3CX Hotel Module Presentation Script

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3CX Hotel Module Presentation Script

Slide 1
Hi. My name is Jaymes and Ill be demonstrating how you can save money and
provide a better experience for your guests by adding the 3C Hotel Module to 3C
!hone "ystem.
Slide 2
"o what is the 3C Hotel Module exactly#
$he 3C Hotel Module is an add%on that turns 3C !hone "ystem into a fully
featured hotel !&.
Slide 3
' hotel !& is simply a standard !& with a few additional hotel speci(c features.
$raditional !& vendors have charged astronomical prices for these features) to the
extent that many hotels end up leasing the !&.
*ith 3C) hotels can eliminate high monthly lease payments and cut their phone
bill by leveraging +oI!.
$he investment in 3C !hone "ystem with Hotel Module can be earned bac, in a
matter of months and in some cases) even days-
In addition) management and sta. want modern I! phone system features that 3C
can provide) whilst cutting costs at the same time.

Slide 4
$he Hotel phone system used to be a pro(t center as guests used their room
phones fre/uently.
&ut) due to the high call rates and as mobile phones have grown in popularity) room
phones are used less often) to the point that it has stopped being a pro(t center and
/uic,ly become a cost center.
's part of their internal guest service and to hang onto their star rating) hotels
continue to ,eep phones in all their rooms) spending money on maintaining them
every year.
*ith 3C) hotels can route calls over "I! trun,s and o.er guests international calls
at local rates) beating even mobile phone roaming fees-
$he Hotel phone system can become a pro(t center again.
Slide 5
$he 3C Hotel Module provides many features that are important when successfully
running a hotel.
0irst of all) chec,%in and chec,%out of guests. $his sets the guest name and unbloc,s
the extension.
1n chec,%out) calls are billed) remaining voicemails are deleted and the extension is
bloc,ed for external calls.
0ront des, can set a room to do not disturb.
Its possible to bloc, external calls to a room) therefore) when the room is not
occupied) any misuse of the phone can be eliminated.
$he wa,e%up call feature allows front des, to easily schedule wa,e%up calls for
0ront des, can also bill all calls to a room and /uic,ly see the overview of calls that
have been made.
Slide 6
$he ability to show the guests name on the phone display is a great feature)
allowing hotel sta. to greet guests with their name.
2pon chec,%in) the guests name is set and any I! phone will be able to display the
guests name.
$his is especially handy for front des, and restaurant sta..
3C also provides billing information via C34 or "M34.
$his allows call billing to be integrated with almost any hotel or billing software.
Message waiting support is included.
House%,eeping features such as maid status) allows your sta. to set the room status
via the room phone itself) whilst the mini bar feature allows your sta. to input mini
bar inventory changes and restoc,ing) resulting in a debit to the guest folio.
Slide 7
$he 3C Hotel Module has a web interface which allows hotel sta. to perform all the
hotel related functions via their web browser.
$his means there is no software to install on any of the receptionists machines.
3C Hotel Module is installed on the same machine as 3C !hone "ystem and runs
on the same web server on which you have installed the 3C Management Console.
Slide 8
$he 3C Hotel Module is available in two di.erent versions.
*e have the "tandard version) which is without !M" integration) which stands for
!roperty Management "ystem.
In this case the web interface is used to perform all the hotel related phone system
Its also available with hotel software or !M" integration.
In this case) both the web interface and the hotel software can be used to perform
the hotel related functions.
0or example) a chec,%in or chec,%out performed from the hotel software will
automatically trigger the appropriate actions on 3C !hone "ystem.
$o review the pricing for the 3C Hotel Module standard and !M" versions) please
visit this lin,.
Slide 9
3C supports popular hotel property management systems such as &rilliant) Hotel
Concepts) !rotel) 4oommaster 5666) Micros 0idelio and other !M" solutions.
Slide 10
3C can integrate with hotel software in a number of ways.
0irst of all) via the 3C !rotocol) which closely resembles the Mitel " 5666 !M"
Many hotel software pac,ages integrate with Mitel. "imply select the Mitel " 5666
from the hotel software pac,age.
*e also support the 0idelio !rotocol.
Most 0idelio installations support the 0idelio 0.I.'.". !rotocol) which is also supported
by 3C.
Its also relatively easy to support additional hotel software.
*e can do this based on the business model of the installation.
$he 3C Hotel Module can switch between the above integration options via a
simple drop%down box in the con(guration.
$heres no need to reinstall) which saves you additional time.
Slide 11
Most hotels already have analog phones installed in their rooms and even in service
areas such as the ,itchen) stewarding) bars and so on.
4eplacing all these phones would be a ma7or expense) not mentioning the hassle
that would come with it.
In a lot of cases) theres no 8thernet wiring to the rooms at all) and the rooms often
have multiple phones.
&y far) the easiest solution is to reuse the analog phones.
$his way) you also avoid rewiring.
$his can be done by using 0" gateways.
$he 9randstream 9* :65: is a very cost e.ective) high density 0" gateway that
can handle 5: analog phones at once.
$hese gateways would be placed where the current !& is and will connect analog
phones to the I! !&.
$he gateway costs approximately ;<6 3ollars and is rac, mountable.
$he 9* :65: has been fully tested and is also provisioned to wor, with 3C.
Slide 12
$his example shows how 3C could be deployed in a =; room hotel.
In this example) the rooms continue to use their existing analog phones via the use
of the 0" gateways.
0ront des, and the restaurant get a number of I! phones so that they can see the
guests name.
Management also gets I! phones so that they can ta,e advantage of modern I!
phone system features such as uni(ed communications.
!owering this installation of course) is 3C !hone "ystem) running on an existing
Slide 13
3C is extremely cost e.ective because you can ,eep your analog phones and use
your already existing server for 3C to run on) which ,eeps costs down.
>ou can save on telephone admin costs and pass those savings onto your guests by
routing calls through "I! trun,s.
$he 3C Hotel Module provides excellent features such as the chec,ing in and out
of guests) bloc,ing external calls) the wa,e%up feature and more.
0ront des, and restaurants within the hotel will ,now which guest is calling them
and will be able to greet the guest) which provides additional guest care.
Slide 14
3C !hone "ystem along with the 3C Hotel Module has been installed in hotels all
over the world.
1ne of our customers) $he Hotel Maierl in ?it@buhel) has seen an increase in sta.
productivity and has made considerable savings on the hotels telephone
administration costs.
Castelnou 'parthotel in &elgium has also realised savings of A<B on their telephone
admin costs.
Slide 15
$o download the 3C Hotel Module) as well as the manual) visit this lin,.
0or more information on 3C) visit the 3C blog and (nd us on 0aceboo,.
$han,s for watching.

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