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In Company Intermediate second edition

Name __________________________________ Date ___________

Section 1: Grammar and Lei!
Part "
P#t t$e %ord! in t$e correct order to ma&e '#e!tion!( See t$e eam)*e(
Example :
work for who do you?
Who do you work for?
1 your is isit to !pain this first?
" #et a I you can drink?
$ in line you %usiness what of are?
& en'oyin# you the how conference are?
( you people know here do many?
)uick *ro#ress +est 1 1
In Company Intermediate second edition
Part +
Com)*ete !entence! ,-1. #!in/ a %ord 0rom t$e 0ir!t 1o and t$en a %ord 0rom t$e
!econd 1o( U!e t%o %ord! more t$an once(
speak #o put #et hold
to throu#h oer
%ack up on
, I-m sorry. it-s a %ad line/ Can you _____ _____ please?
0 Can you _____ _____ a moment while I check?
1 I-d like to _____ _____ 2r 3arsli. please/
4 5is line-s free now/ I-ll _____ you _____/
16 I-m not with you/ Could you _____ _____ that a#ain?
11 Could you ask him to _____ me _____ when he #ets in? I hae to speak to him
1" 7eae your messa#e after the tone and I-ll _____ _____ to you/
Part C
Under*ine t$e 1e!t a*ternati2e! (in italics) in t$e 0o**o%in/ con2er!ation(
1$ 8: 5i 9ill/ I haen-t seen you for a lon# time/ What do you do? / How are
you? / How are you being?
1& :: ;ine/ And you? / Well. / How do you do?
8: 8ctually I-m a %it nerous/ I-m #oin# for an interiew at Infonet next week/
<ou had an interiew with them. didn-t you?
:: +hat-s ri#ht/
8: 5ow did it #o?
1( :: It was =3/ +he interiew take / taken / took a%out two hours/
1, 8: +wo hours> +hat-s long / longer/ the longest than any interiew I-e had
10 :: +he trickyest / trickiest / most tricky ?uestion was what I thou#ht
my main weakness is/
11 8: Did they had offered / offered / offer you the 'o%?
14 :: No/ :ut the salary werent / wasnt / didnt was ery #ood anyway/
)uick *ro#ress +est 1 "
In Company Intermediate second edition
Section .: Readin/
T$e readin/ 1e*o% de!cri1e! inter2ie%! and re!earc$ into )eo)*e3! %or&in/ *i2e!(
Sentence! .4-.5 are %$at !ome o0 t$e )eo)*e %$o %ere inter2ie%ed !aid( 5atc$ t$e
!entence! %it$ )ara/ra)$! "6 +6 C or 7 0rom t$e readin/( 8rite t$e *etter! on t$e
"6 @I-m not as %usy as I was when I first started/- ___
"1 @I like it when collea#ues call me at work Asometimes it-s a%out work %ut
sometimes it-s 'ust to chat/- ___
"" @I wish I could see my family more/- ___
"$ @2y phone seems to rin# eery fie minutes/ I constantly hae to stop what I-m
doin#/- ___
"& @I work much harder now than I did when I first started thirty years a#o/- ___
"( @It-s %ecause I trael for my 'o%/ !ometimes I Ieae the house at four in the
mornin#/- ___
" When Dr Bosemary !tewart asked 1,6 :ritish mana#ers to keep a diary of their
actiities for a month. she discoered the aera#e mana#er had only nine $6Cminute
periods without interruption/ +hose she interiewed complained that @there is 'ust no time
to think- and that @it-s one damn thin# after another-/
+ Canadian professor Dr 5enry 2intD%er# found that half the tasks mana#ers
perform take only nine minutes or less/ =nly 16E last more than an hour/ +ypically.
executies work ery fast on seeral thin#s at once. and welcome any interruption to their
schedule to stop and take a %reak/
C 8ccordin# to a surey pu%lished in Wired ma#aDine. F! executies work "(E
lon#er hours than they did in the 1406s/ 2arket researchers at 3ello##-s discoered that
1$E of them eat %reakfast in the car/ +he most shockin# study shows that the aera#e
8merican father spends 'ust six minutes a day talkin# to his kids/
)uick *ro#ress +est 1 $
In Company Intermediate second edition
7 In a recent interiew for a profile of #lo%al %usiness leaders. famous workaholic
:ill 9ates reealed that he can at last afford to slow down/ @+here are days that I work 1&
hours.- he admits. @%ut most days I don-t work more than 1" hours/ =n weekends I rarely
work more than 1 hours/-
Section 9: Li!tenin/ (.,-94)
(C*a!! "#dio C716 trac& .)
:o#r co**ea/#e $a! !ent ;o# t$i! e-mai* a1o#t t$e con0erence 2en#e in 7i!ne;*and(
T$e e-mai* contain! 0i2e error! (not inc*#din/ t$e eam)*e)( Li!ten t%ice to t$e
etract 0rom a 1#!ine!! tra2e* )ro/ramme and #nder*ine t$e error!( See t$e
5ere is the information a%out 7e#oland/ +he #ood news is that it-s only &( minutes from
*aris/ 8merican Express and Fnileer also use it so it must %e =3/ +he conention centre
holds ".6$6 people. has 4( meetin# rooms and $.666 s?uare feet of exhi%ition space/
+here are %an?uetin# facilities for oer a thousand families so clients can %rin# the kids/
+hey also arran#e pu%lic eents like #olf tournaments and teamC%uildin# actiities/
:est re#ards
Section <: S)ea&in/ (91-95)
:o# are /oin/ to +er*in on 1#!ine!! in a co#)*e o0 %ee&!( :o# &no% ;o#r )artner did
!ome 1#!ine!! t$ere a %$i*e a/o( Te*e)$one ;o#r )artner and a!& $im=$er
in0ormation a1o#t $i!=$er tri) #!in/ t$e )rom)t! 1e*o%(
- 8$ic$ air*ine = 0*; %it$>
- 8$ere = !ta;>
- 8$at = 0ood *i&e>
- 8$at = do = e2enin/>
)uick *ro#ress +est 1 &
In Company Intermediate second edition
:o#r )artner or teac$er %i** /i2e ;o# one mar& 0or t$e 0o**o%in/(
Did the callerG +ick 2arks
Gintroduce himHherself? 1
Gask a%out airlines? 1
Gask a%out accommodation? 1
Gask a%out eenin# entertainment? 1
Gsay #ood%ye? 1
+=+87 28B3! I
)uick *ro#ress +est 1 (

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