Rayne Thaa Sket

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Rayne. ‘Oi, iz dere a problem?’ I asked.

’Nah nah dere aint no problem’ Since mi

and Jade hopped on dis bus dis gyal had been screwing. ‘So y u screwing innit?’ ‘I
aint screwing innit.’ ‘Boii u beta not be.’ She quickly went to texting on her
phone. Mi and Jade was out of the ends innit moving 4rm Tottenham 2 Hackney to
visit one cuzzi. Everything musta been gravy till we meet dis gyal on bus. We woz
on the 253 going to Hackney. It woz the last stop when I look out of the window 2
c a couple gyal and mandem cotchin. ‘O shit’ I thought. Dat gyal started waving
and shit. Jade gave mi a ‘is it beef’ look. I started taking off my earrings and
shit. Boii I was getting vex. We got off the bus, the gyal was in front of mi
innit. Felt like gripping on dat damn weave in her hair. But I didn’t wanna start
no beef until I knew for sure it was mi they was there 4. Me and Jade get of the
bus and started heading towards the Tesco’s to get a bus. ‘Oi wa u sayin now
sket?’ The gyal sed. Boiii I was switching she jus needed to cuss my mum den I woz
on her. ‘Rayne bun dat jus leave it innit. Walk away fam it aint nuffin, she aint
on ur level. Leave b’ Jade was saying. ‘My name iz Rayne yu dutty bitch. And if u
got a problem holla innit.’ The crowd started was shouting taunts of “Ooo, don’t
have that.” One fat girl in the crowd came up to me saying how her bredrin said I
was screwing her and chatting shit. I weren’t having that. ‘If its beef jus say so
innit, why you hyping if u aint gonna do shit Fam do me something.’ I sed. The
crowd started getting bigger bare heads were drawing 4 their phones .‘Ite its
beef.’ One skinny arse nigger cum out saying in sum next likkle boi high pitched
voice ‘if u lot wanna fight jus go someplace less bait innit Feds roam these endz
on a regs.’ Me and Jade started following dem. ‘Ey Rayne should I bell Jamiel?’
‘Nah Nah leave it, dat nigga aint gonna do shit.’ ‘Buh he’s you're man fam.’ I
laughed knowing full well it was true. We were getting closer to the park and I
seen dat there was now bare mandem. Looking at me and my gyal. We was all dat.
Shit I thought. I got proper dressed up 4 dis and now I might get dirty. If she
fucks up my hair I will have to stab her. It took mi flipping 48 hours to get dis
shit flat and now… Dat skinny nigga shouted saying how its on. Ok I thought. Ima
slaughter dis bitch. 1st round woz fucking funny the bitch didn’t do shit just
stood there while I told her to cum get mi. I knew she was shook. Then Jade
whispers ‘U know I don’t condone the shit u do on road but beat the bitch up.’ I
smiled. 2nd and last round. She came to me a bit too fast and punched my lip. I
took the weave and wrapped mi hand round it. My knee started pounding her face.
‘Bitch u wanted me now u got mi u aint doing shit. Do something den!’ I was on a
roll punched her in the face. Pulled out dat motherfukin weave boi. I knew she was
mine. It was easy as. When I was done she was bleeding and shit. Lucky Bitch. It
was over jus like dat. She looked like see had been sent over from Colombia. Shit
she looked like she was in the cartel and a deal went wrong. Damn she was fucked.
‘Cum we roll outa here b’ ‘Yh cum we bounce’. We then started running to get to
the bus stop. We got to Tesco’s and saw the 276. I sprinted like I was Kelly
Jade was faster doe. Some next fast legs she got. We was on the w4 like bus for
about 15mins Before we got off. We wwere walking past a couple of estates when we
clocked some manz in a car. We walked past the car when the driver blurted out the
horn. ‘Ey gyal cum ere 4 a sec’ he sounded so Jamaican. He was sexy doe. With the
both ears pierced and shit. Coming closer I clocked he was FINE. Damn I thought to
myself. Jade had dat look on her face. She knew I was gonna be a bad bad girl
today. ‘So wah u sexi ladies doing down these bits? Man aint ever seen u 2 here
b4’ ‘Ye we came 4 a visit innit’ ‘Hmmm so u don’t wanna go 4 a quick ride?’ Jade
was pleading “no” to mi wiv her eyes. I didn’t care I was getting horny anyway. My
brain clocked dat there was another man in the car. Penger than this one I was
talking to. He was looking at mi wiv sum next emotion in his eyes. He knew what I
was thinking and I knew what he was thinking. ‘So cum den. Is ur friend cumin 2?’
‘Nah nah she going to do something for me innit.’ I opened the door to sit in the
back when he stopped mi. ‘What?’ I asked. Nah ma breh is going innit. So its gon
be just me and you then.’ ‘Umm okay’ I sed. Still excited. Jade had disappeared. I
hopped in the front of the car and he starting moving. ‘U gota big batty gyal ya
know… how old iz u?’ ‘15’ I sed. ‘Rahhhtted and u got manz dick goinhard’. I
laughed at this. He started touching me thigh and didn’t stop. He went all the way
up to my panties good ting I wore a skirt today I thought. His finger found my
pussy. He was still driving. We was heading sum next place cuz it was getting more
woody as we was going. ‘Shiite ur wet already gyal’ He started fingering me. At
1st it was 1finger den 2 den 3 I swear I was going nuts. Funnily I clocked I
didn’t even know his name. ‘Wots ur name?’ I moaned. He laughed and said ‘Damon.’
I was moaning at dis point. ‘SHIIITTTT I'm bout to cum’ ‘arrrgghhh’ I felt weak.
He took out his fingers and licked dem. Hmmm dats what I liked. A pussy eater. He
stuffed fingers in my mouth and I happily sucked dem. I started feeling his
trousers. His dick was hard already. Damn I thought. Den the car stopped. He
pulled down his trousers and his dick sprang out. Rarrr I thought it was BIG. ‘So
likkle gyal what u gonna do wiv alla dis?’ he asked. I smiled. My lips went on dat
dick and I started sucking it like it was a lollipop. ‘Arrghhh’ he moaned. He was
pushing my head back and forth den after bout 10mins him cum in my mouth. Knowing
how freaky I was swallowed. He was shocked but smiled. ‘Gyal I would have u rite
ere buh I aint got no protection. Give man ur number innit so I can bell u next
time.’ I gave him the digits. We drove back is a happy silence. When we got back
his breh oz on the wall on the phone. He looked vex at mi. ‘Boii’ I thought I got
out of the car and started walking towards were I was originally suppose to go. I
took out the phone and belled Jade, ‘Fam were u at’ ‘Dat chicken shop innit. Deres
a couple of manz outside innit so u beta take care’. ‘Ite Fam kl imma c u ina
bit.’ I finally got there after bout 10mins. Fuck u Jade I thought ‘a couple! WTF
it looked like sum football hooligans. Kmt. I thought. This mean I had to walk
between them to pass. I took a deep breath and started walking. One boy lifted his
head and clocked me. Soon after all the mandem started looking at mi. ‘damn’
They were all PENG. I was rating Hackney rite bout den. They had sum choong manz
in the endz. ‘Ey Baby gyal cum holla at man innit.’ I walked. ‘Choong ting’ ‘
Rahhh backoff aint u gonna share dat wiv mi?’ I walked. Den I felt a hand grab mi.
Blud I was gonna swing for manz dick when I clocked how sexy he was. Like he was
ova sexy. He was on Tyson Beckford’s level. Nah scratch dat. Tyrese. Nah nah my
guy was on his own level of sexiness. Den he spoke. O my I thought I was in
heaven. His voice made me wet. He was doing tings to me. ‘You dropped ur phone
baby girl’. He said handing mi my phone. ‘Y the fuck didn’t I hear it drop?’ I
asked myself. ‘safe b’ ‘Its nuffin innit. Do u live round these bits cah I aint
ever clocked u b4 or dat big batty.’ I smiled and so did he. ‘O! is dat how it is
yh? Well nah nah I’m 4rm Tottenham innit. I jus cum 4 a visit. My cuzzi. Buh I’m
gonna pick up my Co-Dee from the chicken shop.’ ‘Hold up the girl wid the Roca
wear jacket?’ I nodded. ‘Rahh u got sexiness running thru all of you guys.’ I
laughed really hard. All the manz was watching their goon doing the curpsin. ‘I’ve
got to go. But safe for that.’ ‘Hold up! Aint u got a number I could bell u by?’
‘umm’ chewed my lip … ‘mmm 075…’ I was walking when he shouted ‘Safe sexi’ I
smiled. The chicken shop was deserted. Only my girl was there. ‘Wag1 b’ ‘Hmm wag1
yourself’ ‘What did u do wiv him?’ I smiled. ‘It’s a minor’ She laughed. ‘I love u
b, buh u got to stop doing shit like dat. What if he was a rapist or a killer?’
‘True true, just for you I’ll stop’ We hugged. ‘Shit look at the time we gota get
going.’ My phone was ringing. Who the fuck is going to be calling me at 3 in the
morning! ‘Hello’ I grumbled into the phone. ‘Wag1 is me Damon.’ ‘O hi’ ‘Was u
sleeping?’ Wtf I asked my self was I sleeping what the fuck does a human do at 3
in the morning? Work!!? ‘Yh I was.’ ‘O ma bad ma bad. I was jus belling u 2 say
thanks innit and that next time u cum to the ends’ bell man innit. So imma leave u
get your batty sum rest. Safe.’ Den he was gone. I fell asleep again. In the
morning… The sound of hovering woke me up. Looking at the time it was 8o’clcok.
Arggh this woman. ‘Get Up Rayne Wake up. Lazy girl. Haven’t you had enough rest!
When I was a child growing up…’ ‘O no here we go again and again. Can’t she shut
the fuck up? I love my mumzy I do. But she can get so annoying sometimes. Fucking
African culture. Ur turning 16 blah blah u have to get your act together. You
can’t even cook. Like I was going to be poor in the future. She doesn’t know that
this girl is an entrepreneur. Ima make it big in the future. I was aiming to be
famous make my P. Ima be Big. This was a minor. ‘Get up Rayne! Before I make u!’
‘Arghh I’m coming I just woke up.’ ‘Fucking hell’ I muttered. ‘Did u just swear at
mi?’ ‘Rarr how did she hear that?’ I thought to myself. Now I wasn’t a shook gal
but when it came to my mumzy. O boii I was scared for my life. When I was a yungah
like 13ish and didn’t give a shit bout home life. Boi I got it. She would throw
anything she cud find at mi. I was her punching bag. She stopped since ‘I’m
growing up and have to make my own decisions’ Kmt purleaze I knew were I was
going. I just weren’t prepared to share it with anyone. I went to
the bathroom brushed my teeth ‘Tried’ to get my hair flat and bathed. After I
finished bathing the house was empty. Mumzy had gone out and left a note saying
‘Clean your room, the Hoover is in front of your door and EAT’. She knew that I
hardly ate and when I did I did it bigggg. I turned on the laptop and signed on
msn. Same old people were on. ‘Wag1 dutty girl’ that was my best friend Dwayne. I
was bare tight with dis breh. I told him what I had dun the day b4. He didn’t seem
surprised. ‘Loool’ he sed. ‘So has he called you? Did u get his name’? ‘Npe Lol y
I think he will memba. I got the spell alie fam u cud call mi a witch 4rm
Africa.:D’ ‘Loool well witch 4rm Africa I’m gone ye c u soon. Ima bell u round
5ish ite?’ ‘Yh Bye. Luv u x x x’ ‘One’ I had a massive smile on my face. He just
couldn’t say ‘I love u’ he had tried but he couldn’t ever say it to anyone. ‘Aww
how cute’ Dwayne was PENG. He was just so damn sexy he had girls chasing after him
acting like skets. I guess I was the female version of him. Maybe thats y we got
along so damn good. I knew he woz a rider and would ride or die 4 me because he
shanked up one boy who tried to boi mi. I was bare emosh that day. But yh. ‘Wine
pon it gal and talk to mi’ My ringtone. I let it ring for a bit while I started
moving dem hips. ‘Hello?’ I said shyly. ‘Ye wag1 babes. Its Gino 4rm yesterday I
was the guy who gave u back your phone.’ ‘O yh’ I laughed. ‘I was wondering wen
you were gonna bell me.’ ‘So sexi u think man aint gonna phone up ur phone? Y? dat
woulda been a disrespect. The way ur batty was talking to me yesterday.’ ‘What did
my batty tell u?’ ‘How u was feeling man and how u wanna link man innit!’ I
laughed long and hard. ‘Ur a joker u nah’ ‘But man is serious 4real r u on it?’
‘hmm ill think bout it. Gimme ur msn I’ll add u.’ He gave it to me. ‘Safe I’ll
talk to u on there bye.’ I hang up. I added him. Soon as he was talking to me. I
smiled. ‘So u on it yh?’ I was bout to reply no wen my guy wrote a paragraph. ‘ I
noe I aint known u long and arghh u dun sumting to mi. Like I cnt get u out ov my
hed. I didn’t call u yesterday cuz i thought u wud think I woz a stalker or
sumting and I called u today now bcuz I woz jus sittin dere watchin ur numba and
askin my self whether I sud call u or not. Argggh I dunno. I think im in love with
you. 4realz. Man u dun sumting to mi. I aint eva asked a girl 4 her digits eva
until I saw u. I dunno bby girl im feelin u and I wud like to get to noe u beta
! ’ ‘O my.’ ‘Um I dunno cuz at the mo I got a man innit but thingz aint gwan
good so cud me jus link and get to noe each other?’ I sed dat bcuz no wun had eva
eva expressed demselves to mi like dat and it felt good! ‘ ite B’ We talked 4
hours and I really didn’t clock the time until my mum called the house phone.
African accent ‘I hope you have done the tasks I have set you. I’m coming home
with auntie akua so you better have tidied up the house. She’s bringing her sons.
Bye’. Omdz everyone is the Ghanaian community is either an auntie or an uncle and
they always wanted you to marry their children in the future. ‘G2G’ I typed. ‘ y
so soon?’ ‘Mumzy iz being a dikhed and I got fam cumin round the hse innit’
‘Alrite kl. Lata sexc. Ima bell ur fone ina bit.’ ‘Wun’ ‘Yh Yh Wun b’ I was gone.
Looked at the time 5:05pm. Damn I thought. I had less than 30mins to tidy up my
bedroom and clean the bathroom and kitchen.
Normally I wouldn’t do shit in the yard buh heads were coming and I had a couple
of stuff in my bedroom to hide before people got nosey. Took the bleach and got to
work. I rated myself wen I finished cuz it looked so damn good. Time? .5:30! You
go girl I thought to myself. Like on queue the doorbell rang. I dun my belt up and
opened the door wiv the fakest smiles ever. I deserved a fukin Oscar. ‘eyyy Akua
(My Ghanaian name) How r u?’ ‘Eyyy look at u ur taller and ur bum eyy turn
around…’ I had to go thru dis every time these people came round here. Den her
son. I was pleasantly surprised cah I had never seen him b4and he was gorgeous. He
was giving it all dat and a bit more. I was in a trance 4 a few minutes. Mumzy
buts in with ‘So we are going to spend the rest of the nite outside ah?’ I screwed
and opened the door to let them thru. As soon as dey got in I was forgotten. I
laughed. Gossipers. ‘Wen mumzy said ur mum had a dawta I didn’t expect u to be dat
peng. Man thought u was12 or something.’ I gave him one of dose sexy Ghanaian
smiles. ‘I’m touched’ He laughed ‘Cum to my bedroom’ I sed. He eagerly followed.
Dis is gonna turn out to be a nice day. Now I know u lot must be thinking HOL UP.
I swear u had a man and another man was unto u so y r u gonna do shit like dat!
Well basically. When a girl like me loses her V. Shit like dis happens. I was born
with a very HIGH sex drive. 4real. And I’m one of dose people dat do stuff den
think bout it later. Which iz bad yes I’m aware. But anyway … We got to my
bedroom. He started feeling me up. I didn’t try stopping him. Now I noe what u
must be thinking again! Lol. Yu must be a real sket if ur gonna fuck in ur own
house wiv sum random guy u don’t even noe plus hes ur cousin. Well he aint. We
aint related. It’s a necessity that we have to call people auntie and uncle don’t
mean it’s a relation ting. Well, so wa u think of porn stars? If u aint been there
don’t judge. I started to take off my clothes wen my phone rang. ‘wtf…turn it
off..’ ‘Nah its my girl Jade…gimme a minute’. ‘Yes?’ ‘Rayne please cum round the
yard. Please… Its urgent…I dunno wt to do.’ ‘Ite b I’m cumin. Hol tite ima be dere
ina bit.’ ‘What?’ he asked. ‘Cud we do dis another tym. My girl needs mi. Its
urgent.’ A look of disappointed crept thru his face. ‘Ite sexi… Ima leave my num
wiv ur mumzy ite?’ ‘yhyh kl’ I went downstairs quick time. ‘Mum I quickly need to
go Jade’s yard to get something. I’ll be back soon.’ ‘Who is yard?’ I laughed. ‘No
No it’s a 21st century word for house.’ She screwed me and said ‘ U better be home
early!’ ‘Bi Mum, Bi Auntie, Bi auntie’s son.’ I stormed outa of the yard by this
tym it woz 6:30. The bus came quikly. Den the bus driver try chat shit bout how im
16 need a bus pass. I weren’t ina mood 4 it. I told him to arrest mi or shut the
fuk up and drive. He drove. All the ppl in the bus were lukin at mi wiv sum dutty
eyez. One old granny cum out wiv ‘Girl didn’t ur marda teach ya no reispect?’ ‘If
its an emergency and someone’s live could be at risk. No she didn’t. And the only
reason he done dat its because im black. Dat it. C dese white people r quik to
criticize…’ She luked at mi long and hard. Den smiled. I smiled back. It woz my
stop so I pressed the bell. The door opened I sed by to my new granny friend and
woz off. Walked past sum estates a couple of manz were shouting backoff but I
didn’t really stop to give dem a lil attention. My girl woz needin me. I buzzed
her door and waited. She opened the door. She
woz cryin like I aint eva seen her b4. ‘Jadey Baby wots wrong?’ She tried to
answer but she broke down crying again. I enetered closed the door behind me and
followed her upstairs to her bedroom. ‘Take ur tym b. Tell me wot happened.’ After
bout 20rolls of tissue she began to tell her story. ‘See dat guy dat I woz linkin,
Xavier. Well he came round to the yard innit and one ting led to another and we
woz u noe. Den I woz giving him hed and he buss in my eye.’ She cud see the shock
in my face. ‘Its dats it? He fukin buss in ur eye and ur crying? Wtf? Iz dat y u
made me trek 5minz ova here?’ ‘NO NO! man! Shut up nd listen man. Well the mood
woz set and thing and the tv woz playing Put A Little Umph In It and I woz feeling
it so I woz u noe. Puttin my all in it. Well so now yh he buss in my eye and we
start larfin. Den my granma bus in the room wid a butchers knife shoutin ‘Ima kill
ya gal!’ ‘Hahahahaha’ I woz havin a fit. ‘Jade ur gran caught u?!’ ‘I aint
finished. Well so now yh I’m still dere on my knees and Xavier’s pants were down
and gran woz gnna chop his ting off. He run down the stairs and rolled down cah
his trousers were at his ankles. He didn’t even have his top on properly.’ I had
tears in my eyes. I was larfin my hed off. ‘So y r u cryin?’ ‘Granma whopped my
arse. Literally and I couldn’t do nuttin back. Look how small she is. She said she
won’t tell De-Andre what she saw but If I do it again and she suspects me or
catches me she will beat me up then the him’. De-Andre was Jade’s older sexy ass
brother. ‘Then she made me tea and rich tea’. ‘Dumb Arse’ ‘Ur soo stupid J. But u
noe lurrrv u.’ ‘Luv u 2 ray ray.’ We hugged and I started cracking up again. ‘So u
think its funny?’ ‘Nah nah nah I don’t b’, That’s wen the pillow fight began. I
was still there at 9. We had been watching love and basketball. Den my mum start
ringing up my fone. Jade knew wot to do ‘Hello Ms.Nelson…’ African accent, ‘is
Rayne there?’ ‘Yh but she’s sleeping. She had a bad belly ache and I gave her sum
paracetamol. Should I wake her up?’ ‘No no leave her, Tell her dat I have to go to
Peckham to her aunties house. There’s money behind the toaster and I hope she got
her keys.’ ‘Okay Bye I will.’ ‘Bi Darlin, How is your brada by the way?’ ‘Hes fine
thank you’. ‘Bye’. ‘Safe.’ I didn’t wanna go back home and dis woman was stoosh
and sometimes strict. She wuda told mi to bring my rass home. We heard the door
opening. It was Jade’s mum. ‘Should I go say hello?’ I asked. ‘Nah Nah leave it
she probz too tired newayz. She sleeps as soon as she gets home’. ‘K k’. ‘Nah bbz
u aint on msn’. I laughed. ‘I don’t get caught by my granny doing the durrrtaayy’.
I laughed again harder this time. ‘I will call your mum back and say that you made
me lie!’ she threatened. ‘Yu wudnt dare!’ ‘Try me’. My phone rang. Luked the
number and it was withheld. ‘Hello?’ ‘Wag1 dutty gal, sorry I cudnt call you b4
man had sum biznezz to sort out innit.’ Jade mouthed ‘Who is it?’ ‘Dwayne’ I
mouthed back. She smiled shyly. My girl had a ting 4 dis boy but she kept denying
it. ‘Wot biznezz bezzi? So now I aint important in no mans life. I c. But its
nuffin innit.’ I joked. He larfed. ‘Nah nah, ish jus dat man woz makin P innit.
Shottin.’ I frowned. ‘D u noe I luv u innit. But u aint have to get ur self ina
dis bullshit Baby, cah wen u in bin imma cum visit buh ur so called ‘frendz’ which
wun ov dem can truly sai dey ride 4 u?’ Silence. Jade was also listening to the
convo. ‘Ye ye I get u. But mans gotta make a living. Ima stop. Truss. I just need
to get dis skl and job ting on lock den I’m out like u wen your sleeping’. ‘Ooo so
got jokes D?’ He laughed and so did I. ‘So Ray wagwan wiv dat bredda u got sprung
over u.’ Jade had a ‘Why the fuck aint u told mi dis shit luk’ and I had dat
‘Shame I 4got.’ ‘So I told both D and Jade what he sed and wrote.’ She was Lukin
like she was gonna preach. But couldn’t because I was on the phone. ‘Rarrrr Ray
Hmm man knew dat u was gonna do dat to him. You have that effect on mandem innit.
Its ur laugh and ur smile innit.’ ‘Awww are you gonna make me blush? You know I’m
not single rite. Yu need to steep back!’ Now his deep voice really rumbled as he
laughed long and hard. ‘Ah shit. Soz I gosta go yh. Ima bell u 2moro yh. My
brother’s wanting mi.’ I heard a voice in the background telling him to hurry up.
The voice sounded so familiar. ‘D, I swear your bro was in Essex somewhere. I aint
even seen him b4. I jus clocked u noe.’ ‘Slow coach he was in America innit. He
was there from 14 and now he 20 hes back. Ill tell u later on innit.’ ‘Yh b. BiBi
I loooove uuuu.’ Silence den ‘Yh I do 2. Innit’ I smiled. ‘Bi D’. Then the line
went dead. I turned a around to a slap. Not a hard slap but a friendly slap on my
beautiful cheeks. ‘Gino?’ ‘Long ass story. Let me tell you…’ The sound of my phone
ringing woke me up. The number was withheld again. ‘Yes’ I muttered. ‘Ey Ray its
Dwayne could cum ova to manz yard in bout 1hour. Please I need your help innit. I
don’t trust these snakes round the ends.’ ‘Ok Bi’. I cut the phone b4 he cud even
say bye. Now, I am a nice person. For real but when I’m sleeping and u wake me up.
I’m very nasty. Sleep was one thing I loved. My Hobby blud. So you can understand
y a girl was pissed when man rings her phone at 8:00 o’clock on a Sunday
requesting back up for sum next shit. ‘Lucky prick’ I muttered. I got up and
looked on the other bed. As usual Jade had her legs going to heaven somewhere. She
slept funny being able to do the splits didn’t help either. I brushed my teeth and
dressed in some of Jade’s clothes. And my own underwear. Yes I had loads over
there so don’t get it twisted. I left her a note and quietly exited her yard. The
streets were silent. It was so damn peaceful. By 8:55 I was ringing Dwayne door
ready to slap his him face. The person who opened the door was not Dwayne. Shock
of my life. ‘Omdz’ I whispered to myself. ‘Can I help you?’ ‘Um yh I’m looking for
Dwayne. Omdz I kept saying to myself. ‘Dwayne!!!’ he shouted in an American
British accent. Now that was my definition of a sexy voice. Dwayne came running to
the door. ‘Ray Baby Boo. You don’t look very happy.’ ‘Hmmm. Try this. You wake me
up at 8’oclock on a non school day. And tell mi to trek to your house. Yh I’m not
happy.’ He smiled and half hugged me half pulled me into his house. ‘Dwayne who
opened the door?’ ‘My brother. The one I was talking about last night.’ ‘O Skn
skn’. ‘Rayneee?’ ‘Yes Dwayne Michael Knight how may I help you?’ ‘I noe u got
something on your mind Ms.Nelson. So ahead and tell me.’ ‘It’s nothing’ I replied.
He looked into my eyes for a longgggg time. I stared straight back. ‘You noe I
love u Chinese girl.’ (I have Chinese eyes. They are very small) ‘I luv u 2
Dwayne.’ Den I clocked. ‘Dwayne did u just say dat word? Omdz u did.’ I got up to
hug him. He smiled shyly. I was now sitting on his lap talking to him bout
Arsenal. His brother came in the living room and asked Dwayne get something for
him. He looked at me in
shock and horror. ‘So your Rayne?’ I nodded. ‘Y aint u got nuttin to say wen back
in East u was on it wiv my dawg.’ If you lot aint clocked Dwayne’s brother was the
breh in the car with Damon. I was silent still. ‘Does Dwayne noe what u did.’ I
nodded. He looked surprised. ‘You told him?’ ‘Yh he’s my bezzie for life. I love
him’. ‘What ever you say innit. I’ll get Damon off your back because he was going
to link you up wiv a couple of his bredrins aswell init.’ I was shocked. I musta
seen the shock in my face cuz his face softened. ‘Listen I don’t noe u so I aint
gonna judge you but u have to stop all the things you do. If u don’t keep it on
the D.L (down low) I don’t want my brother’s tightest friend to be hated on. Man
wont have dat. Ya understand mi.’ I nodded shyly. I weren’t really seeing him that
good but when I looked up and looked in his eyes. I knew I was in love. Damn. He
was amazing. His diamond earrings were sparkling; lighting up the room. Literally.
He had all the features which I wanted in my man. He had black eyes and his hair…
Wooow. His hair was longer than mine. What disrespect. ‘Hello’? He waved his hand
into my eyes. ‘Uh sorry were you saying something? I was miles away.’ ‘ I said how
old are you? 17 or 18?’ I laughed. He frowned. ‘I’m 15.’ He was shocked. ‘15? And
you’re going on like dat!’ Dat hurt me I felt like shit. He musta seen dat in my
face cah he came over to hug me. And wen he did. I was in heaven. ‘I’m sorry I
didn’t mean it dat way its jus dat I was so damn shocked.’ ‘It’s kl.’ I had never
realized how tall dis guy was. Now me, I was like 5ft 4 dis guy was bout 6
something. And his body from what I was feeling was amazing. We broke apart and
his eyes looked cloudy. Dwayne came in. ‘There u go.’ He handed his brother a
strap. ‘Say what. Please don’t tell mi I came here to be an alibi.’ ‘Yes and no.
See wen I told you I was shottin dat time. Well sum goons rushed me and took the
stuff. But it weren’t mine it was his. (Pointing to his brother) Dash found out
were the mandem was from innit so we’re rollin up there tonight to get our shit
back. We just need you to come to a shubz and pretend that u was wiv him all along
innit. He got a criminal record in America so he would be suspect.’ ‘Fuckin hell’.
I was kind of getting hot. ‘So are you on it?’ I looked him deep in his eye and
said ‘Dwayne you know I will ryd or die for you. Corse I’m on it’. He smiled. ‘I
knew you wouldn’t let me down FAM’. ‘So when is the shubz?’ ‘2nite.’ ‘2 what. Erm
you may have 4got but my mother is a ryder as well, She wont let me out. No way.
What am I gonna tell her.’ My phone rang. It was flashing mum. I decided to pick
it up. ‘Shhh’ I whispered to the talking brothers, ‘Hello’ I said sleepily.
Pretending to have just woken up. African accent ‘Did u just wake up?’ ‘Yes’ I
grumbled. I deserve an Oscar I thought to myself. Dwayne was looking and smiling
at me and shaking his head. His brother was also mirroring his actions. ‘Well,
could you stay at Jade’s house for a couple of days?’ Was this a joke? ‘Why?”
‘Your auntie gave birth yesterday and I have to look after the little ones.’ ‘Awww
is it I bet it was a girl.’ ‘No actually, a boy. Have you eaten?’ ‘Mum I jus woke
up, No I haven’t eaten.’ Then the argument began about my eating she was on for a
full 10mins about my eating habits. ‘Mum okay I’m going to eat bye-bye. Tell Smash
Kid I said hi!’ ‘Smash who?’ I chuckled. ‘Junior.’ ‘O okay. Natasha says hi.’
‘Hiiiiiiii Tash!’ ‘Okay okay bye and go and eat. Are you going to come to visit?’
‘Yessss, but not today probably tomorrow afternoon. Bye mum’. I locked off the
phone and smiled.
‘What?’ Dwayne asked. ‘I think yh dat God has been listening to you because mumzy
said I could stay over at Jade’s for a couple of day. My auntie (real auntie) had
a baby boy.’ ‘Skeenish’. ‘You know you should be an actor’. His brother said. ‘um
I just clocked I dnt noe ur name!’ He smiled a sexaay smile. He was too fine. I
wished I was older. ‘My full name is De-Andre Jamal Santa Torres’. ‘ur Spanish?’
‘Nah nah I got Spanish ancestry.’ ‘O dats y u lot luk sum nex colour.’ He
chuckled. ‘U got the hair, the eyes, the body, the loo…’ then I clocked what I was
about to say. I felt myself getting hot. I was so embarrassed. By now Dwayne was
larfing his ass off. I was pissed. Why r u so dumb? I asked myself. I felt my
belly talking to me. ‘umm I’m hungry.’ ‘Aint no way you are going inside my
kitchen Ms.Nelson…Remember what happened last time!’ ‘Wot happened last time’ De-
Andre asked. O No. Hes gonna think I’m some avid eater. ‘She wanted some muffin I
said okay she had bout 6muffins she ate all of them then had some cornflakes. Then
asked me for some of my Chinese I told her ok. All this time I was in the bath.
When I said some Chinese she literally left me none then made herself pizza and
finished the orange juice.’ My jaw dropped. ‘Not allllllllll the muffin! There was
half left.’ De-Andre was staring at me funny. I couldn’t look back because I felt
like his eyes would read straight thru me. ‘So wot u got to eat?’ ‘Wot u want’. A
sly smile crossed my face. ‘Wot u offering?’ ‘Fish?’ ‘Errr No!!’ ‘Hol up u don’t
eat fish?’ ‘I do I eat tuna and dats about it I don’t like fish .’ ‘Wow’ De-Andre
said.’So shawty wa’cha wanna eat?’ I felt like dying he was proper proper in the
accent and his voice was sounding SEXY wid it. O my Lord. ‘CHINESE’ I literally
screamed. They fell out larfin. ‘Did I miss a joke?’ ‘Well… Dwayne said you were
gonna say Chinese after a long time…because that’s all you eat.’ I rolled my eyes
at him. ‘So who’s going to the shop?’ Isit even open at this time?’ ‘’Were making
it.’ De-Andre said. ‘I don’t cook.’ ‘Your going to learn.’…. About an hour later
‘Woow dat tastes nice. And I actually kinda made it. Wooow. Ur a magician.’ I got
up and hugged De-Andre. It felt electric. It felt so good being in his arms I
stayed there longer than I should have. Dwayne’s voice made us break apart. I was
speechless. My phone rang. Jade. ‘Wherrrree the rasssss is ur ass!!’. ‘D’s endz.
Y?’ ‘You got Jamal bellin my phone chatting shit to me. About where r u and shit.’
‘Call him please. Ray I have to go bath. Yh ill call you when I’m done. I thought
we was meant to be going shopping 2dai fam-a-lam?’ ‘Um yh we still are B bell my
phone at 2 den we can go then. Where we going?’ ‘West!’ ‘Um okay but ur buying me
the ticket… am a bit broke at the mo maybe I can get more money 4rm dat guy I dun
a ting wiv last time.’ She laughed ‘Jade o yh we have to go shubz wiv Dwayne
today. He wants you to be his date.’ The phone was bareee silent. ‘Jay? U dere.’
‘Yh I’m here. So he said dat?’ ‘Yh man okay go get bathed wiv ur lazy ass. Bi sexy
you know I luv that bakoff.’ ‘Shullup lesbo.’ ‘Who was that.’ Omdz he was standing
behind me and o my I was getting really hot. His body warmth felt so amazing. ‘umm
my friend.’ He brought his body closer. I backed up to him. ‘So who’s Jamal?’ He
whispered again. His hot breath on my
neck. He was making me wet!!!!!!! ‘One guy I as going out with.’ That’s true cuz I
didn’t consider dat waste man my man no more.! ‘Shawty u noe u got a man dreamin?’
‘De-Ande?’ ‘Yes boo?’ ‘Could you please kiss me?’ He turned me around so fast yet
so slow then we started kissing. I was floating. Literally. I was on cloud 100. It
felt indescribable. His hands moved lower and rested on my hips. I was breathing
hard on his neck. ‘You know that you have a bad effect on people. Your eyes. It’s
just something about you that gets to people.’ ‘Rayyyyyyyne’. Dwayne shouted. I
was pretty pissed at this point. He killed our flow. I was about to go but De
wasn’t letting go. ‘ummm I have to go to your …’ We started kissing again.
‘Raaayyyynnnne!!!.’ Im coming.’ I whispered. Fairly sure he weren’t able to hear
me. He let me go. He looked like he had trouble breathing. I had the same problem!
I walked out of the kitchen sure that his eyes were on me. Dwayne was in his
bedroom playing on xbox360, on the computer and Lukin for clothes to wear. ‘Yes…
Wot u want?’ ‘Miz bad attitude. Dnt think I didn’t see you kissing him.’ I bit my
lip and my jaw dropped. ‘How the…’ ‘Came downstairs to see what you were up to
then I backed up aswell. He started kissing my neck. ‘So who did u do a ting wiv?’
he whispered. ‘ummmm hmmm dis umm hear you moaning and shit.’ He smiled. Come sit
down. He patted his bed. I sat. ‘Dwayne have you got a problem with me and him cuz
if u do I will just…’ He interrupted me. ‘Naw I aint got nothing with that. Just
promise me you won’t get hurt. And will make decisions that are worthwhile.’ ‘I
promise.’ We hugged for what seemed like hours. In silence. ‘I love you Dwayne.’
‘Luv u too Chinese girl.’ ‘Hmm I noe sum1 else hu luvs u and mi noe ur feelin the
person…So I dnt undastand y u 2 dnt just go and do ur thing!’ He frowned. He
looked irritated. I took out my phone and called Jade. ‘Wft u want man im tryna
get dressed.’ ‘Jay umm Dwayne wants to say hi AND he likes u.’ I dropped the phone
on the bed and run out of the bedroom onto the stairs and stormed into the living
room. ‘Ray I’m gonna kill u. Ediiat girl.’ I knew he was gonna do a thing wiv her.
I’m cupid I thought. I was doing my lil cupid self dance when I felt someone
behind me. I felt butterflies. My heart started beating real fast. I turned around
to find his lips on mine. He picked me up and sat down with me on his lap. We
kissed for hours. Well…Minutes but it felt like hours. When we broke apart his
eyes looked cloudy. I looked into his eyes for time then started crying. ‘What’s
wrong boo?’ ‘Nothing. its just I cry when I look into people’s eyes for a long
time.’ Its true! He chuckled. ‘So ur not mad at me?’ I shook my head. I clocked
the time. 1:30pm. ‘O shit’. I got off him quickly. ‘I’m meant to be in West by 3.
With Jade. My friend. We’re going shopping!’ ‘To buy? Clothes for the ‘Shubz’ I
hope!’ I smiled my seductive smile. ‘Yeaa. We are. Should I buy a dress or …’
‘Whats the or.’ ‘Just jeans ana top.’ ‘I like the or…’ I smiled. ‘Ur funny. But
I’ll buy a dress anyway. For a special occasion.’ I winked.He started larfing.
‘You noe ur funny Chinese Cinderella’. ‘I was getting irritated. ‘Wot? You dnt
like being called Chinese?’ My face said it all… ‘ Ray! Jade said meet her at the
tube station and cum get ur damn phone b4 I phone all your contacts. Rasss child
you got sum dutty pics! ‘How come u got so many vids?’ I was up those stairs and
in his bedroom in seconds. ‘Gimme my phone.’ He smiled one evil smile. ‘if you
don’t I will hurt ur halo 3’ I smiled. Again. ‘You wouldn’t dare.’ ‘Try me’. He
gave me back my phone. ‘Wot ur madda
tell u bout thongs and g-strings.’ ‘Dwaynnnnnne…’ I jumped on him and we fought. I
won. Well he let me win. I was now downstairs. ‘Bi bi De-Andre.’ ‘Cum here a
second’ he shouted from the living room. I went in there. ‘So I get no kiss or no
hug. Just a bye…How a nigga meant to live when u left him wounded?’ He was funny.
He was watching a basketball match. I went up to where he was sitting to hug him.
He dropped about4bills in my hands. ‘Go buy urself sumting sexy shawty.’ ‘I can’t
take yur money. My mum said I shouldn’t take money from strangers’. ‘You got
jokes?’ ‘Yes I think I am very funny, but seriously I’m ok you shouldn’t feel
obliged…’ ‘Clever clever…just take it, my confidence is at stake.’ ‘Ok gimme a
quarter of what is in your hands.’ ‘Why don’t you just take the money and gimme
the rest of what is left!’ ‘Hmm okay’. ‘I’m gone now Peace’ ‘She left me for
dead!’ I laughed as I shut the door behind me. After a few minutes my phone rang.
A number I didn’t recognize. ‘Hello?’ ‘You left me dead. I’m dying now’. I smiled.
‘Bye bye I’m going to kill more people.’ ‘No no kill me. I want you to kill only
me.’ ‘Your funny you know.’ ‘Coming from you honey that means a lot. So where you
at now boo?’ ‘5seconds away from Jade’s door.’ ‘Ite I’ll leave you. Holla back’
‘Bye’. His voice was so sexy. I rang the door bell. ‘Ready to go?’ In the most
diva-ish americanish voice I ever heard Jade replies ‘Lets hit the roads sister.’
I had tears in my eyes. ‘Jade your fucking funny’ After Shopping in West Me and
Jade stepped into McDonalds. It was crowed. Everyone was in west because of the
sale. I saw some haters from my school I recognized. They smiled their fake smiles
and I Smiled mine. ‘Fukin cunts.’ Jade whispered in my ear. I laughed really hard
because Jade was one of those civilized people that thought that ‘fuck’ was a
forbidden word. ‘Wag1 Rayne’ a voice boomed. ‘Hiiiiiiii Mandy. Long time no see.’
‘Yh got work on work to do mate.’ We talked for about 5mins while we waited in the
queue. It was me and Jade’s turn. ‘I would like 2 big mac’s, 3 large fries, a
milkshake, a cheeseburger and a muffin. O and water. Jade what about you.’ The
waitress looked shocked. Then I saw that thieving conniving son of a motherfukin
bitch. Then as though this was my worst nightmare Jamal comes up behind me
‘trying’ to put his arms around my waist. O no he wasn’t going there. ‘Wait yh.
Jamal you’ve got some cheek. First im hearing tingz bout how ur going out with one
girl from west on the sly then I hear how at Michelle’s shubz ur wyning up on
Benedicta. Now u wanna put ur stinkin no good for nuttin, sleeping about arse on
my waist. Nigga u must be on crack. But wait a second. You are!’ ‘But babez allow
man innit. Man was drunk fam. I didn’t know what I was doing. She wanted to suck
mans dick innit. So I said go ahead.’ ‘Shut the fuck up’. Jade spoke for me. ‘If
you was my man. You certainly aint now u small dicked pussio.’ Jade started
laughing her ass off. He looked pised. A couple of manz heard and were laughing
too. He walked out and I didn’t even look back to see his sorry no good for
nothing ass disappear. Now. What pissed me of was the fact that he cheated on me
while we were going out and was going out with some else. I lost a very close
friendship to be with him and I get shit. Ain’t no way a man was gonna do me like
that. No fukin way. Then I saw a sexy smile. A fukin sexy smile. It was Gino! But
he wasn’t smiling at me. He
had a his arm around a girl. And was doing thingz dat only girlfriend and
boyfriend do. ‘Jade, that’s Gino.’ I pointed straight ahead to my left. She
frowned. ‘From what you told me Rayne this guy was single. And was supposed to be
obsessed with you and was supposed to be in Manchester at his grannies yard. What
the fuck is this dude doing in west with a girl? Holding her waist and kissing on
her neck men are fucking snakes.’ I was pissed. I felt soo betrayed beyond words.
I switched and when I switch I don’t care where or who am with. I go ape. Banana’s
Nuts. Whatever I just go crazy. I shouted. ‘Wag1 Gino.’ The girl next to him
screwed me. She was looking at me like ‘Who the fuck are you.’ By now the place
was silent because everyone knew what was going to happen. Even the haters. ‘Gino
who the fuck is that girl next to you cuz me and u are linkin and ur in love with
me fam. So like she must be ur sister,’ The girl replied. ‘I’m his girl. Who are
you. You must be a hoe coming up to me and my man randomly and chatting shit.’
Gino looked dumbstruck. I continued ‘Gino fucking tell this girl to piss off
innit. Its me and you not me you and her.’ The girl looked pissed and put herself
in danger when she said. ‘Your mum you stupid sket. Go find your own man and stop
hating on mine.’ I leaped. Fucking leaped over to where she was and started
punching her in her face. She couldn’t fight back because I had her on lock. I was
gonna kill her. Nobody. Absolutely no-one cussed my mum. Under no circumstance was
she gonna get away with it. I was gonna kill her. Hands grabbed me back. I could
hear Jade somewhere saying. ‘Stop. Allow it. You’ll kill her. Stop man stop.’
Someone finally pulled me away from her. She looked pissed. Someone called the
feds. Everyone ducked. And got on the same bus. This wasn’t over. I clocked Gino
comforting her and some others laughing at her on a sly. I went up to him. This
was NOT over. ‘Explain to me please I just don’t quite understand. She is most
definitely your sister. She has to be because, ‘You love me remember.’ Then I
started kicking punching at him. He couldnt do shit cuz I was a girl. He just kept
holding me back. Then I gave him a slap that made the whole bus silent. He looked
shunned. I know it stung cuz my hands were hurting aswell. His eyes watered he
looked like he was gonna kill me but at that moment in time I really weren’t
bothered. ‘You stupid fuck. Never ever call me again you hear. If u do I will
fucking get you killed. You fucking disgust me.’ One girl and her friends started
laughing. ‘Do u think its funny’ I asked. ‘Its this a fucking comedy for u lot to
watch.’ Boy people wanted to die that day cuz she said ‘Yes’. I jumped on her and
her friends jumped on me. And Jade jumped on them. Alone I’m a force to be
reckoned with. With Jade we are invincible. We fucking merked 4girls. Then got off
the bus. Then I clocked. ‘Jade wheres the stuff we bought?’ ‘Mandi’s got it. She
is waiting for us at the tube station.’ ‘You look fucked.’ ‘Thank you very much
darling. So do you. So do you.’ We walked to the tube station bare heads were
Lukin at us cuz we woz peng but we looked fucked. Mandy was waiting. ‘Wow Jade?
Rayne? What on earth. You looked like you had another fight.’ ‘We did!’ Jade
explained to her. Just before the tube took off I received a text from Dwayne.
‘Where the fuck are u. I’m fukin worried man. Dash called me to say you had fight
in west. Call me back cuz ur probz on tube atm (at the mo) luv u still…x x x . As
soon as we got off the train my fone flashed 30missed calls. All from Dwayne. I
called him back. ‘Ray where the fuck have
you been. Why did you fight girls? Is Jade okay? Where the fuck are you? Are you
hurt?’ ‘Calm down man.’ I told him the story. He was laughing really hard. ‘Should
I tell De this’ Dwayne asked. ‘No please don’t allow it.’ He started laughing
again. He was teasing me. ‘You fucking hoe dnt do dat to me again.’ ‘So im a man
and a hoe!? Baby I am lucky.’ I laughed. ‘Do you wanna talk to the wifey?’
Silence. ‘Yh sure y not.’ STUPID boy I thought and smiled. We said our bye’s and
went our ways. Me Jade and our shopping bags headed towards Dwayne’s house. We
didn’t have to knock cuz he woz outside in just shorts putting the rubbish in the
bin. I aint even gonna lie he had a sexy body. I looked at Jade. She looked star
stuck. You could tell what she was thinking. ‘Dwaynee.’ I ran to him and he picked
me up effortlessly and spun me about for sometime. Then I clocked what he was
wearing. ‘Your soo fukin wasted.’ I said. ‘Why?’ ‘Why the fuck are you wearing
nike granddaddy slippers with adidas socks. Why are you wearing slippers anyway?’
He dropped me nice and hard and the floor cuz he had just clocked his wifey. They
started kissing ‘Errrrrrrr why the fuck u have to do that shit out here in front
of me like dat. didn’t your parents teach you no respect Jade. What the fuck!’ Me
and my bag went into the living room. I weren’t expecting De cuz his car weren’t
parked outside. I heard Jade and D running up the stairs giggling. I kissed my
teef. Then for sum next unknown reason I realized that Jade’s brother was called
De-Andre aswell and Dwayne and his brother DeAndre didn’t have the same second
name. Then I heard Jade scream. I closed the living room door. These negro’s had
no fucking manners they were gonna fucking have sex in the house while I was
there. No manners at all. I switched on the telly. Nothing was on. I was kinda
bored so I looked through their living room cabinet and found a porno movie. I got
interested so I decided to watch it. It was my biggest mistake. While watching it
I got kinder horny. I was getting wet every second! So girl had to do what came
best. My fingers found their way into my trousers. I pulled dem all the way down
and my panties followed. At that moment in time I really did not care bout
anything else but myself. They girl was getting fucked nicely by her man. I was
now feening for a dick. I closed my eyes and I hadn’t heard the door open De was
standing there in front of me with his face in shock. I was gobsmacked. I went
silent. The only sound being heard was the sound coming from the tv of the girl
moaning and groaning. I didn’t know what to do. Before I could say anything he
said ‘Keep doing what your doing ma.’ I did. It turned me on more the fact that he
was watching me doing me. He sat down beside me and started kissing on me. He
replaced my fingers with his and sucked on me. Omdz. It felt so good. My eyes
rolled to the back off my head. ‘Arrghh De-stop im gonna cum on your hand.’ He
kissed me. ‘That’s my aim baby. That’s the idea.’ He had two fingers in my pussy.
Then three. I wanted him to shove his own hand in there but I was too tight. It
just felt too good. When he was has done my top was off. But he weren’t finished
with me yet. He unclasped my bra and seemed pleasantly surprised at how big they
were! ‘Damn’ he half whistled half breathed. He started sucking on my nipples. I
really couldn’t move at that present moment in time. He started unzipping his
trousers then paused and looked at me. I clocked he was asking me whether to
continue. ‘Are you sure…’ ‘Hmm yh yh I am.’ I smiled at him. He smiled back. I got
more hornier.
‘De?’ ‘Yh?’ ‘Please make love to me’. I had never asked anyone to do that. Me and
dis guy were making love. Not just fucking. It meant sumting. I was getting
sprung. No wait. I was sprung. He took off his trousers and boxers. Omdz. He was
huuugggeeeee. Woow. At that moment in time I was scared he would rearrange my
internal organs when he was inside me. When he kissed me I melted again. Omdz. I
reached for his dick but he pushed me back den his lips found my pussy. Omdzzz.
That was my second orgasm. He was eatingggg me out. I was flying. I aint ever
smoked weed but I knew the high they felt. His lips. Omdz he was still sucking on
me after about 15mins. I was getting scared cuz I had cummed so many times. When
he came up he had a smile on his face I had expected to see my cum everywhere but
it woznt. This guy woz a pro. He kissed me and I tasted my own cum. ‘U like?” he
whispered. ‘Hmmm yhh…’ ‘Close your eyes Rayne’ I didn’t even need to be told
twice. He started kissing me and I kissed his back. It went silent. I could hear
him putting on the condom. I wondered where he got it from but he never failed to
surprise me. I could hear his breathing. He started to climb on top of me. His
body felt good. I was ona high. I tried to scream but nothing came out. I was
speechless. Him inside me had sent me over the edge. I was in a whole new
universe. He weren’t moving. He was tryna get his breath back and so was I. ‘Open
your eyes baby.’ I couldn’t. I tried after bout 2mins I did. He still weren’t
moving. His dick was getting harder inside me. I thought I was gonna cry. I was
just feeling so good. ‘De- Would u please move.’ ‘Yes ma’am your wish is my
command’ with a sexy wink he started grinding with me and on me. ‘O baby…It feels
so go…’ I couldn’t finish the sentence. My eyes rolled to the back of my head
again. I had my 3rd orgasm. Never in my life had dat happened to me. He was on top
on me for about 20mins. He moved so slow. Just felt good. Then he turned me over.
With my bum up in the air. My position! That was my shit rite thurr. His dick up
in way that way just made me cummm moreee and moreee. No more slow thingz no more
slowness he was working it. My man was vybzing with me. I was in tune to his every
thing. When he started working faster I knew he was about to come. Then he started
babbling. ‘Ooo baby you feel so good…your soo tite boo. Arghh.’ ‘Yu like this? I
do baby…’ Then he cameee. Even through he was wearing a condom I could feel it.
And I was happy he had been wearing a condom because he wuda got me pregnant that
moment boii. He was now breathing very hard and so was I. If I was overweight.
Boii I woz normal now. That was a workout. ‘That was..’ ‘Out of this world?’ ‘Yup
you could say that.’ Then Jade came in the room. ‘Oops sorry.’ She walked out
again. You could hear her laughter as she climbed up the stairs. ‘Omdz I cant
believe she just saw us.’ I was really annoyed. I quickly got dressed. He was
watching my every move. He weren’t even ready to get dressed. I turned around to
see his dick hard again. I winked. He smiled. ‘In ur dreams mate. I gota get ready
for the ting were going to tonite. Look at the time.’ ‘Its only 8.’ ‘What u take
this for? Do you know how long it takes for a girl to get ready?’ ‘Baby you can
wear my clothes and still look sexy.’ He winked. I started grinning bare teef.
‘Flattery will get you everywhere baby.’ ‘Will it get me up u?’ I laughed. ‘Not
tonite matee.’ I looked down and saw his piece was still hard. ‘DeGet dressed man’
‘Waa she leavin mi 4 ded again. Ray your gonna leave me
hanging after all the pleasure I gave you.’ I had tears in my eyes. This guy was
too funny. I walked out of the living room. He had finally managed to put his
clothes on. ‘Bring dat arse back here. I own it.’ ‘Skeeeen’ ‘Don’t you skeeeen me
young lady.’ I was walking up the stairs. This guy wasn’t gonna give up. I knocked
on Dwayne’s door. I heard some rustling before he sed. ‘Bring ur rass in this
room.’ When I got in the room I noticed a couple of things. Jade’s hair was messy.
Her belt was on the floor. Dwayne’s bed was messy. She was smiling and so was he.
Then Jade saw me screwing her and started laughing really hard. ‘Have I missed
something.’ Dwayne was baffed. ‘Raaayyne.’ De was calling me. ‘Argghh yh what were
u looking for Jade?’ ‘I came to check the scores for Dwayne.’ ‘Skeenish Okay.’
‘imma be rite back. Just need to find out what this negro is looking for.’ Jade
started laughing again. I kissed my teeth and exited the room swiftly. ‘Rayne’. I
turned around. It was De. He was calling me from his room. I knocked then entered.
It smelled good. Just like him. He was sitting on his bed looking at my fone. ‘How
the hell did you get my phone?’ He smiled. He was so damn sexy. ‘I took it.’ ‘Um
ok. What you call me for?’ ‘Gimme the password to your pictures. I wanna c dem.’
‘No’ I smiled. ‘Is that so?’ ‘Yup.’ ‘Come here a second.’ ‘Why?’ ‘Just come I got
a present for you.’ ‘Izit?.’ I jumped up. ‘Sit on my bed and close your eyes.’ I
did. Then he started tickling me. ‘Omdzzz.’ Laugh. ‘Stoppppppp’ Laugh. ‘Stoppppp.’
‘I’lllll.’ Laugh. ‘Gimmi the code.’ ‘Stopppp and ill giveeeee it.’ He stopped. I
pretended to get my breath back as I looked for an escape route. ‘Gimme my fone
den.’ He gave it to me. I was still ‘Getting my breath back.’ I made a run for the
door. Unfortunately he was way too fast. I didn’t even get to the door. ‘You must
think u’z a player shawty. I got more game.’ Then he started tickling me again.
‘Stooopppp. I’ll dieeee.’ ‘No you wont. Not for another 10mins.’ ‘Okayyyy itss
451958.’ ‘What does that stand for?’ ‘Nothing just a random number.’ He had
stopped tickling me and I was sitting next to him while he went thru my pics. I
had the usual of bra/knickers. Then the pics of the breasts and dat was it really.
He seemed to be feeling my pics cuz I saw his dick rising in his shorts. I decided
to accidently ‘let my hands wander’ about abit. Somehow my hands were in his
trousers and he was finding it hard to breathe. ‘De? Whats wrong? Why u finding it
so hard to breathe. I thought you was Ard. Man y u actin up.’ This was too funny.
‘Im breathing… kl’. ‘Ooo baby whats that?’ He was really getting hard! His dick
was going bigger every second. I was basically bashin him off. Then I took my
hands out and walked out. I started laughing. He was shouting my name. ‘Jade come
out the room and hurry. Look at the time man. We got to get dressed. It’s fucking
8:44 and nothings happening.’ She came out. Her hair looking messy again. Hmp. The
cheek.. ‘Where the clothes at?’ ‘Up my bum and up the stairs Jade.’ She was
laughing still. I was getting pissed. She musta clocked cah she stopped. ‘De?
Where can we get dressed?’ ‘In my room.’ ‘No seriously.’ ‘Yh in my room. Im going
out real quick.’ ‘Oo skeen.’ 40mins Later
We and Jade were looking in the bathroom mirror. We looked good. ‘Jade where your
phone at?’ ‘Here.’ We posed for the pic. Me and my girl were looking SEXY.
Everything was flawless. We looked just too damn good. I was wearing a black dress
that was just above knee length and some long heels. Damn. Jade was wearing
exactly what I was wearing just in a light paleish blueish color. She looked too
good. We exited the bathroom after our Kodak moment. ‘Dwayne. Close your eyes.’
‘Why? Cuz we want you to be shocked.’ He chuckled then said ok. We walked into his
room and did them dramatic poses. He opened his eyes and his draw dropped.
Literally. ‘Rarrr you lot look fucking sexy. Rahted look at the backoff’s aswell.’
‘You know wot I’m leaving you two together, Your creeping me out.’ I walked out of
the room into De’s room. He weren’t in so I took off the shoes and hopped in his
bed. Man I was sleepy. Today had been a very long day. I slept. Only for about
10mins. Cuz I felt a hand creeping up my leg. I woke up. It was De. I was
speechless. He was looking WOW. I was fucking speechless. He had cut all his hair
off and had a nice shape up. He had replaced the gold hoops in his ears to diamond
studs. He cleaned up nicely. His eyes were sparkling and he smelled too damn good,
‘You smell nice.’ ‘You look nice.’ We both smiled. His eyes wandered somewhere. I
was wondering what had got his attention until I clocked that my dress had rode up
to my bum while I was sleeping. ‘O No you don’t. Seriously De-Andre I’m not
joking.’ He smiled. ‘What am I doing? I’m just looking. Cant a brother just look.’
I hastily got up. I knew what was going on in that freakish mind of his. I pulled
my dress back to its original position. ‘What’s the time anyway?’ ‘9:45’ ‘Aint you
meant to be there by 10. To do whatever you have to do.’ ‘Yh I just need to make a
quick phone call.’ ‘To who?’ ‘Someone why are you so nosey?’ ‘Cuz I am. Have you
got a problem?’ ‘Nope. Cud you get me a glass of water please.’ ‘Ummm okay. O yh I
forgot. You’re money. Hold on while I get it for you.’ I ran out of the room. ‘Yh
I miss you too. I love you. I’ll talk to you soon baby bye.’ De had been talking
on the phone when I eavesdropped. Hes got a girl on the sly. I felt soo betrayed
but I knew I weren’t gonna ask him or accuse him. It could just be someone. His
mum maybe. I loved him too much to just accuse him. After only a day I love this
guy? I kept letting it go through my head. I loved him? Yeh I really did. In my
shock I dropped the water and the glass smashed into how many pieces if felt like
it wanted to smash into. De quickly came. ‘Rayne? You okay. You look pale all of a
sudden.’ I thought to myself. You lying bastard. I love you that’s why I’m pale.
Dickhead. You got another girl on the sly. That’s why I look pale. You fucking
breaking my heart yet you’re doing things to me. I’m only 15. And all this shit I
have to put up with. Arghhh. ‘Rayne??’ ‘Umm yh sorry I was miles away.’ ‘You look
ill are you okay?’ No I’m not ok your breaking my heart. ‘Um yh I’m fine just a
bit ill for some reason.’ Faker. For minute I actually thought he was concerned. I
felt tears swelling up in my eyes. ‘Sorry’. I ran into the bathroom and closed the
door. ‘Rayne?? What’s the matter? Are you okay.’ I sat down on the floor and cried
my eyes out. Dwayne’s voice came through. ‘Ray? Let me in please.’ After about a
minute I opened the door for him and closed it again before Jade or De could see
me. ‘Rayne what’s wrong?’ I just broke down crying again. ‘Are you gonna tell me?’
I shook my head. ‘Ok just at least lemme know your not gonna commit suicide. So I
can save you.’ I smiled. ‘Now that’s what I like to see.’ ‘I love you Dwayne.’
‘You know I love you too a million times back. Now clean
up your face. Even though you don’t wanna tell me what made you cry. Look at the
time.’ When I got out of the bathroom I expected to find Jade and De outside
instead no one was there. I went into De’s bedroom to find him sitting on a chair
with his eyes closed. He heard me come in and opened his eyes. He was soo damn
sexy, I shoulda been hating him at the time but he just had a spell over me. I was
sprung after a DAY with this guy. ‘Come here.’ I did. I was now sitting on his
lap. Before he could speak I started kissing him. Strange I know. But o-well. Then
I started crying again. He looked at me with confusion in his eyes. ‘Rayne? Did I
hurt you?’ ‘No.’ ‘So why you just cried twice in 10mins.’ ‘I dunno. Im confused.’
‘About?’ ‘Things…’ ‘Like’ ‘I don’t know.’ Now he really looked baffed. There was a
knock on the door. I silently got off him. Dwayne came in. ‘Its 10:15. The mandem
are waiting for you.’ ‘Yh I’m leaving now ite.’ ‘Ain’t Dwayne coming with you. How
are lot getting there.’ De answered. ‘Me and you are rolling up in my whip and
Dwayne and Jade are gonna be getting a lift.’ I kinda got excited at the
possibility of being alone with him. You idiot I said to myself. He lies to you
and yet you want him still. Yup I do. Idiot. ‘You ready?’ I nodded. ‘Rayne?’ ‘Yh?’
‘You look beautiful.’ He smiled. I beamed at him. ‘Thank you.’ ‘Your welcome.’ He
whispered. In De-Andres Car Define horny. I was way past the horny part. Firstly
being that close to him didn’t help. Secondly his right hand moving up and down my
legs weren’t doing no favours either. Thirdly, me being past horny did not help.
Then his hand just went up my dress. Into my pants then into my pussy. I was
really finding hard to breathe. He fingered me for the duration f the journey.
When we got there I was dazed and breathless. He put his fingers into his mouth.
Omdz. Dis guy was turning me on. ‘Could we go back to your yard plz?’ I asked. He
smiled. ‘Evil.’ I screwed him. He parked the car and I got out. Let’s get it on
You could her Lil John’s get low outside. There were bare mans smoking weed. I
shook my head. I could smell De behind me. I really wanted to go back to his yard
and get nasty thru out the night. He had betrayed my trust but I still wanted him
so badly. Damn. I got wet just thinking about all the things we could do together.
Heads looked my way as I got closer and closer. I paused and waited for De. I was
kinda shook cuz dey looked wild. Aint no way I was gonna get raped tonite. De
musta clocked how uncomfortable I looked so he put his arms around my waist. His
warmth felt so re-assuring and just increased how greatly I wanted this guy.
Someone whistled as they saw me. We walked into the house with awkwardness. My
tune came on. Whyyyyy. I had to dance.Usher was singing in my ear. ‘’I wanna make
love in this club..’’ My body started grinding to my jam. All of a sudden De was
behind. I could feel his dick going hard. ‘Baby you wanna make love in this
house.’ He whispered. I was really finding it hard to breathe again. ‘Ray? Do
you?’ ‘Hmm. We can’t.’ He pulled me out of the house. ‘De?’ ‘Walk with me.’ It was
a bit cold outside and wearing just a dress didn’t
help. I started shivering. ‘Arghh where we going? I cant keep walking up dis steep
thing in heels. Im cold.’ ‘Lemme warm you up.’ He started kissing on me. ‘De?
We’re on a public road…’ ‘So…Everyone is gona c how much I love you innit. You’re
my girl and im your man aint I?’ ‘Yh u noe you are…but…hmmm.’ ‘But what boo? I
want you to tell me why you were crying. I aint like seeing my boo all upset and
shit. Would you like to tell me baby?’ ‘Where we going?’ ‘Somewhere now tell me.’
This is how we were walking. He was still behind me holding my waist kissing on my
neck and I was finding it hard to breathe or walk and his hands and everything
else about him was warming me up. ‘De-Andre? Where are we going? I thought u woz
meant to go get your thing straight after we arrived. Where’s Dwayne?’ ‘Hmmm u
smell good. You taste good and you feel good.’ This guy weren’t telling me shit.
We came to a block of flats that I hardly recognized. He started reaching for a
pair of keys in his pocket. ‘Who’s house is this?’ ‘My dawg.’ ‘Skeen what are we
doing here?’ ‘You wanted a something from me. Im giving it to you. I don’t like
seeing you wait.’ He smiled a sexy sly grin. I smiled too. I loved what I was
gonna get. And I’d wanted more since he gave it to me. In the house :D As soon as
we got into the house he started taking off my clothes and I was helping him to
his. ‘I want you so much it’s unbelievable. Say You want me as much as I want you
Rayne.’ He was now taking of my thongs. ‘I do De. I do.’ I was really breathing
hard. ‘Say it. I want to hear you say it. Say it to me. Say you want me baby.’ He
stuck his fingers in my pussy. ‘Oh hmm mm De I want you too. I want you so badly.
You don’t understand…’ ‘Good. Bcuz I’m in love with you.’ He was still fingering
me. We were still at the door. He had back me up against it and was doing things
to me. Soon we were both naked. I closed my eyes when I felt him pause for a
moment. When he entered me. I cuda hada stroke. It just felt too damn good. The
fact that we woz up against a door made me hornier. Both my legs were wrapped
around his waist. ‘Baby gimme more. Harder. Uh..Yhhh.’ He was working it. I
screamed when I cummed. He was still working it I weren’t stopping him. We fucked
dat way for at least half an hour. Den he buss inside me. It just felt like … Its
just an indescribable feeling of just flying and feeling such ecstasy. He dropped
me back down and if he weren’t holding my waist I woulda dropped on the floor. ‘O
shit.’ ‘What?’ ‘You didn’t use a condom.’ ‘O yhhh..ill buy you the pill when we go
back out.’ ‘De. If my dressed looked fucked up. I’ll hurt you very badly.’ He
started laughing really hard. He was soo sexy. Damn. Why he had to lie to me. I
decided to stay with him. I didn’t care if he was someone else’s. He loved me. He
was probably using them. I just blocked all those feeling and thoughts out of my
head and focused on the sexy thing dat woz laughing. He made laughing seem like a
sin. He just interested me so much. I loved the way he smiled when he was up to
something and how his eyes lighted up when he was up to something. Argh I loved
this guy with my heart and my soul. God help me I muttered. ‘huh?’ ‘I said God
help me.’ ‘Why.’ ‘Bcuz im in love with you it’s scary.’ He picked me up and took
me up some stairs
into a room. I didn’t really care where I was. All my focus was on this guy. ‘Why
is it scary?’ ‘Bcuz I feel like I would kill any next chick that try move to you.
And I’m scared that if something bad happens and we break up my heart will be
broken beyond repair, I hate this feeling.’ ‘Rayne look at me.’ I did. All I saw
in his eyes was the truth. I didn’t understand. ‘I love you. And if it’s up to me.
Nothing or noone will come between us. Trust me when I say that this will work.’
Now I was crying really badly. ‘Why were you crying?’ Him hugging was so re-
assuring so I decided to tell him what I heard. ‘ I ….’ ‘Where ma nigga’s at?’ His
phone was ringing downstairs. He run down to get it giving me a good view of his
sexy batty. I licked my lips. This guy was too sexy. He came back upstairs with a
smile on his face. ‘What?’ ‘You look sexy with yo hair messy.’ My jaw dropped for
like the hundredth time today. ‘What????’ ‘That’s a bad thing to say.’ ‘But it’s
honest.’ I was getting cold without him in the bed. He had put back on his
trousers and his chest was just magnificently making me wet. He clocked what I was
looking at then he started grinning bare teeth at me. ‘You like something you
see.’ I got out of the bed naked. I have no insecurities about myself what so
ever. ‘Yes.’ He face started getting serious. ‘De? Do you see something you like?’
‘Yhhh. And I like how it feels.’ We was at it again. ‘Your gonna get me pregnant.’
‘I like babies’. ‘Hmmm..O yhh…’ ‘Do you like babies?’ ‘Wa?.’ ‘I like babies. Do
you like babies?’ ‘Yesssss…buht I’m only 15 I’m too young to have babies.’ ‘When
we’re married.’ ‘We’re gonna get married De?’ He was now working my pussy nice and
slow. This was silly. We were having a flippin conversation during sex. What was
going on? ‘Hmm Yes. How many? 5?’ I couldn’t talk because I was close to the edge.
He kept pushing me to talk. ‘Open your eyes.’ I couldn’t I was really feeling this
guy on every single level. We was having sex and talking for about 15mins before
he buss in me. Breathing hard against him I told him he was gonna get me pregnant.
‘I would like to see me and you in one. Do you wanna have all girls, all boys or a
mix? I want a mix.’ He was babbling. On and on. I got up to get dressed. ‘Where
you going?’ ‘To put on my clothes and your taking me to the chemist to buy me the
pill. I don’t want to get pregnant.’ ‘Even for me?’ ‘You really don’t understand
do you. Lemme say it in English. I Rayne Nelson. Can not get pregnant because I am
15. In school. With a life and tied down by Tyson Beckford.’ He started frowning.
I laughed at the stupidness of my own joke. He got out of the bed and I stopped
everything I was doing just to look at his amazing body. I started breathing fast
because I was getting really wet again. ‘Ray?’ He kept walking towards me naked.
‘You need to stop.’ ‘What am I doing?’ ‘Yourr nak..’ Hes started kissing me again.
‘De.’ ‘We can’t.’ ‘Who said we cant. There is no such word as cant.’ He whispered.
I dropped on the bed again. A few minutes later my head was on his chest. I could
feel his heart beating really fast. I swear I could hear it beating. ‘You’re a
bully.’ ‘Is that why you were asking me to give it to you harder?’ My jaw dropped.
‘But tha…’ He started imitating something out of Chris Rock on Def Jam Comedy.
‘You was on me like OoOoO Yaah Daddy. Like that. Hit that pussy. Uh Uh Yeaa.’ I
had tears of laughter in my eyes. This guy was too funny. ‘But seriously. I know
you’re thinking I’ve only known you for a day and already I say I love you. It
must seem unreal to you. But I honestly feel like I connect with you on every
level. I feel like I’ve known you for years, When
I’m with you I am just myself. I don’t think I could ever lie or leave you. So I
promise you that from this night till whenever God decides to let us be apart.
This will be never. I will love, honor and cherish you with my heart and my soul.’
I was bawling my eyes out. It just felt soo right being next to him. I kept
thinking in my head over and over again. ‘I am only 15. I just found a future
hubby in a day. I might get pregnant. And I don’t care; I fucking love this guy
after a day! That’s what you call love at first sight.’ ‘Hello? Earth to Rayne?’
‘Yea sorry I was miles away.’ ‘I wanted to come as well.’ I smiled at him. His
phone started ringing again. After a few minutes on the phone yes’ing and no’ing
he got off. ‘Time to go. Right after this quickie.’ ‘Nooooo De Nooooo.’ I was
quickly getting up from the bed. I run for the door a bit too slow. ‘I like the
view from the back but I prefer the front. ‘Deeeee. Noooo. How many times. You’re
a nasty child.’ He started kissing on my neck. I really wanted him to stop. Wait
no, I didn’t. If he had stopped I wouldn’t have talked to him for about an hour. I
turned round and he held me close. I felt my heart race. ‘Fuck. I love you, you
know?’ ‘Yeah and I love you too.’ It wasn’t a quickie. More like an hour of non
stop action. He decided he wanted to stay for a while because he wanted me to
scream so hard I lost my voice. I got up for the last time to try find my dress
and put it on. Poor thing. Poor me. The dress was probably creased. An hour later
after a serious iron session I was looking back to normal with the dress and was
in De’s car going to the chemist. I was worried as fuck. He had buss up me a lot
of times. Not that it didn’t feel good. I just didn’t wanna get pregnant. ‘I think
you should go on the pill.’ ‘Say…’ ‘No No I’m not tryna say that all the pressure
is on you but like today you never know what could happen.’ ‘Yea and when my mum
see’s it do you think she’ll ask me whether that shit is paracetamol.’ He laughed.
‘It’s not funny.’ I know I know. He looked across to me. He had that look in his
eye. ‘De… Noooooooo way. If you touch me I will scream.’ ‘That’s my plan’. ‘Nooo I
will scream rape.’ ‘Before or after I whop that booty.’ ‘After.’ He broke out
laughing. ‘Your real funny ya noe.’ ‘Hell yea.’ We got to the chemist. I waited
while he bought me the pill. He came back empty handed. ‘What is it called again.’
‘The M-o-r-n-i-n-g A-f-t-e-r Pill you idiot. You mean to tell me you’ve been in t
here for over 10mins and you come out with this??. Jheez’. ‘Bye sexy.’ He entered
the chemist again. It musta been a 24hour one because it was nearly one. My phone
began to ring. I frowned cuz it was private number. ‘Yes? Huz dis?’ ‘Your mum you
pussio. So you think you can disrespect man like that innit. Sket. Remember how
you loved my dick in you yea-‘ ‘Piss of Jamal and don’t call my phone again you
think your big alie? Okay. Keep chatting shit. Dickhead. My mum your granddad with
his no teeth. You bes not bell my line again’ I cut the phone. He had got me all
worked up. I was pissed. I began calling Dwayne’s phone. ‘What’s Up Ray?’ ‘Jamal.’
‘What speak louder I cant hear you. Speak louder.’ I heard someone giggling they
were at the shoobz because the background was absolutely noisy. ‘Hold on.’ I
waited for about 30secs. ‘Yh Ray wats up?’ ‘Jamal belled my line try hype to me
then had the decency to try threaten me this nigger dissed my mum. I’m gonna
fucking raid his yard but I got too much respect for his dad. Watch me.’ ‘Calm
down. I’ll sort it yea’ ‘Are you drunk D? You
better not be.’ ‘I not man haha jam.’ I saw De-Andre coming. ‘You brother’s coming
so I’ll see you. We’re like 15mins away.’ ‘Skeeeen… I wonder where you lot was. No
hell no I don’t even want to think bout it. Knowing your freaky self.’ I laughed.
‘Luv u Bi.’ ‘Yh.’ ‘Who was that on the phone?’ ‘My other man innit he wanted to
know when I was free to come get freaky.’ His face darkened. He looked really
pissed. ‘Really? So I don’t mean anything to you?’ ‘Noo you idiot I was joking.
Fuck sake. You are so serious lighten up bredrin. Anyway wheres the pill?’ He gave
me a plastic bag. ‘De?’ ‘Yes?’ He was now driving. ‘How the fuck am I meant to
swallow this shit with no water? Am I Jesus?’ He laughed really hard. ‘Your gonna
make me crash.’ ‘Stop and buy water then.’ ‘I cant.’ ‘What?’ ‘I have to get there
in about 5mins. Get the water 4rm Ashley’s yard.’ ‘Umm ok.’ The rest of the drive
was filled with a happy silence. 15mins later. I’m in a dark room with music
playing people grinding on each other and I’m by myself. Why? My hubby left me to
go handle his business and my Co-d and my best friend abandoned me. I felt a hand
grab my waist. I turn around to see Gino’s stupid face staring at me. Although he
looked Pengalicious. ‘Could we talk?’ ‘Take you hands off me please.’ He did.
‘Could we please talk?’ ‘I’ve got nothing to say to you now. I’ve got a man and I
love him and you’ve got your girl. I’m blessed.’ ‘Please. Just please hear me
out.’ ‘Please don’t let no-one catch you doing that. My mans over protective like
that. Just don’t fucking touch me’? ‘I don’t give a shit about who your man is yh.
I want you and I don’t care who you’re with.’ Hell no this guy weren’t gonna go
there. I had read Keisha the Sket and remembered that twisted ass Negro Malachi. I
started getting scared. What if he just kidnapped me? I would scream. But then he
would probably beat you up. You have to do something. Think. Think. I’m scared.
Yes you are. My good and bad sides were having a conversation. ‘You’re freakin me
out now. You need to back up breddah. If you want me too late I don’t want you.
I’m not feeling you on any level. I was but not anymore. So just back up before I
start screaming rape.’ I went in rebellious African mode. I was getting ready to
take off my hooker heels and do some damage. ‘Rayne is that you?’ Omdz. Hell no.
Noooo. Lord let the ground swallow me up. Gawd. Why me. Why tonight. My past was
coming back to me. Man I hated this. It as Darnell my ex from like since year9 and
I had done some freaky shit with him back when I wasn’t a reformed character. ‘Man
aint seen girl in time. Let’s do some catching up. Big man missed ya tight pum
pum.’ Big man was what I used to call his dick. Well before I met my hubby’s. Gino
had a blank look in his face. Like I cared about him. I needed DeAndre beside me
so bad. I really felt like just calling him. I didn’t even have his number! Call
register! Remember he called you when you were going west. O yes. Darnell was
moving to me like we were still wifey and hubby. He must have been on drugs. ‘Okay
as I told him.’ Pointing to Gino. ‘I’ve got a hubby. I love him and he loves me
and he loves me good too. If you catch my drift.’ I added a lil African smile to
top it. ‘Skeen you must think you’re a bad girl now. When you was a sket before.
You think man never knew the shit you did. Why you think I went I out with you.
Lashing you. You shouting my name. Remember how you wanted it hard. Do you still
like it from the back.’ This guy always knew how to piss me off. ‘Well my baby
makes me scream and speak languages I don’t understand. That’s how fucking good he
is. And the only reason I went out with you was because Jade and Ashley dared me
to. You think I would stoop to your level. What? 2weeks of going out. How
many times did we fuck? Once, twice and now you come at me like you think you’re a
superhero. Superman yourself out of my atmosphere you stupid dickhead.’ He looked
pissed. Gino had a big grin on his face. My guy looked like he was gonna punch my
lights out. I started making my way up stairs. Bumping people bare sorries and
excuse me’s. Finally got to a room only to discover the conniving evil stupid ass
negro’s Jade and Dwayne were there all along and they were in their element. I
clocked it was them because of Dwayne’s voice. The lights were off so I decided to
leave them. Ok. Next room. Empty. I sat down took out my phone and decided to
write my man a paragraph. After mins of texting. Send. 5mins later. ‘Ray why you
have to do this to me. I’m with my dawgs and I’m feenin for you. Why? Take yo ass
outside in about half an hour. I’ve got a lil something special for you…x x x .’ I
frowned then there was a knock. I quickly put my phone away. It was Gino. ‘What
the fuck do you ant now?’ ‘Just to say sorry and that could we be friends. I
understand that I lied to you and it must have upset you. I’m sorry.’ ‘Erm yeah
it’s cool. We could be friends.’ He still weren’t moving. ‘Erm if you don’t mind I
want to be by myself.’ His face changed composition. It looked like he was going
through something. I swear if this boy thought he was gonna get lucky his
mistaken. He bes not try no nothing. ‘Gino?’ ‘Yeah sorry. I’m going. I’m sorry.’
He looked at me one last time and walked out closing the door softly behind him.
Aww. I felt sorry for him. O well. You win some you lose some. Like the geek I am
I started making equations and formula in my head. I was pretty clever if I say so
myself. Time…2:54… Have to go out side. 30minutes is nearly up. I got up pulled my
dress down. Put the heels back on and switched off the light and excited the room.
Climbing down the stairs was a trip. I had to half close my legs cuz so many
people were looking. There. Then I felt someone touch my bum. I turned around to
see an ugly no ooogly ass nigga tryna get in my path. ‘And your problem is?’ He
smiled the most disgusting smile I had ever viewed. His face was definitely gonna
be in my nightmares. His teeth were so yellow I was sure he didn’t have problems
seeing things at night. ‘Hi babes. Your bum got my hypnotized.’ He smiled. I would
have vomited if I had eaten prior to our encounter. He was just soo appallingly
ugly. ‘I’m taken.’ ‘Tell your ex that you got a new man and he is me.’ ‘I don’t
have time for this. Excuse me.’ This guy trailed me outside. I didn’t mind cah my
knight in shining amour was waiting for me with a smile that was soo dazzling it
made me forget everything and everyone. I purposely went up to him and kissed the
shit out of him. He seemed surprised but didn’t stop me. I knew there would be
people from school there probably waiting and hating. I didn’t care. ‘Hmm what was
that for?’ ‘Leaving me for an hour.’ ‘I should leave u for 2 and see what I get.’
He was so cocky. I laughed. I turned to see that ogly ass nigga still standing
there looking at me like I was providing the cure for cancer. De clocked him
staring at my batty and started frowning. I didn’t want a fight so I decided to
quickly distract him. ‘So did you get whatever?’ ‘Yeah shawty! I got that and
more.’ He winked. He was so cocky. ‘I’m cold.’ ‘Go on in.’ ‘No I wanna go bed.’
His smile turned into a seriously big grin. His eyes lighting up in the process.
‘Are you sure that’s all you wanna do?’ ‘Yup. Im tired.’ ‘I see.’ ‘What do you
see?’ ‘A sexy beautiful wifey who’s gonna be my future baby momma.’ ‘Isit?’ ‘Yeah
boo.’ I started laughing. This guy had so much confidence. It was amazing. But I
loved his cockiness. I hugged him. ‘I’m cold.’ ‘Ite baby lets hit the road.’ I
slept throughout the journey. He woke me
up and asked the most stupidest question answer I had ever heard. ‘You must be
tired.’ My jaw dropped. ‘Nah Nah I’m not that’s why I slept in your car. Your so
stupid. Why did you ask such a stupid question?’ ‘Because I care…’ ‘So doo I.’ He
clocked that I weren’t the type of person that liked being woken up from sleep. I
could get really rude. I was suddenly hoisted up in the air. ‘Put me down.’ ‘Shhh
you’ll wake the neighbors.’ ‘I don’t give a shit about no neighbors put me the
fuck down.’ Then I heard two gunshots… He quickly carried me to his door opened it
and dropped me fast but softly. I had never seen any one move so fast. ‘I’ll be
right back.’ ‘De-.’He was gone. I went into his bedroom with my scared self and
just sat there unable to do anything. Time? ‘3:45 am.’ I was in his bed and I
could smell him. I inhaled his scent. The house was so quiet. I liked it but was
scared so I closed his door and took off my hooker heels ready for intruders.
After a few minutes I fell asleep. I felt someone putting the covers on me but was
too deep asleep to notice. When I woke up the house was still quiet. The time… De…
Where was he? ’11:32am’. I was really getting scared. I half walked half stumbled
into the bathroom. Used his toothbrush and bathed. I didn’t have any clothes so I
‘borrowed’ some of his. I was hungry so went downstairs. I was really worried but
scared to call his phone. It was dead anyway. Low battery. Argh! I went downstairs
and heard talking. I was getting really scared. The kitchen door was closed and
you could hear murmuring. I was really scared. But my africaness prevailed. Being
nosey I poked my nose through. I had never seen so many men in one place. My jaw
dropped. All attention turned to me. I saw De sitting on a table and all heads
listening to him. ‘Umm sorry to interrupt.’ I quietly closed the door. I was
confused to the max. What was going on? I was now in their living room in a daze.
I was really confused. After a few minutes. I heard the door slam several times.
Then De came in. He looked really tired. ‘Argh come hug me I missed you.’ I went
and too him and hugged him. He held me so close. I felt so safe in his masculine
arms. ‘I was so scared what happened?’ ‘Well lets just say someone snitched and
someone got duppied.’ ‘You shot someone and killllllled them?’ ‘Hell no that nigga
ain’t dead. He’s lucky. I coulda shot somewhere personal. It was just a warning.’
‘I’m scared.’ ‘Don’t be I’ll protect you.’ I hugged him tighter. ‘So why was
everyone in your kitchen?’ ‘Business.’ ‘Skeen.’ I chose not to hear, I didn’t
really care about what they were doing. The less I knew the better. ‘hmm I need a
bath.’ ‘Errrrr blud get off me.’ ‘So I love you…and I ain’t bathed and you were
hugging me and coz I told you you’re erring me? ‘ ‘I love u . Go bath quick time.’
‘What about you?’ ‘I already have.’ ‘It wouldn’t kill to have another one.’
‘Nooooo way.’ ‘After you nearly got me pregnant.’ Then I remembered. ‘O shit.’ I
run past him up the stairs. ‘Rayne??? The problem?’ ‘The pill…The fucking pill
where is it. I don’t wanna get pregnant.’ ‘O don’t you have to eat first?’ He was
so dumb. I took a deep breath. ‘Rayne? Are you hungry….I could cook for you.’
‘Hmmm what food?’ ‘Depends on what you want and what I get.’ ‘Anything you can
make … What do you want in return?’ ‘I wanna sex you.’ I laughed really hard. ‘And
I wont stop until I hear you scream.’ I was still laughing he was serious. ‘O by
the way I like what your wearing.’ ‘Thanks my boyfriend gave it to me.’ ‘Ain’t
that a bitch? I thought I was the one for you.’ ‘Sorry my boyfriend sexed me so
damn good last night. I’ve found the ‘one’. ‘Aww shame so I haven’t even got a
little tiny chance.’ ‘Nope. Now go clean your ass.’
After years of persuasion he finally decided to go and take a shower without me. I
was playing grand theft auto IV on his psp when he came out. My eyes bulged out.
He had a towel on his waist and like something from a movie water was dripping
down from his shoulders to his chest and down. He didn’t notice me staring as he
took off the towel and started drying himself. He had no insecurities about
himself and didn’t need to have any. I continued to play occasionally stealing
glances at him. There was a happy silence. I tried to slyly look at him again
while he creamed himself. He made it look so angelic. He looked up the same time
as me and our eyes locked. He had so much passion and desire in his eyes. He
walked towards me and all I could do was stare at him. He was just beautiful. The
nearest thing to perfection I had ever seen. As I was sitting on bed I laid down
as he settled himself on me. Feeling his hard chest on me set me on fire. We
kissed for a very long time. Then I heard the door open downstairs. ‘De…Someone’s
in your house.’ ‘Huh?’ ‘Get off me I said someone’s in your house.’ He sighed
deeply and got off me. I could hear giggling from downstairs. ‘I think its
Dwayne.’ I went downstairs to have a look. ‘Where do you think you’re going ms?’
‘To see my phone and say hi to my bestfriend.’ ‘What about me?’ ‘What about you?’
I quickly run downstairs as he got his clothes back on. ‘Dwayne?’ ‘Yea in the
kitchen.’ I opened the kitchen door. ‘Where’s Jade?’ ‘At home.’ ‘I swear I heard
someone giggling.’ ‘Yea it was her.’ He pointed behind me. I turned to find
Dwayne’s cousin Sky staring at me smiling.
‘Skkkkkkkkkkyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.’ I screamed to hug her.
‘I ain’t seen you in months. No year’s…I missed you.’ ‘Is that so? you didn’t even
try look for me.’ ‘Sorry but Dwayne said you moved again.’ ‘Yh we did.’ ‘We need
to catch up.’ ‘Yup.’ ‘Ladies forget about me then, I’ll just sit here and think
about my wife.’ ‘His who?’ I laughed. ‘Jade.’ ‘Izzzzit…Dwayne your doing a ting
with Jade. Come on Rayne we need to catch up.’ I could hear DeAndre coming down
the stairs. ‘Sky?’ She run up to him and he lifted her from the ground into the
air. ‘I aint seen for a minute.’ ‘I’ve missed you.’ ‘Yea same.’ He put her back
down. I checked the time. 1 something. I felt guilty because I hadn’t gone to
church. ‘Whats wrong Rayne?’ Sky asked. ‘It’s Sunday...’ ‘Church?’ ‘Yup. I feel
bad for not going today.’ ‘We can still go to the late mass if we run we can catch
it.’ ‘Isit? Okay…I can’t look at me…I look like a boy…’ ‘So? You look sexy!’ Sky
said. ‘That she is.’ De said. I started blushing. Until then I didn’t think black
people blushed. ‘Am I missing something here?’ Dwayne with his big mouth had to
blurt out ‘De and Rayne are fucking.’ I didn’t want to tell Sky because she was
like my second mother although she was 16. She had always looked out for me. I had
accidentally barged into her on a bus and she went mad wanting to fight. I had
also went loopy and wanted to fight so I called Dwayne. We had been about to kill
each other when she heard me say Dwayne’s name. Since then we had been tight. She
looked really shocked. De didn’t look bothered and Dwayne looked like a flippin
monkey. ‘I am going to commit M-U-R-D-E-R.’ Everyone in the room started laughing
except for me. ‘Rayne tell me more on the way to church.’
After church We had made it. I had lost about 400calories from consistant running
and Sky was having a heart attack. ‘If I die Rayne.’ Cough ‘I will hurt you.’ ‘But
you’ll be dead.’ ‘Truss me family I’ll find a way.’ After service I felt much
better. I am a born and raised African so I believe there is a God out there
because somehow he always make’s it work out for me. After service I felt so close
to God it was unbelievable a feeling of being whole. I could tell Sky felt it too
because there was a Godly silence between us. I should do this more often she
said. ‘What run?’ ‘Hell no ha-ha do I want to die young. No I mean go to church.’
‘Yh you can feel it cant you.’ ‘Yh I can.’ We discussed the bible for the duration
of the trip. Then something really strange happened. I was sure I saw a ghost. I
was very sure I saw my granddad. But he was dead. I chose not to mention this to
Sky but made a mental note in my head to tell my mum. This was a strange day. I
really felt so strange it was unbelievable. ‘You okay Ray?’ I nodded. Coming down
the stairs I then see my granny from the other bus drive. I smiled and went to hug
her. I think she was surprised by hugged me back all the same. ‘Child you look
like a boy.’ I laughed. ‘Yeh I had to borrow my friends clothes.’ ‘Are you sure
that’s all he is?’ She winked at me. I smiled shyly. ‘Yo Rayne our stops here.’
‘Sorry but I have to go. I’ll maybe see you on the bus another time? She smiled I
waved once more and got off the bus. I counted to 3. I knew Sky how nosey Sky was
and I knew she was going to ask me who that was. I was up to the number 2 when she
asked. ‘Er Rayne Who was that?’ ‘L-O-L.’ I spelled out. ‘Your too fucking funny. I
knew you were gonna ask man.’ ‘Well…’ ‘Long story.’ My phone started ringing. It
was the mum. ‘Hello?’ ‘Did you go church?’ ‘Yes I did. ‘Hmm I see I see. I am
coming home today to pick up some clothes and you are going to school tomorrow.
Have you ironed you clothes?’ My jaw dropped. ‘Um No.’ ‘Well you are going to have
to.’ ‘When I have the…Yes I am.’ I had just clocked what I was about to say to
her. ‘Okay I am on my way. I am 15minutes away from the house.’ ‘Ok bye.’ I cut
the phone. ‘Sky I have to go home. Could you tell De and Dwayne I said sorry but
bye?’ ‘What?’ ‘My mum just called.’ She laughed. ‘I was wondering why you were so
polite.’ ‘Evil cow. I love you Bye.’ I started running. She was so random. Fucking
choosing to call me at the most random times. I got there just in time. O shit. No
keys. No. And I was dressed like a boy. I didn’t wanna start an argument. I began
to think. Could I climb the…No I couldn’t? Jade! I belled her line. ‘Jade where
you at.’ ‘Yea Hi too. Im on the bus on the way to see you at your house because
notified me of your inconvenience.’ ‘O…is that so? So where are you now?’ ‘Like
2mins away.’ ‘Please run. She’s like 5minutes away.’ ‘Okay man jam.’ I had never
ever been this impatient before. I saw Jade around the corner. Finally. ‘Throw the
keys.’ ‘What?’ ‘Never mind.’ I finally got in the house got changed quickly just
in time as the bell rang. Jade was in my room. ‘Hi mum!’ ‘Hmm hi. I have decided
that maybe I should stay with you. Since you are going to school tomorrow. Ey!
Your Geography teacher called me on Friday. Where is your work. All the computer,
phone and going out. You do not work.-’ ‘I’ve done it I done it on the Friday he
called you.’ ‘O I see hand it in on Monday.’
In my head I was asking myself. When else am I gonna hand it in. What a fucking
stupid statement. ‘Okay.’ ‘I came to get some clothes. Your dad will be back in a
month he decided to stay longer. Your uncle is coming to pick me up in half an
hour.’ ‘Which one?’ ‘The one with the pig nose.’ ‘MUM!’ I started laughing. This
woman was so rude. ‘That’s rude.’ ‘It is the truth.’ This woman was hilarious.
After half an hour she was gone. Then my belly started hurting. Me and Jade had
been planning to spend the rest of the night at Dwayne’s yard. I quickly went
upstairs to confirm. ‘Jade I’m on my red’s.’ ‘O shit your pissed.’ ‘Go without me
yh you know how dangerous it gets.’ She started laughing. ‘Okay.’ ‘You fucker. I
thought you would stay with me.’ ‘Hell no. Me and my man got plans.’ ‘Yea plans to
FUCK! Bitch! Nah nah you can go still just get me my remote.’ ‘Bye wifey.’ ‘Bitch.
Luv Ya.’ I heard the door close. About 15minutes later I heard the door ring. I
was finding it hard to get up so I shouted at the door. ‘Jade you fucking prick
you know the key is under the bin.’ I was sure she got the message because the
front door opened. ‘Jade could you get me some water I’m dying. I can’t even
move.’ The footsteps were not leading to the kitchen but the living room. ‘Are you
fucking deaf Jade man.’ The door opened. It wasn’t Jade. ‘How did you get here?’
‘You told me to take the keys.’ My jaw had dropped for like the millionth time.
‘De? What the fuck are you doing here?’ ‘Jade told me of you misfortune and I came
to comfort you boo.’ I turned of the TV. ‘Okay carry me to my room.’ ‘I don’t know
where it is.’ ‘Just carry me man I’ll give you the directions.’ ‘Demanding Chick.’
‘I’m not!’ ‘You are.’ ‘No I’m not. Climb the stairs. Ey watch my head. Turn left.
Second door. Open the door then. What are you waiting for?’ He opened the door.
‘Put me on my bed.’ He did. ‘Wow.’ ‘Wow what? I didn’t imagine you bedroom being
like this.’ I screwed him. ‘No no I meant it looks nice.’ ‘Skeen.’ ‘Sorry when I’m
on my reds I get moody.’ ‘ I understand.’ Aw he was so cute. ‘Can I sit with you?’
‘Yes you can.’ As soon as he sat next to me I felt his heat emancipating on to me.
I put my head on his chest. ‘Aren’t you hungry?’ ‘I am but I’m scared if I eat my
belly will get worse.’ ‘I’m here now so if something happens…’ Stupid period. Now
I couldn’t have intercourse with him for like 5days. I weren’t very happy at that
moment in time. I got moodier. Somehow somewhere sometime we started kissing.
Suddenly he was on top of me and I was breathing hard. I began taking off his
clothes when he stopped me. ‘Rayne?’ ‘Yea what’s the problem?’ ‘You’re on your-‘
‘O yh I forgot.’ This was so annoying. We started kissing again but couldn’t do
nothing expect for that. Somehow I slept and when I woke up no-one was there and
it was morning. School! I got up with the massive belly ache got bathed. Did the
usual things and got dressed. Since it was June it was quite hot. So I buss a
skirt the official whiter than white socks and the school uniform. Never
forgetting the Nike crep and the fake note to go with it. Looking in the mirror I
looked quite smart. Well done Rayne! I belled Jade’s phone. It rang for time.
‘Hello?’ ‘Jade! Are fucking awake. You sound dead.’ ‘Keep your voice down Dwayne’s
sleeping.’ ‘You fucking shithead. Keep my voice wah? Its Monday you know we go
school on this day…’ ‘Well I’ll be late.’ ‘Fuck off man.’ I cut the phone. She
called me back but as my usual African self I didn’t answer. I just didn’t like it
when people disappointed it was the worst blow I could ever get.
‘Arrrgggggggggggh. Why am I even angry?’ I just got my
apple bottoms jacket on. Yeh I am exclusive. I got everything except breakfast and
money and left the house. When I got to the bus stop I saw bare heads from school
waiting for the bus. Then I saw Melinda walking up to me. She never talked to me
so why she coming up smiling like she know me. ‘Your name’s Rayne innit?’ ‘Yeah
Why?’ ‘Who was that boy you was with Saturday at the shubz. He looked bare old for
you.’ ‘Yeah he’s 35 and he’s my man. But we’re waiting for him to divorce his wife
and for me to turn 16 so I can marry him.’ Her face was hilarious. ‘I heard he was
Dwayne’s brother.’ ‘He is. But their not fully related. See he was in bin for
murder. But shh don’t tell no-one.’ My phone started ringing. ‘Sorry it’s my man
hold-up-.’ ‘Hi baby why you leave my house so early?’ ‘Rayne why are you talking
to me like we’re doing a ting?’ ‘Yea sorry yeah Melinda is here.’ Dwayne laughed
on the phone. ‘Your funny. Your making her think I’m De?’ ‘Yeah and I told her you
were 35.’ He laughed very hard now. ‘Rayne Jade told me to call to say she’s
sorry.’ That pissed me off more. I kissed my teeth and cut the phone. He called
again and I turned off the phone. I felt someone hug me from behind. I could smell
him before I saw his face. Everyone was looking in my direction. I didn’t give a
shit. ‘So why you leave me to sleep? I didn’t even get a bye.’ ‘That’s why now
baby girl, am here.’ I bit my lip and took a deep breath. ‘I’m going school.’ ‘I
came to drop you off.’ ‘oo is it?’ ‘Yeah.’ I turned around and felt like just
marrying this guy. ‘I’m gonna be late.’ ‘Have you eaten?’ ‘No.’ ‘Well your going
to eat then school.’ ‘What?’ ‘Yes and no arguments. Your kinda too skinny.’ I was
about to clap him around his head when I saw the silly smile on him face. ‘I’m
joking baby. I’m just messin’ wit yo head.’ I got in his whip with people still
watching me and we zoomed off like in the movies. Yay Bay Bay. At school. It was
now second lesson and I was ok surprisingly. ‘Rayne?’ ‘Yes sorry Sir.’ ‘I said
what two things have been used to contrast the difference between right and
wrong?’ ‘Black and white?’ ‘Yes but why?’ ‘Ermm Black is usually a dark cloudy
colour associated with death whereas…’ Then Jade walked in. ‘Sir could I quickly
go to the toilet?’ ‘Yes after you finish your sentence.’ ‘Nah I’m cool I’ll just
write it down.’ I barged past her and I zoomed off. At break I still weren’t
talking to her. I was pissed off for no reason and me being on my reds was
contributing. ‘Rayne can I talk to you?’ ‘No you cant.’ ‘Ok may I talk to you?’
‘Yes you may.’ ‘I’m sorry for letting you down and I know you’re pissed. I’m
sorry.’ ‘Skeen Okay is that all you have to say because I got work to do.’ ‘Rayne
please.’ I felt holy so I allowed her. ‘Okay.’ ‘So we’re kool?’ ‘Yup.’ By third
period me and Jade had got back to our normal selves. ‘What’s last lesson Sheek?’
‘English fam. The results for the test is coming out. I flopped seriously.’ ‘Haha
I know I done good at least a C or B.’ ‘Rayne shullup your probably gonna get an
A*. ‘If I say so myself I’m quite clever.’ Class was bare hype as usual everyone
was overly excited and anxious about the test. ‘Ahem! Class! Listen. I got the
results.’ ‘Sir allow me tell me…’ ‘Should I read what everyone got or do you want
me to personally tell you?’ ‘Read it.’ ‘Yhh sir read it.’ ‘Okay.’ ‘Mr. Mitchell
you got a C. Sammy E. You can do better…Clair-C…Jade-D.’ ‘Yes baby a fucking D. I
thought I was gonna get a U.
Get innnn.’ The whole class started laughing. ‘Thank you for that episode Jade… Ms
Nelson… Well I am very very shocked and surprised.’ The whole class was looking at
me. ‘Sir tell me. Your scaring me.’ ‘Well in your last test I thought you did
brilliant. But in this one I didn’t.’ ‘Peak.’ ‘Alie that’s peak.’ I felt
disappointed with myself. ‘So sir what did she get?’ ‘You did not let me finish.
Well as I was saying your last test was brilliant and I didn’t think this one was.
I thought it was phenomenal. You got an A*.’A what? Are you joking? A* o my God.
A*.’ ‘Very well done Rayne I am very proud of you.’ ‘Thank you sir.’ I was so
shocked. I felt like just dancing up and going topless. I was so happy. After I
went to celebrate by going Thornton’s and buying myself a nice big ice-cream. Now
that was what I called a fucking reward.

It had been a week since I last saw my baby and I weren’t planning to. The end of
year was nearly over and I had a lot of outstanding coursework to do before yr11
and I had to avoid distractions. De-Andre. I was missing him but my education had
to come first. It was very hard. My mum and dad were now back home and I think
they noticed me working hard because they asked me to go out for a break. I just
kept working throughout the week. Even teachers were impressed I also noticed my
work was improving. I was proud of me. Go Rayne. It was Friday night and everyone
was sleeping except me. I had just finished my History coursework. Never had I
felt so much relief. It was finally over. My phone started ringing. It was on
withheld. I thought about it then picked up. ‘Baby I missed you.’ A smile crept up
on my face. ‘Hi… I missed you to.’ ‘I ain’t seen you in a week and I really wanted
to hear your sexy voice. Where you sleeping?’ ‘Nope I just finished my history
work.’ ‘At 2 o’clock in the morning?’ ‘Yup.’ ‘Baby wot chu wearing?’ ‘Clothes.’
‘Like…’ ‘Well I’m wearing a skirt and a top.’ ‘How short is the skirt?’ ‘De- am I
thinking your thinking what your thinking?’ ‘What am I thinking.’ ‘Hell no we are
not going to have phone sex. No De- No.’ He laughed really hard. ‘Can I come
over?’ ‘No of course not my mum and dad are sleeping.’ ‘Okay I’ll come if you
promise not to scream.’ My jaw dropped. ‘You must think your funny.’ ‘I am.’ ‘Is
it. So you don’t wanna know that I’m wearing a red thong and my pussy’s wet cuz of
your voice.’ The phone was silent for a moment. ‘Rayne couldn’t you just sneak
out.’ ‘Nope. Hmm I can just imagine it.’ ‘Imagine what.’ ‘You in me.’ His voice
starting going hoarse. ‘What does me in you feel like baby?’ ‘Hot…Nice…’ ‘Rayne
where are your hands.’ ‘On my legs.’ ‘Rayne tomorrow I’m gonna have you begging
for mercy.’ That just did it. I started fingering myself while he was talking.
‘I’ll fuck you real hard baby…then your gonna ride this dick.’ ‘Hmmmm Uh…Yeaa.’
‘Rayne where are your fingers.’ ‘Where your’s is supposed to be.’ ‘O baby. Imma
rip yo shit apart tomorrow.’ ‘Oooo Yh baby I’m gonna suck ur dick till you cum in
my mouth.’ I was about to cum. ‘Baby how many fingers you got in there?’ ‘One.’
‘Can you make it two?’ ‘Uh Uh Yeaa. De- I’m gonna …’ I was breathing bare hard.
‘You still there baby?’ ‘Yes… I have never ever done this before…O my Word… I
can’t even breathe properly. ‘ ‘You sound sexy on the phone.’ I smiled as though
he could see me.
‘De I wanna see you now.’ ‘Just sleep a few more hours. I’ll come pick you up to a
secret location.’ ‘Ooo When?’ ‘You have to give me the time and place.’ ‘Now, my
house.’ He sighed. ‘I can’t because of your folks.’ I heard my mum’s bedroom door
open. I started whispering. ‘De- I have to go my mums awake. I’ll call you when I
can. Bye I love you.’ ‘I need you.’ He was so sweet and what made me more
attracted to him was the fact that he wasn’t afraid to let me know how me felt. He
was so open it was amazing to me. ‘Bye De.’ I cut the phone. Now I wanted to be
with him in the worst way. I went to the bathroom to wash my hands. ‘Rayne?’ ‘Yes
mum.’ ‘Have you finished your work?’ ‘Yeah I’m going to bed now.’ After washing my
hands I brushed my teeth and got into my bed and slept. The smell of food woke me.
I could smell it. I knew I could smell it. I knew what it was. She did! I quickly
got up to brush my teeth and made my way downstairs. ‘Mum! You cooked it?’ ‘Yes.’
‘Hi dad.’ ‘Hello young lady. I’m going to Anthony’s house would you like
anything?’ Anthony was my dad’s friend. He had so many things in his house you
would think he was a shop owner. I needed a new phone and headphones. ‘Nokia
headphones. The pointy ones.’ ‘Okay bye.’ My concentration went back tot the food.
As an African. No as a Ghanaian when you smelt this smell it was a good sign.
Jellof rice. The taste of this cannot be explained to anyone unless it is eaten.
It was too choong. When I die I wanted it to be buried with me. ‘Rayne your phone
is ringing.’ ‘Arghh.’ I quickly run back up the stairs. Withheld. This time I knew
for sure it was De-Andre. ‘Hello?’ ‘Hello baby, I’m so sorry but could we
rearrange today. Something very important came up. I could hear announcements in
the background. ‘Hold up. Wait a sec. Are you in a airport or am I hallucinating.
Please tell me I’m hallucinating. I must be.’ There was a long silence. ‘Yes… I’m
going back to America for a couple of weeks. Someone very important to me is ill.
I can’t explain at the moment.’ I was gob smacked. ‘Erm so how long are you
planning to stay for?’ ‘Until there better.’ ‘Hmm whatever innit. Good luck and
safe journey. By-.‘ ‘No Rayne wait… I love you… and I know you must feel I’m an
asshole for dropping this on you. I’m sorry I love you.’ ‘Yea I love you too. Bye.
I’m gonna miss you.’ ‘Yeah me too baby.’ I cut the phone. I was pissed. I couldn’t
even be bothered to eat no more. I suddenly went into depressed mode. This was now
increasingly frustrating me. Then the memories of the phone call I overheard came
running back. ‘O no… what if it’s her.’ Again I found myself doubting his
intentions. I started coughing and that was it. I felt dizzy had the most horrific
painful headache and I dropped. All I remembered was the sound of sirens and my
mum calling my name. In the hospital I woke up to unfamiliar surroundings. This
was not my room. I felt someone touching me. I tried to get up but was held down
my wires coming out of everywhere. I felt myself drifting back to sleep. I woke up
again and this time I saw my mum smiling at me. She then called a doctor and a
nurse. I didn’t have a clue what was going on. But I had a throbbing pain on my
leg. After many days in the hospital I found out that I had had a cancerous cell
in my leg and I had done something that had triggered a migraine and the joint
combination of the pain
was what caused me to faint. I had apparently been in a coma for a week. Wow. The
doctor said that this was highly likely and that it I hadn’t fainted there would
have been a 75% chance of me being diagnosed with cancer. I was so shocked. I felt
nothing but love for God. I kept saying “Thank you God” over and over and over
again. I felt so blessed. All my family and non-family had come to see me. I had
now spent a month in hospital. I was still looking forward to seeing DeAndre. I
hadn’t seen him in a month and 2days. I missed him so much and I weren’t allowed
to use my phone. I felt so annoyed but I had books. Tonnes of books. I was getting
a bit bored with them. The nurse came to tell me I had a visitor. I told her to
let him in. It was probably Dwayne. He had a tendency to come in at the most
amazing times even when visiting hours were over. I had my back turned so I
couldn’t see who it was. I could hear light footsteps on the floor. I suddenly
felt someone cover my eyes. I could smell him. I smelt him before I saw him. ‘De!’
I turned around to see my sexy sexy hubby behind me. ‘How’s my baby? I jut got
back this morning to find out you were in hospital I was so worried.’ ‘What?
Didn’t Dwayne tell you?’ ‘Well I haven’t really being in contact. I’ve been
travelling a lot.’ ‘Skeen.’ ‘I missed you a lot.’ ‘De. I missed you too.’ Then we
started kissing. ‘Hmm baby you taste like medicine.’ I laughed. That’s because I’m
on drugs. O I could become addicted. And then what would you do.’ He looked me
deep in my eyes for a few minutes. ‘Rayne, I’m addicted to you.’ I smiled at him.
‘Guess what?’ ‘Tell me.’ ‘I got you presents baby.’ ‘Oooo is it. Aw but if its
clothes they won’t fit me. I’ve lost weight because of all the medicines and
stuff.’ ‘You do look pale. I like it. I think you look sexier.’ He saw me screw
him. ‘Not that you’re not sexy in the first place.’ ‘Now you’re talking.’ We
talked for at least 2hours about everything and everyone. The nurse came to tell
him visiting times were over. He looked sad to go and I was sad to see him go.
‘Ray when are you getting discharged?’ ‘Two days time.’ ‘O ok. Bye baby. I love
you.’ ‘I love you to.’ I got a kiss on my cheek and forehead and he was gone. Man!
I missed him already. I quickly went back to sleep. After a month I was still
tired. I was also still very weak. At home After 1month 1week and 2days I was
finally discharged from hospital. I felt kinda sad leaving because I had made some
friends there and I was gonna miss the nurses. They were so nice. During my time
in hospital me and my phone had become best friends. I had had so many texts I
felt famous and loved. I weren’t allowed out of my bedroom because my mum was
scared I would drop of the stairs or something. All the family came over. It was
good since we hadn’t been together like that in years. No arguments everyone was
happy even me. After a week back at home I decided I was ready to go back to
school. I had been overly revising from the hospital and home. Plus we had a end
of year test coming up for year10. I wanted to go. I missed school. Surprisingly I
missed my teachers more than I missed my friends which was strange and foreign to
me. I was downstairs in my living room watching Friday the movie with my dad when
my phone started to ring. It was private number again. I answered. ‘Hello?’ ‘Hello
baby… haven’t heard from in like forever I miss you.’ I got up slowly to go
upstairs because this conversation was going to turn nasty. ‘Dad I’m coming back.’
He nodded. ‘Rayne?’ ‘Yes?’ ‘No-ones at my house.’ I started getting hot. ‘You
still there?’ ‘Yeah sorry. I can’t come my Dad won’t let me.’ ‘Make an excuse. Say
your going to Jade’s house.’ ‘I’ll try. I want to see you so bad.’ ‘Should I come
pick you up somewhere?’ ‘No. I’ll walk I need the exercise.’ ‘You’re sure?’ ‘Yes
I’m sure.’ I heard him sigh. ‘Bye I’m n my way.’ ‘See you.’ I cut the phone and
just wore anything. I weren’t worried about appearance because I was just getting
my health back I was still weak and had to go the hospital every6months from then
to check whether there were any more tumors. ‘Dad I’m quickly going to my friends
house all my friends are there and they want me to come can I go please.’ I gave
him puppy eyes. ‘Yes. But don’t be late home. Take your keys we wont be home since
your going out we can go to your aunties (not real auntie) wedding.’ ‘Okay Bye
Dad. Bye mum.’ ‘Where are you going?’ ‘Dad knows. Bye.’ It took me exactly half an
hour to get to De-Andre’s house. I knocked on the door twice. I thought I was
going to die. I was extremely dehydrated and could not breathe properly. The door
opened and I collapsed into his arms. ‘Ray? What is the matter?’ ‘Water…’ He
quickly carried me to the kitchen and gave me some water to drink. After a few
minutes I was back to normal. ‘Umm sorry about that.’ ‘Its cool. But you really
scared me. I thought you died or something.’ I felt sleepy. I started blinking
rapidly. ‘I feel sleepy.’ ‘Come here.’ I tried to get up but I struggled. He came
and picked me up lead me through the corridor and into his room. He then laid me
in his bed and himself next to me I rested my head on his chest and slept. He
smelled so good. I could feel his heart beating. I was awoken by someone shouting.
I sleepily got up to discover De was not next to me. I stayed in bed for a few
more minutes while my eyes adjusted to the light. I then got up went to the
bathroom to wash my face. I went downstairs. The house was quiet although I had
heard some one shouting a few minutes before. ‘De? Are you here?’ ‘Yeah baby
kitchen.’ I made my way to the kitchen. ‘You look really ill. You shouldn’t have
walked.’ ‘I realized that now.’ I went to sit down while I watched him watching
me. He kept staring at me. After a few minutes I asked him what the problem was.
‘Nothing. I just aint been with you for a long time.’ ‘I know that feeling. I
don’t like it.’ He gave me a wry smile. He walked up to me picked me up while he
sat on my seat and he became mine. I was sitting on his lap facing him. Looking
into his eyes I felt so much love for him. Something happened and we started
kissing. Really fast hot kisses. I started getting hot and bothered and I could
feel his dick going hard. I started gyrating my hips onto his dick. ‘Rayne are
su-.’ ‘Shullup and keep kissing me.’ He did. It felt so good. Then someone knocked
on the outside door. ‘Argh…baby don’t answer…’ I heard him sigh deeply ‘But it
could be important.’ He reluctantly got me off him lap. He went to open the door
while I was left once again breathless. I heard speaking. After about 10minutes I
went to see who it was. It was Priceless ( Dwayne’s oldah from day). ‘Hi
priceless.’ ‘You kl yungah. I heard you woz in the hospital for a major illness.’
‘Yeah. Cancer thing. But I’m okay now. Are you waiting for De-Andre? Where is he
anyway.’ Upstairs. He’s getting me a lil ting.’ ‘Oh Skeen.’ De-Andre came to the
door to find me there. He passed Priceless a blue plastic bag gently
pulled me in and shut the door. ‘What was that?’ ‘I’m not telling you because I
don’t want you to be part of it.’ ‘Piss off.’ I got angry walked up to Dwayne’s
bedroom and slammed the door and cried. I didn’t want him to be like that. I
didn’t like the way he said it and how he said it. He was being too blunt to me.
Maybe it was the illness. After a few minutes I heard the door open. I didn’t even
want to see him. He had made me cry for the first time since being back from
hospital. ‘Go away De-Andre I don’t wanna talk to you.’ I heard the door close
again. I started crying more. My phone was ringing. Without even looking at the
number I answered. ‘Hello?’ ‘Rayne are you crying?’ It was my dad. ‘No dad no. I
was sleeping.’ ‘O okay. We’re leaving now. We will be back maybe tomorrow she
changed the venue at the last minute. We are going to Milton Keyes.’ ‘O! Why?’ ‘We
don’t know.’ ‘So where are you lot gonna sleep?’ ‘A hotel.’ ‘She bes be paying for
it.’ He laughed. ‘It’s her wedding. No we will pay.’ ‘Can I speak to mummy
please?’ ‘Hello darling.’ ‘Hi mum…could you please leave me like 10pounds please.’
‘For what?’ ‘I wanna buy a top from Peacocks.’ ‘Okay… are you going to come back
home today?’ ‘Yup.’ ‘Make sure somebody drops you off okay. Its dangerous.’ ‘Okay
bye mum. Safe journey.’ ‘Bye.’ I got off the bed switched off the light and was
about to go downstairs when I saw the light to him room on. I headed in that
direction. I found him lying on his back his hands on his head and eyes clothes. I
could tell he weren’t sleeping because of his breathing. He looked so cute.
‘Ahem.’ He quickly opened his eyes and stared at me. ‘Ermm I’m going home.’ ‘Okay.
But let me drop you off.’ ‘No it’s cool. I want to walk anyway.’ ‘Remember what
happened today?’ ‘Okay. Whatever. I’ll be downstairs waiting for you then.’ I
walked out of his room. After about 5minutes he came down. He had changed what he
was wearing and I was left breathless once again. He was wearing an exclusive Nike
tracksuit. I say exclusive cah I had never seen them. His crep was bathing ape. If
his feet weren’t big the would have been a robbery at his house by a mystery
female assailant. He was a goon. I rated that. He also had a massive bag on him.
Since I weren’t talking to him I couldn’t ask what it was. I opened the front door
and went outside. It was hot. It was dark but hot. I wanted to take off my jumper
but couldn’t because I was only wearing a bra underneath. After a few minutes I
was in his car cruising down the road. It woulda been the perfect night if we were
talking. Stupid me. I couldn’t take it anymore. I took off my jumper. I saw him
looking from the corner of his eye. He thought I had something underneath. ‘Rayne
look.’ He was staring at me with his mouth open speechless. ‘I’m hot.’ He didn’t
say anything. But I saw him looking at me every time we came to a traffic light.
We finally got to my house. I got out and I saw him mirroring my actions. I put
back on my jumper. Well halfway. ‘Where do you think your going?’ ‘Taking you to
your door.’ ‘Okay.’ We were now at my door and he was carrying the bag.’ ‘I bought
this for you but couldn’t give it to you at the hospital.’ He gave it to me and
walked back to his car reluctantly. I got in without looking back and shut the
door. I run/walked up the stairs with the bag. Wow. He bought me stuff. There was
everything in there. Creps. Apple bottoms. Everything! My eyes literally popped
out at the amount of shit that was in there. He musta paid thousands for this. Now
I felt guilty for airing him. I belled him phone. ‘Hello?’ ‘Yeah De- I’m sorry for
what I did and thank you
very much.’ ‘Its ok.’ I chewed my lip at what I was going to ask him. Hmm Fuck it.
‘De-could you come to my house please?’ ‘Are you sure?’ ‘Hell yeah.’ ‘Okay. I’ll
be there in 5.’ ‘I got to work. I had the quickest shower in the world. I needed
to call the Guinness book of records people because I was sure it was a record. I
wore my red bra and panties and creamed myself. I looked in the mirror. I looked
like one of them porn stars. I looked hot. If I say so myself. Like on cue the
door bell rang. I wore my long ass jacket and opened the door to De’s absolutely
comical face. He looked like a young boy in Gamestation. ‘Why is you wearing a
jacket when it’s this hot.’ ‘Because I’m cold. Now come in before anyone see’s
you.’ He did. I couldn’t believe that I was 15years of age doing what I was doing.
It was like I was watching myself being myself. I didn’t give two shits. I loved
this guy. I walked up the stairs with him behind me. I could tell he was ready to
do some damage. I was really excited. We were now in my room. As soon as the door
closed he was on me. Kissing my neck, lips, and forehead. Everywhere. I was hot
for him. ‘Take off that silly ass jacket.’ I did. For a moment I thought he was
hypnotized. He looked shocked. ‘You look… Wow.’ I licked my lips. ‘Prove it.’ He
didn’t waste time. I took off my bra as he ripped. Yes ripped my panties. I was
thrust onto my bed. He was now on me kissing me and fingering me. ‘Uh have you got
um…’ ‘Yup.’ ‘Good because I don’t want to get pregnant.’ I took off his shirt and
he took off his shorts. Yay Baby. Then I saw my best friend in the whole wide
world who I hadn’t seen for 1month 2weeks and 3days. I was overly happy. He kissed
my breasts, my navel and worked his way to my very wet vagina. I felt myself
grippin’ on the bed and he sent me crazy. I was moaning like I was in pain but
this felt great. After about 10minutes of him being down there I decided to pay
him a lil respect. ‘Sit down.’ He did. When he saw me get on my knees his eyes
widened in surprise. ‘Rayne you don’t have to-.‘ ’I took a firm hold of his piece
and slightly squeezed. ‘Hmm...’ I used my tongue to trace from the tip all the way
to the bottom. Then I started sucking that dick. Him moaning my name just made me
hornier and more willing to serve him. He then took a chunk of my hair and moved
it up and down with the riddim of the sucking. I could tell he was about to cum.
Just then he moved his dick away from my lips. I gave him an evil look. He smiled
back. ‘Now it’s my turn for a lil pleasuring.’ He picked me up and put me on the
bed. ‘Baby get on your knees.’ I did. Without any warning I felt his dick ram up
my pussy. I screamed. The feeling was intense. We had sex for an hour straight. He
cummed twice and me. Hmmm about a million times. I decided to have a bath. He
decided he wanted one too. So I’m in the bath…showering. He hugs me and I feel his
erection on my back. I started getting horny all over again. ‘I can’t stay over
baby.’ ‘I know.’ ‘But I want you so much.’ He sighed again. Then he started
kissing on my neck as his hands slowly caressed my thigh. His hands weren’t moving
up or down. They were just caressing me. I found myself saying his name. ‘Yes?’
‘This. Is. Torture. Could you please just-’ His hot breath on my neck was making
me wet. I didn’t ever think that was possible. I felt his dick so harder and
myself get wetter. I turned around to his full lips. ‘Hmmm’ it felt so good. Once
again I felt his dick going up my hole. He was still kissing me slowly. This time
our sex was slow. It felt nice having water run down your back your man kissing
and sticking his dick up you. He brought
himself to the wall and picked me up using the wall for balance. His dick was up
me before I could even breathe. He started his pleasuring. I found myself
screaming his name once again. My nails were digging into his back. I bit him a
few times because the feeling was so intense. ‘Oh Uh De-Andre…’ He worked faster.
I could feel him about to cum because he started working faster. He pulled his
dick out and splashed his shit on my bum. I had totally forgotten that he weren’t
wearing a condom and he had remembered. Aww. Once again I got washed up where he
got dressed up. When I came back to my bedroom I felt tired but didn’t want him to
go. Looking at the time it was 2 something. He looked so handsome sitting on my
bed waiting for me. He smiled and so did I. His earrings were sparkling in my eyes
and I noticed that his hair was growing back already. He had a beauty spot right
underneath his bottom lip and his black eyes looked blue in the light. He was so
peng. ‘I got to go.’ ‘I know. I don’t want you to.’ It shocked me saying that
because I had never been this open in any relationship and it really scared me.
‘I’m going now.’ ‘O Erm bye De.’ He got up to leave and I moved out of his way.
‘Not even a kiss De?’ he smiled. I backed away. I didn’t like that evil smile it
was a sly smile. ‘You bes not try no antics.’ He gave an over exaggerated look.
‘Just a kiss and a hug. I promise. I chewed my bottom lip for a second and closed
my eyes to think. I opened my eyes to see him staring in my face. ‘Well?’ he
whispered. I backed up again. He looked amazingly scary I found that so sexy.
Without noticing I had bumped into the door and had no escape. He kept coming
closer. He smelled like me! He smelled nice. As usual. He was now breathing on me.
Looking down as I looked up at him. I stood on my tip toes as he bent his head and
gave me the slowest most amazing kiss I had ever been given. I felt myself getting
horny again. O no. He backed away and so did I. I didn’t want another encounter.
He took a deep sigh again. ‘I think I should go.’ ‘Yeah so do I.’ I walked away
from the door as he came past. I could smell traces of me on him. I was so tempted
to just go and hug him but I held myself. I closed my eyes as I felt him leave. I
heard my front door close. I wanted to cry. I was also tired. I got kind of
dressed and went to bed. My pum pum felt sore but I wanted more of De-Andre. He
had me feenin for him so bad. I went to sleep thinking about him. Three months
later. It had been three months since me and De started going out and everything
was bless except I couldn’t see him sometimes which pissed me of. He had work and
I had school. Jade and I only saw each other at school as she was so preoccupied
with my Dwayne. I was on msn day dreaming when someone rang my phone. Withheld
again! I picked up with a slow ‘Hello?’ ‘Rayne its me I’m on my way to your house
I’m like 1minute away please open the door I feel really bad.’ ‘Erm okay… Jade why
you call me to ask me that?’ Then the doorbell rang I locked of the phone as I
knew it was her. She looked scared as hell. ‘Jade what did u do?’ She broke down
half crying half laughing. ‘Jade?’ ‘Well this is what happened.’ She went into my
living room and sat down. ‘What did you do? Did
you gran catch you again?’ ‘Worse.’ My jaw dropped. ‘Well see how I have the keys
to Dwayne’s house. He told me to come today yeah. So I went. When I opened the
door it was bare quiet innit. I was gonna call him but decided to surprise him.
When I got closer to his door I heard moaning.’ ‘O my days Jade he cheated on
you?’ ‘No worse listen. So I got bare angry innit. So I went downstairs and
grabbed a kitchen knife and a wooden spoon.’ I started laughing then stopped. I
frowned. ‘Jade you didn’t kill Dwayne did you?’ ‘No listen man listen. So I walked
up the stairs with my weapons.’ I laughed again. ‘Well so I open the door and see
a boys bum and see that someone is underneath him innit. He was flexing like it
weren’t an issue. So I went over to the bum and slapped it really hard. Then he
screamed yh then the girl screamed and went into the covers.’ ‘So Jade the problem
is?’ ‘Wait man. Well it weren’t Dwayne.’ I started laughing and tears were coming
out. ‘It weren’t who. Jade you’re pissed.’ ‘It was Sony and his girl. I run down
the stairs and like a dream Dwayne had just come in the house so I just run all
the way to your house.’ I couldn’t hold my laughter anymore. I started laughing
and wouldn’t stop. She just scared at me. ‘Jade you have to admit its funny. A
little funny.’ Soon after we were all sprawled on the floor creasing. After deep
breaths and controlling me for about 5minutes we decided to call Dwayne and say
sorry to Sony. After about 5 seconds of trying to say sorry Dwayne was also
creasing on the phone. So much that we had to cut it and call him back. He sounded
like he was having a fit. We cut the phone again. I hadn’t had a proper
conversation with me Co-d in time and I missed that. ‘’Jade you know we aint had a
proper conversation in time.’’ ‘’Yeah… it feels strange.’’ ‘’How’s you and my
bestie?” I saw her smile. ‘’Good.’’ ‘’So he fucks you good yeah?’’ Her mouth
opened. ‘’Rayne! Why you gonna ask them questions for?’’ ‘’Maybe because I want to
know. Me and De have sex the majority of the time and I’m telling you now. Bredrin
he makes me scream, like when he hitting it-‘ ‘Raynee! I don’t want to know. Yes,
sex is good. Gosh! You’re so eager.’’ I was laughing again. I chewed my lip for
the next question but didn’t care. ‘’How long would you say his piece was?’’ She
had a comical look on her face. ‘’Why should I tell you? But it’s big.’’ ‘’Skeen.
De’s one is at least-‘’ ‘’Rayne I do not want to know. Why are you so dirty and so
open.’’ “Maybe I dunno. I just am. If you have a problem call my lawyer.” She
started laughing. Jade stayed over for about 4hours while we talked and watched TV
and danced. When she left I missed her. Then my mum came home bare screwing me.
“What did I do?” “You are asking me what you did. Go into your bedroom and tell me
what you did.” Then it all came clicking back. No way. She had emptied out the
bin. Fuck. “I found the condoms.” O shit. I felt hot. I didn’t know how to get out
of this one. O fuck. And the thing was De used about 5 and I weren’t sure whether
she found al of them or just the one. O shit. I was so busted. I wondered whether
she told my dad. O shit. I wonder what she’s going to do. Then she just walked
past me kissed her teeth then into the kitchen. I was standing there when I felt
someone behind me. I turned to see her with a wooden spoon pointing my direction.
The way I took off. I think I woulda won the Olympics. I was off and she was
chasing after me. “Mum I’m sorry.” “You will be.” I was so shook. When I got up
the stairs I clocked I had no escape either I did a u-turn and went back down the
stairs or went into my
bedroom. But no. I couldn’t lock it. I forgot I had accidentally broken the lock.
Bathroom! No I couldn’t. U-turn. Yes I could. I waited for her slow ass to get up
the stairs and run back down. But I got a big conk on my head. The impact was so
great I thought I was going to faint. “Mum, I am sorry okay. Could you please calm
down?” “Sorry for what! Having sex in my home? I do not even know you anymore.” I
was still running all around the house and she was chasing me. “Mum I’m sorry. I
didn’t mean for it to happen. It just did.” I think that pissed her off more
because she threw it at me and it hit my lower back. “Fuck”. “And you are also
swearing in my house!” I looked back to see a monstrous animal leaping at me.
Omdz. She landed on me and I was squashed and finding it hard to breathe. She
clocked got off me and sat down on the floor. I slowly got my breath back. I was
still weak and she clocked. That saved me! I’m sure she would have thrown me out
of the house or something if I weren’t. I thanked my stars. Then the strangest
thing happened. She started crying then I started crying then we both started
laughing. Like at the same time. This was so strange. Then we started talking. She
asked me if ‘He’ took my V and I had to lie to say yes. She asked how old he was
and I said ’16.’ She asked if we were going out and I said yes and I promised not
to do it again. She then started asking all sorts which included lies from me. I
was so scared. But she believed me. Then I felt guilty for lying. O well. A girl’s
got to do what a girl’s got to do. It was now 10 o’clock my mum had gone out
again. Well it was Saturday and I had half term for 2weeks so I weren’t bothered
about the time. I hadn’t been on msn in time so I decided to pay it a visit. I
appeared offline so I could block the people online I didn’t want to chat to. Then
something caught my eye. “If Rayne and her friend whoever her name is think its
over your wrong. Skets. They are bitches.” It was a random girl that I hardly
talked to. I got my phone out and belled Jades number. If you’re wondering why
I’ve always got credit. It’s because I’m on contract. “Jade go on msn now.” I
locked off. I few minutes later she came on and I stopped appearing offline. I
opened a convo with her and the girl. RayneLuvzDe-Andre…Says: What the fuck did me
and Jade do? “If Rayne and her friend whoever her name is think it’s over your
wrong. Skets. They are bitches.” Says: You fucking stole De-Andre from me bitch.
That’s what you did. LuvTheWifeyRayRay…NdTheHubz Says: Do not fuckin hype to my
girl yeh. N o-ne stole no-one from your ugly stumpy ass. RayneLuvzDe-Andre…Says:
LOL “If Rayne and her friend whoever her name is think its over your wrong. Skets.
They are bitches.” Says: Watch you think your Hard because you’re older is
Priceless. Well my brother is Ripper
RayneLuvzDe-Andre…Says: Oooo I’m shaking in my boots. Ripper will rippifye me!
LuvTheWifeyRayRay…NdTheHubz Says: Loooooooool Rayne you’re too funny. “If Rayne
and her friend whoever her name is think it’s over your wrong. Skets. They are
bitches.” Says: Kmft Watch Innit. Paper is the Motivation has been added to the
conversation. O this is going to be funny I thought. RayneLuvzDe-Andre…Says: Lol
Dickhead. You bring Ripper in the conversation because you think I’ll get scared?
Fuck You Bitch and your brother. Priceless….NuffLuvToTheYungahRayRay has been
added to the conversation. Paper is the Motivation says: Fuck you Rayne. Sket. Do
not think you can hype to my sister. Blud I will fukin shoot yu Bitch.
Priceless….NuffLuvToTheYungahRayRay Says: Ripper you bes watch your mouth or mouth
whatever. Cuz I will get you rushed again. RayneLuvzDe-Andre…Says: Skeen I’m a
sket. Is that why you asked me out and I said no. Pervert. You’re fucking 26 and
still perving and hustling. Dikhead you know wots funny azwell. You’ve been
shotting since like forever and you still live with you mum.
Priceless….NuffLuvToTheYungahRayRay Says: Looool Piss take. Lol Yungah you’re
RayneLuvzDe-Andre…Says: Lol its true doe! I bet your both on the same comp you and
your sister having your own time to type on the comp. LuvTheWifeyRayRay…NdTheHubz
Priceless….NuffLuvToTheYungahRayRay Says: Looooooooooool Yungah ratings for that
one Lol. Ride with a gangsta, we high whether weather be precious like ya face so
heavenly has been added to the conversation
RayneLuvzDe-Andre…Says: Whos Ride…? Priceless….NuffLuvToTheYungahRayRay Says: De-
Andre RayneLuvzDe-Andre…Says: O Lol Shame. Hi baby! LuvTheWifeyRayRay…NdTheHubz
Says: You aint got your mans msn? Lol what a relationship. Ride with a gangsta, we
high whether weather be precious like ya face so heavenly Says: Hi sexy…Hows my
baby doing? Paper is the Motivation says: Kmt. How old is he? And you call me a
perv. “If Rayne and her friend whoever her name is think its over your wrong.
Skets. They are bitches.” Says: Alie! She’s a sket that’s why. RayneLuvzDe-Andre…
Says: O so it’s your turn to type now. Priceless….NuffLuvToTheYungahRayRay Says:
Loooooool. Rayne. LuvTheWifeyRayRay…NdTheHubz Says: Hahahahaha LOL fuckrie.
RayneLuvzDe-Andre…Says: I’m fine… it’s just that umm ‘The Sket’ seems to think
that you and her had a thing going on. Please correct her or tell me to piss off.
Ride with a gangsta, we high whether weather be precious like ya face so heavenly
Says: What? Lindy? What? She asked to fuck me and I said maybe. Then I said no.
Then I passed her on to Tyron and his people. So baby girl what is u on?
RayneLuvzDe-Andre…Says: Kmft I can’t be arsed with convo. I’m gone yeah… Safe
everyone excluding Ugly and Uglier. RayneLuvzDe-Andre…Says: You know what fuck
this. If you want me to fight you just say so because I aint scared of you. Stupid
sket. Argh you know what… I can’t take this. Everyone wait. XXx T [[Dot]] xXx. Has
been added to the conversation Ms.Screwz to You. Has been added to the
conversation Next Thing I know he’s wearing my necklace Lol. Has been added to the
conversation Arsenal Baby. Has been added to the conversation Fuck Man U. has been
added to the conversation
Grand Theft Auto on PS3 is Hard. Has been added to the conversation Rayne…I rate
that…Happy you’re better. Has been added to the conversation RayneLuvzDe-Andre…
Says: Okay I didn’t wanna tell no-one but I’ll just say it since she has drove me
beyond the point of no reasoning. Fuck Man U. Says: Who? LuvTheWifeyRayRay…
NdTheHubz Says: Lindy XXx T [[Dot]] xXx. Says: She’s got issues. Ms.Screwz to You
says: Lol RayneLuvzDe-Andre…Says: Ok! Basically before I went ill I saw her in
West with a guy. Then he looked familiar so I went to have a closer look. It was
Disk. I was like Ok. So I called Candy to ask her were her man was and she said he
said he was in South on biznezz. I locked off. Then I kind of followed them. She
went into one block apartment thing. I was like skeen. So then I went back to
where I was going. Somehow I saw her on bus again with him. I was bare baffled. So
then I got of the same stop as her. XXx T [[Dot]] xXx. Says: :O Omdz. Disk is in
bin doe and he got rushed right before that. RayneLuvzDe-Andre…Says: Shullup and
listen man. I clocked Disk was shotting init so I figured she musta been helping
him. I didn’t have a problem. I don’t think she clocked me but as soon as Disk got
off the bus she belled someone’s line and told dem where he was going and how much
he had on him. Then she bell Fed and report Disk shotting. I thought it was a
joke. Then Dwayne bell me to tell me Disk got rushed then his stash got stolen but
somehow FED found crack on him. Then I clocked Lindy and her brother set him up.
Priceless….NuffLuvToTheYungahRayRay Says: Say what! Rayne and you didn’t say shit?
Ripper you best run. Ride with a gangsta, we high whether weather be precious like
ya face so heavenly Says: Price meet me at my house Now. Ride with a gangsta, we
high whether weather be precious like ya face so heavenly is offline
Priceless….NuffLuvToTheYungahRayRay is offline XXx T [[Dot]] xXx. Says: Omdz you
Lindy. Snitched on my older? Then omdz. You’re pissed. Fuck Ripper.
Fuck Ripper and Lindy Snitches Says: Watch Ripper my brother knows what happened.
RayneLuvzDe-Andre…Says: I’m gone. I can’t be bothered no-more. I singed out. I
felt so bad. But it was their fault. I called De’s phones but the line was busy. I
called Priceless and his line was busy. I called Dwayne and his line was also
busy. I called everyone’s line and basically all their lines were busy. Argh! I
tried to call De again and got through. ‘De- please don’t tell me your gonna do
something stupid.’ ‘Rayne reason I went mad its because Ripper set up Dwayne as
well do you remember that time gunshots went off it was him. He’s tryna pay me…No
way I’m gonna let this slide. Sorry baby love you but bye.’ Then he locked off. I
felt so scared. I quickly went to put on my crep and coat then went out off my
house. It was so dark and cold outside I was scared. I decided that I would tell
my mum I went to Jade’s house because I heard a noise. I quickly run to the bus
stop and didn’t have to wait long for a bus. I hopped on and sprinted as soon as I
got to my stop. I run all the way to Dwayne’s house. I saw pure mans outside. The
amount of black tinted windowed cars I saw. It looked like a funeral. I clocked my
older and called his name. He started walking up to me. “What are you doing here?”
“I came to say sorry and to tell you lot not to do anything please. I shouldn’t
have said anything.” “Nah it’s cool. I forgive you.” I smiled and jumped up to hug
him. He kissed me on my cheek. Aw. If he weren’t my older I would seriously have
had sex with him he was so sexy and kind and cute and protective. He was an
amazing person. That’s why I loved him 100%. He walked me to Dwayne’s door. I saw
so many familiar faces. Some I hadn’t seen in ages. I thought De would be in the
living room but he wasn’t. ‘’He’s upstairs someone said.” I run up the stairs. I
opened the door to his bedroom and find him blacked out. If I didn’t smell him I
wouldn’t have clocked it was him. He was wearing a black era hat, black Nike
tracksuit and black crep. He looked sexy but scary. “Rayne what you doing here?”
“I came to say don’t do it. Please you will kill him and Lindy will snitch then
you’ll get life in jail. I don’t want that.” I found myself crying really hard. I
did not want to lose him. He meant so much to me. I wondered what I would do
without him. Probably self harm. “I have to do this. Don’t worry its cool.” “Why
are there so many people in your house and outside?” “Protection.” “What?” “Ripper
runs things for Big Man since he’s now in jail so he’s got many riders. They might
want to start something. “Please don’t. If you do then this relationship doesn’t
mean anything to you. You just don’t feel anything thing because you’re gonna
throw away your life.” I saw unshed tears in his eyes. “De you know that I’m
giving you an ultimatum. It’s me or the gun.” He looked at me for a long time and
I was crying my eyes out. “I love you Rayne you know that. But I just can’t let
everyone down like that.” I was trying to hold back my tears but I couldn’t. I
started crying. “Rayne don’t cry.” I felt my heart break. The pain I felt was
unbearable. I really did not think that breaking up with him would be this hard. I
hated him for it. But I loved him so much. “You just br.oke my heart and.’’ Sniff
‘’don’t want me to cry.” “I
hate you. I hate you I hate you.” Must feel nice knowing you played me. I was so
angry I forced myself to believe all of this. He reached out to touch my face and
I backed away. I walked to the other side and told him to leave me alone. I felt
his eyes on me for a long time and I heard him quietly shut the door. Someone else
came in the room. I looked up to see Dwayne. I run up to him and started crying on
him. ‘Shh Rayne its okay. Shhh don’t worry baby.” “I hate him Dwayne. I hate him.”
“You don’t… you just don’t like what he’s doing.” “No you don’t understand he
broke up with me.” I felt Dwayne tense. He took me to his bedroom and put me in
his bed. But as soon as he felt I run into De-Andres and slept in there. I cried
my eyes out on his pillow. I smelt him everywhere. In the early hours of the
morning I woke up to find their house empty and that I 27missed calls from Jade
and 14text messages from other people. I didn’t bother reading them. My eyes were
sore from crying. I started crying my eyes out again. I felt my phone vibrating.
It was withheld. I picked up. “Rayne. haven’t you heard? Someone got shot. No four
people got shot and someone died. The Feds won’t say who but I think its De-
Andre.” Silence. The phone dropped from my hands. “Hello? Rayne Hello?” I run out
of the house picking up my phone and crying. I looked like I had been raped. When
I got on the bus everyone looked at me because I was crying so hard. But no-one
asked me why. I run to Jade’s house and pressed her doorbell so many times.
Luckily she was at the door. I jumped on her and started crying. She was crying
too. “So you heard?” “No he’s not dead. Jade he’s not I know he’s not. He can’t
be. “I started crying again. I felt so much emptiness. Jades phone began to ring.
“Hello?” “Omdz.” Her face looked grim. “Rayne…” I didn’t hear what she was about
to say but I blacked out. I just fainted. She’s not dead man.” “But she could be
she’s not moving.” “So?” “Her breathing is normal. She’s coming round leave her.”
I tried to open my eyes but the light was too bright. “Turn off the light” I
managed to whisper. “Go then De-Andre…turn it off.” I recognized Jade’s voice
immediately. She sounded as though she had been crying. I had a sharp pain in my
head and my throat was unbelievably dry. “Rayne…are you ok…you scared me. I
thought you were dead.” She was crying. Someone turned off the light and my eyes
were able to open but not without pain. I finally had my eyes open. I saw Jade’s
brother De-Andre with a worried look on his face and Jade with tears on her face.
“Water.” “You want water?” I nodded. De-Andre quickly went away. After a few
minutes of silence he came with a glass of water. He handed it to me and I slowly
drank. It was painful. After that I was able to get up. Everything came back
again. I started crying. “He’s dead isn’t it?” She was silent for a long time and
I saw her and her brother exchange glances. “Jade…tell me.” “I don’t know.” My jaw
dropped. “W-w-what you mean?” “Well the phone call was from Dwayne to tell me that
Ripper got shot and he’s in intensive care. He’s in a coma.” “Did De do it?” “We
don’t know.” I started crying again. “What about Priceless?” Silence. I felt my
heart about to break for a second time. “Jade…I said what about Priceless.”
“Dead.” She whispered. “No No I said Priceless.” “He got shot directly in the
heart. He died on the spot.” “Noooooooooooooo! Please tell me you’re joking. You
must be.” I had tears in my eyes. My heart felt like someone had ripped it out and
sold it. I felt sick. I wanted to vomit. I wanted to die Priceless…from day I knew
him and he had protected
me so many times. I thought I was going to die. “No Jade no whoever told you is
wrong. They got it wrong. I talked to him yesterday. No Jade. I only juss-“I broke
out crying again. I wanted to die. “Um Rayne I think you should look at your
phone.” She handed me the phone. “Why the fuck do I need to look at anything… he
just died and you’re telling me to look at my phone.” “No Rayne seriously look at
the texts. I and read in silence. Over and over again. Tears streamed down my
eyes. I silently wept and I saw Jade also crying. It was a text from Priceless at
5 something this morning. It read. “Rayne…I know you’re probably angry…so angry
that you’re sleeping. I know you’re meant to be sleeping in Dwayne’s room but
yungah I know you’re in DeAndre’s. Lol. Its nuffin doe. Just noe dat man has bare
love for you innit. I really love you as doh ur my likkle sista. Dnt worry bout me
I’ll be fine and if I’m not take care of yourself and everyone else as they say
you only live once. Much love. Yeh Lol I know ur probz thinking y this text
message so fukin long. ”Dats cuz I fukin love you. Much Love Priceless…P.s. Dnt be
mad at me I started crying so bad. My phone started ringing. Private number. De
always called me on private number! I answered. “Hello?” “Yeah Rayne it’s me… I
think you need to come to the hospital. It’s urgent. You need to see this for your
self. I can’t tell you over the phone. I’m at the hospital.” “Ok Bye.” “Who was
that?” “Mandy.” “What did she want?” “Said I should come hospital.” “Are you gonna
go?” I nodded. “I’ll quickly go to your house and get you some clothes.” “Nah nah
I’m cool.” I got up to walk and dropped again. “What is wrong with me?” I asked
myself. “Are you sure you’re fine Rayne you look dead fam.” Jade said. “Yeah I’m
cool.” I got up slowly this time and made my way to the door. I felt dizzy but
didn’t want to say anything. “How are you getting there?” “O yeah…” “De-André
please I beg you give us a lift.” The ride to the hospital was a blur. I think I
slept but at one point I remember vomiting. At the hospital When we finally got to
the hospital Mandy was waiting outside. She was crying her eyes out. Things
started going dark again. I tried breathing in and out but it weren’t working.
“Rayne…?” “Rayne are you ok?” “I’m fiii-“everything went dark again. I woke up
with a throbbing pain on my leg. I immediately got scared. The cancer. I struggled
to open my eyes the light coming in hurt. Tears started rolling down my face. I
felt a hand grab me. “Baby why are you crying?” The voice made me cry more.
“Rayne? Open your eyes for me sweetheart.” I struggled but opened it. I saw my
mums face covered in tears she was crying. Next to her was my dad looking less
than happy. “What happened?” “What have I got?” She started crying more. But
remained silent. “Dad? Mum?” Silence. I wanted to die. I thought I was gonna die.
Once again I blacked out. In the back of my head I could hear my mum shouting
nurse and commotion. I woke up a second time. “Rayne…stay with me.” I looked at
her puzzled. “Mum. What is wrong with me?” She tried to reply but began crying
again. “I’m I going to die mummy?” I joined her in the tears aswell. She came
closer and hugged me tightly. I had never felt this safe except when I was with
De. Remembering this I started crying more and
the result of heartbreak came back. Suddenly I couldn’t breather. “Nurse!” My mum
bellowed. This time I weren’t blacking out but I couldn’t breathe. A short pretty
nurse rushed in. “Rayne you have to try steady yourself. Breathe in and out.”
“Come on in” she inhaled. “Out.” She exhaled. I done this for a couple of minutes
and got my breath back. “What is wrong with her?” my mother asked. “She just had a
panic attack which can be triggered by almost anything that happened to her.” Like
a dumb African my mum asked. “So you mean she got raped?” The nurse looked
appalled but kindly explained. If I weren’t so hurt I would have laughed so much
at her stupidness. The nurse exited the hospital room. I struggled but sat but
eventually after minutes of trying and refusing my mums help so many times. “Mum…”
She looked at me with a hurt expression on her face. “Mum!” I demanded “tell me
the FUCKING problem.” In my life this was the 1st time I had openly swore at my
mum and it shocked her. I think if it weren’t for my condition she woulda beat me
so hard I would have never been able to sit down again. But I had a look in my
eyes and I knew that I would get to the end one day. “Rayne…well I don’t know how
to tell you this but…” “But what?” “Well…” “Well what?” “Well you’re…” “I’m what?”
“Pregnant.” She blurted out My jaw dropped. My mouth was opened like the London
dungeons. “IIIII I’M WHAT!?” I stuttered “I CANT BE “ “Rayne who’s the father.”
“THE FFFAA-“ I started bawling like a baby again. “Mum I think he’s dead.” ” O no…
it was on television.” She started bawling aswell. De was dead. Hearing it was
fine but understanding it was very hard. At least if he’s dead I’ve got a reminder
of him in my belly. But no I want the real thing. I started crying worse and my
mum got up to hug me. “There’s more.” She said. I stiffened. “Your dad has packed
all our stuff he said we’re moving form this neighborhood. He’s not allowing
anyone to come and see you. He has taken your phone. There’s nothing I can do. He
said you’re keeping the baby and you’re still going to school.” “Mum he can’t.”
“Baby he can… I can’t argue because what you’ve done had brought shame upon this
family and he has to. I was now crying. “Mum so I can’t even say bye to Jade?”
“No… you’re father will not allow it.” “Mum please…” “No I can’t do anymore…he was
going to send you to live in America but I persuaded him not to.” “Thank you
mummy.” I tried to hug her again. But was feeling a bit too weak. “As soon as
we’re discharged he will pick us up.” “Where are we going?” “He won’t tell me…
because he knows I will tell you.” I smiled sympathetically at her. I took in the
biggest most meaningful sigh of my life. De was dead? Priceless was gone? Dwayne
was somewhere. I was losing everyone around me and it hurt so much. My already
broken heart
was ripping apart. I knew that if I weren’t pregnant I would have killed myself.
But I didn’t wanna kill something inside me. DeAndre’s baby. Aaliyah’s I miss you
came into my head. I always listened to it and thought I understood but until I
was sitting in that hospital bed I truly understood. Because I was missing and
going to miss the people that practically made my life worth living for. I didn’t
have money. Clothes or a phone. So running away was out of the question. I hated
myself for never memorizing anyone’s number. Now I was stuck. I was chewing my lip
and that meant I was planning and my mum knew it. “What ever you are planning to
do forget it…because your father will disown you.” Riding through memories It was
Saturday 6:30am and I was leaving my neighborhood in a hospital dress and no shoes
in my dad’s car. Silence filled the car. I didn’t even attempt to talk to him. I
hated him so much. I wished he died. “I hate you.” I told him. He didn’t seem to
hear me so I said it a bit louder with tears in my eyes. “Don’t cry.” I tried to
assure myself. But it was really no use. I just broke down crying in the back
seat. Soon I was asleep. I woke up to see tress outside. “FUCK NO” I thought to
myself. Countryside endz. I wanted to scream. I didn’t even know the time and
couldn’t ask him. No radio no nothing. Just plain awkward silence. I wished my
mummy was there in the car. I went back to sleep. I woke up overly hungry. “I’m
hungry.” I bluntly said. He didn’t say anything but 10minutes later we stopped at
a service station drive thru and I ordered a big mac meal large. Water,
2milkshakes and some more chips. He knew what I liked so he stopped at KFC and I
got my ice-cream and 3hot wings. Amazingly I ate everything and he watched me from
the car mirror thing in amazement. Then randomly we started talking. And I said
sorry for what I did and he accepted my apology we even started bussing joke at
peoples ran down cars. After about half an hour we pulled up to a HUGEEEEEEEE
house. My jaw dropped. “Dad? Whose house is this?” “Ours.” “Dad you do drugs
innit.” He started creasing but I was serious. I knew we was well of but I didn’t
realize we were this rich. “How?” “Those business appointments. We were going to
move here when you finished school but…” I saw his face darken. I got out of the
car bare foot and ran up to the door. I knocked and my mum came out in her attire.
She was cooking and I was feeling kinda hungry. As soon as I entered the first
thing she said was “Go and have a bath.” I couldn’t be bothered to argue. So I
went up some stairs. Then like an FOB (Fresh of the Boat) I clocked I didn’t know
where shit was. “Mummmmmmmmmmmm! Where’s the bathroom?” “Look and you’ll find it.
You’re too lazy.” My jaw dropped. I opened a door and saw a big room and it had my
stuff in it. So I went in. She had arranged everything. I LOVED MY MUM! She had
done everything exactly how it was before only difference was I had a tv with SKY+
in this room. My jaw dropped again. I felt so damn spoilt. I loved it. Stupidly I
thought to myself “I shuda got pregnant ages ago.” I saw a door… And I held my
breath. My room was a flippin en suite. Had a bathroom and toilet. I then started
making bare UN necessary noise. I got naked and looked in the mirror. My belly was
still the same I didn’t see any big changes. While in the hospital I
discovered that I was 2weeks pregnant. How did I not know? I asked myself. I
silently thanked God that this situation had not ended up much worse than this. I
went to bath and watched some TV. At night I cried myself to sleep. 3months later.
“Rayne…Marie’s calling you.” “Yeah I’m coming jam!” I shouted. I had been in the
countryside for 3months and no contact with my endz. I missed everyone like mad.
Especially De, Dwayne and Jade. I prayed for Priceless’ soul every night and cried
myself to sleep. I didn’t go on msn because I was aware of the hurt it would bring
so I didn’t attempt. But…just because I was pregnant didn’t mean I didn’t go
school. Surprisingly no-one cared that I was pregnant everyone knew but they
didn’t care. Blatantly I was the only black child but I really didn’t noticed and
they didn’t seem to care. They were come mix raced chicks and mans there aswell. I
was getting ratings from all my teachers as usual. All A’s some B’s and a D in
Citizenship which my mum flipped about. But I was doing excellent and my breasts
were swollen most of the time. They were getting bigger and I loved the attention
I got. At times I forgot about Him but looking at my belly just brought back
unwanted memories which I somehow successfully blocked out. I had 3tight friends.
2 were boys the 1 was a girl called Dannielle. Her 4year old sister (Marie) had
got attached to me and we usually had sleepovers which greatly pleased my mum. In
country I was a chav cah I rocked big earrings and listened to Hip Hop Grime and R
& B. This made me laugh. Bare youths were also shook of me for some unknown reason
which I didn’t take notice off. “Yes Marie what you want.” “Toilette.” She said. I
took her to the toilet and waited outside for her. “Finnished!” she happily
exclaimed. “Marie did you wash you’re hands?” “YES!!!” I smiled at her. “Can we
please play pillow fight?” “Uh…yer just have to be light on my belly.” She came
closer and put her hand on it. “This is a baby just like me.” “Yeah it is Marie.”
“Mummy told me its gonna be cute just like me aswell.” “Isittt.” “Yuppp.” This
little girl was so cute. She had long blond hair and the most amazing blue eyes.
She was going to be so pretty in the future and she was soo short for her age. I
had to go for an ultra sound and I didn’t wanna know the sex of the baby. This
made my mum smile and my dad frown. I had a list of baby names at the ready.
Things were going good. But I missed my people dem. I was looking sexy. I looked
19 and people randomly came up to me to tell me how pretty I looked. This made me
start making a picture diary. Everyday I took about 20pictures and wrote about my
feelings and stuff. This really helped with not crying about De but I always cried
when it came to my oldah. I didn’t understand why God would take him away. “Heaven
must have a g’d up angel” I thought to myself. I knew what I was naming my son but
not my daughter. My mother had the decency to suggest I name her June or May. Have
you had that feeling of wanting to punch someone so bad you just had to imagine
they weren’t there? Well that how I felt when she came up with those dis-butters
names. Like I was living in the 19th or 20th century. Hell No. At 4months.
I’m with Dannielle when all of a sudden the babies start kicking. “Danni! Danni…”
“What?” “Their kicking…out your hands on my belly.” “Omdz Rayne their kicking.” I
started to get excited then started crying again! Stupid hormones. “What’s the
matter?” “I just wanted De to be here.” She nodded. By now I had told her what
happened to me and she listened in amazement. I was vigorously studying for my
GCSE’s which was also additional stress on my belly. 5months later March 15TH. I
was sitting calmly on my kitchen chair when I feel a sharp pain. "MUMMMMMMMMMY.” I
screamed. She came immediately. “What?” “Mummy it’s coming their coming. I had
found out I was having twins and I wanted a boy and a girl…She quickly called my
dad and like Africans they drove me to the hospital instead of calling an
ambulance. KMT. My waters then decided to break in my dad’s car. Then like a true
African he started cussing me. This made me laugh despite all the pain. PAIN!
“Rayne you have to push for me.” “Don’t” deep breath “Fucking” deep breath “tell
me” deep breath ‘to fucking’ deep breath “pushhhhhhhhhhhhh.” I pushed. I was
holding my mums hand so tight like there was no tomorrow. “Mum…I’m going to die.”
“No you’re not.” “Yes I fucking am.” I snapped. I thought about my poor punanny.
It was gonna be so big after this. “These children bes not bring me no trouble
because I will kill them.” “I’m lucky that God blessed me with one.” My mumzy
blurted. My jaw dropped and the nurse tried hard not to laugh but ended up doing
it anyway. I was switching. After 14hours in labour…still no baby. I thought I was
going to die. Finally! March 16th at about 8am I gave birth to my babies. God had
given me a boy and a girl. So there was De-Andre Ramel Jamal Santa Torres Jr my
prince and Ja'leisha Ghana Santa Torres my beautiful baby girl. I passed out after
she came out. Writing and making their names official on the birth certificate
made me cry. Godfather to Lil De would be Dwayne and godmother would be Jade and
Sky would be the godmother to my little princess and Priceless the godfather. I
didn’t care he was dead. I felt so tired afterwards. I woke up and demanded to see
my children. Seeing them brought tears to my eyes all over again. Lil De looked so
much like his dad. He had dark blue eyes which I thought was strange and ask the
doctor about. I obviously got the answer that that’s how he was created. He looked
so cute sleeping. I could tell he was gonna have De’s hair. You could see the hair
already growing. Then looking over at my Princess who amazingly looked like a mix
of Sky, me and De. She had De’s eye color but my small eyes. Also like her brother
she had hair. I saw my mummy crying and I joined her
aswell. My dad was speechless and a couple of tears formed but did not drop from
his eyes. Two days later we were discharged from the hospital with my dad grinning
bare teeth. Unfortunately I had no times for my babies because I had to study for
my GCSE’s. April April was truly the worst month I had ever had. No sleep… because
of babies. No sleep because I had to study. I had never felt so excited and tired
at the same time. My belly was still big but I was doing sit ups so everything was
cool. I had trouble getting horny again which delighted me. Stretch marks? I had
none because my African mother had made me use Cocoa Butter throughout my
pregnancy which meant I had reduced to none. Life was good. I had got my belly
button re-pierced which brought minor pains. I had also decided that no pain in
this world was bigger than giving birth. My dad also started spoiling my kids and
they were just a month old. “O lord.” I thought to myself he was going to be a
spoiling granddaddy. May. After years of work it finally came. This was literally
life or death for me. I wanted to work as an author but I didn’t want to work. So
I had to do well. All my year11 friends were shitting themselves and so was I.
Surprisingly I was doing higher for every subject. This shocked me. My first exam
was History and I went in there with confidence but when I finished I weren’t so
sure. Those couple of weeks was the hardest of my life. That month was a blur to
me. De-Andre Ramel Jamal Santa Torres Jr and Ja'leisha Ghana Santa Torres were
finally baptized and the ceremony went well. But brought back memories that I had
tried so hard to forget. I now had to get a job because school was over. My mumzy
looked after my babies while I looked for work which flopped. One day I just
flipped and decided to pay a visit to my past. I wanted to go back into the endz.
But was too scared to. That was when my mumzy dropped the biggest bombshell.
“We’re going Peckham tomorrow to see your auntie…its your uncles 4year death
anniversary.” Like I didn’t know. My mouth still hadn’t closed. “Mum…? Can I stay
here?” “No…you have no choice. We haven’t seen our family for nearly a year… its
only right that we visit them.” Then she drops the second biggest one. “We’re
moving back into the old house for about 2weeks.” I felt my pulse rate quicken. My
heart was about to burst. I silently walked back into my room which was now a
converted nursery. Looking at my babies, I wondered if Dwayne would still live
there. Jade? I wondered if I would attempt to visit them. What would they say? I
got in my bed and before I knew it it was morning. Packing mummy’s clothes and
babies clothes and mummy’s mum clothes and mummy’s dad’s clothes looked like we
were moving. There was too much stuff to pack. “Mum?” “Yeah…” “Did you take the
pampers…” “O shit.” I laughed at my mum swearing. It sounded hilarious and my
small laugh erupted into a big one
which made me seem like I was going mad. The car was filled with crying and baby
noises. I wanted to sleep but couldn’t. About an hour later I finally got some
sleep only to be awakened 10mins later by a strong smell. I kissed my teeth. One
of them had shitted. “Argggh” I hated that job of retrieving mess. I cautiously
smelled Lil D’s bum and it was him. What smacked it was his little smile which I
couldn’t help smiling to. After hours the roads starting getting familiar. O Lard!
I started getting really scared. These roads were too familiar. I wanted to go
back. I was really getting scared. My heart was beating. My palms were sweating. I
had butterflies in my belly. I saw my mum look at me with a concerned look. Which
I unsuccessfully also tried to hide. I started biting my nails and decided to
sleep. “Wake up.” I opened my eyes. My mum was out of the car and putting the key
in the lock. Memories. I got out of the car and looked around. Nothing had
changed. Except some tress being planted. I looked around and no1 was out, which
didn’t surprise me. They were at school and it was a Friday. I grabbed Ja'leisha
and my mumzy took my lil hustler. Walking up those stairs brought back good
memories of me and De. That one night. All of a sudden I felt to go to Jade’s
house. With a determination which only came from somewhere. I decided to face my
demons. “Mum…I’m gone to quickly do something.” She looked at me and an unspoken
truth and arrangement was made. “Take Ghana with you…Junior is sleeping.” I
chuckled. He was the laziest baby I had ever come across and he was always smiling
like his daddy. I picked up my daughter and didn’t know whether to put her in a
push chair or hold her. I decided to be safe so I reached for the push chair and
strapped her in. Took my purse said bye to the mumzy and bounced. Walking down the
road with the pushchair made me feel like I’d lived a thousand lives. I got to the
bus stop and waited for the bus. After minutes it finally came. I got on receiving
bare screws from people. I stared back. “Have you got a problem?” I asked an over
nosey black ugly looking woman. She didn’t reply. “If you’ve got something to say
then say it then innit. People love to look yet you don’t seem to have anything to
say.” I kissed my teeth and took my baby out of the pram and started playing. Then
I clocked someone. A smile came to my face as I approached her. It was my granny
friend. “Hi!” I exclaimed. She looked so cute. She was baffled for a moment then
saw me as before my hair was covering my face. She looked so shocked. I sat next
to her. “This you’re dawta?” “Yup.” We got to talking and I shortened the story
for her. She smiled at me. “o I have to get off here….” She gave me her address to
come by. Leisha liked and her and I was sure the feeling was mutual. “Say bye to
Granma Lesh!” She obviously couldn’t talk but I make a squeaky baby voice and took
her hand and waved it in her direction. I got off the bus and my heart rate went
over the roof. Without Lesh there I woulda had a heart attack. I walked towards
Dwayne’s house. Taking deep breaths. I finally faced the door. I breathed deeply.
I was so scared. Then with a lot of courage I pressed it. I heard some movement
behind the door. Then silence. Then the door opened. Behind the door was Sky. She
was holding a glass of water which dropped to the floor. Without a word she came
forward and slapped me across my face. It hurt like hell and I was thinking of
giving her one back when I realized it was also my fault that I got the slap. She
went back in the
house and shut the door so loud I thought me and my baby would go deaf. Obviously
Sky hadn’t noticed the pram and Lesh started crying. “Shhh baby don’t cry.” I felt
like lion heart and pressed the bell a second time. She opened the door again and
was about to give me a second slap when she clocked my baby. “Whose baby is that?”
She said pointing to Lesh. It was quite obvious because she looked exactly like
De. “It’s De-Andre’s.” She looked really stunned. “Wait here.” Like, I had an
option. She closed the door. I was now waiting while holding my baby. Suddenly,
the door opened and tears formed in my eyes. He looked at me and just kept
looking. I just looked back. “Can I hold her?” he asked. I gave her to him. A
small smile crept across his face. “Come in.” I folded the pram and picked it up
into the house. I nearly stepped into the broken glass. He walked into the kitchen
to where Sky was. Then Lesh started crying again. Feeding time. “Why is she
crying?” “She’s hungry innit.” “O.” “Sky could you please warm some water for me.”
I got Lesh and drew for the baby food and bottle. I weren’t on the breast feeding
vibes. It weren’t a good experience having two things on each nipple biting you
with their hard gums. It was so bad one time I cried. I grabbed a chair and got to
work then my phone rang. “Mum? What’s the problem?” “He’s woken up and he’s crying
and I have to go out.” “What?” “Your uncle is picking me up where are you?”
“Dwayne’s house.” ‘I’m coming to drop him off.” Then she locked off. My mouth
dropped. I chose not to tell them I had twins. They had to find out by themselves.
After feeding time she started laughing them baby laughs that was so cute. “Say hi
to your god mother.” “What? Sky said.” “You’re her godmother.” She looked bare
shocked then smiled at my baby. “So then who’s the god father?” He was drinking
water when I blurted out Priceless. He choked on his water and started coughing. I
looked at him. I had missed him so much I wanted to hug him. I picked up Lesh
tryna get her to sleep when she vomited on me. “Could you hold her please while I
clean myself up?” She held her and they started playing. It looked so cute and I
wanted to take a picture but couldn’t. I went up the stairs and walked past
familiar rooms which brought up good and bad memories. I was wiping the vomit from
my shirt when I heard someone come into the room. I turned around to see him
staring at me. We just stood there saying nothing. All of a sudden I started
bawling like a baby and he came to hug me. “I thought you were dead.” “I thought…I
don’t know what I thought Rayne.” “I’m soo sorry and I missed you and I love you.”
“I love you too.” With a deep breathe I asked a question that had been playing on
my mind for almost a year. “Is Priceless alive?” He went silent then answered.
“Yeah he is.” I blacked out. “You love fainting Rayne don’t you.” I looked up to
him and smiled a wry smile. “You mean Priceless is alive?” “Yeah he is…he has a
baby with Mandy.” My jaw dropped. “For real…” “Yeah…” “Ok I think its time I told
you something.” “What?” I could see his face going moody. “Its good news depending
on how you look at it,” “O… I see.” “Ok…well you see Lesh…” “Yeah…” “Well she’s
got a brother.” He screwed me. “So who’s the father of
that baby?” “I had twins” I blurted. His eyes widened. There was a loud bang
outside I looked out of the window to see a ghost. “O My Fuckin DAYS what is he
doing alive?” “Fuck I thought he was in bin…he got released. Rayne how did he know
you were here?” I dunno. Then I realized. “What a cunt!” “What? Happened.” He
asked. “He followed me…fucking cunt…I’m so dumb… I clocked a boy from my endz
innih and he looked overly familiar buh he had his hood up…sorry to say but look
at that banger his driving.” We both started creasing well until he pulled out a
gun. “O fuck…bruv I will fight him myself aint no way he’s gonna roll up in your
house with a gun when my baby is in here.” “Go woman.” I laughed. “Stay here Rayne
I’m going to ask him what he wants… Then I’ve got something to tell you.” “What?”
“You’re going to have to wait after this yeah.” “Yeah ok.” I watched out the
window heard the door close and saw him walking towards the banger. They talked
for a while and I saw him go back into his banger and drive off into the
atmosphere. He came back in and I heard him climb the stairs. “What where you
going to tell me?” “Ok… sit down first before you faint again.” “What just tell me
please.” I pleaded. “Ok…his sister is dead.” Tears swelled up in my eyes. “Rayne
its not because of you…she was playing Blackz and she had been shottin his thingz
and they found out…they burned her alive.” I couldn’t cry that much because I
didn’t like her that much and I didn’t know her that well. No disrespect. “O…so
why was he here?” “He thought it was you that killed her…nobody had told him how
it happened.” “O Fuck. He’ s going for Blackz innih?” “Yeah… I told him to dun his
dance but he’s stubborn like his sister.” ‘Ripper is pissed boy he’s gonna get
himself killed.” I felt so sorry for him but karma’s a bitch! Then my mum belled
my phone. “Come outside…I’m here.” “Ok… I’m going to pick up Lil De.” I saw his
eyes widen in surprise. I ran down the stairs and opened the door to meet my mum.
He was crying and stopped when he saw me. “Awww” I cooed. “take him I’m in a
hurry.” I took him and the further luggage and walked back into the house. My guy
decides to start crying again. “Shhh.” I said. Sky came out holding his sister.
“Rayne who’s baby is that?” “Mine.” Then he walked down the stairs and looked at
Lil De in shock. “Omdz That looks like-“ “Yh I know.” I butted in. His resemblance
to De-Andre was too much. “Stop crying lil 1.” I handed Lil De over to him. And he
stopped crying. My jaw dropped. “Rah he must like you.” After about 30mins of
talking and re-knowing each other I decided it was time for me to leave and visit
Jade. “I’m gone to visit Jade…I’ll leave Lil De with you if that’s all right. He
seems to like you anyway.” “Yeh yeh.” He replied not even looking at me. His eyes
were glued on Lil De’s smile. I smiled. “What about Lee?” “I’m taking her or would
you like to look after her?” “Yeh sure why not” “Ok. Lemme quickly change both of
their pampers first.”
I shut the door to their front house. He had not changed he looked the same as
before. He looked so much better than before. Less than a year and he was looking
amazing. Sky also looked better. She had dyed her hair like Keisha Cole and it
suited her. Her hair had also grown and was now shoulder length even longer. I
made my way to Jade’s yard. The bus ride there was scary as hell. I didn’t know
what to expect. I took tiny steps up her road. I went shop to waste time. I
couldn’t call Sky to check on the babies cah I never had her number and I didn’t
have his either. I finally plucked up the courage to walk up to her door and knock
on it. No answer. I knocked again. I was about to leave when someone opened the
door. It wasn’t Jade…it wasn’t her mum. It wasn’t her brother. One next dude who
looked about 21…you could tell he had been Bunning. He was looking at me up and
down and licking his lips. If looks could kill mine would have put him in hell for
eternity. “Erm is Jade there?” He looked at my chest blatantly not even trying to
hide his attraction. He was alright. But my heart was somewhere else. “Shee’s
upstairs” he slurred. He stank off alcohol and cigarettes and weed. Rah… he
smelled like them polish alcoholics who were always drinking cheap vodka. I was
wondering to myself…Who the hell is this person and why is Jade cotching with him.
Well I was about to find out. “Could you please call her for me…” “Hold on…” he
left the door open and went up the stairs. They loud music was giving me a
headache. I saw someone coming down the stairs. It was a girl. I couldn’t clearly
see her face buh I was in shock. She came down the stairs and saw me. We both
froze. I was looking at her in shock horror and her mouth was open with no words
coming out. I wanted to cry. She had changed. She had gone skinnier. Her eyes
looked lazy…omdz…I could tell from her eyes and lips. She smoked! Noo. “Jade…” she
ran up to hug me and I was over powered with the strong smell of alcohol
emancipating from her. It was really bad. “Rayne…I hate you.” “I love you soo much
and don’t think I ever forgot about you.” She was crying on my shoulder and I was
holding back tears. She was a beautiful girl but right now she looked like a
junkie and a crack fien. I weren’t having that. I had to be straight with her.
“Jade…who’s that guy in your house?” “My man.” “Your who? He’s blazing and so are
you…what the fuck do you think you’re doing?” “Erm Ms.Perfect what gives you the
right to walk back into my life and dictate to me what I can do.” “You’re right I
have no right to…but why am I gonna sit here and watch you crumble?” “Well…I aint
got an option.” “Jade… please go take a bath and fix up I’ll be waiting for you
outside…you stink of alcohol.” “wah so you’re tryna boy me yer? You have your
happy perfect life and I’m left with scars from a broken relationship.” Her saying
that spoke volumes. O fuck. She was IN love with Dwayne…My brain hadn’t realized
until that point that they had broken up. She started shaking. Then I had sudden
flashbacks of year8. “O fuck no.” she was about to have a fit. In year 8 she used
to have fits and they disappeared now all of a sudden its happening again. I
didn’t want to go in the house but I practically dragged Jade up her stairs and
into the bathroom.
“What the hell have you been doing Jade?” She was shivering and couldn’t talk.
Then she started bawling again. I hugged her. “Shh don’t cry.” After about 5mins
it passed. I thanked God she didn’t have a fit cah I would have killed that stupid
drug dealer boyfriend of hers. We were now sitting in the bath. Then I clocked I
forgot to tell her. “Jade… I got some good news.” “Yer? Tell me.” “I was
pregnant.” She went stiff. “Was? Did you abort?” “Nah corse not…I still remember
the promise you know”. In year10 we had promised that if we were pregnant we would
never abort the baby and we would always be Co-Dee’z no matter what. “Yeh I
remember the promise…” she said dreamily. “Rayne I want those days back… those
year9 and 10 days.” “Arr we were the shit in school.” “Yeah we were innit. Wait.
We still fucking are bruv.” In my head I was shouting for joy. That was the Jade I
knew and loved. “As I was saying I was pregnant innit and I had the baby.” “Um…so
were is he or she?” “With Sky.” “At his house?” “Yer. There’s something else.”
“Rayne what the fuck did you do. Whose baby is it anyway? De-Andre innit.” I
didn’t need to answer boy my face said it all. “I had twins.” She looked shocked.
“Jade? You okay?” “This is Déjà vu.” “Why?” “This happened before…” “Yeah I’ve had
that before.” Then the tramp burst in through the door. “Do you want another
shot?” He asked pointing a needle at her. No fucking way. She was using coke. She
weren’t staying in the house. “Nah nah…”she answered. “Jade where’s your mumzy?”
“Work…” “What time does she come back home?” “I dunno.” “Where’s your brother?”
“He moved out time ago. He lives with his girl init. Their getting married soon.”
“Aww.” “I hate her…she’s a fucking hoe.” I laughed because from day Jade thought
everyone her brother went out with was a slut. I didn’t wanna ask her why she did
coke but then like a miracle the door slammed. I said a silent prayer. He was
gone. I wanted to get her away from her house. “Has your erm boyfriend got keys to
your house?” “Nope I aint a prick Rayne.” We all got lost in our own thoughts when
she blurted. “So what are their names?” I answered her. She was silent. “Reh… I
remember in year10 when we use to talk about babies…now like wow you have one!” “I
know…funny how I was thinking the same thing.” She buss out laughing. “What you
thinking about?” “Them days were we used to bully SlyOne.” I started creasing. In
year10 Sly-One was a short cute mixed raced boy who used to like me and Jade. Them
broke days cah he was rich we would “Go out” with him for 5minz for 5pounds. Jhee.
This guy was rich. We played him so many times. “Do you still see him?” “Rahh u
never knew boy he went America to do law innih.” I was shocked. “Rahtid he is a
straight up goon. I wanna see someone from these endz do that.” “You…” “Huh?”
“You…Rayne you can do that. You just think you can’t.” I didn’t know how to answer
back to that. So I didn’t. “Get out.’ She ordered. ”What?” I asked baffled. “I
wana take that bath and go to see the twins.” I smiled. “O yer I forgot to tell
you again.” “Have you got amnesia?” I started creasing. “Lil De is you’re god
son.” She looked at me bare shocked. “A-are you serious?” she stuttered. I nodded.
Then she started bawling again. I just went out cuz I figured she needed some
alone time to herself. I went into her bedroom. O MY DAYS. It was so messy and
stank of drugs and alcohol and cigarettes. I
put down my bag and got to work. Picking out everything and trekking downstairs to
put them in the washing machine. Surprisingly it took me little time to tidy up
and open the curtains and windows and spray the damn room. It smelt and looked
100% better than before. I was impressed. About a couple of minutes later she
walked into her bedroom. “O myy…I’m in the wrong bedroom.” She walked out then
came back in again. “Rayne is this my room?” I laughed and said yeah. “That looks
amazing.” “And Jade you look so much better now…I’ll be waiting downstairs for
you.” I got up and went downstairs and waited. While cleaning her room I came
across bare different drugs which I threw in the bin for obvious reasons. I didn’t
care about the “boyfriend” he could do whatever. I was Ard Bodied. Lol. Jade came
downstairs looking over sexy in just jeans and a top. Her beauty was finally
coming back. Arr shit it never went any where. “Jade you look SEXY BOOM whatever…
you’re looking nice.” She started creasing and said thank you. She was rocking a
black and red Adidas pouch, black jeans red Amarni top and red and black Ecko
crep. She was looking too much. “Are we ready?” “Yup.” Then we bounced out of her
yard. Walking down the road we were bussing bare joke. It was so funny. On the
buss we were laughing at a crackhead who saw his mum on the buss. But she
obviously weren’t there. We made it. We were walking down the long road when Jade
pulled out a cigarette. Wait… you smoke Jade? Since when?” I was astonished. She
took out a lighter and lighted it. I watched in horror as she took a long drag.
“rah Jade you have to stop its gonna kill you…this why you’re having fits again
you want to die.” She didn’t reply and we walked n silence. At that moment I
wanted to kill that boyfriend of hers. We got to the door and Sky opened it
carrying Lesha. “omdz Jade I aint seen you in time…You look sexy man.” She smiled
and I laughed because that was exactly what I said. We went in the house and
followed Sky upstairs. We went into his bedroom to see him watching a sleeping Lil
De. It looked so damn cute. Happy families. Right? Jade looked like she was about
to cry. He looked up to see all of us staring at him. Then he started creasing and
we all did aswell which nearly woke up De. “Shhh” I whispered. We walked out of
the room with Sky staying with my babies. We and Sky were bussing convo and Jade
was looking to heaven while he was looking out of the window. ‘Can I please talk
to you please?” I asked him out of the blue. He was so sexy. Thoughts going
through my heads were surrounding his looks and how little he had changed. He
nodded. We walked into the guest room. “well… I think you know what I’m going to
say.” “No I don’t.” his deep voice answered. “Well I think its obvious.” “Nope…”
“Jheez…” “Talk in the market.” I started creasing cah he continued that Gigs line
nicely. “yeh so what you wanna chat bout?” “One word.” “Love?” I looked at him
then giggled. “Yes and No.” “What then?” I decided to voice how I feel and what I
felt happened. I took the deepest breathe ever. “Dwayne you know Jade still likes
you.” “Skeen…How would you know?” “Well durh you still like…nah love her. You must
think I’m blind.” “What you mean blind?” “I saw the way you were staring at her.”
I saw his facial expression deepen. I had hit a nerve. “Anyway she wants to talk
to you.”
“Isit?” “Yeah. Hold on.” I sprinted out of the room before he came out. “Jade
Dwayne wants to talk to you.” She walked into the room. Me and Sky got kinda
worried cah they was taking their time. Then I thought we were imagining it but
sounds were coming out of that room. “Sky… please tell me I’m dreaming this.” She
started creasing aswell. They were having sex. “O gosh please take my baby away
from this crime scene. Fuck sake man.” We both laughed and walked off into the
living room and started watching Maury. “Sky…what happened to De-Andre.” She went
silent. Then tears gathered up in her eyes. I tried to hold back mine and hope or
the best. “I d-d-don’t know.” She stuttered. “What?” “No-one will say nothing.
Dwayne wont say anything. His mum came the week after the you know.” “OMDZ…
REALLY!” “Yeah…he threw her out.” I started creasing and so did Sky. That was
expected from Dwayne. “So you don’t know whether De-Andre i dead or not?” “Yeah…
not to give up hope but I really think he is.” I was half crying half laughing.
“Dwayne wont tell me. Priceless don’t say shit…no one in the endz is telling me.”
“What…what is there to hide? Fuck sake.” We watched Maury in silence then started
creasing when the baby weren’t the guys. Cah the girl was bare hyping hitting him
then WHAM. That was hilarious. We could hear footsteps coming down the stairs. Me
and Sky started creasing. It was Jade. Her hair weren’t like that when we first
came. She was also wearing a belt. “Jade?” She laughed. “I came to get water.” Me
and Sky started creasing and so did Jade. We were literally on the floor letting
it out. Jade went in the kitchen and back upstairs. Someone pressed the bell and I
went to open it as Sky was so damn lazy. “Rayne?” “O MY DAYZZZZ.” I went up to hug
him! I was so shocked I didn’t know whether to cry, laugh or faint. “Priceless!” I
was hugging him for about 5minutes. “I missed you so much Priceless… I thought you
were dead then Mandy then Sky said.” “Shh.” He said interrupting my gibberish. “So
Rayne can I come in?” I laughed and moved out of the way. He walked into the
living room and I noticed I was the only one excited about his visit cah everyone
else had seen him. “Rayne can I talk to you a sec.” I followed him into the
kitchen. “Whos baby is Sky holding?” “Mine…” he was silent for a bit. “And who’s
the father.” “That friend of yours that chose the gun over me.” I said trying to
hold back my frustration. He said nothing. I told him about the fact that I had
twins and he was the Godfather of one of them. He laughed. “Funny…because I named
my baby girl after you.” I had tears in my eyes. My face was still… I couldn’t
speak. Him saying that meant a lot to me. It amazingly melted the anger I felt for
De-Andre. How strange. Ok… I loved him. Well I never did stop loving him. I
dropped my thoughts. “Priceless… I love De-Andre.” “Yeah baby I know you do.” He
hugged me tightly. Looking now… wow he had changed. Goatee and a moustache. He was
looking boom. He had a tattoo on his neck saying Rayne then two x’s. I asked about
that. “Price…” “Yeah?” “Why does your tat have 2 x’s?” “O that…one for my baby and
one for my other baby.” “You have two?” “Nope you you fish.” “Me!?” “Yes you!” he
said touching my nose in a fatherly manner. “Sorry to say…but Price you look
sexy!” He started creasing. “Sorry to say but Rayne you look Sexy.” I started
laughing as well then I stopped. We stared at each other. O noo. Then out of no
where we started kissing. I knew what I was doing was wrong but my days. It felt
so good. “Rayne I want you so much.” “I want you too.” I whispered. The sound of
Sky’s voice interrupted our kiss. We both pulled apart breathing hard. O shit.
What the fuck have I just done? “Rayne I’m” “Price I’m” We both said at once. I
totally felt guilty for what I just did. He was with Mandy and I might have
jeopardized their relationship. I walked off leaving him in the kitchen. I didn’t
look back cah I felt his stare burning through my back. Jheez. I quickly looked at
the hallway mirror to see if I seemed rattled. My lips were swollen from the kiss.
Fuck sake what have I done. I entered the room to see Sky staring at Lesh who was
now fully awake. “Sky I have to go home.” “Why?” “Its their bed time in like
30mins and I aint even bathed them.” “O skeen.” “So how you gonnah go home with
that hand luggage.” I started creasing. “I’ll take them” a deep voice said.
Interrupting my happy mood. It was obviously Priceless. “Erm nah its no problem. I
can do it.” “I’m sure you can I just want to help.” “Yeah.” Said Sky butting in. I
had no option in the end but to listen. I trekked upstairs to the “couple” and
knocked first. Funnily I heard bare rustling then giggling. “Come in.” Dwayne’s
big man voice boomed. I entered to see him in bed and Jade wearing a big top. I
shook my head. They were still so damn immature. “Did you have fun?” “Corse.” He
grinned. I screwed but his smile made me laugh. He was happy again and so was
Jade…you could see it in her eyes. I didn’t even want to know why they split up. I
was just glad they were back together. “I’m gone yeah.” “Why?” I explained it to
them. “Are you going alone?” “Nope…Price is taking me.” “He’s here?” “Well but
since you were er busy.” Jade started creasing and Dwayne was blushing. “Skeen.” I
said out loud. “I’ll be back.” I said in the Arnold Schwarzenegger voice. They
started creasing. So Jade replied. “I’ll be waiting.” In one next unknown accent.
I was in tears. I went into the guest room to pick up my baby boy. Well he was
still little so bare pillows were around him to prevent him falling and we checked
on him every 15minutes. I picked him up and he stirred. Thank GOD he didn’t wake
up. I slowly walked downstairs. OMDZ. They were sexing again. Cah I could hear
Jade moaning. Errr. I quickened down the stairs to see him smiling at me. “Is that
him?” he asked. “Yeah” I answered in pride. He got a closer look. Then he frowned.
“Rah.” “What?” I asked. “He looks like a spitting image of De-Andre.” “I know…” I
stared at him for long. Just staring and he stared back. Omdz…He was so sexy. That
I knew. In year7 I had had a crush on him. This also went on until year9 when I
discovered sex. But me and him together. What? He was sexy. But De-Andre. I was so
damn confused. Where was De? But we aint together anymore. He chose his gun over
me. “Hellllloooo?” Price shouted waving his hands in my face. “O sorry I was
gone.” He nodded. In about 5minutes we were off. Saying that getting the children
in the car was easy would be the understatement of the century. Lil De being as
stubborn as I don’t know who. Decided he wanted to wakeup and his twin
wanted mummy’s attention. If Price wasn’t there I woulda eventually stressed out
and died. Crying from all directions. In his car was noisy cah the babies were
speaking their language and him being a dickhead and replying to their baby
language weren’t helping. He sounded like a gorilla. We finally got to my house
when I realized I did not have a key. Then I checked the one place it could be.
“Voila” Under the bin dun noe! We got into the house and he helped me bath them ,
feed them and getting them to bed. When we finished it was about 8:30. I was
exhausted. We were in my bedroom. Alone and the babies had a cot in my mummy’s
bedroom strangely. I keep the doors half open and had a baby monitor. But it was
so scary. Once I thought they were dead because they breathed so lightly. Watching
them sleep brought tears to my eyes. But then again I was a really strange person!
I was lying on my bed and he was looking outside the window. It was so silent. My
eyes were closed when I felt something on top of me. It was Price…He felt so good.
I wanted to stop but at the same time I didn’t. He gently started kissing me. I
was moaning like mad. It seemed like years since I last had sex. “O Price we
shouldn’t be doing this.” I kissed him. “I know.” He tongued me back. He started
taking off my top and I helped. I quickly took off my bra. I started pulling down
his tracksuit bottoms. He started fingering my slowly. I was breathing hard. It
had been so damn long! I didn’t plan this. He laid on the bed and put me on top. I
smiled and he grinned. I quickly disposed of my trousers. I sat on his boxers and
started gyrating my hips. Man…this guy seriously had a big piece no joke. He
decided he had had enough so he pulled down his boxers and ripped my panties.
Funnily I was thinking in my head. “What is it about men and ripping panties.” Cah
I remembered De-Andre doing that. He put it in me so deep I screamed buh then he
covered my mouth and I bit his fingers. It felt so good. “Uh Priceless.” I moaned.
I was on top when he reversed roles and starting beating the shit out of me.
“Fuccckkk” I moaned. Then I clocked we was going bare back. “Pricee you have to
pull out.” “Yeah I know” He moaned back. I was sweating. “Doggy that.” I was quick
to turn my back to him while he hit it from the back. I was screaming. “Omdz…Price
stop please…Noo please harder. Omdz Yehhhh.” Then someone started crying. I kissed
mah teeth and he just sighed. Fuck sake I thought. “We can finish this another
time.” He said and started getting dressed. “Omdz…” he said. “What?” “Rayne you
have the sexiest body I’ve ever seen on a girl. Fuck man.” I blushed. I got
dressed and they were still crying. He was dressed and just staring at me. I went
into my mumzy’s room. 10minutes later they were back in bed. Thank God. I got back
to see him dressed and just staring at me. “What?” “I don’t know you know… I never
imagined this ever.” “Err Price neither did I?” Then we started kissing again.
Then his phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and froze. “Priceless…explain why
the fuck…” “Who is it?” he asked. “Look…” He froze. “Pick up then.” He did. He
kept yes’ing and no’ing. Then locked off. “Rah when did he come out?” “I dunno…
that’s why his old line being back up again shocked me.” I was
shocked. It was because of him that this whole time bomb exploded. But she had no
right to set him up. “So what did he say?” Price sighed. “He’s out for Ripper.” My
jaw dropped. I sighed aswell. “First that and now this…it’s going to be another
war.” He agreed with me with his eyes. “Disk is out and looking to kill.” We both
sat staring out of the window lost in thoughts when his line went off again. He
kept nodding like the person could see him. I waited for him to finish. “Rayne I’m
gone yeh…Mandy wants me to look after Rayne.” “Ok… Bye.” It was kinda awkward
because I didn’t know whether to kiss him or hug him. We went down the stairs to
the front yard. “Umm bye.” I said. He leaned in and I tried to kiss him on the
cheek but he turned and we ended up lipsing again. He stepped back. He looked so
peng. His sexiness. Fucking hell! “Bye Rayne.” I just nodded cah I he left me
breathless like that Shayne Ward song. I watched him start his car and drive off.
Then the guilt dropped. Then it went cah I weren’t with De anymore. But I loved
him? I loved Priceless aswell. Arrrr. I couldn’t sleep throughout the night. So I
just jammed and watched my children sleeping. It brought tears to my eyes for some
strange reason. Then I remembered something. I ran into my bedroom and opened my
wardrobe and threw out all my things looking for something. I couldn’t find it. I
opened every draw and still couldn’t find shit. Then I remembered I had a closet
ting where coats are kept. I looked inside to see the bag staring at me. I went
through it. I started crying cah his face came back to me. It was the things he
had bought for me nearly a year before, when I was diagnosed with cancer. I hadn’t
remembered about it until now. I went through them bawling. I finally went to
sleep right there and was awoken by the sound of crying. I ran up the stairs to
see them awake and laughing. They were talking them baby language and I decided to
join. We talked for hours. Well a couple of minutes. Our subjects ranged from baby
food to sleep. I quickly went to bath them. I swear down being a single parent is
fucking hard. How the hell can you bath two lil rugrats at once? Buh cah I be
superwoman I dunned that! I finished dressed Lil De when my doorbell rang. I ran
to open it. Leaving them both discussing whatever on the carpet. I opened the door
to see Dwayne and Jade and Sky grinning bare teeth. “Yes how may I help you.”
“KMT.” Jade replied. They barged into my yard and into my living room. I walked
back to see Sky holding Leesha and Jade and her man playing with Lil De. I decided
to use that opportunity to take a bath. “I’m gone to bath. Bye.” I slowly climbed
up the stairs cah I was tired and the day hadn’t even started. I evidently slept
in the bath and the water going cold made me wake up. I quickly got out and
toweled myself. I looked at myself in the mirror naked and traced my stretch
marks. They had nearly faded. “You don’t look like you’ve had babies.” I
confidently told myself. And I really didn’t cah I had been working out as soon as
I was out of the hospital. I went down the stairs into the living room to see
Dwayne and Sky asleep with the babies in their arms. Jade was just watching tv.
She clocked
me. I went to sit next to her and she whispered. “Rayne you know your turning
sixteen innih.” “O yer I forgot you know.” I honestly said. I had totally
forgotten. “So what you doing?” “Nufin I’ma jam with mah children and family.” “O
please member when we were 12 and always talking about a sweet sixteen?” “Corse…”
“Well?” “I don’t want it no more.” “Skeen.” “Wow…” I stated. “What?” “I aint even
sixteen and I’ve got twins!” “I know!” she screamed. “Shhh man. You over excited
Jamaican.” We both started laughing. Soon we were all asleep. My door bell ringing
woke most people up. Most people being me. These people were some heavy sleepers.
I opened the door to. Surprise Surprise. Price. “Wag1.” He said. I smiled back and
checked him out. He was collaborating red and black. He looked SEXY. “So can I
come in?” “O yer sorry…you have to be quiet doh.” “Why?” “Go in my living room and
see innih.” He started creasing when he got there. “See.” I grinned. “Let’s jam in
your bedroom then.” “Ok…lead the way.” “Ladies first.” I was on my way up when I
felt hands grab my waist. I obviously didn’t try stop it. When we got to my
bedroom I clocked the door and prayed none of them woke up soon. “So what are we
doing?” he asked. I shrugged and started taking off his clothes. He helped. Soon
we were both naked and getting hot! “Rayne please stop.” “No…I can’t.” We kept
kissing. He was now on top of me biting my nipples. “Omdz…o fuck…” I was so
fucking horny. He had brought a condom which made me start laughing and him grin.
He done whatever and we started to finish off what we started. I was soon moaning
and he put his fingers in my mouth cah I was making too much noise. “O shit
Priceless…Oooo… that feels.” I didn’t get to finish my sentence cah he started
kissing me and I returned the favour. I don’t know how long this went on for but
it finished with me lying on top of him breathing hard. “I can’t believe what
we’ve just done.” He said. I couldn’t either. What smacked it was that I didn’t
feel sorry for what I done. I would face the consequences when they came. “I think
I should get dressed.” He said. I obviously stayed in my bed and watched him get
dressed. He was so tall and Hench he looked like some model. He was just sexy.
“What are you staring at?” he asked. “You innit.” “Why?” “Cuz ur sexy.” I was
getting braver by the second. He laughed and said thank you. “Get dressed then.”
“ok.” I got out of bed knowing he was staring at me. “Rayne you have a FUCKIN sexy
body…I swear you don’t look like you’ve had children.” “I know.” I was thinking
the same thing today. I got dressed again and he was sitting on my bed and I had
my head on him. Then I noticed he was looking like he wanted to sleep. “Sleep
then.” He did. I watched him. He didn’t snore or nothing just breathed lightly.
Kinda like a baby. He looked cute when he was asleep. I slept too. The sound of
his phone going off woke us both up. Once again he kept nodding. I could hear a
girl’s voice then a manz. “I have to go again!” “Yeah I clocked Priceless.” He
laughed. “So who was it this time?” “Business innih.” “O skeen. Bye then.” “Yeh
bye.” He kissed my cheek and put on his crep and bopped down the stairs. I heard
the door
close. I looked at the time. 2:00 on the dot. I wondered where my mum and dad
were. Then I remembered them back in the day. They were probably in my auntie’s
yard getting drunk. I went downstairs to find that everyone one was awake and
eating. Sky was feeding both of them at the same time which made me laugh. “How
did you find the milk and stuff?” “I watched you do it yesterday innih and I’m a
quick learner.” I laughed. We spent the rest of the day eating sleeping and
watching TV. About a week later my mum asked me what I wanted for my birthday as
it was coming soon. “I DON’T KNOW.” I said. She kissed her teeth. Two days before
my birthday Jade belled me and asked if I could come with her to West to buy a
dress cah she was going to some club on my birthday. “So when we going?” “On your
birthday innih.” “O skeen.” “So you still aint doing shit?” “Yupp…” “Fucking 12th
century hoe.” I started laughing and so did she. “Happy birthday to you…”(8) my
mum woke my up with dat. ”Thanks mum” She handed me one huge card and a box and
kissed my cheek. “Opan it den. Now Now…fass.” I started laughing again. She was so
African. I opened the card to find £100. “Aww thanks mum.” Then I opened the box
to find a locket. I opened it and tears gathered up in my eyes. It was a family
picture of me my mum the twins and my dad. “When was this picture taken?” “Right
after you gave birth to them.” I started crying and hugged her. “Thanks mum.” Then
my dad barged in with the hugest grin on his face. “Go downstairs.” He commanded.
“To where?” “Look outside.” I quickly rushed to find a car staring at me. “Whos
car is that?” “Your’s?” My jaw dropped. The car was peng and everything. Ok…bun
that the car was BOOM. It was a blacked out vw golf. :L I hugged him. He handed me
a card aswell. I opened it to find money again. My mum screwed him and I started
creasing. They always tried to out shine each other when it came to birthdays. I
was bare hapz. I cant drive and I’ve got a whip! I went to my phone to see 45
missed calls. All ranging from Jade to Sky to Priceless to Dwayne and a private
number. I had put my phone on silent before I slept cah I knew I wouldn’t have
gotten any sleep. I read the texts and smiled to myself. Bare happy birthdays and
love you loads. I felt good. I belled Jade’s line. “HAPPPPPPPPYYYYY
BIRTHDAYYYYYYY.” A scream came down the line. “Thanks but it wont be happy if you
deaf me man.” She started creasing. “So when we leaving for west?” she asked.
“After I shower and get dressed.” “Ok…HURRY cuz I’m READY.” I laughed then locked
off. After about an hour I was ready. I went to see my children =] Surprisingly
they were gigglign and laughing and smiling. Happy mood. Hmm I though to myself.
“Mum should I take them with me?” “Leave them now! Ah ah…” I started laughing. She
was so funny sometimes. I called Jade again. “I’m ready.” “So am I.” We both
clocked how sexual it sounded and broke out in laughter on the phone. Me met at
the train station and started chatting so much shit. “Gurll you lookin gurrd.” She
said in one American accent. “Yeah u know how I duz
in this bitch.” The people them next to us were looking at us like WTF… We got to
west and I swear down I feel in love with all the shops. “Are we going Primark?”
she asked. “Noooo…we’re going Levis and Armani then Burberry.” She started
creasing. We walked and walked and walked. “Jade I’m losing weight.” I stated. “Me
too.” Then we started cracking up just pure laughter. We went into Ann Summers and
I bought one choong bra and thong tingy. In pink, red and black. When the woman
said £100 I was shocked but not surprised. “Someone’s rich today.” I started
grinning. We went into Mango and saw bare choongtastic dresses. “Oi Rayne why not
buy a dress…your coming with me to the club.” “Why?” “Cuz I’m on my Jim Jones…”
“You punk its Jack Jones.” “O well.” I started laughing again. We both finally
found a dress and if I say so myself we was looking BOOM! I looked at the time.
“Rah shops are nearly closing I need to go Disney to buy the children something.”
She smiled. “Children you sound like a wife.” I smiled back. We got back to the
endz and it was nearly 9. “What time does this club close?” “I dunno you know.”
“Should I go home or get dressed here?” “Get dressed here man!” “Ok Ok. I need to
hit the shower first.” “Ok go on.” I had a quick shower. I came back to see Jade
on the phone. “Yeh yeh she’ s here. Hurry then!” “Ok ok bye.” “Jade who was that?”
“Ermm umm Dwayne.” “Why?” “He wanted to see whether you was with your children
LOL.” I shook my head. An hour later I was standing in the mirror with Jade.
“Rayne we are HOT.” “Not even hot Jade we’re burning.” “So you ready?” “Yup.” See
in Unbreak my heart Toni Braxton… the dress she was wearing at the end. Only in
black and much much shorter. Jade had put on make up for me and mah lip gloss was
poppin. I had straightened mah hair and I woz looking over sexy! Then my phone
rang. “Hello dad.” “Come home now! We’re going out and their crying.” “I cant
I’m-“ “You can and you will.” Then he locked off. I felt like killing him. “Jade
I’m so sorry but I have to go home.” She looked disappointed and she had every
right to be. “I’ll come with you.” “Are you sure?” “Yes man!” “Ok…lemme get
changed.” “Nahhh leave it we can boogey in ur yard.” “Tru that!” We walked to my
house and if I said it was a pleasant walk I’m lying. Bare hoodrats out at night
tryna get girl! Someone called Jade’s phone. “Yeh we’re like 5minutes away. Yeh
man. Bye.” “Who was that?” “Dwayne…” “Why?” she shrugged. When we got to my yard I
looked under the bin for the key and found it. I opened the door to a dark room.
“She tell me to come home I’m here and no-one is at home KMT.” Jade was laughing.
We walked into my living room when. BAM! “Surprise!!!!!!!” someone turned on the
light and they were bare heads staring at me smiling. My jaw dropped. “You tricked
me!” Jade kept smiling. “I CANT BELIEVE YOU…” I was speechless cah no one had ever
done anything like that before. I was dishing out bare hugs and receiving cards.
Then it was on. The light was turned off again and music started playing. It
weren’t completely dark cah the street lights were illuminating through the
window. I saw someone jamming next to the wall looking at me. I smiled at
him and walked towards him. We hugged. “You look like wow…” “Um thanks …lol
whatever wow means.” “GOOD WOW.” “oooo…Thanks.” I said grinning bare. “Come a
second…I wanna give you your present.” “OK!” we walked up into my bedroom. But not
before passing bare people who were basically having sex cah that weren’t dancing.
He closed the door and I sat down. He kneeled in front of me. My face was of
confusion. “Price…I hope you aint gonnah ask me to marry you.” He started
laughing. “Nah Nah…” “O good…I was about to have a stroke.” He brought out a box
that said Tiffany on it. I opened it to find a bracelet and a necklace. Wait! It
was diamond incrusted. Now I didn’t work for Ernest Jones buh I knew that was
fucking expensive. “Thank you.” The bracelet read. Jamal loves Rayne. I thought
that was so cute. “I love to too!” We kissed and had sex again! I lied. He kissed
me on my cheek and helped me put on the bracelet and necklace. We went downstairs
and he was called away by someone. I bumped into Dwayne. “Wag1 Bestie!” “Hi
Dwayne!” “Here’s your present.” My jaw dropped. I didn’t find Dwayne poor buh I
never knew he was rich. I opened a case to find a pink aqua staring at me.
“DWAYNE!!!!!!!” I hugged him and put that watch on my wrist nicely. I was thinking
in my head. “All I need now is a rolex!” Like on time my door bell rang and I was
the only person sane enough to hear it. I went to open the door. “Hi Rayne…”
“YOU…” I didn’t know whether to hug him or slap him. I had tears in my eyes. “De-
Andre…” He smiled. His face hadn’t changed. I felt all my feelings strolling back.
I was overwhelmed. “I missed you.” He managed to state. Did he know I had
children?” I asked. I closed the door to my house and looked at him. “We should
talk.” He said. When he realized that I weren’t saying shit. I was so angry at him
for doing what he did and I was happy to see him back…looking sexier than ever.
His eyes were still black. He walked me to what I presumed was his car. Rah…Red
and black. My guy was flossing. Walking next to him was the hardest thing I had
ever had to do. Firstly, I weren’t touching him. Secondly, I could smell him. This
was torture. He opened the door and I entered the passenger seat while he went
over to the drivers. I was hypnotized cah I weren’t looking at him and I weren’t
looking no where. I was just dreaming. “Rayne?” O lord… I was haing an orgasm and
I weren’t even having sex. There was something about the way he said my name that
made me wet. “Yes…” “I’ve missed you and I came back to say happy birthday and to
give you this.” He held out a package for me to take. Which I did. I popped it on
the floor. I saw his face change and I clocked he was getting kinda horny cah his
eyes looked cloudy kinda. Then I clocked my dressed had rolled up when I was
sitting down and he was now staring at my bare thighs. I quickly pushed the dress
down. He was still looking. “Stop staring.” “I can’t.” “Well learn.” He started
touching me. I really wanted to stop him. But I obviously couldn’t. “Stop.” I
tried to say but it didn’t leave my mouth cah I was enjoying it a bit too much.
“Rayne I love you.” That just did it. He doesn’t know I’ve got his
children and that I’m sleeping with one of his closest friends. Wow. What a
dilemma. “There’s something you have to know.” “Yeah mama speak.” I was drowning
in love. He sounded so sexy. O fuck. I wanted Priceless and I wanted DeAndre. I
didn’t wanna leave none of them. But then again I never had DeAndre! “Well you see
that last time we you know…” “We what boo?” he said tracing his fingers on my
thighs. I don’t think he knew the effect of what he was doing. My heart was doing
somersaults and I was getting butterflies. I weren’t nervous. Or was I? I was in
love? “You know…” I could tell he did he just wanted me to say it. “Fuck man the
last time we had sex in my house.” I blurted. I could see a smile forming on his
face. “Yeah how could I forget.” “Well something happened after that.” “Which
was?” “I got pregnant.” I blurted. I felt him freeze. “And what happened?” “I kept
it.” “And then?” “Fuck man I had twins and their yours.” He was really silent for
about 5mins. “Say something then man!” “Woman.” He replied. I started laughing he
was so dumb sometimes. “I’m speechless I don’t know what to say but Rayne there’s
something I want to tell you aswell.” I froze aswell. “Is it bad news or good
news.” “It depends on who you are…” “Tell me please.” “All those times I went back
to the States and kept coming back was because of two very special people in my
life.” My jaw dropped. “What are you trying to say?” He took a deep breath. “ I
have children.” He blurted. I started laughing. “I know I gave birth to them.” “No
you don’t understand I mean I’ve got children of my own.” “How?” I asked baffed.
This was like some family movie. Only it weren’t fantasy It was real. “What De
please explain.” “I’ve got twins. Two girls Destiny and Desire.” My jaw dropped.
Not cah they were girls. Those were some seriously sexy names. “WOW.” “I’ve been
there these past months because Destiny had cancer and we were scared she was
going to die. She didn’t she’s a survivor.” As he spoke I could see the pride in
his eyes. “Wow…How old are they?” “5years old. Nearly6.” “WHATTTTTTTTTT.” I
couldn’t hold my surprise. “De-Andre you know you’re 20 or 20something how can
they be 5. Who did you fuck at 14.” I know how I dropped it was fuckrie buh man I
was African and I was surprised. I could see pain in his eyes but I weren’t in the
mood for apologizes. “Before I went to prison for man slaughter I-“ “For wah?!” I
had to interrupt. He was a murderer. “Just listen…yes before I had sex with
Sharmaika.” “What a name.” I had to interrupt. That was an amazing name. “Rayne if
you interrupt me again I will throw you out of my car.” I screwed him and kissed
my teeth. “As I was saying… I had sex with her. We were in love … she got pregnant
and I went to juvenile jail. She gave birth and died.” “Awwww.” I cooed like a
movie. He screwed me and I apologized. “I came out and met my babies and found out
about Destiny’s cancer.” Then it all made sense but then I got angry. “ So why all
the lies.” He nicely turfed my question. “I want to see my
children.” “Well they are with my mum so your gonna have to wait.” “Skeen… what
did you name them.” “Beyonce and Jay-z” I lied. “Don’t you dare front.” “Do I
fucking look like I’m joking.” “Rayne what was going through your mind?”
“Amazingly PAIN! KMT” “Nah seriously…” “Ok…Brandy and Ray J.” I rolled my eyes at
him ad chuckled at my joke. Then I remembered I had a party to go back to. I
opened the door. “Where are you going?” “Where you found me.” He followed me and I
had a proper look to check him out. Damn he was looking immaculate as ever. His
hair had grown back and it was past shoulder length. KMT. I’d been working on mine
for 16years and it weren’t even there yet. He was wearing hoops in his ear. Them
ones that Chipmunk rocked. He was wearing a white and blue nike tracksuit and the
crep was the same. Arrr… fuck he was always matching and looking peng. I looked in
his eyes. They were so hypnotizing. I walked back into my house and he followed. I
was just walking about in the dark but I could feel his staring at me and walking
behind me. I took a deep breath. Then R.Kelly Slow Wind came on. My mouth . Why…I
loved this song and I wanted to dance. I found one quiet spot lol. And started
dancing by myself, I danced through out the song and was completely lost in my own
world. Until Chris Brown Take you down came on and I felt someone’s grab my waist.
I could tell who it was by their touch. I turned to see Priceless. “Have you seen
him?” He asked me. I nodded and we kept dancing. It was getting very heated up. He
started kissing on my neck and I wanted to drag him up to my room which was
exactly what I did. We started kissing and I took off my dress. “O shit Rayne…Lock
the door.” I quickly run to do it. He took off his top and I helped. We were soon
naked and I was on all fours getting doggy’d. “O Shit…Hmmm O Fuck man.” He just
kept working it and working it. I screamed and was scared that someone heard.
“Price you have to pull out you aint.” “Yeah.” I don’t know how long we were doing
it for buh he finally buss on my back. I quickly run off into the bathroom luckily
not being seen my anyone and had a quick shower. Man I was aroused. I wanted more
sex. I got dressed again and went back to my bedroom to find him dressed. “I have
to go home.” I clocked it was something to do with his baby. “Aww ok.” We kissed
then he walked out. I was jamming in my room and he popped his head through the
door. “Can I come in?” “Yeah u can.” He walked inside and looked around. Then he
came to sit next to me. The way I was horny for him. “De-Andre do you still love
me?” “Yeah of course I do.” Then it happened. We started kissing and I started
taking off his clothes. “I missed you Ray.” “MMMM.” I kissed him. His tongue felt
like heaven. It felt sooo good. He took off the dress like the man before him.
Then he stopped. “Wow you look beautiful.” He knew how to make a girl feel good.
“MMM you too.” “I hope not.” “MMM you know what I mean.” He chuckled. He got on
top of me and I felt over good. He was now naked. When I felt his piece inside me.
It took my breath away. I couldn’t help but compare. Priceless was kinda fast in
sex and didn’t talk where as De was romantic and slow. I licked his lips.
“OOO…De it feels good.” “Hmmm Yes it does.” We was mashing for quite some time and
he buss inside me again. No way. “De-Andre you and your fast sperm.” He started
laughing. “I am not getting pregnant again.” “Yeah I’ll go to the chemist.” “Good
good.” We quickly got dressed again and went down the stairs to find my mum in the
kitchen. “Mum what are you doing?” “Coming to help.” De-Andre walked into the
kitchen and my mum stared at him. She had clocked exactly who he was. “Rayne get
out of the kitchen please.” I did and left my mum and my baby father talking. I
started praying. I didn’t hear anything because the music was masking everything.
I was seriously praying. I heard a plate slam and burst into the kitchen and I got
told nicely to “Get de fock out!” Boy I quickly went. I tried to sneak a glance at
De’s face buh man I couldn’t. Then one drunk guy I did/didn’t know walked past me
into the kitchen. Ignoring my warnings. He came out with tears in his eyes. Fuck!
My mum was on some fuckrie vibe so I had to divert traffic going into the kitchen
and told them to wait. After what seemed like forever she came out looked at me up
and down kissed her teeth barged past me and called someone. De didn’t come out so
I was scared she killed him. I rushed into the kitchen. He was sitting on my
favourite chair. He looked PENG. Man I wanted him to just get dirty right on that
chair man. His sex appeal was a lot! “What did she do?” I asked half worried half
relieved he weren’t bleeding. “We prayed.” The shock on my face. “You what?” He
explained. “She made me pray to God to forgive my sins then I apologized and
explained the situation to her…we then prayed for Destiny.” “WHAT! YOU TOLD HER
EVERY-TH-ING-.” I had to break it into them syllables cah I was shocked. “So she
didn’t beat you or nothing?” He laughed. “I aint even started the story.” “WOW…
What did she do?” “I can’t say exactly what we talked about but she slapped me
about 5times.” “Awwww that’s why your cheeks are red baby lemme kiss it better.” I
slowly crept up to him and sat on him. Then we started lisping again. We both
moaned. “Continue then…” “Then she threw the plates at me then I told her I loved
you.” I stopped. No my heart stopped. “You told her what?” “I told her I loved you
and I would be with you until the end of time.” I could feel tears forming in my
eyes. This guy was so cute. Not in the terms of looks. He was an amazing person. I
looked into his eyes. They had changed again! “Blue…” I whispered. “What?” “Your
eyes have gone blue.” “How blue?” “Dark sexy navy blue. De their sparkling and
shining.” “Cah I’m seeing you and feeling you dats why.” Priceless. That was the
only thing in my head. His name. I felt guilty but content. Did I have to choose
between them two? I wanted them both! But I couldn’t for obvious reasons. I loved
them both. How much doh? When it came to De I was willing to kill any chick for
this guy and Priceless… I was willing to die for him.
I looked up in the sky. Lol well my ceiling. Then he pushed me off him and got up.
He dragged me out of the kitchen. “Where we going?” I asked bare confused. “To
dance.” I bit my lip. It was bare hot in the living room and his hands on me made
me horny. I was thinking where the hell did my mum go. But then De-Andre touching
me kinda made me linger off them thoughts. (8) And I need you boo (8) Chris Brown
came thru the speakers. And we were just kissing. Standing still kissing. When he
does the most unexpected thing. De-Andre Santa Torres started singing to me. :O…
his voice :O wow… Nobody’s perfect. That saying was nonsense cah my guy was. HE
COULD SING. And it sounded good. His lips were on my neck and he was driving me
crazy! “I didn’t know you could sing.” “I can’t. I just can’t express how much I
love you…this song explains exactly how I feel.” “Bomboclart.” I said so
africanly. I didn’t know what else to say cah JHEEz he cut me deep. It was like
everything I was thinking he was saying. This guy was reading my mind. “Rayne I
promise not to leave you again…’ he sighed. “You really don’t understand how much
your messing with my head Ray…I missed you so much…being away from you nearly a
year killed me. I was alive on the outside but spiritually I was dead until now.”
“I don’t know what to say De.” “I don’t want you to say anything.” Then my jam
started playing. (8) Girl I want to be alone with you(8) R.Kelly-Slow Wine, Me and
my man got down to biznezz! I couldn’t see anyone else but him. I could feel his
hands on my waist and his hot breath in my ear. It coulda been minus 100degrees
Celsius he could warm me with his hands. Say No More. I could feel his piece going
hard. I wanted to get the fuck out of the house and have him all to myself! Then
the lights came on and EVERYONE stopped “having sex” cah as I said before it
definitely weren’t dancing. I saw my mum and two aunties approach the “stage” o
Lord. What is she doing? I mouthed to De. The music had stopped and everyone was
looking at her. “Hello every1 Wag1.” We all started creasing and so did she.
“I just.” AHEM* My aunties interrupted. “We just came to tell you that the jellof
rice and chicken is in the-“ I was gone before she finished and I heard bare
footsteps behind me. She didn’t even have to finish that sentence. “stampeed.”
Someone yelled. I quickly dropped my shoes and run. I got to the kitchen with bare
heads behind me. I decided to make something clear. “ITS MY BIRTHDAY…SO IM HAVING
THE FIRST TAS-“ Someone knocked me down and I was pissed and hungry. From where I
was I could see bare different shoes and crep. Then someone picked me up. “Guess
who.” I laughed. “My knight in Nike Armour.” He started laughing aswell. But then
I stopped laughing. He was taking me in the opposite direction of the food. “What
you doing blud?” “Taking you to your mum.” “De-Andre…I swear on your anscestor
(God forgive) if you don’t drop I will hurt you badly.” He laughed. I tried to
kick buh it never worked. I was focusing on the kicking when I felt fingers in my
underwear. “YOU WHAT!?” He started laughing so hard. “OMDZ U HAVE THE ODACITY TO-“
“LOVE YOU.” He interrupted me. He put me down and we went upstairs to my room.
“Your mum said to tell you she knew how greedy you would be so you got your own
plate up in your room.” “Since when did you lot talk?” He laughed. Then I saw the
plate along with the supermalt and the water. I licked my lips. “Ok De-Andre…
excuse the africaness you’re about to see…it may put you off food for ever.” He
nodded and smiled. Then laughed. “ Be right back.” I ran to the bathroom to wash
my hands. Lol … Yeh I was going to eat with my hands…LOOL… I got back to see him
munching aswell. “Whose food is that?” “Mine…your mum just came upstairs to give
it to me. Didn’t you see her?” “o Are you two having an affair? You’re getting a
bit too close for me.” He laughed. Then I reached my food and down to work. O man
see when you’re really hungry and the food you’re eating is so nice you say “bun
manners” and go all out in merking the food you’re eating. That’s exactly was I
was doing. Only in a Ghanaian way. When I finished I burped. Nah I lied. But De-
Andre was looking at me in shock. “What?” I asked. “Wow…you take eating to
levels.” I started laughing. “I’m quickly going to wash my hands yeah.” “Have you
opened your present?” “O shit I left it in your car.” I washed my hands still
thinking about the peng chicken I’d just eaten. I went
outside the bathroom to see his peng face watching me. “Let’s go get it.” “Get
what?” “You’re present.” “O skeen.” We walked down the now over crowded stairs. It
was really weird because I was seeing bare people I hadn’t seen months and some
even years. We went outside and it was cold so I ran to the car and tried to open
it. But it was obviously locked. “Rayne are you drunk?” “Noooo…” He laughed but I
was offended. He unlocked the doors. I got in and so did he. I found the package
where I left it. “Open it.” I did. It was a pink box. I opened it. There was an
envelope and another box this time it was blue and small. “This bes not be a
proposal.” He laughed. “Nah nah you’re underage for that I’m waiting.” I was sure
them words slipped out. But it a surprising effect on me. I tried to hide my
smile. “Why are you smiling?” “I’m not.” Don’t lie to me I know you are.” “I’m
not!” “You are…ok just open it.” I did and wow. It was a plane ticket. My jaw
dropped. “Where to?” “Where I’m from I want you to meet some people.” “O my wow… I
don’t know what to say.” “Good! Now open the box.” I did and omdz…I had to pinch
myself. “Wait I’m I dreaming?” He laughed. “Nah nah.” “Your brother got me an
aqua.” He kissed his teeth. “Him…we need to talk.” I laughed. “Why?” “He told
Destiny to bite me.” “I don’t see a scar.” He took off his top and while doing so
he took my breath away aswell. “Right here.” He pointed to the centre of his
chest. I hadn’t seen it when we were getting busy. It was a red dot that you had
to squint to see. “Look how small that is De.” “I can still see it.” I laughed. “
I still cant believe you got me this.” “I just love seeing you smile.” I smiled.
“Wow a rolex.” Yes a flippin rolex. I never used to like watches. Until now. I had
just got myself an aqua and a rolex. My Lord. It was surreal. “Hellooo Rayne?
“Yeah sorry.” I leaned over to kiss his cheek but as always we ended up in a deep
passionate embrace. We broke apart all heated up again. “I love you De-Andre.” “I
love you too Rayne.” We went back to the party holding hands. After about
15minutes we got into the groove of tunes. Everyone was lost in dancing. Then I
saw Dwayne and my mouth dropped. Jade had backed him up against a wall and wow.
De-Andre saw where my eyes were looking and started laughing. “That’s nasty man…I
don’t wanna see my best friend doing that man that’s foul.” He was laughing until
I decided I wanted to do the same to him. “So wah you saying now huh.” I whispered
in his ear and smiled to myself. “Nuffin much except I wanna love you.” “You do I
swear.” “You know what kinda love I’m talking about?” Then my brain clocked. For
the rest of the night we danced and danced and kissed some more. People starting
leaving and I was seeing bare cards everywhere. It seemed funny to me because I
didn’t feel I needed material things. I had everything I wanted. A man (well men)
two cute babies and my fam. I didn’t need anything. O yer…and I was in love with
two people. Jade and Dwanye stayed over to help tidy up cah my mum and auntie had
bounced time ago. It was 4o’clock and we were all sleeping in my living room. I
was on De and Jade was on Dwayne when my phone went off. Luckily no-one woke up.
It was Priceless. I quickly climbed up the stairs and went into bathroom and
locked the door. “Hello?” “Wag1 sexy were you sleeping?” “Yes I was knocked the
fuck out.”
“Lol I thought you would still be shaking that big batty off yours.” I laughed.
“So who’s in your house?” “The main ones.” He was silent on the phone for a bit.
“De-Andre?” “Yeah him too.” “Did you do anything?” I weren’t gonna lie to him he
knew I loved De so I didn’t have a reason to lie. “Yeahh…” “When?” “Right after
you left…” “Wow…that fast.” For some strange reason I weren’t sorry. “Yup that
fast.” I heard a baby crying. “I’ll bell you back yeah…someone’s hungry at 4 in
the morning.” I laughed. “Yeah Haha Bye.” I locked off and decided I might aswell
take a quick shower. I didn’t feel like sleeping anymore. I went into my bedroom
and found bare presents on the bed. I toweled myself and put them all on the
floor. I put on my panties got in bed and slept again. I woke up but kept my eyes
closed. I just couldn’t be arsed to open them. The feeling of being watched made
me open my eyes. “So you left me then came to sleep.” “Nope.” I yawned. “I’m gone
to get freshened up then ima come back.” “Y cant you do it here?” “Clothes
darling.” “O yer…BYE.” “No hug?” “I’m naked.” He started smiling. “Noo piss off
man bye…I’m sleeping again!” He chuckled and walked out. I went back to bed again.
The sound of OVER loud music coming from my living room woke me up. I run down
stairs. Then clocked what I was wearing. I quickly retraced my steps and got
dressed and put my phone in my pocket. I went downstairs again. It was Jade
dancing with herself. What a loner! “Jade you’re such a loner…and o my days the
trousers and the top look familiar.” She laughed. “Yeah cah u own them. Yesterday
was a lot man Rayne me and Dwayne…he’s too much he showed me things man…” “ERRR
NOOOO I DON’T WANNA HEAR.” I put my fingers in my ears. “Listen I swear down I was
speaking Chinese.” “Jade shut the fuck up.” Then my phone vibrated. I took it out.
It was Priceless again. I walked out of the living room into the kitchen and
closed the door. “Hello?” Priceless: Yeah I called you back Me: O skeen. There was
silence on the phone for a while. Priceless: Soo what you doing today? Me: Ermm I
dunno you know Dwayne and De-Andre are coming to jam and I think my mum’s coming
back aswell… There was a dead silence. I realized what I had said. Me: Priceless
do you talk to him?
Priceless: WHO? Me: About…don’t try dem ones you know who I’m talking about… I
heard him chuckle on the line. Priceless: Corse… Me: And me and you are doing a
ting yeh? SILENCE… There was no convo on the phone for about 10-12minutes. I was
so bored I started counting the lines on my palm. I heard a deep breath Priceless:
I don’t think you know the effect you have on people. You’re so caring and its
hard to ignore you. Really hard. Since I saw you and you were in year9 I felt
protective of you I thought it was because you were a yungah but then that night
remember that text… I was speaking from my heart. Every single time I try to
ignore you you do something that makes me love you more…but I know your heart is
somewhere else but I still don’t know what to do. For the first time in my life I
am really confused. Me: I was bare breathing hard on the phone… Me: I LOVE YOU
TOO…BUT I LOVE HIM TOO…I DUNNO Priceless: Well Rayne you are going to have to
choose…just know that whatever your decision it won’t affect how I feel about you
yeh. Me: Ok Some one else came on my line. Me: Price…hold up yeh I got someone on
my line… Priceless: Ye I answered…it was a number I didn’t recognize. Me: Helloo?
“Yeh so I’m on my way sexy.” I smiled. Who else but De-Andre.
Me: How come you always seem to get my number without me giving it to you? He
laughed. “Ya Boy gots connectionz…fly as fuck.” Me: De…we aint in America yah noe…
lol He laughed then I clocked Price was on the other line. Hmmm… “De call me back
in 5minutes…” “Ok…but could you open your door…ima press it soon.” “Ok Bye.” I
retrieved the call from Priceless… “Yeah sorry about that.” “I’ve never been put
on hold before Rayne…until now.” I laughed. “Price I’ll call you back or you can
call me back please.” “Yeah…stay blessed sexy!” I laughed and locked off. WHAT THE
FUCK AM I TO DO.? The rest of the day was blessed. De-Andre and Dwayne came over
and we buss joke watched movies kissed, danced, talked on a level and buss some
more. We all went back to Jade’s yard and Me and De left and came back to my yard.
We didn’t do anything we just jammed. The next day Priceless came over and we were
just jamming when tingz happened. Since it weren’t planned a condom weren’t used
and he didn’t pull out. A week later everything was back to normal… Hmm saying
normal was a big step forward cah I now could not decide what the hell normal was.
I woke up feeling dizzy. I thought I was about to faint again. I grabbed onto my
bed and got up. I felt ill. My head hurt and my belly was killing me. I thought it
was my period. I ran to the bathroom cah I’m one of them ones who vomit when they
on their reds. I was bare vomiting and shut the door because it was very early in
the morning. I flushed the toilet and sat on the floor feeling dazed. I checked my
French panties…No Blood. STRANGE… I went back to bed and woke up visiting the
toilet in the process. I brushed my teeth, showered, ate, bathed the twins…fed
them and reached for the pushchair. I looked at the time 11:34. I thought about
who would be awake. Priceless. I belled his line and asked him to pick me up. I
had NO motives and was bored. I didn’t wanna stay at home with my mum and dad. I
waited for about 10minutes and finally saw him pulling up. I knew it was his car
because he had a thing for the colour green. My guy rocked that colour every
chance he got and the whip had a green outline. Man I can’t describe. He honked. I
screwed and I pushed my buggy towards the car. While standing there I received
bare stares because of my age and the fact that I was pushing a buggy. I just
looked at them right back. I was in the car getting all happy because it was cool
inside the car and I was dying. Since he had a baby I didn’t need to fit
the baby seat in the car… he had two in the back seat. I shrugged it off. “Where
you going?” he asked. I felt too ill. “Your house?” “Um ok…kl kl.” The ride to his
house was bless. He was playing some tunes from Walk in da Park (Gigs). I didn’t
like the guy but my word…Priceless was converting me into a Gigs maniac. Even mah
children were bopping their headz. We finally got to his yard and I felt my
insides about to come out. “I’m going to vomit.” He quickly opened the car. “Rayne
I love you but if you do your ting in this car we will have problems.” I started
creasing as he opened the door to his yard. “Be right back babies.” I rushed to
his bathroom and emptied out my stomach. WTF is wrong with me I asked myself.
“Priceless…” I shouted. I walked down the stairs and saw his face. “What?” he
asked. “There gone be a bit of trouble…” “What?” “I think I’m pregnant.” It was
silent. The only sound was of Leesha making them noises. “Well?” “Well what?!” I
asked. “What are we gonna do.” I liked the way he put the “we” there. Making me
feel much better. Thinking about what my mum would scared the shit out of me. My
dad aswell. I was pissed. “I need to go get a pregnancy test.” “Ok I’ll go get it.
Erm…which one?” “The most expensive one there…I want to be sure.” “Ok…” he went
back out and I was resting against the heater in his corridor shocked. Shit. There
were a few problems. One, I didn’t know who the dad was. Two, if it was Price’s
baby how the fuck would I tell De-Andre. Three., what is my mum and dad going to
do?” I called Dannielle my country Co-Dee. She was the only person I could tell.
Dannielle: RAYYYNNNNEEE…LONG TIME ! I MISS YOU… Me: Same here same here…
Dannielle: Hows life darling? Me: I think I’m pregnant … Dannielle:
YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU WHAT?! I started explaining everything to her. She listened in
silence. Me: So what should I do Dannielle: Omdz I cant believe Priceless is alive
and De-Andre! Wow…I hope the baby is for De-Andre…Awwww I wanna see his picture…
but Priceless …RAYNE YOUR FUCKED!” Me: I’m aware. We talked for a while and she
soon had me feeling a little bit better. Me: Thanks Danni I’ll try and call you
back yeh Dannielle: Bye Darlin… I locked off. Like on time he came through the
door and handed me a bag. Without a word I went in the bathroom and dun the ting.
I waited and waited. Time seemed to have stopped. I was so damn scared so I locked
the door. Then I saw the ting turn a colour.
O MY DAYS. Relief would have been an understatement. Negative. That was a cause
for celebration because I thought I was having another child. I went downstairs to
tell him the good news. He was happy and relieved and so was I. We jammed in his
house to celebrate and he dropped me off to Jade’s house. Her mum opened the door
and was shocked to see me and vice versa. She was never home and this was the
first time I had seen her. Jade had told her about the twins because she knew
their names. I trekked to Jade’s room and heard Movado on my way up. This girl was
a loner! Straight up. She was the only person I knew that had her own shubz by
herself and had a fantastic time and still had time to document this on msn. “It’s
a mudness” as Dwayne would say. I opened her door to see her grinding on Dwayne.
My jaw dropped. I just stood there and watched them until he started taking off
her clothes and I screamed. They suddenly realized I was in the room. Dwayne
started laughing uncontrollably and Jade looked embarrassed. “You’re lucky it was
me and not your mum” I commented. “Ray how long were you standing there for?”
Dwayne asked. “Long enough to know that I aint coming into any of your rooms,
without knocking.” Dwayne laughed a second time. Jade looked like she was going to
strangle me. “Oi… are you coming Alton Towers with us?” Jade asked. “I forgot
about that you know.” “Yeah well it’s a few days time.” “Even if I wanted to…
who’s going to look after the twins?” “Ask your mumzy” Dwayne butted it. ”Did I
ask for your opinion you tramp.” They both laughed. “So…” “Yes…” “Are you coming?”
“I dunno…I’ll let you know soon.” We were about to buss convo until they noticed
the twins. “Aww… he’s smiling at me.” “Jade…he’s hungry…not smiling you tramp.” “O
I knew that” “So how are you gonna have my baby?” Dwayne asked. I choked on my
spit and so did Jade. I looked at her. She smiled slyly. “Don’t think I didn’t
catch that smile.” I said out loud. Dwayne looked at her and licked his lips.
“Don’t think you can start fertilizing eggs while I’m here.” They laughed but
moved to kiss each other regardless. “You disgust me” I said in fake horror. “But
have you seen you with De-Andre?” “No…” I laughed. “Jade stop I really don’t wanna
know.” Dwayne commented. I laughed again. We jammed for a bit and I had to go home
because it was nearly feeding time for the twins. Jade and Dwayne dropped me off
home. No one was in as usual and I wanted to go out. I called my mum and she came
to pick up the twins. They were sleeping so it was cool. I called Jade’s phone.
“Oi bitch what you doing tonight?” “Jammin at home.” She replied. “Not any more
we’re going raving.” She laughed. “Nah I’m serious.” “Without or without the
mans.” “Without …” “I like the way you think.” I laughed. “Get ready then and come
to my house.” “Whatever you lazy fuck.” I laughed then locked off. I went to have
a quick shower and went through my wardrobe. I straightened my hair and gave my
self a side fringe. Good so far. I thought. I decided to go retro. I wore my blue
batty riders; yellow low cut top, red shoes and accessories. I looked hot if I say
so myself. I wore my aqua and sprayed on that sexy smelling fantasy by
Britney Spears and mixed it up with some Dior poison alongside Armani. That
smelled peng but I started choking because it was a bit too much. I looked at the
time 9:15. Someone knocked on my door. It was Jade. I ran downstairs and opened
the door. My girl looked hot. “Wag1 sexy can man have your digits like…” she
laughed and walked into my house. I continued being stupid. “Sexy cum’on…mans
feeling you hardcore allow them ones.” She laughed and so did I. She was wearing
some black apple bottoms skinny jeans; 4inch Dior heels; red apple bottom top… she
looked hot. Her breasts and bum were saying a lot. No homo. “Have you finished?
And farkin hell Rayne you smell peng.” “I know I know…a secret.” “Wanna share?”
“Nah not really but like since you’re my Co-Dee…” She laughed and I shared my
secret. “I smell peeennng.” I laughed at her. “Wait wait… lets take a pic.” We
ended up taking several pictures. It was now 10o’clock. “We better go.” I picked
up my phone and the essentials and put it inside my Roca wear bag. I was going a
bit too hard. I laughed at myself. We left my house and faced the weather. It was
actually alright. “Jade are my legs dry?” “Yes…” “What!!!!!!” “I’m lying.” She
laughed. “O bout to say.” We got on the bus and went upstairs. There were a few
yungahs jamming and checking us out but we looked a bit too old so they were
scared to holla. How cute I thought to myself. They started playing Giggs and me
and Jade started skanking to it. Live! They looked surprised buh joined us. It was
random but funny cah a peng one tried to dance with me. I laughed and pushed him
away a bit. He clocked and backed off. I gave him my number doh. It was all bless.
We got off the bus and queued for one club called Sound. Then I knew the security
guard so we went in after about 5mins. It was hot. You could hardly breathe but I
got used to the temperature after a while. Some funky house started playing and
Jade was dancing with one Latino sexy looking Puerto Rican guy. She was getting it
on. Having a man didn’t mean he was the only one you danced with. As long as
anything didn’t happen I was all right. If Dwayne or De-Andre was to find out now…
that would be different. But they weren’t there so we were having fun. “Excuse me”
I turned to see a beautiful boy. He wasn’t black and he didn’t look white. His
eyes were a smokey gray colour. I had to ask. “Where are you from b?” He laughed.
“I’m Italian and Egyptian.” My mouth was wide open and he laughed some more.
“You’re a very pretty girl.” He said. I started blushing. “Have you got man?” he
asked. “Its complicated…but I have children.” He surprise showed in his face and
he didn’t attempt to mask it. “Wow…” “I know but I weren’t gonna have an abortion
no way. I love them to bits.” He smiled at me and I smiled back. “Would you like
to dance with me?” “Since you asked so nicely...” I got up and took his hand. At
first the music was fast so we were just skanking, then it got slower. He could
dance. “I don’t even know your name…” “Rayne.” “Nice name I’m Geren.” “Unique
name.” He chuckled in my ear. He was really sexy. I was contemplating doing a
quick ting with him. As the music continued, he would push my body up against his
so I could feel his piece. I would laugh and he would wink at him. I had
completely forgotten about Jade. I couldn’t see her in the crowd anyway. After
about 6songs I decided I needed to sit down. I was tired and sweaty and thirsty. I
made my way
back to the bar and Geren found another dance partner. I laughed at his cheek.
Looking at his face made me laugh, all that concentration just to grind on
someone. Someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around to see Jade smiling in my
face. “Let’s move to another club.” “Ok.” I quickly run to Geren and said goodbye
to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He then told me to put my number in his
phone. Which I did and walked off. “Who was that?” Jade asked. “Why are you so
nosey?” “I dunno you know.” We both laughed as we exited the club. We walked on
and I heard a familiar voice shout. I turned around to see that yout I had been on
the bus with. He started bussin convo with me and Jade. Then someone called my
name. “Rayne!” it came from behind him. I looked to see Tamia smiling at me.
“Tammy!” I went up to hug her. “I missed you.” “I missed you too.” “Wait you know
her Tam?” he asked. “Yer…she’s my birthday twin.” “Rayne, how you know my
brother?” “Wait , he’s your twin Tam innih.” She nodded and I laughed. “Jade,
that’s Magic.” She started laughing as well. Tammy would tell us things about her
twin Magic and how he played girls and stuff. Funny how I was seeing him now after
all those years. We all swapped numbers and walked in our separate ways. Magic
winked at me and I laughed. We said bye and walked off to find another club. Jade
got a phone call. I walked along with her feeling bored and left out. She finished
on the phone. “That was Dwayne.” “What did he want?” “He said how there’s one
shubz and we should come because it’s live.” “Ermm where?” “It’s like 10minutes
away from here. But I lied to him and said we were gonna take long cah we was at
home.” I laughed. “Good thinking bubi.” She grinned. We went into Burger King
bought ice-creams and jammed for 15minutes to waste time and make us seem legit.
Jade called him back and got direction to the shubz. “I swear down If its not live
I swear I’m gonna go get the twins and go home.” She laughed but we both knew I
was serious. As soon as we buss a corner we could see bare heads jamming outside.
From the mans who were bunnin their weed to the sket who was wearing close to
nothing. I looked around and didn’t see any familiar faces. Jade and I decided it
would be wise to call Dwayne to come outside instead of going in and getting lost.
I could hear Movado loud and clear and Jade silently sang along and moved her
body. I smiled in my head. A few seconds later Dwayne came out and I saw Jade’s
face change. She was so damn predictable and jealous. As soon as he opened his
mouth to speak. “Since I weren’t here, who were you dancing with?” “Your too fast
fuckin hell, I was playing Pro upstairs with De-Andre and Priceless.” My smile
immediately disappeared. I started feeling weird. I had butterflies in my stomach.
I knew that by the end of the night I would either have sex with one of them or
both of them. I was totally lost when my brain came back to the conversation. I
weren’t really interested any more. Jade had some major jealousy problems she
needed to sort out. Funny how she can dance with someone in a club, but switches
when she thinks Dwayne has done the same. They deserved each other. He was a
jealous motherfucker aswell. “Do they know we’re here?” “Course not.” “Skeen.” We
followed him into the house while getting bare stares from girls and boys. The
heat hit me like a brick. It was really hot in there and for the first time people
smelt nice. The atmosphere smelt nice. I couldn’t detect any B.o. from the oxygen
I was taking in. Wow…that was the first
shubz I had been to and not smelt dirty hygiene. “Why are you guys playing games
anyway?” “It’s a tournament everyone’s watching. They’ve betted nuff money. I lost
about 4bills already.” “Rahhh…” He laughed and led us up some stairs. I glanced
back to see one chick practically fuckin the guy she was “sexing” with. As we got
further up the stairs you could hear shouting and the volume of whatever they were
playing turned to the absolute max. “What game?” “Fifa 09.” I shut my mouth. I
liked football but I really didn’t see a point to playing it virtual. What the
hell was all the hype? Wii all the way, at least the Wii is healthy. We walked
into a surprisingly big bedroom. It was packed with bare man and we were the only
girls. No-one even clocked us as we entered. Everyone was focused on the game. I
saw De-Andre and Priceless and almost buss out laughing. The concentration they
had on their faces was very funny and every few minutes someone would wipe their
foreheads with a towel and give them drinks. Who the fuck did they think they
were? Royalty? “How much are they playing for?” 5grand I think. My jaw dropped and
Dwayne explained. To start with there were bare of us and we all pitched in and
got beat by them two so their playing for the money.” “How long have they been
playing for?” “Half an hour.” I screwed. I decided to pause the game the best way
I knew how. I purposely shouted Jade aware they would both recognize my voice and
look. They didn’t. I felt pissed. We all waited for 15minutes and it was still nil
nil. They paused the game so the mandem could go piss and grind on a girl and
quickly come back. I pretended to look at a picture and from the corner of my eye
I could see DeAndre standing up and stretching and Priceless mirroring his
actions. They were both laughing at something funny. The room emptied out and Jade
and Dwayne went along with it and Jade winked at me. That’s when I knew they were
going to have sex in the house. I continued to pretend to look at the picture and
DeAndre turned in my direction and clocked me. He stood still and Price clocked me
too. I tried my hardest not to let my grin come through my face. “ Ray?” I turned
and started acting. “O…Hi…I didn’t see you guys, wag1.” “You look nice.” DeAndre
said and winked at me and gave me then sexual grins. I bit my lip and looked at
Price. “Hi.” “Ye wag1…” He headed towards the door when I clocked something.
“Priceless are you and De-Andre matching?” “Ye.” They said happily. “Can you
tell?” De-Andre asked me. “Yer you can…you’re wearing opposite colours.” “Yeee!”
They said in unison. “Batty mans.” I whispered quite loudly. “What?” “Nuffin.”
“Rayne what did you say?” “O I said these rats man.” “What rats?” Priceless asked.
“I was talking to myself.” I lied. It was really hard not to laugh. They were
acting so damn gay. Priceless bopped out. “Omdz was he wearing Ed Hardy socks?” De
nodded and grinned and showed me his. They were both walking around in their
socks. It was not me and De-Andre in a room alone. In my head I knew what would
happen. I waited and played it out. I went to sit on the bed and he went towards
the door. Funny, but somehow I knew he weren’t going out. I heard the door lock
and tried hard not to smile. He came back and gave me those sexy smiles. “It’s hot
in here.” I commented. I got up and took off the light cardigan I had been
wearing. I turned around and pretended to look out of the window. I knew he would
be looking at my bum and I wanted to give him a perfect view. I turned around.
“So…” he stated. “Soo…” I casually
stated back. We both knew what he wanted but he was playing dumb so I was helping
him. “I like your shorts.” I bit my lip again; it was really hard not to laugh.
“Um thanks I like them too.” “Come closer, I’m short sighted now I can’t see you.”
We both knew he was chatting shit. I went closer to him. I invaded his space, I
could hear him breathing. He put his hands on my hips and it went down hill from
there. We started kissing and he took off my top and I took off his. I licked my
lips. He had been working out extra cah he had that defined 8pack. I took a deep
breath because he was so breath taking. He looked like he had been sculptured. He
had diamond studs in his ear that had D each of them. They were shining! His eyes
had turned black and he was turning me on. He had plaited his hair but had a shape
up aswell. Every part of his anatomy was on point. I was kissing him like I needed
it to breathe. “I love you.” I whispered in his ear whilst he slipped his fingers
into my undies. No reply. “Arr fuck this.” He said. He took off the rest of his
clothes and took off mine. “Erm…no babies no more babies.” He clocked what I was
on about and looked about for a bit and found what he was looking for. He adjusted
the necessary tingz and we got to work. We were in the middle of what we were
doing when someone knocked on the door. I then realized what we were doing and
where we were doing it. “De get off me.” I moaned. When he made to I stopped him.
“Nah Nah continue.” At this point I was too horny to care about getting caught.
Eventually I think the knocking stopped. We mashed for about 20minutes. He was
breathing hard and so was I. We both knew it was to be continued. I lay looking at
the ceiling breathing hard. He started putting on his clothes in silence.
Something was wrong. I quickly got dressed and he was stood up leaning against the
wall staring at me. I couldn’t take it anymore and I was getting pissed off. “What
the fuck I s wrong?” I asked. “Nuttin, should there be something?” “Well, you’re
airing me and your silent so yer something is wrong.” I was now sitting on the bed
looking at him in anguish. He was so damn sexy and the only person who could piss
me off by not talking. Argh! He still didn’t say anything and all of a sudden I
felt used. He was the only person in the world that could make me feel like a hoe.
And at that present moment in time I did. I wanted to punch him, slap him. I
wanted to kiss him. “De-Andre.” I said while getting up. “What is wrong.” I walked
up to him and looked up at him trying to hold back my tears. I reached to touch
him and he moved my hand away. I walked picked up my shit and wished I had the
courage to pick up something and smack him hard across the face. I got my stuff
and walked out of the room. He didn’t even try to stop me. I was so angry with
him. I decided to do what came best. I took out my phone and text him “It’s over.”
I ran down the stairs in tears and tried to hold back as I walked out of the front
door. I got a text. I didn’t bother to look at it as I took a bus and went home. I
got in my bed and hugged my covers tight. Second time he had broken my heart and I
felt like shit. I reached into my bag and opened the text. My eyes zoomed in. O
shit what the fuck had I done. The text read. “It never began.” I started crying
some more. I felt like a baby. I reached for my Kleenex. My phone started ringing;
on private. I decided to pick up. “Hello?” I sniffed onto the phone. “Rayne,” it
was De-Andre. I was
about to cut the phone when he dropped some lines. “What exactly did you do with
Priceless?” he asked. O my days. I was in deep shit. “W-W-What you mean what did I
do with Priceless.” “I’m asking, what you did.” Then my door bell rang. I locked
off the phone. I didn’t have to say bye to him, we weren’t a ting no more. Right?
I ran down my stairs while wiping the tears away from my face. I took a deep
breathe gave a fake smile then opened the door. My smile turned into a fat screw.
Wtf was he doing at my front door. “Can I come in? There’s something you need to
know.” I let him in and I walked up to my room and he followed. I turned on the
lights because it was a bit too dark. “De-Andre knows about us but he thinks we
just lashed once,” by accident”. “Who told him?” “Mandy; she saw your pregnancy
test and she somehow figured it out.” “Bitch” He looked at me. “Well…” “Well, what
Priceless? What exactly do you want me to do?” “Do you want me to go?” I looked at
him. “Yes, No, I dunno.” “If you were any other chick I would gladly walk out of
here but your not. I’m being a snake in front of De-Andre and look how tite we’re
supposed to be. I’m lying to him everyday because of you.” ‘I didn’t ask you to.”
“Rayne, now you’re being selfish. But since you want to go on like that, peace and
have a nice life.” “I will. Don’t forget to close the door behind you.” I said not
even bothering to look up at him because my eyes were filled with unshed tears. He
walked out and a few seconds later my front door closed. Just like that. The two
most important people had in my life had walked out on me. I felt like a dickhead.
I went to bed. My doorbell rang and I run to get it. It was De-Andre and
Priceless. I tried to shut the door but they barged in. They looked so angry. “Get
out of my house!” I shouted. “Not until you give us what we want.” “What do you
want from me?” “Everything you’ve been giving each of us. But this time,”
“Together. “Priceless finished the sentence for him. I became very scared at that
present moment in time. Priceless picked me up and put me on the sofa. “Who
first?” De-Andre asked. “You get a say Rayne. Me or De-Andre? Who should go
first?” It suddenly dawned on me that they were going to rape me. I screamed. I
woke up sweating and scared. It had been a dream yet it seemed so real. I was
breathing hard and was afraid to go back to bed so I switched on the tv. Nothing
was on and I was scared. I looked at the time. Only 3o’clock. I looked outside and
everywhere was dark. I didn’t know who to go to. I was so scared. I looked around
for my phone and discovered a lot of missed calls from Jade, Dwayne and private
number.” I somehow managed to sleep again. I woke up with a banging headache. No-
one was at home. The sunlight had escaped through my curtains and was blinding my
eyes. I got up and remembered what happened the day before. I didn’t want to cry
but it was hard not to. I heard my phone vibrate. I reached to get it. It was a
text. I opened it and immediately felt like punching him in his face. “I still
want to see my children. I’m coming tomorrow.” It was from De-Andre. His audacity.
I didn’t reply back but wanted to. I missed him already. The stubborn Rayne
decided to pay him back. But I didn’t know how exactly. I wanted to go out
because I was getting too stressed at home. I went to have a shower and dressed
myself up. It was quite hot so I wore my shorts and a see through top with a
bikini bra underneath. I took my small D& G bag, sprayed myself and walked out of
my house. I looked at my reflection in the car mirror. Wow. I knew in my heart
that I was not looking myself. I decided to hit the hair dressers I needed a
change. After about 20minutes I got there. It was about 11 in the morning so
hardly anyone was there. I waited about 3minutes before it was my turn. “I like
what your wearing.” She commented. I smiled but inside I weren’t happy at all. I
felt like shit. “So what you want me to do?” “Dye it.” “What colour? Permanent or
not?” “Red and permanent.” “All of it?” I nodded and she looked shocked. “Ok can
we compromise?” I didn’t respond but she continued. “I’ll dye it, but not
permanent so you don’t regret it because your hair colour is a natural brown that
really suits you.” “Umm I s’ppose. Ok.” She smiled and got to work. After about an
hour she was done. “Wow, you look wow.” I looked in the mirror. Wow. My hair was
bright red like Eve’s used to be. She had dyed the sides and the back and lightly
dyed the middle. It looked really nice but I knew my mum and dad were going to
switch but I didn’t give two shits. I paid her and walked out. I felt like a whole
new person. I smiled. Fuck them! I thought to myself. As I got to the bus stop I
noticed a sexy looking dark skinned guy just jamming. He looked up and clocked me.
I pretended not to see him. His mouth opened and he continued to stare and I
pretended not to see. Coming closer, I noticed that he was really peng. No
piercing just a nice shape up, dark eyes. My type. I walked opposite him and
stopped in front of him and waited. “Excuse me Miss?” I turned around and smiled.
“Yes?” After about 10minutes of convo I was now heading towards his yard. He kept
feeling up my bum but I didn’t mind. I was single. As soon as the door to his yard
shut he was all on me. Kissing me and taking off my clothes. I didn’t mind. I
helped him. We ended up on his sofa all out on the sex. He had a condom in his
back pocket which made me think of De-Andre, but I quickly stopped myself. He
weren’t even bad! After about half and hour I was lying there breathing bare hard
on the sofa. He was just looking at me. “So Tanya, how about a rematch?” (Yes I
lied about my name) “I can’t. I have to pick up my lil sister from nursery.” I
lied. I quickly got dressed and gave him my number and walked out. This was just
the beginning of my downhill struggle. I was on road walking pointlessly when a
car went past and slowed down and finally parked. A decent looking bloke came out.
Nah, he was a peng white boy. “Wag1 sexy” I smiled at him. Soon after, I was in
his car sucking his dick. He was a decent size aswell. He buss in my mouth and I
had no choice but to swallow. He smiled at me. “So, Janelle lets go to mans yard
and get this thing underway.” Yes another fake name. “I have to go home to look
after my niece.” Another lie. I gave him my number regardless. I jammed in his car
for a bit and got myself fingered for a bit. “Bye.” I watched as the car drove
off. I decided to go home. I felt dirty to the core. I got into my house bathed b
rush my teeth and got changed again. My mum hadn’t called me so I assumed the
twins were ok. I missed them I just didn’t miss the crying at early hours of the
I got a text from a number I didn’t recognize. “Shubz tonite are you reaching?” I
called the number back. “Hello, who’s this you just text my phone” “Darius, we met
today.” It was that dark skinned guy I has lashed. We talked for a bit and he got
me horny. He was a straight up freak. I was now out of my yard heading towards his
for “round two” When I got there we didn’t have time so he quickly fingered me
while I bashed him off. “You look fukin sexy damn!” I was wearing red ecko top and
black Armani jeans with 5inch Jimmy Chow shoes. Bought for me by the mumzy! I had
straightened the red hair and put on some dramatic red and black eye liner. I was
looking over sexy! We got in his bredrin’s car and they started bunnin. It smelt
over nice but I didn’t wanna be buzzin before we got there. His bredrin was a
decent looking mixed race guy. He looked a bit young doh! Darius was 20 and I had
told him I was 18 which was a big fat lie. We got the destination. It was a big
house in those big estates and there was bare loudness coming from everywhere.
Lollypop was playing and I sang along to it. Darius winked at me and I licked my
lips. I knew what he was thinking. “After.” I mouthed to him. We went inside with
everyone looking at me. I looked hot and there was no denying it. I got stares
from girls that were on some mad flexes. I didn’t give two shits. I was doing me.
I went straight for the alcohol and ended up tipsy. I was dancing with the air
when I felt someone behind me. I didn’t bother to look but their piece was going
on hard. I danced and whined and danced some more. Then top 3 selected came on and
all the manz went nuts including me. Everyone started skankin to it. The DJ was
running the crowd dis was a live shubz. “If your talking the hardest” everyone
went nuts. Couple of people pushed me from left to right and right to left. Proper
shouting out the words to it. I looked over to see one girl who had compromised
with the beat and was whinin on her man to it. I laughed out loud. The music got a
bit too hype for me so I went up the stairs to the toilet to wash face and fix up
my make up. I waited for a while and came back to where the live-ness was. On my
way down I heard moans coming from all the rooms that were shut. People were on
it. I went downstairs and was jammin by myself when one girl walked through. She
was mixed, wearing a short black dress and heels. She looked nice and she was
pretty still. I was about to rate her when someone walked through the door with
her. I felt like vomiting. He leaned forward and kissed her. A proper passionate
kiss. I wanted to go home. It was De-Andre. If I knew he was going to be there I
wouldn’t have bothered coming. But it was too late. I watched as he grabbed her by
her waist and took her to the dance floor. I watched in envy. That could’ve been
me. I felt so damn jealous. I watched as he whispered in her ear and she smiled up
at him. Then our eyes locked. He looked at me whispered something in her ear she
turned around and they both laughed. I wanted to cry my eyes out but I soldiered
it out and got more Hennessey to drink. I gulped down one after another. A couple
of mans were smoking in the corner and a zoot got passed down to me. I was now
buzzin and on the verge of being drunk. I started dancing with one next guy and
next thing I knew we were
up stairs lashing. I got dressed and walked down the stairs. I was zipping my
jeans when I saw De-Andre. He looked at me in disgust and walked away. I got a
text. “You really are a sket you know.” From De-Andre. I wanted to cry but buzzin
meant that I had a mixed reaction. I decided to pay him back some more. I went
round kissing and touching up any guy I could find knowing he was watching me. But
he looked like he really didn’t care. What made me angry was the fact that I did.
I was sitting on the floor when he approached me. He smelt so damn nice and was
wearing white and blue. A crisp white Armani top, white Armani trousers, blue Nike
crep and blue diamond earrings. He looked so damn sexy. “You need to go home.”
“Who the fuck are you talking to?” I hyped to him. “You’re nearly drunk, buzzin
and being a sket.” “Bruv what I do is none of your business so fuck off.” He came
closer and I could see the anger in his eyes. “I don’t give a shit about you; it’s
my children’s welfare I’m on about. You can do whatever the hell you want to do,
you hoe.” “Thank you.” “You should be pleased, what you started before you’re
continuing. It’s a minor for you. O look.” He said pointing to a breh jammin by
himself. “Go throw yourself at him, maybe this time you’ll get paid.” I felt so
useless. I got up and slapped him so hard a couple of people looked. “You smell
like a junkie move away from me.” He shoved me away and walked back to the girl he
was with. She cut her eyes at me and I walked out to her and punched her in her
face. This resulted in me getting thrown out with people dem staring at me and
laughing. To top it off, it started raining. Darius was no where to be found and I
was money-less. I started walking towards the direction of home. Then I stepped in
a puddle which meant that my shoes were now wet. The day couldn’t get any worse. A
passing car stopped and beeped the horn at me. I got in. It was a decent looking
guy and we buss convo for a bit. A couple of minutes later I was sucking his dick.
Soon after, he dropped 50pounds on my lap and I got out of the car. Wow. A 16year
old mum, becoming a prostitute. I looked up in the sky and it poured down on me.
Life could not get any worse for me. I bought a bus pass and took a bus home
crying all the way. It kept playing in my head all over again. I knew I had fucked
up big time I just didn’t know how to make it up. The bus ride was slow and sad.
“Are you alrite dear?” an old lady asked. I nodded. I had been sniffing bare
trying to stop the crying. It obviously weren’t working. It was my stop and I
nearly missed it. I run home because the rain began to take the piss. I opened the
door to my yard and saw a note from my mumzy. They were jammin at mah aunties in
Pecknarm. I was happy they weren’t at home when I came. I took out my phone and it
dropped the floor. I couldn’t be bothered to pick it up. I walked into my kitchen
wet and sat on the floor and just looked around. I suddenly felt so angry. I got
up and smashed the nearest plate. I was so angry I just walked into my room,
stripped naked and went into the shower. I spent about an hour just standing there
crying. Wow, love really did heart. I got out of the bath just in time to hear the
door bell ring. I
quickly put on a robe and run downstairs wiping the tears out of my eyes in the
process. I opened the door and got a big fat slap. “You hypocrite.” She shouted at
me. “what exactly did I do?” I asked. Knowing full well I knew. “You fuck
Priceless when you have De-Andre, you know I’m his baby mother right? Priceless.”
I nodded. She looked pissed. “And still, you fuck him and then fuck De and you
thought you weren’t gonna get caught?” I had had enough of people’s nonsense. “Yes
and I enjoyed every bit of it.” “You really are a BITCH.” “Safe, I know.” “Wow,
you get pregnant at 15, get someone killed, have a baby and have the decency to
fuck your oldah who is my ting and is the father to my daughter.” “Yup, exciting
innih.” She looked vex. “Mandy, have you finished yet, I got places to go.”
“Another mans yard for some dick innih what a slag.” “Its plural dicks” I said
smiling. She had pissed me off. “Priceless’ dick feels nice innih, o man when he
bites on my neck damn! Does he do that to you aswell Mandy?” She was silent so I
continued my assault. “O well, maybe I really am special. The things he did to me.
Wow.” She slapped me again and this time I laughed. “You slap like a bitch. Tell
my god-daughter I said Hi.” I said and slammed the door in her face. I had got a
quick glimpse of the anger and tears in her eyes before shutting my door. “Rayne,
I swear to God you will pay for this.” She shouted through my letter box. Right
now I didn’t care and she could do whatever she wanted to do. I stayed at home,
watched tv and went to bed. I woke up to the sound of a long bang outside. I
looked outside to see a car. It had a flat tire. “Stoopid dickhead.” I muttered to
myself. I got in the shower and quickly got dressed. I wanted to go shopping for a
whole new wardrobe. I had some money saved up and the money from the guy in car
meant that altogether I had about 3bills. I decided to go west. I went downstairs
and found a note in my letter box saying “You’re a dead bitch.” It had been typed.
I really didn’t care at that present moment in time. Life was tough so boy. I got
my other phone and picked up the essentials I needed. Then it hit me. For the last
couple of days I hadn’t eaten and I also didn’t feel the need to. I walked to the
bus stop and waited for a bus. I suddenly decided to visit Dwayne for some weird
reason. So I crossed the road to take the bus the opposite way. It didn’t come so
I decided to walk. The feeling of being watched crept on me. I turned around and
no one was there. I started walking fast. I got to the house to find that no one
was there. I was so pissed because I had walked to get there. I rang his next door
neighbours bell and a man came out. He was sexy. I purposely licked my lips and he
winked at me. “Umm do you by any chance know where Dwayne is?” Then he spoke. His
voice was so deep it started to turn me on. “I aint seen anyone come out of that
house in two days” “O, Ok.” “Would you like to come in for some tea?” I decided to
be upfront. “Nope, I would like to come in for some dick doh.” I winked and he
smiled. I saw the huge bulge in his trousers and knew I had hit the jackpot. I
grabbed his piece and went into the house. We 69’ed, doggy’ and he let me ride his
piece. I sat on the bed sweating and watching him dress. “Wow that was something
else.” I nodded. “So do you live here?” I asked. “Nope this is my sister’s house I
am just house sitting for this weekend. “ “So how you know Dwayne?” “I don’t, I
just wanted to talk to you.” I
laughed and so did he. I started to get dressed. “Come back soon Cecelia.” I
winked at him. I will. I walked out of the house with a smile on my face. I was
happy. I took a bus for about 10minutes got off and took the train. About 30mins
later I was in west. I decided to go to JD to go what was gwarning there. Nothing.
Either it was too bait or too old for me. I took the back street and ended up in
Levi and fell in love with some peng jeans. I looked at the price tag and thanked
God I had brought that much money with me. 75, for jeans. I bought it and walked
out of the shop looking over happy. I got a text on my phone. It was from Jade.
“Long time since we talked. Wag1 for that bitch? Lol. Shubz tonight, cant cum to
your yard, Meet me there. Lucy’s house? Yeh I know you remember you whore. Lol. Tb
if you’re interested. (Of course you are.)” I text back quickly. My life was
boring anyway. So, another shubz. I needed a top to wear with my new garm. I hit
Ann Summers and La Senza and bought the sexiest underwear. One bill was gone. I
didn’t know where to get a top from. I didn’t have a clue. I decided to hit Camden
Town to find a top. One shubz and I was reaching everywhere in London for it. Kmt.
I finally found those belly tops that were see through. I felt like a rebel go my
belly button got re-pierced and had a sexy looking R coming down. I got home at
8pm, had a quick shower, straightened parts of my red hair and reached for the gel
for the first time in nearly a year. I got to work. I was done and I looked hot if
I say so myself. I then clocked my mistake. I was going to mess it up again cah I
weren’t wearing my clothes. KMT. O well, I weren’t going to fix it. About
15minutes later I was done. I waited until 9:45 and left my house. The wind
blowing through my hair was a lot. But it was also quite warm. I walked to the bus
stop and waited. I was not walking again. After a few seconds it came and I got on
it. I saw one African guy stare at me. His chick caught that and screwed me while
I smiled at her. I jammed upstairs. Knowing most people were watching my body. I
started laughing in my head. After 20minutesI got to my stop and got off the bus.
The location was so fuckin bait. As soon as I got off the bus I traced the music
to a house. There was actually no one inside which shocked me. “This must be
live.” The door was shut so I pressed it. Some next dude opened the door and I
could smell the weed on him. He was zoned out. I entered, not taking any notice of
him touching my bum. There were bare heads in the hallway jammin and all the mans
turned their heads my way cah I was sure they smelled before they saw me. I smiled
in my head. Dior perfume was pure genius. “Oi sexy come here lemme speak my mind
about your batty.” I started laughing but walked on. I walked into what I assumed
was the living room. It was huge and packed. So many heads. I started whinin to
thin air on some Chris Brown when someone came behind me. We started whinin and
grindin and soon bare heads were looking and shouting encouragement. His mans were
obviously biggin him up and ratin. I just wanted my dance. After a while I got
tired and
wanted something to drink. My new found friend and I went to where drinks were at.
I chose water. I weren’t getting zoned for no-one tonight. Then I heard her voice
before I saw her. I thought to myself. “Let the games begin.” She came in and saw
my pretty face starin at her. I weren’t having a bar. If she wanted beef I was
bringing it in packages. She screwed me. “Who exactly are you looking at?” I
asked. “Nuttin much innih, just a loose chick.” “Fuckrie.” Some of the people in
the room said. “That’s why when your at home looking after “Rayne” your man come
get my pussy.” “Slag!” she shouted. “Cah your pussy too damn loose. His dick gets
harder for me. He told me.” I said smiling. I anticipated what she was about to do
before she done it. She jumped at me but I moved out of the way. “What 16year old
has children?” she laughed. “What 18year old has a child and a man sleeping with
the 16year old with a daughter?” I laughed. That was the ultimate diss for her.
She grabbed my hair and started pulling. I punched her stomach but like the bitch
she was she didn’t let go. No-one tried to stop it. “Oi, Mandy what the fuck are
you doing, who is the girl with the red hair?” he asked at the same time. It was
Priceless. We all stopped and stared at him. He looked at me with confusion in his
eyes. Then looked at Mandy. “Arr fuck you!” he said to her. “I told you to leave
it, you neva listen now look at the stupidness you go and cause.” I smiled at her
while playing with my belly ring. He looked at me and kissed his teeth. Just then,
Dwayne, De-Andre and Jade came through the door and looked. “Rayne?” “Yup.” “Rah
your hair!” I nodded. Jade came closer and Mandy walked out with after Priceless.
De-Andre just stared off into space. As usual his swagger was immaculate. He had
taken out his hair and it was in a ponytail. He had on Levi jeans (same as me), A
top saying “I get paid & I get laid.” His colour coordination was on sky high
level. Wow. Jade and Dwayne obviously didn’t know what happened yet. “I’ll leave
you two alone.” She whispered and walked out with Dwayne who gave me a wink. “You
look nice…” he said. “Thanks.” I walked up to him and reached up to kiss him. Then
he turned his face. I felt like a dickhead. He pushed me away. “You just don’t get
it do you Rayne.” “Get what?” “Wow.” “I want you back.” I said eagerly. “Rayne,
you never had me.” Tears just slowly gathered up in my eyes. I couldn’t cry. Not
now. “O so everything you said, you lied?” “No, you did. You assumed you loved me
but obviously your destined to become one thing.” “Which is?” “A prostitute, don’t
act like you aint started already. I hear your business is booming.” “What?” I
asked confused. He took out his phone and had me gob smacked. It was a video of me
and Darius fuckin. “How did you…?” He turfed my question. “You’re lucky I asked
him to delete it. Watch yourself because your selfishness is not going to cost my
children. Ya hear?” I nodded like a dickhead. “Now go.” He said. I didn’t budge. I
wanted to speak my mind. “I hate you and I hope you die.” I angrily spluttered at
him. “I don’t hate you, but you hate yourself, now go home or go to your next
customer. Look at yourself. You’re a pro.” I run out of the kitchen and out of the
house. Barging Mandy on my way out. Tears were streaming down my face. I felt like
a prick. If any one else had said that I wouldn’t have cared or bothered. But,
coming from him it hurt like a knife had been put through my heart.
I accidently bumped into someone. “O, I’m sorry.” I said while still looking down.
“O you will be.” I looked up to see Mandy and a couple of her girls surrounding me
with bottles and so on. I knew I was going to die. “Say hi to the devil for me.”
She smiled before coming at me with a sharp object. Then something hard hit my
head. I dropped to the floor. “Wah you saying now huh…” I kept my mouth shut.
“Funny how you was bare talking, here’s an audience. Talk!” She said and kicked my
jaw. I felt it click. It was so damn painful. I tried to get back up but was
kicked to the floor. “You still don’t get it. You think you can have EVERYTHING. I
worked hard for my relationship with Priceless and I aint gonna let a stupid
likkle rassclart tart like you try mess it up for me. See what I’m saying.” “No,
not really.” I replied. Trying to soldier it out. “ She thinks she’s superman,
with her fass mouth.” Someone said. I got bottled and I knew the reason I was
still conscious was because I had used my hand to protect my head. They dragged me
into a secluded park and threw me at a fence. Water immediately gathered in my
eyes. It was so painful I couldn’t scream or shout. The scream was caught in my
throat. I suddenly remembered first time I had sex with De-Andre and smiled. “Oi,
Mandy she’s smiling.” “Chat shit.” A light came unto my face and I closed my eyes.
Someone slapped me several times and spat on me. I felt like I had been raped. I
went through everything in my head and realized how selfish I had been. I really
could not afford to die cah I had children. I decided to soldier it out. “Stand
Up!” someone commanded. I did and got pushed back to the floor and suddenly shoes
started stamping on me. They were rushing me and I had no option but to curl
myself into a ball and silently pray and cry. Someone picked me up and I opened my
eyes to see Mandy holding a knife. My body tensed and I could swear my heart
missed a beat. I closed my eyes and prepared for what was about to happen. “Oi
you, what d’ya think yur doing ta’er!” a male voice boomed. Them cockney accents.
The person dropped me and they all dusted. I hit the floor with a thud and my body
refused to move. My face felt swollen and my belly was killing me. Every part of
my body was in pain. I silently cried and heard the prominent sound of footsteps
approach me. Closer and closer. “Poor child, Can you hear me?” I couldn’t move or
talk so I couldn’t answer. He crouched down and looked at me and I stared back
helplessly. “I’ve called the ambulance they’ll be here soon.” He waited with me in
the awkward silence while he told me stories about his children. I laughed in my
head as he told me the funniest stories. I tried to smile to let him know that I
appreciated what he was doing. For about 15minutes he talked and helped me forget
the pain. The sound of sirens could be heard. They were close by. Soon after am
ambulance parked in the corner and Joshua. The guy who had saved me, called out to
them. They put an oxygen mask over my face and slowly put me on a stretcher. I
passed out.
I opened my eyes and I was in a park sitting on a swing. I saw De-Andre and the
twins. I called out to him and he looked in my direction and looked away again. I
saw Jade open her arms running to hug someone and I run to her and hugged her.
Nothing. I went straight through her. I realized, I was dead. I started bawling.
“No, I cant be dead.” I saw De-Andre with another girl and I read his lips as he
told her he loved her. “No De- I love you. I’m sorry. I love you” But he didn’t
hear but once again looked in my direction. “Rayne!” I opened my eyes to see
Dwayne, Jade, De-Andre and Priceless staring at me. I was crying and finding it
hard to breathe. I finally got my breath back with help of the oxygen mask.
“Rayne, you were having a nightmare.” I continued to cry and didn’t look at
anyone. I felt weak and I passed out again. I woke up but still had my eyes
closed. I could smell disinfectant everywhere. I knew I was in a hospital but
didn’t remember why. Then it all came running back. It kept playing over and over
again in my head. I opened my eyes to see DeAndre watching me. He saw my eye
flinch and clocked I was awake. “Rayne?” I opened my eyes. I tried to get up and
he forced me back down and readjusted the pillows so I was sitting up. While doing
so, I got lost in his smell. He smelled so nice. He sat on my the hospital bed
with worried eyes. His left eye was now black and his right eye looked navy dark
blue. It was freaky and sexy at the same time. “Are you going to tell me what
happened?” I shook my head. “Why not.” “Because I deserved it.” I said with tears
in my eyes. “Nobody deserves to beat up and left for dead for doing nothing.” I
frowned. “But you know exactly what I did. What do you mean nothing.” He took a
deep breathe. “I’m disappointed.” With that, he walked out. I spent a day in the
hospital and discharged myself without any one knowing. The nurse had gave me some
second hand clothing from the hospital and I felt dirty. I lied about calling a
taxi and half run half limped to catch a bus. I carried the prescribed drugs
alongside me. I got on the bus and was suddenly scared to go home because my mum
could be there. I decided to stay at Dwayne’s house. As I got on the bus every one
stared at me because I truly looked fucked up. “Young girl are you ok?” the bus
driver asked. “Yeh fine, thanks for asking.” I smiled at him. I went to find a
seat to sit on. My body was aching. After about half an hour I got off the bus and
started walking towards his house. I has a stitch already and I had to walk and
breathe in and out because it was that painful. I finally got there and got a
glimpse of my reflection in a car mirror. I looked fucked and my hair was
everywhere. I knocked on the door and waited. There was some rustling behind the
door and it opened. “What the hell are you doing out of hospital?” he asked.
“Discharged. Can I come in?” he hesitated for a bit and opened the door fully. He
was wearing his only his boxers. I was about to ask when a female voice came from
upstairs. “Andre! Who is it? Come upstairs you need to finish what you started.” I
felt like a top wasteman. “O I’m sorry, I’m clearly interrupting something. I’ll
be on my way…” I said turning around and heading for the door. “Oi, you are NOT
going anywhere, you look like you’ve been through 2 wars.” If I weren’t that weak
I would have punched him in his face. I headed towards the living room where he
went upstairs. I sat on the sofa and dozed off.
I woke up and immediately knew I was in his bed because I could smell him. I
opened my eyes and saw him on his laptop. He was lying on the floor. I looked down
and he heard the bed sheets shuffle so he turned around. “You’re back.” He smiled
at me. I smiled back. I got up and headed towards the bathroom. “Where are you
going?” “Bathroom.” I said. Without planning it, I had a bath. Now I was stuck
because I couldn’t get out of the tub. I had no option but to call him. “De-
Andre.” I said quietly. My voice was going aswell. “Deeeee!” I shouted with all my
energy. He stormed into the bathroom. “Oopss sorry.” He turned to walk out. “No
come back. I cant get out.” I said in disdain. He looked confused so I elaborated.
“Pick me up.” He hesitated. “You’re acting like you aint seen me naked before.” He
smiled. He came closer and I saw his face change. He was getting horny and he knew
that I knew. He lifted me up and wrapped me in a towel and picked me up and
dropped me unto his bed. I was stuck and so was he. We both felt the same thing
but we didn’t know exactly what to do. It felt so damn awkward. He looked at me.
“Could you please lend me some clothes please.” He walked to his wardrobe. “Don’t
watch this yeh.” I was baffled. He opened it and bare tops and crep dropped out. I
started laughing because one hit his head. I couldn’t stop laughing. My ribs hurt
but I couldn’t stop. He grinned at me. “So you think this is funny?” “Nope.” I
said and silently giggled. “Thank you.” He nodded. He went back to his laptop and
I started creaming myself. I wanted to kiss him so badly. It was so tempting to
have something in front of you that you wanted but knew that you couldn’t have it.
I purposely took away the towel which meant I was fully naked. I continued to
cream myself and saw him glance at me and hold his breath. At least I still turn
him on. I thought to myself. I smiled in my head. Satisfied that he still felt
something for me. He cleared his throat. “Could you cream my back please, I cant
reach.” He eagerly got up. He began his work. As soon as his fingers made contact
with my skin I started breathing hard. He slowly began creaming my back while I
got hornier. I bit my lip and tried to hold in that sigh that wanted to come out.
When he finished I decided one way or another I was going to have him again. I put
on the clothes he gave me. We were both sitting in silence. I was scared to talk.
He started talking. “You hurt me.” I didn’t know how to reply. I didn’t even know
what to say. “I’m sorry.” He didn’t reply. After about 5minutes later he answered.
“It’s got nothing to do with sorry, Rayne you care about only yourself and know
one else.” “I CARE ABOUT YOU!” I said sadly. “No you don’t because if you did, you
wouldn’t have done what you did. What makes it worse is that it weren’t a mistake
you knew what you were doing.” I switched and walked towards him. “You leave me
for a gun! Remember? And I took you back like the dickhead I was.” “Rayne. You
NEVER had me or took me back.” “Ok, so I all those things you said were just
lies!” I shouted at him. Then he switched. He looked so angry and hurt. Now we
were standing face to face and shouting at each other. “Maybe.” He answered. I
suddenly felt the tears gather up and fall from my eyes. “I HATE YOU.” I said.
Then we suddenly started kissing. I tasted my tears as I kissed him. He pushed me
on the
bed and started taking off my clothes. “I HATE YOU.” I said to him. “Hmm.” He
whispered. “I hate… I love you.” I said. I didn’t know what to do. I got naked
quickly and he started kissing my neck and slowly bite on it and sucked.
“Omydays.” I moaned and tensed. He got on top of me. His fingers slowly crept
downwards and I started to move restlessly. He started fingering me and kissed me
so I was moaning into his mouth. It was so weird. The feeling was so intense I
passed out. I opened my eyes and felt him behind me. I backed up to get closer to
him. “Turn around Rayne.” I did and stared into his eyes. They were now black
again. He took my hand and put it on his heart. “Can you feel it?” I nodded. “See
how fast its beating, because of you. Every time I see you it beats faster, but
you hurt me and it has never happened to me before, so I was quick to hate you and
I’m sorry.” I started crying. “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what to do to make it up
to you. But I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to you bubi.” He sighed and shook his head.
“Its not about that. I want you to understand that I have never loved anyone like
I’ve loved you. That’s why what happened right now happened. Rayne If you were any
other girl do you think you’ll even be breathing?” He thought about it for a while
and realized how evil he sounded or at least I hope he did. He chuckled. “Ok, that
came out completely wrong. “yeh it did. You had me scared.” I commented. He
laughed harder. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” “I know you didn’t.” “Is that
so?” he replied moving closer. Soon we were eye to eye nose to nose, everything to
everything. He spat in my mouth. He saw my face. It weren’t those immense ones,
just spit? “isn’t kissing swapping spit anyway?” I swallowed his spit and screwed
him. I got out of the bed and he slapped my bum. I walked out and didn’t look
back. I out of his bedroom into the kitchen. On my way I took one of his tops and
put it on. I walked into the kitchen and clocked how hungry I was. I decided to
make “Chinese” I took out some pepper and started chopping with the knife when I
clocked blood. “Fuck sake!” I had cut myself. I put my hand under the tap but it
didn’t stop bleeding. I put a tissue on it and postponed my cooking and ran
upstairs kinda scared. “I’m bleeding.” I said to him. He was still in his bed
watching a movie. “Come ere girl.” He said. He sounded so peng. His accent was
still there Damn. I walked towards him. He took the tissue off and put my cut
finger in his mouth. “De-Andre, you are officially WEIRD. What the fuck!?” he
grinned at me and continued to suck my blood. “You’re a vampire.” I said and took
my finger out. “Your blood is nice.” He winked at me. I looked at him in horror
and he laughed really hard. He got up and headed towards the bathroom. He was
naked and my temperature rose by a couple of degrees when he walked. I licked my
lips and realized what I was thinking and laughed at myself. He came back with a
plaster and took care of my finger. I kept looking places. He was talking but I
weren’t listening. I saw his lips move but didn’t register a word that came out.
He soon clocked and looked at what had got my attention. This time I heard him
when he spoke. “So wow, my dick got you hypnotized.” I nodded and kept staring. I
started kissing him and touched his piece and felt it go hard. I started bashing
him off and decided to let him know that I was the boss. “De?” He groaned. “Uh-
Huh?” “Am I your girl?” I said looking
at him. He nodded. “You’re sure?” He nodded again. I decided I had achieved what I
wanted to do so I stopped. His face was comical so I laughed. He looked pissed. He
was pissed but I didn’t care. It was called revenge. “You are a cock teaser.” I
laughed harder. I got into his bed and looked up into the ceiling and slowly
closed my eyes. My legs were hurting like mad. “Rayne, are you ready to tell me
who done it?” “Mandy.” I said. I couldn’t be bothered to talk and argue about it.
“She what!” I opened my eyes and saw him dressed and tying his shoe laces. He was
going out. Today he was wearing green and black. His crep was green and black and
he had black combats and a green Ed Hardy top. He was really and truly the meaning
of swagger. “Where are you going?” “To see someone.” “Who?” “Some-ONE.” “Who?” “
Someone.” “Who?” “A business associate.” “Who?” “Some fuckin one.” I weren’t
giving up that easily. “WHO!?” “PRICELESS!” I didn’t reply. I didn’t know whether
that was a good thing or not. “You need to learn to stop being so nosey.” I
totally agreed with him because now I felt like a wasteman. His door bell rang and
he went to open the door while I put on some clothes. They were 100 sizes too big
but I liked it because it was baggy. I walked downstairs and heard talking in the
living room. I opened the door and saw Jade and Sky talking to De. I frowned.
“What is going on?” Jade answered. “Mandy, is getting it.” “But I deserved it doh.
You don’t know what I did.” “Yes I did. Rayne I can read you like a book. I knew
what you were doing but I didn’t say anything.” “Wow…” “I don’t care if you took
her man but aint no way she is going to try kill you. She must think this is
Eastenders and Hollyoaks in one. Nah this aint Eastendoaks. No Dennis to kill, no
Mandy to shoot, nah nah…” We were all silent for a second and realized that Sky
had strayed of topic and was evidently chatting shit. We all started laughing.
“But yeh…she’s getting it. No one fucks with you girl or boy.” Sky said. I smiled
when she looked at De-Andre and emphasized the word “boy”. She was a lot. I
explained to them what happened. “The police came while you were in the hospital.”
“Seriously?” I asked. “Yeh, you said you didn’t know who it was and you didn’t see
them.” “serious? I don’t remember saying that.” “Rayne dear, you hardly remember
anything.” Sky said. “ By the way I like your hair.” “Thanks.” “Makes you look so
damn…” De-Andre stopped and we all laughed at him. He also kinda strayed off
topic. He got a phone call and walked out of the room. “Fuckin hell, he always
smells nice don’t he.” Jade commented. “I know” Sky and I replied at the same
time. We all started laughing. “Ouch!” I winced in pain. “What the matter bubz?”
“Rib, pain, hurt, bad, beat up.” They started laughing and I didn’t see anything
funny about the situation. “What language was that?” “English.” “You Africans.”
They started laughing and I felt left out so I laughed aswell. The situation
became fuckri cah as soon as I started laughing they stopped which meant I was
laughing by myself. They stared at me and my laugh died out. Literally. They
started laughing again. We talked for a while and they put some ice on my face to
make the swelling go down. By evening I was feeling so much better and my mum
called Jade’s phone and asked me to come home to look after the twins. Jade and
came with me. “Hi mummy.” “What de hell happened to your face.” “I dropped down
the stairs because I was walking in the dark.” She frowned but didn’t say anything
else. I thanked God. “Where are they?” “Upstairs.” I ran up the stairs. Nah…I
didn’t. I slowly limped up the stairs in excitement. I walked into my mumzy’s room
and saw their cute faces staring at me. De immediately started crying. “Spoilt
baby.” I said and picked him up. He immediately stopped. “Attention seeker.” Lesha
looked up from her cot and smiled. “Aww who’s a good girl.” She started laughing
while the other one seeked more attention. She stuck out her tongue. “Baby your
hungry. Mummy’s coming back with food.” As I made an attempt to leave the room she
started crying. Now I was stuck. I heard someone coming up the stairs. I assumed
it was my mum. The door opened. “Mum could you-?” He looked at me and grinned.
“How did you get here?” “I used the front door.” “Don’t fuck about man, you know
what I mean.” He laughed and came closer. “I came to see my children.” He said
stepping closer. He took Lil De away from me and surprisingly he didn’t cry.
“Bitch.” I muttered under my breath. “What?” “that one your carrying, always cries
when people pick him up. He doesn’t know you and as soon as you pick him up
nothing comes out of his small trap.” He laughed as I picked up Leesha. “Wow, he
looks just like me and she wow.” He said completely in shock. “This is amazing.”
De-Andre sat on the floor and started playing with Lil De. It looked so cute. This
baby was a top actor and he weren’t even one yet. He was smiling and making those
baby noises but started crying as soon as I attempted to pick him up. “Omdz.” I
said in shock. De-Andre just laughed. “Like father like fuckin son.” I muttered
under my breath. “Mummy has got fat issues.” He said to the baby. “Don’t try
corrupt my son.” “Our son mate, our son.” I smiled. I walked out with Leesha and
left them to catch up on whatever they were discussing. He didn’t even notice me
walk out of the room. I walked downstairs to discover them watching Heroes. My mum
and all. “Hello?” No one bothered to look in my direction. “Lesh baby its me and
you.” I went into the kitchen and fed her. I walked back up stairs to discover
they had moved into my room. I went inside to find the little one sleeping and the
big one watching him. “Shh he’s asleep.” “You dickhead, you think I don’t know
that. I flippin breast feed him sometimes.” He chuckled. I put Leesha on the floor
and she started biting his crep with her gums. He picked her up and she looked at
him for a long time. As it to say “Who the fuck are you.” Then she sneezed on his
face. I laughed and got the baby wipes and wiped his face. “Wow this feels
amazing. Like wow.” “De?” “Yup.” “Can I see a picture of Destiny and Desire?” His
eyes lit up immediately and I saw the happiness in them. “Not on this phone at the
moment.” “O ok…” “OMDZ.” I gasped. “She’s sleeping.” I said. “SO?” “She has never
slept this time before, usually takes a lot of crying.” “Maybe cah her daddy is
here.” He grinned and I looked at him. I picked up Lil De and we headed towards
the cots. A couple of minutes later me and De-Andre were on my bed just talking.
“I love you.” He said randomly. “I know, and I kinda like you too.” He frowned and
I laughed. “Joke! Chillax. Love you too.” I said and kissed him.
Things were going to get better right? We obviously couldn’t do anything because
people were downstairs. I talked and talked and talked and he listened. I felt
great telling him everything. What sacred me, what made me happy and silly things
that hurt me. He listened and I talked for ages. I was nearly out of breath when I
finished. He was about to say something when his phone went off. He answered it
and talked for a bit. ”I have to go.” “I clocked.” He got out of the bed and put
on his crep. “DeAndre, what exactly do you do?” He laughed, kissed me on my cheek
said bye and walked out. I was now determined to find out what he did for a
living. A week later, I was watching Friday on DVD laughing my ass off when my
phone rang. It was Jade. Priceless. [After seeing Rayne at the hospital] After the
hospital occasion I drove home and sat down confused. Mandy had gone too far. She
nearly killed Rayne. No-one was at home. I assumed Mandy had taken Rayne out.
(daughter) I walked about and waited for her. She didn’t come. So man started
playing the Xbox. I was about to kick some virtual ass when the door slammed. I
turned it off and waited for her. I was upstairs in the bedroom and she was
downstairs. Her footsteps became more loud the closer she came. She opened the
door and jumped. “Oh shit, you scared me.” She said attempting to give me a kiss.
I turned my head. “What’s the matter?” “You.” I said and walked away. “You flippin
tried to kill Rayne.” She laughed. “O, her. I should have known. No, I taught her
a lesson. She shouldn’t fuck about with me.” “It was ME that fucked her. ME. So
why don’t you try teach me a lesson?” she was silent. “Because I love you.” She
said beginning to cry. I felt no remorse for her what so ever. “Mandy the ONLY
reason I’m with you is because of Rayne, my daughter. I grew up without a dad and
I know how it feels like shit. That’s why I asked you to move in with me. So that
my baby had a stable family. But because you cant keep your mouth shut, hands to
yourself and fingers of alcohol, I’m taking custody of my daughter.” “You cant do
that!” “Yes I can and I will, I talked to the lawyer today.” She started crying
uncontrollably but I still didn’t feel sorry for her. “But but, you cant I love
her you just cant.” “I love her too and if you want what’s best for you and her,
I’m giving you three days to pack your shit and get the fuck out of my house.”
“What about Rayne?” I laughed at her cheek. “You actually thought I was letting
you walk out of my house carrying MY daughter? She’s staying with me.” “But, I’m
her mother you cant do that!” She said crying more and more. “You are no mother.
You are an alcoholic. Do you know how many times you’ve come home drunk? You go
with your friends get high and do God knows what and I stand back and take this
shit? No enough is enough and I want you gone before I really start switching
because when I do you wont like it.” She was bawling like a baby and I walked out
off the room just in time to miss my lamp
smashing against the wall where my head should have been. This girl was trouble
and my baby weren’t growing up with that around her. I walked into my kitchen to
see the asshole had left her alone in the buggy. Luckily she was sleeping. I was
about to take her out when she woke up anyway. I smiled at her and she smiled
back, showing her gums. I walked over and picked her up. “I love you Rayne.” I
said acting as though she could understand me. “Its me and you from now on and
truss me no girl is getting in our way.” She smiled. “You understand that huh.”
Rayne. “Jade, what exactly are you searching for?” She laughed. “Would you like to
get some revenge?” A smile crossed my face. “Mandy?” I asked, in excitement. “Yup.
Guess what? I heard Priceless threw her out.” “Chat shit!” “Yup, he did. And he
wants custody of Rayne he’s proper going hard with this.” “Rah I feel sorry for
her. If De-Andre dared do that to me. I swear down I would kill him. My children
are my world swear down.” “Aww, the 16 year old mum!” “Oi shut your mouth.” We
both started laughing on the line. “But seriously Rayne what you wanna do?” “Ermm,
I wanna kick her ass and fucking break something of hers blud.” “Okay, Okay. I’ll
call you back.” “Random, but ok. Bye bye bubz.” She laughed. “Yeh bye my love” I
laughed and we both locked off. I decided to go out. I felt kinda bad. So I text
Jade. “Nah I’m not on it no more. It’s fuckry to her. Allow her. I don’t think I
can do it no more. Sorry boo boo. X x x” A couple of minutes later I got a
message. “Damn! But ye I understand.” I felt a bit better and got dressed. The red
dye in my hair was still prominent which meant I was rocking bright colours for
the rest of the month. I really didn’t mind. I wore my white skinny jeans, yellow
low cut top and yellow dolly shoes and some yellow and white accessories. I looked
sick. If I say so myself. I took my Roca wear bag and went out of my house. The
heat was amazing. I decided to hit the shop to buy some water. When I got there, I
saw Mandy jamming outside with one guy from my endz called Romel. She looked at me
and I looked back at her. She looked away. “Dickhead.” I muttered to myself. When
I came out of the shop, there was no-one there. They had gone away. I headed
towards the bus stop clueless on where I was going. I decided to take a short cut
which meant crossing the road and going through a small alleyway. I crossed the
road and started walking. I felt something weren’t right. I looked behind and no-
one was there. I put my head phones in my ear and started listening to some slow
jams. A couple of minutes later, I felt something hit my head. I turned around to
see Mandy had bottled me but hadn’t hit me hard enough for me to collapse. I took
out my headphones and saw her run away laughing. I took off my shoe and chased
after her still in pain. She crossed the road and jumped on a bus that had just
stopped. I was so angry I couldn’t breathe. I saw a couple of heads staring at me
and I clocked I weren’t wearing any shoes. I put my shoes back on and called Jade.
“Rayne, you
must want something.” “Mandy just bottled me.” “CHAT SHIT!” she shouted down my
line. “Come to my house now!” she exclaimed. “On my way.” I decided to explain
what I think happened. Mandy I felt good after what I did but I knew in my hearts
of hearts I wouldn’t be happy until this girl was dead. I smiled to myself. She
had fucked up everything for me. My relationship with Priceless is in jeopardy and
De-Andre wont even talk to me. I cant see my baby any more and because of her I’m
back on the drugs. I felt the tears gather up in my eyes. I shook it off. I
weren’t going to cry. I had to soldier this out. Soon enough, Priceless will be
mine again and Rayne, dead. I got off the bus and headed towards my cousins
apartment. I buzzed his number and he opened the door. I waited for the lift and
after a few minutes it came. I took it to the 6th floor and got out to find his
door open. I walked inside and smelt the weed straight away. I wanted a puff
straight away. I shut the door behind me and walked into his living room. I could
hear bare manz in the room and the tv was loud and the music was also loud. I
walked inside and saw everyone but my cousin look at me. I smiled. “Set me your
spliff g.” I asked one light skinned guy. He passed it over and I took a long puff
and let it out. “That felt good.” I winked at him. He winked back. “Tyrone, I need
to talk to you.” I stated. “Go on.” I started talking about everything that
happened and his mandem listened aswell. When I finished the music had stopped and
every man in the room was looking at me. “Fuckin hell! That was like a movie.”
“Alie.” Someone else replied. “So what should I do?” “Mandy, leave it blud cah I
know Rayne and I’m saying don’t fuck about.” “I don’t fuckin care!” I shouted.
“She FUCKED up my life and you want me to leave it? Nah mate I aint even started.
I’m going to get revenge.” “Nah low them ones there. You fuckin nearly killed the
girl.” The light skinned dude said. “Mandy leave it blud and you cant chat shit
cah you cheated on him aswell with that Romel or whatever his name is.” “But that
was an accident!” “You chat the most shit!” Tyrone replied. “What you mean?”
“Mandy, you fuckin slept with him for 6months. You think that Priceless don’t know
that before that DNA test there was a possibility the baby weren’t his.” “W-What?”
I asked confused and scared at the same time. “Priceless knew you were fuckin
Romel way before I found out. De-Andre fucking told me one day and told me to warn
you cah Price was going to throw you out and tell Victoria about it. Victoria was
Price’s older sister who had hated me since time began. I hated her too but I
couldn’t exactly tell her cah she was dangerous to deal with. I knew for a fact
that she wouldn’t blink to kill me. We talked for time and then we decided to get
fucked. Someone went out and bought the alcohol and more weed. Happy days. Rayne
“Jade I’m going after her. I swear down I’m gonna make sure she never forgets it.”
I said. “To think I was going to allow it and let it slide. Nah how dare she!” I
shouted. Everyone on the bus looked in my direction. “And you lots mind your own
fucking business.” I directed at him. Jade started laughing on my line which made
me smile. “Its not funny! They’re bare watching face!” “Allow them man, its called
curiosity.” “Nah its called being nosey!” Someone started calling me. “Jade hold
on yeh, someone’s calling me. It was on private. “Man I’m gonna be on hold!” she
sighed and I laughed. “Hello?” I asked. Silence. “Her-fuckin low? Who’s this?”
Silence again. I was about to lock off the phone when the person decided to speak.
“Yeh, sorry hello.” I was surprised. “De-Andre?” “Yeh, what are you doing today?”
“Nothing.” I lied. I wanted to find out what he wanted. “Would you like to
accompany me somewhere?” “yeh where?” “Airport.” “Why?” “My gran is coming from
America innih.” “O Ok, Erm hold on a sec.” I swapped calls. “Jade, I’ll bell you
back yeh.” “Omdz I get dropped for De-Andre.” She replied. “How you know is him?”
“Only person that will make you sound horny on the phone.” I laughed. “Dickhead.”
“Bye.” We both said and locked off. “Yeh, De, I wana come.” “Meet me outside the
train station.” “We aint taking car?” “Noooo! Do you think I’m superman?” “Yeh.” I
replied. I weren’t joking. He weren’t Spiderman or a genetically modified human
but he did have powers. “Hmm, I’ll show you some of my powers if you quickly come
over.” “I’m on my way.” I replied excitedly. “Ok. I’m waiting. Bye.” I locked off
and started getting horny. I got off the bus and took another 1. The bus ride was
long for me. I was about to get off the bus when I got a text. It read; “ Don’t
knock door is open. Cum upstairs!” I got hornier and bit my lip. I paced to his
yard and opened the door and properly locked it. I slowly walked up the stairs.
The door to his room was locked and I was slightly dehydrated. My water had
finished. I quickly u-turned but not before talking off my shoes and running down
the stairs. I quickly drank the water and went back upstairs. I opened the door to
find him sitting on his bed in his boxers and hands down his shorts watching some
porn. He had shut all the curtains so it was dark. He looked so damn horny. I
grinned at him and walked towards him. “Come sit down.” He said. I tried hard not
to laugh. He was proper in his element. He licked his lips at me and I coulda
swore I saw a halo on top of his head. I sat on him and we started kissing. He
started talking off my clothes. It was hot anyway so I didn’t mind. Soon, I was
lying on top of him naked and the only thing stopping us were the Calvin Klein
boxer shorts he had on. “You want it?” he asked. Referring to his piece. “Of
course I fucking do.” He started laughing but I was dead serious. “Come get some
then.” He said and winked. He looked so fucking sexy. He picked me up and laid me
on his bed. He then on top of me. Making me bite my lip again. “Do you love me?”
he asked. “Of course I do.” He started biting on my nipples and I grabbed onto him
harder and moaned. I started breathing really hard and he just continued. “Rayne,
I love you.” “Same same.” He started fingering me. “Rayne, I need you.” “O my !” I
breathed. “I need you too.” He started biting and kissing on my neck. “Rayne?”
“Yes buba?” “Marry me.” “Yes...ok.” I whispered in his ear.
He slowly started fucking me. O my word. It didn’t feel like sex. It was something
I had never in my life experienced before. “De-Andre I love you, swear I will
never stop loving you. You mean everything to me.” I randomly said. Not
recognizing my own voice. “ Rayne I wanna be with you until the end of time.” He
replied. It was like we were at our wedding just saying our wedding recitals. He
suddenly stopped. “What’s wrong?” he kissed my cheek and replied. “I like you on
top.” I started laughing and he turned me over so I was sitting on his dick. He
smiled at me and I bent down to kiss him. “Ouch! What you do that for!” He didn’t
reply but smiled. He had bit my lip. “Your lips look tasty enough to eat.” I
started grinding on him and soon, we were both moaning, kissing, biting and
griping on each other. He threw away the covers and made me go on all fours and
started hitting it from behind. “De-Andreee! Omdz, dat feels so…” I couldn’t
finish my sentence cah I couldn’t breathe. I was moaning and shouting his name. He
started slapping my bum which made me even hornier. “O yeh baby.” He worked harder
and I clocked that he liked it when I talked dirty to him. It turned him on even
more. “De, fuck me harder please, o shit o shit, yehh baby o my-“ I was about to
cum and he could tell. He continued to tear out my pussy for the next 10minutes
before he buss inside me. He collapsed on top of me. He used his arms to support
him and he got off me and laid beside me, stroking my thigh. We both dozed off. I
woke up to him kissing my neck. “Rayne?” “Yeh?” “I was serious.” “ABOUT?”
“Marrying you.” I smiled but he couldn’t see cah I had my back turned to him. “De-
Andre, I know and so was I when I said yes.” I could now feel him breathing on my
neck. “serious?” he asked. I could hear the excitement in his voice and I had to
laugh. “O, you were fucking about.” He replied in disappointment. I turned to face
him and what I saw shocked me. “Omdz when did you get it?” I asked. I hadn’t even
noticed it before. “O couple of weeks ago.” “Isit real?” He laughed. “You’re so
naive.” I pouted and he kissed me. I bit his lip and he started roaring with
laugher. He wouldn’t stop and I had to slap him a couple of time for him to stop.
He had a tat of Leesha,Lil-De and my name on his chest. It looked sick! But I was
really shocked. It was in italics, an example, it kinda looked like Trey Songz’s
tat on his chest. Only, there was a prayer there as well. It looked really nice
but painful. I knew that I would never have a tat because I couldn’t stand pain. I
turned around to sleep again when he smacked my bum. “Ouch, that hurt.” “Move, get
up, we’re gonna be late otherwise. Move it!” he shouted. He pulled off the covers
and I got cold. He started getting dressed and I just watched. I was watching him
when I clocked he was actually going to leave me if I didn’t hurry up. I started
to put back on my clothes when I clocked. “DeAndreeeee!” “Why you shouting mans
name like that? I’m right here.” “Did you sex me with a condom?” he lowered his
head. “I repeat did you sex me wit-“ he started kissing me. “Shullup,” he
whispered. “I’m not joking. You got me pregnant once, don’t fuck about. Do you
want more tats on your chest?” he grinned at he and pushed me onto the bed. “De-
Andre leave me and fuck off.” He allowed me to get dressed while he watched me
with some hungry eyes. I was scared he would just jump on me and I knew I couldn’t
say no to him. I put on my top and
tried to fix up my fucked up hair. I screwed him and he laughed. I weren’t having
it. I silently planned revenge for later on. I felt better now. A few hours later
we were at Heathrow Airport waiting for his granny to come. I had bought water for
£1.50. I weren’t happy even though my hubby paid for me. I was about to switch at
him for the 100th time when he excitedly spoke. “Look can you see there they are.”
“Who?” I asked baffed. He said Gran and I assumed it would be 1 Uno, singular not
dos, plural. I looked and saw nothing. I had to hit the toilets. “De, sorry I’m
coming back quickly.” I dusted to the toilets to fix myself up. I didn’t wanna be
introduced looking like a washed out tramp. Nah mate. I came out and De-Andre was
no where to be seen. I started worrying and getting scared. I felt so exposed
there, on my Jack Jones. I looked around then I clocked long hair and decided to
follow the hair. He was kneeling down and I thought he was tying his shoe laces.
The closer I walked the more I knew what I was seeing weren’t a dream. I saw his
Gran. She had come with two people. He turned around and looked at me. He smiled
and stood up. I walked closer. In complete shock. I could now see the two people
she came with. Then De-Andre spoke. ”Rayne, meet Destiny and Desire.” “H-Hhi” I
stuttered. In complete shock at the two cute children before me. They were so damn
cute. They were mixed because they looked over exotic. They shyly waved back. The
granny was too busy looking for something in her bag to notice me so I waited and
watched the twins. They were quite adorable. They both had long eye lashes and big
bold blue eyes like their daddy. I couldn’t tell the difference between them
because they looked and dressed the same. I was star struck because they were so
damn beautiful. “Daddy I missed you.” One of them said. “Missed you too baby.” He
said picking her up. “Which is which?” I whispered. He started laughing. “This is
Desire and Ms Independent over there is Destiny.” He said laughing. While at the
airport waiting for the luggage I discovered several things. DeAndre loved off his
children and was an over protective daddy. He also had a BIG soft spot for Desire
and she was daddy’s little girl. Destiny was more independent and liked to explore
and look about. I watched his face. He seemed so happy and his eyes glowed every
time he looked at them. We finally got the luggage and headed towards the train.
The “granny”, was one of the youngest grannies I had ever seen. She looked to be
in her late thirties and early forties. She was looking at every single shop with
glee. She was on it. The train ride home was quiet. Well at least for me. He had
placed both of them on his lap and was teaching them how to read. It looked so
cute. I screwed one mixed race chick who was looking at my man with lust in her
eyes. Is she dumb? I thought myself. Me and Clara, the nanny got into a convo
about Beyonce and Kelly Rowland. She was gassin on how Beyonce was a better singer
than Kelly. We all know that’s not true. “Well, Beyonce breaks up relationships
while Kelly fixes them.” She started laughing. “Damn, is that how it is?” she
asked. I didn’t know whether to reply or not cah the accent and how she spoke
confused me. I didn’t know whether she was asking questions or just saying it.
“Daddy Daddy, I’m hungry.” “We gon’ stop soon ite?” “Yupp Okay Daddy.” I knew for
a fact that was Desire. I was in awe
as they spoke. It sounded so sick! Or maybe I was just a saddo. “Clara, where are
you from?” She laughed. “Puerto Rico & African American.” “O, so you speak
Spanish?” “Si.” “So where is Destiny and Desire from?” I asked being over nosey,
but I had to know. “Same place as me.” I got confused. “Wait their your actual
grandchildren?” “You said it.” “Rahh.” “What?” “O its just a term we us in England
when were shocked or surprised.” I tried to explain. “Y’all just nuts.” I started
laughing. “So What chu doing with lover boy over there?” she whispered. I felt
myself getting hot. I didn’t want to lie and at the same time I didn’t want to
expose myself so early. “Errmm, well you know…” “Nah boo-boo I don’t know.” She
said bare grinning teeth at me. I had been clocked so I decided to tell her the
truth and exclude the fact that he got me pregnant. “Well, we’re ermm in a
relationship.” “Going good.” “Better than good.” I said excitedly. “Hmm how old
are you?” “young.” “How young?” “16 young.” She started laughing so hard that
everyone on the train looked at us. I felt so embarrassed. I didn’t understand or
know why she was laughing. “Do you want to know why I’m laughing?” I nodded and
she laughed some more. “That’s an assignment for you. Find out why.” “Um Ok.” I
decided to ask a question that had been on my mind for ages. “Clara, what does De-
Andre do?” “Work?” “Yes.” She grinned at me and tapped her nose. “Ask him yo’self,
I’ve been sworn to secrecy. Motherfucker.” Now it was my turn to laugh. This woman
was too funny. “So are you staying with De?” “Dehuh, well Imma hit up Clarisse.”
(Sky’s mum) “O so the twins are jammin with De?” “Jammin?” I laughed. “So, the
twins are going to stay with De-Andre?” “That’s the plan.” “How long you here
for?” “Couple of months then we take off again.” “Skeen Skeen.” “Skeen?” I laughed
harder this time. “A term for ok or I see. Well something along them lines
anyways.” “Crazy motherfuckers. Y’all cant speak English properly.” “Omydayz. This
is England we were the 1st people to speak English. We colonized your damn
country.” “Funny how we’re such a world super power. Aint it.” She said laughing.
After a couple of minutes we were finally in London. I felt tired because my bum
had been perched on the same spot for how many hours. I took hold of one suitcase
and dusted. I didn’t wanna hold the rest. They looked heavy! “Where you going?”
De-Andre asked. I stopped in my tracks. “Erm, I’m heading to your house. Where are
you going?” “Same place, but what I don’t understand is why your moving so fast
with just 1 suitcase.” I decided to do some acting to see how far I would get. I
put my left hand on my back. “O, the pain. These pains, back pains, I’ve been
having them for long! It just keeps going and coming back and now its back.” I
said while poking out my bottom lip and giving him puppy eyes. He started laughing
then shook his head. “Daddy Daddy! Desire dun stole my candy.” ”Awww, their so
cute.” I said. “Desire, give it back to her.” “But Dad-“ “No buts.” She looked at
him with her pretty blue eyes. He gave in to her and me and Clara looked at each
other and silently giggled. “Destiny, ima get you some more later ite?” “But Daddy
I wanted that one.” “Ite, Damn. If you do this fa me ima get you something you
really want.” He said winking at her. Her face immediately lit up and she smiled
and turned to screw her sister. I started laughing. It was so funny how
she done it. “Destiny!” he barked at her. “Sorry pops, she’s just a pain in the-“
I started laughing. “What I tell you bout cussin?” “I weren’t cussin. Just telling
her bout her damn self.” I didn’t know whether it was the fact she was talking
like that or the fact that she had her hands on her hip while doing so. She looked
like a small grown up. De-Andre gave her a killer screw which silenced her quick
time. We got to De’s house and I looked as his muscles worked hard carrying those
suitcases. He looked so sexy. He clocked me looking and winked at me. I couldn’t
help but smile at him. I opened the door for him and he carried everything
upstairs into the spare bedroom and what I saw as I entered shocked me. The room
had completely been changed. The walls were painted blue, pink, violet and a
lighter shade of pink. It looked really nice and there were two beds. Not bunk
beds but single beds on each side. One bed had a family guy set up and the other,
a High School Musical one. I guessed Destiny’s would be the family guy one and I
was so right. “Omdz, De-Andre they watch Family Guy?” “Yh, but Destiny likes it
more.” Wow, I thought in my head. He was on it! I had to go home because my mum
had called me and she wanted me to pick up the twins. I said bye to everyone and
made my way home. When I opened the door to my house, I noticed a couple of
things. The TV weren’t on, the house was silent and there was only one light on. I
walked towards the living room feeling kinda scared. I wondered what she wanted to
say or do. “Hi mum.” I said. Trying to beg friend. “Hmmm.” She replied. I sat down
away from her trying to make sure that if she was about to thump me she would have
some distance to cover and I would have more time to run. “What have you done to
your hair?” “I erm, its not permanent.” I replied. “Hmm,” she replied once again
looking up at the ceiling. “You have finished your GCSE’s and haven’t got a JOB.”
“Erm, well there aint no jobs about…” “Don’t bullshit me!” Rah, she was on it.
“I’m not bullshitting you.” “How dare you swear in my house. Are you mad?” she
exclaimed. Straining on the word “mad”. It was funny watching her switch but I
also had to watch out for myself she was likely to dash anything at me. “Sorry.” I
muttered trying to sound remorseful. “So, the job.” “I’ll look around for one.”
She nodded and switched on the T.v. called someone and forgot all about me. Wow. I
went upstairs to find them sleeping. I decided to join the movement. I got
undressed had a quick shower, creamed and wore De-Andre’s top he left behind one
time and went to bed. The sound of my door shutting woke me up. I groaned but
remained where I was. I was feeling too lazy and tired to move. I was falling back
into sleep when someone opened my door with so much power it made me jump. “Wake
up I’m going out in a bit.” I sighed. I was so damn angry because my sleep had
just been cut short. “Why?” I asked trying not to sound how I felt. “Why what?”
“Ermm are you going out?” She looked at me for a long time walked to my windows
and pushed the curtains aside then started talking. The bright light hit my eyes
which made me close them. “Why! Why am I going out? Did I ask you to have
children? You have the decency to ask me
such a question. Just because you have children does not mean my life is over. I’m
still young.” She exclaimed before exiting my room then slamming the door. I
couldn’t really argue with her on anything because she was actually right and had
helped me a lot with the twins. I was about to go back to sleep when she opened my
door. “Do not even think about it! You’ve got 30minutes to get ready otherwise you
will struggle. I have already bathed and fed them so hurry.” “Aww, than-“ she
slammed the door before I could even say thank you. Wow. She weren’t playing about
she was on it. I lazily got up from the bed and got ready. Exactly 30minutes later
I was ready and she slammed the door. “Wow.” She weren’t messing about this week.
I was bored and the twins were sleeping. I decided to call De-Andre. His phone
rang but no-one picked up. I cut the line and sat down to watch anything that was
on t.v. I was so bored. I was about to doze of myself when my phone went off. It
was De-Andre. “Hello?” I asked. “Yeh, sorry about that Desire put my phone on
silent and hid it somewhere since yesterday. I found it a couple of hours ago but
it was dead.” “O, okay.” “Why did you call? Do you need something?” “I need a lot
of things.” He laughed on the phone. “Hold on a sec.” I waited. In the background
I could hear him telling them to get ready. Then loud footsteps. “Yeh, here
again.” “Erm have you told your children that they have a brother and a sister?” I
asked because I was worried that they would get confused or something. “Not yet.
I’m telling them soon.” “How soon?” “After they get dressed.” “Rah! That soon?”
“Yeh that soon. Why is there a problem?” “O no, I’m just shocked.” “O, so what you
doing now babes?” I laughed at the “babes”. “I’m just bored. My mum went out and
left me with two sleeping children and nothing to do.” “Can I come over?” “No you
cant your banned.” He laughed. “De-Andre what a stupid question to ask me. Can I
come over? What the hell man.” He laughed harder. “Ok, I’m on my way.” “Bye love.”
“Love you.” I locked off in shock. He had never said expressed any emotions on the
phone. Wow, but then again there’s always a first time for everything. I was about
to sleep again when the baby monitor went off. I took a big sigh and run up the
stairs. I got up there to see two cute faces smiling at me with their faces
covered in tears. “So, who wants what?” I asked smiling at their cute faces. It
was kinda hard to be annoyed when their laughing and smiling at you because they
were so cute and reminded me of De-Andre. I balanced two babies on my arms and
climbed down the stairs carefully and scared that they would drop. They obviously
didn’t seem to notice this. We finally got to the living room and they took a lie
down in their baby chairs. I took them both to the kitchen and started making
food. I was tired and it weren’t even the middle of the day yet. Being a mother
was tiring but true say, I don’ regret getting pregnant. They were the best thing
that ever happened in my life. It’s a feeling of determination everyday because
they had their whole lives ahead of them and I had to live for as long as possible
in order to see that. It felt nice having a real reason to actually live and enjoy
life. Not saying life weren’t being enjoyed in the first place. It was just a
great feeling. I was about to feed Leesha when the door bell rang. “Shit, wait
here I’m coming
back.” I said to them while running out of the kitchen. I quickly opened the door
and started laughing. I clocked what I said to them and wondered where they would
go if they were to move. In front of me was Desire and Destiny and De-Andre.
“Hello, come in.” I said running back to the crying in the kitchen. I picked up
Leesha and tried to hush up Lil De. De-Andre walked through the door and his eyes
diverted to his dad and he started smiling. The child was a actor. De-Andre picked
him up and they started playing about. Desire and Destiny walked through my door
looking cute. I looked at them and then at De then at my twins and started
laughing. They were all wearing blue. It looked really cute but I had to laugh
because it looked like someone had planned it. “Daddy is that them?” Desire asked
creeping behind her dad. “Fo’sho.” In my head I was thinking what kind of English
is that but I chose not to comment. She asked to hold Leesha. “After I finish
feeding her you can.” “Umm. Ite then ima wait then.” She replied. Destiny’s eyes
were glued to her dads and they looked like they were having a telepathic war.
“Can I?” “Ask Rayne.” “Don’t ask Rayne me, its their brothers and sisters you
think I’m gonna stop them from holding them?” He started grinning and handed Lil
De to Destiny. Destiny was really small for her age so she looked really cute as
she held him. De-Andre guided her to my living room and Desire stayed behind
watching me feed Leesha. I felt kinda nervous still. I felt like this little girl
was scrutinizing me big time. Then she spoke. “Damn, that baby sure is cute.” I
tried not to laugh. She was hardly a grown up herself. “Thank you Desire.” “Sooo,
when you and daddy gonna get married?” I took the deepest breath ever. “P-Pardon?”
“Married, you know cah I want to be a bridesmaid. Damn, all those nice dresses.” I
really had to hold my laughter. This girl was all that. I decided to change the
subject and found myself laughing even more. “Desire.” “No, please cum’on call me
Sire.” I giggled and agreed. “So, Sire, have you got a man?” I was expecting a no
or for her to look outraged and I got a shocking answer which made me want to
laugh. “Naw,” “O go-“ “I got boyfriends.” “W-w-what? Does your daddy know?” “Hell
no!” she came closer to me and took a seat on the closest chair. “He’s a playa
himself so I’m gon be one fo’sure.” I started laughing and she giggled. “Are you
sure your seven?” “Six!” “Six, sorry boo boo.” She started grinning bare teeth at
me. I actually had a conversation with this little girl. She was 6 and she could
hold an interesting adult conversation. “Who’s you favourite singer Sire?” “Trey
Songz, that homie wow…” she trailed off and I saw her face go dreamy. “Daddy took
me to go see him and he hugged me and kissed my cheek. Singed my shirt. How many
people can say that huh?” I took a deep breath to hold in my laugh. De-Andre
really had a way of making things happen for everyone. “Your daddy loves you loads
doesn’t he?” “Yup! And he says it all the time and kisses my cheek.” “Awww…” “Can
I hold her now? She reminds me of me when I was growing up” This time I laughed
and she laughed with me. Her dimples showing on her cute face. She was one of
those children you would see and go back to look at because they were so
beautiful. But then again, De-Andre was one of those men you would see and go back
ask for his number. He was one of those people you would see and forget to
breathe. He was that beautiful and sexy. I gave Leesha to her. They started bussin
conversation and I ushered them both to my living room. They were watching
Simpsons. I just quietly sat down and watched. I didn’t want to disturb anyone. I
watched all of them shocked at the fact that he had 4children and hadn’t been one
of them wastemans that fucked off as soon as soon as a baby came into the
equation. I dozed off. The feeling of someone poking me woke me up. I thought it
would be Desire but in fact, it was DeAndre. “What man?” I whispered. He grinned
at me. I could tell that he was thinking of something. “Everyone’s asleep.”
“Good…” “Very Good.” “So…” the kitchen or here.” I started laughing and so did he.
I looked around to see no-one. “Where is everyone?” “Destiny and Desire are asleep
in your room and the little ones are in their palaces.” He replied grinning like a
school boy who got a sticker. He was so stupid sometimes. “Your so wasted man.” I
started laughing again. He came and sat next to me. “So, where do you want it?” I
started laughing again while he sat grinning at me. I decided to play along. “Erm,
where ever you want to put it really.” Now it was his turn to laugh. “Damn, Damn,
you got me.” We both laughed. “But seriously, I do love you… I don’t think any
words can really express how I feel for you.” I was speechless again because he
said he loved me. The recognition of that hit me and I realized that I would
actually do anything for this guy. “I feel the same about you.” “Is that so?” he
replied edging closer. “Yeah it is so.” “Really?” “Uh-huh.” I rested my forehead
against his. We were about to kiss when “Daddy what’chu think your doing? I’m too
young to see this.” I heard him groan and I laughed as I hid my face in his chest.
He hugged me. “Who is it?” I whispered. “Destiny shouldn’t you be sleeping?”
“Daddy, shouldn’t you be sleeping aswell.” I laughed. “Get yo ass up those
stairs.” I could tell she weren’t moving. I felt him make movement to get upstairs
when her footsteps run up the stairs. I started laughing. “That’s funny.” I said
voicing my thoughts. “Its annoying.” “But funny, now, can you kiss me?” I asked
grinning back at him. “Yeh, lets get back to where we were.” We were in the same
position as before when I heard giggling. I turned around to see Destiny had gone
to wake up Desire they were now laughing and staring at us. I looked at De-Andre.
He looked like he was going to kill them and I tried not to laugh. It was silent
for a couple of seconds then he spoke. “By the time I finish this sentence and
open my eyes I don’t want to see your faces here. Now, I’m finishing my sentence.”
They run up the stairs and you could hear their laughter. He opened his eyes.
“I’ve actually had enough.” I laughed. He took out his phone and called someone. I
just waited and watched him. He finally got off the phone. “Well…” I asked. “I
don’t know how to get rid of them. I aint been with you in a while.” I clocked
what he meant and didn’t know whether to laugh or hug him. He looked really
confused. I searched for possible options and found a couple. “Dwayne and Jade and
Sky…” he looked at me, the time then called someone on his phone. I decided to go
to the kitchen. I reached for the orange juice and was about to drink it when I
got a phone call. The number showed but I didn’t recognize it. “Hello?”
“Wag1 sexy.” I recognized the voice but couldn’t put a name to it. “Erm, sorry
about this but who is this?” I asked totally confused. The person on the phone
laughed. “I’m your Pharaoh.” I started laughing and recognized him immediately.
“Geren! How you doing man?” “Fine, just calling to find out how you are.” I took a
deep breathe and told him what was going on. “Wow, that’s deep.” He started
laughing. “I need to meet those D&D twins, they sound troublesome.” I laughed.
Then De-Andre came into the kitchen. He started to watch me on the phone while I
watched him. “So, what you doing today?” I asked him. “hitting the clubs as usual,
finding a chick, one night stand. What more can a brother ask for?” I started
laughing. “Playa! Find a chick and stay with her.” As soon as I said that De-Andre
looked more interested in the conversation because he realized I was talking to a
boy. “All the good girls are taken, what more can I do.” “Aww, bubi, poor you. “
De- Andre looked like he wanted to bat me and I tried not to laugh but it was
really funny. “O yh, anyway I called you to invite you to my rave, family party,
and disco.” I laughed. “I’m turning 21 and plus, I need you to bring some sexy
friends for me and my friends.” We both laughed. I went to sit on De-Andres lap.
At first he looked pissed but allowed me to do so regardless. I kissed his cheek.
“Geren, can I call you back babes?” “Yeh sure sweetie is your man there or
something?” “You could say that, not happy.” He laughed. “You bad girl, ite, bye
babe.” I locked off and faced De-Andre. He didn’t say anything and I waited.
“Geren huh,” “Yes, Geren.” “Who’s Geren?” “My friend.” “I see, so you call him
bubi.” I started laughing. “De-Andre you are officially mad and jealous.” “I’m
not!” “Baby you are…” “I’m not!” “You are” “I am not jealous or mad.” “Ok, look me
in the eye and tell me your not jealous.” “I’m not- I’m jealous a lil bit.” “Ha-
ha” “A little tiny bit.” “Liar a lot! Your jealous a lot.” “I’m not! Is he better
than me.” I looked at him and he looked like a child. His eyes were pleading and
it looked so adorable. “Aww, no he’s not better than you. No-ones better than you
baby.” He started grinning again and this time we actually kissed. He decided to
take off my trousers. “No, have you forgotten?” “No…but I cant wait any longer.”
“Wait wait.” I replied getting off him to close the kitchen door. “De-Andre you
are one crazy fool.” I said smiling up at him. He was really tall and I was really
short. I jumped on him and he laid me on the table and started properly taking off
all my clothes. I was horny and getting more turned on at the fact that we could
be caught. “How comes your clothes are still on?” I asked him. He grinned at me
and took off his shirt. I stopped and stared and sighed. He had one of those
bodies where it looked like it had been sculptured. I ran my hands through my hair
and licked my lips. His upper body was banging. I was now in my bra and panties
lying on my kitchen table looking at my sexy hubby. I started laughing and he
winked and came closer. He started kissing my neck and took off my bra while I
took off my panties. “Your turn.” I whispered in his ears. He slipped off his
shorts and boxers and I watched his dick in amazement. It wow’ed me every single
time. “How do you want it?” “I told you already. However you want to give it.” He
looked at me for a few seconds and scrutinized. He finally decided something. “Ite
I got this. Open wide.” He smiled and I laughed, until he
started sexing my brains out. “Baby try not to make too much noise” he whispered
and started kissing me. “I don’t make-“ I started moaning but he kept kissing me
which kept out the noise. He bit my neck and I gasped. “DeAndre- I- I-“ I didn’t
know what to say. Then I heard it. He heard it too. We started putting on our
clothes. I couldn’t find my bra so I just wacked on my top. After about 10seconds,
we were fully dressed and breathing really hard. De-Andre was pissed off and horny
and I was wanted to finish what he started. A few seconds later I heard footsteps
tread towards the kitchen and I got up to get some more orange juice. The door
opened and I could feel DeAndre’s anger in the room. I silently laughed. “Daddy!”
he remained silent. “Daddy? What’s wrong?” I turned around in time to see them
both jump on his lap looking at him with concern. Destiny felt his forehead. “He
aint got no fever.” “Desire, he look mad.” “Daddy why you mad for.” I watched his
face. “Rayne, what’s wrong with Daddy?” “I don’t know.” I lied. Destiny hugged him
and he refused to say anything. He looked so pissed off. Then I clocked he was
sitting on my bra which Desire saw. “Daddy, what’s this?” she asked swinging it in
front of his face. I choked on my drink and he looked at me with laughter in his
eyes but he refused to laugh. He remained silent. Destiny pulled his cheek and I
laughed and pretended to cough. “Rayne you ite?” Desire asked looking concerned.
“Yeah fo’sho.” I said begging the accent. He spoke. “Go and get your things we
going.” “But-“ “Don’t but me. Now!” He half shouted half stated. When they sulkily
walked out I had to ask. “Why you leaving?” “Because I’m going to leave them with
Sky then I’m coming to pick you up and leave these twins with Dwayne and Jade.” He
said grinning at me. I laughed. “O, okay then. Now I need to call my mum…do I need
to bring a sleeping bag or something?” “Damn right you do.” I laughed harder. He
kissed my forehead and walked off. I jumped and squealed. I felt so in love it was
unbelievable. It’s a weird feeling of just loving someone. It wasn’t just being
with them. It was about feeling and loving them unconditionally. I truly believed
my love for him was physical, emotional, sexual and spiritual. It wasn’t about
sex, although sex played a part it was just the way he talked, laughed, listened
and made me laugh with his stupidness. No-one had ever made me feel this way
before in my life. I needed and wanted him for as long as I lived. I sat down and
decided to cry. Not because I was sad but because I felt so loved. I heard crying
and run out of the kitchen. The two little twins had woken up. It was feeding time
again. I sometimes wanted to be a baby again. Eat, play, sleep and cry for no
reason all day everyday. Good times. I walked into the dim lit room to find it was
Leesha crying. “What you want huh?” she still cried and I picked her up and tried
to get her back to sleep because I knew she weren’t hungry. “Shhh…” I whispered
and looked out of my window. Then I felt arms wrap around me. “I’m going now…I’ll
be back.” “Hmm, okay.” Leesha smiled. “Aww, she so cute … kinda like her mom.” I
half turned around to look at him. “Bye…” “No kiss or hug?” “I cant exactly hug
you…” “I’ll allow you.” He kissed Leesha’s forehead and cheek which resulted in a
baby laugh. “Daddy loves you.” “Wait so daddy don’t love me?” I asked. “Daddy
loves you sumtin bad which is why
you gon get a special present tonight.” I laughed. “Peace out homie.” “since when
did I become your homie?” he asked trying to look hurt. “idiot go man unless you
want to meet my dad…” he didn’t budge. “Move.” Then I heard footsteps coming up
the stairs. Then a few heads poked out of the door. “Bye Rayne see ya soon.” They
said in unison. “Bye girls.” “Daddy, hurry yo’self up.” Desire yelled. He moved.
He walked towards the door and stopped. He turned around. So I had to ask. “Are
you having withdrawal syndrome?” “I think so.” “Awww” He walked back to me and
hugged me one last time and left. I was changing nappies when I heard my front
door shut. Now, my house seemed so lonely. I was thinking about De-Andre when my
phone rang. I answered. “Hello?” “I miss you already.” “Awww, same here. Are you
driving or at you at home?” “Driving.” He laughed. “What’s funny?” “They decided
that sleep would be better in my car. I laughed. “I still want to finish what we
started.” He stated as a matter of factly. “Come then.” “You know I cant.” “Yeah,
ha-ha, true say.” Now I got even more confused. “Are you british or American?”
“Why you ask that?” “Cah, your either saying ite, yo’self or something then you
buss out with true say.” He started laughing then I heard “Daddy keep quiet.”
“Sorry sweetie.” He replied. His laughter had woken one of them up. “I’ll bell you
back inna bit yeah?” “No.” I replied. He laughed again. “Ok, well I’m gonna stay
on the phone and all your gonna hear is my breathing ite?” “Yh, I don’t mind.” He
sighed then chuckled. “Please lemme call you back in like 5minutes.” “No. Stay on
the phone.” I demanded. He laughed again. “Rayne your not very demanding.” He said
sarcastically. “I know, I know.” “Baby lemme call you back, please.” “I’m giving
you 2minutes.” He laughed. “Damn, ite bye.” “Bye who?” “Bye Rayne…” “O, so is that
how it is yeah?” He laughed. “Bye sexy.” “So I’m just sexy?” “Bye my love.” “But
your children are your love’s too.” “Ite, damn bye my future wife to be.” I
giggled down the line. “O, so your happy I said that huh?” “No, I was just
laughing.” “Liar.” “Get off my line then.” “No, now I don’t want to.” “Ok, fine,
but I want you to get off my line.” “I refuse.” “Fine then I’ll lock off.” “You
wouldn’t dare…and if you do…you wont get nuttin tonight.” Now that was a dilemma.
He laughed down my line because I was lost for words. I didn’t know exactly what
to do or say. “Baby you still there?” “Er, yeah just you know , yeah.” He laughed
harder. I was now getting kinda pissed off. “Okay De-Andre could you please call
me back. Leesha’s crying.” I lied. “Uh-huh, put her on the line.” “What? No, have
you heard of radiation, no way bye my love kisses.” I said and quickly locked off.
I went into my bedroom and decided to hit my laptop because it had been a long
time since I saw Google. I turned it on and waited for a bit for it to load. I
went on Google and stopped at the search bar. I really did not have any use for
computers. I went on YouTube looking for any new music. This continued for about
30minutes. I found Single ladies by Beyonce, Get up by 50cent, Ne-Yo mad. Brick
and Lace love is wicked is a tune that was in my head. I was humming along to it
when my phone went off. I knew who it was so I let it ring longer than usual.
“Hello?” “Why did you take so long to answer the phone?” he asked. “Because I’m
busy inih…” “Busy with what?” he asked sounding kinda vex. I
smiled. “De-Andre chillax I was just talking to a breh.” I lied wanting to see his
reaction. “Well, what you do- wait did you just say a breh?” he asked trying to
sound innocent. “Yeh baby.” “Skeen, who is he?” “Just a breh I know that you don’t
know.” “But I want to know him.” He said. I laughed. “I’m lying man calm down.” “I
am calm.” “Liar but ok, why you ringing my line?” “To ask if you want to hit the
clubs with me.” “Erm, lets see, I’m looking after YOUR children…what? You expect
me to leave them?” “Damn, wit yo hot head. I was gonna say you leave them with
Clara.” “O, erm, shame, you told her?” “Well, its not exactly a secret.” I didn’t
reply to that. “So should I get ready?” “Yeah, I’m coming to pick them up and take
them to Sky’s.” “Why Sky?” I asked confused. “Clara is staying with Sky.” “O,
skeen. Erm I’m gonna get them ready now. Don’t blame me if they cry their eyes
out.” He laughed again. ‘Baby, you worry too much. Ima call you ina bit bye.” “I
don’t worry. Bye.” I said locking off the phone. I decided to jam and let him come
do all the hard work. Since everyone was sleeping, I decided to take a quick
shower. I finished just in time to hear my doorbell ring. “O shit.” The noise
could wake the twins up. I quickly grabbed a towel and run down my stairs and
opened the door and run back upstairs cah I was now cold. I dried myself and
started creaming. Then I clocked. I hadn’t even looked at the person behind the
door. I immediately got scared and grabbed the nearest weapon. My shoe. I wore my
robe and headed downstairs scared shitless. It was silent. I held tighter to the
shoe and headed towards my living room. The door was closed. I took a deep breath
and opened it. “Argh!” I screamed. He started laughing at me. I put my hand on my
heart trying to calm myself. “I really don’t understand how someone can open the
door to a complete Stanger like me.” “Wasteman. I was cold.” He came to hug me and
it felt good. “I was. I aint now.” I replied trying to pull away from him. Playing
hard to get. “O, so that’s how it is?” “How what bubi?” “Man cant even get a hug.”
“Its just I’m all wet.” I replied emphasizing the word “wet”. I watched his face
go a bit more serious. “o, well, lemme dry you off then.” “Nah baby I got it.”
“Nah, I wanna help.” He replied moving closer. I smiled at him and opened the
robe. We started kissing. “Priceless, that feels nice…”

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