Chery Fengyun 2 Service Manual (Power Assembly)

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Chery Fengyun 2 Service Manual

(Power Assembly)
After-Sales Service Deartment! Chery Automobile Sales Co"! #t$"
Section I Introduction.................................................................................................................................4
Section II Different Parts List for Fengyun 2..............................................................................................5
Section III Mechanical Part of Engine........................................................................................................7
I. Disasse!ly of the "ylinder #ead $ith %al&e 'ear (sse!ly........................................................7
1.1 )eo&al ethod...........................................................................................................................7
1.2 )eo&e the tiing co&er*.............................................................................................................7
1.+ Loosen the tensioner ,ulley and ta-e do$n the tiing !elt..........................................................7
1.4 )eo&e the cylinder head asse!ly fro !oth sides to center....................................................
1.5 Disasse!le the cylinder head asse!ly......................................................................................
1./ )eo&e the &al&e s,ring..............................................................................................................0
II. Installation of the "ylinder #ead and %al&e Mechanis (sse!ly................................................0
III. Installation of the %al&e S,ring1 %al&e S,ring 2,,er Seat and %al&e "otter...............................13
I%. Installation of the "ashaft (sse!ly and "ashaft 4earing "a,............................................13
4.1 Install the cashaft $oodruff -ey*...............................................................................................13
4.2 Install the cashaft asse!ly*....................................................................................................11
4.+ Install the cashaft !earing ca,*................................................................................................11
%. Installation of the "ashaft 5il Seal.............................................................................................12
%I. Pressfit of the S,ar-6,lug Soc-et................................................................................................12
%II. Installation of the )oc-er Shaft $ith )oc-er (r (sse!ly.......................................................12
%III. Installation of the "ylinder #ead (sse!ly...............................................................................14
I7. Installation of the Seicircular )u!!er Plug...............................................................................15
7. Installation of the %al&e "ha!er "o&er (sse!ly......................................................................1/
13.+ Install the &al&e cha!er co&er asse!ly................................................................................1/
13.5 Install the cashaft ,osition sensor..........................................................................................1/
7I. Installation of the "ran-shaft 8iing 'ear and "ashaft 8iing 'ear......................................17
11.1 Install the cran-shaft tiing gear..............................................................................................17
11.2 Install the cashaft tiing gear................................................................................................17
11.+ Install the tiing !elt and tensioner ,ulley................................................................................17
11.4 Install the fly$heel asse!ly.....................................................................................................1.
7II. "oon Diagnostic Paraeter List for Engine.........................................................................1.
7III. Main Ser&ice Paraeter List for Engine....................................................................................23
7I%. Structural "haracteristics and Paraeters of Main (sse!lies...............................................21
7%. 8or9ue List for the Po$er (sse!lies........................................................................................22
7%I. Engine "a,acity.........................................................................................................................2+
Section I% 8ransission...........................................................................................................................2+
I. Different Parts List for the :)515M#( 8ransission....................................................................24
II. Diagnostic Paraeters for 8ransission......................................................................................25
III. (sse!ling 8echnical "onditions of the Different Parts................................................................2/
I%. Descri,tions on the 8ransission 5il Filling %olue...................................................................27
%. Precautions for Maintenance.........................................................................................................27
Section % %ntro$uction
8o eet the ar-et deand1 s,eed u, the ,roduct u,date1 increase the ,roduct
di&ersity and e;,and the ar-et share1 $e de&elo,ed Fengyun 2 series car $hich can
ri&al the $orld id6 and high6grade cars and !ecoes a ne$ generation of national
car fro the "hery (utoo!ile "o.1 Ltd. 8he Fengyun 2 series car confors to the
<ational I% standard.
8he Fengyun 2 series car is ,ro&ided $ith a 1.5L ,o$er asse!ly syste $hich is
de&elo,ed !y our co,any !ased on the &ery ature technology and e9ui,,ed $ith
"hery=s self6de&elo,ed S:)477F engine and :)515M#( transission.
8he S:)477F engine is de&elo,ed on the !asis of S:)4.3 series engine1 !oth of
$hich are of the sae design conce,t and ,roduct structure1 naely1 featured !y the
engine ty,e >&ertical1 four6in6line1 $ater6cooled1 four6stro-e1 single o&erhead
cashaft? and se9uential ulti,ort electronically controlled gasoline in@ection. 8he
S:)477F engine is of ad&anced ,erforance and relia!le structure1 $ith an eission
and noise ,erforance !etter than those s,ecified in the national standard.
8he :)515M#( transission1 $hose final reduction ratio is +.551 is de&elo,ed on the
!asis of :)51+ series transission1 !oth of $hich are of the sae structural
Section %% Different Parts #ist for Fengyun 2
Different Parts List
Part <o. Part <ae
(1+61331513F( Front sus,ension cushion asse!ly
(1+61331/11F( Front sus,ension !rac-et
(1+61331411F( )ight sus,ension !rac-et
(1561331+134( )ight sus,ension cushion
(1+61331211F( Left sus,ension !rac-et
(15613311134( Left sus,ension cushion
(1+6133151+F( Front sus,ension heat !affle
(1+61233352F( Shac-le !rac-et
#e;agon !olt1 s,ring $asher and ,lain $asher
(1+61235213F( Main catalytic con&erter asse!ly
(1+61231113F( Front uffler asse!ly
:++313 #e;agon flange face loc-ing nut
(1+61231213F( Main uffler asse!ly
(1+6123331+ Pi,e cla, asse!ly
(1+6123.711F( #eat shield 6 front $all
(1+6123.713F( #eat shield 6 iddle ,assage
(1+6123.013 )ear heat shield
(1+61233352F( Shac-le !rac-et
<03++5332 "la,ing ,iece
41161235+11 Pac-ing
:124132/ Stud
(1+61130213F( Inta-e hose
(1+61130113F( (ir cleaner asse!ly
(1+61130411F( (ir cleaner !rac-et asse!ly
411611301/7 )u!!er slee&e
411611301/1 )u!!er ring
411611301/+ )u!!er da,ing ring
(1+61130114 )esonant ca&ity
(1+61130115 (ir induction ,i,e
41461117113 Fuel filter asse!ly
(1+61134113 5il inlet ,i,e I asse!ly
(1+61134123F( 5il inlet ,i,e II asse!ly
(1+61134213F( 5il inlet and return ,i,e asse!ly
(1+61134+11F( Fuel &a,or ,i,e I
(1+61133341 8$o6slot ,i,e cla,
(1+61133342 8$o6slot ,i,e cla,
S11611333+0 8$o6slot ,i,e cla,
(1+61134+23F( Fuel &a,or ,i,e II asse!ly
(1+6123.217F( "harcoal canister solenoid &al&e air inlet ,i,e
(1+6123.210F( "harcoal canister solenoid &al&e air outlet ,i,e
(1+61131331 Fuel tan- $ith fuel ,u, asse!ly
(1+61131113 Fuel tan- asse!ly
(1+6113//13 Electric fuel ,u, asse!ly
(1+61133315 Fuel tan- fi;ing stra, asse!ly I
(1+61133325 Fuel tan- fi;ing stra, asse!ly II
(1+61131+13F( Filler ,i,e asse!ly
(1+61131+15F( Filler hose
(1+61131+17F( Filler &ent hose
(1+61131121 Fuel tan- guard !oard
S116113+3134( Fuel tan- ca, asse!ly
8116123.1134( "harcoal canister asse!ly
(1+6123.+21 "harcoal canister &ent ,i,e
(1+61134+71F( Fuel &a,or hose II
(1+61+31113 )adiator asse!ly
(1+61+3.313 )adiator fan asse!ly
(1+61+31+13F( )adiator left tension ,late
(1+61+31413F( )adiator right tension ,late
41161+31+1+ )u!!er !ushing
81161+31217 )adiator lo$er su,,ort cushion
(1+61+3+111F( Engine $ater inlet ,i,e
(1+61+3+211F( Engine $ater outlet ,i,e
(1+61+3+510F( Deaerator steel ,i,e asse!ly
(1+61+3+112F( Aater ,i,e 6 fro e;,ansion tan- to radiator
(1+61+3+417F( #eater $ater inlet ,i,e
(1+61+3+410F( #eater $ater outlet ,i,e
(1161+111134( E;,ansion tan- asse!ly
Section %%% Mechanical Part of &ngine
Most ,arts of the S:)477F engine are the sae as those of the S:)4.3 engine. In
,articular1 their cylinder !loc-s are &ery siilar1 so the asse!ling technical
conditions and $or-ing ,rinci,les are !asically identical1 only $ith slight difference in
the asse!ling. #o$e&er1 the cylinder head1 &al&e echanis1 inta-e anifold1 &al&e
cha!er co&er1 fly$heel and oil ,an are de&elo,ed ne$ly1 so their asse!ling
re9uireents need to !e redefined. In addition1 the increase of co,ression ratio and
the change in the ,ort tiing also ,ro,ose ne$ re9uireents for tiing ad@ustent.
8he asse!ling se9uence and re9uireents of these ,arts $ill !e introduced in the
follo$ing ,art of B(sse!ling 8echnical )e9uireents of Different PartsC1 and the
engine shall !e asse!led and aintained as s,ecified in this te;tD other$ise1 it ay
lead to a!noral o,eration or e&en daage of the engine.
%" Disassembly of the Cylin$er 'ea$
with (alve Mechanism Assembly
8he 477 series engine is of 46&al&e
structure. Each cylinder is ,ro&ided $ith
t$o inta-e &al&es and t$o e;haust &al&es1
and the inta-e &al&e head is of larger area than that of the
e;haust &al&e head.
1.1 )eo&al ethod
)eo&e the &al&e cha!er co&er $ith a 13E soc-et s,anner.
1.2 )eo&e the tiing co&er*
2.1 Loosen and ta-e out the t$o !olts for the u,,er tiing gear
co&er asse!ly.
2.2 )eo&e the u,,er tiing gear co&er $ith ,ac-ing asse!ly.
2.+ )eo&e the cran- ,ulley1 and loosen and ta-e do$n the t$o
!olts for the tiing gear co&er asse!ly.
1.+ Loosen the tensioner ,ulley and reo&e the tiing
1.4 )eo&e the cylinder head asse!ly fro !oth
sides to center.
1.5 Disasse!le the cylinder head
1.5.1 )eo&e the e;haust &al&e roc-er
shaft and the roc-er ar.
1.5.2 )eo&e the inta-e &al&e roc-er
shaft and the roc-er ar.
1.5.+ )eo&e the first to fifth !earing ca,s and ,ut
the in order.
E;haust &al&e roc-er
ar asse!ly
Inta-e &al&e roc-er ar
1.5.4 )eo&e the cashaft and ,ut it on the
$or-ing ta!le horiFontally. 8hen chec-
its !earing hole and the ca surface for
scratch and chec- its co&er for sand hole or crac- $hich ay affect the
1.5.5 "hec- $hether the !urrs at the &al&e
guide hole and cylinder head !olt hole
ha&e !een reo&ed co,letely1 and
chec- the cylinder head.

1./ )eo&e the &al&e s,ring*
Press one end of the s,ecial &al&e stri,,er
on the &al&e s,ring u,,er seat and the other
end on the &al&e to co,ress the s,ring1
and then ta-e do$n the &al&e cotter. Later1
release the s,ecial tool and ta-e do$n the
&al&e s,ring u,,er seat1 &al&e s,ring and
&al&e in turn.
1./.1 )eo&e the &al&e oil seal $ith a s,ecial tool.
II. Installation of the "ylinder #ead and %al&e Mechanis (sse!ly
2.1"lean each oil duct and ca&ity of the cylinder head1 and then chec- $hether all oil
ducts are un!loc-ed and $hether each connecting ,art of the oil duct is free of !urr.
2.2Sli, the &al&e s,ring lo$er seat >$ith the !ase ,lane to$ards the cylinder head? into the
&al&e guide. 8he !ase ,lane of the &al&e s,ring lo$er seat shall cling to the finished
surface of the cylinder head &al&e s,ring lo$er seat.
2.+(,,ly lu!ricating oil to the &al&e oil seal li,1 install the &al&e oil seal asse!ly on the
&al&e guide1 and then -noc- it gently $ith a ,ressure slee&e and a hand haer to
install the oil seal ,ro,erly. <e;t1 chec- $hether the &al&e oil seal is fit to the &al&e
%al&e cotter
%al&e s,ring
u,,er seat
%al&e s,ring
%al&e oil seal
%al&e s,ring
lo$er seat
Inta-e &al&e
E;haust &al&e
guide ,ro,erly.
2.48urn the cylinder head for a certain angle1 clean the inta-e &al&e1 e;haust &al&e and
&al&e seat ring $ith a ,iece of non6$o&en or sil- cloth1 and a,,ly a little engine oil to
the &al&e ste. 8hen1 install the inta-e &al&e and e;haust &al&e into the cylinder head
as s,ecified. Slide the &al&e u, and do$n and the &al&e oil seal shall not o&e. 8he fit
clearance !et$een the inta-e &al&e ste and the &al&e guide hole is G3.312 H
G3.34+1 and !et$een the e;haust &al&e ste and the &al&e guide hole is G3.3+2 H
%%%" %nstallation of the (alve Sring! (alve Sring )er Seat an$
(alve Cotter
"li, the cylinder head $ith installed &al&e
echanis on the $or-ing ta!le and fi; the
,ress6fit tool for &al&e cotter on the u,,er ,lane
of the cylinder head. Later1 fit the &al&e s,ring
and &al&e s,ring u,,er seat in turn through the
&al&e guide. (*ote+ ,he valve sring is a
variable-itch sring! so it is necessary to ma-e the en$ coate$ with aint
towar$s the valve sring base") Put the ,ressure head on the u,,er seat to ,ress
do$n the &al&e s,ring and asse!le the &al&e cotter into the &al&e cotter groo&e $ith a
,air of force,s. (fter$ards1 release the ,ressure head to let the &al&e cotter cla, the
&al&e1 and then -noc- the to, of each inta-e &al&e ste and e;haust &al&e ste $ith a
co,,er haer to fit the &al&e cotter ,ro,erly so as to facilitate good sealing.
%("%nstallation of the Camshaft Assembly an$ Camshaft .earing
/"0 %nstall the camshaft woo$ruff -ey+
8he cashaft $oodruff -ey and the cashaft -ey$ay are asse!led together !y
eans of transition fit in the direction of $idth1 $ith a fit clearance of 63.351 H
3.334. (fter installing the $oodruff -ey1 chec- its ,ro@ection height $hich shall !e
1./4 H 2.11.
/"2 %nstall the camshaft assembly+
"lean the cylinder head cashaft hole $ith a
,iece of sil- cloth and coat it $ith a little engine
oil1 then asse!le the cashaft asse!ly $ith
installed $oodruff -ey into the !earing seat
hole on the cylinder head.
/"1 %nstall the camshaft bearing ca+
4.+.1 "lean each hole of the cashaft !earing ca, and
a,,ly Loctite 574 sealant to the @unction surface
of the first !earing ca,1 $ith a diaeter less than
1. 8he sealant a,,lying area is as sho$n in
the figure.
4.+.2 (,,ly a little engine oil to the surfaces of
the ca and @ournal of the cashaft1 and
install the first to fifth !earing ca,s in
order. 8he cashaft co&er and the do$el
,in on the cylinder head are asse!led
together !y eans of clearance fit1 $ith a
fit clearance of G3.335 H G 3.32.. For
the installation1 align the cashaft co&er location hole $ith the do$el ,in1 and then
,ress it do$n gently till they cling to each other.
4.+.+ )otate the cashaft !y hand1 and it shall rotate soothly. 8he rotating tor9ue shall
!e less than 1<D other$ise1 it is re9uired to reo&e the cashaft co&er for chec-.
4.+.4 2se a dial indicator to chec- the a;ial clearance of the asse!led cashaft !y
,ushing it !ac- and forth $hich shall !e G3.305 H G3.15+.
1 2 3 4 5
(" %nstallation of the Camshaft 2il Seal
5.1 8he cashaft @ournal and the oil seal inner ring are asse!led together !y eans of
interference fit1 $ith an interference of 1.425 H 2.15.
5.2 8he oil seal seat hole inner ring and the oil seal outer ring are asse!led together !y
eans of interference fit1 $ith an interference of 3.17 H 3.43.
5.+ "oat the oil seal inner and outer rings and the cashaft oil seal @ournal $ith a layer of
engine lu!ricating oil1 $ith the side $ith ,art no. to$ards outside1 and then ,ress the oil
seal into the cylinder head $ith s,ecial tools. (fter$ards1 le&el the oil seal outer
surface $ith the oil seal seat hole on the cylinder head1 $ith a deflection of 63.5 H
(%" Press-fit of the Sar--lug
8he s,ar-6,lug soc-et and the s,ar-6,lug
soc-et hole on the cylinder head are
asse!led together !y eans of interference
fit1 $ith an interference of 3.3/7 H 3.131.
(,,ly Loctite /4. sealant to one end of the s,ar-6,lug soc-et1 and then ,ress it into the
!otto hole $ith s,ecial tools till it le&els $ith the ste,,ed surface of the !otto hole.
8he u,,er and lo$er ends of the s,ar-6,lug soc-et are interchangea!le.
(%%" %nstallation of the 3oc-er Shaft
with 3oc-er Arm Assembly
7.18he roc-er shaft includes inta-e &al&e roc-er
shaft and e;haust &al&e roc-er shaft. <ote*
Arong installation of the inta-e &al&e roc-er
shaft and the e;haust &al&e roc-er shaft $ill
lead to a!noral sound or e&en daage of
the roc-er ar due to oil shortage. 8he inta-e
(,,ly a circle of sealant to the ,art 2c
a$ay fro the lo$er end.
E;haust &al&e roc-er
Inta-e &al&e roc-er
&al&e roc-er shaft is ,ro&ided $ith four ,rocessed groo&es >for gi&ing $ay to the s,ar-6
,lug soc-et?1 so it is necessary to chec- $hether there is no !urr at each oil hole or oil
groo&e on the roc-er shaft $hen asse!ling it. 8he roc-er shaft surface shall !e -e,t
clean1 $ithout any residue or foreign su!stance.
7.2 "hec- $hether the !all heads and
retainers of the inta-e and e;haust
&al&e roc-er ars are noral. (,,ly
engine oil to the roc-er shaft1 and
then install the roc-er ar onto the
roc-er shaft as sho$n in the figure. >For the installation of the inta-eIe;haust &al&e
roc-er shaft1 the end $ith !ig chafer shall face to$ards the first !earing co&erD
other$ise1 it $ill fail to install the roc-er shaft.?
7.+ "onfir the cashaft
-ey$ay faces do$n1 and
then install the inta-e &al&e
roc-er shaft $ith roc-er ar
asse!ly. <e;t1 ad@ust the
,osition of each roc-er ar
so as to fit the roc-er shaft
on the !earing seat !rac-et
Inta-e &al&e left
roc-er ar
Inta-e &al&e right
roc-er ar
E;haust &al&e
roc-er ar
8he end
$ith !ig
Inta-e &al&e roc-er
ar retainer slee&e
8he end $ith !ig
chafer of the
roc-er shaft faces
to$ards the first
cashaft !earing
"ashaft -ey$ay
7.4 "hec- the inta-e &al&e roc-er ar to see $hether the a;ial clearance is free of seiFure
and interference. Press an inta-e &al&e roc-er ar sto,,er !et$een the left and right
inta-e &al&e roc-er ars.
7.5 (fter$ards1 install the e;haust &al&e roc-er shaft $ith roc-er ar asse!ly. (d@ust the
,osition of each roc-er ar so as to fit the roc-er shaft on the !earing seat !rac-et
7./ "hec- $hether each roc-er ar has !een installed ,ro,erly.
7.7 Install the roc-er shaft !olts*
8ighten the !olts at t$ice. 8ighten the !olts to 15J1.5< fro center to !oth sides for
the first tie1 and after the cylinder head asse!ly and the cylinder !loc- are
asse!led1 retighten the !olts to +3J1.5< in the sae order as a!o&e.
7.. (fter ,retightening the roc-er shaft !olts1 tighten the !olts >4.3613371/1? on !oth
sides of the first !earing ca, to the tightening tor9ue of 0.5J1<.
(%%%" %nstallation of the Cylin$er 'ea$ Assembly
..1 8$o do$el ,ins are installed on the u,,er ,lane of the cylinder !loc-. 8he cylinder
head do$el ,ins are on the second and fourth threaded holes on the left side of the
cylinder !loc- >&ie$ing fro the front? and they are elastic do$el ,ins. 8he interference
!et$een the do$el ,in and the cylinder !loc- is 3.35+ H 3.23+. 8he do$el ,in and
the cylinder head are asse!led together !y eans of transition fit1 $ith a clearance
of 63.31/ H 3.3.4.
..2 "hec- the cylinder head gas-et $hich shall !e e&en and clean1 $ithout any !u,ing
or scratch. Install the cylinder head gas-et on the cylinder !loc- ,lane $ith do$el ,ins1
$ith the side $ith ,art no. u,$ard.
..+ "lean the @unction surface of the cylinder head co!ustion cha!er1 the to, ,lane of
the cylinder !loc-1 and the threaded holes. 8he !ottos of the cylinder !loc- threaded
holes shall !e free of accuulated oilD other$ise1 it ay lead to hydraulic crac-.
..4 Install the cylinder head !olts* Install the
cylinder head !olt $asher on the cylinder head
!olt1 $ith the side $ith chafer u,$ard and the
other e&en side to$ards the cylinder head.
<e;t1 ,ut the head su,,ort surface and the
threaded ,art of the !olt into the cylinder !olt
1 6 1
4 8
7 3 2 5 9
hole1 and then ,re6tighten it for + H 4 threads. 8he cylinder head !olts are tightened
anually !y four ties in the order as sho$n in the figure.
8ighten the to 23H25< in order.
1. 8ighten the to 43H45< in order.
2. )otate the !y 03 degrees in the order of
+. )otate the !y 03 degrees again in the order of
<ote* Ahen any onitored ,araeter is unacce,ta!le1
carry out re,air !y the follo$ing ethod* if the
unacce,ta!le ,araeter consists in one cylinder head
!olt or t$o nonad@acent cylinder head !olts1 re,lace the
cylinder head !oltsD if the unacce,ta!le ,araeter
consists in t$o ad@acent or three or ore cylinder head
!olts1 loosen all cylinder head !olts and re,lace the
$ith ne$ ones. )e,lace the cylinder head gas-et as
$ell. (fter that1 retighten all the ne$ cylinder head !olts
anually. (ll re,laced cylinder head !olts shall !e scra,,ed $ith a ar- instead of !eing
used again. <ote* For re,airing the engine1 after reo&ing the cylinder head1 it is
necessary to re,lace the cylinder head gas-et and all cylinder head !olts !efore
reasse!ling it in the a!o&e order.
%4" %nstallation of the
Semicircular 3ubber Plug
4efore installing the &al&e cha!er
co&er1 install the seicircular ru!!er
,lug on the cylinder head after a,,lying
Loctite 5013 sealant to the area as
sho$n in the figure1 $ith a diaeter of 2 H +. For the
installation1 align the seicircular ru!!er ,lug liit groo&e $ith
the cylinder head u,,er ra!!et and then ,ress it do$n.
(,,ly sealant to
this area !efore
asse!ling the
ru!!er ,lug.
Ma-e the end $ith
chafer of the
seicircular ru!!er ,lug
to$ards the inside of the
cylinder head for its
ru!!er ,lug
Seicircular ru!!er ,lug
liit groo&e
4" %nstallation of the (alve Chamber Cover Assembly
13.1 Fit the &al&e cha!er co&er sealing gas-et into the co&er groo&e and then e&enly
flatten it $ith force.
13.2 (,,ly Loctite 5013 sealant to the front gantry at the front end of the &al&e cha!er
and the fit surface of the seicircular ru!!er ,lug at the rear end of the &al&e
cha!er co&er e&enly to reinforce the sealing effect1 $ith a diaeter of + H 5.
13.+ Install the &al&e cha!er co&er asse!ly*
#old the &al&e cha!er co&er $ith hands and use the
s,ar-6,lug slee&e for ,ositioning1 then fit the &al&e
cha!er co&er on the cylinder head and ,ress it do$n
gently. 8a-e care to ,re&ent the ,ac-ing fro falling out
during the asse!ling. Install the &al&e cha!er co&er
,ro,erly in one ste, to a&oid deflection of the a,,lied
13.4 Install 12 :14/3/25 !olts and 1 :14/3/43 !olt onto the
&al&e cha!er co&er and tighten the !y the follo$ing ethods*
a. Multi6a;is tightening ethod* tighten all the 1+ !olts to 7J1< in one ste,.
!. Single6a;is tightening ethod* ,re6tighten the to 4J1< at first1 and then retighten
the to 7J1< in the order as sho$n in the figure.
13.5 Install the cashaft ,osition sensor*
"oat the cashaft ,osition sensor seal ring $ith a layer of oil1 then install it together $ith
the 56ring onto the &al&e cha!er co&er1 and at last1 fi; the sensor $ith a he;agon soc-et
head ca, !olt1 and tighten the !olt to .J3.5<. 8he standard clearance !et$een the
cashaft ,osition sensor and the rotation s,eed sensor signal gear is 3.. H 1.3.
4%" %nstallation of the Cran-shaft ,iming
5ear an$ Camshaft ,iming 5ear
00"0 %nstall the cran-shaft timing gear+
"onfir the cashaft $oodruff -ey on the cylinder head
asse!ly faces do$n at first1 and then rotate the
cran-shaft to the to, dead center of cylinder 1. (t this
tie1 the cran-shaft $oodruff -ey is at the u,,er ,art. Fit
the cran-shaft tiing gear gas-et on the cran-shaft1 $ith the con&e; side to$ards the front1
and then fit the cran-shaft tiing gear on the cran-shaft1
$ith the side $ith BF)5<8C to$ards the front and the
ar- of to, dead center on the gear u,$ard.
00"2 %nstall the camshaft timing gear+
Install the cashaft tiing gear in the direction as sho$n
in the figure1 and chec- $hether the to, dead center on
the gear is aligned $ith the tiing ar- on the first
!earing ca, of the cylinder head. ><ote* 8he tiing ar- on the first !earing ca, of the
cylinder head is not on the to, of it.? Install the gear gas-et and !olt1 and then scre$ do$n
the !olt to 05J5< !y hand. 8he cashaft ust !e loc-ed $hen tightening the !olt.
00"1 %nstall the timing belt an$ tensioner ulley+
<ote* Don=t rotate the cran-shaft and cashaft !efore tensioning the tiing !elt.
%nstallation Proce$ure of the ,iming 5ear
1. 2se a s,anner to tighten the tensioner ,ulley fi;ing !olt to 1/ H 23<.
2. "onfir the cran-shaft is at the to, dead center of cylinder 1 and the ar- of to, dead
center on the cashaft tiing gear is aligned $ith the ar- BF)5<8C on the cylinder
+. Install the tiing !elt. Pull u, the tensioner ,ulley $ith a 15E o,en end s,anner and ,ut
the tiing !elt under it1 then release the tensioner ,ulley slo$ly. ><ote* 8his tensioner
,ulley is tensioned autoatically.?
4. )otate the cran-shaft for t$o circles to chec- the cashaft and cran-shaft for their
tiing ar-s.
00"/ %nstall the flywheel assembly+
8ighten the !olts to /3< first1 and then tighten the to
135 H 115<. 8he reo&ed fly$heel !olts shall !e
scra,,ed instead of !eing reused. <ote* 8he fly$heel
location hole and the cran-shaft location @ournal are
asse!led together !y eans of clearance fit1 $ith a
clearance of 3.330 H 3.3/4. Push the cran-shaft
location @ournal into the fly$heel location hole gently
after aligning the. Don=t -noc- the cran-shaft. 8he si; fly$heel !olt holes are arranged
asyetrically and the fly$heel is ,ro&ided $ith an asse!ly ar- hole. Ahen the tiing
gear is at the to, dead center of cylinder 11 a-e the ar- hole on the to, of the fly$heel.
(t this tie1 the si; !olts on the fly$heel and the !olt holes on the cran-shaft front flange
are aligned res,ecti&ely.
Ahat descri!ed a!o&e are the technical descri,tions on the asse!ling ad@ustent of the
ain different ,arts of the S:)477F engine1 and the asse!ling re9uireents and
,rinci,les of other ,arts and different ,arts are !asically the sae as those of the S:)4.3
engine. 8he ser&ice stations are re9uired to carry out test and o&erhaul !y reference to the
Service Manual for the Mechanical Part of the SQR480 Series Engine issued
,re&iously as $ell as the su,,lied Main Ser&ice Paraeter List for the S:)477F Engine1
"oon Diagnostic Paraeter List for Engine and Main 8or9ue List for Engine.
4%%" Common Diagnostic Parameter #ist for &ngine
Engine odel S:)477F
Fuel 'asoline
Engine ty,e
%ertical1 four6in6line1 $ater6cooled1 four6stro-e1 single
o&erhead cashaft
Dis,laceent >l? 1407
4ore K stro-e >? 77.4K70.52
(rrangeent ty,e and 9uantity of
Ma;. ,o$er >-A >,s?Ir,? .3I/333
Ma;. tor9ue ><LIr,? 143I4533
4ody diension >LIAI#? >? 42/0I1/./I1402
"ur! $eight >-g? 1175
FrontIrear a;le load >-g? 7+3I445
Full6load $eight >-g? 1553
FrontIrear a;le load >-g? .+5I715
FrontIrear $heel trac- >? 144.I1422
FrontIrear sus,ension length >? .//I.7/
Aheel!ase >? 2527
4ody structure 2nitiFed three !o; ty,e !ody
Seating ca,acity >,erson? 5
8run- ca,acity >L? 453
Aheel odel 105I55 )15
Fuel tan- ca,acity >L? 53
Min. turning diaeter >? 13.5
(,,roach angle >M? 14.2
De,arture angle >M? 15.+
Min. ground clearance >? 1+0
Eission standard '41.+52.+62335 <ational I%
Eission le&el <ational I%
Engine idle s,eed >rIin? .33J+3
#igh engine idle s,eed >rIin? 2333J53
Engine ignition se9uence 16+6462
%oluetric co,ression ratio of the
13.5 * 1
Engine rotation s,eed at the rated
,o$er >rIin?
Ma;. tor9ue of the engine ><? 143
Lu!ricant odel
Suer* S(E 13A643 >'rade SL or a!o&e?
Ainter* S(E 5A643 >'rade SL or a!o&e?
"ylinder co,ression ,ressure
Fuel ,ressure >!ar? 4
Engine oil ,ressure >!ar?
Lo$ idle s,eed >.33J53rIin? N 1.5 >oil te,erature 03 ?
#igh idle s,eed >2333rIin?
#igh s,eed >4333rIin? N +.5 >oil te,erature 133 ?
(ir conditioner ,i,eline ,ressure
#igh6,ressure ,i,eline 15 >!ar?
Lo$6,ressure ,i,eline 2 >!ar?
E;,ansion $ater tan- ca, >!ar?
)elief &al&e >releasing the ,ressure out$ards? 1.4 H 1./
%acuu &al&e >introducing air into the tan-? 63.32 H 63.1
Aor-ing te,erature of the
therostat > ?
(t the !eginning of $or-ing .7
Fully6o,ened therostat 132
Standard ,ressure of each cylinder
at standard idle s,eed
1.3 H 1.4MPa
4%%%" Main Service Parameter #ist for &ngine
Chec- %tem (alue
Lift of the inlet caIe;haust ca >? 5.30O5.+4
"ashaft diaeter >?
02 . -0
033 . 0 -
(;ial clearance of the cashaft >? G3.305 H G3.15+
"ylinder head
Flatness of the lo$er surface >? 3.3+ H 3.3.
5&erall height >? 07
%al&e to, edge thic-ness
Inta-e &al&e 3./
E;haust &al&e 3.4
%al&e ste diaeter
Inta-e &al&e 5.0.J3.33.
E;haust &al&e
Sealing !and $idth >?
Inta-e &al&e 2..+
E;haust &al&e 2.2/
"learance !et$een the
&al&e ste and the &al&e
guide >?
Inta-e &al&e 3.312 H 3.34+
E;haust &al&e 3.3+2 H 3.3/+
Inclination angle
Inta-e &al&e /.M
E;haust &al&e 73M
#eight >?
Inta-e &al&e 137.00.
E;haust &al&e
%al&e s,ring
Free height >? 47.7
Pretightening force ><?Iinstallation height >? 2/3J11O41
%al&e guide
%al&e guide length >? 42J3.25
Inner diaeter >?
1 . 0 5.4 >!efore
015 . 0
5uter diaeter >?
04 . 0
051 . 0
Press6in height >? 12.5J3.2
Piston Piston s-irt diaeter >? 77.+45J3.32
Piston ring
Side clearance >?
ring 3.34 H 3.3.
3.3+ H 3.37
End clearance >?
ring 3.2 H 3.+5
3.4 H 3.55
#eight >?
2 . 1
01 . -0
03 . 0 -
5 . 1
01 . -0
03 . 0 -
5il ring
13 . -0
02 . 0 -
Piston ring groo&e #eightIde,th >?
2 . 1
05 . 0
03 . 0
5 . 70
2 . 0 -
5 . 1
04 . 0
02 . 0
8 . 69
2 . 0 -
5il ring
03 . 0
01 . 0
5 . 71
2 . 0 -
Piston ,in
Diaeter >?
8hree grou,s*
A*23./22 H 23./25
)*23./25 H 23./2.
L*23./2. H 23./+1
Length >? /1.4J3.4
Piston ,in hole diaeter >?
8hree grou,s*
A 23./+5 H 23./+.
) 23./+. H 23./41
L 23./41 H 23./44
(;ial clearance >?
3.30+ H 3.+3+
)adial clearance >? 3.3115 H 3.3575
"ran- @ournal
Diaeter >? 4..00J3.31
)adial runout >? 3.35
"ylindricity >? 3.33.
)oundness >? 3.335
"onnecting rod @ournal
Diaeter >? 44.0J3.31
Parallelis to the cran-
@ournal >?
"ylinder !loc-
5&erall height >?
4ore hole roundnessIlinearity >?
Flatness of the u,,er surface >?
"onnecting rod
)adial clearance of the connecting rod !earing shell
3.33/ H 3.3/
(;ial clearance of the !ig end >? 3.302 H 3.2/.
4%(" Structural Characteristics an$ Parameters of Main Assemblies
Aater ,u, centrifugal ty,e
'asoline ,u, electric ,u,
Engine oil ,u, rotor ty,e
Engine oil filter integral s,in6on ty,e
S,ar- ,lug F)7D8"
Starter ,eranent6agnet gear6reduction ty,e
'enerator 14%1 03( integral alternator
4(" ,or6ue #ist for the Power Assemblies of A017/88F &ngines
Part <ae Part <o. S,ecification 8or9ue ><L? (,,lication
4olt :1.43/1/
M.K1.25 0H11
"onnecting the deaerator steel
,i,e and the engine1 the tension
,late and the !ody
#e;agon flange face
:1.43.23 M.K23 10H24
"onnecting the ain catalytic
con&erter hanger !rac-et and
the !ody
#e;agon flange face
loc-ing nut
:++313 M13K1.25 45H55
In front of and !ehind the ,re6
catalytic con&erter
#e;agon flange face
loc-ing nut
:++3412 M12K1.25 11+H11.
In front of and !ehind the ain
catalytic con&erter
8a,,ing scre$ :27+55+2( .J2 Fi;ing the fuel filter
#e;agon flange face
:1.43.25 M.K25 22J2
Fi;ing the fuel tan- fi;ing stra,
asse!ly I
#e;agon flange face
:+233. M. 22J2
Fi;ing the fuel tan- fi;ing stra,
asse!ly II
#e;agon flange face
:1.43/12 M/K12 .J2 Fi;ing the filler ,i,e !rac-et II
#e;agon flange face
:1.43/1/ M/K1/ .J2
Fi;ing the charcoal canister
#e;agon flange face
:1.43.1/ M.K1/ .J2 Fi;ing the filler ,i,e !rac-et I
Scre$ :27+421/ .J2 Fi;ing the fuel tan- guard !oard
#e;agon flange face
:1.41355 M13Q1.5Q55 41651
Fi;ing the front sus,ension
cushion asse!ly and the front
cross !ea
#e;agon flange face
:1.43.23 M.Q1.25Q23 21625 Fi;ing the front sus,ension
cushion asse!ly and the front
cross !ea
#e;agon flange face
:1.41325 M13Q1.5Q25 41651
Fi;ing the front sus,ension
!rac-et and the transission
#e;agon flange face
:1.41345 M13Q1.5Q45 41651
Fi;ing the front sus,ension
!rac-et and the engine
#e;agon flange face
self6loc-ing nut
:++313 M13Q1.5 41651
Fi;ing the front sus,ension
!rac-et and the front
sus,ension cushion asse!ly
#e;agon flange face
:1.41343 M13Q1.5Q43 41651
Fi;ing the right sus,ension
!rac-et and the engine
#e;agon flange face
:1.43.43 M.Q1.25Q43 21625
Fi;ing the right sus,ension
!rac-et and the right
sus,ension cushion asse!ly
#e;agon flange face
:1.41303 M13Q1.5Q03 41651
Fi;ing the right sus,ension
cushion asse!ly and the
#e;agon flange face
:1.41323 M13Q1.5Q23 41651
Fi;ing the right sus,ension
cushion asse!ly and the
#e;agon flange face
:1.413135 M13Q1.5Q135 41651
Fi;ing the left sus,ension
!rac-et and the transission
#e;agon flange face
:1.413+3 M13Q1.5Q+3 41651
Fi;ing the left sus,ension
!rac-et and the left sus,ension
cushion asse!ly
#e;agon flange face
:1.43.23 M.Q1.25Q23 21625
Fi;ing the left sus,ension
cushion asse!ly and the
Aorn cla, ":/7/.3 /3H.3 +H5
Fi;ing !oth ends of the inta-e
4olt :1.43.+3 M.K+3 13J1 Fi;ing the air cleaner !ody
4(%" &ngine Caacity
Fuel grade* 0+E gasoline or a!o&e
Engine oil grade* Suer* Mo!ile Esso1 S(E 13A643 >'rade SL or a!o&e?D
Ainter* S(E 5A643 >'rade SL or a!o&e?
Engine oil ca,acity* +./L
"oolant ty,e* 53R glycol G 53R soft $ater >!y &olue ratio?
Section %( ,ransmission
8he :)515M#( transission1 $hose final reduction ratio is +.551 is de&elo,ed on the
!asis of :)51+ series transission1 !oth of $hich are of the sae structural
characteristics. E;ce,t the final reduction ratio1 the gear ratio and ratio of nu!er of
teeth of each gear are identical for the :)515M#( and :)51+ transissions.
8herefore1 for the :)515M#( transission1 the ain different ,arts include the out,ut
shaft asse!ly1 the final reducer dri&en gear and the differential asse!ly.
For the disasse!ly1 asse!ly1 ad@ustent and coon trou!leshooting of the
:)515M#( transission1 ,lease refer to the Chery QQ6 Service Manual - QR51
!rans"ission ,re&iously issued !y our de,artent.
%" Different Parts #ist for the 93:0:M'A ,ransmission
Different Parts List for the :)515M#( >4(? 8ransission
(,,lied 2na,,lied
Part <o. <ae :ty. )ear-s Part <o. <ae :ty. )ear-s
1 51+M#(61733313
1 51+M#(61731133
1 51+M#(61731131
515M#(61731135 5il guide 1 51+M#(61731135 5il guide 1
1 51+M#(61731233
1 51+M#(61731231
)e&erse shift
1 51+M#(61732+34
)e&erse shift
)elease shaft
and shift for-
1 51+M#(61732533
)elease shaft
and shift for-
)elease for-
1 51+M#(61732513
)elease for-
515M#(61732532 )elease for- 1 51+M#(61732532 )elease for- 1
)elease shaft
1 51+M#(61732523
)elease shaft
515M#(61732133 FirstIsecond 1 51+M#(61732133 FirstIsecond 1
s,eed shift
for- asse!ly
s,eed shift
for- asse!ly
Shift for- 6
1 51+M#(61732131
Shift for- 6
Selector ar
and !rac-et
Selector ar
and !rac-et
Selector ar
1 51+M#461732443
Selector ar
4ushing 6
1 <one <one <one
'ear shift for-
1 51+M#(61732313
'ear shift
for- asse!ly
'ear selecting
and shift
1 51+M#(61732433
selecting and
Selector ar
1 510M#(61732503
Selector ar
Shifting ar
1 51+M#(61732413
Shifting ar
<one <one :1./3.43
flange face
flange face
15 :1./3.45
flange face
<one <one <one
)elease for-
return torsion
<one <one <one F:1233.43F+( Stud 1
515M#"61731431 5ut,ut shaft 1 51+M#(61731431 5ut,ut shaft 1
5ut,ut shaft
1 51+M#(61731433
5ut,ut shaft
Final reducer
dri&en gear
1 51+M#(61731531
Final reducer
dri&en gear
1 51+M#(61731533
%%" Diagnostic Parameters for ,ransmission
Model :)515M#( :)51+M#(
8y,e Mechanical6esh ty,e
'ear 'ear ratio
)atio of nu!er
of teeth
'ear ratio
)atio of nu!er of
'ear 1 +.545 +0I11 +.545 +0I11
'ear 2 2.35 41I23 2.35 41I23
'ear + 1.42+ +7I2/ 1.42+ +7I2/
'ear 4 1.3/5 ++I+1 1.3/5 ++I+1
'ear 5 3../5 +2I+7 3../5 +2I+7
)e&erse gear +.+/4 +7I11 +.+/4 +7I11
Final reduction
+.55 71I23 4.35/ 7+I1.
Lu!ricating oil
(PI'L641 75A603 'L641 75A603
Lu!ricating oil
2.+L 1..L
%%%" Assembling ,echnical Con$itions of the Different Parts
1. Put the clutch dri&en disc asse!ly on the
fly$heel and use a central s,indle for
,ositioning1 then ,ut the co&er asse!ly on1
$ith the do$el ,in hole on it aligned $ith the
do$el ,in on the fly$heel1 and at last1 fi; the
co&er asse!ly onto the fly$heel $ith /
!olts and tighten the !olts diagonally to the
s,ecified tor9ue of 2+J2<..
2. Install the clutch release sla&e cylinder*
2.1 Fi; the storage !attery ground $ire and
the clutch sla&e cylinder !rac-et $ith
:1.43.1/ !olts and tighten the !olts to
Dri&en disc
Fig" 28 %nstallation
of the Clutch
2.2 (sse!le the clutch release sla&e cylinder onto the clutch sla&e cylinder !rac-et $ith
fi;ing !olts1 and tighten the !olts to 25J+<..
8he asse!ling technical conditions of other
different ,arts are the sae $ith those of the
:)51+ transission. Please refer to the
Chery QQ6 Service Manual - QR51
!rans"ission ,re&iously issued !y our
%(" Descritions on the ,ransmission 2il
Filling (olume
8he :)515M#( transission re9uires 2.+L
of (PI'L6475A603 gear oil. It is
recoended to fill oil at the odoeter
sensor directly.
(" Precautions for Maintenance
1. For the disasse!lyIasse!ly ethods S technical conditions1 ad@usted ,araeters1
ca,acity s,ecifications1 tor9ue re9uireents1 etc. of the :)515M#( transission1
,lease refer to the Chery QQ6 Service Manual - QR51 !rans"ission ,re&iously
issued !y our de,artent.
2. If the rele&ant defecti&e ,arts are those different ,arts listed in this anual >see the
Different Parts List for the :)515M#( >4(? 8ransission?1 do select the
interchangea!le ,arts $ith the sae ,art no. or those s,ecified !y "hery (utoo!ile
"o.1 Ltd. for re,laceent.
+. Don=t !u, the transission asse!ly or -noc- it $ith hard o!@ects. 8he connecting
end face !et$een the transission asse!ly and the engine shall !e free of !ruise.
#andle the transission asse!ly gently for trans,ortation.
4. Don=t daage the differential oil seal $hen inserting or ,ulling the dri&e shaft into or out
of the differential1 and do install the oil seal $ith s,ecial tools.
5. 8o ensure the aintenance 9uality of the transission1 !e careful and -ee, each
co,onent of the transission clean during o,eration.
/. Do lift the transission fro the hoo- instead of any other ,art.
7. Select suita!le tools or s,ecial tools $hich are listed in the S,ecial )eo&alIInstallation
8ools for 8ransission issued !y "hery (utoo!ile "o.1 Ltd.

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