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BIOSTATISTICS Sample Exam 1(Prelims)


- Saul Barron

Solve the following probability problems:

1. In examining a patient, a physician notes the presence (p) or absence (a) of four
symptoms headache, fever, body rash, or muscle soreness. Considering this as
an experiment,

a) List down the elements of the sample space.
b) For the diagnosis to be systemic food allergy, a body rash must be
present. If a patient is selected at random what is the probability that a
patient has a systemic food allergy?
c) For the diagnosis to be flu, the patient must experience fever and
muscle soreness. If a patient is selected at random what is the
probability that a patient has flu?
d) What is the probability that if a patient is selected at random, the
patient has either flu or food allergy? flu and food allergy? Neither flu
nor food allergy?

2. A physician has 4 patients waiting to be seen. One case is an emergency, but
the patient does not make this fact known to the physician.

a) In how many orders can the patients be seen?
b) In how many of these will the emergency case be see first?
c) If the order is selected at random, what is the probability that the
emergency case be seen first?

3. How many computer passwords can be formed that consist of five different
letters if each word must begin with a vowel and end with a consonant?

BIOSTATISTICS Sample Exam 1(Prelims)

4. A scientist has 6 different cages of white rats in the animal room. Of the six
cages, two contain some rats which are diseased.

a) What is the probability in a random selection of three cages that none
of the cages containing diseased animals will be selected?
b) What is the probability that exactly one cage with diseased animals will
be selected?

5. A pharmacist has a supply of 100 penicillin tablets. Unknown to her, five have
lost their potency. A prescription is filled by randomly selecting 15 tablets from
the stock on hand.

a) What is the probability that none of the tablets chosen will have lost
their potency?
b) What is the probability that exactly one will have lost its potency?
c) What is the probability that at most one will have lost its potency?

6. Approximately 50% of the population is male, 68% drinks to some extent, and
38.5% drinks and is male.

a) Given that a randomly selected individual is male, find the
probability that he drinks.
b) Is a persons drinking status independent of gender? Show.

7. If P(A) =0.5, P(B) =0.6, and P(A B) =0.3, then what is P(AB)?

8. If P(A) =0.6, P(B) =0.5, and P(AB) =.9, then what is P(A B) ?

9. If P(A) =0.3, P(B) =0.5, and P(AB) =.6, then what is P(A|B)?

10. If P(A) =0.5, P(B) =0.4, and P(B|A)=0.3, then what is P(A B)?

11. If P(A) =0.6, P(B) =0.3, and P(A|B)=0.4, then what is P(AB)?

BIOSTATISTICS Sample Exam 1(Prelims)

12. If A and B are mutually exclusive events and P(A) =0.5 and P(B) =0.4, then
what is P(AB)?

13. If A and B are independent events and P(A) =0.3 and P(B) =0.6, then what is
P(A B)?

14. If A and B are independent events and P(A) =0.3 and P(B) =0.6, then what is
P(A B)?

15. If A and B are mutually exclusive events and P(A) =0.2 and P(B) =0.47 then
what is P(AB)?

16. In a survey of 120 college students living in the dorms, 60 said that they had only
a stereo set in their rooms, 40 said that they had only a PC in their rooms. The
remaining 5 students had neither. If a student is randomly selected from this
group, find the probability that the student has

a) Either a stereo or a PC
b) No stereo
c) A stereo given that that the student has a PC

17. From past experience, an instructor estimates that the probability that a student
will cheat on exam is 0.05. The probability that a student cheats and is caught s
0.01. What is the probability that a student will be caught, given that the student
is cheating?

18. The probability that J uan passes Biostatistics is 0.7, the probability that Maria
passes Biostatistics is 0.4 and the probability that both passes is 0.8.
a) What is the probability that neither J uan nor Maria passes
b) Are the two events independent? Show.

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