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Media: Terry Roethlein, ACT UP NY, 347-449-2881

ACT UP Protests Anti-Gay Laws at Ugandan Consulate in New York City
U.S. activists speak out against political scapegoating of Ugandan LGBTI community

Approximately 50 LGBTI activists protested outside the Ugandan Consulate on
March 5 for over an hour decrying President Yoweri Musevenis February 24
passage of
three Draconian measures: the Anti-Homosexuality Law, Anti-Pornography Law, and Public
Order Management Law.
Members of ACT UP New York, Queer Nation, Health GAP, LGBT Faith Leaders of
African Descent, and the AIDS Vaccine Advocacy Coalition (AVAC) carried signs that read
Hate is the new colonialism, Fight real issues not the people, and God loves Ugandan
gays. A twenty-foot long rainbow banner reading Boycott homophobia was draped along
the gates outside the consulate as the group gave short speeches on human rights violations
in Uganda and read emotional pleas from LGBT Ugandans who are in hiding, suffering
beatings, and sometimes committing suicide because of oppression.
In Uganda, accused homosexuals can be sentenced to seven years to life in prison
and those who "promote" homosexuality can be sentenced to seven years. Health care
providers offering HIV services to homosexuals are at risk for imprisonment, creating a
deadly effect on gay and bisexual men who are then cut off from HIV/AIDS prevention and
The new law drives Uganda on a very dangerous road where the people who have
the highest risks and need the most support are criminalized, said Michael Tikili of Health
Civil society and free public space in general are deteriorating in Uganda and
Museveni's government scapegoats LGBTI's to distract from real problems like corruption,
human trafficking, poverty, and the suppression of media freedom, said Terry Roethlein, of
ACT UP New York. Roethlein held a placard picturing Ugandas Top Five Human Rights
Violators Yoweri Museveni, David Bahati, Martin Ssempa, Rebecca Kadaga, and Scott
ACT UP members said that LGBTI activists in Uganda are calling for strategic cuts to
Ugandan government sectors that support the offending legislation, such as the Justice
Sector, but do not want cuts to health funds or NGOs.
Anti-LGBTI legislation in Uganda is informed by the vestiges of British colonial law
and the current day influence of American Evangelical Christians like Scott Lively, the
president of Abiding Truth Ministries, who is allegedly tied to the controversial legislation.
Stacey Robinson, Convener of Riverside Churchs LGBT Ministry, said, American
evangelicals preaching hate only fuel the vitriol against the gay people of Uganda. But hate
and fear have no place where faith resides. We all deserve to be proud and out,
he said.
Activists called for foreign governments, celebrities, religious leaders, and
multinationals in Uganda (like Heineken, Barclays, and British Air) to speak out against the
laws. Visa bans for Ugandan officials and increased asylum admittances from Uganda were
A sister action takes place Friday, March 7 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Nigerian
Embassy at 828 Second Avenue between 44
and 45
Streets in New York City to protest
that nations Same Sex Marriage (Prohibition) Bill.

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