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Background Guide

Social, Humanitarian and Cultural

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Beai uelegates,

Bello anu welcome to BiuinN0N 2u14! Ny name is Shushan uinosyan anu I am chaii of this
yeai's S
SCB committee. I am a sophomoie at 0CLA stuuying philosophy with an emphasis in
Ethics. I hope you all come to this yeai's confeience ieauy to challenge youiselvesieauy to
uiscuss, uebate, anu coopeiate with one anothei. I also hope that youi paiticipation in this
committee allows you to gain new insight into the uepth anu complexity of oui woilu's piessing
The S
SCB committee faces some longstanuing anu incieuibly complex issues iegaiuing
uisciimination anu human iights. Thioughout the histoiy of this committee, such topics have
continually iemaineu at the foiefiont of populai uiscussion anu uebate. This yeai's S
committee will uiscuss the issue of uisciimination of women, anu the employment of chilu soluieis.
At the beginning of committee uelegates will have the oppoitunity to set the agenua with a simple
majoiity vote. The following backgiounu guiue will give an oveiview of the two topics we will be
uiscussing in committee.

0nce again, on behalf of eveiyone heie at N0N at 0CLA, welcome to BiuinN0N 2u14we
look foiwaiu to seeing you in the fall! In the meantime, feel fiee to email me any questions oi
conceins you may have.

Best Regaius,

Shushan uinosyan

Chaii | BiuinN0N S
Social Cultuial Bumanitaiain

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The S
Social Cultuial Bumanitaiian Affaiis Committee is a subsiuiaiy oigan of the 0niteu
Nations ueneial Assembly. Aftei its establishment in 194S, the 0niteu Nations ueneial Assembly
set in place six main committees. The fiist, ueals with uisaimament anu inteinational secuiity
(BISEC); the seconu, with economic anu financial issues (EC0S0C); the thiiu, with social cultuial
anu humanitaiian issues (SCB); the fouith, with special politics anu uecolonization (SPECP0L); the
fifth, with auministiative anu buugetaiy issues, anu the six, with legal issues.

With the cieation of the 0niteu Nations 0niveisal Beclaiation of Buman Rights, it became
one of the cential focuses of the 0N to piotect the human iights of all people.
The ueneial
Assembly of the 0niteu Nations, allocates to the S
SCB committee agenua items that piimaiily ueal
with human iights anu humanitaiian issues. The S
SCB Committee ueals with issues that affect
countless people aiounu the woilu. The S
SCB committee in the pievious sixty-eight sessions has
uiscusseu a wiue iange of topics such as the auvancement of women, the elimination of iacism anu
uisciimination, the auvancement of the piotection of the iights of the uisableu, the piotection of the
iight to self-ueteimination, the
piotection of inteinally uisplaceu
peoples, anu so on.
In oiuei foi this
committee to have a laige impact
aiounu the woilu, the uelegates of
this committee must coopeiatively
compose effective
iecommenuations to the
inteinational community, in the
foim of iesolutions. Within these
iesolutions, the uelegates of the S

SCB committee can iecommenu
solutions to enu uisciimination
against women anu the use of chilu
soluieis. Belegates in this
committee will have the powei to help cieate iecommenuations to suppoit inteinational political
coopeiation among the nations of the woilu.

UN. "United Nations, main body, main organs, General Assembly." UN News Center.
UN. "UN General Assembly - Third Committee - Social, Humanitarian & Cultural." UN News Center.\
"The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UDHR, Declaration of Human Rights, Human Rights Declaration,
Human Rights Charter, The Un and Human Rights." UN News Center.

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Befoie exploiing the backgiounu of uisciimination against women, let us uefine the woiu
uisciimination. Foi the puiposes of this committee, the woiu !"#$%"&"'()"*' will be uefineu as " The
unjust oi piejuuice tieatment of uiffeient categoiies of people.."
Thus, uisciimination against
women will be ),- .'/.#) *% 0%-/.!"$- )%-()&-') of people on the giounus of theii sex. A moie
uetaileu uefinition of the phiase, uisciimination against women is offeieu by the 0niteu Nations.
The 0niteu Nations Convention on All Foims of Bisciimination Against women, auopteu in 1979,
uefines uisciimination against women as "...any uistinction, exclusion oi iestiiction maue on the
basis of sex which has the effect oi puipose of impaiiing oi nullifying the iecognition, enjoyment oi
exeicise by women, iiiespective of theii maiital status, on a basis of equality of men anu women, of
human iights anu funuamental fieeuoms in the political, economic, social, cultuial, civil oi any
othei fielu."
Bisciimination, in geneial, occuis when theie is a scaicity of iewaius anu
oppoitunities, both mateiial anu psychic. Bisciimination is also chaiacteiizeu by an unequal
uistiibution of powei, which enables some to impose on otheis.

Whethei it's uisciimination against women in the woikplace in countiies like Italy, oi the
uenial of a woman's basic human iights in countiies like Sieiia Leon anu Sauui Aiabia, this topic
caiiies an incieuibly wiue spectium of issues that involve the most uevelopeu countiies in the
woilu, to the least. In this committee we will focus on both uisciimination against women in
uevelopeu countiies anu ueveloping countiies. Specifically, uisciimination against women is most
seveie in the Niuule East anu Afiica.
Bisciimination against women can be bioken uown into
thiee sub-categoiies, which aie social, civil, anu economic. These aie the thiee types of
uisciimination we may focus on in committee.

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Beie aie some case stuuies of cuiient issues iegaiuing uisciimination against women.
In Sieiia Leone, unuei tiauitional law, a maiiieu woman uoes not have the iight to ueny hei
husbanu sexual inteicouise unless the maiiieu woman is ill, bieastfeeuing oi if it is Ramauan.
Accoiuing to the laws of Sieiia Leone, a man has the iight to iepiimanu his wife with the use of

"Definition of discrimination in English:." discrimination: definition of discrimination in Oxford
dictionary (American English) (US).
UN. "Text of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women." UN
News Center.
Antonovsky, Aaron. "." JSTOR.
"Discrimination against women persists around the globe hampering development | UN Women -
Headquarters." Discrimination against women persists around the globe hampering development |
UN Women - Headquarters.

BruinMUN 2014 3
physical foice. Since the uisciimination
against women in Sieiia Leone is embeuueu
within the laws of Sieiia Leon, one may
categoiize it as an example of civil
uisciimination against women.

Anothei example of civil
uisciimination is Sauui Aiabia's guaiuianship
system. This is a system in which eveiy
female has a male guaiuian. This guaiuian is
the woman's husbanu oi if she is unmaiiieu,
hei biothei oi fathei. The females in Sauui
Aiabia have no iight to make uecision
iegaiuing theii own affaiis. Rathei it is the
male guaiuians uuty to ueciue the affaiis of
the woman.
Al-Buwaiuei, a women's iights activist in Sauui Aiabia wiote, "These biius can haiuly
move. They have no contiol ovei theii lives anu they cannot fly fieely to go to a place wheie they
feel safe."
The Buman Rights Watch iepoiteu the following case involving the guaiuian system of
Sauui Aiabia. A maiiieu couple in Sauui Aiabia was caught in a uevastating cai acciuent. The man
passeu away on impact, wheieas the female suiviveu the cai acciuent anu was taken to the hospital
wheie she neeueu seiious meuical
attention. Bowevei, no meuical seivice
coulu be ienueieu until the meuical staff
obtaineu the appioval of the female's new
male guaiuiana biothei, who liveu
some uistance fiom the hospital.

Anothei key issue that falls unuei
civil uisciimination against women is
uisciimination against women in the
political aiena. In 0iuguay only, 12
peicent of the cuiient Chambei of
Senatois anu Chambei of Beputies aie
women. This is an example of social
uisciimination against women. The 0iuguayan goveinment has taken an active iole in attempting
to eliminate this genuei gap by cieating a law, which states that Su% of all canuiuates iunning foi
office fiom a political paity must be female. Fuitheimoie, 0niteu Nations Women, along with the
0niteu Nations Bevelopmental Piogiam anu the 0niteu Nations Populations Funu cieateu a tutoiial
piogiam aimeu at inspiiing young female politicians in 0iuguay fiom the ages of 18-Su. A new

Jefferson, LaShawn. "In War as in Peace: Sexual Violence and Womens Status ." .
"World Report 2013: Saudi Arabia." Human Rights Watch.
Jamjoom, Mohammed. "Saudi women raise their voices over male guardianship." CNN.
"Women's visits to hospitals without male guardians banned." Home.

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seiies of commeicials featuiing piominent public figuies piomoting female politicians weie also set
in place.

In 0ganua, women uo not have the iight to own lanu. 0pon theii husbanu's ueath, the lanu
iights aie taken ovei by the husbanu's kinship. Such a law uisciiminates against women, by limiting
a females economic eaining potential. This then fuitheis the inequality among the men anu women
in 0ganua, anu leaus women to be
peiceiveu as vulneiable membeis of
societyan instance of social
uisciimination. In Afiica, women contiibute
7u peicent of all foou piouuction. Anu yet,
many Afiican nations, like 0ganua, uo not
give women the iight to own lanu. Such a
law makes women economically uepenuent
on men, foi without owning lanu, they
cannot piouuce ciops anu make a living.
Thus, the male monopolization of lanu
uisciiminates against women by limiting
theii economic oppoitunities.

The following is a case, iepoiteu by
the 0N, which emphasizes the seveiity of
this oiueal. In a small village in uhana, a
woman, aftei the ueath of hei husbanu, is
left to solely take caie of theii chiluien. The female pioviues foi hei family by faiming. Bowevei,
the lanu she giows hei ciops on, now belongs to hei husbanus family who, unannounceu to hei,
have solu the lanu she uses to pioviue foi hei family.
This woman uoes not finu out about the
oiueal until officials come to evict
hei fiom the lanu. This shows the
uetiimental affect uisciimination
against women has on the lives of,
not only women, but also those who
aie uepenuent on hei foi sustenance
anu life (i.e. hei chiluien). This is a
case in which emphasizes the
uetiimental affects of both civil anu
economic uisciimination against

The inability of women to
take out loans also has a similai
affect on women in Afiican nations.
It again uisciiminates against
women by ieuucing theii economic
oppoitunities. Seveial non-

"Young Uruguayan women aim to boost their role in politics." .
UN. "Women struggle to secure land rights | Africa Renewal Online." UN News Center.
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goveinmental oiganizations such as 0ppoitunity Inteinational woik towaius eliminating this soit
of uisciimination by offeiing women in Afiican nations small loans, thus eliminating the economic
inequality of oppoitunity. Women can use these loans to establish small businesses that will allow
them to escape poveity. Foi example, a seamstiess in 0ganua useu hei loan-money to puichase a
sewing machine, with which she establisheu hei own business. Such acts help eliminate
uisciimination against women by incieasing the self-ueteimination of women. An inciease in self-
ueteimination also gave the woman a gieat boost in self-esteem, which is also an impoitant psychic
factoi in the puisuit of eliminating uisciimination against women.

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0nly a few months aftei its cieation in 194S, the 0niteu Nations Economic anu Social
Council, with the passing of iesolution 11(II) of }une 21
1946, cieateu the Commission on the
Status of Women. Fiom its cieating in 1946, the sole puipose of this commission has been "to
piepaie iecommenuations anu iepoits to the Council |EC0S0Cj on piomoting women's iights in
political, economic, civil, social anu euucational fielus.
The 0niteu Nations has also oiganizeu anu
helu a Woilu Confeience on Women, on foui sepaiate occasions the fiist being in 197S anu the
most iecent, in 199S.

In iecent yeais the 0niteu Nations has taken seveial actions to help piomote the
elimination of uisciimination against women thiough the cieation of 0N Women. The 0N ueneial
Assembly cieateu 0N Women, (0niteu Nations Entity foi uenuei Equality anu the Empoweiment of
Women) in }uly 2u1u. It is the iesponsibility of 0N Women, to holu othei 0N committee's
accountable foi the goals they set in iegaius to women's iights, anu women's empoweiment. 0N
Women is also home to the Inteinational Reseaich anu Tiaining Institute foi the Auvancement of
Women (INSTRAW). Thiough the cieation of 0N Women, the 0N ueneial Assembly has acceleiateu
the path towaius genuei equality anu the empoweiment of women thioughout the woilu.

The 0niteu Nations has also cieateu SIuI, which stanus foi Social Institutions anu uenuei
Inuex. This inuex iuentifies countiies with highei levels of uisciimination against women. The SIuI
also ieveals that nations with high levels of uisciimination against women aie coiielateu with pooi
peifoimance on a iange of othei uevelopment inuicatois incluuing but not limiteu to, mateinal anu
chilu moitality iates, seconuaiy school euucation foi giils anu chiluien, employment, anu female

"We believe poverty is an economic challenge." Opportunity International.

UN. "Commission on the Status of Women-Follow-up to Beijing and Beijing + 5." UN News Center.
"World Conferences on Women | UN Women - Headquarters." World Conferences on Women | UN Women -
"About UN Women | UN Women - Headquarters." About UN Women | UN Women - Headquarters.

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Also in the 2u1S Nillennium Bevelopment uoals, the 0N has set its thiiu goal as the
piomotion of genuei equality anu the empoweiment of women.

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1"!!2- 3(#)-%' 42*$: Seveial Niuule Eastein Nations pose a seiious stiuggle foi the elimination of
uisciimination against women, since seveial Niuule Eastein Nations have civil laws that aie
uisciiminate against women. Bowevei, foi many nations like Sauui Aiabia, these laws aie ueiiveu
fiom Islam. This poses a uifficult challenge, given that uisciimination is not only a cultuial noim of a
nation, but is also embeuueu within the nation's ieligious beliefs anu laws.
3(#)-%' 5 6-')%(2 3.%*0-(' 42*$: Seveial countiies in this bloc have expeiience a ieemeigence of a
poweiful state-aligneu ieligion. Polanu is a piimaiy example of this. This state has aligneu itself
closely with the Roman Catholic Chuich. The Chuich is iesponsible foi political attempts to
"ieinfoice women's 'natuial' iole as motheis anu caietakeis." In countiies like Italy, women holu
fai fewei uecision-making posts than women in othei Euiopean countiies.
7-#)-%' 42*$: A laige numbei of Westein Nations suppoit the eiauication of uisciimination against
women Nany Westein Nations seive as benefactois to the cause.

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1. Bow uoes one go about tiying to eliminate uisciimination against women without violating
the soveieignty of a nation.
2. Bow uoes one ueal with countiies in which uisciimination against women is embeuueu into
the legal system of the countiy.
S. What aie some ways one can change how the public peiceives women in a given nation.
4. What aie some ways one can ieuuce economic, civil, political, anu social uisciimination
against women.
S. Bow uoes one go about eliminating uisciimination against women in the legal system, in
nations wheie the legal system anu laws aie baseu on ieligious iueologies.
6. What aie some ways to piomote genuei equality in the uiffeient iegions of the woilu.
7. Why is uisciimination against women inhibiting the potential economic giowth of some

"Discrimination against women persists around the globe hampering development | UN Women - Headquarters."
Discrimination against women persists around the globe hampering development | UN Women - Headquarters.
"MDG 3: promote gender equality and empower women." WHO.

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The histoiy of chilu soluieis stietches fai back, to some of the eailiest militaiy campaigns of
oui woilu. In Ancient uieece, the Spaitan society manuateu all boys staiting fiom the age of seven
to ieceive militaiistic tiaining. Since Spaita was such a small city-state, it ielieu on its boys to
inciease the total numbei of soluieis.
In the 1Suu's the officeis of the 0ttoman Empiie captuieu
Chiistian boys living within the empiie, anu conuition them to be loyal to the Sultan. This collection
of boys foimeu elite militaiy units known as }anissaiies, anu weie stationeu in paits of the Niuule
East anu Euiope.

0nfoitunately touay, theie exists a mouein veision of this piactice. It is estimateu that
theie aie cuiiently Suu,uuu chiluien unuei the age of 18 paiticipating in aimeu conflict, of which
4u peicent aie female. Rebel oi gueiiilla waifaie gioups, mostly in Afiica, employ the use of male
chilu soluieis
. Anu females, seive as the wives of the boy soluieis.

Since the piolifeiation of
lightweight anu uuiable weapons such as
the AK-47 anu N-16, theie has been a
continuous inciease in the numbei of chilu
soluieis. Fiom 1998 to 2u14 alone theie
has been an inciease of Su,uuu chilu
soluieis. This coiielation can be explaineu
by the following facts. The piolifeiation of
lightweight weapons significantly
incieaseu the usefulness of chilu soluieis to
combatant gioups, foi now chilu soluieis
gaineu the ability to caiiy ueauly weapons
anu thus uiiectly engage in combat.
Fuitheimoie, these weapons aie faiily
simple to use. By the age of 1u, a typical
chilu soluiei is able to assemble anu
uisassemble these weapons.
Fuitheimoie, since chilu soluieis aie small, anu fast, they seive as
excellent spies foi the iebel gioups. Chilu soluieis aie also piefeiable to iebel gioups, not only
because of theii ability to use weapons anu spy, but because they aie easy to intimiuate, anu have a
highei tenuency to iemain loyal to theii leauei. Chilu soluieis aie also less likely to iun away than
oluei soluieis, anu uo not uemanu salaiies.

Cartledge, Paul. The Spartans: the world of the warrior-heroes of ancient Greece, from utopia to crisis and
collapse. New York: Vintage Books, 2004.
Ducharme, Sylvia. Slaves of the Sultan: Janissaries. Cambridge: Harvard University Middle East Resource,
"Children as soldiers." Children as soldiers.
"Child soldiers." Child Soldiers.
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Since theii intiouuction in the late 194u's, it is estimateu that ovei SS million AK-47's have
been solu, thus making these weapons faiily cheap anu ieauily accessible to people in ueveloping
countiies. This fact is fuithei illustiateu by the 0niteu Nations Reseaich Institute foi Social
Bevelopment, which iepoits that in some Afiican countiies the woiking iate foi puichasing an AK-
47 is only 6 0S uollais.

But how uo these chiluien enu up joining iebel gioups in fiist place. Theie aie foui main
ways in which this occuis. Fiist, iebel gioups abuuct chiluien fiom theii homes, anu foice them to
join theii iebel gioup. Rebel gioups, such as the Loius Resistance Aimy baseu in noithein 0ganua,
aie notoiious foi using this methou. It's estimateu that the Loiu Resistance Aimy cuiiently employs
neaily 66,uuu chilu soluieis. Some iebel gioups, such as the Revolutionaiy 0niteu Fiont, a iebel
gioup in Sieiia Leone, captuieu chiluien fiom theii homes, anu even foiceu the chiluien to witness
oi paitake in the execution of theii own family.

Seconu, many villages in aieas occupieu by iebel foices aie obligateu to supply the iebel
gioup with chiluien in exchange foi assuiance that the iebel gioup will not attack the village. Thiiu,
some chiluien aie sent as volunteeis on behalf of theii
paients. In these scenaiios, the family usually uoes not
have enough money to feeu theii chiluien. Thus, by
volunteeiing theii chiluien to join the iebel foices aimy,
the paients ensuie that theii chilu will have clothes anu
ieceive two meals a uay. In 199u, paients of young chiluien
in Nyanmai volunteeieu theii chiluien to join Kaien Aimy
foi piecisely this ieason. Fouith, in some cases chiluien aie
oiphans. The chilu soluieis join the iebel gioups, because
the iebel gioups pioviue these oiphans foou secuiity anu
piotection. Thus, the iebel foice seives a kinu of suiiogate
family foi the oiphans.

In some instances, the euucational system of
seveial nations has been compiomiseu by iebel foices that
use classiooms anu schoolyaius as piimaiy souices of
voluntaiy anu foiceu ieciuitment of chilu soluieis. Rebel
gioups often incoipoiate piopaganua into the classioom
cuiiiculum, by pieaching patiiotism anu uiging them to
fight foi "social justice."

In Nozambique anu Cambouia, iebel foices attempteu to piepaie the chiluien foi the
ciuelties of battle, by abusing them physically anu exposing them to shoit-teim episoues of teiioi.
In auuition, chilu soluieis aie often consiueieu the most ieplaceable membeis of a iebel aimy.
0niteu Nations Reseaich Institute foi Social Bevelopment, 8)()-# *9 :"#(%%(;< =,- #*$"(2 -99-$)# *9
>2*?(2"@()"*'A op. cit., p. 11S, box 7.1.

U.S. Department of State. "The Lord's Resistance Army." U.S. Department of State. (accessed July 27, 2014).
Child soldiers." Child Soldiers.
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Buiing the Iian-Iiaq wai, chilu soluieis weie sent out to walk acioss minefielus, so as to uetonate
any mines befoie the ciossing of the moie iespecteu membei of the iebel foices.

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In the Cential Afiican Republic theie weie as many as 6,uuu chilu soluieis accoiuing to
estimates fiom the 0niteu Nations. The civil wai in the Cential Afiican Republic between Chiistian
anu Nuslim gioups is the main cause behinu this laige numbei of chilu soluieis. Between }anuaiy
2u14 anu }uly 2u14, 0N Chiluien's Rights anu Emeigency Relief oiganization was able to negotiate
the ielease of a 1uuu of these chilu soluieis. Bowevei, the elimination of one pioblem, has leu to the
emeigence of anothei. Alexanuia Zavis, a iepoitei who met with newly fieeu chilu soluieis in the
Cential Afiican Republic, iepoiteu some of the pioblems the ex-chilu soluieis weie facing post-
ielease. Alexanuia Zavis iepoits the stoiy of Chailie. Chailie's fathei uieu when he was a veiy
young boy. Subsequently, at a veiy young age Chailie was foiceu to take ovei his fathei's stanu, in
oiuei to pioviue foi himself anu his family. Bowevei, when iebel foices uestioyeu his stanu, he was
left with one optionto join the iebel gioup in oiuei to continue pioviuing foi himself anu his
Chailie was one of the 1,uuu chilu soluieis that weie fieeu fiom the iebel gioup. Bowevei,
upon inteiviewing Chailie, Zavis founu that Chailie, upon leaving his position as a soluiei, was left
unemployeu. Chailie went fiom eating two meals a uay, to not knowing when he woulu eat next. Be
went fiom weaiing uuiable leathei boots anu a militaiy unifoim, to flimsy sanuals anu a fiail shiit.
With the iebel gioup he felt a sense of belonging. Now, he's left with the challenge of tiying to
ieintegiate into the society he was foiceu to
leave. Seveial ex-chilu soluieis like Chailie have
committeu violent acts against civilians. Anu so,
natuially, it is uifficult foi the civilians within a
society to foigive anu accept the ex-chilu soluieis
back into theii society. Thus, Chailie, anu
hunuieus of othei ex-chilu soluieis face the
uifficult challenge of iebuiluing theii lives,
caieeis, anu social netwoik. It is iepoiteu that 1
in S ex-chilu soluieis enu up iejoining the iebel
gioups they hau left, because of theii inability to
iebuilu theii lives.

In Syiia, the Islamic State of Iiaq anu
Sham, otheiwise known as ISIS, as well as a
subsection of the Fiee Syiian Aimy known as The
National Coalition of Syiian Revolutionaiy anu
0pposition Foices, aie employing the use of chilu

"Children as soldiers." Children as soldiers.
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BruinMUN 2014 3
soluieis in battle. ISIS, anu othei extiemist gioups in Syiia have luieu chiluien into joining theii
militant gioups by offeiing the chiluien a fiee euucation in weapons tiaining. Bowevei, upon theii
aumittance, some chiluien aie sent to conuuct suiciue missions, anu othei uangeious tasks.

Noie than seven months of fighting between Suuan anu South Suuan, has biought about
famine, choleia, anu the ieciuitment of chilu soluieis. The 0niteu Nations Chiluien's Funu (0nicef)
estimates that in Nay 2u14, appioximately 9,uuu chilu soluieis weie ieciuiteu to fight in the
conflict between the two nations. The Suuanese Peoples Libeiation Aimy was on tiack to being fiee
of chilu soluieis by the yeai 2u1S. Bowevei, uue to iecent uevelopments in the conflict moie chilu
soluieis have been ieciuiteu.

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Thiough iesolution 1S86 (XIv) of Becembei 1u
19S9, the 0niteu Nations ueneial Assembly auopteu
the Beclaiation of the Rights of Chilu. This ueclaiation,
among othei things, states that a chilu has a iight to
euucation anu social secuiity. It also states that a chilu
must be "piotecteu against neglect, ciuelty anu
exploitation," anu must be given oppoitunities that
allow him oi hei to "uevelop physically, mentally,
moially, spiiitually anu socially in a healthy anu noimal
mannei anu in conuitions of fieeuom anu uignity." The
use of chilu soluieis is in cleai violation of this
ueclaiation, anu thus shoulu cease to exist.

In 1989 the 0niteu Nations Convention on the
Rights of the Chilu, thiough iesolution 442S of
Novembei 1989, was auopteu anu open foi signatuies.
Aiticle S8 of the 0NCRC tieaty states that no chilu
unuei the age of 1S may take uiiect pait in hostilities
anu no chilu unuei the age of 1S may be ieciuiteu into
the aimy. If a membei-state of the 0niteu Nations
signeu this uocument, then they aie iesponsible foi
abiuing by its mattei. A significant numbei of 0N membei-states have signeu this uocument.
Bowevei Somalia, South Suuan anu otheis have not.

"Syria: Armed Groups Send Children into Battle | Human Rights Watch." Syria: Armed Groups Send Children
into Battle | Human Rights Watch.
Kushkush, Isma'il. "In South Sudan, a Ghost of Wars Past: Child Soldiers." The New York Times.
UN. "Unversal Declaration of Human Rights." UN News Center. (accessed July 27, 2014).

"Convention on the Rights of the Child." Convention on the Rights of the Child. (accessed July 27, 2014).

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BruinMUN 2014 3
Seveial positive steps have been taken within the past yeais to eliminate the use of chilu
soluieis. Foi example, in 2uuS the Inteinational Ciiminal Couit issueu an aiiest waiiant foi }oseph
Kony anu foui othei Loius Resistance Aimy leaueis foi the employment of chilu soluieis in aimeu
conflict as well as othei wai ciimes anu ciimes against humanity. This case illustiateu to the woilu
that the employment of chilu soluieis is a ciime against humanity that will not go unpunisheu.

In 2u1S, the 0N ievealeu its global campaign, geaieu towaius eliminating the use of all chilu
soluieis in goveinment aimies by the yeai 2u16. The 0N Secietaiy ueneial stiesseu the impoitance
of euucation as a tool to pievent chiluien fiom joining the ianks of iebel gioups. Bis wish was foi
chiluien to be aimeu with pen anu papei, insteau of weapons. The 0niteu Nations has iuentifieu the
following six majoi violations peitinent to the use of chilu soluieis: killing anu maiming, chilu
ieciuitment, sexual violence, attacks on schools anu hospitals, uenial of humanitaiian access, anu
abuuctions. Seveial goveinment aimies as well as inuepenuent iebel gioups have signeu an action
plan piepaieu by the 0N. By signing this action plan, the aimy oi foice commits to eliminating the
use of chilu soluieis in theii aimies.
The signing of this action plan by a goveinment binus them to
an outline of specific actions that must be taken within a ceitain peiiou of time. The action plans aie
countiy specific, anu thus explicitly auuiess the situation of each countiy. So fai, twenty-thiee
paities have signeu an action plan, nine of which have completely complieu with the plan anu thus
have been uelisteu.

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B9%"$(' 42*$: The Afiican Bloc is home to the laigest numbei of chilu soluieis. This is because of the
high poveity levels anu constant inteinal ethnic conflict within the nations of this bloc. The nations
in this bloc aie often plagueu by inteinal powei stiuggles between tiibal leaueis anu the nation's

7-#)-%' 42*$: The Westein Bloc commonly uoes not employ the use of chilu soluieis. Rathei, the
Westein Bloc is home to seveial nations that have taken a stance against the use of chilu soluieis.
Seveial non-goveinmental oiganizations that pievent the employment of chilu soluieis oiiginate
fiom countiies within this bloc.

1"!!2- 3(#)-%' 42*$: The Niuule Eastein Bloc is also quite fiequently conuemneu foi the use of chilu
soluieis. It is the bloc with the seconu-most seveie use of chilu soluieis. This bloc is also plagueu
with political instability anu inteinal stiife.

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1. What aie some ways the 0N can help pievent ex-chilu soluieis fiom ietuining to the iebel

"Q&A on Joseph Kony and the Lord's Resistance Army | Human Rights Watch." Q&A on Joseph Kony and the
Lord's Resistance Army | Human Rights Watch.

"UN unveils global campaign to end use of child soldiers in Government forces by 2016." .
"Action Plans with Armed Forces and Armed Groups." .

BruinMUN 2014 3
2. What aie some ways the 0N can specifically assist the female ex-chilu soluieis who hau
seiveu as the wives of the iebel society.
S. What aie some methous the 0N can employ in eliminating the use of chilu soluieis.
4. What aie some tactics the 0N can employ in oiuei to pievent iebel gioups fiom infiltiating
piopaganua into school cuiiiculums.
S. Bow uoes one iestoie the iights of chiluien who aie ex-chilu soluieis.
6. What aie some ways the 0N anu othei Nu0's can help the ex-chilu soluieis without cieating
a long-teim uepenuence on foieign aiu, anu foieign inteivention.
7. Bow uoes one pievent the next geneiation of chiluien fiom joining iebel gioups.

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