitute sexual abuse anu exploitation aie to be
uiffeientiateu fiom such tasks. When peacekeepeis aie piosecuteu, the 0N encouiages tiials to be
helu at the host nation simply because that is wheie the ciimes took place. Witnesses anu eviuence
uo not neeu to be sent abioau back to the home state of the peacekeepei anu local populations will
be convinceu that the 0N iespects the laws of theii nation. With this in minu, howevei foi states
who aie unable to caiiy out ciiminal piosecution anuoi investigation, the home state of the
peacekeepei is to assist the host state. The host state is to uo whatevei it can to piosecute the
peacekeepei in question, leaving othei paits of the piosecution piocess that it is unable to uo foi
the home state. Because the 0N iecognizes that many of the host states aie in heavy tuimoil anu uo
not have a functioning goveinment anu legal system, it incluues in peacekeeping piogiams an
agenua to establish a functioning system in which ciiminals can be piosecuteu anu ciimes
investigateu. Keep in minu that this agenua iequiies a long teim effoit anu commitment on the 0N's
pait. 0N mission in these states often last foi peiious longei than a few yeais to uecaues.
Fiom these finuings, the gioup of legal expeits iecommenus the 0niteu Nations to facilitate the
legal systems of the states in question. It is a goal foi the 0N to spieau piinciples baseu on the
inteinational humanitaiian law into the legal systems of these states. Au hoc aiiangements can be
maue foi specific instances of ciime. Noie impoitantly, uiffeient uepaitments of the 0N can woik
togethei in oiuei to uevelop the state's legal capacity thiough piogiams oi policies anu consiuei
the effect of peacekeepei immunities in iespect with the specific laws of the host state. But given
the vastly uiffeient laws of uiffeient host states, what is a stanuaiu that 0N peacekeepeis can
geneially follow when on mission. The gioup of legal expeits iecommenus an inteinational
convention which auuiesses the nationality of peacekeepeis anu victims, as well as the host state's
obligation to follow this inteinational convention. Nost impoitantly, this convention biings the
inteinational community to unueistanu the seiiousness of sexual ciimes committeu by 0N
peisonnel on mission anu that these ciimes aie not oiuinaiy ciimes. The 0N encouiages membei
states to establish juiisuiction of ciimes anu a piosecution fiamewoik between each othei to make
suie ciiminals uo not go unpunisheu abioau. Finally, in teims of investigation of ciimes, the 0N
iecommenus a thoiough anu piofessional appioach. This entails the use of inuepenuent anu
piofessional agencies to take chaige of investigating high iisk anu seiious ciiminal activity.
Eviuence is to be collecteu in a scientific mannei (i.e. viueotapeu inteiviews) so foiensic eviuence
can be collecteu. The Zeiu iepoit also encouiages militaiy lawyeis anu ielevant militaiy specialists
to aiu in ielevant investigations. Bost states shoulu also infoim the 0N about the piosecution anu
investigation piocesses of these ciimes.
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In iesponse to the iecommenuations maue by the panel of legal expeits as stateu in the pievious
section, an au hoc committee was establisheu in the 2uu7 session of the ueneial Assembly on the
issue of ciiminal accountability of 0N peisonnel on mission, with emphasis on peacekeeping
opeiations. A woiking gioup inviteu one of the legal expeits, Lionel Yee, to paiticipate in the Au Boc
Committee meetings. Five sepaiate meetings weie helu in this Au Boc Committee, incluuing scope,
ciimes, bases of juiisuiction, investigations, anu coopeiation between states anu with the 0N.

BruinMUN 2014 6
The consensus of this Committee is the iole of peacekeepeis to auheie to Chaitei of 0niteu Nations
at all times in oiuei to not tainish the ieputation anu cieuibility of the oiganization. Because ciimes
have alieauy been uone, futuie peacekeeping opeiations must take into account the negative
opinions on the 0N victims have. Theie will be zeio toleiance on sexual exploitation foi
peacekeeping peisonnel anu the issue of punishment must be auuiesseu since theie is a vacuum in
ciiminal accountability. The 0N iecommenus the use of inteinational human iights laws anu the 0N
Chaitei as basis to convict ciiminal peacekeepeis. }uiisuiction is a ielevant issue because often the
host state lacks the legal anu auministiative capacity to captuie anu appiehenu ciiminal
peacekeepeis anu the state of nationality lacks juiisuiction because the ciime occuiieu abioau. To
auuiess this uetail, some legal expeits suggesteu a new tieaty can be uiafteu to covei piesent giey
aieas in inteinational juiisuiction. But such a tieaty will have enoimous complications beyonu
sexual abuse anu peacekeepeis anu a whole new seiies of negotiations will have to be ueuicateu
towaius it in the futuie if this suggestion is taken seiiously. Foi the time being, to uiiectly auuiess
the pioblem of sexual abuse anu exploitation of peacekeepeis moie piessing conceins such as
finuing methous to impiove the host state's legal capabilities will be moie appiopiiate.
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This euition consisteu of foui meetings which focuseu on the inteinational coopeiation aspect of
the iecommenuations maue by the panel of legal expeits. Specific topics uiscusseu weie facilitating
investigations by the host state, facilitating investigations by othei states, auministiative
investigations by the 0N, anu othei legislative changes. 0thei aieas that affect the piocess of
ciiminal conviction that weie uiscusseu weie how to efficiently anu appiopiiately iepoit ciimes,
the effective collection of eviuence, on-site investigations, inteinational legal assistance, iole of
states anu 0N, anu the tiansfei of ciiminal pioceeuings anu piisoneis.
The meetings ieiteiateu the impoitance of the zeio toleiance policy towaius ciiminal activity of
peacekeepeis in oiuei to maintain tiust anu keep the host society intact. ueneial Assembly
iesolution 626S hau alieauy uigeu states to expanu theii legal juiisuiction to nationals abioau.
Resolution 626S effectively coveieu some giey aieas as noteu in the pievious section about
juiisuiction of ciimes. }uuicial assistance mechanisms shoulu be exeiciseu in oiuei foi states to
moie effectively coopeiate in exchanging infoimation, tiansfeiiing, anu extiauiting piisoneis so
ciiminals aie helu iesponsible foi theii ciimes. The 0niteu Nations can also be useu as a platfoim
foi states to exchange info anu finu legal assistance. The 0N will have its own ciiteiia baseu on the
Chaitei anu pievious inteinational legal agieements. Auuitionally, even though investigations may
be helu by the host state, any finuings maue by the 0N (i.e. othei states with inteiest in
investigation piocess) shoulu be vieweu as equally significant uuiing conviction. Noie uiscussions
took place about a new convention which legally expanus inteinational juiisuiction to all nationals
abioau. In paiticulai, expeits suggesteu that futuie bilateial agieements between countiies shoulu
auuiess legal juiisuiction issues to impiove the status quo of inteinational law. Finally, minute
uetails such as the uefinition of ciimes anu peisonnel involveu (i.e. peacekeepeis vs. militaiy
obseiveis) aie also to be consiueieu.
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The establishment of the au hoc committee on this issue foi the yeai 2uu7 was agieeu upon in
ueneial Assembly iesolution 6129 on Becembei 4
, 2uu6. Following up on uiscussions uuiing the
session, the au hoc committee establisheu in this iesolution was to seive as a legal panel foi
expeits to focus on the legal aspects of the issue. The 0niteu Nations believes that staff on mission
woulu nevei be exempt fiom consequences of any ciiminal acts, anu that punishment against them

BruinMUN 2014 6
shoulu nevei be aibitiaiy. All piocesses of conviction anu punishment must be followeu by a legal
coue set by this au hoc committee.
Since the completion of the two au hoc committees, this topic has been uiscusseu yeaily in the
ueneial Assembly Sixth Committee. Aftei the conclusion of the two au hoc committees, a woiking
gioup has been establisheu by the ueneial Assembly on S 0ctobei, 2uu9 to continue the finuings of
the panel of legal expeits anu to extenu theii woik. This woiking gioup was openeu to all membei
states as well as to specializeu agencies such as the IAEA. At the enu of the 2uu9 woiking gioup
meetings, the following suggestions weie maue: Assistance between membei states shoulu be maue
when seiious ciimes aie committeu by 0N officials on mission, piotection to key witnesses anu
victims to the ciime shoulu be of key impoitance to ciiminal investigations, anu the host state
shoulu coopeiate with 0N investigations uuiing conviction piocess. The woiking gioup also
questions the effoits of the peacekeepei-senuing state towaius the entiie peacekeeping mission if it
fails to act accoiuingly when its' peacekeeping tioops bieak the law abioau. To follow up on
upuates of this issue, anothei similai woiking gioup was establisheu by the ueneial Assembly in
0ctobei 2u12.
The most iecent ueneial Assembly session to uiscuss this topic was the 68
session which took
place last Novembei. Recuiient themes fiom the 67
session incluue the elimination of
juiisuictional gaps in ciiminal conviction piocess, inciease coopeiation in ciiminal investigations
between states, anu iepoiting finuings to the Secietaiy ueneial since ciiminals in question aie 0N
affiliateu peacekeepeis. This meeting ieiteiateu on the impoitance of the zeio-toleiance policy anu
focuseu on the iepoiting mechanisms of ciimes.
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Buiing the 68
session of the ueneial Assembly in 2u1S, vaiious membei states maue statements
about this issue. Some ielevant comments about this issue aie as follows: The Cuban uelegation,
iepiesenting the Latin Ameiican anu Caiibbean States (CELAC), believes the 0niteu Nations has a
laigei iesponsibility to maintain human iights in conflict-pione peacekeeping aieas anu that the
0N must impiove on its peacekeepei tiaining schemes; The Ethiopian uelegation, iepiesenting a
nation with peacekeepeis in teiiitoiy, believes the small peicentage of ciiminal peacekeepeis
significantly tainisheu the integiity of 0N values anu unueimineu the effoits of the laige
peicentage of innocent peacekeepeis; The 0niteu States uelegation pointeu out at juiisuictional
gaps anu uigeu membei states to holu nationals iesponsible foi ciimes they committeu outsiue of
theii own state. Also the 0S believes moie analysis between gaps of juiisuiction anu legislation
must be completeu to stieamline the piocess of ciiminal conviction; The South Afiican uelegation
believes ielevant whistle-bloweis must be tiaineu moie effectively anu piotecteu when they
investigate cioss-boiuei ciimes; 0thei states such as Isiael believe a multilateial convention of
establishing an inteinational fiamewoik on ciiminal laws shoulu be left foi a latei uate because of
moie piessing matteis.
0thei statements maue by officials incluue - Iian: Nembei states shoulu iespect the zeio-toleiance
policy towaius sexual ciimes anu peacekeepeis must auheie to what the 0N iepiesents. ueneial
Assembly iesolution 61291 which stiengthens on accountability mechanisms as well as othei
ielevant iesolutions shoulu be implementeu to biiuge juiisuictional gaps; Egypt (Speaking as a
iepiesent of the Afiican bloc): }uiisuictional gaps shoulu be eliminateu because those guilty of
ciimes shoulu nevei go unpunisheu. Effoits towaius this aie appieciateu anu membei states shoulu
also inciease infoimation shaiing anu othei coopeiative measuies in oiuei to impiove legal
capacities of weakei nations; Euiopean 0nion: Peacekeepeis shoulu iespect the laws of the host

BruinMUN 2014 6
nation anu be waiy of what iueals the 0N iepiesents. Peacekeepei tiaining is essential in this aiea
anu states shoulu coopeiate with each othei anu with the 0N to covei juiisuictional gaps; Canaua,
Austialia, anu New Zealanu: The 0N neeus highei stanuaius foi peisonnel towaius following local
laws. A convention which outlines juiisuiction foi 0N peisonnel on mission, which piotects the
integiity of the 0N, can be establisheu as a long teim goal; Thailanu (with the Non-Aligneu
Novement): Nutual coopeiation between host anu tioop-senuing nations is suppoiteu anu the
most efficient way to biing ciiminal peacekeepeis to justice. States shoulu focus on the ciiminal act
itself insteau of teiminology of laws uuiing piocess of ciiminal conviction; Republic of Koiea:
Ciiminal activity must be punisheu iegaiuless of peipetiatoi. The 0N's cieuibility is seveiely
uamageu by ciimes peifoimeu by peacekeepeis anu it is the 0N's iesponsibility to tiain well.
Koiea's S month peacekeepei tiaining couise emphasizes on ethics; Chile: As a nation which sent
out many tioops as pait of NIN0STAB to Baiti, theii peacekeepeis aie subjecteu to Chilean laws
abioau anu uiges othei nations to establish similai conventions; Inuia: States aie iesponsible to
pass legislatuie to fill in juiisuiction gaps iegaiuing ciiminal activity of nationals abioau. Inuian
officials abioau aie subjecteu to Inuian Penal Coue; Pakistan: Tiaining schemes foi peacekeepeis
have been uevelopeu anu aie willing to be shaieu with othei membei states anu such peacekeepei
tiaining is essential befoie any ueployment; Russian Feueiation: Impioveu channels of
communication aie neeueu. 0N staff shoulu be accountable to inteinational law anu hanuleu by
theii countiy of nationality, but a new legally binuing convention as a global stanuaiu on
inteinational ciiminal acts is not neeueu piesently.
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i. Consiuei the inteinational legal agieements youi countiy might have maue with
othei states in the past iegaiuing the tiansfei of ciiminals aftei aiiest anuoi the
uivision of legal juiisuiction. What uo these agieements (oi lack theieof) anu theii
uetails tell you about how youi countiy views this issue.
ii. What aie some of the goveinmental ieactions of youi countiy when foieigneis
committeu ciimes within youi boiueis anuoi when nationals committeu ciimes
abioau. What uo these events explain about youi nation's piefeience on the
establishment of an inteinational ciiminal stanuaiu anu juiisuiction uivision.
iii. Bow can youi countiy coopeiate with othei membei states on this issue. Is theie an
incentive to coopeiate to stait with. 0i what type of coopeiation woulu be suitable
if coopeiation uoes take place.

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a. 1949 ueneva Convention: The Fouith ueneva Convention which expanueu the scope of iules of
law fiom combatants to civilians in aieas of aimeu conflict. Theie aie foui inteinational tieaties
signeu in 1949, which incluueu the piotection of combatants, civilians, piisoneis of wai, anu othei
supplementaiy peisonnel.
b. Piotocol I: Auapteu in 1977 to follow up on 1949 ueneva Convention, it consists of 1u2 aiticles in
oiuei to piotect the civilian population in inteinational aimeu conflicts

BruinMUN 2014 6
c. Piotocol II: Also auapteu in 1977 to follow up on 1949 ueneva Conventions, it consists of 28
aiticles anu expanus the juiisuiction of the oiiginal tieaties to inteinal conflicts with high
intensities of conflict (i.e. civil wais). Bowevei note that this piotocol uoes not incluue smallei scale
inteinal uniests such as uemonstiations oi iiots.
u. Piotocol III: Auapteu in 2uuS, it auapteu the ieu ciystal as a new emblem which is useu as a
symbol of inteinational assistance in aimeu conflicts.
e. Inteinational Bumanitaiian Law: Section of Inteinational Law which encompasses humanitaiian
piincipals with inteinational tieaties anu agieements. Its goal is to piotect both combatants anu
civilians in aimeu conflicts.
CCD 3)45/6*7"&
!" I3-63)-%
The uevelopment of the 1949 ueneva Conventions anu the tieaties that associate with it aiose fiom
the incieasingly insufficiencies of pievious ueneva Conventions uue to the uevelopments anu
auuitional complexities to waifaie in 2u
centuiy. The ueneva Convention, as a teim, aiose fiom
Swiss businessman Beniy Bunant. Be helpeu contiibute to the establishment of a gioup calleu the
Committee of Five, the piecuisoi to the mouein Inteinational Committee of the Reu Cioss, in 186S.
This latei leu to the establishment of a small tieaty of 1u aiticles in 1864, latei known as the Fiist
ueneva Convention, with the goal of humanitaiian piotection uuiing wais anu conflicts. These 1u
aiticles became the founuation of the uevelopment of mouein inteinational humanitaiian law, anu
subsequent ueneva Conventions anu othei tieaties mouel anu expanu on these piinciples. Key
iueas of the Fiist ueneva Convention incluue the neutiality of meuical peisonnel anu ielateu
infiastiuctuie (i.e. hospitals, ambulances), piotection to anyone who assist the wounueu in conflict,
the iesponsibilities foi each siue of conflict to give attention to those wounueu oi sick without
uisciimination, anu the use of a ieu cioss (i.e. like the Swiss flag) as an emblem in oiuei to honoi
the countiy in which these aiticles aie agieeu on (i.e. Switzeilanu).
By 1949, the oiiginal 1u aiticles of law have been amenueu anu expanueu to 429 aiticles oiganizeu
into foui tieaties. These aiticles (up until the 1977 auaptation of Auuitional Piotocols) apply to all
inteinationalizeu conflicts, whethei it is uiiect waifaie between nations oi when teiiitoiy is
occupieu anu contiolleu by anothei nation. Almost eveiy countiy touay hau signeu onto the 1949
agieement, which means that these countiies must follow the humanitaiian piinciples in the
agieement oi else face legal sanctions fiom othei states that have signeu onto the agieement.
The pievious ueneva Conventions mainly incluueu iules of wai iegaiuing combatants. The Fiist
ueneva Convention, with its 1u aiticles, piotecteu wounueu oi sick soluieis who cannot caiiy on
battle. All paities, iegaiuless of fiienu oi foe, must both seaich foi anu take caie of these
combatants uuiing conflict. The Seconu ueneva Convention, which incluueu 6S aiticles, expanueu
the juiisuiction to combatants at sea. Ships must have auequate hospital facilities; shipwieckeu
paities must be sought foi anu taken caie by any siue of conflict, anu hospital ships must abiue by
the neutiality iule fiom the Fiist ueneva Convention. The Thiiu ueneva Convention hau its
attention uiiecteu to Piisoneis of Wai (P0Ws), who can be militants oi civilians captuieu by
opposition uuiing conflict. The 14S aiticles in this agieement make suie that P0Ws aie tieateu
humanely anu not toituieu oi uepiiveu of basic neeus. P0Ws incluue both militants anu non-
combatants in this case.

BruinMUN 2014 6
Bowevei, even though theie have been impiovements in scope between the Fiist anu the Fouith
ueneva Conventions, theie is a common aiticle acioss all foui "euitions". Aiticle S of the ueneva
Convention outlaws all types of violence anu uisciimination by any siue of any conflict foi those
who have put uown theii aims anu those who aie foiceu out of conflict uue to illness oi injuiy.
Nu0s such as the Reu Cioss have the option to assist those in neeu. This is in essence one of the key
elements which make the ueneva Conventions humanitaiian anu moially acceptable by
mainstieam stanuaius.
." ?(- @$,6'( 5-4-3! B$43-4')$4 $8 JKLK
Aftei The Bague Conventions of 1899 anu 19u7, as well as Woilu Wai I, the woilu community
began to iealize the neeu to piotect civilians in both aieas of conflict anu occupieu teiiitoiies
uuiing the time of moie auvanceu waifaie. Weapons become moie auvanceu anu weie able to
cause moie wiuespieau uamage, leaving hunuieus of thousanus non-combatants killeu in Woilu
Wai I alone. Bowevei, a new agieement calleu the Tokyo Biaft was calleu off in 194u uue to the
onset of Woilu Wai II. When the new agieement is finally mateiializeu in 1949, it was able to
absoib expeiiences fiom WWII. WWII was in many iespects multiple times laigei in magnituue of
uestiuction as compaieu with WWI. Civilian ueath numbeis aie exponentially highei because they
weie not yet piotecteu by inteinational humanitaiian law since the Fouith ueneva Convention
occuiieu aftei WWII. This Fouith ueneva Convention consists of 1S9 aiticles.
Because the committee will focus on the stanuaius agieeu upon in the Fouith ueneva Convention of
1949 anu subsequent amenuments to it (i.e. Piotocols I, II, anu III), it is necessaiy to intiouuce in
uetail some of the key aiticles of the foui tieaties agieeu in 1949. Pait III of the convention (Aiticles
27-141) is the laigest pait of this agieement. Bistinctions aie maue between foieigneis within
aieas of conflict anu civilians in the same aiea, auuing to the 19u7 Bague Conventions. Within Pait
III of the ueneva Convention, aiticles 79-1SS stiesses on the impoitance foi militants anu all paities
involveu in conflict to allow civilians to maintain noimal uaily lives uuiing conflict. This means
civilians aie not to be uepoiteu oi jaileu unless secuiities of these inuiviuuals aie maintaineu
thiough cuifew oi othei iestiictive measuies. Aiticles S2-S4 piotect civilians fiom means of
violence such as toituie anu muiuei uue to uisciimination of any kinu. Aiticles 4u anu S4 ensuie
that civilians aie paiu to uo any type of woik anu that foiceu employment in militaiy is foibiuuen.
Aiticles SS-S9 auuiesses humanitaiian aspects of wai: In aieas of occupation, the occupieu foices
aie iesponsible to pioviue foou anu meuical supplies foi the local population oi must coopeiate
with inteinational Nu0s such as the Reu Cioss to ensuie public health is not compiomiseu by wai.
/" A>>)')$4!2 M6$'$/$2*
In iesponse to wai uevelopments post WWII, two main piotocols weie auueu to the 1949 ueneva
Convention in 1977. Like the pievious section, in oiuei to compiehenu the main iueas of each
piotocol, key aiticles anu theii objectives aie incluueu heie. Ethnic anu iacial tensions as seen in
the 0niteu States in the 196us anu in South Afiica uuiing the Apaitheiu iegime piompteu the
establishment of aiticle I in Piotocol I, which expanus the bianuing of inteinational conflict to
uomestic pioblems such as colonial iesistance anu iacist iegimes. Civilian aiu in meuical anu
tianspoit puiposes aie coveieu by Pait II of Piotocol I (Aiticles 8-S4). The bulk of Piotocol I lie in
aiticles SS-79, which auuiesses the conuuct of each siue of conflict. This 1977 amenument attempts
to auu a contempoiaiy flavoi to the points maue in 19u7 Bague Conventions. Foi example, in oiuei
to ieflect new methous of combat anu stiategies of waifaie, aiticles 4S-44 claiifies the militaiy
status of gueiilla foices (i.e. a type of waifaie which came to piominence aftei 19u7). With the
auaptation of Piotocol I, gueiilla foices, which playeu uecisive ioles in conflicts such as vietnam
Wai, can no longei shy away fiom inteinational iules of wai. The ethical natuie of waifaie is

BruinMUN 2014 6
auuiesseu in aiticles SS anu S1-S6. Weapons which cause wiuespieau "unnecessaiy" uamage aie
piohibiteu fiom all wais. Souices of essential suivival such as watei anu foou aie piotecteu fiom
any type of attack, anu places of woiship oi othei cultuially significant locations aie also piotecteu.
Finally, Piotocol I ties up some loose enus with miscellaneous focuses. An example of this is aiticle
8S, which iegaius the ueceitful use of the emblems of ueneva Convention by any paity as a wai
ciime in itself.
Like Piotocol I, piotocol II was also auueu in iesponse to the changing natuies of waifaie aftei
WWII. Since 194S, 8u% of ueaths fiom aimeu conflicts aie uue to uomestic feuus. In oiuei to
fuithei minimize unnecessaiy anu innocent ueaths fiom aimeu conflicts, the inteinational
community was piessuieu to ieact by expanuing the juiisuiction of inteinational laws of wai to
uomestic conflicts. Because this piotocol is geaieu towaius inteinal wais, the issue of national
soveieignty became the key aiena of uebate. 0ut of the 28 aiticles that weie agieeu between
signatoiies, aiticle 4 of piotocol II is ciucial. It calls foi the humane tieatment foi all inuiviuuals
who uo not take an active pait in the conflict. Any type of violence useu on these inuiviuuals is
piohibiteu. In aiticle S, uetaineu peisonnel aie also guaianteeu of theii human iights. 0thei aiticles
echo the sentiments of Piotocol I anu the 1949 ueneva Convention but on a uomestic anu local
The thiiu piotocol, auapteu in 2uuS, is peihaps a moie subtle impiovement to inteinational
humanitaiian effoits. States have iealizeu that the pieconceiveu emblems uo not necessaiily ieflect
neutiality anu biings out othei connotations in ceitain paits of the woilu. Aftei an extensive
piocess in the seaich foi a symbol which avoius such pioblems, the ieu ciystal is univeisally
auapteu as anothei acceptable emblem useu in inteinational humanitaiian aiu. An impoitant goal
of this change is to fuithei minimize the chance of inteinational meuical anu aiu missions being
CCCD F%4%"$ G%H%0*92%"$+ )"& C"$%6")$#*")0 C"H*0H%2%"$
The 0niteu Nations iecognizes the impoitant iole ceitain Nu0s play in piomoting the 1949 ueneva
Convention anu its auuitional piotocols. 0ne of the iecent challenges of this topic is the
piolifeiation of knowleuge in inteinational law. Tieaties such as the 1949 ueneva Convention anu
the eailiei Bague Conventions of Laws of Wai might be signeu anu iatifieu by goveinments on a
state level, but knowleuge of these laws by the common folk is often limiteu oi even nonexistent.
Theie is a neeu foi siues in uomestic conflicts to unueistanu the positive implications of following
inteinational humanitaiian laws. National goveinments shoulu have the iesponsibility of euucating
militaiy about these laws. In conflict aieas, Nu0s such as Inteinational Committee of the Reu Cioss
(ICRC) anu the Inteinational Fact-Finuing Commission aie well equippeu to make suie Laws of Wai
aie unueistoou anu followeu in a peaceful mannei. ueneial Assembly Resolution 1894, auopteu in
2uu9, iecognizeu the neeu of case to case analysis foi investigating violations of humanitaiian laws
anu the piotection of civilians. The ICRC also has expeitise in the piotection of civilian victims
uuiing aimeu conflicts. Fuitheimoie, in }une 2u1u aiticle 8 of Rome Statute of the Inteinational
Ciiminal Couit was amenueu to ieminu states of theii iesponsibility to exeicise ciiminal
juiisuiction foi those guilty of wai ciimes. The ICRC hau alieauy taken steps to make suie
inteinational humanitaiian laws aie being fully iespecteu, passing a iesolution in Novembei 2uu7.
The ICRC uiges states to pass national legislatuie to ensuie inteinational humanitaiian laws aie
followeu in all conflicts the state is involveu in. The geneial public shoulu also know about these
laws anu those founu guilty of wai ciimes shoulu be punisheu by the state accoiuing to ielevant
national legislatuie. The ICRC also has a key task of piomoting the exchange of expeiience anu
infoimation between national goveinments. Anothei ICRC iesolution passeu in Novembei 2u11

BruinMUN 2014 6
iecognizeu the fact that pieseivation anu compliance to inteinational humanitaiian laws impioves
the situation foi victims in aimeu conflicts. Nechanisms foi states to obey such laws anu legal
piotection foi wai victims neeu to be impioveu anu establisheu in the futuie.
This issue was last uiscusseu in the 67
ueneial Assembly session anu is scheuuleu to be uiscusseu
again this Novembei in the 69
ueneial Assembly session. The challenges of asymmetiic waifaie
anu the implementation of humanitaiian laws in wai was intiouuceu, with states waiy of uouble
stanuaius in inteipieting inteinational humanitaiian laws. 0thei aiguments incluue the iole of
Inteinational Ciiminal Couit in convicting wai ciimes anu humanitaiian law violations in aimeu
conflicts. Futuie goals of the ueneial Assembly in this issue incluue auapting national legislatuie
which ieflects the inteinational humanitaiian laws, as well as goouwill anu coopeiation between
the Secietaiy-ueneial, membei states, anu the ICRC.
CID 30*4 J*+#$#*"+
All 0N membei states have signeu onto the 1949 ueneva Convention, incluuing 196 states anu
obseiveis such as Boly See anu State of Palestine. Bowevei, not all states have signeu onto the
auuitional piotocols. Some comments about each of the piotocol aie as follows:
Piotocol 1: Nany states in South anu Southeast Asia have not iatifieu this. These states incluue
Nyanmai, Singapoie, Nalaysia, Inuonesia, Thailanu, anu Inuia. 0thei notable nations which have
not iatifieu this piotocol incluue Isiael anu Tuikey. Thiee states which have signeu but not iatifieu
to this piotocol aie Iian, 0niteu States, anu Pakistan.
Piotocol 2: Iiaq, Noith Koiea, Syiia, Nexico, anu vietnam have signeu onto piotocol 1 but not
piotocol 2. All states which have not signeu onto piotocol 1 have not signeu onto piotocol 2. The
thiee states which have signeu but not iatifieu piotocol 1 also signeu but have not iatifieu piotocol
ID 1*"407&#"/ F%2)65+
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i. Think about why youi countiy hashas not iatifieu the piotocols. Is theie anything
significant in youi national histoiy oi cuiient geopolitical situation which piompts
youi state to act the way it uoes now. Fiom this backgiounu, what iole oi chaiactei
woulu youi countiy stanu foi in this committee. Be suie to unueistanu why youi
countiy takes such a stance too!
ii. It is not all too uncommon wheie all states have signeu onto a humanitaiian tieaty.
Bowevei make suie to ciitically analyze how youi countiy inteipiets the 1949
ueneva Convention. uiven youi countiy specific ieseaich, consiuei how it fits in
with the 1949 ueneva Convention. Boes youi countiy suppoit humanitaiian effoits
1uu% of the time in all scenaiios. 0i what pie-existing conuitions might youi
countiy holu when inteipieting the agieement.
iii. What challenges might youi countiy face in auapting national legislatuie accoiuing
to inteinational humanitaiian laws. What incentives might the goveinment lack oi
what might encouiage youi countiy to act against 0N goals.

BruinMUN 2014 6
ICD F%+*764%+
19, Activity Sheet. "A Summaiy of the ueneva Conventions anu Auuitional Piotocols." A
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B6)0)4!2 A/'* B$00)''-> )4 M-!/-Q--7)4: I7-6!')$4*. Rep. N.p.: 0niteu Nations, 2uu6. Web.
"List of Paities to the ueneva Conventions." V)Q)7->)!. Wikimeuia Founuation, 1S }uly 2u14.
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"Piotocol Auuitional to the ueneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, anu Relating to the
Piotection of victims of Non-Inteinational Aimeu Conflicts (Piotocol II), 8 }une 1977."
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"Piotocol Auuitional to the ueneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, anu Relating to the
Auoption of an Auuitional Bistinctive Emblem (Piotocol III), 8 Becembei 2uuS." ?6-!')-*
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1-7$6' $4 '(- A> #$/ B$00)''-- $4 B6)0)4!2 A//$,4'!.)2)N $8 O4)'-> P!')$4* I88)/)!2* !4>
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1-7$6' $4 '(- A> #$/ B$00)''-- $4 B6)0)4!2 A//$,4'!.)2)N $8 O4)'-> P!')$4* I88)/)!2* !4>
;<7-6'* $4 R)**)$4. Rep. 0niteu Nations, 2uu8. Web. 19 }uly 2u14.
F'!',* $8 '(- M6$'$/$2* A>>)')$4!2 '$ '(- 5-4-3! B$43-4')$4* $8 JKLK !4> 1-2!')4: '$ '(-
M6$'-/')$4 $8 W)/')0* )4 A60-> B$482)/'*. Rep. 0niteu Nations ueneial Assembly, 21 Nov.
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