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In Company Intermediate second edition

Name __________________________________ Date ___________


Section 1: Grammar and Lexis
Part A (110)
Read the business letter below. Then rewrite the letter as an informal e-mail using
the prompts in the box instead of the words in italics.

Dear Gill
Thank you for you letter of July 27th. Unfortunately, I shall be unable to attend the
conference on the 5th. However, Im delighted to tell you that my colleague, Karol
Omiotek, will be coming. With regards to the new brochure you requested I would like
to apologise for it not being ready but I would be happy to send copies with Karol.
If I can be of any further assistance, please do contact me again.
I look forward to hearing from you.
- The good news is
- About
- ll
- The bad news is that I wont be at
- If you have any questions, let me know.
- Got your message on
- m sorry its late
- Hi
- Speak to you soon.
- asked for
Quick Progress Test 3

In Company Intermediate second edition


Part B
Underline the correct answer in italics

Were having / ll have our meeting in five minutes or had you forgotten about it?


Did you see the news? I think the markets are going to fall / are falling today.


I had given / was giving a presentation when my projector broke. It was so



When I saw him, he said he hadnt received / didnt receive my letter. But that
cant be true. I sent it two weeks ago.


My computer has just stopped working so I couldnt / cant e-mail her.


I wouldnt / mustnt be surprised if he resigns. Hes been complaining for months.


Were getting a pay rise? You ought to / must be joking.

Part C
Put the words in the correct order to make phrases from a presentation.

Have at this a look

Have ______________________________________________________


To move next on my to point

To ________________________________________________________


To then up sum

Quick Progress Test 3

In Company Intermediate second edition

To ________________________________________________________

To say more on a bit that

To ________________________________________________________

Section 2: Reading
Complete the article (2225) with these missing sentences (ae).

Global computing power is now greater than the combined intelligence of every
human being on the planet

But thats just the point

Computers are useless

We live in the age of technology

(22) __________. Ninety per cent of all scientists who have ever lived are alive now.
There is more microchip technology in the average car than there ever was in the first
Apollo spacecraft to take men to the moon. The electronic singing birthday card you can
buy at any newsagents is technically superior to all the computers on earth in 1950 put
together. (23) __________. At least, thats the opinion of some of the worlds leading
scientists. Perhaps we should be asking the computers what they think. (24) __________.
Computers cant think. Artificial intelligence is a contradiction in terms. In the words of
Pablo Picasso, (25) __________. They can only give you answers.

Quick Progress Test 3

In Company Intermediate second edition

Section 3: Listening
(Class Audio CD2 track 17)
Listen once and decide if these statements are True (T) or False (F)

Peter and Sarah are in Edinburgh on Monday.



They want Koichi to organise the presentation for Wednesday.



They want to attend the conference at the Radisson.



There are still a few spaces for the conference next week.


The presentation will be about three-quarters of an hour long and then therell be
questions afterwards.

Section 4: Speaking (31 35)

You want to change arrangements you made with Mr Li. You were arriving in
Shenyang in China on Monday but you have to change the plan. You also need a
hotel and a projector and screen for a presentation you are going to make.
Leave a message on his answer machine.
- introduce yourself
- explain the change of plan
- ask for a hotel
- ask him to arrange equipment for the presentation

Quick Progress Test 3

In Company Intermediate second edition

- say goodbye
Your partner or teacher will give you one mark for the each of the following:
Did the speaker
introduce him/herself?
explain the change of plan?
ask for a hotel?
ask Mr Li to arrange equipment for the presentation?
say goodbye?

Quick Progress Test 3



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