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Information retrieval systems

in scientific and technological libraries:

from monolith to puzzle and beyond
Paul Nieuwenhuysen
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussel

This contribution presents an overview of the evolution of the
retrieval systems implemented in scientific and technological
libraries to bring user to relevant information sources.
We observe a growth in complexity,
1. starting from classical hard-copy catalogues over the
monolith online public access catalogue
2. to a puzzle of software tools that try to cope with the
growing complexity of the information sources and
services offered by libraries
3. while the evolution is going on and pieces of the puzzle
are still missing; so software developers and librarians
may pay attention to these software tools for their future
More concretely we consider software systems
1. to improve the queries made by users, by expansion or
2. to cope with ambiguity of queries by categorizing search
results in topical clusters;
3. to visualize data sets (information) in a map on the users
computer display to assist the user in analysing,
interpreting, understanding, and eventually in decision
making; such visualization tools can be applied to show
and reveal for instance
a. the characteristics of the collection(s) of data/
information sources that are made available to
the user,
b. the relations among words, terms, classification
codes and so on, in the process of formulating
and improving queries,
c. some characteristics of the set of documents that
results from a search query by a user.
In conclusion: significant progress is still possible in the area
of information retrieval tools offered by libraries.
Keywords: libraries, information retrieval, visualisation
0 Information retrieval in libraries is evolving
This contribution presents an overview of the evolution of the
retrieval systems implemented in libraries to bring users to
relevant information sources. Complexity is increasing and
moreover several additional computer-based tools are
proposed that may add some value.
1 The past: Information retrieval through the
monolith catalogue
Classical hard-copy catalogues and more recent computer-
based catalogues with an online public access module have
always fulfilled a central role in most libraries. They can be
seen as monoliths: solid, simple, straightforward systems that
help users to find relevant documents, at least in comparison
with more recent computer-based systems that are
implemented in todays libraries.
2 The present: Information retrieval as a puzzle
2.1 Many target databases in the puzzle
Many libraries today offer access to hard-copy collections
plus digital information collections. Therefore they are called
hybrid libraries. More detailed and more concretely, the
target collections and databases can include the following:
one or several online access catalogues that cover
one or several local, hard-copy print collections
online access catalogue and/or digital repository of
the local full-text digital collection; these can
concern PhD/Doctoral dissertations, Master
dissertations, e-prints, reports
catalogues of other, related, external libraries
external bibliographic databases
external full-text databases and repositories
search engines to find external WWW pages
2.2 Many library retrieval tools in the puzzle
To offer the contents (collections, databases) mentioned
above to users, many computer-based tools related to
information retrieval can be installed, including the following
a central core library catalogue, implemented in the
WWW with web technology
a WWW site of the library, which offers links to
sources and services
search engines that cover selected WWW sites and
their contents (pages)
a system to search through a local document
a system for federated searching (=meta-searching =
one-stop-searching) through several databases with
one search query in one search action
a system that generates links from some available
starting point to further information sources and
services that are appropriate in the context of the
particular library and user; building blocks for such
a system include OpenURL, plus a local library
knowledge database about available electronic
information sources and services, plus some link
generator computer software (see for instance
Nieuwenhuysen et al., 2005)
some electronic resources management system to
support acquisitions as well as the library knowledge
database needed for the link generator
2.3 Need to educate and guide users in information
The complexity of the information landscape, in particular of
the sources plus retrieval tools and services offered by many
libraries justify the metaphor puzzle or jigsaw puzzle.
Some user guidance is justified so that all the services offered
by the library can be exploited well and efficiently by the
2.4 Assembling the pieces of the information
retrieval puzzle
To reduce the complexity in the eyes of users, it is important
that the many retrieval system components in the library are
integrated as far as possible. Furthermore, user education and
guidance should be well integrated in this information
retrieval system. These challenges have been outlined earlier
in a broader framework of the evolution of scientific and
technological libraries (Nieuwenhuysen, 2004). In this line of
thinking, it helps when an OpenURL-based generator of links
is incorporated in the retrieval system of a library (see for
instance Nieuwenhuysen et al., 2005).
3 The future? Missing pieces of the information
retrieval puzzle
3.0 Introduction
The evolution of the retrieval tools or system offered by
libraries is going on and in the following we suggest that
some pieces of the puzzle are still missing. Software
developers and librarians may include these in their planning.
To provide a basis for the following overview of possible
tools. we first summarize some of the fundamental difficulties
that hinder information retrieval from databases. These are
well-known by information experts and scientists, but not by
all users.
When the user needs information related to a
particular concept or a combination of more
elementary concepts, then the user should formulate
a query that covers these concepts well, by using not
just a single word or term to cover each concept, but
by using several words and/or terms, including
synonyms, spelling variations, narrower terms,
related terms, translations, and so on. The aim is
mainly to increase the recall of the search action, by
covering the concept better, but also to increase the
precision by including the most appropriate words
and/or terms in the query.
Many words and/or terms from some natural
language suffer from ambiguity, because natural
languages have evolved spontaneously, not strictly
controlled. An example that is used several times in
this paper is the word pascal, which can have
several meanings including
o the philosopher Blaise Pascal,
o the programming language Pascal,
o the physical unit of pressure, and
o the name of many persons.
When such words or terms are inserted by a user in a
database query, then this generates noise, irrelevant
entries in the query result set. In other words, this
lowers the precision of a search, where precision
can be defined more formally. This difficulty can be
1. already in the stage of database production,
2. in the stage of formulating a query, and also
3. in the stage when the computer system presents
the results of a query, for instance by clustering
the results in topical categories, as outline
3.1 System to expand or to limit a first query by a
To cope at least partly with the difficulties mentioned above,
in hard-copy as well as in computer-based information
systems, classification and thesaurus systems have been used
already for a few centuries. A specific, concrete system can
be applied in a specific, focused, specialised information
system, such as a database of documents in a particular
subject area. In reality nowadays, many information
collections have become so large that application of a
classification or thesaurus system by the database producer
has become too expensive. Any of the well-know, popular,
big WWW search engines can serve here as an example.
Furthermore we prefer ideally a system that is applicable to
any target database or even to several targets at the same
time, like in federated searching through several databases in
one search action. Therefore, a comprehensive, horizontal,
general thesaurus system for some relevant human natural
languages would be welcome. Ideally this would be
integrated well with the user interface offered to formulate a
search query. In general, up to now, this integration has been
poor in many retrieval systems that apply some kind of
thesaurus. Application of the thesaurus helps the user to
expand or refine an initial query, manually, after
consideration of several possibilities.
3.1.2 Horizontal thesaurus systems for a natural human
For instance, WordNet offers an open access thesaurus for the
English language. A WWW site is devoted to the system:
There we can read: WordNet is an online lexical reference
system whose design is inspired by current psycholinguistic
theories of human lexical memory. English nouns, verbs,
adjectives and adverbs are organized into synonym sets, each
representing one underlying lexical concept. Different
relations link the synonym sets. So WordNet can be used as
the basis of a thesaurus integrated in some retrieval software

Figure: Screenshot of the open access WWW implementation of WordNet in the most recent version 2.1 in 2005, which shows
an example of an application: words related to the word Tanzania (names in this case). This can already be useful to expand or
refine a query in some information retrieval system independent of WordNet.

For instance, the WWW search engine Google Web Search,
offers already for a few years a link from the users individual
query words to a dictionary, thesaurus, and/or encyclopaedia,
for many words, all in English. This functions at least through
the Google US site and UK site but not when another one is used,
such as for the authors country. This
feature is not offered in an aggressive or striking way, and its
possible application to enhance the quality of the retrieval
results is not clear for most users; so most users probably
neglect this feature. This feature can be used to expand or
refine a query.

Figure: Screenshot of a search in Google Web Search US implementation in 2005, which shows that this Google service offers
links from the individual words that have been used in a query, indicated by underlining; each of these hyperlinks leads to a
dictionary with definitions and to an encyclopaedia.

Furthermore Google Web Search offers also a more direct,
automatic expansion of query words, at least for the English
language. This requires an explicit request through the
Google command language by the user to implement this, in
fact by preceding a particular search query word in a query by
a tilde like in ~queryword. However, this is probably not
known by most users. A more user-friendly implementation
would be welcome. I have not seen this feature offered by
other WWW search engines.
3.1.2 System based on the words present in the context of the
first query
For instance AquaBrowser Library software, which has been
developed by MediaLab, shows the query words of a user in
the context of a selection of other words that occur in the
document collection that is offered and that may be relevant
for the particular user need. More information is available
from their WWW site We can read
When you type in a word, you get a 'word cloud' that
contains different associations and shades of meaning of that
word. You click on the ones that most closely match your
interest, and it will help you find the library resources you
need. Its a lot of fun to use, too."

Figure: Subsequent screenshots of a search in a library catalogue with the MediaLab AquaBrowser Library software in 2006.
In phase 1 the word that has been used in the initial query is returned to the user in a cloud of other words that may be useful
to formulate a better query. (The word pascal used in the query is ambiguous.) In phase 2 the word blaise has been
selected, indicated, clicked and the search results focus on the philosopher Blaise Pascal.
3.2 Automatic topical clustering / categorization /
classification of search results
3.2.0 Automatic topical clustering today
The ambiguity of words and terms from natural languages
lowers the precision of searches executed with relatively
classical, simple search engines and retrieval programs, as
mentioned above. This problem can be tackled by topical
clustering of search results on the basis of the words and
phrases included in those results, hoping that this will result
in clusters of documents about similar, related
concepts/topics/subjects, in other words documents that are
semantically similar or at least related. Advantages offered by
clustering include the following:
The presentation in clusters can help the user to
interpret and navigate the results faster and more
efficiently; furthermore, selecting and entering a
cluster is simple while this corresponds to narrowing
the initial search, which may be more complicated in
a more classical, traditional, simple search system.
The clusters can also reveal the few rare
entries/results/documents that are relevant, but that
would be buried by other entries in the single set of
results that is created by a more classical, more
simple search engine, because words and phrases in
the documents match formally (but not semantically)
the words in the users query.
These days some useful clustering can be accomplished in
real time, on the fly, almost instantaneously, without a
significant delay for the user.
For instance Clusty, Grokker, Kartoo, Vivisimo, Wisenut (in
neutral alphabetical order) offer meta-searching (=federated
searching) of databases plus clustering of the search results.
3.2.1 Clusty
This is an internet meta-search engine that offers not only a
conventional ranked list of search results but also search
results clustered by topics or sources or URLs. The system is
produced by the same company that produces the Vivisimo
WWW meta-search system that is also mentioned further
below. Both use the Vivisimo Clustering Engine.

Figure: Screenshot of the Internet meta-search engine Clusty in 2006. The word used in the query pascal is ambiguous but
the clustering helps the user: the topical clusters include one on Blaise Pascal and several ones related to the programming
language named Pascal.

3.2.2 Grokker
A public access implementation of Grokker software offers
federated searching free of charge through the Yahoo! WWW
search engine database, the Amazon Book database, and the
ACM Digital Library; the results are offered in an outline, a
list of categories (and --if wanted-- also in the more graphical
form of an interactive map).

Figure: Screenshot of the public access Grokker WWW site for meta-searching through the Yahoo! WWW search engine in
2005, which shows that topical categorization/clustering can be useful in disambiguation of a query. The word used in the
query pascal is ambiguous, but the clustering helps the user: the topical clusters include one on Blaise Pascal and several
ones related to the programming language named Pascal.

3.2.3 Kartoo
A public access implementation of Kartoo software offers
federated searching, free of charge, through several WWW
search engine databases, and the results are clustered plus
offered as an interactive map on the users computer display.
More details are shown further below in this paper in the
framework of visualisation in interactive maps.
3.2.4 Vivisimo
A public access implementation of Vivisimo software offers
federated searching free of charge through many WWW
search engine databases; then it clusters results in an outline,
a list of categories. This system can also be implemented as
an add-on to other federated search systems to cluster search
results. Clusty mentioned above uses the same Vivisimo
Clustering Engine.

Figure: Screenshot of the public access Vivisimo WWW site for meta-searching through various web search engines in 2005,
which shows that automatic categorization/clustering can be useful in disambiguation of a query. The word used in the query
pascal is ambiguous, but the clustering helps the user: the topical clusters include one on Blaise Pascal and several ones
related to the programming language named Pascal.

3.2.5 Wisenut
Wisenut offers searching free of charge through WWW pages
and clusters the results in an outline, a list of categories.

Figure: Screenshot of the public access WWW site Wisenut to search through the WWW, which shows that categorization can
be useful in disambiguation of a query. The word used in the query pascal is ambiguous, but the clustering helps the user: the
clusters by topic include one on Blaise Pascal and several ones related to the programming language named Pascal.

The various search systems mentioned above yield widely
different results, quantitatively in the number of search results
and the number of clusters, as well as qualitatively in the
meaning of the topical clusters that are created.
3.3 More information visualization in the user
3.3.0 Introduction to information visualization
Visualisation can help users to interpret complex data sets so
that better decisions can be made faster (see for instance
Chen, 2004 and Koshman, 2005). Challenges in the research
on visual interfaces to digital libraries have been listed by
Chen and Borner (2002). The state of the art of information
visualization up to 2004 is presented in the book by Chen
(2004). The possible roles of information visualization in
digital libraries have been explained in a nicely structured and
recent article (Fast and Sedig, 2005).
Up to now, few librarians and users are aware of computer-
based visualization systems and their potential.
The maps created by the system cannot always be interpreted
readily and fast. On the one hand they should help users to
interpret and analyse a set of data, but on the other hand they
bring their own cognitive load. In other words, before the
user can interpret the data set, first the type of visualization
must be unravelled and understood. Sceptical people even
doubt that information maps can offer an added value over
more classical, simple textual lists. The author of this text
observes that progress in mapping software is made already
for a few years and that it is likely that at least some mapping
technique will prove to be useful and widely acceptable in the
near future. The situation now reminds me of the criticism on
the first graphical user interfaces on microcomputers that
were offered around 1990. At that time many users claimed
that they could read, so that they did not need or want
graphical interfaces developed for other stupid people.
These days, fewer people contest the advantages offered by
graphical user interfaces, in spite of a few disadvantages, like
the need for more powerful and expensive hardware
(processors and displays).
Visualization is related to clustering. Clusters / categories /
classes of information items (documents) are identified or
created in some automated way by some computer-based
retrieval system. In a simple case there is already some
classification applied: for instance documents or files or
database records are already clearly separated in folders or
parts or categories. In the more complicated case, when a
priori information items have not yet been classified, then
some computer system can use existing classes or can create
new classes ad hoc, mainly based on the topical similarity of
the contents of the documents in each cluster, as described
and illustrated above. In the next step, some mapping
software can visualize in a map on the users computer
one or a few characteristics of the clusters, for instance
their relative size,
as well as one or several relations among the clusters.
Furthermore such a map is in many cases interactive; for
instance, the user can select a cluster and zoom in.
Visualization can be applied in various stages of a search and
retrieve process, as outlined in the following with some
These days this can be accomplished in real time, on the fly,
almost instantaneously, without a significant delay for the
user; the technology evolves in a similar way as in the case of
clustering mentioned above.
The underlying software tools that are used by the mapping
software to render finally the map on the users display vary
widely; for instance Flash as well as J ava is used.
3.3.1 Visualization of the information source(s) available
It may be useful to visualize some aspects of information
sources to a user, to give the user a better idea of what is
available, for instance a better view on one or several
collections of information items that a library offers to the
user. However, we do not see many applications up to now in
the field of document retrieval. Most systems that offer some
kind of advanced graphical visualization jump into action
only after a query has already been formulated by a user, as
described further below.
Visualization of what is available can already be applied in
the case of the hard disk on personal computers. Obviously it
is interesting to get a clear view on the contents of a hard
disk. However, even in the most recent version of todays
leading operating system, Microsoft Windows XP, this
feature is not included in the form of a utility program, as far
as I know. Some utility programs from other developers are
available that can be installed and applied for this purpose.
An example is shown in the figure.

Figure: Screenshot of a utility program in action, which creates and shows a simple, clear and useful visualization of the size-
distribution of subfolders of a particular folder on a pc. (In this example, the contents of the files are related to particular

3.3.2 Visualization in a system that helps the user to
formulate a search query
In the next phase, when a user has to expand, to limit or to
refine a search query, some visualization can also be useful.
For instance the Thinkmap Visual Thesaurus can show
relations among words and phrases in English in a graphical
map on the computer display that is obviously 2-dimensional.
See the figure. Furthermore the map is dynamic: it moves to
reveal and show the underlying 3-dimensional, spatial map of
the related words and phrases. The software exploits the open
access WordNet thesaurus for the English language, which is
mentioned above. This service was freely available online
during several years as a demonstration of the techniques for
visualization that have been developed and that are provided
by the for-profit company behind the system; however, in
2005 this demonstration has been converted into a
commercial service that is available online through
The author has demonstrated this tool for many years in
courses at various universities, to show
the power of J ava applets in Internet computer
a significant, remarkable, visual implementation of
an online thesaurus, and
the usefulness of an online thesaurus in general and
more concretely to find suitable query terms in
English. (This was appreciated mainly by users for
whom English is not the first language, but who are
eager to find appropriate information from sources
in English, for example students in China.)

Figure: Screenshot of the Visual Thesaurus that shows relations among words. In the real system, the words and terms move
slowly in a virtual 3-dimensional space to offer even a better view.

Another example: as mentioned and illustrated above in this
paper, the AquaBrowser Library software visualizes relations
between a users query and other words that are present in the
information items that a library makes available and that may
be relevant in the context of the query.
3.3.3 Visualization of the characteristics of query result sets
In a next phase, when a user has formulated a query and has
executed the search, then the set of search results are
presented in most cases as a traditional, classical, relatively
simple list of references/citations/links, ordered or ranked in
some way or another. Some systems go further and offer
results in clusters, as outlined above. Moreover, some
computer programs do not offer the results merely with text
only, but they can visualize the results in the form of a map.
For instance, as mentioned above, Kartoo software can be
applied to search, cluster/categorize the search results and
furthermore, the system can visualize these clusters in a
coloured map on the users computer display. The system
uses Flash to display the maps in the users browser. A public
access site offers meta-searching in several WWW search
engines, free of charge, through An
illustration is given in the figure.

Figure: Screenshot of the public access demonstration site of Kartoo in 2005, which shows that a meta-search through several
WWW search engines gives results that are displayed in a map that shows the size/importance/relevance of the resulting sites
and the relations among them.

For instance, Anacubis software allows a user to select some
search results and to view these in a map on the users
computer display. A demonstration system is available free of
charge, which offers a search through the most popular
WWW search engine, Google.
The system uses a J ava applet to display the maps in the
users browser.
Another example: Touchgraph software allows the creation of
all kinds of visual maps in a web browser on the users
computer display. Several demonstration systems are
accessible online, free of charge, through The system uses a
J ava applet to display the resulting map in the users browser.
One particular application of the Touchgraph system can
show WWW sites that are related to a particular WWW site
that is investigated by the user, by exploiting the database of
a WWW search engine, which is the most popular since a few
years, namely Google Web Search. This is
illustrated in the figure.

Figure: Screenshots of an application of TouchGraph GoogleBrowser, in 2005, which shows relations among retrieved WWW
sites. Non-default settings resulted in this selective view.

Another example: Grokker software
1. can execute federated searches through several
databases in a single action,
2. can cluster/categorize results from search actions,
3. can then visualize these in a map on the users
computer display.
A public access implementation allows anyone to perform
a WWW search based on the Yahoo! database of WWW
pages, since early 2005, and since late 2005 also in the
Amazon Book database and The ACM Digital Library, in
a single search action, starting from This system applies J ava to
display the map in the browser on the users display.
Illustrations are given in the figures.
The Grokker system has already been implemented in a
university library
(see for instance the news flash by Hane, 2004)
More recently, the software produced by Groxis has also
been adapted and implemented by a database producer for
visual database searching (see for instance the news item
by Rogers, 2006).

Figure: Screenshot of the Grokker system for-searching and mapping in 2005, in a simple case.

Figure: Screenshot of the Grokker system for-searching, clustering and mapping of results. This illustrates that categorization
plus mapping can be useful in disambiguation of a query. The simple query with the word pascal is ambiguous, but the
retrieval system helps the user: the topical clusters include one on the philosopher Blaise Pascal and several ones related to the
programming language named Pascal.
3.4 Remark: The categorization of information
retrieval applications cannot be strict
To structure this text, a few categories of software have
been presented. These overlap because stages of a search
process are not strictly separated, but interaction among
the various stages provides added value. For instance
AquaBrowser Library includes federated
searching software developed by an external
company, as well as some visualization program
to create simple visual maps of words that are
used in queries and that occur in the references to
documents which that are made available by a
library to the user.
The public access implementations of Clusty,
Grokker, Kartoo, and Vivisimo offer federated
searching, plus clustering of the aggregated
search results, plus visual maps of the resulting
3.5 How can libraries make progress with their
retrieval systems?
For the basic chapter structure of this paper, I have made
the simple division in 1. past, 2. present and 3. future. This
is an oversimplification, as not all libraries make progress
at the same speed. Some may even be very critical about
this concept of progress. Of course most libraries are still
struggling to assemble what I call the present puzzle of
information retrieval systems, while some have most of
the puzzle already in place and they are experimenting
with features that will only become reality for most other
libraries in the future, if ever.
Readily usable, reliable and freely available open source
software is not simply available to improve information
retrieval systems. Therefore, implementing all the tools
mentioned in this chapter would cost a considerable
amount of money and of course time to implement, debug,
test, evaluate, publicize, explain to users, justify to
sponsors and so on.
The relatively advanced applications like creating clusters
and/or a visual interactive map, as well as displaying an
interactive map by the client computer, all require some
computer processing power and may impose a
considerable load on the computers. This may hinder and
limit applicability. One or several powerful server
computers and many clients with a fast processor and high
screen resolution costs money. Furthermore, many
potential client computers are not managed by the library
or the organization that offers the retrieval service, so that
it may not be clear if the clients can and will enjoy the
computer-based services that are offered.
Users of information sources and services can already
taste and enjoy some fruits of technological progress, even
when the library is not taking steps in the directions
described in this paper. Indeed, some advanced component
of the retrieval system can be implemented in any of the
following components of the information retrieval chain



Information source/service
Some work can perhaps be taken out of the hands of
libraries by external organizations / intermediaries /
aggregators that provide services to libraries, such as the
companies EBSCO and Swets.
Even the greatest retrieval systems for the WWW, as well
as the greatest libraries, all backed by organizations that
have ample funds available, do not (yet) offer all the
features that we can imagine, suggest and propose.
Concretely the Google, Yahoo!, Microsoft/MSN WWW
search engines do not offer topical clustering of search
results or display of visual maps of document sets, at least
not yet at the time of writing this text.
The development of information retrieval tools offered by
libraries has not yet come to an end. Significant progress is
still possible. In reality of course resources are limited and
priorities must be set.
C. Chen and K. Borner (2002) Top ten problems in visual
interfaces to digital libraries, In Borner, K, and
Chen, C., Visual interfaces to digital libraries, LNCS
2539, Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer-Verlag, pp. 226-
23. (2002).
Chaomei Chen (2004) Information visualization: beyond
the horizon Second edition. Berlin, Heidelberg :
Springer-Verlag, 316 pp.
Karl V. Fast and Kamran Sedig (2005) The INVENT
framework: Examining the role of information
visualization in the reconceptualization of digital
libraries [online] J. Digital Information, Vol. 6,
Issue 3, Article No. 362 (2005) [cited 2006].
Paula J . Hane (2004) Groxis Launches Grokker E.D.U.
for the Education Market [online] Available free of
charge from: /newsbreaks
/nb041220-1.shtml [cited 2005].
Sherry Koshman (2005) Testing user interaction with a
prototype visualization-based information retrieval
system. J. American Soc. Inform. Sci., Vol. 56, Issue
8, pp. 824-833.
Paul Nieuwenhuysen (2004) Science and technology
libraries in evolution: adaptation and synergy for
survival and success In IATUL Proceedings Vol. 14
(New Series) 2004. Abstracts, Full Texts and
PowerPoint Presentations of Papers given at the
25th Annual Conference of the International
Association of Technological University Libraries
held by The Library of Cracow University of
Technology, May 30 - June 3, 2004, Krakw, Poland,
"Library Management in Changing Environment".
Abstract + full text in the form of a PDF file, 8 pp. +
slides prepared to support the presentation in
Microsoft PowerPoint PPS file format. On CD-ROM.
Also available online from
/conference /proceedings /vol14 /fulltexts /Paul
Paul Nieuwenhuysen, G. Alewaeters, and S. Renard
(2005) A new role of libraries and information
centers: integrating access to distributed electronic
publications In From Author to Reader: Challenges
for the Digital Content Chain, Proceedings of the 9th
ICCC International Conference on Electronic
Publishing, ELPUB9, Leuven, June 8-10 2005.
Editors: Milena Dobreva and Jan Engelen. Leuven :
Peeters Publishing, 2005, ISBN: 90-429-1645-1. 344
pp., pp. 13-18 + Available free of charge from:
Michael Rogers (2006) EBSCO partners with Groxis for
visual database searching: Graphical results map
offers citations and full-text results. Library J ournal,
March 15, 2006, pp. 23-24.

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