Syllabus of Biology For Medical Students (1 Year)

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Syllabus of Biology for medical students (1

1. Sub$ect% &lace and significance of biology. Basic met'ods in biology.
(. Nucleic acids
DNA helix types and functions, RNA types and functions
). Self*assembly of t'e macromolecular subunits
+. ,om&arati-e structural and functional c'aracteri.ation of &ro/aryotic and
eu/aryotic cells
Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Origin and evolution of cell.
0. 1'e cell as an o&en biological system. ,ell signaling. ,ell $unctions. ,ell
2. Indi-idual de-elo&ment of cells. ,ell senescence.
Eleents of cell senescence. Apoptosis and necrosis.
3. ,ell re&roduction
!ell cycle.
4. ,ell re&roduction
!onsecutive events in itosis "#$phase% and cytokinesis. !ell cycle control, #P&
5. Molecular mec'anisms of t'e basic genetic &rocesses
DNA replication. 'asic odes of replication. DNA repair
16. Molecular mec'anisms of t'e basic genetic &rocesses
(ranscription. RNA processing
11. Molecular mec'anisms of t'e basic genetic &rocesses
)enetic code. (ranslation. Protein sorting into cellular organelles.
1(. Molecular mec'anisms of t'e basic genetic &rocesses
Posttranslational odification of proteins. *enescence and degradation of proteins
1). rgani.ation of t'e &ro/aryotic genome. 7egulation of gene e8&ression in
&ro/aryotic cells
1+. rgani.ation of t'e eu/aryotic genome. !e-els of regulation of gene
e8&ression in eu/aryotic cells
#olecular +iology of the gene. (ypes of DNA se,uences. DNA$+inding proteins
10. Submicrosco&ic structure of c'romosomes. ,yto&lasmic 'eredity
12. Microsco&ic structure of t'e c'romosomes. Human /aryoty&e. Met'ods of
/aryoty&ing and c'romosomal analysis. 9-olution of /aryoty&e
13. !a:s of 'eredity
Allelic for of the genes
14. !a:s of 'eredity
-nteractions +et.een genes. Penetrance and expressivity
15. !a:s of 'eredity
'asic types of inheritance. -nheritance of independently co+ining genes
(6. !a:s of 'eredity
-nheritance of linked genes. !rossing over. #olecular echaniss of crossing over.
)roups of linked genes in the huan
(1. Heredity and en-ironment. 7eaction norm. ;'enoco&ies and genoco&ies
)enotype variation. Reco+inational variation
((. Mutational -ariation < gene% c'romosomal and genome mutations
Mutations and disease. ,auses for mutations (mutagenic factors)
(). "enetic engineering
"enetic engineering at t'e le-el of &o&ulation% organism and cell.
(+. "enetic engineering
)enetic engineering at su+cellular level, cloning +y transplantation of soatic cell
nuclei into oocytes
(0. 7ecombinant =NA tec'ni>ues and gene engineering
S&ecific =NA clea-age% most im&ortant en.ymes in recombinant =NA
tec'ni>ues. =NA se>uencing
(2. 7ecombinant =NA tec'ni>ues and gene engineering
DNA cloning. Polyerase chain reaction. )ene engineering and gene therapy
(3. 1'e organism as a unified system. Immunological 'omeostasis. rgans of
t'e immune system
(4. Antigens as inducers of t'e immune res&onse. Ha&tens
(5. Antibodies
Structure and function of antibodies% antigenic determinants of antibodies.
Antigen < antibody reaction
)6. ,om&lement system
)1. ,ells in-ol-ed in immune res&onse
/ lyphocytes, ' lyphocytes, phagocytic and antigen$presenting cells
)(. Human alloantigens
A'O"0% syste. syste. 1ectins. 'iosynthesis of the A,', 0 and
)). Human alloantigens
7'esus system. Immunological conflict bet:een mot'er and fetus. rigin and
biological im&ortance of alloantigens
)+. ,ellular interactions during t'e immune res&onse
Acti-ation of antigen*&resenting cells. Acti-ation of 1 lym&'ocytes. Acti-ation
of B lym&'ocytes
)0. ;'ases in differentiation of immunocom&etent cells. ;rimary and
secondary immune res&onse. Ma$or 'istocom&atibility com&le8 (?@A)
)2. "enetic control of t'e antibody synt'esis and t'e intensity of t'e immune
)3. 1rans&lantation immunity. Host -ersus graft reaction
(ypes of transplantation. Priary and secondary re2ection
)4. "raft -ersus 'ost reaction. Anti*tumor immunity
Runt disease, hoologous .asting disease. (uor antigens and anti$tuor defense
)5. 7egulation and control of t'e immune &rocesses. Immune tolerance
+6. Immunity t'eories. 9-olution of immunity
+1. 7e&roducti-e biology
*ex deterination and differentiation
+(. 7e&roducti-e biology
0aploid$diploid cycle. !ytological +asis of sexual reproduction. #eiosis
+). 7e&roducti-e biology
Origin of ger cells. )aetogenesis. *peratogenesis. !haracteristic features of
ale gaetes.
++. 7e&roducti-e biology
Oogenesis. #olecular echaniss of oocyte aturation. !haracteristic features of
ature ova
+0. 7e&roducti-e biology
&ertili3ation. External fertili3ation and echaniss for +locking polyspery.
!opletion of fertili3ation
+2. 7e&roducti-e biology
&ertili3ation. -nternal fertili3ation in aals. Differences +et.een external and
internal fertili3ation
+3. 7e&roducti-e biology
-n vitro fertili3ation. -!*- ethod. Atypical fors of reproduction
45. -ndividual developent.
E+ryonic period. 'ody plan foration, grey crescent, cleavage. Regulative and
osaic types of developent
+5. Indi-idual de-elo&ment
&oration of the +lastula. )astrulation. !ellular and olecular echaniss of
06. Indi-idual de-elo&ment
E+ryonic induction. E+ryonic ste cells. Eleents of organogenesis
67. -ndividual developent
E+ryonic developent of aals and huan. Differentiation, differences
+et.een cells, cell eory
0(. Indi-idual de-elo&ment
Poste+ryonic period. 1ife span, ageing and death
0). ;o&ulation genetics and biology
Population. Phenotype, genotype and gene fre,uences. (ypes of ating. 0ardy
8ein+erg la.
0+. ;o&ulation genetics and biology
&actors influencing gene fre,uences. #utations. #igration
00. ;o&ulation genetics and biology
Natural selection. 'alanced polyorphis. )enetic hoeostasis. -solation
02. ;o&ulation genetics and biology
Buantitati-e traits exaples, distri+ution curve
03. 1'eory of e-olution
*pecies. *peciation. *peciation echaniss
65. (heory of evolution
Evolution of higher ranks "acroevolution%. Origin of high$rank systeatic groups.
Direction of evolution
69. (heory of evolution
#olecular evolution. Pre$cellular evolution. Phylogenetic relationships +et.een
organiss. )enetic differentiation.
:;. 0uan evolution
Anthropogenesis. 0uan races. Origin of the huan races. &actors of racial
diversification. Racis
21. 9cology. Interaction bet:een 'umans and en-ironment
Populations, counities, ecosystes. (he overpopulation pro+le
:<. 'ehaviour genetic +asis and adaptive value
!oponents of +ehaviour. *ocial organi3ation and socio+iology. *trategy of natural
2). 9cology of &arasitism
Parasitis as a +iological phenoenon. Parasites and hosts
2+. 9cology of &arasitism
Origin of parasitis, parasite adaptation to the host. 0ost parasite interactions

B. ;A7ASI1!"#
20. ,'aracteristics of ;roto.oa. ;'ylum Sarcomastigo&'ora. Sub&'ylum
Mastigo&'ora (Clagellata). Leishmania donovani. Leishmania tropica.
66. ;'ylum Sarcomastigo&'ora. Lamblia intestinalis (Giardia lamblia).
67. ;'ylum Sarcomastigo&'ora.Trichomonas hominis. Trichomonas vaginalis.
68. ;'ylum Sarcomastigo&'ora. Trypanosoma rhodesiense and Trypanosoma
gambiense (Trypanosoma brucei). Trypanosoma equiperdum.
25. Sub&'ylum Sarcodina. Entamoeba histolytica.
36. ;'ylum S&oro.oa (A&icom&le8a). Plasmodium vivax. Plasmodium malariae.
Plasmodium falciparum.
31. ;'ylum S&oro.oa (A&icom&le8a%. #orphological differences in the
erythrocyte schi3ogonia of the genus Plasmodium. (ypes of alaria
7(. ;'ylum S&oro.oa (A&icom&le8a%. Toxoplasma gondii.
3). ;'ylum ,ilio&'ora. ,lass ,iliata. alantidium coli.
3+. 1ransition to Meta.oa. ;'ylum ,oelenterata. )enus !ydra. )enus "belia.
30. ;'ylum ;lat'elmint'es (;laty'elmint'es). !lass 1rematoda. #asciola
76. ,lass 1rematoda. $icrocoelium lanceatum ($icrocoelium dendriticum).
77. ,lass 1rematoda. "pisthorchis felineus. "enus Schistosoma and its species.
34. ,lass ,estoda. Taenia solium.
79. ,lass ,estoda. Taeniarhynchus saginatus (Taenia saginata).
80. ,lass ,estoda .$iphyllobothrium latum. !ymenolepis nana.
41. ,lass ,estoda. Echinococcus granulosus.
4(. ;'ylum Nematoda. %scaris lumbricoides.
4). ;'ylum Nematoda. Enterobius vermicularis. Trichocephalus trichiurus
(Trichuris trichiura).
8+. ;'ylum Nematoda. Trichinella spiralis.
40. ;'ylum Nematoda. &trongyloides stercoralis. %ncylostoma duodenale.
42. ;'ylum Nematoda. $racunculus medinensis. 'uchereria ban(rofti. Loa loa.
43. ;'ylum Annelida. Lumbricus terrestris. !irudo medicinalis. ;'ylum
Art'ro&oda general characteri3aion
44. ;'ylum Art'ro&oda. ,lass Arachnoidea (Arachnida, arachnids%. rder
Scorpiones "scorpions% and order Aranei "spiders%. ,lass ,rustacea general
45. rder Acari "ticks and ites%. 1'e role of tic/s as -ectors of transmissi-e
56. DEFG Insecta "insects%. 1'e role of insects as -ectors of transmissi-e diseases
51. DEFG Insecta "insects%. Pediculus hominis (Pediculus humanus). Phthirius
pubis. )imex lectularius. Pulex irritans.
5(. )enus Culex and genus Anopheles orphological differences. Phlebotomus
,. ,M;A7A1IH9 ANA1M# C H9719B7A19S
5). !oparative anatoy of s/in. 9&idermis and glands. =ermis
5+. Horny structures formed by t'e e&idermis. Bony scales and &lates
50. Origin and evolution of -ertebral column
52. Origin and evolution of s/ull. ,artilaginous cerebral s/ull. Bony cerebral
53. ,om&arati-e anatomy of s/ull
54. Origin and evolution of t'e s&inal cord
55. Origin and evolution of brain
(elencephalon, diencephalon, esencephalon, etencephalon, yelencephalon
166. S/in sense organs of -ertebrates. 9-olution of t'e olfactory organ
161. ,om&arati-e anatomy of ear as organ of balance and 'earing
16(. Evolution of t'e organ of -ision
*tructure of the aalian eye+all. E+ryonic developent and accessory organs
of the eye. Peculiarities of the eye in different classes of verte+rates
16). !oparative anatoy of digesti-e system. ral ca-ity. 1eet' < evolutionary
16+. !oparative anatoy of tongue and oral glands. Stomac' < evolutionary
160. !oparative anatoy of circulatory system. =e-elo&ment of 'eart and
aortic arc'es
162. !oparative anatoy of urinary system < &rone&'ros% mesone&'ros%
163. Origin and evolution of gonads and genital tracts.

#arkell E.=., #. >oge, D.(. ?ohn. #edical Parasitology. :th Edition. 8.'.
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'ro.n 0.8., &.A. Neva. 'asic !linical Parasitology. 6th Edition. PrenticeB0all
-nternational -nc., C*A, 795D.
0ickan !.P., 1.*. Ro+erts, &.#. 0ickan. 'iology of Anials. 4th Edition.
(ies #irrorB#os+y !ollege Pu+lishing, *t. 1ouis, 795:.
8arren =.*., A.A.&. #ahoud. (ropical and )eographical #edicine. <nd
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De 'eer ). (ext+ooks of Anial 'iology. >erte+rate Eoology. *idguick F
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(orrey (.8. #orphogenesis of the >erte+rates. <
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'-O1O)G O& (0E !E11, (hird ed. )arland Pu+l. -nc., 7994.
'en2aini E., *. 1esko.it3, -##CNO1O)GH A *hort !ourse. 8iley$1iss -nc.,
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!onnor ?.#., #.A. &erguson$*ith, E**EN(-A1 #ED-!A1 )ENE(-!*, D
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Eaton, (. 0., !O#PARA(->E ANA(O#G O& >ER(E'RA(E*, *econd
Edition, 0arper F 'rothers, Ne. Gork, 7995.
)ottfried *.*., '-O1O)G (ODAG. #os+y$Gear 'ook -nc., *t. 1ouis, #issouri,
0irsch$=aufann #., #. *ch.eiger, '-O1O)-E &JR #ED-E-NER CND
NA(CR8-**EN(*!0A&(1ER *tuttgart, ). (hiee >erlag, 799:.
=eeton 8. (., ?.1. )ould, '-O1O)G *!-EN!E, 4
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1odish 0., D. 'altior, A. 'erg, *.1 Eipursky, P. #atsudaira and ?. Darnell,
#O1E!C1AR !E11 '-O1O)G, &reean and copany, Ne. Gork, hird
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Purves 8.=., ).0. Orians, 1-&E. (0E *!-EN!E O& '-O1O)G, <nd Edn.
*inauer Associates -nc., *underland, #assachusetts, 795A.
Raven P.0., ).'. ?ohnson, '-O1O)G, Drd Edn. #os+y$Gear 'ook -nc., *t.
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Roitt -., ?. 'rostoff, D. #ale, -##CNO1O)G, #os+y$Gear 'ook Europe 1td.,
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(hopson #.8., R.R. #c-nnes, 0.&. 8illard, (hopson F (hopson
)ENE(-!* -N #ED-!-NE, 6th Edn. 8.'. *aunders !o, Philadelphia, 7997.
(his sylla+us is valid fro the acadeic year <;;:$;A on.ard.
1ast updated Octo+er <;;5

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